Roebling Road
Paddock Puppies Words & Photos by: Kevin McIntosh
With racing coast to coast, there is a lot of travel involved and while there are options to board our pets, taking them with us is many times the best solution for both pet and owner. There is nothing like having a loyal pit mate to help you navigate a clutch basket swap, do a lap around the track, discuss gearing options or just close your eyes with for a little pre-race snooze... if that's even possible with two-stroke zingers flying around the track. No matter how your race went, there is always someone happy to see you return safe and sound. They are ready to take you for a walk and talk about how things went on track, just don't forget a ball, a stick or even a 10mm wrench might work - they're not picky.
Jackpot! Owner: Bob Cole
Desmo Owner: James Eberhart
Mona Owner: Kevin Rammer
Tess Owner: Stuart Ballantyne
Lucy Owner: John Scales
Beatrice Owner: Denise Greimel
Otis Owner: Mark Perrone 14
APRIL 2021