A Collection of Mysteries (Block 1)

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Table of Contents

Maria Sandim Kelly falls into the graveyard hole, and experiences mysterious transformations‌

maroo Gabriel is alone inside of his school when strange things start to happen.

A girl goes out with her friends just, in time to discover what happened to her classmate.I

Someone has killed a famous actor called Denzel Buns, the police the police must discover the murderer and arrest him. Shadows of the Past, by Mia Fraiture A 12 year old girl discovers great dangers and her past in one small town, The Old Hickory's place.

The Graveyard Hole By Maria Sandim

I paced through the empty graveyard, I squinted to find my way back home, but I couldn’t see a thing. The only light around me was the moonlight, which barely helped

because most of the trees were covering it. All I could hear is the crunching of the frosted grass under my feet, and the questioning of an owl. “Why did I runaway?” I asked myself, “Why did I come to the graveyard?” That didn’t matter now, the only thing that mattered was to find my way back home. “HELLO?” my voice echoed, “SOMEONE, ANYONE, HELP!” I felt a tear sliding down my cheek as the cold breeze made me even more desperate, I knelt down and started sobbing. My brain had more than 100 questions that had to be answered, the only thing I remembered was running away from home, and waking up in a graveyard. I had no idea what to do. Where to go? How to get home? I was only an 11 years old girl alone in a graveyard I didn’t even know. I tried to stand up, but I was too weak, the only thing I could do was cry. I could hear my parents voice calling me, somewhere… “Kelly!” They called, “Kelly!” But it was only in my imagination. CRASH! My heart started to beat faster than it ever did, I wiped my tears as fast as lightning. “Finally!” I thought, “Someone is in the graveyard! It’s my chance to get out of here.” I looked around to see where the noise came from, but I couldn’t see anything until I looked behind me. It came from a huge hole, about 15 meters away from me that I hadn’t noticed before. I forced myself to stand up, and slowly walk toward the hole. “Who is in there?” I said, “Can you help me find my way back home?” CRASH! I heard the noise again… “Look,” I said frustrated, “I have no idea who you are or what you’re doing, but I just need to go back home, and you are not helping, at least answer me or…” CRASH! “That’s it!” I thought. In my tiptoes, I got even near the hole, while I was wondering who was making that noise, I felt something grabbing my ankle and pulling me toward the hole. “AAAAAAHHHHH!” I screamed.

The hole was way deeper than I thought it would be, It took me an eternity to get to the bottom of the hole and collapsed against the hard and rocky ground, hitting my head and falling into unconscious. I opened my eyes, millimeter by millimeter, trying to figure out what had happened. It felt like a knife was going through my head, I realized I had tremendous headache. “Where… where am I?” I mumbled, raising my hand to touch my head… all I could feel was blood. Suddenly it all came back to me; the graveyard, that annoying noise, the hand pulling me in the hole, hitting my head on the ground. I sighted. I slowly stood up, trying to make sense of myself. I started walking through the dirty and cold cave. “At least it’s not as dark as the graveyard.” I thought. I wanted to go back home so badly, but I was too curious I couldn’t help looking the cave for a little time. As I was walking through the cave I heard people talking. Well I thought it was people… as I paced deeper in the cave, I saw two mummies talking to each other. “So,” one of them said, “are you going to the meeting or not? “What meeting?” I wondered. “I’m not sure, Lucy is going to have…” the other mummy said. Silence filled the air. I couldn’t hear them anymore. Did they stop talking? Or is it just me? I looked around me. I suddenly saw a pair of eyes glowing in the dark. I got closer to peek, but now I saw 2 pairs of eyes… , , , . I turned around, looked up, looked down, there were a million of them. There were a million mummies around me! “TIE HER UP!” I heard one of the mummies scream, “Start the transformation process!” I panicked. I tried to run away, but they were too quick. One of them grabbed me right away. They brought me to a room where they tied me up, and forgot me there for… well, I didn’t know exactly for how long, it could have been days, weeks, months,

years. I had no idea, I didn’t have notion of time. I looked at myself, I wasn’t a human anymore, I was a mummy, and the worst part of this is that I couldn’t do anything about it…

Teacher’s Pet

I woke on a chair in a strange place. I wondered “Where am I.” Then I got a better view of things, I was in the commons the hallway to every class in 6th grade . I got up and stared into the morning sun, “well I should leave. “ I walked out of the school, Then I woke up again


that's weird” I tried going to the high school Then I woke up inside the school again but the school not abandoned I heard kids screaming, “GOAAAAAL” next to the foosball table as the I heard the ball fly into the goal,as I thought about it many people walked by lots of topics from soccer to the social. Then I tried getting up maybe i’m not alone,then I felt a slight poke then i went to sleep.

