A Collection of Stories: Realistic Fiction and Fantasy (Block 5)

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Table of Contents

King of Schrom by Malik Abdelrahim A story of a boy who discovers his hidden potential. What is he going to become. The World of Disasters ​By Zenab Farooq The world is overcome by a brain disease that makes you lose your mind. The Neverland Fair ​By Kiara Dutry Alex explores an adventure with magical encounters.


The 4 Musketeers A story about 4 BFFs ʅ

The Move by : Abdullah Al-Dosari Friends move to Shanghai and have to go into the sewers.ӄ

Malik Ab​delrahim Ms.Hogan Block 5 November 13

The King of Schrom “You don’t help someone get up. You let them get up then you teach them how to dust themselves off,” Those are the only words I heard my parents say. I can’t say much about my parents. All I can remember is just 2 strange figures looking down on me then being set on the ground. Then they vanished I didn't see them again. When I was a baby I was born with a black mark on my hand. I soon was in a orphanage center. A man named will adopted me. He was more than a father he was my savior. After we arrived he told me it was just me and him and he would send me to the best school. Ok thats enough for that part. Let's fast forward a couple of years. It was my first year of middle school. I was a new student in 6th grade. There was a well known bully called Mitch. He would usually give a hard punch and a couple of mean words to people he felt that he wanted to hurt. I was one of them. When I walked into the school there was a corner none went to. I walked over there to find Mitch and his group of friends. Mitch turned towards me and said, “You aren't a familiar face have I gave you a good punch before?” “No but it doesn’t look like you would give a hard one?” I replied. Mitch’s face turned to extreme anger. His face turned as red as a tomato. He lifted his heavy huge arm. I got super scared. Then I suppressed it. Everyone look at us. It was tense. No teachers where there. They were all in their classrooms. He had a big grin on his face. All his friends were having pity for me. They ​thought​ I was going to get beat up. He thought he was the king and that everyone should do as he says. He was so wrong. Mitch had the king right in front of him. Mitch pulled back his arms and with a huge fist he punched me sending me back a

foot. I almost lost balance. I stood straight again and all my anger built up. I ran towards Mitch and ducked just encase he punched then gave him an uppercut. I had broke his jaw that day. It was terrifying for me to. I didn’t know I had this much strength. But I didn’t have the normal strength I thought I did. The strength of the punch came from somewhere else. After the whole seen took place everyone looked at me. They thought that they should stay away from me. I didn’t want that. I wanted friends. I went class feeling weird that day. When I was a baby I was born with a black mark on my hand. When I got back home I asked Will what was this black mark on my hand. He explained to me everything. “Ok listen I will only say this once. You come from a different galaxy. Its called Schrom. There is a king there that rules that galaxy. There are different families that work under the king. Your parents protector him. The mark on your hand is special. It give you powers like making barriers and wall to protect someone. But in return you lose some of your life span. The amount of time you spend using your power is how much time is drained from your life.” Mitch explained “Oh ok now I see why my punch was so hard. My body must a put a barrier around my fist the make my punch stronger!” I was thinking. Will was summoned by the king. He said to bring me to Schrom. Will didn’t understand but we went to Schrom but fast somehow. Will said to close my eyes. I closed them and when I opened them and there I was in front of the king. The king of Schrom. I bowed down on my knees head facing down. “Stand up! Why are you bowing down to me!” The king yelled. “Because you're the king your highness,” I replied. “Not anymore because you are the king now! You will take my place.” He said I asked him why and he said that I passed the test. I wonder what the test was. He told me to look at Mitch. He had a something holding up his jaw like a cast. The king said that Mitch his

first best soldier and to break his jaw with one punch proves you can be king at the age of 11. I looked up and saw 2 people walking out of 2 doorways. They were my mother and father. “We're so proud of you!” They said. “Mom dad is that you!” I said starting the put a smile. “YES!” They replied. I ran towards them and gave them a huge bear hug. If you wonder why they were gone it was because they wanted me to be strong and be able to protect myself. Then the king came down and said “Now you are king!” He said as he bowed. I walked up to the chair and said “I AM KING!”


