A Collection of Horror Stories (Block 6, Group 2)

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​ ​THE​

Collection ​of​ Horror Stories

Table of Contents Annabelle, bY Jana Edress……. Page 1-3 Alexis is celebrating Halloween alone while her parents are away, but can she survive the stalker?

Dolls, by shania bahl……. Page 4-7 Can Peter survive the attack of the dolls?

Mary, By manuela Ordonez……. Page 8-9 What will happen when happen when Anna’s family visits her at Christmas Eve?

The Transfer, By Hajar ahelbarra……. Page 10-13 Late at night, shadows haunt Michael's house and traps his family in the Ring of Power.

Annabelle “Bye mom and dad!” Alexis shouted. “Bye honey. We’ll be back one Sunday. And remember, if there is any problem, there are cameras and you can call us anytime honey. And as always, don’t forget to do your homework!” “Ok mom and dad, bye!” she said as she rushed to hug them. “Bye!” they replied. Photo Credit The door shut and that meant that she was home all alone. She ran up stairs, put on music, and started dancing around in her cold bedroom. This was a change because it was the first time she is home alone. She never had this much fun, well maybe because she is in 8th grade and she always has homework. So this could be her chance. She got up from her bed, stretched out her arms and legs, took a deep breath and hopped down the stairs in a cheerful way. Cold air pushing against her face. One leg after the other, she felt like she was born again. “Freedom, freedom. No parents bossing me around anymore,” she said in a sassy way.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and tossed a bag of popcorn into the microwave. As the popcorn was popping, She could smell the delightness breaking through the microwave door. She slid with her fuzzy socks to the couch and started munching on buttery popcorn while watching Netflix. Flipping through all the wonderful channels made her feel alive again.

“Do my parents seriously think I would do my homework that is due like next month? Well, NOPE,” she said. Later she sat next to the window and ignored kids knocking at her door for candy. She then thought that maybe her parents didn’t trust her so they would be glancing at the camera footage every second. And she can still remember what her parents told her before they left.

“Remember, if there is any problem, there are cameras and you can call us any time honey. And as always, don’t forget to do your homework!” “Pfff, I am NOT going to do my homework and I am certainly NOT going to call them,” she said to herself in a confident yet rebellious tone.

BANG!! A gun fired. She heard kids screaming and felt like the world spinning 10 times faster. “REALY? The only time that my parents left me alone, I'm in danger? Uuuhhhhhh!” she said out loud. She ran to the door and stepped outside. Her knees were shaking, like a wet puppy in a freezing country. She could hear long nails scratching the wall. Suddenly, the door shut, loudly, roughly. She ran to the back door panting hardly. The back door was the only door she has the key to. The door creaked open. She could hear heavy breathing in her house. The noises made her nervous.

She tried to call the police and her parents, but there was no answer. As she was running, she could see footsteps going upstairs. She followed the steps which eventually lead her to her parents’ room. She noticed a dark shadow beside her parents’ bed. She freaked out and stormed out of her parents’ room and into her room. She locked the door right behind her and peeked through the keyhole. No one.

THE NEXT DAY With the early sunrise, she ran out of the house and thought that maybe she is not safe, not protected, and not brave enough to stay alone. As she ran out, she was thinking if that THING went away during the night or not. She tried to run farther but her legs couldn’t take it anymore. She sat for a while on the dirty mud but of course that THING had to come again. She saw it. A tall girl coming at her. “Wait a minute, that's a girl? All this time, I thought that a man was chasing me. Huh, what a weird world were living in,” she said. with long dark hair covering her face and something she was holding that looked like a gun. That tall freaky figure said something that Alexis could barely understand. It sounded like she was mumbling, “I’m Annabelle, come play with me,” Alexis stood up and ran as fast as she could the noises got louder and louder. She came closer and Alexis ran faster until her legs fell off. Tears began to dribble off her pink cheeks. No home, no friends, no family. “AAAAAHHHHHH!!!” She screamed.

Annabelle took one more step and tied her against a tree. BANG! 3 bullets fired at her. Then Annabelle ran away. Alexis is gone. No sound, no place‌‌. No one.