“Wake up Gabriel” a familiar voice said this time I was not in a chair but on the floor it was other students. “WHO ARE YOU” I screamed while grabbing one student by the neck as if I was about to kill him. Everyone was limp and they were walking away slowly as that happened I saw familiar faces, it was everyone from swat. That triggered memories

from swat before this hellish event had even crossed my mind everyone was walking away then I said, “Give me answers or Hank dies and after that someone else is going.” Everyone was shivering Hank looked like he was about to collapse, I was about to snap hanks neck then Caroline said something “This is not real, nothing is” After I heard that I dropped hank on the floor he quivered into a ball and was shivering, “Tell me more” I said forcefully.

​Caroline spoke up again “It's the teachers they are controlling us doing a experiment to see who will go insane first.” “Why did I wake up in the real world then” Caroline knew that also “They drugged us and the drug is wearing off they will give you another dose though.” Why is it only us, our swat” “I do not know “Caroline said. After hearing the news, I left so I could be alone. While I was running I woke up again but I could not move, I was suspended. I thought “I’m I in my acid trip or in the real world.” I overheard some familiar voices talking, “I think the drug is wearing off, after school we found someone asleep in the commons” Someone said in a whisper voice “Well then we have to give them more or we will fail our research plan. It sounded like a teacher from 6th grade and a businessman “No we can't do that Mrs. Hogan this is a very potent drug if we inject any more they will die for sure”.

I was shaking with anger knowing that ASD were the ones behind it all Mrs Hogan my LA teacher betrayed us .As I looked

around I saw other people suspended on what looked like nooses. Then I saw someone in a suit walk up with a clipboard when i saw him come up I just went limp so he would not notice that I was awake. He was writing things on his clipboard. After that happened I was back to sleep but then I thought that we were not given food and when I started to think that they were going to let us out, something happened. “​ This is all just bad dream, AND YOU’RE NEVER WAKING UP”. Then there was a long pause I started to feel pain my head was starting to pulse then I died.

The Dolls I was putting on my coat as I was heading out the door. I am Victoria, I’m 6 feet 5 and I have brown long hair, my favorite color is black and green, and I really like reading . “Vicky you better be back by 1:00 pm, lunch will be ready by then” Ma said. “Okay Ma.” I said as she slammed the door behind her. I started skipping down the street as she caught up with my friends, Maria, Emma, and Luke. “Hey guys, whatsup!” “ Hey, Vick. We were just going to the chalkboard,” Luke reapplied. “Nice can I join?” “Sure, why not” Maria said. I point towards the nearby bakery, and I start walking towards it. So did Maria, Emma, and Luke. We got into the bakery and started

spending money. First we bought 4 cookies, followed by that we bought 5 smoothies, two for Emma, and finally we bought muffins. So we started chatting about what we were going to be for halloween. So we continued talking. “Hey guys let’s go,” I commented. I started walking and Emma followed behind. We talked a little until it got boring. After that I played Color Switch with Emma. Maria and Luke were so busy talking. Me and Emma were so concentrated on the game that I almost hit a lamp post. We were almost near the chalkboard and it was 10:00 am. ​“Damn time flies” I thought to myself. So we continue walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking and walking, and I sit down to rest. My friends all stare at me and without arguing they sit next to me. They look around. I look around. We look around until it gets boring, so they stand up, I stand up, and we all continue walking. As we get closer I start noticing that the store in front of the chalkboard has loads of creepy dolls in it and it looks like they are all staring at me and my friends. In the middle of all dolls there is a special one that looks just like me. I wonder to myself “​Why is there only a doll that looks like me instead of Maria or Luke or Emma.” I turn to the chalkboard and I see the name Alma. Alma is a girl who would sit next to me if she hadn't disappeared. People say she was last spotted by the chalkboard we are at. I turn to my friends to ask them a question, “ Hey guys remember Alma?” “ Who?” Emma asked “ The girl who sits next to you during science and math.” “ I don’t know any Almas.” Emma stared blankly into my eyes as if her memory were erased. I turn towards Luke. “ Do you remember Alma, she sits next to you in L.A.” “ Nope never heard of her” I turn towards Maria, i'm about to open my mouth to talk when she says, “Don’t even ask me, but just incase you were i'm going to answer you question. No I do not know any Alma’s.”

