Est 2016.1 AIESEC in Spain

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AIESEC in Spain 2016.1


Team Leader Matching Na'onal Matching Manager

GE Matching Manager

GT Matching Manager

oGIP Team Leader Matching

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As Team Leader Matching, you will be working closely with the MCVP oGIP in managing the partner en''es the plenary decides on having. Crea'ng a partnership development model, data analysis, tracking and managing matching managers and providing customize support on local level in order to ensure growth in oGIP. RESPONSIBILITIES

Final responsible for planning and tracking of Matching responsible; Data gathering, maintaining and analyzing; Co-­‐crea'on of En'ty partnership model and EY Partners; Final responsible for weekly update of na'onal oGIP searching tool; Communica'on with LC VPs providing support for conversion.

GOALS & KPIS Support delivery of Winter peak and prepara'on of Summer peak; # of Ma


1)  Partnership management; 2)  Network management; 3)  Strategic and entrepreneurial outlook;


1)  Previous leadership experience strongly preferred; 2)  Marke'ng knowledge; 3)  Data analysis; 4)  Self driven; 5)  High understanding of Global Talent as a program;

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

oGIP Matching Manager Global Talent

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Support in Implementa'on of na'onal strategies on local level, ensuring LC growth in delivering of Leadership Experiences.


Communica'on with En'ty Partners; Tracking of Ma process with En'ty Partners; Internal communica'on with Eps; Customer Experience – support EP; managers with managing MA process; Support LCs in Ma of GT Eps.

GOALS & KPIS Support delivery of Winter peak and prepara'on of Summer peak; # of Ma


1)  Strategic and entrepreneurial outlook; 2)  Project management; 3)  Marke'ng skills; 4)  Tracking skills; 5)  Coaching skills;


1)  Good understanding of all exchange products; 2)  Previous leadership experience required; 3)  Marke'ng knowledge; 4)  Self driven; 5)  Strategic orienta'on; 6)  Innova've thinking;

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

oGIP Matching Manager Global Entrepreneur

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Implementa'on of GE on local level and ensuring delivery of winter peak and prora'on of summer peak on Local Level


Tracking of Ma process with En'ty Partners; Internal communica'on with Eps; Customer Experience – support EP managers with managing MA process; Support LCs in Ma of GE Eps.

GOALS & KPIS Support delivery of Winter peak and prepara'on of Summer peak; # of Ma



1)  Strategic and entrepreneurial outlook; 2)  Project management; 3)  Marke'ng skills; 4)  Tracking skills; 5)  Coaching skills;

REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE Good understanding of all exchange products; 2)  Previous leadership experience required; 3)  Marke'ng knowledge; 4)  Self driven; 5)  Strategic orienta'on; 6)  Innova've thinking;

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

oGIP National Matching Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Provide func'onal support in oGIP opera'ons of AIESEC in Spain and providing knowledge to op'mize conversion processes on LC level.


EP management and delivery of experience Ensure implanta'on of Standard & Sa'sfac'on in delivery Providing func'onal and strategic support to LCs in op'mizing EP processes together with MC VP oGIP Communica'on with En'ty Partners; Facilita'on the matching process

GOALS & KPIS Support delivery of Winter peak and prepara'on of Summer peak; # of Ma


1)  Personal effec'veness; 2)  Customer engagement and experience management; 3)  Strategic and entrepreneurial outlook;

REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE LCVP OGIP (or TM) experience strongly preferred 2)  Excellent knowledge of the XPPs 3)  CRM experience 4)  Innova've thinking 5)  Self driven 6)  High level of @ understanding and LDM model 1)

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016


Interna'onal Rela'ons Manager

Value Delivery Manager

oGCDP International Relations Manager


To manage opportuni'es, implement and track the common EY partners strategy on the LC level to support MCVP IGCDP EY & MCVP OGCDP in Spain during Summer Peak from 1th January-­‐ 30th June 2016. GOALS & KPIS

RESPONSIBILITIES Set up matching strategy with our supplies Provide LC consul'ng & Support about EY partners; Forma'ons of the visual iden'fy of each EY partner & Track Interna'onal Partnership project; Deliver Webinars about Na'onal Matching trainings and about na'onal& local coopera'ons.


