Mystery By Erica Charleston, Yasmin and Aastik Block 6
Table Of Contents All Is Lost, Erica Charleston
friendly nor colorful about it, just black, dusty, can see why Eryn has doubts.
Heartbreak, Aastik Mishra Alan came back from school and had a long chat with his mom and then‌
The Shock, Yasmin Tahmasebi Suddenly I hear a noise. I was home alone.
All Is Lost I feel the key tugging in my hand towards the door, closer and closer… Stop!! I yell in my head, I sigh, Why does this keep happening? The key pulled harder, as if it has a mind of it’s own, fine! I’ll open the door, can’t you just wait for a
few seconds, I thought annoyed, the key stopped tugging as I lead it closer to the door.I feel the key snicker as if it had heard me, I stop, no, that's crazy, it’s impossible. I reach forward again, my fingers surrounding the keyhole, “Why do they make the key hole so high, I whine. I can hear the wind behind me whispering, don’t’ over and over again, trying so hard to convince me, not happening. “Kate,” my best friend Eryn stopped me, “Are you sure about this?” I looked down at the key, then to the path we came from. I opened my mouth, no words come out, the key tugged again pulling me forward. The dark house had nothing friendly nor colorful about it, just black, dusty, and darkness, I can see why Eryn has doubts. I take a another step, the wood screamed under my foot. I peer back to the high keyhole. “Yes,” I reply, finally touching the key hole, “If anything I’m sure,” I breathed in one last breath of forest air as I pushed the key through the hole, opening the door, I left the key in the door. The horrid smell greeted me on my way in, I looked around whispering, “Eryn-” “BOOM!!!” I jolted, my head screamed, I looked to Eryn, her face went pale, she started shaking, ‘No’ I thought ‘it’s a trick, who ever is here is trying to scare us, they are hiding something I just know it.’
“Eryn?” I stretched my hand in front of her face, “ERYN!” I whispered,panicked, I waved my hand faster in her face, she looked as if she saw a ghost, “Eryn?” I whispered once more, putting my hand down, “Are you okay?” she sprang back to life still pale, “I think,” she looked up to the stairs in the dark, the only light was coming from outside shining on the dark broken stairs covered in cobwebs, “I-” she looked down, “never mind.” I’ll just ignore that, “Should we split up?” I wondered, “I’ll go-” “No!” she whimpered, “Don’t you know anything? Splitting up is the worst idea.” . “Okay then,” which way should we go, I pondered, “Which way first?” “This way,” Eryn turned,I followed her into what seemed to be a kitchen…
“We’ve went everywhere,isn’t there anything here?” I looked back, to the hole in the wall, it changed, something was shining in the dark… I shivered,“Eryn?” “Yes?” “Was that there before?” I pointed to the… She screamed, I jolted, her voice was faint, barely a whisper “No, it wasn’t.” “GET OUT!” A voice yelled, from the darkness. “Kate?” “GET OUT!” the voice yelled again. “No,” I whispered, “we’re not leaving!” I yelled, “you're hiding something,” I spin around toward the sound of footsteps, “you’ve already spoken,” I hesitate, “why don’t you just come out?” Eryn gasped, from the look in her eyes I could tell what she was thinking. “I’m not scared.” “BANG!!” I feel wind rushing right past my head, I screamed, “What was that!!”
“I warned you,” it was the voice again, in the darkness I could see a faint smile… “Kate?” Eryn said “BOOM!” I felt it again as it barely missed my head, a knife. The figure stepped out from the darkness… Eryn grabbed my hand, “RUN!” she pulled me along with her. I stopped suddenly, Eryn fell forward“Kate!” I peered around, there was nothing… “I think we lost-” “BANG!” the knife passed my head. “What the?” I turned, looks like I was wrong, I frowned, “STOP!” I yelled as the knife cut through the bottom of my pants, I saw something shimmer in the darkness… “Kate, can you see that?” Eryn yelled as we started running to it. “Quick!” I yelled as we got closer, “it’s a door,” I paused, how did we miss this? “Kate, help me open the door-” “I’m warning you,” the figure whispered… “NO!” I yelled somewhat annoyed, “STOP TRYING TO GET RID OF US!” There was a little light from Eryn’s phone, just enough for me to see the figure, as it was about to throw another knife at me, I easily dodged the knife. “Kate help me open the door!” I ran over to her, reaching for the knob, it’s stupid how all these door knobs are so high, “just a little further,” I whispered, I touch the knob. “BANG!” this time it wasn’t a knife it was… “FREAK!!” I yelled, just as I turned the knob I froze, oh no my face went pale I turned the knob again, panicked, it’s- it’s locked, I scanned the door, no...“Kate, the book shelf!” I stood still, this isn’t a movie, “come on,” Eryn pulled me towards the shelf. “Pull out all the books!” I yelled as the figure approached us, we pulled out all the books. It took forever, but I glanced back to the empty shelf, except it wasn’t empty, there was one last book on the shelf, I looked a Eryn she looked right back, I reached for
the book… A knife flew right in front of my hand, I screamed as Eryn pulled the book out. “CREAK,” the bookshelf opened slowly, we dashed to the door, come on, hurry up! Suddenly I could hear my heart pounding, I blocked out every other sound, I turned dizzly to the door and back, the figure was getting closer, dragging his feet against the dusty old wooden floor, I could hear him whisper, “all is lost,” I looked to the door, almost falling to the ground I lost feeling in my arms and legs as the door opened wide enough for us to get in, “all is lost,” the figure said again, Eryn screamed my name, a whisper to me, she dragged me through the door, everything went black… “all is lost, all is lost.”
