AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Awards 2023

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The Best Of 2023 AIA KANSAS CITY Presents a full compendium of the entries for the twenty twenty three design excellence Awards

Letter from the Co-chairs As our industry continues to overcome a combination of novel and recurring challenges over the past few years, 2023 has been no exception. Sustained construction cost increases, supply chain issues, and uncertainty in the financial markets have greatly influenced budgets, timelines, and forecasting in the design and construction industry. Greater demands on creativity in not only design, but also delivery, development, and execution are required in order to bring projects to fruition. Despite all of this, we continue to persevere and find meaningful paths forward. The initiative and resourcefulness coming out of our AIA Kansas City chapter continue to overcome industry challenges and should be celebrated. It is time to celebrate! We celebrate the completion of built work despite the given conditions. We celebrate the unbuilt work striving towards innovation. We celebrate our collective effort as an industry moving forward. We celebrate our community, our diversity and our city. We celebrate the friendly competition that pushes us all to strive to do better work. We celebrate being a positive voice for change. AIA Kansas City’s Design Excellence Awards program is our annual opportunity to honor great architecture and design in our community. We’re pleased to have organized a group of outstanding and diverse jurors from the Phoenix metro area. We look forward to their discerning commentary and review of the 2023 submissions. This year, we strove to place additional emphasis on sharing and learning more about each project submitted in an effort to reflect on and continue to learn from the talent of our chapter. The collective elevation of design excellence across the Kansas City community is a unifying goal for this year’s committee. While many norms have changed in the last few years, the Design Excellence Awards program still maintains the fundamental benchmarks to ensure recognition is inclusive and emphasizes the diversity and innovation advancement in Kansas City. Sustainability continues to be a focal point within our submission requirements, and we are thrilled with the thoughtful and impactful ways this principle has been incorporated in so many designs. To ensure all project types are highlighted in a meaningful way, the award categories are arranged by scale. Architecture submissions were judged against others with similar opportunities and constraints in five scale-related categories: Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large. In addition, categories for Interior Architecture, Concept Design, and Divine Detail provided an opportunity to highlight the depth and diversity of design talent across a variety of scales and project types. With the impressive quality of submissions and positive feedback received from our AIA Kansas City chapter, the Design Excellence Awards Committee would like to thank everyone for their support of this year’s program. We would also like to extend our sincere appreciation to our committee for their time, creativity, and determination to make this celebration a success. Sincerely,

Chris Armer, AIA Hoefer Welker Co-chair

Grace Broeder, AIA KEM Studio Co-chair

Doug Hurt, AIA Multistudio Co-chair

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02 | Contents

Letter from the Co-chairs






Jury Bios


Architecture: Extra Small


Architecture: Small


Architecture: Medium


Architecture: Large


Architecture: Extra Large


Interior Architecture


Divine Detail




Acknowledgements AIA Kansas City Board of Directors MIchael Gekas, AIA PRESIDENT McCownGordon Construction Dominique Davison, AIA PRESIDENT-ELECT DRAW Architecture + Urban Design Kimball Hales, AIA PAST PRESIDENT Finkle + Williams Architecture Randi Mixdorf, AIA SECRETARY Steelcase Ashley Renfrew, AIA TREASURER Populous James Evrard, AIA DIRECTOR (2023) HTK Architects

Committee co-chairs Chris Armer, AIA Hoefer Welker Grace Broeder, AIA KEM Studio Doug Hurt, AIA Multistudio

Committee members Suzanne Berkey, AIA WD Partners Micaela Lopez, Assoc. AIA Dake Wells Architecture Anthony Luca, AIA Focal Design Studio Annie Merrill HOK Ryan Tretow, AIA Multistudio

Sam De Jong, AIA DIRECTOR (2024) BNIM

Melissa Watson, Assoc. AIA HOK

Tony McGrail, AIA DIRECTOR (2025) Ryan Companies

AIA Kansas City Staff

Bryce Cummings, AIA EMERGING PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR (2023) Hoefer Welker Erin Morris, Associate AIA EMERGING PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR (2024) Rosemann & Associates Beth Felski PUBLIC DIRECTOR United WE Martha McCabe PUBLIC DIRECTOR Project Lead the Way


With additional thanks to Micaela Lopez | GRAPHIC DESIGN

Aknowledgements | 03

Sponsors Project of the Year Presenting Sponsor

Lead Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors Abbey-Simons Co. Garver Lankford Fendler & Associates Seiler Design Solutions U.S. CAD

04 | Sponsors

Jury Bios

Wendell Burnette, FAIA

Diane Jacobs, FAIA

Eddie Jones, FAIA

Wendell Burnette is a self-taught architect with an internationally recognized body of work. Based in Phoenix for over twentyseven years, Burnette’s studio is concerned with space, light, c o n t e x t , a n d c o m m u n i t y. Originally from Nashville, Burnette discovered the southwest desert as an apprentice at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West. He was a Professor of Practice at Arizona State University for fifteen plus years and teaches and lectures widely in the United States and abroad. His design philosophy is grounded in listening and distilling the essence of a project to create highly specific architecture that is resonant with people, program and place, while being at once functional and poetic. WBA’s projects include residences located across US, public libraries, community centers, museums, adaptive reuse, historic preservation, and hospitality (hotels, spas and restaurants) including the much acclaimed Amangiri Resort in southern Utah, as well as other works internationally.

Diane Jacobs is the founder of Holly Street Studio, a design firm located in downtown Phoenix, AZ. In 1999, she left behind a successful trajectory in corporate architecture to start what was to be a ‘temporary endeavor’ in the front room of their bungalow on Holly Street. She used this opportunity to challenge both the thinking and delivery of architecture along with her partner Michael Jacobs, AIA, who joined the firm in 2002. With an outstanding staff of creative and critical thinkers, they have grown the firm’s portfolio to include dozens of sustainable, award‑winning projects in the public realm at all scales — for universities, community colleges, municipalities, non-profit foundations, and local small businesses. Diane is a lifelong champion of community causes, including National AIA Women’s Leadership Summit, AIA AZ Women’s Leadership Group, National Organization of Minority Architects, Urban Land Institute, and Local First Arizona. She holds a position as Faculty Associate at ASU’s Design School, and received the AIA Arizona Architect’s Medal in 2016, and led Holly Street Studio to AIA AZ Firm of the Year in 2017.