I turn to the store and I notice the doll isn’t there anymore. I start shivering and sweating. I look at my friends and they start acting weird, it’s like they lost their memory. All my friends grab my hands and they start pulling me to the store. I’m trying as hard as I can to push them away, for a second I wish I had bug spray, because my friends are like bugs they stick to me, LITERALLY, but it wouldn’t work because they're not bugs. I’m feeling light headed because wow their strong, and I want to scream, but that would use up a lot of energy, according to me I would use loads of energy by opening my mouth and screaming. They open the door to the store and one little doll starts pushing in between us. They try to block it but I push them away and I help the little doll, he feels important. I push them so hard that they tumble backwards and hit a doll shelf and three dolls They all look at me as if I really hurt their feelings, but then again they did scare me a little. The little doll on the bicycle pedals out into the snow. It turns into a little boy, about 2 to 3 years younger than us, he looks at me than he talks, “Your friends are possessed.” I look at him waiting to see him start laughing. Nope, no reaction. “How do I unposses them?” I ask curiously. “I think you need to get them to break your doll, but you can’t touch it otherwise you become it” he answered. I walk up to my friends and I push them to the shelves without thinking twice. All the dolls on the shelve fall over and break. The first to fall was my identical twin and once it broke Maria, Luke, and Emma woke up and noticed right away that the dolls were about to fall on them. They ran out of the store, pulling me with them, and stared inside through the window. The dolls turned into angry kids who started destroying the store. In a few seconds the neighborhood was filled with kids running home to their parents. “They didn’t even say thank you! How rude.” I shout and my friends start laughing. I look at my clock and it’s 12:58 pm. I start running home like the other kids. “Have to go home, but I’ll talk to you guys later.” I wave as I say bye. So I ran home just in time for lunch.

Back to Square One

While investigating the death of a local actor, Police Officer Johnny said, “ Find every clue you can find, look over bridges ,under bridges,and over the streets.”

Criminal Zayd was so proud of himself he killed the most famous actors Denzel Buns. Criminal Zayd has killed so many people and injured so many people,but only once has he been caught . Zayd has injured people from hairdressers to volleyball players,but this was his greatest achievement in his life. Just then Zayd’s wife Emma exclaimed, “ Zayd they have suspected you for the murder of Denzel Buns.” Zayd thought to himself “perfect.” Zayd went out of his house to get some coffee,then out of the blues he hears a voice that says, “Put your hands up.” Zayd was so afraid he never has been caught. He had a million thoughts in his brain some being, “how do they know where I live?” “How do they know I did the murder?” Zayd put his hands behind his back,the police was about to put the handcuffs when Zayd moved his arm from behind his back elbowed the police and knocked him down. Just then somehow someway Zayd randomly went to sleep. After a while Zayd woke up and found himself being on a bed in his cell he was scared as death all he heard was, “NEW PRISONER,NEW PRISONER,NEW PRISONER.” He saw walls made out of diamonds in his cell. He had no food,he had a tiny bed and toilet with no tissue paper.​ ​Zayd now regrets killing

Denzel Buns because the guards told him he was gonna stay in jail for about 13 more years. Zayd saw Crine Crow another person that blew up on the news because he murdered a really famous actor name Ash Alert. Zayd and Crine looked at each other and nodded.


Now all Mr.Whammy could hear was YES SIR MR SIR. Zaydand Crine met each other in the cafeteria and started to talk about criminal stuff. Then Crine asked Zayd , “Why you in jail boy?” Zayd answered Crine,’’ I killed Denzel Buns.” Crine was speechless he did not know that Zayd was a murder . Just that second Crine asked Zayd, “You wanna team up boy.” That was exactly what Zayd wanted to hear. Of course Zayd replied with a “yes”. Zayd held his tray and went to a police officer and smashed the tray on his head. The police had blood coming out of his mouth and started to have a seizure. Tons of police came running to Zayd. At that second Crine held two trays and started beating up the police with Zayd. Bullets started coming toward Crine and Zayd but they both

dodged every single bullet. Then Mr.Whammy came out with a bull and he started charging Zayd and Crine. Zayd dodged it but sadly the bull’s horn was the last thing he saw. Now Zayd was angry there were bullets shooting at him and bull charging him but the worst of all Crine had died. Zayd ran to a police knocked him down and he stole his gun and started to shoot everybody and everything. At that moment Everybody was on the floor bleeding and everybody and everything died. Then a bunch of sirens was all that Zayd heard and this time the SWAT came and arrested Zayd. The guards now told Zayd that he will never ever ever get out of jail. Just then a evil criminal named killed every single guard in the Southwest Jail and saved Zayd.

Shadows of the Past By Mia Fraiture :)

We have always been told, “Stay hidden out of sight,” “never go outside the old iron gates,” Always told “don’t talk to anyone,” and “Stay close to therefore here we lay, in the glittering moonlight, as me and my brother lay asleep in a cold damp shed, nor dead or alive.

