A Collection of Horror Stories (Block 1)

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Child’s Play Short Horro​r​ Stories

Table of Contents ● Kids Best Friends- Mia Walther Moutte ● Shadow Stop Following me - Caroline Wassef ● The Haunted Doll - Heba Ladika ● Surprise - Nicole Bonikowski ● Devil Disaster - Dana Arakji

Kids Best Friend By Mia Walther Moutte

I am Jess here to tell you about America's worst clown attack, On October 19 2012. 2:01 PM Mama and Papa told me that we would be going to the town circus, we had just moved in so we wanted to get a taste of the town. As we climbed into our bright red volvo and drive down town in the deserted streets as we park in the parking lot full of the line looks like a long snake, as we join the snake’s tail. 3:15 PM When we reach the stand a man in a bright green and pink suit greets us, “Mornin ma'am how may I help ye?”

“ Morning Sir two adult tickets and 1 child please,� my mother says as the man as gives her the tickets. As we walk in the tent it seems to me 1000 people gazing in awe of the tents size.

3:30 PM We find our seats as the lights dim like a sunset as the ring leader comes out and welcomes everybody and 3 elephants come out like they had done this a million times with their mats ashy like they have been rolling in ash, and with and kids with ashy dark circles come out l and do the trapeze with souls of wrestlers as they do flips and twirls as if they were birds born to fly. As I glance over from the action I see a clown out of place like he had forgotten his role just staring at the ground standing.

4:30PM As we head home out from the tents mouth into the bright red car I glance back one last time at the tent before it is gone forever, but I see the clown over at the entrance staring at me like we had forgotten it. As I slowly increase my pace ignoring its stare on my back.

5:39 PM As we get back to our house with partly empty boxes I climb up the creaky stairs jumping every other step and into my fairy pink room with my matching polka dot

curtains and and bed with and the doll house with the tiny people inside with tiny dresses tiny shoes, tiny hats. As my mother calls me down for dinner she asks me, “What was your favorite part of the circus?” Jess and I answer her, “ The part when the kids on the trapez were doing flips,” ignoring the thought of the clown staring at me with its dark eyes sucking me in like a black hole.

7:40 PM “Good night,” I tell my mother and father as I cuddle in bed. “Good night” my parents respond as they walk to their room.

11:50 PM I have this urge in my stomach that makes me feel sick, like something is wrong, as I close my eyes for the last time I hear a creak of a door like a stranger is in the house, like a rollercoaster ready for departure, I close my my eyes even tighter. And the slow dread is slowly building up as I’m climbing the the high peak that seems to never end then at last, I round of the corner at and stop with the gentle flick “like a light turning” I open my eyes to see the view of the park, with the ferris wheel, the colorful stands, and the tangled rollercoasters as my ears ring with the screams of joy. As I finally relax. Speed forward I see my life flash before my eyes as I feel the pit in my stomach as if my stomach can't keep up with I falling until I reach the bottom like a race car as we climb and fall down in a loop

we slow to a stop. I open my eyes millimeter by millimeter to see the light under the door on bright like a crack that leads to heaven. As I see Two long floppy colorful shoes block the way to heaven, And the crack to heaven turns into a spiral of nightmare and laughs squeaky sounds.

Shadow, Stop following me!

My name is Caroline and I am here to tell you one of the scariest experiences that turned out to be not so scary in the end. Here is the story... It was dark. The power was out and it was just a few minutes before midnight. Why am I still awake? I am not sure. I had been falling asleep all day and now when I go to bed I, for some reason, am still wide awake. I was alone in the house. My parents were back in New York for work. My sister lived alone because she was old enough. I was only eleven years old but my parents taught me to be a responsible, mature child. I was still in the living room asking myself, “Why do my parents have to leave me and why can’t I go with them?” Since there was nothing to do, I head over to my room and I crouch into my cold yet comfy bed. Why am I tiptoeing if I am the only one in the house you may be wondering. Only because I get night thought and tend to have realistic nightmares. Yes I believe that my house is haunted and yes I know it’s weird but I can’t help it. I close my eyes, I don’t want to keep them open just in case I see something creepy. Surprisingly, I fall into a deep, deep sleep. Then I hear some banging near my closet. I wake up, almost falling out of my bed. “What was that sound?” I ask myself. “Maybe I was just dreaming” I whisper to myself. It is only 12AM. I close my eyes back again but not long after, I hear a creepy, witch like laugh. Again, I wake up my eyes balling out of their sockets.

In front of me I see a shadow. I can’t see so clearly and it’s kind of blurry then I see this shadow walking towards me. I raise my hand over in front of my face, pinch my arm harder than ever to see if I am actually dreaming or not. I am not so sure what this shadow is but my heart is pounding harder than it ever had. I don’t know what to do! “You know what Caroline, you have to just calm down just sleep!” I tell myself a little desperately. Before I know it this shadow is coming closer and closer, slowly in my sight but, sprinting in my brain. I feel like I am seeing everything move blurry and slowly. The shadow reaches his hand over. I notice my brain feeling dizzy and my fingers become numb and sweaty. “ I am leaving this house,” I say. I run over to the backyard door and run far, far away. I don’t know where I am going or what I am doing but I can’t keep living like this. I feel like someone is following me and running too. I don’t want to turn around but before my brain can decide, my body just goes turning back. I see the same exact shadow from my room. Again, my heart is pounding but now faster because this shadow is now following me. The shadow slowly reaches out to me once again, trying its hardest to stretch to me. And once again I feel my heart pounding faster and faster, harder and harder. This moment seems to be lasting forever. Before I know it I am collapsed to the ground.