+70% RE with EY partners #Partnership project delivery

. REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1)  Knowledge of GLOBALCITIZEN program 2)  InformaMon Manager 3)  Strong commitment to communicaMon and keeping deadlines 4)  Strategic thinking 5)  Dealing with mulMple stakeholders at he same Mme

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies 2)  Opera'ons knowledge 3)  Project management 4)  Network management 5)  Strategic thinking

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

oGCDP Value Delivery Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE To co-­‐create, implement and track Value Delivery strategy for the LC level to support co-­‐delivery of GCDP EPs in January-­‐June, overall Winter Peak and Strategy for summer peak



To implement na'onal co delivery tools with EY partners;

% Promoters

To implement strategies of the na'onal co delivery at the local level;


% NPS Responses

#LCs following the strategy

Align LDM informa'on in all processes (Before, during, ager).

% Strategy fulfillment

REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1)  Knowledge of X programs 2)  Responsibility 3)  Strong commitment to communicaMon and keeping deadlines 4)  Strategic thinking 5)  AnalyMcal Skills

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies 2)  B2B rela'ons 3)  Management skills 4)  Network management 5)  Strategic thinking

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016


Program Specialists Team Leader

OGX & YS Amplifier

Brand Guardians & Designers (x2)

Virtual Amplifiers

Global Talent

Content & Storytelling Expert

Global Ci'zen

Social Media Manager

Global Entrepreneur

B2B Master

MKT Program Specialists Team Leader

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Program Specialist Team Leader will manage the na'onal marke'ng strategy to strengthen the posi'oning of OGX programs in our market; and to track and analyze the performance of the programs. You will be responsible to manage a team of three program specialists.


Na'onal promo'on campaign tracking Specialists’ team management Ensure synergies and projects implementa'on

GOALS & KPIS # opens in all OGX programs Deliveries implemented 1 brand for AIESEC in Spain


1) Spanish speaker 2) Educa'on skills 3) Marke'ng trends understanding 4) Preferred knowledge in all OGX exchange programs 5) Analy'cal Skills


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Learn how to manage a team

3) Project management

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Global Citizen Specialist

BRIEF OF THE ROLE GC Specialist creates the na'onal marke'ng strategy to strengthen the posi'oning of the program in our market; and to track and analyze the performance of the program. You will be responsible for the Crea've Brief for Global Ci'zen program based in the analysis and innova'on summary.


Na'onal promo'on campaign crea'on Lead nurturing framework development LC management and educa'on Data analysis

GOALS & KPIS Delivery of summer campaign and tracking # opens for oGCDP % leads generated per campaign Conversion of SU-­‐MA # educa'on spaces delivered to LCs


1) Spanish speaker 2) Educa'on skills 3) Marke'ng trends understanding 4) Preferred knowledge and experience in Global Ci'zen program 5) Analy'cal Skills


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Learn how to work in synergies

3) Project management

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Global Talent Specialist

BRIEF OF THE ROLE GT Specialist creates the na'onal marke'ng strategy to strengthen the conversion of the program; and to track and analyze the performance of the program. You will be responsible for the Crea've Brief and Lead Nurturing framework for Global Talent program based in the analysis and innova'on summary.


Na'onal promo'on campaign crea'on Lead nurturing framework development LC management and educa'on Data analysis

GOALS & KPIS % accomplishment of conversion rate goal # matching 'me Delivery of Lead Nurturing framework # educa'on spaces delivered to LCs


1) Spanish speaker 2) Educa'on skills 3) Marke'ng trends understanding 4) Preferred knowledge and experience in Global Talent program 5) Analy'cal Skills


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Learn how to work in synergies

3) Project management

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Global Entrepreneur Specialist

BRIEF OF THE ROLE GE Specialist creates the na'onal marke'ng strategy to strengthen the conversion of the program; and to track and analyze the performance of the program. You will be responsible for the Crea've Brief and Lead Nurturing framework for Global Entrepreneur program based in the analysis and innova'on summary.