The World of Disasters

“You are ​Aboulomania free,” the Doctor says. “What about my family?” I ask, eager to know if they are safe. Before he can reply, my mother runs into the room and gives me a hug. This meant something good happened. “Emma, your dad and I are safe! I don’t know about Joe, but what about you? What are the results?” I tell her the good news, that I don’t have the disease, but all of a sudden, before I can finish, I get a phone call. “Hey Em,” says the voice. Instantly, I know it’s my brother, Joe. He sounds concerned, not like his usual self. I reply, “Hi. What’s wrong, Joe? Does anyone have it? I’m with mom right now.” “Uncle Albert ​had it,” he takes a deep breath and continues, much quieter. “He just died. He had a heart attack, and before the ambulance got to his place, he passed away.” I know why he’s being quiet. He doesn’t want my mom to find out, not like this. Aboulomania is a brain disease that makes a person suffer from mental derangement. It’s really contagious and a lot of people are getting it these days, due to a failed science experiment.

Usually, you have a heart attack after you find out you have it, because your brain can’t handle the information.

Uncle Albert was my mom’s only brother, and she loved him more than anyone in the world, except my dad, brother and me. I know we have to tell my dad to explain it to her, but my dad’ll be really sad too. Uncle Albert was his best friend from high school. “We have to tell dad to tell mom,” I whisper, as she’s in the same room. He hangs up.

When we get home from the hospital, Joe and I start to corner my dad. “Dad, we have something to say. It’s going to be hard for you to take in, but we have to tell you,” I say. He can tell something bad has happened by the sound in my voice. Joe sighs and says, “Uncle Albert passed away this morning. He had a heart attack and before he was taken to the hospital, he was gone.” Tears come to dad’s eyes, but he’s trying to control himself, or he would’ve been weeping. “Okay, I accept it. Now, the problem is trying to tell your mom this.”

At dinner, dad, Joe and I bring up the topic of family. We start talking about people who have passed away in our family and eventually, I start talking. “Mom, I need to tell you something. Please, try to understand,” I say it in a soft voice. “Uncle Albert had a heart attack at around 9 this morning. Before the ambulance reached his house, he passed away.” I look at mom and she starts sobbing into my dad’s shoulder. He nods at us, and we quietly tiptoe to our rooms.

The next morning, I get up for school. After I get ready, I head outside, and I notice something unusual. My best friend, Skyler, isn’t there. I am confused, because she always waits for me outside my house at 7:30 sharp. I look at my phone. ​7:28 AM. I sigh of relief. Though it’s earlier, I am worried because she was supposed to get her test for Aboulomania today. Beep. I get a text. Mrs. Loren texted you. Skyler’s mom.

When I look at the notification, I get concerned. Her mom never texted me. As I look at the text, my eyes start tearing up. It reads,​ Hello Emma. I am very sorry to tell you this, but Skyler passed away in the hospital at around 4 AM. She had Aboulomania. She passed away after she had a panic attack, followed by a heart attack. Again, I am very sorry. -Mrs. Loren. I go inside and tell my mom I’m not going to school. She asks why, and I show her the text. She instantly understands, and makes a phone call to the school.

Skyler had been my best friend since kindergarten. Joe goes to university, so he’s still at home. He comes upstairs to my room after he hears the news and comforts me. He knows how close we were and was also good friends with Sky. I slowly stretch my legs, curl up into a ball and my mom comes up. She strokes my head as I cry. For what feels like hours, we’re lying there, not caring about anything but my uncle and Skyler.

Kiara,Dutry Ms.Hogan LA, Block 5 Nov.13.2016


I rushed as fast as I could to the entrance gate beating the wind next to me. Oh sorry, forgot to introduce myself, my name is Alex, Alex Hopkins. I am 7 years old and I have a sister, Sally Hopkins. “Okay, here’s your ticket, now scan it and go in.” my sister said, with no excitement at all. I took the ticket out of her hand and handed it to the man near the scanner. I walked through the gate and twisted the metal bar to get in, “CLICK.” The satisfying click of the metal bar gave me a quick jump.

