l a n o i g Re Leadership conferences
Dear Leaders, On behalf of AIESEC in Malaysia, we would like to congratulate you with your brave decision to live the greatest experience as Facilitator of Regional Leadership Conferences 2016 of AIESEC in Malaysia. RLC 2016 is a biggest regional conferences for AIESEC in Malaysia. 3 regional conferences, 14 Local commiPees, more than 150 delegates with proďŹ le of TLP & TMP, and 1 spirit of #youthBoleh for Youth in Malaysia we would like to welcome you to be part of this Boleh spirit and home, Malaysia. Playing a part as Faci we believe you can inspire members and show them what leadership means. And good luck for your selecVon process. MC BOLEH 1617
RLC stands for Regional Leadership Conference. It’s an annual regional conference of AIESEC in Malaysia. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVES. There will be 2 tracks; TMP & TLP. TMP objecFves will be strengthen the clarity of why and relevancy of AIESEC for themselves and society. TLP objecFves will be an equipment for value delivery and brand advocacy as well the capacity building for TLPs in leading themselves and their team members. DELEGATES NUMBER & PROFILE. 150 - 200 delegates in one regional conference.
What is RLC?
CONFERENCE TIME & LOCATION. RLC will be held 3 Fmes in different regional.
Kee Boon MCVP BD 1617
Oct, 7th-9th
Oct, 14th-16th
Oct, 14th-16th
Host by AIESEC in Taylor
Host by AIESEC in UMP
Kuala Lumpur
Host by AIESEC in PENANG Penang
application requirements & INFORMATION procedure 1. Current posiBons: LCVP, LCP, EST, MC (Malaysian & internaBonal are welcome), 2. Have a facilitator experience both in or and outside of AIESEC, 3. Having an understanding about basic AIESEC Knowledge (including new changes), 4. Believe in signiďŹ cance and important of leadership development, 5. Time commitment (esp. virtually before conference). 6. [LOCAL FACILITATOR] Only open for member from term 14-16. EBMTs 2016 are not allowed to apply this Bme in any RLC. 7. All the cost of accommodaBon & food will be covered (from pre-meeBng day 1 to the end of the conference) 8. TransportaBon subsidy; - InternaBonal faci : 300 MYR would be covered for internaBonal travel. - Malaysia faci / local: full cover for your transportaBon.
1. Read carefully the facilitator booklet informaBon. 2. Choose which RLC that you want to apply. 3. Apply and complete your applicaBon in this link : Tiny.cc/ RLCApp16. 4. You will get conďŹ rmaBon regarding your applicaBon within 1x24 hours on your email. 5. Next stage will be interview. 6. If you pass as RLC, a compulsory meeBng will on 20th or 21st of October 2016 with your representaBve team.
e n i l e Tim application OF
Ddl.September 15th
September 16th
September 7th
September 14th
Notes: Once you’re selected as faci, you need to come to Malaysia 3 days before the conference for RLC pre-mee@ng and TtT (Training the Trainer).
Note: Once you submi=ed your applica@on, you can be directly interviewed on the next day.
It’s a Malaysia Day!
Ana Azzahra ana.azzahra@aiesec.net Team leader of Agenda Responsible for RLC North
Eva Dutary eva.dutary27@aiesec.net Agenda Manager RLC Central
Zhan Ming yap.zhanming@aiesec.net Agenda Manager RLC South
I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance. unknown
l a n o i g Re Leadership conferences