Hi my name is Peter and I am 13 years old,I died saving you and my school during 1895 and this my story so let it begin. Peter hurried to school, past all the leaves piled upon each other and raced the cars speeding past him so he would go faster, he finally slowed down when he entered the building. “Another dreadful day at the Benjamin Public high School”, Peter cried. He noticed that it was very very quiet and that there were not many kids at school. He started looking for his best friend Owen everywhere he could possibly think he would be. “Peter what are you doing at school I told you not to come you can’t leave anymore from here”, cried Owen rocking back and forth while he was against a locker . ”What do you mean?”, Peter asked. “I mean it is Halloween and New Orleans is the worst place to be, we have lots of dolls here..that do bad things”, Owen responded with a worried look and was checking to see if anyone was around, but Peter still didn't understand what Owen ment, He thought “does Owen mean dolls come alive and do bad things because dolls can’t be real they are just objects”.The bell rang and he rushed to class. He saw these cute little dolls in the back of the room and thought “this must just be halloween decorations”.Then Peter noticed a doll on his teacher's desk as well and the doll looked quite like his teacher but he just laughed about it that this was joke to get the students scared, but inside he knew there was something unusual about the eyes, It looked so real and it looked like there was a person’s soul trapped in a doll. The teacher never came to class and there were barely any students, now Peter was scared and started thinking that maybe Owen was right. He run out the door to talk to Owen since the teacher wasn’t coming anyways. “Owen, there is something suspicious about these dolls they just seem so real” Peter said tripping over his words. “Owen...are you even listening, and look at your arm it’s - it’s fake, Owen!!” Peter shouted with anger. He then slowly reached out for the other arm and grabbed it then turned Owen’s face in front of him.It wasn’t there, there was not face, this was just a doll but it felt like there were dolls inside. Peter screamed and ran everywhere he tried so hard to open the doors but was just banging into them. “Peter are you okay why are you screaming, and look at your face in the mirror” Owen laughed “Wait what,If this is you then what's that”, Peter said as he ran pointing towards the horrific doll. “They are coming you are the last one left to help us Pe -”Owen said being pulled away by dolls but Peter just ran didn’t even stop to help.He hid in the janitor's room and heard something move. “Who’s there?”, peter screamed “Oh i’m sorry I’m the janitor didn’t mean to alarm you” The janitor whispered

“What's your name, why are you whispering,are you real, for how long were you in here?”,Peter cried blasting with questions. “My name is Bob and I have been a janitor here since this school started”The janitor replied .Peter calmed down later and started talking to the janitor and found out that he was friendly and Owen’s thought about the dolls was true sadly. “HOP two three four HOP two three four HOP two three four…..” Peter heard from the janitor’s closet. “There here you need to get out now”Bob said. Wait what about you,who is here,is it the dolls,why do I have to leave,will they even find us here?”Peter again shouting questions. SHHHH!!!you ask too many questions, I already told you about the dolls and they are here so I want you to leave from this tiny door and I can’t come because it's too small for me”Bob said. Peter remembered the instructions and ran as fast as he could but found a doll that looked like him he knew he didn't have time but he picked it up and stroked the doll's hair. He slowly moved his hand down on the doll's face and and got his other hand and press the eyes where he turned into a doll with a flash and was picked up by a man who some how knew the where he was and how to get in, Peter noticed the man’s face…..Bob.

Mary By: Manuela Ordonez It was finally that time of year that everyone has been waiting for for so long, Christmas. Anna could barely wait much longer. Most of her family was visiting her. Not being able to resist the waiting, she rushed downstairs. “Mother, when will they be arriving?” I asked. “Soon Anna, so go get ready,” My mother replied. And so I went back upstairs, into my bedroom and started to change into a long, puffy dress that I wore for my birthday about a year ago. When everything was ready, the doorbell rang. I walked slowly down the stairs, gripping the handrail tightly, and greeted everyone there. “ Grandma Emy! It’s such a pleasure to see you again, I’ve missed you so much,” I said to my Grandma. “Oh hello dear, I’ve missed you so much too, OH! I have something for you Anna, here you go,” she handed me a big box with ribbons wrapped around it. I opened it, and inside was a doll, a tall doll. Dark hair, a nice dress, and curly hair. “Thank you so much Grams, she’s really nice,” I said happily. “No problem dear, by the way, her name is Mary. Now, I will see you in a bit,” she said. After a few hours, it was late, And everybody was heading to their rooms to rest. So I said goodnight to everybody and went to my room, and I fell asleep to the sound of people talking quietly in their rooms. ​photo credit

11: 56 PM I woke up, hearing the door opening, creaking softly. I sat up on my bed, and turned on my lamp, but there was nothing. The door hadn’t moved one bit.

“Then what was that noise?” I thought. “​ It s probably someone going to the bathroom or something,” so I turned off my lamp, and laid down, trying to fall back asleep. And then I heard a scratch, it sounded as if it were fingernails scratching against a wall, slowly coming closer. I turned my lamp on again, just to find Mary on the floor, not where I had left her. I stood up, grabbing her by the leg, and putting her on the shelf where I had left her before. I went back to bed, dimming the light just a bit so I could still see, and tried to go back to sleep. A couple of minutes later, I heard a click, I opened my eyes but saw nothing. The light that I had left on, turned off. I pressed the button to turn it on again, but nothing happened. Either, the lights had gone out, or it was unplugged. I couldn’t do anything, for it was completely dark, so all I could do is find my way to my door, and go to my mother’s room. So, I got up very slowly, trying not to make any noise, I slowly walked across the room with my hand on the wall, feeling my way through my room. Suddenly, I felt something grab my leg, slowly my hand slipped down the wall, and I fell on the wood floor with a loud thud. I started to feel around the floor with my hands, searching for what had made me fall. I came across something tingly, hair. It was Mary again. ​“ What is going on? How is Mary not on the shelf where I had left her, twice,” I thought. This was very strange, nearly impossible actually. Mary was somehow moving on her own. I left Mary laying on the floor, and got back up. I attempted to open the door, but I couldn’t, it was locked, And I had no key. I had no idea what was going on. It could be just one of my sisters playing a prank on me, or something strange was going on. I started to bang on the door loudly, but nobody came. Suddenly, when I pulled the door once more, it opened. I ran down the hallway heading to my mothers room. “Mother!” I called. There was no answer. I turned on the lights, and she wasn’t there. “GRAMS?!” I shouted loudly. Again, no answer. Nobody in the house was answering me, I was getting creeped out. “JESS! ABBY! CLAIRE! THIS ISN’T FUNNY,” I shouted loudly. Then, I saw a shadow. “GUYS! SERIOUSLY, COME OUT!” But, then I realized, it wasn’t Jess, Abby, or Claire. It was Mary.