Edward Jones, with his business partner and brother Neal, was raised in the oil fields of Oklahoma. From a very early age the two brothers aspired to be architects and share a studio. Eddie was born in Fort Worth, Texas in 1949 and moved to Arizona in 1973 after graduating from Oklahoma State University. He founded Jones Studio on June 8, 1979, three months before his 30th birthday. It was not until years later, he realized he had begun his professional career on birthday of his two major heroes… Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce Goff. Eddie’s persistence and innovation has expanded the palette of materials and methods available throughout Arizona. His longs tanding implementation of sustainability and environmental d e s i g n , m atc h e d w i t h a n extraordinary sensitivity to the factors that create space, has improved the experiences of those that occupy, and moreover, the spaces occupied.

Jury Bios | 05

XS | 07


Bay Bay House Hufft Bay Bay House is a remote getaway on the bay of Fire Island. The design embraces simplicity and explores the bay window, seeking to enhance natural daylight and views of the water. Positioned asymmetrically, these windows offer views parallel (versus perpendicular) to the house and looking out to the bay.

08 | XS

Location: Fire Island, NY Owner: Jon Staff & Michael Thornton Contractor: CKP Construction, Inc.

Photography Hufft

Haven Studio Dirt Works Studio

Haven Studio is a small, solar-powered, net-zero energy, bio-based demonstration home wrapped in a highly-insulated and air-tight building envelop, with a simple iconic and familiar form.

Photography © Chad Kraus

Location: Lawrence, KS Owner: University of Kansas Contractor: Dirt Works Studio

XS | 09


International Architects Atelier The University of Missouri’s School of Journalism renovation Location: Columbia, MO INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTS ATELIER

included two classrooms, the corridor that connects them, Year Completed: 2022 and the hall of connecting the main rotunda renovation to the corridor. The University Missouri’s School of Journalism included two Square Footage: 2,738 The University of Missouri’s School of Journalism renovation Location: Columbia, MO The hallway’s new megaphone shape draws attention, classrooms, the corridor and the hall connecting Location: Columbia, MO of Missouri includedthat twoconnects classrooms,them, the corridor that connects them, Owner: University Year Completed:The2022 brings the and creates a visual the mainpeople rotundatoward to the corridor. The hallway’s new megaphone shape Owner: The University of Missouri, and the hall classrooms, connecting the main rotunda to the corridor. Square Footage: 2,738 Contractor: Sircal connection between the two areas of the Institute. The hallway’s new megaphone shape draws attention, draws attention, brings people toward the classrooms, and creates a Columbia people toward the classrooms, and creates a visual visual connectionbrings between the two areas of the Institute. connection between the two areas of the Institute.

XS - Extra Small


The University of Missouri

Contractor: SircalSircal Contractor:


XS - Extra Small

10 | XS

1 Photography Michael Grimm

Making Energy and Strengthening Community Kirk Gastinger, FAIA What does it take to build community and be good stewards of the environment? Start with a walkable neighborhood, optimum solar orientation, smart sized living spaces, state of the art building technology, low energy building materials. Add solar production. Result: net zero energy consumption and maximum community engagement. A happy result!

Location: Princeton, NJ Owner: Joan & Kirk Gastinger Contractor: Pinneo Construction

Photography © Jeffrey Edward Tryon / Princeton Design Collaborative

XS | 11


Memorial Stadium Video Board AECOM AECOM + LS3P

The Memorial Stadium video board concept at Clemson Location: Clemson, SC University aims to challenge thinking. The Memorial Stadium video boardconventional concept at Clemson University Year Completed: 2022 Balancing competing goals while creating a meaningful aims to challenge conventional thinking. Balancing competing goals Square Footage: 0 SF connection between the Scroll of Honor between Memorialthe Park and of Honor Location: while creating a meaningful connection Scroll Clemson, SC Owner: Clemson University Owner: Memorial and Memorial Stadium onof opposites sides of Williamson Clemson University Memorial Park Stadium on opposites sides Williamson Road, Contractor: Contractor: Brasfield Road, the design a new archetype for acampus weary campus icon. Brasfield&&Gorie Gorie the design createscreates a new archetype for a weary icon.

XS 12 | XS

1 Photography Rebecca Lehde

Overbrook Overlook BNIM Overbrook Overlook is a family farmhouse that repurposes a 1960 yellow pine structure and a corrugated metal barn into a charming home designed to maximize natural light and connect with the surrounding nature through sustainable strategies.

Photography Kelly Callewaert

Location: Overbrook, KS Owner: Steve McDowell Contractor: Delaney Moore, Caleb Aldrich Dmartisians

XS | 13



LIX ARCHITECTURE DESIGN Around the corner from a + bustling dining hall and tucked

The Boot Room

Location: Kansas City, KS behind a hidden entry, the Boot Room is an intimate setting Year Completed: 2022 that elevates the experience of Sporting Kansas City fans. An Square Footage: 1,000City, SF KS nd the corner from a bustling dining hall and tucked Location: Kansas existing storage room offered ample opportunity to provide Owner: Sporting Kansas City nd a hidden entry, the Boot Room is an intimate setting 2022 a chic way for patrons to connect with their favorite sport. Year Completed: Contractor: Sporting Kansas City elevates Around the experience Sporting Kansas City fans. the corneroffrom a bustling dining hall andAn tucked behind a Footage: Square 1,000 SF hidden entry, the Boot Room is an intimate that elevates the ing storage room offered ample opportunity tosetting provide Owner: Sporting Kansas City Location: Sporting with Kansas Cityfavorite fans. Ansport. existing storage room Kansas City, KS c way forexperience patrons toofconnect their Contractor: Sporting City Owner: offered ample opportunity to provide a chic way for patrons to connect SportingKansas Kansas City Contractor: Sporting Kansas City with their favorite sport.

Helix Architecture + Design


Extra Small 14 | XS

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

S | 17


Beacon hill passive house hoke Ley Architecture & Design Designed for a young family invested in creating a sustainable legacy in a revitalized urban neighborhood of Kansas City, the new structure is a modern-yet-contextual, enduring, high-performance home offering superior indoor air quality and comfort, and enhanced environmental controls, awarded as the first PHIUS-certified Passive House in Missouri.

Location: Owner:

Kansas City, MO Dr. Pooja Bhadbhade & Nic Zweifel Contractor: Kala High Performance Homes




18 | S

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

FIT Muscle and Joint Clinic Herron + Partners

The following project is a physical therapy / chiropractic clinic located in a suburban infill site.

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

Location: Overland Park, KS Owner: FIT Muscle and Joint Clinic Contractor: ARC General Contractors

S | 19

Halve house Hufft Halve House overlooks downtown Kansas City from a neighborhood largely defined by turn-of-the-century craftsman homes. The design began with a gable roof that was split, introducing a clerestory to the narrow form. Shifting the halves created a back porch overlooking the city, and a front porch connecting to the neighborhood.


