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The Wall, by Hank Smith Donald Trump get’s elected for president for America and he builds a wall.
Shark Blast!, By Zayd Damirj Zayd and the rest of ASD are trying to get away from the hurricane of sharks.
The Day Dream, by Maya Mansbacka Lucas is forced into a haunted house with the girl of his dreams knowing they’re both in danger.
Fluffy, by Dareen Elsaid Maya finally gets a gift she has been waiting for all her life.
Prisoner, by Karen Rakab Lydia is trapped in a prison for half of her life can she escape
The Wall That one day that every person hated, I was there to witness the horrible event I wish that day would have never happe We were all excited sitting on our couches to see who would win the presidential election. The final standings were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It was 12:00 am but it felt like everyone was awake watching this exciting event. The votes were 49% to 51% Hillary Clinton was in the lead. My family was screaming because they were so happy. There were only ten minutes left of the election, Hillary Clinton was still in the lead, but in the final ten seconds it swapped to Donald Trump with 51%. That was the last time I was happy!
Two years later... Now we could not go anywhere we could only stay in America. Donald Trump built a wall around America so now no one could go in or out of America. Now America is in a war with everyone out of America. Donald Trump’s son said “Dad will you come play with me outside.” “No I will not go outside with you there is too many photographers.” Donald Trump said
His wife walked up to him and said: “How could you do that to your son!” Donald Trump walked away and locked his door. Now he noticed that he only cared about himself. He walked back to his family and apologized and they accepted. Donald Trump was so careful not to say anything wrong he was scared to walk up to his family and apologize but slowly he walked to his family to apologize there was so much sweat on his face he was so nervous. Donald Trump told his family that the wall was finally finished. They were excited but everyone else in America was mad. Now no one could get into America or get out. The wall stood as tall as Abraham Lincoln. I thought it was going to fall it was so tall. There were men on top of the wall they looked like toy figures compared to the wall. The army commander yelled “They're Coming!”
The whole wall blew up , bombs were planted on the wall. It was so close to collapsing on me I could feel the wind. We ran into the White House hearing gunshots behind me. Everyone was escorting us to the secret room, when we got in we heard locks clicking on the latch. We heard people above us “Don’t make a sound!” We hid there for two days then finally someone said “You're fine you can come up now.” When we came up it was not the security it was the war out of America, they tied us up
We said “Please don’t hurt us.”
They threw a knife right above my head. They shot my father. Now we were left my mom, and me as soon as they shot my father they shot my mom. They said to me we want you to be our leader.” I said “I will only if you do not kill me.”
Shark blast! “Everybody can I have your attention please,” said Mrs Hogan, “Today we will be learning how to use the A.C.E. stradegy. A. stands for answer C. stands for connect or cite evidence and E. stands for-” BOOM! A shark blasts through wall heading towards the first thing it could see Mrs Hogan tries grabbing the first thing in sight but before she could the shark got her leg. Blood was gushing out of her leg faster than blood flows through her body. She was screaming and yelling so loud that I think everyone in the class became deaf. She stretched her arm out as far as she could ripping tendons out of her body and at the same time the shark was pulling her the other direction she stretched and stretched. Finally she got a grip on the chair and swung it right at the sharks teeth. Mrs Hogan was on the floor crying, tears were coming out of her eyes faster than rain falls. She used all her upper body strength to try and get on her legs but she couldn’t because she did not have any more she fell to the ground bleeding and crying, “Why me! Why! Everyone if you make it out alive don’t forget to read and jot tonight!” All the students rushed out of class crying and yelling. In the commons Mr Ghor was screaming. All the kids ran up to him crying. He pushed them all away and yelled “Everyone for themselves!” Mr Ghor ran down the commons. Bam! A shark is shot through the window and got Mr Ghor. He is crying and crying. The ground starts to shake again Boom! A tank blasts through the wall it stops, A small head pops out. “It’s Hank,” I yell, everyone runs up to him and hops in his tank. “Hank how did you get the tank!”