By Aastik Mishra Mrs Hogan Nov 13 2016 Block 6
HEARTBREAK… January 19 2014 Rrrrrrrrrrrrring, goes the alarm. Alan wakes up as his daily routine. “Good Morning Mom,” he said. No answer came. “Mom?” he said. He went to the bedroom no one, he went to the guest bedroom no one , he went to the bathrooms, no one, in the kitchen, no one, but as soon as he came to the main room…. 13 December 2013 Alan came home from school. After minutes of chatting with his mom Delyna, they both heard a gunfire. BOOOOOOOM! Delyna sent Alan to the bathroom where he would be safe when Delyna looked through the window. And what she saw was shocking. There were 3 people wearing army clothes shooting random people in the destroyed, chaotic street. One of the 3 army men looked at Delyna and said, “There she is!” Delyna quickly got the sofa and put it against the door and then looked through the peephole. And what she saw was something that she had never seen before. There was a huge group of army men. Delyna thought there were more than a 100 people outside. Delyna’s heart started beating faster and faster as she saw more people shouting outside her door. She was so scared that she didn’t even notice Alan shouting inside the bathroom. Delyna was so scared that she couldn’t even move a muscle. She was frozen, no movement at all. She was feeling nothing except feeling that she was dead
until one of the army men banged the door. She was back in her normal brain. She ran as quickly as she could into the bathroom where Alan was, she was making long steps to reach to the bathroom in desperation. But she was too fast that she banged her head on the bathroom door. How? Because Alan hadn’t opened the bathroom door. The soldiers were banging the door harder and harder, until it broke. Boom!!! WHAT WAS THAT? It was the bathroom door breaking. The soldiers were coming upstairs. But what Delyna saw was really shocking. Alan was holding about 50 towels. “`JUMP FROM THE BALCONY!!!” Alan said They ran to the balcony. Delyna took the scooters’ keys, Alan threw the towels down, they jumped and… they landed safely. “Get on the bike Alan!” Delyna said. They sat on the bike and off they went. They drove all the way to Hilo, Hawaii. They had enough money in hand for petrol and snacks. It took them 2 days to reach there. They lived in a rental apartment in Komohana Street. They lived there until Christmas. Until ‘THE CALL’ came. < call starts> Delyna: Hi there, it’s Delyna speaking. Caller: WE’RE GONNA GET YOU WHEREVER YOU ARE COME HERE. Delyna: Who are you? C: I am … <call uninterruptedly ends>
Alan and Delyna had to run. They didn’t know where but somewhere. “Idea!” said Alan “What now?” Delyna said. “This is my idea… And his idea has changed their lives. Delyna knew that they were living in Memphis for only 4 months. And so they went to `a cyber cafe, they online booked an airplane ticket, they printed it and they went to the airport, and they took off to California where
Delyna’s Husband was. But there was a problem, and the problem was… that they left all of their personal information in their house in Memphis, but Alan had another idea of calling the bankers, and blocking their own accounts and sending police in their Memphis house to investigate all of the clue the soldiers left and to find all of their personal information. They reached California and all of their personal info was safe. But the clue they left behind, was very surprising, and the clue was… I’m your Husband. Delyna’s Husband Austin, was an army man and he had taken a leave to take over all of the cash of Delyna. Days passed they couldn’t find Austin. They lived in their home in California, living a normal life, Alan was going to his old school in which he was before going to Memphis. Everything was good until… 19 January 2014 Trrrrrrrrrrrring goes the alarm. Alan wakes up as his daily routine. “Good Morning Mom” he said. No answer came back. “Mom?” he said. Now he went to the bedroom, no one , he went to the guest bedroom no one, he went to the bathrooms, no one, in the kitchen, no one, but as soon as he came to the main room… <gunshots> Delyna dies. “What!? You killed my mom? Dad what did you do?” said Alan “Goodbye” Said Austin <gunshots> Alan dies. “Very well, Very Well.” Austin says.