“Olivia!!!! Come quick!” Yelled my brother Chris, one Friday Afternoon in the middle of the hot, sticky summer, in Oklahoma. Me and my brother were playing tag in the strawed, dry grassy plains in the heart of the ruins of the “Old Hickory’s place”. “Coming!” I yelled back, panting, and out of breath. I shuddered as I looked back at the old, mansion. The house was barely standing, with its putrid smell of moldy socks and my dad’s bad cheese. The wooden floorboard was bending in, touching the ground, with rats scuttling here and there. The windows were badly cracked, filled with forests of tangled moss and green’s, The rims dusted with rust and Cobwebs. I remembered when I was 12, the owner, Mrs. Tweed, was very cranky. The funny thing was we ​

with her. The only reason we

were staying with her was because Mrs. Tweed was my Grandma. Ever since my father died in a car accident, my mom needed more help taking care of me

and my brother, so Mrs. Tweed offered to help. Soon after the move she ​ us. I think she disliked us because every day, we would run up and down the huge mansion’s carpeted stairs (which would ruin the expensive red carpeting), maybe even plonking Mrs. Tweed’s old piano until some of the keys broke. Maybe trying on some of her favorite dresses and fancy accessories like poofy flowers, to much perfume, or even some of her old foundation. 2 years after we moved in she disappeared, and we have not heard, or seen her since. About a year after her disappearance, the police found her dead body in her kitchen, but she hasn’t been moved. Now it is only a house that has been standing 12 years without an owner. My brother stood watching as a wooden carriage pulled by white horses, came bumping down the the steep hill. The carriage looked like a small boat being tossed and turned on a stormy day in the middle of the sea. Me and my brother knelled down into the long grass to see the newcomers closely, and carefully. When the carriage door finally opened a man and a girl popped out. The girl looked about 12, and was wearing a long blue lace dress and blond hair. The man looked like a smart businessman in a black jacket and trousers. “Daddy, why are we here? This place smells like someone died, and my new black shoes are muddy!” The girl yelled exasperated. “We are here because Daddy is planning on digging out this filthy area and replacing it with a 5 star hotel!” said the tall businessman. “Destroy “Old Hickory”?” I yelled petrified still hiding behind the grass. “Dad you can’t destroy this property, there are animals and trees! No I won’t let you do this!” yelled the girl. She stormed over to a big rock right

next to my hiding place and started pouting. I held my breath as she sat down. The next 5 minutes I stood staring at this strange person, with curly hair, and pretty shoes. “​

” I thought, I started to

stand up but I guess Chris knew what I was going to do and he stopped me. “What do you think you are doing! Remember the rules! We can’t make friends!” He yelled. I guess the girl heard us because she whipped around and stared at us opened mouth. Then she screamed. “A monster! Help!” she yelled terrified. I guess after not taken a bath for so long I looked like a monster. “Wait!” I yelled. “I just want to be Friends.” I yelled but my voice trailed of in the wind The girl stopped, looked over her shoulder with a smile on her face. “Sure! We could be friends, I had no idea you were so lonely.” Suddenly there was a large crack of thunder and lightning flashed through the sky, even though there was no rain. “Quick,” I yelled. “Run into the old house now!” We did as we were told. Out of nowhere, a huge tornado whipped into view and me and my new friend burst into the moldy doors. The room was so quiet you could hear your own breathing. Suddenly you could hear someone else's breathing. In the Kitchen. My eyes popped open wide when I saw the doorknob of the old door move slowly, slowly. My friend was whimpering and the doorknob still moved slowly, until a flash of lightning illuminated an old woman’s face.

Her back was bent over and her skin was dark and old. She was wearing a lady’s dress and had bandages all over her body. She looked like a zombie with blood all over her. “You!” She screamed with her old breath at me. It was Mrs. Tweed. “You! You ruined everything!” She yelled walking with her stick towards me her neck falling over and her bones tightening. I stumbled over terrified. Mrs. Tweed bent over me and stared into my eyes. “I’m sorry!” She cried, tears in her grey eyes. “I never should have locked you up in that cupboard after you and your brother fought tooth and nail!” She cried. “With no food or water! Nothing! I was just tired of you guys breaking everything that I loved!” “Why didn’t you free me! You left us dead in the cupboard!” “I wanted to free you but I couldn’t! Right after I locked you up I had a heart attack, and had to go to the hospital an hour away. Soon after I came out of the glass doors of the hospital, I found out your mom was murdered and when I got home, I died as soon as I stepped into this house. I wanted to free you but it was too late!” She cried in tears. I had no idea Mrs. Tweed had to go through a hard time, and all these years of me thinking she hated me, that is when I realised something. I turned to my friend and told her: “Can you do me a favor? Upstairs in the master bedroom in the huge cupboard are two kids bodies. The key is in the drawer. Free the bodies and

tell your dad to bury them in a graveyard Then I will be free after 12 long years of me not resting in peace. I will be free.” I said. “Of course!” She said. Now here I lay, In the glittering moonlight, with my brother, next to my parents, glowing brightly, with a smile on my face, looking down on a friend I will never forget. The friend who freed me from the pain in our world.

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