Na'onal promo'on campaign crea'on Lead nurturing framework development LC management and educa'on Alliances Data analysis

GOALS & KPIS % accomplishment of conversion rate goal % opens from alliances Delivery of Lead Nurturing framework # educa'on spaces delivered to LCs

REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1) Spanish speaker 2) Educa'on skills 3) Marke'ng trends understanding 4) Preferred knowledge and experience in Global Entrepreneur program 5) Analy'cal Skills


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Learn how to work in synergies

3) Project management

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Brand Guardians & Designer (2 positions)

BRIEF OF THE ROLE The designers give shape and form to AIESEC ideas. You will work for one or more products in synergy with the other members of marke'ng team in order to deliver materials and campaigns for the local and na'onal MKT and opera'ons teams to use. You will also be required to provide local branding support and oversee that all en''es are properly using marke'ng materials and brand guidelines. RESPONSIBILITIES



Visual product strategy Visual material crea'on LC branding support Provide educa'on to the LCs

# of designs produced

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

% LCs using na'onal materials

% Engagement in social media


1) Adobe Photoshop/Ilustrator/InDesign Skills 2) Ability to work under pressure 3) Self mo'vated 4) Flexibility 5) Educa'on skills

2) Learn how to work in synergies

3) Porlolio crea'on

WORKLOAD 5-­‐8 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Digital Marketing & Content Team Leader

BRIEF OF THE ROLE DM & Content Team Leader will manage the na'onal strategy of content development for the blog and drive the content strategy for the LCs. As Chief Editor of the Na'onal Blog you will have the responsibility to propose, research, verify and track all informa'on published in it. Capable of managing and developing the na'onal content strategy, leading a team of two people.. The voice and source of informa'on of AIESEC and all the AIESEC profiles. RESPONSIBILITIES



Development of the na'onal content strategy; Management of the na'onal blog; Engagement of LCs and support to local strategy;

% opens from online content

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

% blog posts generated by the LCs

Integra'on & engagement

2) Learn how to work in synergies

3) Ar'cles’ porlolio

DM team management. REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1)  Spanish speaker 2)  Cross-­‐understanding of AIESEC purpose and its programs 3)  Wri'ng skills

WORKLOAD 5-­‐8 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Social Media Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Social Media Manager is the person responsible of managing the na'onal strategy from all AIESEC Spain social networks, focusing on exposing our social media content, data analysis, investment and drive the social media strategy for the LCs. You will have the responsibility to propose, verify, analyze and track all informa'on published inside all the social media networks. The strategist exposure of our brand voice. GOALS & KPIS


% opens from online content

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies


Daily management of the na'onal social media strategy; Crea'ng and managing na'onal social media campaigns; Management and support to LCs’ strategy; Na'onal data analysis and investment.

Interac'on & engagement

# clicks

# leads generated by investment

REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1) Spanish speaker 2) Crea'vity 3) Cross-­‐understanding of AIESEC essence and our programs 4) Content crea'on skills

2) Social media analy'cs

3) Mul'-­‐channel management

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT OGX & Youth Speak Amplifier

BRIEF OF THE ROLE OGX amplifier will boost OGX programs through PR, Media, University Rela'ons and Smart Alliances. The main focus for this semester is Global Ci'zen, Global Entrepreneur and Youth Speak. GOALS & KPIS


Enable and manage naMonal media partnerships;

Manage presence in relevant events; Create partnerships with relevant organizaMons;

# leads of each strategy # alliances % opens # media publica'ons # answers for Youth Speak Survey


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Crea'on of a na'onal network

3) PR skills development

Partnerships with UniversiMes with no physical presence of AIESEC. REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1) Spanish speaker 2) Crea'vity 3) Cross-­‐understanding of AIESEC essence and our programs 4) Content crea'on skills

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016

MKT Corporate Specialist

BRIEF OF THE ROLE Corporate Specialist will be responsible to create the na'onal marke'ng strategy to strengthen the posi'oning of Global Talent and Entrepreneur (ICX) in the market; and to track and analyze the performance of both programs. You will also be

responsible for leads genera'on and nurturing and to create virtual content to anract customers. GOALS & KPIS


Develop new customer journey strategy to nurture company leads;

Develop na'onal email marke'ng strategy to nurture leads;

Create B2B content strategy;

% open opportuni'es coming from the website

% conversion from lead to in progress # click rates on email marke'ng


1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies

2) Content crea'on 3) Experience in sales and B2B marke'ng

Create trainings and materials for LCs. REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1) Spanish speaker 2) Educa'on skills 3) Marke'ng trends understanding 4) Preferred knowledge and experience in Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur program 5) Analy'cal Skills

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016


IXP Manager


Learning & Development Manager BRIEF OF THE ROLE

To execute talent management processes and provide needed tools and knowledge to drive efficiency and leadership development in the membership of LCs. .