All the kids are trying to gather all the weapons they can find to kill the sharks. They gave me the tank because I am Hank the tank. Zayd go help the others if they are hurt or injured,” Hank commanded. As Hank was driving out gate 8 we saw Adam he was running for his life but I saw a shark shooting towards him from the sky I quickly picked up a gun that was on the wall and once the shark got close enough- BOOM! I shot the shark right in the stomach. Adam stopped he turned around and looked at us he had a mouth full of shark guts. Just then Adam died of disgust. After about 10 mins of driving we saw Mrs Hogan with one leg limping and trying to get to safety. I popped my head out of the tank and yelled “Mrs Hogan do you want a ride she was yelling and crying like crazy so I took that as a yes I stretched my arm out as far as I could but at the same time I kept my legs in so I don’t fall out I stretched and stretched almost there I reached as far as I could are finger tips were just about to touch. Bam! a shark fell out of nowhere and ate Mrs Hogan. I quickly pulled my body back into the tank and closed the top before the shark could get to me. “That was close,” I said. “Yeah that was really close,” said Hank. Just then we saw freddy with his chainsaw he was running and killing sharks. Right then a shark came down from the sky and ate freddy the shark's stomach was shaking boom! Freddy sawed through the shark's stomach and blasted out. Shark guts exploded everywhere. I popped my head out the top and yelled “Freddy over here,” he ran over to the tank and jumped in. “Hey Freddy nice chainsaw,” said Zayd. “thanks,” said Freddy. Maya was so scared that she jumped out the tank and started running away after about 20 seconds of running a shark was coming for her I wanted to shoot the shark but I couldn’t because the Gun was jammed. The shark got closer and closer it got close enough he jumped and ripped off maya’s head with his teeth an explosion of blood blasted everywhere Blood was gushing out of maya’s head the shark had blood dripping from his mouth to the floor. maya was on the floor dead. All the students in the back were crying and yelling and puking from all the blood they have seen. Jad came in from the back with his phone and he was playing abu riad. He started singing along with abu riad. “I love you Hank,” said Jad Just then all the kids were freaked out and they jumped out of the tank sharks started shooting out of nowhere eating all the kids. “Yaba, all the kids are dead now,” said Jad. The only people left were Zayd,Hank,Freddy and Jad or should I say Abu Jad.
The Day Dream By: Maya Mansbacka
I heard Kylie’s wonderful voice calling, I knew I had to save her. I heard a branch crack behind me. I quickly turned around and saw a tall man. He’s was wearing tight black pants, tight black shirt, and a ski mask. The man started running towards me. I positioned my feet on to the floor. I took a quick breath but didn’t let it out. He came close to me and stopped. I stared at his eyes, they were light green. His pupils were small but dark. We were standing there for a few seconds in pure silence. BAM!! I got a kick in the face. I punched him in the stomach. He tried to slap me, I ducked and tripped him. He was on the ground. I stepped on top of his squishy stomach. I continued on walking trying to find Kylie. I heard, “Lucas, Lucas! I’m here!” I followed the voice. I found Kylie tied up. I untied the rope and she fell into my arms. “You saved me, Thank you.” she said. She pursed her lips and began leaning in. She wanted a kiss. She stopped and said “Lucas, Lucas, Lucas-” Then suddenly her voice deepened. “LUCAS! What is the square root of 46?!” yelled Mr. Jones. Just then I realized it was all a dream. “Lucas, we are waiting for an answer…” Mr. Jones said. “Umm… 34?” I said. Everyone started laughing, even Kylie, I felt ashamed. Just then I heard the bell, it was the best sound I have heard in awhile.
DING,DANG,DONG,DING,DANG,DONG!! I ran out as fast as I could until I reached my locker. When I opened my locker, something fell. It fell slowly like a snowflake. I picked it up, It was a note. It said
Dear Lucas, Meet me at the abandoned house by the skate park. Love, Kylie ❤ My day just got great again. As fast as I could, I ran to the bus . I was the first one there (which never happens). As the last girl slowly walked onto the bus and into her chair. We started driving. It takes about twenty minutes, but it felt like days. When we finally came to a stop. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the door before it could even open. It open with a slow creak. When it open, I started running. Not to my house but to the abandon house. When I arrived, I didn’t see a living soul. I stood there confused. I turned around and started running to Kylie’s house. I was running so fast I could outrun a cheetah. I came to the front of her house. My finger was hovering over the bell. Then I finally build up the courage and rang the bell. Ring, Ring, Ring. I waited, and waited, and waited. The door open. I saw beautiful black locks. There she was. I looked at her. She looked at me, just then I heard, “Hi Lucas.” “Hey Kylie. Ummm… Why weren’t you at the abandoned house?” She looked at me with a questionable expression. So, I showed her the note. She said, “I didn't write that…but… let’s go and investigate!” I was unsure but she already disappeared into her house. A few minutes later she came out, grabbed my arm, and said, “C’mon, Let’s go!!!”