20 | S


Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Tom Kramer & Mary Zahner Contractor: Edward Franklin Building Company


Photography Michael Robinson Photography



Duplex is situated in an urban, historic Kansas Location: Kansas City, MO EL The DEHarrison JONG ARCHITECT The Harrison is situated in an urban, historic Location: Kansas City, MO City neighborhood andDuplex is designed, developed, owned, and Kansas

Harrison Duplex

Year Completed: 2021 TheCity Harrison Duplex is situated in an urban, historic owned, Kansas and Location: Kansas City, MO neighborhood and designed, operated by the architect. Thisisproject is adeveloped, prototype for Year Completed: Square Footage: 2,900 2021 Cityoperated neighborhood and is designed, developed, owned, and Completed: 2021 bymiddle” the architect. is a prototype for Year Square developing “missing housingThis and project is an endeavor to Footage: 2,900 Samuel & Jilliann son Duplex is situated inarchitect. an urban,This historic Kansas Location: Kansas City, MO De Jong operated by the project isand a prototype for Owner: Square Footage: 2,900 developing “missing middle” housing is an endeavor to realize design excellence and community impact despite a Owner: Samuel Jilliann De developing “missing developed, middle” housing and isand an endeavor to hborhood and is designed, owned, Contractor: Franklin&Building Co.Jong Completed: 2021Edward realize design excellence and community impact Year despite a Owner: very limited budget. Samuel & Jilliann De Jong realize design excellence and community impact despite a Contractor: Edward Franklin Building Co. by the architect. Thisbudget. project a prototype for historic The limited Harrison Duplex isissituated in an urban, Kansas City very Square Footage: Contractor: 2,900 Edward Franklin Building Co. very neighborhood limited budget.and is designed, developed, owned, and operated Location: Kansas City, MO

Samuel De Jong, AIA

ng “missing middle” housing and is an endeavor to Owner: by the architect. This project is a prototype for developing “missing sign excellence and community impact despite a middle” housing and is an endeavor to realize design excellence and Contractor: ed budget. community impact despite a very limited budget.

Small Small Small Photography Kelly Callewaert

Samuel & Jilliann De Jong Owner: Samuel and Jilliann De Jong Contractor: Edward Franklin Building Edward Franklin Building Co. Company


S | 21


New Reform Temple Draw architecture + urban design What began as an intervention to improve accessibility, the renovation and redesign of New Reform Temple has completely transformed the temple into an inspiring place of worship and gathering space for its community and members for years to come.

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: New Reform Temple Contractor: Pearce Construction

22 | S

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

St. Mary Queen of the Universe Catholic Church sfs architecture This intervention to a mid-century church, featuring a new Narthex, converses playfully with the original building and counterpoints its curves with a concave limestone façade. Inside, the once-dark worship space was brightened by the addition of a large skylight and refined through the careful balancing of existing and new features.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Salina, KS Owner: Catholic Diocese of Salina Contractor: Harbin Construction, LLC

S | 23



Location: Strang Chef Collective is an upscale eatery that combines Kansas City, MO GastingerWalker& Year Completed: the ease of fast-food restaurants, while providing a custom, 2022 GASTINGERWALKER& chef-curated menu of hand-crafted meal options. In lieu of Square Footage: 4,090 justStrang one menu, each location has more than one chef and Chef Collective is an upscale eatery that combines the ease of Owner: Strang Chef Collectives Location: Strang Chefcuisine Collective is an upscale eatery that combines menu, offering unique options one place. fast-food restaurants, while providing a in custom, chef-curated menu Contractor: Kansas City, MO Nexus 5 Group Year Completed: the ease of fast-food restaurants, while providing a custom, 2022 Location: of hand-crafted meal options. In lieu of just one menu, each location Kansas City, MO chef-curated menu of hand-crafted meal options. In lieu of Square Footage: 4,090 Owner: has more than one chef and menu, offering unique cuisine options Strang Chef Collectives just one menu, each location has more than one chef and Owner: Collectives Contractor: Strang in one, offering unique cuisine options in one place. NexusChef 5 Group Contractor:

Nexus 5 Group


24 | S

Photography Nate Sheets Photography


Tampa Intl. Airport Central Utility Plant HNTB Designed by HNTB, the new CUP is 30% more efficient, reducing CO2 emissions equivalent to 620 vehicles and saving more than 25M gallons annually through reclaimed water usage, setting new eco-friendly infrastructure standards. This iconic building serves as a landmark of the airport’s dedication to efficiency and environmental stewardship.

Photography HNTB

Location: Tampa, FL Owner: Tampa International Airport (TPA) Contractor: Hensel Phelps

S | 25

The Merc Co+Op, Downtown Grocery Store International Architects Atelier The Downtown Grocery Store provides healthy, affordable, and sustainable services to a food desert, acting as a catalyst for the future of the Kansas City, Kansas urban core. Educational tools for the community include a kitchen classroom and garden to teach healthy cooking and sustainable growing practices.

26 | S

Location: Owner:

Kansas City, KS Unified Government of Wyandotte County & Kansas City, KS Contractor: McCownGordon Construction

Photography Gayle Babcock

West plaza Residence Draw architecture + urban design This new, modern home overlooking Westwood Park brings the client’s ideas into a cohesive reality, and it includes accessible design elements and sustainable building systems. Simple, low‑maintenance materials, modern windows that maximize views to the outside, and a strong parti give the home a clean, modern look with fresh curb appeal.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Matt & Megan England Contractor: Owen Homes

S | 27

Congratulations to all AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Award winners for being committed to innovation, inclusion, quality, and progression. Congratulations to all AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Award winners Together, we are transforming spaces thatand improve lives and connect for being committed to innovation, inclusion, quality, progression. Congratulations to all AIA Kansas City Design Excellence winners Together, we are McCownGordon transforming spaces that improve to livesbe and connect City’sAward communities. is proud Kansas community builder. communities. McCownGordon is proud to be Kansas City’s community builder. for being committed to innovation, inclusion, quality, and progression. Together, we are transforming spaces that improve lives and connect communities. McCownGordon is proud to be Kansas City’s community builder. Habitat for Habitat Humanity,for Office Renovation Office Renovation Humanity, 2022 AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Winner

2022 AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Winner

Congratulations to all AIA Kansas City Design Excellence Award winners!