Develop na'onal strategy to implement Member Educa'on Cycle;

To make sure LCs’ educa'on is aligned with the Member Educa'on Cycle; To track the level of Team Standards implementa'on.



Membership produc'vity # educa'onal touchpoints % team standards fulfillment % members applying for leadership posi'ons

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies 2)  Personal effec'veness 3)  Network management 4)  Training and mentoring support 5)  Strong communica'on skills 6)  Strategic thinking

. REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1)  Educa'on skills 2)  Knowledge of TM processes (required) 3)  Responsibility 4)  Strong commitment to communica'on and keeping deadlines 5)  Strategic thinking 6)  Analy'cal Skills

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016



To create, implement and track the IXP strategy on the LC level to support Reintegra'on of GCDP EPs in February -­‐ March and integra'on of TMP/TLP into GCDP/GIP for summer peak..




Crea'on of the general na'onal IXP % IXP goal achievement strategy; #LCs following the strategy Implementa'on of the strategy for spring Reintegra'on; Crea'on and execu'on of the strategy for summer integra'on. . REQUIREMENTS & PROFILE 1)  Knowledge of X programs 2)  Responsibility 3)  Strong commitment to communica'on and keeping deadlines 4)  Strategic thinking 5)  Analy'cal Skills

1)  Contact with the network, the MC and the Na'onal Strategies 2)  Personal effec'veness 3)  Project management 4)  Network management 5)  Strategic thinking

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours/week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June 2016



Summer camps Manager

IT/MKT Matching Manager

Interna'onal Rela'ons Manager (Already taken)


Summer camps Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As Summer camp Matching and Interna'onal Coordinator, you will be working closely with the MCVP iGIP in managing the partner en''es (mainly US, Canada) that will provide us with the needed supply for our summer camps this year. We are planning on having around 100 experiences based on different camps throughout the en'ty in the next months and this role will be crucial in making the experiences happen, and in making them a truly leadership development experience for the par'cipants.


Support to Matching of LCs summer camp opportuni'es Final Responsible for En'ty rela'ons with US and Canada for Matching strategy Co-­‐crea'on of Na'onal aligned Delivery with En'ty partners Final responsible for weekly update of applicants in Podio and tracking of these Communica'on with LC VPs providing support for implementa'on of Delivery (IPS, etc)

GOALS & KPIS Support delivery of Winter RE and prepara'on of Summer peak; # of Ma, # of RE NPS score


1)  Partnership management; 2)  Network management; 3)  Innova've and crea've thinking 4)  Pupng Leadership at the center of Summer camps


1)  Previous leadership experience; 2)  Matching & Tracking experience; 3)  Self driven and Innova've mindset; 4)  High understanding of Summer camps objec've; 5)  High level of English

WORKLOAD 12-­‐15 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June


IT/MKT Matching Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As IT and Marke'ng Matching Manager, you will be working closely with the MCVP iGIP in ensuring the en''es matches are happening and we overcome our bonlenecks. Give support to the network for matching bonlenecks and ensuring faster matching within the LCs and the MC open accounts. This person will be in constant contact with the EST Interna'onal Rela'ons that is providing us with the knowledge on our en'ty partners interested EPs and possible backgrounds. RESPONSIBILITIES



Support to Matching of LCs and MCs open opportuni'es in the MKT and IT sub product

Support increasing Matching rates in IT and MKT; # of MA, MA 'me of OP

1)  Matching strategies 2)  Network management; 3)  Solu'on Oriented thinking

Final Responsible to increasing of Matching rates and making shorter the Matching 'me Educa'on on Matching and support in iden'fying current bonlenecks, to find solu'ons with the network


1)  Previous leadership experience preferred; 2)  Matching experience required; 3)  Solu'on Oriented mindset 4)  High understanding of IT market and Marke'ng profiles

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June


Business Development Manager (Barcelona)

Business Development Manager (Madrid)

Alumni Manager


Business Development Manager (Barcelona)

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As BD Manager, you will be working closely with the MCVP BD ensuring external posi'oning and the growth of the en'ty through strategic partnerships with regional governmental ins'tu'ons, business schools, and corporate sector alliances (incubators, accelerators, co working spaces, etc.). For all this you would be selling the Na'onal Porlolio of AIESEC in Spain. RESPONSIBILITIES


Plan and implementa'on of Na'onal Strategies for selling the Na'onal Porlolio of AIESEC in Spain;

Support increasing Na'onal Sales

Constant market analysis; Strategic alliances with regional governmental ins'tu'ons, business schools, and corporate sector alliances; Key partners in order to posi'on our en'ty externally.

