Short Stories Group ​Mystery
Table of Contents The Call, by Celine Rakab Carly is normal girl until the day she gets the call…. The Necklace, by Morgan Lindsey It’s just a normal day for 12 year old Zach. Falling Down, by Mckay (Alexandria Lynne) Todd Let the black shadow take you away The Murder House, by Alifa Nikorobin Aziz You, Fidela have to find out who the murderer is to win the game. Little did you know it’s so much more complex…
The Endangered Celine Rakab Mrs. Hogan
The Call
Block 5 Nov. 13 Hi my name is carly I am 15 and in 11th grade. I live with my foster parents. And my step sister. Just 2 years ago my whole entire life took a big turn.
2 years ago…… afe=active&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=a+hanging+broken+telephone
Carly was sitting in class preparing for to dash out the door as soon as the bell rang. She was a sweet ninth grader that not many people new. But still she had many friends. Her two best friends were vanessa and tammy. They always supported her no matter what, “RRIINNGG” the bell interrupted her thoughts. “Remember class, chapter 3 to 4 on ancient greece” yelled the teacher
over the noise of the kids cheering that it was finally the end of the school day.. Carly walked home with Vanessa and Tammy.. By the time carly got home tammy and vanessa were dropped of on their way with carly. They all lived pretty close. She was finally home, Carly took a deep breathe of fresh air and walked inside. She let out shriek. Everything was messed up. Pieces of glass were scattered all over the kitchen and living room floor. “MOM ,DAD”Yelled carly.. She dashed up stairs looking in every room for either her mom or dad. She tries one more. “MOM,DAD ARE you HERE!” Her mom and dad usually arrived earlier than her, her mom was a stay at home mom and her dad was a lawyer. “Where could they be” all of sudden the phone rang Carly answered it,“Yes hello”. “Carly this is you mom I want you to know that you are endangered they are coming after you” “Wait mom, who is they?” “They are coming after you I need you to lock yourself inside the house and don't let anyone in okay” “Wait mom what's happening” “There are people coming after you, they want the diamonds in the safe ,they won't stop until they find you and the diamonds. They will take you away .Stay safe ,me and your father love you very much” then all of a sudden she heard voice yell
“Hey what are u doing stop it” the voice was yelling at her mom across the phone “I love you very much stay saf…….” But before she could finish she heard a gunshot and then a voice came. “Hi carly we are coming for you , and if you call the police you can go ahead and say bye bye to your parents”
“Noooooo” Yelled carly sobbing holding her head in her arms Carly knew this was no joke and that she only had very little time to get herself to safety so she started by locking all the doors and windows in every room. Then she went into the storage room and got some pieces of wood covering up windows, doors ,and every possible way to get in. Carly was the type of person that was always afraid of anything that involved crime the last person you would want to go to to get help was Carly. She turned off all lights to make it seem that no one was home. Making sure that the view for people outside that no one was home and out. She took all the kitchen knives getting ready for what would come.
The Necklace
Zack was sitting in the grass on a warm summer night. All of his friends were gone and he was wishing that he was to. He sat outside and stared at the night sky for a long time until he saw a boy about his age walk by. He had sharp green eyes and a diamond necklace. He stared into Zack’s eyes so deep that it felt like he could look right through him. What is this kid doing? Zack thought. The necklace dangling from the boy’s neck shone brightly in the night. Something about the necklace and the way the boy looked at him made him feel uneasy. The boy finally walked away and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Zack immediately went inside.
*** It was the middle of the day and Zack was bored once again. He’d been lying around all day and was about to die of boredom until he heard a loud knocking on his door. Zack got excited, m aybe my friends are back,
he thought to himself. He shot downstairs and opened the door with so much force, that it hit the back wall and closed shut again. Zack opened the door and was about to apologize until he saw who was at the door. Zack recognized the same necklace and the same green eyes that seemed to almost never blink. “Ummmm, hello,” Zack said not sure of himself. The kid reached out his hand and beckoned Zack towards him. Zack slowly shuffled his feet towards him. He led Zack out the door and planted him in the middle of the road. He took of his necklace and put it towards Zack’s face. It began to shine it got brighter and brighter. Zack felt dizzy and stunned. He couldn’t handle it anymore, he fell to the floor with a small thump, and everything went black.