I am not so sure what happened after that but all I remember is falling to the ground slowly, waking up asking myself “Why am I here, why am I not in my bed?” Then it all comes flooding through my brain again. I wake up it is only 12:30 A.M now. Why is time passing so slow. At this point I’m not really sure what to do. I am so tired I can sleep for a whole week. “I guess this is my bed tonight” I say to myself. The wind is passing by and I before I can finally sleep, I hear a very familiar voice. It’s my sister, Valarie. “You were the creepy shadow?” I ask. “Are you kidding?” she says. “It’s Halloween!” I collapse on the ground once again but this time not from frightness but from joy to see my sister. And that’s my story. You're probably wondering will I get my sister back for what she did? Yes, definitely.

The Haunted Doll By Heba Ladika

“It will be cute and pretty with pink hair and…” “Are you sure you don’t want a new dress,” mom interrupted Ruby “No,” Ruby replied. They both agreed to take a stroll down the neighbourhood since it was a beautiful day and the sun shone nice and bright like a greek goddess. It was so quiet they could have heard each step the tiny ants took on the ground. While they were walking Ruby noticed something on the ground. Instantly she let go of moms hand and ran towards it. Tiny grains of sand covered it Ruby picked it up. It was a tiny doll with one brown button eye It was wearing an old ripped dress and seemed as if it were thrown away. Despite the dolls haunted look Ruby loved it at first sight. “Mom can I have this,” she yelled mom was horrified she constantly started to rub her eyes. She wondered if her eyes were broken or Ruby was crazy. “Have you lost your mind,” they continued walking but Ruby kept the doll to her side.

While they were walking Ruby noticed something on the ground. Instantly she let go of moms hand and ran towards it. Tiny grains of sand covered it Ruby picked it up. It was a tiny doll with one brown button eye It was wearing an old ripped dress and seemed as if it were thrown away. Despite the dolls haunted look Ruby loved it at first sight. “Mom can I have this,” she yelled mom was horrified she constantly started to rub her eyes. She wondered if her eyes were broken or Ruby was crazy. “Have you lost your mind,” they continued walking but Ruby kept the doll to her side.

When they got home it seemed as if the daylight faded away and the darkness arrived. So they hopped into bed. When Ruby was fast asleep she heard something at

first it sounded like the wind and then after that boom.! She opened her eyes and the doll sat across the room were it wasn’t before. Ruby slowly sat up and started to tremble towards the doll she tried hard to lift each leg to the cold hearted ground. Her hand reached out to grab the doll and finally her fingers managed to clutch against its waist. Then all of a sudden Ruby pulled her hand away from the doll dark red blood started to pour from her finger and didn’t stop. She ran to the end of the hall to find a band aid but the hallway kept going and going until she banged her head on something it was the doll. “Ahhhh!,” she screamed as loud as she could till her throat felt like it would rip. She

By Nicole Bonikowski


I was running so fast I couldn't even see who was around me. The busy street was filled with people, almost like Disney World. I can almost see the sign to the doll store. The money and all the time I had saved up to have enough money to buy one 18 inch doll. Running across the concrete covered with slush. All of these dolls have been used, but all my friends say that all of them are in great condition. Once I get there, I am so excited. You can’t see any of the dolls faces. That's what makes it fun, you don’t know what you're going to get. Suddenly, something falls on me. BOOM! Something went wrong because everything went black. “Get up, get up. Will I have to call your parents?” “No, no, no. Please don’t call my folks! There at work and they’ll be mad at me!” “Just pay for the doll and leave! That will be 10 dollars.” I had 12 dollars. So I payed for the doll and got a white silk dress and shoes for 2 dollars. I ran home with the heavy doll in my hands, with the silk dress. Somehow I ended up in my room. I guess I ran to fast to acknowledge my mom yelling why I had a box in my hand. I guess I forgot to tell her why I ran out of the house in the first place. Oh well! I ripped open the purple and pink wrapping paper to find a white box. I ripped it open and was so excited to see it. This doll was very worn out. Broken even. Hair matted, face colored with sharpie, and her clothes moth eaten. There was too much to do for the doll to even look half of a decent new doll.