The Transfer

It was 9:00 pm when Michael realized he forgot his reading glasses on the dining table. “Ughh,” he moaned. He was feeling sore after a long day at the pool, but he knew that without reading, there was no way he was going to fall asleep. He looked up at the wall and stared at the peeled paintwork while wrapped up like a cocoon. It took him some seconds of motivation when he decided to scramble out of his covers. e first brushed his foot on the carpet, making sure none of Samuel's toys on the ground. Michael disliked the idea of sharing rooms with his younger brother. Michael liked everything to be organized and peaceful in his room, but that was impossible with Samuel. On his tiptoes, Michael quietly walked his way out of his room through the darkness and switched the hallway lights on. “Michael?” A voice called coming from his father's bedroom. It was his stepmom, Maria. Michael didn’t like Maria either. He thought she was too nosey and picky, in fact Michael never liked anyone. After the death of his mom, the world seemed to turn upside down, turning everyone too. “Yes,” he replied. “What are you doing late at night?” she asked.

“I’m going to fetch my reading glasses,” he replied. Without waiting for orders, he headed towards the stairs. He could hear Maria heading back into the room and opening the door to the closet. He looked down back at the dark stairs. A frightening stroke traveled through his body making him shiver - for he was afraid of being alone in the dark. Slowly, he took one step down the stairs. He took a deep breathe in, and took a few more steps down, making everything pass by quickly. He held the handrail and ran down the stairs. Halfway down, he heard a loud “Whoosh!” traveling around the house. Michael saw a shadow fly by. He could hear the sound of his heart beat rapidly. He froze to make sure the shadow wasn’t his own. “VOOSH!” this time much louder. He knew it wasn’t his shadow. Someone else was downstairs too. His chest began to heave rapidly, scared by the thought. He heard the sound of two snaps, causing a strike of light into his body. “Michael,” a deep calm voice pleaded Michael's name. Michael turned his head the other way, quickly scanning his eyes around the living room to see who the voice belonged too. It was no use. Suddenly, he saw a bright blue shadow shaped as a person floating halfway through the stairs. “HHHEEELLLPPP!” Michael tried calling for help, but all that came out of his mouth was warm soft air. “ WHO IS IT? HELP ME!” he repeated, but it was no use. He couldn’t say anything loudly. He tried running up the stairs to his father's room, but the same shadow stopped him from going. “Its me,” the shadow pleaded. Sweat trickled down Michael's forehead. His feet were trembling, hardly giving him support to stand up. His eyes narrowed at the shadow trying to get a better glimpse of the shadow. ​The shadow belongs to Maria! he thought.

“Dad!” Michael tried calling for his dad again, but nothing was spoken. He calmed himself down and said, “I can hardly say anything, Maria! What did you do? ” “It’s no use. No one is here,” she hissed. She stopped and took a deep breath, “I’m afraid that's MY line. What did YOUR family do to my life?” she added.. “What are you talking about?” he asked. He held a better grip of the handrail, afraid by the fact that they were both halfway through the staircase. “Why not you ask your fellow parents and Samuel.” She raised her hand and pointed at silver ring with a blue gemstone on it. She snapped once, then a vision of both his Samuel and his parents appeared. The ring projected them tied up with rope in a dark room. “Mom!” he cried, “ Can you hear me?” He turned and faced Maria, “What do you want from them?” he asked. “You see, my ring transforms soul into power. Soon, I will rule the world!” she explained. “Nooooooo…” he faced his palm to Maria, and something unexpectable happened. A stroke of fire hit Maria. “STOP!” she screamed. She turned into tiny pieces of ashed. He killed Maria. “Michael,” he heard. He turned to the other side of the stairs. “Mom, Dad, Samuel!” he cried, this time his voice was normal. His mouth fell open. He couldn’t believe it! Stumbling down the stairs, he ran to his family and gave them the strongest hug he could ever give. A moment later, he spotted Maria’s ring on the floor broken into pieces.

I guess the ring did the wrong job. It transformed evil soul into happiness, he thought.

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