Horror Nate Mina Rami Imran
Contents The Chamber, by Mina Paris dies, and Tihana meets Paris’s ghost… find out who and where the
Sleeping, By Nate A innocent boy, with a chainsaw man chasing him, who is it?
Home Stalker, By Rami Home Stalker is about a mysterious person who stalks there house
Blood and Knifes, By Imran Two men fight for themselves, and do crime, do they get caught?
Kidnapped Callie, By Kamelia A girl play’s in the woods, but something happens, a little kidnapping
The Chamber By: Mina Prodanovic
“Mom!” yelled Paris. She didn’t hear a response, instead she only heard the echo of her voice stretching through the woods. Paris was lost. The dark, dark woods were filled with trees and little animals that scuttled around. She was trembling at how scared she was. She almost fainted. Then she heard a tiny almost faded noise of howling. It was the voice of wolves. They were howling so faintly that she could hardly hear them. Since Paris wasn’t sure that the voice was from the wolves she didn’t scream, but when she realized it was, “AAAAAAAAA!” she started screaming. She was just too scared. She never liked the wolves. Never! They were disgusting in her eyes. She thought to herself while she was screaming, “If anyone knows where to find me! They’ll find my scream first! These are wolves we are talking about!”
“Paris, wake up,” her mom was squeezing her hand tightly, “Wake up dear.” Paris opened her eyes forcefully. They started stinging and filling with tears, “Mother!’ she yelled with fear, “Where am I?” She felt like her eyes had tears of blood. Her eyes hurt so much that her eyes were flooded with tears. Paris thought to herself, what even happened? I was just screaming, and…
She wanted to jump out of bed and hug her mother but she felt pain rushing through
“You are in the hospital, dear. We found you in the woods almost dead,” her mother’s eyes were also filled with tears. “Why can’t I move?” “You have a really dangerous disease right now. I’m just so glad that you’re awake. I know that you are very sick right now, but look what I bought for you. Just to cheer you up.” “Mom!” she exclaimed, “Thank you so much! This was the diary that I wanted so badly!” “I know. That is why I bought it for you.” Paris wrote in the diary that her mum bought for her. It was the one that she wanted the most. Her first diary entry was: Dear, diary, Today was the worst and best day of my life! Mum bought me this diary and I promised it I’ll write in it every day. In this diary I’ll write my feelings and all that happened in my life until I die. The worst thing that happens to me right now is that those annoying nurses come and give me medicine that gets stuck in my throat. On the other hand, one thing that makes me happy is that my mum and dad come to see me everyday to see how I am doing. Good night, see you tomorrow. After two long, long weeks in the silent, white hospital, Paris died. She went to heaven. Imagine how her mum and dad took it. They felt like they were the saddest parents on earth. Paris left her mum and her dad. “Sh-she lived a happy life on e-earth,” her mother sobbed while looking at her daughter’s body, “Why d-did it have t-to e-end like this?” She looked at Paris’s diary. She came closer to see her last diary entry. It was: Dear diary, How can I explain it? How I feel about my mother and father. I couldn’t say how they helped me go through hard times. How much I love them. How much I care about them all. I know I’m going to die soon and that it was meant to be, but why? Why do I have to leave them so early? This disease is taking over. Neither of the medicines helped. I can’t fight this forever. I know it. I didn’t want to say this to my mother because she would stay with me all night and would never leave my side. She would stay there and wouldn’t leave me. I knew that my death would be even harder for her to take in, if I told her. Mum, If you are reading this entry, forgive me. I love you and dad more than anything in the world. Don’t forget me, please. Goodnight and Goodbye My diary and everyone. Your dearest, Paris
There was a tear that wrinkled Paris’s last bit of the page. That tear resembled how she felt while she was writing. After weeks Paris’s parents moved away. Away in the woods, in the dark, dark woods into a house where they buried her in a room, and they set the fire on the house and went to the room with Paris. They killed themselves because of their love for her. Years later, a new family came. Tihana was so happy to live in the woods because she didn’t do well with children was lonely and had no friends. Her mum and dad settled in two days.