Engineering Design, Investigation & Analysis Of f ices Worldwide 2323 Grand Blvd., Suite 900 Kansas City, MO 64108

+1.816.221.7771 KC Current Stadium, Kansas City, MO courtesy Generator Studio

w w w.T h o r n to nTo m a s e t t i . c o m

M | 31


Blakest. Hufft BlakeSt. (“Blake Street”) is a wellness club in downtown Bentonville. Named after one of Bentonville’s early settling families, the building begins with a replica of the former 1880s Thomas Blake home. Cantilevers and expanses of glass create a definitive transition from the public-facing entry to the extensions of members‑only spaces.

32 | M

Location: Bentonville, AR Owner: Ropeswing Group Contractor: Flintco.

Photography Hufft

Bonner Springs Government Services Center sfs architecture This City Hall unites the city’s operational services into one campus that blends historic architecture with modern amenities, meeting the varied mission-critical needs of its administrative, police, and courts/ judicial operations while returning a beloved historic 1918 structure to the service of its community.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Bonner Springs, KS Owner: City of Bonner Springs, Kansas Contractor: KBS Constructors, Inc.

M | 33

Camp Tongawood BNIM Camp Tongawood development aims to create a regional hub for outdoor, immersive STEAM education, empowering and inspiring girls. The camp will focus on providing equitable shared experiences for all campers, and will emphasize a connection to nature with passive design, environmentally friendly materials, and barrier-free access to the outdoors.

34 | M

Location: Owner:

Tongawood, KS Girl Scouts of NE KS and NW MO

Images BNIM

Kansas City Current Training Center Generator Studio The Kansas City Current Training Center is the first purpose built complex for a women’s professional soccer team in North America. It is also the first professional training facility to be built with a cross-laminated and mass timber structure, allowing for 50-60% lower embodied carbon than other construction methods.

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

Location: Riverside, MO Owner: KC Current NWSL Contractor: Monarch Build

M | 35

North-east branch library Clark & Enersen Renovation of this 1990’s-era library building creates a renewed experience that prioritizes cultural inclusivity, while providing critical community resources. The renewed library has become a community nexus, intersecting various paths and journeys in a neighborhood that primarily includes refugees and immigrants.

36 | M

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Kansas City Public Library Contractor: Herner Construction, Inc.

Photography Mark Nagel Photography



This multifaceted renovation has transformed the Spencer Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS SABATINI ARCHITECTS | PEI COBB FREED & PARTNERS Museum, turning its dark and disorienting galleries into Year Completed: 2022 & Partners Sabatini Architects + Pei Cobb Freed luminous exhibition spaces, equipping it with state-of-theSquare Footage: 45,000 sf multifaceted renovation transformed the Spencer Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS art This study centers, and creatinghas new connections inside Owner: University of Kansas turning the its dark and disorienting galleries intoMuseum, This establishing multifaceted renovation hasas transformed the Spencer andMuseum, out, museum a hub for community Year Completed: 2022 Contractor: Mar Lan Construction luminous exhibition equipping it with Location: turning its dark andspaces, disorienting galleries intostate-of-theluminous exhibition Lawrence, engagement and international research. Square Footage: 45,000 sf KS art study centers, and creating new connections inside Owner: spaces, equipping it with state-of-the art study centers, and creating University of Kansas Endowment Owner: University of Kansas and establishing the and museum as a hub forthe community newout, connections inside out, establishing museum as a hub Association Contractor: Contractor: Mar for community engagement international research. MarLan LanConstruction Construction engagement and internationaland research.

Category Photography Paul Warchol Category

M | 371


Stanley Herzog Foundation GastingerWalker& + Focal Design Studio The Stanley M. Herzog Foundation building serves as the headquarters for a newly formed foundation focused on supporting K-12 education. Paying homage to its founder and site, the buildings and landscape are intricately woven together to create an experience indicative of the traditions and ecology of NW Missouri.

38 | M

Location: Smithville, MO Owner: Stanley Herzog Foundation Contractor: Crossland Construction

Photography Jason O’Rear

Stormont Vail Health Cotton O’Neil Asbury Drive Clinic HOK Stormont Vail Health’s new 49,880 sq. ft. Cotton O’Neil Asbury Clinic includes the first medical spa for the health system. The design elevates the standard medical office building’s aesthetic to reflect the level of programming required for a medspa and demonstrates Stormont Vail’s commitment to a holistic approach to well-being.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Topeka, KS Owner: Stormont Vail Health Contractor: Kendall Construction

M | 39

Large | 41


Bentonville East Central Hotel BRR Architecture

Inspired by the surrounding environment, BRR designed this stunning boutique hotel located in the heart of downtown Bentonville. Natural elements like limestone, water features and brick are integrated into the biophilic design. The two-level podium entrance houses the lobby, restaurant, bar, and event space, with four floors of guestrooms and amenities above.

42 | Large

Location: Bentonville, AR Owner: Blue Crane Contractor: Flintco

Images Marvel + BRR Architecture

Heckart Community Center sfs architecture Heckart Community Center in Sedalia is a vibrant social hub for seniors, schools, and recreation. Blending local tradition with modern design, it offers a gym, dance studio, aquatic center, and more. Inspired by Sedalia’s musical history, it fosters unity and well-being, symbolizing community progress for a construction-cost of just $250/sf.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Sedalia, MO Location: City of Sedalia, Missouri Owner: Contractor: PARIC Construction

Large | 43

South Endzone Renovation HOK Kansas State University’s south end zone renovation and new Shamrock Zone addition enhances the fan and athlete experience with a threelevel south end zone club expansion of KSU’s Bill Snyder Family Stadium, which includes a concourse/club area connecting the football stadium with the university’s basketball arena, BramlageColiseum, next door.

Manhattan, KS Location: Kansas State University Owner: Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

44 | Large

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

North Kansas City Schools Early Education Center DLR Group

One of Missouri’s largest early childhood facilities, this project sought to adaptively reuse a Hobby Lobby and Price Chopper in order to create a dynamic learning environment for kids in the Northland.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Gladstone, MO Owner: North Kansas City Schools Contractor: McCownGordon Construction

Large | 45

O’Brien Hall College of Business Administration BNIM + Workshop Architects The O’Brien Hall College of Business Administration at Marquette University is a state-of-the-art student-focused facility designed for learning and innovation. It houses nationally ranked business programs and graduate courses and has become a vital campus destination, offering inclusive and accessible spaces for interaction between students, faculty, and the business community.