*** He slowly woke up to the bumping of a large van. He carefully sat up, and very quickly realized that he was in the trunk of a car. He suddenly went into panic mode he tried to kick and scream but he instantly figured out that his arms and legs were tied up with strong duct tape that had been
wrapped around his limbs multiple times. He tried to yell but he also had duct tape wrapped around his mouth.
2 hours later.
Screeeeeech! The van hit a hard stop near a small shed in the middle of the desert. There were large soldiers on either sides of the house. He heard the trunk (the place where Zack had been sitting for the last 3 hours) of the van open. The large soldiers had moved from the door and now are picking Zack up and throwing him out of the car. They unwrapped the duct tape from his arms and legs, Zack couldn’t feel them at all, they were totally numb. They threw Zack onto the ground and started talking to each other. “What should we do with him” Zack couldn’t hear the rest because he was picked up once more and led to the front of the house and harshly dumped into a dark room. He screamed and yelled but it was no use because he heard the door slam shut and lock behind him.
Falling D O W N
Kyla-Oct6, 2016 I was happy when I was friends with the girls. But they’ve all gotten their own groups now, like, Alex is in this type of group (I don’t even know if it a group), where they all just scream around, shouting stuff like “Bananaaaaa!”, and “Potatoooo!” and other weird veggies and fruits like that. Niko joined the goths (Of course). Kiara joined the nerdy group (Sorry!). And of course, me. I joined the group that sits outside the basketball court, with all the bad leftover food from the cafeteria, such as the ‘mystery meat’. Or maybe what’s bothering me, is that me Kiara, Niko, and Alex all decided to be stupid and do something really dangerous. And when I say dangerous, I mean
Alex-Oct16, 2016 I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to be
. It’s Kiara, Niko,
and Kyla. It’s them. They want to do it, not me. And if I do die, I’ll blame it on them. They were probably in on it for the whole summer without me, and then, just to scare me, told me to do it exactly ONE week before we would actually do it. So that’s probably why I hate them. Probably.
Niko-Oct18, 2016 I know that we shouldn’t be doing it. I know that we shouldn’t be reaching that far. That far into death. I know that I’m obsessed with death, but when it actually comes to me
, I just won’t do it.
Kiara- Oct20,2016 I’m so worried. I don’t even know who’s idea it was. And it’s today. It’s all going to happen today. I don’t really know why the others agreed to do it. It’s probably because their trying to be ‘fun’ and ‘sporty’ and ‘cool’. I really don’t want to do it. It gives a high chance of death, if you must know. What if I fall. The only reason I’m doing it is so that I can have an excuse for hanging out with them. I can’t even remember the last time we had a conversation. I can’t remember us actually being friends.
Niko-Nov1, 2016 We got to the houses. I had to lie to my mom, tell her I was going to Alex’s house. I felt guilty, and for once in my life, spoiled. As we were climbing up the ladder of the rusty old houses, my feet pounded on the steps of the ladder. Each time I took a step, I could hear a little faint cry coming from the ladder. Nothing in my life would ever be as scary as this. Kyla-Nov4, 2016 I looked down the side of the abandoned house. It looked about 40 feet tall, or something like that. It was way taller than I thought it would be. The walls had started peeling, like a snake shedding it’s skin. I ran back to the other side of the house, then with a running jump, I leaped to the other house. I could feel the wind, brushing thru. As I jumped I shuddered. I saw a shape as black as night, sitting down in the alley way of the houses. And in the blink of an eye, my stomach hit the side of the old house. It sent a shock wave through me,
making me react fast to the hit. I quickly held onto the side, and with a big effort, tried to pull myself up. I got to the top, while the other girls asked if I was okay. And then I saw Kiara, who kept on running and running. She swerved around to see if I was okay, then before she could even scream, she hit the concrete ground, 40 feet from the roof she fell from. She fell down that house, that 40 feet house, with only one last breath to spear. And that’s when the black shadow appeared, then disappeared, taking Kiara with it.