I followed her. We were walking to the house. We said nothing to each other. When we got there, Kylie touched the door’s handle. She quickly pulled back. The door opened by itself with a slow creak. We looked at each other. She nodded and started walking to the door. I took a huge breath. I let it out. I tried to take another breath, but I was breathless. I looked at the door. I felt a cold shiver down my spine, each hitting every single vertebrae. Kylie looked back. Her warm smile loosened my whole body. I took one step towards the house. One more step. One more. Until I was at the rim of the door. It was brown with white paint peeling off, same with the door. Though there was something about the door, the door’s paint, the paint around the door knob. There was also peeling white paint just like other parts of the door. Just one thing. The wood under the peeling paint was scratched from something… or someone. I pretended that it didn’t bother me, so I continued through the door. I started speeding up trying to catch up to Kylie. I called “Kylie, wait!” She looked back and stopped. When I was standing next to her we continued walking. I looked around the house. Cobwebs were everywhere. Some had big spider, some had small, but they were everywhere. The house had holes in the walls and windows were broken or cracked. The furniture was all over the floor. We came to the end of the hallway. There was a room. We were about to walk into the room until we heard, “Vicky, Do you see the boy?” “No, I don’t. I don’t think he’s coming we have been waiting for an hour!” Vicky said. Kylie and I jumped to different sides of the door I had a stick on my side but Kylie was sitting there with nothing. I closed my eyes and when I opened them there was a girl standing there, she stared at me with dark blue eyes. She started laughing and said, “Zayd!” A guy came out of the room. “Guess who I found. He’s been here all along!” Vicky said Zayd didn’t say anything but he turned around. He said something I couldn’t really make out. Then in the blink of an eye and girl grabbed me. I kicked and
kicked. I then I hit her face,she cries out, and lets me go. I was on the ground. I looked up and saw Kylie getting carried away. I was about to run after her. Vicky stopped me. Then I realized that it was too late. I let her go knowing I couldn’t save her. Then I heard Kylie yell something that couldn’t hurt me more. “LUCAS!!”
Prisoner By: Karen Rakab
I scraped the 3,285th mark on the stone wall. It was my 9th year of being trapped in this underground cave like a prisoner. I didn't know why or how. I got into this room from being happy little girl into being a prisoner in this underground dungeon. Blisters from all the chains scabs and blood ran down the bruises on my hands and feet. A tear found its way down my cheek. I don’t remember anything. But the one thing that I remembered was my mom. She had brown hazelnut hair. She made me breakfast before school. And always styled my hair in two little pigtails that layed on my shoulder. One thing that always made me wonder till this day is her birthmark that she had, the exact same birthmark that layed on my left shoulder. I was confused about that but I missed my mom and didn’t really matter about anything because I would never see my mom again. Was she in the same situation as me? Everything was just a blur. I don’t even know my own name.
My eyes squinted. I found a particular mark on the wall. I try and reach the mark . My hand reached towards the mark but my hand quickly gripped it. It was carved 5 inches into the stone steel wall. My face drew closer and closer and. I didn’t know why it was there. Was it a sign. Nothing was clear to me at all. How did I not notice it. As I placed my hand on it a green blinding light shimmered in front of me. The sign looked like a circle with V between it. Suddenly two doors had opened. The sun blinded my eyes. A man quickly came and helped me break free from the chains. He asked me my name I told him I didn’t know. He led me to a big blue building. I took a shower, it was one of the most cleanest showers I have ever had. A women walked with me she gave me a nice skirt and a suited up t-shirt. She led me into a car and drove me to a place that I remember going to as a child but I am not sure what it was. A woman answered the door. “Oh my gosh, guys Lydia back.” “ she’s finally back.” The lady hugged me. “After 9 years in that dungeon she’s finally back” “ Come in please welcome to your home again” I was confused I don’t remember who this lady was. I came into the house and had a cup of tea with her. “ You passed the test, you can finally move into the next level” “ Wait what next level”, I said in a confused voice. “ Well honey you were sent there because you were the chosen one” “What chosen what are you talking about. The lady reminded me of someone but i'm not sure who. “ What’s happening and who are you”, I asked in an impatient way.