Quality of market analysis

#partnerships closed


1)  Development of your selling s, and building rela'onship skills 2)  Development of your personal networking 3)  Solu'on Oriented thinking


1)  Previous leadership experience preferred; 2)  Sales experience required; 3)  Solu'on Oriented mindset 4)  High understanding of corporate sector in Spain 5)  Spanish required

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June

BD Business Development Manager (Madrid)

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As BD Manager, you will be working closely with the MCVP BD ensuring external posi'oning and the growth of the en'ty through strategic partnerships with regional governmental ins'tu'ons, business schools, and corporate sector alliances (incubators, accelerators, co working spaces, etc.). For all this you would be selling the Na'onal Porlolio of AIESEC in Spain. RESPONSIBILITIES


Plan and implementa'on of Na'onal Strategies for selling the Na'onal Porlolio of AIESEC in Spain;

Support increasing Na'onal Sales Quality of market analysis #partnerships closed

Constant market analysis; Strategic alliances with regional governmental ins'tu'ons, business schools, and corporate sector alliances; Key partners in order to posi'on our en'ty externally.


1)  Development of your selling s, and building rela'onship skills 2)  Development of your personal networking 3)  Solu'on Oriented thinking


1)  Previous leadership experience preferred; 2)  Sales experience required; 3)  Solu'on Oriented mindset 4)  High understanding of corporate sector in Spain 5)  Spanish required

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June

BD Alumni Manager

BRIEF OF THE ROLE As Alumni Manager, you will be working closely with the MCVP BD ensuring the crea'on of strategies to build an AIESEC in Spain Alumni network. The goal of this project is to create a Board of Advisors in order to capitalize in our Alumni, and make AIESEC in Spain external oriented.



Crea'on of an Alumni Database of AIESEC in Spain; Plan and implementa'on of

Alumni Database Board of Advisors crea'on Communica'on with Alumni

strategies to capitalize on Alumni network; Crea'on of a Board of Advisors; Crea'on and management of an annual Alumni mee'ng.


1)  Development of your personal networking 2)  Development of your building rela'onship skills 3)  Solu'on Oriented thinking


1)  Previous leadership experience preferred; 2)  Solu'on Oriented mindset 3)  High understanding of corporate sector in Spain 4)  Communica'on and building rela'ons skills

WORKLOAD 10-­‐12 hours / week WORKPERIOD Un'l the 30th of June

Instructions: 1.  Read carefully the descrip'on of the profiles and the ques'onnaire 2.  Provide your answers for the general and specific (anach in a separate document) ques'onnaire via the following link: 3.  Some tasks may require an anachment, don’t forget to anach the files :) 4.  Deadline: 13th of December, 23h59 RESPONSIBILITIES

MC Contacts: Miroslav Dimitrov MC VP oGIP Sofia Elosegui MC VP iGIP


Anna Kainova MC VP TM Mariana Silva MC VP MKT

Emilio Frojan MC VP oGCDP Anna Otalora MC VP BD

Specific Questionnaire oGIP MA Managers Positions (Take into consideration position you are applying for, make your answer: TL, oGE, oGT and National) 1.  Create a calendar with ac'vi'es 'll June 2016, in order to increase our number of Matches! Take in mind: •  in past 2 month AIESEC in Spain has 1000 Subscrip'ons; •  AIESEC in Spain has no clear EY Partners; •  11 LC are working on oGIP; •  Re from 01.07 'll now – 59. What ac'ons you are going to take in order to achieve our goal for term 15/16 -­‐ 219 Re? Point to consider for your answer: •  Communica'on with LCs; •  Communica'on with EP managers; •  Communica'on with EPs; •  Communica'on with EY Partners; •  Defini'on of EY Partners.