End of Chapter 1
The Murder House Creak! Went the polished victorian style floorboards, as you, Fidela explored the eerie mansion. You found that exploring the rooms of the manor calms you down in its own unsettling way. But
in a
room you were in you heard a shrill scream,
“Aaaaaah!”. You immediately run to that part of the room. You see a dark figure hunched over something that looked like an unconscious body. You see something in the dark figure’s hand, something that resembles a syringe filled with an amber liquid. The
Unexpectedly, you begin to lose consciousness and black out, light headed. The darkness swallows everything. When you come to, you see Ivana, an-eccentric millionaire dead on the floor. The only reason you came to this dumb building was because you needed the money. A few weeks ago, you found a letter that
was sealed with wine red wax. The letter read “Bored? Come to a mansion in the middle of nowhere, where there will be a game, a chance to win 4 billion dollars! Come on the 24th of February if you want excitement in your life. Guaranteed to not be what you’re expecting! We await your arrival, A.N.A.”. You really needed the money because you are very broke. “At 16:35 today, Ivana Blanche was found dead in one of the guest rooms. Somebody had injected a venom into her bloodstream, there’s a murderer on the loose.” said Putri, the caretaker. You immediately start questioning the others. There are only four suspects. Kireina Chamonix, a donut tycoon, Kiara Yokohama, a schoolgirl who won a lottery, Alifa Nikorobin Aziz, a slightly mad scientist, and you, Fidela Godwin. CASE STARTED.
You are now a detective. Case 1: The Murder House. As you skipped
other “players”,
hear a
penetrating yelp. You rush there, hoping to find clues to solve Ivana’s
scene,a you
find the
cloaked figure with a bloody knife and at its feet some torn paper.
cloaked figure then dissolves into the night as you faint on to the
investigating. You spot Kireina’s body. You decide to look at the bloody knife. Then you spot that the torn up paper is there. You see that it was a torn picture of Kireina. You deduce that the murderer hates Kireina.
You recall a moment where Kiara
Kireina alive”.
remembered something odd Niko (Alifa’s nickname) said when you interrogated her, “Audrey was going to pay...with her soul,” she muttered. You yourself kind of detest Audrey. You inform the police about the house and tell them of your investigations. They decide to help you solve the case. They tell you that you can use their labs. You remember the knife from Audrey’s murder. You hope that there might be a clue on it. “NO!” someone screamed. You rush to the scene immediately and yet again she saw the dark cloaked figure. This time the dark cloaked figure was killing Kiara, stuffing money into her mouth. Kiara
sat there,
the life draining out
her eyes as the
cloaked figure stuffed her mouth with more money. The cloaked figure disappears once again, this time by blending into its surroundings. Almost instantly, you faint. Once you wake up, you begin searching for clues. You found a
picture of
Kiara, money
samples and a kleenex.
with what looked like skin
You recall a couple of people who hate
Kiara for her braggy tone. These people were Niko, Kireina and you. You hear back from the forensics lab and the autopsy lab. It turns out the murderer left some DNA on Kiara’s body. They also said that the skin samples were no use and that the kleenex was disgusting and unnecessary. Niko approaches you. “I know,” she said. “About what?” you reply. “You
history and everything though.” she said. s “What are you talking about?” you inquire. “Your amnesia,” she reveals, “You did it.” “What proof do you have?” you say innocently. “I have these files, remember these? Admit it, you killed them all. If you don’t confess, I will tell the police,” she threatens. “I didn’t do it. I don’t remember, but I know I didn’t do it. Which means you did it!” you accuse. “Is that your final answer?” she challenged. “Yes,” you respond.
“I have to admit this little game has been fun. See you someday, maybe we can play again. But as I promised, 4 billion dollars,” she says while handing you a bag of money. “No, instead turn yourself in, this was a dangerous game you played,” you bargain. “Fine,
congratulations,” she
says creeping out into the
darkness, “I will be back.”
Appendix Appendix 1 Evidence From Kireina’s Murder Bloody Knife and Torn Picture Appendix 2 Who Hates Kireina? Kiara, Niko and Fidela(You) Appendix 3 The Police You gain the use of the autopsy lab and the forensics lab. You send BLOODY KNIFE to the FORENSICS LAB. Appendix 4 Kiara’s dead body and evidence You send KIARA’S CORPSE, the KLEENEX and the MONEY to the labs Appendix 5 Who hates Kiara? NIKO, KIREINA, FIDELA
Appendix 6 Evidence Results There was evidence that the killer has brown eyes and brown hair. NIKO and FIDELA (YOU)have BROWN EYES and BROWN HAIR