They unpacked their stuff. Tihana’s mum caught her standing in front of a room that the people who sold the house told them n ot to enter. “Tihana,” her mum raised her voice, “Get away from that room.” “No, come and see. They can talk!” Tihana yelled. “Who can talk, dear. There is no one in this house except us,” her mum said worriedly, “You must be dreaming,” “No, mum. They are talking to me right now.” Her mum came to her listening, but she didn’t hear anything. The only thing that she heard was the howling of the wind. It was faint. Her mum went to bed annoyed “It is just your imagination.” There was no possible way someone had come into their house, or was there. The following day Tihana’s mum wanted to see what was in that room, but it ended up that she had to do something that dragged her away. “No problem mum. Don’t worry, I won’t go into that room. I promise!” Tihana thought with a mean smile, while she was spying her. She reached for the doorknob and twisted it. Tihana couldn’t believe her eyes. What she saw was the fiercest picture she’d ever seen. She saw dead bodies. They looked devastating. They were all covered with blood. Skeletons that still had some flesh and blood on them. Tihana thought, “What?” Tihana wanted to scream. She slowly turned around, turned her back and started to walk away like she was hiding something. Silently she took the doorknob and closed the
dreadful room. Mum was standing in front of her with crossed arms. Tihana slowly got her head up to look at her. She had a faint, scared smile. She thought to herself, “Busted. I’m so dead. Mum must be furious.” Her mum was really cross with her. She looked like she did something that she’ll ground her for. She said in a quick and furious voice, “Tihana go to your room now!” Tihana escaped her mum’s sight in a millisecond and ran to her room. The hallway seemed longer and longer, but when she reached her room she continued to the stairs and slid through them and ran outside into the garden. She didn’t go to her room because she knew she’ll get a bad and big punishment. While that was happening her mother opened the abandoned room, and in the blink of an eye, she slammed the door. Her mother went to get Tihana’s father to help her get the bodies out and throw them into the garbage can. Soon they finished, and went to bed all disgusted. That evening at midnight Tihana wanted to see the room and try to talk to the ghosts. She saw that the bodies have been moved and when she looked out of the window she saw the garbage cans had the bodies. Tihana was furious, “Why would she do this? How dare she? Didn’t she realise that those bodies were my friends?” “I know. This was mean of her! She isn’t a good mother. She doesn’t have feelings. This was our funeral house after all,” said a beautiful voice “By the way. I know we have been friends, but you never knew my name, it is Paris.” Said Paris. “Nice name. My name is….”Tihana was stopped. “I know your name. It is Tihana. I know it because when you exited this chamber your mum said ‘Tihana go to your room,’” “Ah that thing,” Tihana’s cheeks became red, “Want to be friends?” “Sure, I never had one.” “Me neither.” From that day onward Tihana and Paris, the ghost, played in the garden of the giant house. After Tihana and her family died, the parents went to heaven. Tihana and Paris’s ghosts still play in the gardens at midnight.
Just Sleeping Nate Tutt
The Picture Above
I wake up. I notice that the hard tiled floor I woke up on did not feel like the soft comfortable soft silk bed matress I went to sleep on. I stand up to find myself in a corridor that went on forever with other hallway walls plated with scratches as long as my arm connecting from the sides. There were lights flickering. It is like I woke up in a maze. The walls were long and grey. The only thing I could hear were my own footsteps echoing down the
corridors. A drop of
sweat slowly fell down my forehead. There was no air conditioning. Close by, around a corner I hear footsteps creeping toward me, but it was slower than walking. My heart dropped and my eyes widened. It was like whoever was around the corner was carrying something… HEAVY. I coughed. Right after, the footsteps grew faster as my nervous overtook my body toward ME! It wasn't running, but it was joging. Soon, the footsteps became louder and closer. Each step was louder than the last one. Step Step Step Step Step. I started to step backwards, one step at a time just waiting for what will come around the corner. “What if I don't make it out. What if it’s an illusion. What if it’s a dream?” Goosebumps rose up my arm, I was shaking like crazy, and my eyes were ready to pop out of my eye sockets. I don’t want to know what it is. *SLAP*, I try to wake myself. Nothing happens. This is not a dream.