46 | Large

Location: Milwaukee, WI Owner: Marquette University Contractor: Findorff

Photography Kendall Caugherty

Patton Junior High School Hollis + Miller Architects Designed with a strong concept of community and history, the newly renovated and expanded Patton Junior High leaves a lasting impact on students on post by offering flexible learning spaces, instilling a sense of ownership and excitement.

Photography Bob Greenspan Photography

Location: Fort Leavenworth, KS Owner: Fort Leavenworth School District Contractor: Titan Built Construction

Large | 47

Sedgwick Hall Renovation and SEDGWICK HALL


Helix Architecture & Design + CO Architects

As Rockhurst has adapted to changing pedagogies and new Location: Kansas City, MO generations of students, Sedgwick Hall, the oldest building Year Completed: 2022 As Rockhurst has adapted to changing pedagogies and new generations on campus, has been modified and augmented to fulfill Square 56,000 of students, Sedgwick Hall, the oldest building on campus, has been Footage: Rockhurst’s aspirations for over 100 years. The reimagining Location: Rockhurst modified and augmented to fulfill Rockhurst’s aspirations for over 100 Kansas City, MO Owner: University of Sedgwick Hall into a state-of-the-art nursing school is the Owner: years. The reimagining of Sedgwick Hall into a state-of-the-art nursing Rockhurst University Contractor: JE Dunn atest chapter inisthe legacy. Contractor: JE Dunn Construction school thebuilding’s latest chapter in the building’s legacy.

48 | Large

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

State Historical Society of Missouri multistudio Tasked with marrying the missions of 3 distinctive institutions — the historical society, the University of Missouri, and the state of Missouri — into one cohesive headquarters, SHSMO’s new space is a mixedmedia, multi-venue experience that serves the community as a venue for Missouri to look back and learn from its past.

Photography Steve Hall / Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Columbia, MO Owner: State Historical Society of Missouri Contractor: Construction Management Resources

Large | 49

The Howard Hufft The Howard is a new multifamily property in downtown Bentonville. The building is located at the intersection of Central Avenue, the Razorback Regional Greenway, and Town Branch Creek – literally a merger of roads, trails, parks and urban waterways. The form was designed from the vantage point of the trail user.

50 | Large

Location: Bentonville, AR Owner: Newell Development Contractor: Dave Grundfest Company

Photography Kevin Wilkerson

The Rochester Hufft The Rochester is the first market-rate development on Kansas City’s east side, a section of the city still experiencing the long-term effects of redlining. The Rochester provides a residential option to this urban corridor that did not previously exist. The angular design maximizes outdoor green space and community gathering areas.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Community Builders of Kansas City Contractor: Straub Construction

Large | 51

The Sinclair School of Nursing International Architects Atelier This project started as a renovation of the old Sinclair School of Nursing, but ended up replacing the building altogether. The design team created a highly efficient layout to accommodate a flexible program with spaces designed to serve multiple functions with ample natural light throughout.

52 | Large

Location: Owner:

Columbia, MO The University of Missouri, Columbia Contractor: River City Construction

Photography Michael Grimm

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah Renovation and Addition HOK The renovation to The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah, one of the oldest Reform Jewish Congregations in the nation, and the oldest Synagogue in the Kansas City area, breathes fresh air into the building and gives it new life to last long into the future.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Owner:

Overland Park, KS The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah Contractor: McCownGordon Construction

Large | 53

Ubben Basketball Complex HNTB A facility that inspires greatness - The University of Illinois’ Ubben Basketball Complex underwent a transformative renovation, doubling in size with enhanced amenities for both men’s and women’s programs. Additional courts, advanced sports medicine facilities, expanded offices, and modern locker rooms were revitalized to optimize student-athlete training and recovery.

54 | Large

Location: Champaign, IL Owner: University of Illinois Contractor: Turner + Clayco

Photography Sam Fentress

Stanley Museum of Art BNIM The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art reestablishes itself as a state-of-the-art and resilient cultural destination, housing its world‑renowned collection after historic flooding in 2008. The museum is a blend of elegance and practicality, serving as a library and laboratory for the arts.

Photography Nick Merrick

Location: Iowa City, IA Owner: University of Iowa Contractor: Russell Construction

Large | 55

Westwood View Elementary School Hollis + Miller Architects Westwood View Elementary School replaces an existing aged facility and incorporates pieces of the tightknit town’s history into the new learning environment. Environmental graphics with geometric shapes and bright colors are folded into the design of the building, as well as arches tying back to the original Westwood School.

56 | Large

Location: Westwood, KS Owner: Shawnee Mission School District Contractor: Newkirk Novak Construction Partners

Photography Alistair Tutton Photography

Woolsey Hall


Woolsey Hall is the heart of the Barton School of Business at Wichita Woolsey Hall is the heart of the Barton School of Business Location: State University. Fostering a unique learning environment, the building at Wichita State University. Fostering a unique learning Year Completed: bridges the traditional academic campus with a state-of-the-art environment, the building bridges the traditional academic Square Footage: complex of makerspaces, labs, and research facilities. The building campus with a state-of-the-art complex of makerspaces, Owner: invites campus to flow through core. labs, and researchpathways facilities. The building invitesits campus pathways to flow through its core.

Photography Jason O’Rear


Wichita, Kansas 2022

Location: Wichita, KS Owner: Wichita State University Wichita State University Contractor: Dondlinger Construction 133,786

Dodlinger Construction

Large | 57

Extra Large | 59


Capps Middle School DLR Group + LWPB Architecture Capps Middle School re-envisions a neighborhood park into a future‑ready middle school. The building, heavily influenced by its natural setting, sits on the east and west side of a bisecting creek. Connecting the two structures is an innovation hub in the form of a 250-foot bridge positioned over the creek.

Location: Warr Acres, OK Owner: Putnam City Schools Contractor: Lingo Construction

60 | Extra Large

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Kansas city international airport SOM + Draw Architecture + Urban Design The new LEED Gold terminal reimagines inclusivity and accessibility for air travel with a design deeply informed by residents throughout the city. The project replaces three overcrowded terminals with a single, highly sustainable building that will allow the terminal to expand and grow with the city for decades to come.

Photography Lucas Blair Simpson © SOM

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Kansas City Aviation Department Contractor: Clark Weitz Clarkson

Extra Large | 61

KCI Parking Garage BNIM Guided by goals to create a quality visitor experience, implement clear navigation and intuitive wayfinding, enable convenience and efficiency for passengers, and ease of access to transportation, the Kansas City International Parking Garage positively shapes visitors’ interactions across multiple scales while enhancing accessibility, safety and security, wellness, and environmental performance.