The End
By Yasmin Tahmasebi Ms. Hogan Block 6 Nov.13.2016
The Shock
Bam! I woke up startled. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What was that noise,â&#x20AC;? I thought nervously. I creeped downstairs trying to make no sound. I didn't think it was my parents because they were at work. A chill suddenly rushed up on my spine spreading through my body. I could hear my heart beating loudly and my teeth chattering from the coldness. I wanted to go back upstairs to my warm cozy bedroom, but a force was pulling me down stairs and I couldn't stop. I didn't struggle going upstairs so I was still walking down stairs till I made it to my living room. I didn't know where I was going until I made it to my dad's office door. I reached for the handle regretting that I should go inside without permission. But I grabbed the handle anyways. I slowly turned it and pushed the door open. The door creaked
open and stopped halfway. I explored the room like I never been here before suprised of how big it was and all the things my dad had. Something black caught my eye. I turned around but nothing was there. I was trying to think what it was but my mind was blank. Boom! The noise came from the closet. I ran to the door quickly but when I made it there the wooden door was ajar. I peered inside it but it was pitch black. I opened the door fully and the room suddenly became lighter. All I saw was an open book on the floor, I slowly picked up the book and started reading the page that was already showing, I read it trying to include each word into my mind. I saw something that made me curious so I read it again and again until I understood it. it said lift the curse abandon the spirits and join the world with us. the book suddenly fell and was glowing bright like a star. Suddenly the floor cracked open. I was shocked... I looked closely and saw a brown staircase leading up to my dad's office. I examined it closer and saw that the staircase was fuzzy and that it doesn't belong here. “A portal!” I said confused. I looked closer to see if it was true or not. Thump Thump a noise was coming towards up the staircase. Each second it become loud and loud until I could see a dark shadow. Someone was coming and I didn't think it was a good idea to be seen. I tried to think quick but I was panicking. So I left the closet into my dad's office and tried to think where I should hide. I saw my dad's desk so I quickly ran and hid under his desk. I was shaking so hard that I couldn't stop. I was scared to life and I didn't know what to do. Until I saw my dad's telephone. I slowly tried to reach the phone but my arms were too short to reach. I managed to move a little towards the phone but only the tips of my finger could touch it. If I got the phone then that meant that the creature or man could see me and maybe attack me. The man suddenly made it and he didn't look nice. “ Free he said, but i'm still stuck in this rotten house” He walked towards the door but when he wanted to go out he banged into a invisible force. He moaned and was lying on the floor unconscious. I came out of my hiding place and went next to him. I Saw something in his hand. It was a stick and it looked pretty and cool and mysterious. So I tried to get the stick out of his hand without waking him up. I got it and examined it closely. It was designed beautifully. It made me feel like I was a little kid again. Suddenly
the stick started to glow bright. “GIVE ME BACK MY STAFF YOU IMBECILE. “ I looked at him and back to the stick. I thought he was joking that it was a staff. But he looked serious and angry. I stood frozen for a long time while he was recovering.
Once he recovered he stood up and lift his hand out. The staff was trying to leave my hand but I didn't let it go. THis guy was a wizard. I thought that the stick was magic so I used it. But there was a problem… I didn't know how to use, but I tried. “ Hocus pocus!” but nothing happened,” Bibbidi bobbidi boo!” but nothing happened, “abracadabra!” but nothing happend. I didn't give up so I tried to think of a plan. “ GIVE ME MY STAFF OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!” He shouted angrily. He stepped forward and I moved back. I thought of a plan. “ Give the staff KNow!” He said impatiently. “What if there is no staff” I said back. I broke the staff into half and tossed it on the floor. “NOOOOO!” He screamed, how dare you you ruined my plan!”. He came closer but I was smart. I dodged him and ran in front of the staircase. He ran ran towards me, but when he almost made it and went on the side and pushed him into the portal. He fell inside and lay unconscious. I grabbed the book and closed it. In the end the portal closed. I fell and was lying on the floor happy that the man was gone.