“Now can I go?” I said without any patience. My sister nodded her head and I ran off like a monkey on Red-bull. I looked around and thought this is “My world.” As I was walking Something caught my eye, like it was grabbing me to it. I turned my head and saw a little creature in the air, it was bigger than a fly, it had beautiful wings and a very small dress. As soon as I was going to say the next detail, it was gone. I swirled around slowly looking for that creature, listening to kids screaming on rides that almost flew them off,like a boomerang. I walked and walked

until I saw this ride. I looked closer to see, and it said “OUT OF ORDER”. I ran behind it and examined it bit by bit until I heard footsteps in the background. It came closer and closer. “Hi, ummmm….do you need any help with anything or are you just hiding?” A girl said with her hands on her hips. “OH, hi, no I’m just… ummm…. I'm just checking stuff.” I said with fear. This girl looked younger than me and seemed so smart. Blue eyes , blonde hair, a skirt and shirt, skinny legs and big fat shoes. I kept on looking at a hole that said “ENTER” on the top. “Hey, why is there a hole what says “ENTER”?” “Umm… I don't see a hole on this ride that says “ENTER”.I know every single ride there is, but I never seen a ride that says “ENTER”. The girl said. Before I could ask a question, there was a boy that shouted, “KELLY!!!1”. “I am so sorry, I wish I could stay but my friends are calling me, bye for now!” She said with excitement in her eyes. I took step forward and stared at the hole. I saw darkness , slowly reaching with my cold smooth hands , hesitating to put my hand in the hole. Suddenly a small green creature popped out of the darkness, she looks at me with a smile and moved her tiny hands to the right then the left. “W-What do you mean?” I said with goosebumps from my arm to my neck. Then she pointed to the inside of the hole, she disappeared into the darkness. I felt like she was pulling me into the darkness with an invisible rope. I looked around if anyone was there. A beam of light flashed in the dark, I slowly moved my body an inch closer. I bend my legs, reached for my hair tie on my arm and took it off with a sound of smack on my wrist.I grabbed the brown strings that dangled over my shoulders into one hand and

grabbed my tie and wrapped it around the smooth silky strings, I tugged on it to make sure it wasn't loose.Without making a sound, I stuck my head in the hole then my legs until my whole body was in there. I looked around and around but no sign of that creature or light. I looked back just to see how far I was… wait… there was no more light from outside, there was just a wall. “The only way out is to crawl all the way in.” I said with confidence. As I crawled in the dark, I saw a beam of light. I crawled with my knees as fast as I could, even though my knees were like red ping pong balls, bouncing. As I kept on going, there was a metal round door. I tried opening it, I kept on hitting and smacking it but it wouldn't budge. “Is there supposed to be a magic word?!” I stared at it as if it was a person I was talking to. “Abra-ka-dab-ra?!” I knew it wasn't going to open… “CLANK!!” The door started to slowly turn with a with a little faint scream.

Abdulla Al-Dosari Ms.Hogan Block 5 Nov 13,2016

The Move

By: Abdullah

One day on a boring sunny Tuesday Luka got the news he was moving to Shanghai and after he told his friends they ended getting there parents to let them move with him. They were in Shanghai at their apartment, they were getting ready for dinner Riku one of Luka’s friends. She was going to wash her hand she started to take off her ring but her ring was stuck she started to push it and push it until it flew, she saw it fly

and then start to go down faster and faster spinning and spinning it the sink then it spinned around the metal thing and then it fell. “NOOOOOO!?” yelled Riku Luka and his friend Nick dashed back in, “WHAT?!” Luka said Riku finds the ring sentimental since it's from her dad who died after her 5th birthday due to Cancer, :”MY RING!” she replied back yelling, “Were…. GOING TO THE SEWERS!” “WHAT?!?!” Luka and Nick yelled Riku grabbed both of their hands and stormed off into the city. “The City is dirty and we don't know how to get back.” Nick said with a shaky voice, “We’ll figure it out!” Riku replied back angrily they found a howl which lead to sewers, “GET IN!: Riku yelled the boys obeyed and got in the sewers “This place is dark and creepy!” said Luka they walked and walked until…… “EARTHQUAKE!!” Luka yelled, they didn't know what to do until they saw gushes of water heading towards them. They didn't know what to do but after a few seconds SWOOSH water took them and they started to float, they were in green muck aka green water with stuff from flush down toilets and trash and other nasty things. “GUYS!” Riku yelled out “YA” They boys replied back