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Kansas City Aviation Department Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

62 | Extra Large

Photography Michael Robinson Photography


Kraken Community Iceplex

TheThe Kraken Community Iceplex features thethe firstfirst three NHL Seattle, Washington Kraken Community Iceplex features three NHL Location: Location: Seattle, Washington regulation ice sheets in the Seattle area in the last 40 years. Year Completed: 2021 regulation ice sheets in the Seattle area in the last 40 years. Year Completed: 2021 This dynamic, mixed-use development centered around live,live, Square Footage: SF SF This dynamic, mixed-use development centered around Square Footage:172,000 172,000 work, and play, successfully unites the community including work, and play, successfully unites the community including Owner: NHL Seattle Owner: NHL Seattle both residents and visitors through intentional design and a both and visitors through intentional and a Contractor: Theresidents Kraken Community Iceplex features the first design three NHL regulation BNBuilders Inc. BNBuilders Inc. shared ice sports. icepassion sheets infor thefor Seattle area in the last 40 years. This dynamic, mixed‑useContractor: shared passion ice sports. development centered around live, work, and play, successfully unites Location: Seattle, WA the community including both residents and visitors through intentional Owner: NHL Seattle design and a shared passion for ice sports. Contractor: BnB Builders Inc.

Generator Studio

XL XLPhotography Benjamin Benschneider Photography

1 Extra Large | 63


Phoenix 32nd Street VA Clinic Hoefer Welker The VA Phoenix Outpatient Clinic is a healing oasis that serves and honors veterans. The design integrates the clinic with local architecture and culture, drawing inspiration from the tones, striations, and geometries present in the region’s mountains and canyons to create an inclusive, healing environment for patients, staff, and community.

64 | Extra Large

Location: Phoenix, AZ Owner: US Federal Properties + Easterly Contractor: Jacobsen Construction

Photography Bob Greenspan Photography

Rochester at Blue Parkway

Lincoln Univeristy-Dawson Hall

Barnes Jewish Healthcare

St. Louis Soccer Training Facilities

Mechanical and Electrical Design

Markets Served

• Assisted Living • Aviation • Entertainment • Healthcare • Higher Education • Government • K-12 Schools • Office

• Multi-Family • Public Safety • Recreation • Retail • Roadway Lighting • Transportation • Utilities • Water/Wastewater

Services Offered • Electrical • HVAC • Lighting • Plumbing • Instrumentation and Controls • Sustainable Design • Building Commissioning 816-350-1473 w w w. c u s t o m e n g r. c o m MBE/ DBE Cer tified Licensed in 38 St ates

Offices in Kansas City, St. Louis, and Columbia

Joe Dav is

INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE Interior Architecture | 67

Acre Restaurant Herron + Partners The concept of the restaurant is to feature midwestern cuisine prepared over a wood burning hearth. With fire and wood being the essence for how the food would be prepared, our concept used wood as a material and the abstract idea of a tree as a primary design feature.

68 | Interior Architecture

Location: Parkville, MO Owner: Andrew Longres Contractor: ARC General Contractors

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

Camber Children’s Mental Health Hays Behavioral Health Facility Pulse Design Group Camber Children’s Mental Health’s Hays facility addresses the critical need for increased access to pediatric behavioral health in rural Kansas. The 27,000 square-foot building was transformed into a 32-bed acute inpatient and psychiatric residential treatment facility focused on patient independence, enhanced safety and clinical workflows, and healing and restoration through biophilic design.

Photography Bob Greenspan Photography

Location: Hays, KS Owner: Camber Children’s Mental Health Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

Interior Architecture | 69


Creative One


KEM Studio

Creative One’s design exemplifies a unique business Location: Overland Park, KS Creativecelebrating One’s designteam exemplifies a unique business model, celebrating model, growth and exceptional client Year Completed: 2023 team growth and exceptional client palette, engagement. A refined engagement. A refined material striking baffle material installation, Podcast VIP lounge, “Hall oflounge, Fame” and “Hall Square Footage: 23,171 palette, striking bafflestudio, installation, Podcastand studio, VIP featuring backlit laser-etched portraits harmonize aesthetics of Fame” featuring backlit laser-etched portraits harmonize aesthetics Overland Park, KS Owner:Location: Creative One and functionality. All coming together to create an inspiring Owner: and functionality. coming together to create an inspiring space Contractor: for Creative space for creativityAll and collaboration. Wolf 21 One Contractor: Wolf 21 creativity and collaboration.

Interior Architecture 70 | Interior Architecture

Photography Bob Greenspan Photography1

Dan & Cassidy Towriss Idea Space Pluribus architectural collaborative LLC The Dan & Cassidy Towriss IDEA Space is creating the future of education right now with its flexible, creative, and collaborative environment where hands-on learning cultivates entrepreneurs, and experiential learning creates participants, not spectators.

Photography Alistair Tutton Photography

Location: Owner: Contractor:

Leawood, KS The Barstow School JE Dunn Construction

Interior Architecture | 71


Hawk Heights

Hawk Heights is the home of a long time Kansas City couple Location: Kansas City, MO and occupies the top two floors of a historic residential Year Completed: 2022 high-rise. Our challenge was to create quiet, contemplative Square Footage: 4100 spaces around an existing, inalterable structure, fixed Owner: Withheld building utilities and historical fenestration. Contractor: Gene Fritzel Construction Hawk Heights is the home of a long time Kansas City couple and occupies the top two floors of a historic residential high-rise. Our Location: challenge was to create quiet, contemplative spaces around an existing, Kansas City, MO Contractor: Gene Fritzel Construction inalterable structure, fixed building utilities and historical fenestration.

McHenry Shaffer Architecture

Category 72 | Interior Architecture


Photography Nate Sheets Photography

KBP At Three Hallbrook Place Hoefer Welker KBP is a progressive and forward-thinking company, who wanted their headquarters to not feel like an office, but a home. To bring a sense of unity and collaboration to the space, public spaces are utilized and designed to benefit the employees, focusing on access to daylighting, connection, and flexible spaces.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Leawood, KS Location: KBP Owner: Contractor: Titan Built

Interior Architecture | 73

Lightwell – Repositioning of City Center Square HOK Lightwell is a complete repositioning of an existing 30-story tower formerly known as City Center Square in downtown Kansas City. A financially distressed and physically deteriorating Class-B office tower, the design team embarked on a comprehensive repositioning to attract discerning companies seeking high-quality office space and world-class amenities.