And after hours of work, scrubbing the glue and snot of her arms and legs, and brushing out her knots. I was going to keep her. And before I knew it, I had to go and get ready for bed. As I threw on my favorite PJ’s that had pink and purple stripes, that were shorts and tank tops, I was staring at my doll. As I climbed in, I was wondering weat I should put my doll. ​I think I should probably name her. Staring at the doll and wondering where she should be for the night, and what her name should be. ​Allison. Allison, Allison, ALLISON! That's the perfect name for her. Allison or Allie. And Allison should be fine on my dresser. So when I wake up, I can see her in front of my mirror. ​What time is it? I don’t even remember falling asleep. Looking over to where Alison should be, she isn't. As I climb out of bed tired and alone, I saw Allison at the end of the long hallway. I blinked, she was gone. Then I heard a tune, something a jack in the box would sing.

Slowly, slowly, then it stopped. Nothing felt right,nothing felt right. I started to walk around my house. Nobody was home, everything felt wrong. Then, a sound that sounded like long nails on a chalkboard, but 100 times lowder. Like there were speakers all around me. Flashing white lights that were blinding, I could barely even see. I jumped down and closed my ears. Then I got up, still with my hands covering my ears, and then I tripped, fell down the stairs. Flipping and rolling, I banged my head, and I don’t remember anything else. Waking up was strange. I was in my bed, in my room, with everything normal. Like nothing had happened. Confused,I ran downstairs, and to my surprise, my father was making pancakes, and my sister and mother were watching Elmo. When they all saw me they started to laugh. “What's so funny?” I said in the most confused voice. “Last night we found you laying on the stairs with that doll's body next to you!” Said my sister with a smirk on her face “Ya, and that doll's head was on the other side of the house!” “So you might have guessed that we had to throw her away, I hope your not too mad?” “No not at all.” I was so relieved. I do not want to know what that doll would have done to me. As I walked up the stairs, I thought about all the things I have. And all the things I could have lost.

Devil Disaster

“Why is the world so evil, Why is the world so rotten.”

“Alice don’t say that,” said mom with a tone.

Hey It’s Alice you don’t know me yet so let me introduce you to me, I have a big huge

family My brothers Jake,Noah,Fred,and Zayd. My dad always comes and go’s

And then my psycho grandma, “She’s not psycho Alice,”

“Oh ya mom on st.patrick's day she said a leprechaun stole her green underwear.”

Then my grandma said the weirdest thing in the world even crazier then the guy who

Smashed 47 watermelons with his head, “The devil is coming run hide protect the


“Grandma what are you saying,” I said

“You don’t believe me?” Squealed grandma…

Then came a pair of twins with a baby girl clapping her hands.

Oh ya those are my sisters Layla and Lana they're twins, that baby ya her name is Jojo

she's the youngest only a year and a half, so ya I have a really big family.

“Go to your room and start your homework.” acknowledged mom “Ugh fine” I replied with a sigh, “The world is a cruel place” I ​clarified ​to myself. As I went upstairs I saw the sky was getting red like really dark red as if it were to be

Blood slowly I cranked up the window and then slowly the red bloody fog was coming towards me and entered into my room. I just realized that what grandma said was true

That shady dark evil devil is coming, “Wait” I said, At the corner of my eye I see

something, a little red devil statue on the shelf on top of my bed I reached towards it not

abling to reach “almost there” I climbed on my bed on my tippy toes brushing

off the dust the tips of my fingers touching it’s dark red body. “What are you doing?!”

Grandma babbled with a loud voice and tone I slipped off the bed breaking the king of evil’s

body as I thought to myself, “Why did I bother I have better things to do.” I began out


“Yes you do now come on we have to get you in the portal.”

“Grandma what portal?, what are you doing?, what are you talking about?, why are you

doing this?”

“Now, now child you saw the red smoke you saw the devil statue obviously you are the

chosen one.”

“Grandma what are you saying?”

“I’am saying who's ready to kick some devil butt.”

“Wait so what you said is true I am the chosen one what does that mean?” Alice asked

“Every 90 years the devils comes out to play and attempt to take over our beautiful

planet, the earth.”

“Alice you have to go through a portal that leads you to the angles and then you have to give them a secret code so that they know that you're with grandma George which is Me.” “Ok? Wait you know the angels!” I ​babbled ​with excitement, “Of course my great grandma went in the portal then it was me, know it’s you.”

Grandma looked liked she had so much hope but I have zero experience in butt kicking


you don’t count me roasting Noah and Fred all the time over the remote but then that's

when I realized that I am the protector but I couldn't handle it why me does the

world hate me is this because I said why is the world so evil and cruel? I said to myself

with shivers down my spine then I got even more shivers and chills today is the new

blockbuster film and it’s only playing today they say it’s so violent that the government

only let it play today I want to see that movie and I will see that movie the world is

already evil it’s just like adding a little hint of evil like instead of killer clowns they'll have

killer cats or something but I hated cats and there are not going to be killer cats in my world

“Wow this portal is amazing” I said.

“And who are you young lady?” I uttered then I said grandma george and they let me in.

“Hears the crystal good luck child and remember how to use it”

On’t “Yes Madam Wing’s”

As I swung that sword that madam Wing’s gave me and that crystal I beat him faster than a clock moves its minute hand. “It feels good to temporarily kill a devil” I said with pride “Ya ​That devil….” “Wait Grandma, Grandma, No don’t….”

The End is just the Beginning...

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