I started to see him walk around the corner. He was still jogging toward me, but even faster. I couldn't move. I tried to run but I was frozen. Too scared to run, he got closer. I now know what the big heavy thing was that was slowing him down. The man was carrying something that had shark teeth that went in circle rotations. It was a CHAINSAW. I dashed toward through a connecting hall to get out of the same one has him. I had to keep running, or I will DIE. I run around a corner to escape. I find a desk at the end of the hall way. The man was very tall, he would probably be too tall to see me if I hid under the desk. I run over to the desk and
The Picture Above
slide under it. I look behind me to find the man coming around the corner jogging toward the desk that I was under. He runs right up to the desk and then freezes in front of it has I hold my breath. “ Is this it? Am I going to die like this?�
All of a sudden, I hear the chainsaw slowly break through something.Chunks of wood go flying off the desk and one slowly falls off the desk and lands on my lap. The man had already broke through half the desk, as I feel someone touch my shoulder. It felt like a soft warm small pillow had landed on my shoulder. I look around to find no one around me but the man who had already broke more than half the desk. “Nate!” Someone calls. “Wake up,” It calls again. “Wake up?” I wonder what who ever it was talking about. I open my eyes to find myself on the soft comfortable bed mattress I went to sleep on. “Wake up Nate, It’s time for school!”
Rami alhumaidi https://www.google.com/search?q=the+watcher&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=671&so urce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitlP7clarQAhVBORQKHSipAWwQ_AU ICCgD#tbm=isch&q=the+house+watcher&imgrc=slAHfThKqw0naM%3A
Home Stalker
As I ran past the lamp post, I felt as if I was being watched and so I just kept running until I couldn’t see the house. I took a breath, then I realized there was a note on the door. Chace ran back, but he couldn’t see any of the letters, so he ran to his old house where all their luggage was. He dashed through the hallway and into the living room, and into the kitchen. He saw his mother washing the dishes as he told her, “Mom, I need to tell you something about the new house that we’re moving into,” Chase says worried about what he just saw. He handed her the paper as a shiver ran up his arm as if he were in the freezing water of the Arctic about to die from the vicious sickness of frostbite. As she read the note that said,“who has the bedrooms facing the street,” she said confused. “No efence but this note looks as if you have written it Chace.” Chace says, “but I swear to god I didn’t write it!” His mom said, “I believe you but this just doesn’t seem real” Chace sco, “I’ll show you where I found the note” She replied, “ok let’s go”
They silently crept through the grass as if they were squirrels. Then when they finally got to the sidewalk they ran and ran as if they were Gazelles being hunted by a jaguar. Both of their faces had the same frightened expression on there faces. When they got to the house the walked through the grass that was dancing with the wind. They’re a shadowy figure walking on the sidewalk as if he was a maniac with a mask on and both his hands in his sweatshirt. They both ran for their lives but moments they realized they weren’t being chased.so they took a breather but they were being watched by a maniac. The next day they returned to their new home to find another new letter on the door. His mother read out loud, “greetings my friends I think you saw one of my henchmen last night. Do not worry we won’t kill you…” Chace he responded, “I’m not going to live in this house” His Mom agreed, “I don’t blame you son” They walked back home as frightened as a person standing at the edge of a mountain. He ran outside to get into his Mom's old Chevelle, he sat there thinking dark thoughts for what it felt like was hours. They finally arrived at school as soon as he got out and ran to class. But soon he realized everybody was or ready in class. so he went to go get a tardy pass but there wasn’t anybody in the main office. So after school he walked home with his friends he noticed something odd there was a shadow in the attic of their new home the figure was moving slightly back and forth. He went to his friends house and called the police to find out the
thing that was back and forth was his mother being strangled by someone. And that someone didn’t leave trace accept from one fingerprint on the window sill and that turned out to be his mother's. He got an Idea that was quite ridiculous he asked the police to examine the notes that they had found on their front doors. They said there was a fingerprint of a guy named Roberto alexander III. It turns out they’ve been looking for Roberto since 1986 that means they’ve been looking for him for 11years. 15 years later when Chace was 24 years old He saw a businessman name plaque said Roberto Alexander III Chace talked with the man about the job he wanted and how much he wanted to get paid but Chace said “ok, I think I need to go now” The man said “stay I insist” Chace responded “ok bye” The man slid out a pistol from his back pocket and sneered “where do you think your going” Chace pulled out his pistol and chuckled “I think i’m going home” Chace pulled the trigger and watched in joy as the bullet bounced off the barrel with the slightest touch it danced through the air like the prettiest lady he’s ever seen which was his mother, he watched as it teared through his suit into his chest as fast as a Bugatti Veyron. He slipt out of the man’s office unnoticed.