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: SomeraRoad, Inc. Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

74 | Interior Architecture

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Maplewood Elementary School Hollis + Miller Architects Organically inspired materials, natural color hues and daylighting set the stage for learning on display at Maplewood Elementary School. The new building replaces a historic, community-centric facility. The warm, welcoming environment includes active corridors with tinker spaces and flexible furniture, giving students and educators a choice in their learning space.

Photography Alistair Tutton Photography

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: North Kansas City School District Contractor: McCownGordon Construction

Interior Architecture | 75

NorthPoint Development corporate headquarters Studionorth architecture In July 2021, NorthPoint purchased the North Oak campus to relocate their expanding company. Requiring massive renovation, the dated 1956 building had great potential. Conceptually, the design takes cues from movement and direction while incorporating multi-functional spaces to foster collaboration and culture. Interior placed offices provides everyone scenic panoramic views.

76 | Interior Architecture

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: NorthPoint Development Contractor: Mid-America Contractors

Photography © Matt Kocourek

Spotlight AR 108 Hermanos Design Spotlight AR 108 is an interior office renovation within an existing masonry and concrete framed building. The monolithic concrete floor slabs necessitated strategic floor cuts to connect two levels, flooded with natural light with new metal wrapped skylights and guardrail panels.

Photography Aaron Dougherty Photography

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: 108 W 19th St LLC Contractor: Hermanos Design

Interior Architecture | 77

Tony Jones Studios for Animation and Illustration Multistudio Situated between three major art institutions, the Tony Jones Studios for Animation and Illustration at the Kansas City Art Institute has become Kansas City’s newest public art destination. This adaptive reuse project transformed KCAI dormitories into a new home for its two fasted growing programs: animation and illustration.

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Kansas City Art Institute Contractor: A.L. Huber General Contractor

78 | Interior Architecture

Photography Aaron Dougherty Photography



Strang Reserve



Location: The Reserve is a reservable multi-purpose event space Overland Park, KS Year Completed: that supports a wide variety of possible event spaces like 2023 Location: Reserve reservable multi-purpose that supports a The The Reserve is isa areservable multi-purposeevent eventspace space Overland Park, KS weddings, corporate parties, or large meetings. Using warm Square Footage: variety possible event spaces like weddings, parties, Year Completed: thatwide supports a of wide variety of possible event spacescorporate like 6,570 2023 woods, playful lighting, and customizable backdrops, or large meetings. weddings, corporate parties, or large meetings. Usingthe warm Owner: Square Footage: 6,570 Chef Collectives Strang space has an upscale butplayful also neutral to servethe Location: Using warmfeel woods, lighting,enough and customizable backdrops, the Overland Park, KS woods, playful lighting, and customizable backdrops, Owner: Contractor: Strang Chef Collectives Nexus 5 Group Owner: space an upscale neutral enough to serve the wide Chef Collective hasofhas an upscale feel feel but but alsoalso neutral enough to serve the widespace variety possible uses.

Photography Nate Sheets Photography





94’ - 9”


94’ - 9”


94’ - 6”

96’ - 1”

96’ - 1”


94’ - 6”


Nexus 5 Group Contractor: Nexus 5 Group

- 1” 96’96’ - 1”


variety of possible uses.uses. the wide variety of possible

Interior Architecture | 79

The Children’s Place Renovation and Addition HOK The Children’s Place, a specialized trauma treatment agency for the community’s most vulnerable residents- children under the age of 8, have a new home. The nonprofit can now serve 30 percent more children and families. The interactive, user-centered design process helped ensure the creation of a comforting space for vulnerable children.

Kansas City, MO Location: The Children’s Place Owner: Contractor: Centric

80 | Interior Architecture

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

the University of kansas Health System Emergency Department Expansion Phase I Pulse Design Group This project is a multi-phase hospital addition to meet increased patient volume and modernize the University of Kansas Health System’s Emergency Department. Phase I included the addition of a new patient drop-off, emergency treatment rooms, mechanical space, waiting area, and clinical support spaces, including a simulation room and calming room.

Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Location: Owner:

Kansas City, KS The University of Kansas Health System Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

Interior Architecture | 81

Vanderslice Hall Renovation Helix Architecture + Design Vanderslice Hall is a historic icon, serving the Kansas City Art Institute for over a century. Over 30 years ago, parts of the building were turned into offices, enclosing many of Vanderslice’s original details. The renovation of Vanderslice Hall allows it to serve the campus with its previous grandeur.

82 | Interior Architecture

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Kansas City Art Institute Contractor: AL Huber General Contractor

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

Engineering for Architecture. Celebrating Kansas City Innovation & Design Talent!







DIVINE DETAIL Divine Detail | 85

1400KC Feature Wall Burns & McDonnell + Hufft This massive feature wall measures 20 feet tall by 34 feet wide and is made from more than 650 individual pieces of thick, solid ash. The wall is a major statement in the lobby of 1400KC commercial office tower in downtown Kansas City.

86 | Divine Detail

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: CBRE Contractor: Burns & McDonnell

Photography Hufft

21c objects suite Hufft An extensive renovation of the historic YMCA building in downtown St. Louis transformed the property into a 21c Museum Hotel. A suite of objects — most made of butcher block — was designed and fabricated as part of the FF&E package for the hotel’s bar and restaurant.

Photography Hufft

Location: St. Louis, MO Owner: 21c St. Louis Contractor: Hufft (fabricator)

Divine Detail | 87


Cura Personalis Bench

A parametric bench has become the physical manifestation Location: Kansas City, MO of one of the University’s core values: cura personalis. Year Completed: 2022 The bench simultaneously celebrates individuality and Square Footage: N/A community. Its intricate construction expresses the Owner: Rockhurst University A parametric bench has become the physical manifestation of one of multifaceted nature of humanity. Flowing across the plaza, the University’s core values: cura personalis. The bench simultaneously the bench’s dynamic form hints to transforming division Contractor: SquareOneStudio Location: individuality and community. Its intricate construction Kansas City, MO intocelebrates unity. Owner: expresses the multifaceted nature of humanity. Flowing across the Rockhurst University Contractor: SquareOneStudio plaza, the bench’s dynamic form hints to transforming division into unity.

Helix Architecture + Design

Divine Detail 88 | Divine Detail


Photography Michael Robinson Photography

Central Resource: Staff Breakroom Clark & Enersen Renovations to staff and patron spaces incorporated biophilic design, connecting users to the natural environment, through material selections, views, and space design. The staff breakroom became “the clearing,” which manifests as a space for respite, where library staff can gather, recharge, and renew.