:”WHERE ARE YOU?” Riku replied back with “WERE COMING TO YOU.” Luka yelled. They were able to reunite and they needed to know where they were there was no ladder where they had come from there was just green muck they needed to find the ring and a way out there was no way the could even complete both they started to swim and swim until it got tiring. “You guys it's been hours and still it looks like we covered no ground!” said Riku. “Maybe because THERE’S WATER EVERYWHERE!” Nick replied back angrily they swam and swam until they heard a noise they started to fall and they hit the ground, and saw a sign they didn't know but it had a warning . “It's probably a warning about ​Trump​!” Nick said sarcastically but when they stepped through there was food . Other junk was also there Riku realized that her ring might be here and she might be able to find it they started a search since there was 3 sewer tunnels they each went ​one ​direction ​so they split.They used their waterproof phones. Phones, no one could find the ring since only Riku knew what it looked like. So they asked what it looked like she told them it was purple with a pink butterfly on it, they started to run before another wash away. They ran lucky for them most things weren't pink or purple mainly bland ugly colors Luka was the first one to hit a wall it had an advertisement about a guy named Rayan, he had a pink ring with a purple butterfly on it Luka then realized that's Riku’s ring. He called them up and told them until Nick tells them,

“A WASH AWAY IS COMING RUN!” Luka slipped on the ring and ran before he knew a hole flood of water came minutes later they all sank to where they split off. “The ring is probably lost now!” Riku said what a sad voice, Luka then pulls out the ring. Riku jumps with excitement and takes it from him, she put it on and vowed to never take it off. They faced another problem how to get home they decided to run back the way they came, they ran and ran until they saw a ladder they climbed out and started to shiver. They found their apartment ran upstairs, “WHERE WERE YOU, I WAS SO WORRIED!” said their mother she was still relieved to find them they were gone for one day they ended up having to school tomorrow and life went out great except….


Leen Al-Mana Alex Hogan Block 5 November 13, 2016

The 4 Musketeers


Click! the clock struck 5:30, Knock, Knock, someone said while knocking on the blue door. “Beth? Honey? It's time to wake up.” “Mom, you know I was ready for my morning soccer at 4:00 AM.” Beth replied. “Come on let's go drop you off at soccer.” Her mom said. “Okay.” she said. Knock! Knock! the butler knocked on the pink door. “Madam Camila? It's 5:30.” Moaning, Camila replied,“Oaaah. Thanks Senor Cornelio, now I have the perfect amount of beauty sleep.”

“Madam what would you like for “desayuno” (AKA breakfast)” He asked. “Actually, today I’m feeling like “the grand special.” Camila ordered. “30 minutes then it'll be ready.” He said before leaving. Click! Click Click! The sound of keyboards under pressure. “ Die! Die! You galactic monster!” Lana said. A young lady walked in the room. “Lana, dad said you have to stop playing whatever “die! Die!” game your love, and change out of those pajamas.” The teanager said. “Tell him to give me 10 mins to change starting… NOW!” Lana ran up to her and got dressed in seven minutes sharp.

Tringggggggggg! Tringggggggggg! the alarm clock rung. She looked at the alarm clock on her night stand, 5:30 AM. She then glared at her photo wall. “Hmph! Stupid old friends.” Rebecca mumbled. She got up and took the picture of her “old friends” out of the wall and teared it… Ding! Dang! Dong! The morning school bell rang. Four girls each from different directions walked all up to one spot, Beth, Camila, and Lana greeted each other. “Hey where is Rebecca?” Lana asked. Camila replied, “Oh over there! Rebec-” Before she could finish her word, Rebecca shot her with a snake eye. They all stopped running to her. They each looked at one another. “What happened with her lipstick?” Camila began. “Ya. Thats nothing like she has ever done. We better look into this.” This happened for days. Snake eye on and on, until a couple days later in Beth's house, “I’M FED UP OF THIS! This is not like her at all. I know for sure, 100% this is not the Rebecca.” Beth claimed. “Then who is it? Some clone?” Lana said sarcastically. “Maybe.” Beth said seriously. “You Girls are out of your blush!” Camila responded “Yaaaa.” Beth said with a idea in her head. “NO! No! There's an idea in her head.” worried Lana. Suddenly, you find the three of them in black robbery suits and spy gear in there hands, “Seriously, your gonna get us arrested, AGAIN!” Lana said. Without saying a word she walked out the door. They rode pink tiny scooters to Rebecca’s house. Cling! Cling! They through the scooters on the sidewalk. Suddenly, they saw Mr. Phelps (Rebecca's dad) going into the house with grocery bags in his hand, they quickly hopped on the trunk of the car and didn't realize they were sitting on grocery bags. Mr. Phelps came back to