To Be Continued
By:Imran Meghji
“Kill him.” “But sir,” “I said KILL HIM!” BANG! I’m Jack, I work for no one but myself. But I have a sidekick. His name is Jeff. I am here to steal gold. I like to keep a low cover so I don't get get caught doing things.
“Let's go.” We ran out of the building and left the body there with a fake note saying he ‘committed suicide’ even though me and Jeff are the one’s who killed him. “Where do we go next?” “So we took the gold, check, took the cash, check, killed Don’s lawyer. I think we have to go blow up the town hall.” “Got the bombs in the back of the truck, right?” “Yes” We got to the van. “I’ll drive us to the helicopter at the police station, so just wear your fake police outfit so we don't get caught,” said Jeff. “Ok, when I’m done we’ll switch, I’ll drive and you change, OK?” “Yes sir…” replied Jeff. Jeff started to drive, I changed. “Give me the wheel,” I said quickly before his poor driving got us killed. We reached the police station. “Get in… and don't say anything unless I ask you. Got it?!” “Yes sir,” Jeff replied. He looked scared. “Pass the knife, I'm going to put it in my sheath,” I took it, put it in and walked into the police station. I red the label on the police men’s outfit. It read David. “Who are you?” He asked. “I’m Daniel, this is James. We’re the new guys.” I could tell he was confused by the look on his face. “Really? Well welcome!” he replied, still unsure if he was telling the truth. I took out my knife. I walked up slowly. I was a little tense. Walking, and, CLINK, I stabbed him. Blood running down his throat. I needed to get out of here. “Get to the copter !” I shouted. We ran got in and took flight. Then before I left I threw a c4 down there. I pressed a button on a remote. BOOM! The police station blew up. “Town hall is close.” Said Jeff. Once we reached I made sure there was no one looking. I slowly took out frag grenades, ready to throw. I was careful with it. I’m a careful person. I looked for where to make a throw. I thought to myself “Down the middle of the town hall.” I threw. BOOM!!! We flew with speed. “I have to go to a meeting tomorrow. You stay in the van.” I said quietly to Jeff. The next day I woke up in the van. Put a suit on, and left. I saw someone get out of a car. I quickly
put a mask. Stole his car keys, and took off, with his car. Once I arrived I went to the conference room. I have a friend, who also works here, after the conference we need money, so we need to kill three businessmen. It’s finally over. “Got the gun?” I Asked my friend. I passed over the pistol to him. We got out of the building and down the basement of it. BOOM! BOOM! We missed. But now he heard us. We got into a battle of guns and knifes. Bullets flying. My friend shot and missed. I quickly pulled my gun and shot. One killed. Now two left. BOOM! “Crap!” My friend had gotten killed. I quickly ran to him pulled my knife out and stabbed him. Using my other hand with the gun I shot him. They were dead. But it had cost. My friend was dead. I cleared both bodies and hid them, making sure I left no marks. I got out and entered the van. “Get out of the van!” Someone had yelled, “I repeat! Get out of the van!” I checked who it was and saw it was cops. They busted open the van door and pulled me out. Jeff was just running away. “GET HIM!!!” Some cop had yelled. They put me in handcuffs. They brought me to the jail. “We know what you have been doing,” He said looking furious, “And now it’s time for you to pay,” they threw me into the prison. The next day it was announced I will be hanged. Now it was my time to come. Jeff has the same punishment. Good Bye.