Photography Mark Nagel Photography

Location: Overland Park, KS Owner: Johnson County Library Contractor: Titan Built, LLC

Divine Detail | 89

Spotlight - Framing Verticality Hermanos Design Spotlight AR 108 is an interior office renovation within an existing masonry and concrete framed building. The existing monolithic concrete floor slabs necessitated strategic floor cuts to connect two levels. The result was a new stair and a new two-story volume with metal wrapped skylights and guardrail panels.

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Spotlight AR Contractor: Hermanos Design

90 | Divine Detail

Photography Aaron Dougherty Photography

The Kansas City Museum International Architects Atelier The design team was commissioned by the Kansas City Museum to transform R.A. Long’s former home into a museum. The entryway formerly boasted a stone and marble table with winged lions. The winged lion motif on the new reception desk is a nod to the historic past.

Photography Michael Grimm

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: The Kansas City Museum Contractor: JE Dunn Construction

Divine Detail | 91

The Nebula Hufft This structure is inspired by the creation of a nebula, when dust and gas combine to form a “nursery for new stars.” The goal was to create a space for collaboration within an open design studio. Team members can interact within and around the form to share ideas.

92 | Divine Detail

Location: Kansas City, MO Owner: Hufft Contractor: Hufft

Photography Hufft

Vanderslice Hall Sitting Room Mantel Reconstruction Helix Architecture + Design Constructed in 1895, Vanderslice Hall featured some of the finest architectural details of its time. When areas of the building were converted into office space, some surviving features were entombed — others lost completely. The meticulous reconstruction of the sitting room mantel brings back Vanderslice Hall’s original grandeur.

Photography Nate Sheets Photography

Kansas City, MO Location: Kansas City Art Institute Owner: Contractor: SquareOne Studio

Divine Detail | 93

dedicated to

the art of possibility. wallace design collective, pc structural • civil • landscape • surveying we are wallace • 94 |

Illinois • Indiana • Iowa • Kansas • Kentucky • Michigan • Missouri • Nebraska • Wisconsin


CONCEPT Concept | 97

Hartell Manzanita Residence Hermanos Design A modest residential program is enveloped in a dynamic structure and anchored into the steep, lush landscape in Manzanita, Oregon. The exterior is clad with durable standing seam metal and cedar siding to withstand the harsh coastal climate while maintaining a connection to the local building vernacular.

98 | Concept

Location: Owner:

Manzanita, OR Hartell family

Images Hermanos Design



How can research, healthcare, and education be positioned research, and education be positioned togetherHow in acan single workhealthcare, of architecture that is greater than How can research, healthcare and education be positioned together in in a single of architecture that is greater than the sumtogether of its parts? In work this project, research and patient a single work of architecture that is greater than the sum of its parts? In the sum of its parts? In this project, research and patient spaces areresearch zippered together a collaborative atrium thatby a this project, and patientby spaces are zippered together spaces are zippered together by a collaborative atrium that will empower a transfer ofempower ideas to the state of collaborative atrium that will a transfer ofArkansas. ideas to the state will empower a transfer of ideas to the state of Arkansas.

of Arkansas.


Fayetteville, AR

Location: AR Year Completed: Fayetteville, N/A Year Completed: N/A Square Footage: 490,798 Location: Fayetteville, AR Square Footage: 490,798 University of Arkansas forMedical Medical Sciences / Owner: University of Arkansas for Owner: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences / University of Arkansas-Fayetteville Owner: Sciences + University of Arkansas University of Arkansas-Fayetteville Contractor: N/A Contractor: N/A Fayetteville



Images Clark & Enersen


Concept | 99


Kiewit hall Clark & Enersen + Ballinger A new learning and social nexus for a major university college of engineering is located on a strategic site responsive to a master plan’s vision for an iconic campus gateway building. Reflecting its new educational mission, the exterior is highly transparent, expressing its programmatic contents to actively engage the campus.

100 | Concept

Location: Lincoln, NE Owner: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Contractor: Kiewit Construction

Images Clark & Enersen

Lake Regional Health System Ambulatory surgery Center Pulse Design Group Pulse Design Group designed a 21,500 square-foot ambulatory surgery center to serve the surrounding rural communities. The state-of-theart facility includes four operating rooms, 13 pre/post-op rooms, two recovery bays, sterile processing, and administrative and clinical support spaces.

Images Pulse Design Group

Location: Lebanon, MO Owner: Lake Regional Health System Contractor: True Construction

Concept | 101

Lancaster Ranch Park Fieldhouse AECOM The Fieldhouse is sited in a 150-acre city park. Inspired by the park’s natural elements it aspires to be a “barn in the park”. Locally sourced materials mitigate scale and ground the Fieldhouse in its natural surroundings. Rainwater harvesting, solar collection, wind energy, native landscaping, and EV charging are planned.

102 | Concept

Location: Owner:

Kissimmee, FL City of Kissimmee

Images AECOM

Missouri State Capitol Museum International Architects Atelier Missouri State Museum’s renovation will enhance visitor experience with updated, flexible exhibition spaces showcasing history, culture, and natural resources. The design will feature upgraded gallery infrastructure, including fixed/movable exhibits, adaptable lighting, and rotating displays. Historical and architectural significance of the museum and Capitol will be considered for seamless integration.

Images International Architects Atelier

Location: Owner:

Jefferson City, MO The State of Missouri

Concept | 103

The Prairie Lodge at Herzog Foundation Focal Design Studio The Prairie Lodge at the Herzog Foundation is the second phase of a 16-acre master plan serving the missions of the Stanley Herzog Foundation. Located on a prairie grassland in NW Missouri, the Lodge will immerse guests into regional culture through the interconnection of building form, materials, landscape and, food.

104 | Concept

Location: Owner: Contractor:

Smithville, MO Stanley Herzog Foundation Crossland Construction

Images Focal Design Studio

Prairie + creek Retreat DRAW architecture + urban design The Prairie + Creek Retreat is situated on a 178-acre site in rural Missouri and is comprised of both a wellness spa and hotel dedicated to rest and rejuvenation. The campus is designed as net‑zero and entirely self-sustaining through renewable energy while also actively conserving the natural environment.

Images DRAW Architecture + Urban Design



Concept | 105

Re-Imagining Kessler Park Water Reservoir Kansas City Design Center The project aims to create a community-centered design vision for the repurposing of the abandoned water reservoir into a unique public space and multifunctional platform to provide a critically needed civic amenity for the adjacent neighborhoods and the city that fosters active participation of the growing artists’ community.

106 | Concept


Kansas City, MO

Images Kansas City Design Center


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