pick up the rest without noticing them in the bags he picked them up and took them in, “Wow, these bags are heavy! I think I over shopped.” He dropped the bags/them on the floor. After he headed to the kitchen they tiptoed up the stairs and walked along the hallway enough to get a good view of Rebecca. ​She was sitting talking to her mom on the speaker mode in her phone. They were talking and talking until her mom mentioned something, “So how it with you and the girls (Beth, Camila, Lana)?” “Oh so it seems like Kristina is right about them.” Rebecca responded. Then suddenly, Mr. Phelps shouted, “Rebecca! Honey, who are you talking to?!” “Oh it's Mom!” Rebecca responded. “Oh lemme talk to her. I'm coming up!” He continued. The girls knew they had to act fast they hooked the ropes that were tied to Lana’s suit to the bar of the hallway window that's always covered by the curtains, and climbed down. They ran as fast as they could knowing that someone will notice the 10 feet ropes hanging from the window. They let another school day pass, and that night the girls were back at beth’s house, “ Last night, Becky said that Kristina had told her something about us.” “Kristina? The popular girl the one that always stares at us, and acts like she’s the best?” Camila asked. “Ya, the stuck up snob.” Beth said reassuring her. She then put that crazy lightbulb look on her face. “Not again. Well here we go again. Come on tell us your crazy plan.” Lana demanded. “Well, isn’t Kristina having a sleepover today?” Beth said. “Oh ya she gave us the invite. Ringgggg! They rung the doorbell to Kristina’s house. She opened and said in a fake voice, “Welcome! Nice to see you here!” they walked in and greeted her. They immediately received a snake eye from Rebecca who seems to be Kristina’s friend, other than that everything was like a popular girl’s sleepover. A little later Lana noticed that Kristina nudged Samantha (her best friend) and they headed to the bathroom. Lana knew something was fishy, she managed to slip a “micro bit” under the door. The micro bit is an something she invented to record things like a microphone. Once they stepped out of the bath room she ran and grabbed the bit she plugged her earphones into it, “Beth, Camila.” She wavered to them to come. They each listened to the record, “Samantha our plan is working, telling Rebecca that they said all those bad thing about her behind her back, split

her from them. We just need to get the rest split up.” Lana stopped the record, they gazed at each other in astonishment. “So what's the plan “crazy lightbulb?” Camila asked. “We show Rebecca.” Beth responded seriously. Lana returned, “What!? She will never belie-” “Trust me.” Beth interrupted. They had grabbed Rebecca into the bathroom and locked the door. “What do you want traders!” Rebecca shouted. “Listen to this.” Lana gave her the earphones. “I’m not listening that.” She demanded “It’s a secret.” Lana persuaded. “Hand it over.” She said trying to resist it. She listened, “ Why should I believe this?” “Why did you believe that we said those stuff?” Beth asked. “Sorry.” She apologised. “Always accepted.” Beth, Camila, and Lana said. “So what's the plan to take her down, crazy lightbulb?” Rebecca asked. They all giggled. Beth said that she was holding on to something. Beth announced, “Ehem! All the people attending Kristina’s sleepover I have something she would probably want to share with you.” she pulled up a 6th grade picture of her looking ugly, suddenly the crowd is laughing and taking pictures. “That's not it. There's more,” Lana walked up to the platform and plugged the micro bit to the speakers. The record played. Everyone gasped in astonishment. Kristina walked up the platform, “That is not true it's a scam!” “Kristina why did you do that?” Rebecca asked sincerely. Kristina took a breath then said, “Well, I was jealous of your friendship the four of you. Everyday I see you together, happy. I think will I ever have a friendship like you guys do. “Kristina if you wanted to be our friend you could have just asked.” Rebecca said “Really?” Kristina said surprised. “Of Course!” they all said. The five girls came in for a hug.



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