Kidnapped Callie
By Kamelia Sentissi My friends and I had the courage to go back to the woods, Sophia couldn’t come, a snake bit her so she had to rest her leg . “Alright, I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but it’s our last time, think of it being our way of saying goodbye.” said Dylan. “Just be careful and look out.” Jason said seriously. About three hours into the game a man behind me showed up, he looked depressed and lost I was kinda scared of him, I tried to act calm so I asked, “Are you lost? Do you need help?” Before I knew it he held my mouth shut barely being able to breath, I was kicking him and hitting him as hard as possible and with all of my power, but that didn’t stop this strong man. I was scared to death so I started crying, but before he took me to where ever he wanted to take me I had to scream, scream as loud as possible so that at least people knew that I’m in trouble. “ AAAAHHHHHH!!” I screamed with all the strength and power I had left.
“What was that rustling sound?” Jason asked. “ I don’t know.” replied Dylan. “Callie you win the game, where are you?” shouted Sara. “Callie are you okay?!” shouted Dylan. “ I could hear them, because the strange man had his hand over my mouth I couldn't talk, but atleast they heard my scream I thought to myself. The stranger led me into his creepy old rusty mini van, oh and it smelled so bad. “I got her.” he told the man sitting in the front seat, driving the steering wheel. I was sitting in the back seat barely being able to think straight because of the fact that I was being kidnapped. The strange man’s house was just a few minutes away from the woods. Even though the car ride was a few minutes away it felt like hours. “Alright out you go princess” the strange man said in a whiney voice. I gave him a nasty look to let him know that I didn’t want to be here. As I stand behind the strange man I watch him pay the driver. “Thanks for the ride.” he said. “ You know this is illegal I told him, you're going to get caught.” I told him. “What are going to do with me, what do you want?” I said to him with tears in my eyes and a shaky voice, but at that moment then I realized that my dad owns one of the banks, he wants money. I thought to myself, that has to be it. I had so many questions about why he kidnapped me, but those aren't the questions I should be asking to myself, I should be asking how I’m going to escape. As I walk in the creepy house of this strange man, I start planning my escape plan. “ Okay look kid it’s been a long day and I’m tired so I’ll lead you to your room, and you can watch some T.V. while I go to sleep.” T.V? I thought to myself, the last thing I want to do in this creepy house is relax. Just then I came up with the best escape plan, if the creepy man is sleeping upstairs then I can sneak and get the home phone call the cops and I’m out of here.
“Hello, 911?” I said. “Yes hi, what’s your emergency.” said the cop.” My name is Callie and I got kidnapped about 3 hours ago, i'm thirteen and the house I am in right now is about two minuets away from lakeridge forest.” I told her with fear in my voice.” Okay we will be there.” She told me. Mission accomplished. I thought to myself. “Whee wooh whee wooh” went the police car. Yes they are here. I thought to myself. The creepy man woke up to the sound of the loud police car siren. “What’s that?!” he asked. “The police.” I said. “BANG!” The police smashed the door open. “Callie!? Said the officer. “Up here!” I shouted from upstairs. “Mr. Roberts you're under arrest for kidnapping.” Said the officer with handcuffs in her hands. As soon as the police stormed into the house I felt a big relief and I thought to myself that I was going to survive, but I had mixed feelings of being happy, scared and nervous at the same time. As soon as I got home I hugged my parents and thanked god that I have survived and from that day on I never went back to the lakeridge woods.