“ I’m Aunt Claire”, she said in a soothing voice. “ I stood up from my chair” “ Where is my mom?” “ Honey your mom died” “ How did she die” But this time my voice is cracking up. “ I’m here to take care of you, since your mom can’t” “ Why did she die” “ Of cancer” She slowly put her hand on my lap and forced it to make me sit down again. Look honey- “Do you know why I was trapped down there?” “Because your mom wanted you to be a leader, they wanted you to be the chosen one” “How does sitting in a dungeon for almost a quarter of your life say that you are a chosen one” “ That’s their problem not mine” “ Lydia there are many others just like you” The next day we went to the same place. But this time I went to a weird place. It kind of looked like a maze. The maze took me 1 year to complete. On the way I met some friends. I past the test. “ You passed the test. I stood in a big crowd. It was the biggest dream I had ever had. Then suddenly I wake up. I was here like a prisoner. And would never leave ever again.
By: Dareen Elsaid It was Saturday morning, everyone was awake eating breakfast, I was so scared like the old lady who swallowed a fly. I had a gigantic math test on Sunday, so I skipped breakfast and ran into my room to start ixl, unfortunately, I fell while running to my room upstairs because I woke up at 6 am. I almost died looking at the screen, I had to study percents, fractions, decimals, and the whole entire history of math! It took me almost 7 whole hours to study, and believe it or not, the only way I finished all the 7 hours is telling myself, “ You can't succeed in life unless you try.” After studying, I walked down the stairs, one step after the other, And when I reached the kitchen I screeched, “ Mom, can I ask you something?” “Sure” “ Can I please have a kitten?” I said hopefully. “ No, you know that you can handle this responsibility yet.” She replied. “ But mom, it’s halloween and I’ve been studying for 7 hours.” “ Maya, I said no, and if you keep asking me you can’t go trick or treating tonight.” “ Fine,” I exclaimed rolling my eyes. I decided it was not worth asking my mom for a kitten because she will say no, so I gave up and went to get dressed in my halloween costume. I wore a vampire costume with black tights, black boots, and a black shirt, I also put fake fangs, red lipstick, a bat mask on my face, and lastly, black big bat wings. Soon after I finished putting on my costume, I ran down stairs and shouted, “ Bye mom.” And my mom replied, “ Ok honey, don't be late!” As soon as I got out of the house, I started going to the different houses for candy, I knew I was going to come home early since there were only 7 houses in our compound. It was 7 pm and I started heading home, when I arrived at my doorstep, I slowly rang the bell kind of embarrassed to have only one KitKat bar and one bounty bar. Soon after two long minutes, I heard my mom and dad whispering as they came
closer to the door, when they finally stopped whispering, they slowly opened the door, and they directly told me to close my eyes so I did, It seemed like I was closing my eyes forever, but before I knew it, they told me to come inside the house. As I walked inside the house, I saw a little red box with a little red ribbon on top. I stared at my parents with my eyes wide open. My parents said, “ Open it!� I didn't answer, I was speechless and excited at the same time, I ran to the little red box and glared at it, my hands were slowly reaching towards it, and when I placed both hands on the tip of the box, I slowly opened it surprised to see a little orange kitten, I placed it on my lap and looked at its eyes that were wide and blue like the ocean, its little paws were so tiny, and the color of its fur was as bright and amazing like the sun, I decided to name him fluffy! I was so happy, that I was tempted to jump up from seat and run to my parents, I hugged them about 1000 times. Soon after receiving my gift, I went to bed knowing that my new kitten is my lucky charm to succeeding my math test tomorrow.