If you are applying for Matching Team Leader, answer additionally to this question: How do you see your communica'on with your matching team members, LCVPs , En'ty Partners and MCVP oGIP?

oGCDP IR Manager 1.  Why in your opinion AIESEC in Spain needs and IR Manager? 2. Propose the brief strategy and the implementa'on plan of the partner promo'on of the one of our GCDP EY partners (Morocco, Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Peru). In case of any visual anachments, put them together with the applica'on form. Value Delivery Manager 1. Propose the agenda of an ideal LDM-­‐based OPS for GCDP. Note that it cannot be more that 8 hours, should include LEAD and brief session outlines. Attach the file to the application form.

Specific Questionnaire MKT Program specialist team leader 1. How will you manage a team of 3 people to work together and to be crea've? 2. Define one main bonleneck and respec've key solu'on to each one of our OGX programs: Global Talent, Global Ci'zen, Global Entrepreneurs. Global Talent Specialist 1. Generate ONE unique solu'on to what do you think is the biggest bonleneck in the conversion rate from open to in progress. 2. Create a drag of a lead nurturing plan for Global Talent EPs. Global Citizen Specialist 1. Generate ONE unique solu'on to what do you think is the biggest bonleneck in the anrac'on of customers for Global Ci'zen. 2. Create a drag of a campaign for summer 2016. Global Entrepreneur Specialist 1.Generate ONE unique idea to realize more than 100 GE EPs during summer 2016. 2. What is the right target for Global Entrepreneur? What are the main channels and messages to anract them, differen'a'ng it from the other OGX programs?

Brand Guardian & Designer 1. What will you do to ensure ALL the LCs will use na'onal campaigns and respec've materials? 2. Create a poster promo'ng Global Entrepreneurs for summer peak. Choose one leadership quality and one en'ty partner. Digital Marketing & Content Team Leader 1. Write the story of your first love. (Max 200 words) 2. What is your point of view of the recent anacks to Paris? A. Would you write about it? B. How will you do it? Social Media Manager 1.We have a huge bonleneck making our local fan pages implement social media analysis and align as one brand. What would be your recommenda'on about this maner and the steps you follow to implement your ideas? 2. Choose two companies have a good engagement of their social channels. Why did you choose those channels? What are the three main key learning points that AIESEC in Spain’s social channels should learn from these best case prac'ces?

Specific Questionnaire MKT OGX & Youth Speak Amplifier 1. Choose five universi'es AIESEC does not have physical presence in. Create a proposal to realize 50 EPs in each University for the summer. 2. 5000 is our goal of answers for YouthSpeak Survey. Record a video of 1 min max on how you are gonna achieve them. Webmaster 1. Choose two websites that you think are customer oriented, user friendly and let customers buy their product easily. Why did you choose those websites? What are the three main key learning points that AIESEC in Spain’s website should learn from these websites? 2. Draw how do you think the na'onal website could become a bener sales and conversion tool. Corporate master 1. What is your current understanding of the Inbound Marke'ng Methodology (by Hubspot)? How can we implement this for B2B iGIP strategy? (If you do not know it, please research). 2. Draw the whole flow for iGIP from anrac'on to sales done. Consider target, channels and message.

TM L&D Manager 1. Propose and anach* the visual 1-­‐month 'meline to implement Team Standards on the LC level considering the following: •  LCs of AIESEC in Spain work with project-­‐based structures •  Put more anen'on to the Standards of Training, Tracking and Leadership Development Spaces •  Define clear implementa'on touchpoints and the responsibles for each of them. •  The 'meline should be visual, understandable, clear, short (as infographics). IXP Manager 1. Come up with a 2-­‐months strategy to support Reintegra'on of winter EPs. Include 'meline, specific touchpoints, responsibles and expected outcomes of each. Consider the following: •  This autumn AIESEC in Spain had RXP for the first 'me and out of the goal 18 LCs achieved 15. •  The goal for GCDP Winter Peak is 100 X. •  The process should be LDM-­‐based, clear, visual and simple.

Specific Questionnaire iGIP Summer Camp Manager 1. We have the plan of Realizing more than 100 experiences in English camps this second half of the year. One of our main partners for this, is AIESEC in the United States. Together with them, we want to have a common communica'on plalorm for matching, a common understanding of the camps, and a prepared co -­‐ delivery of the leadership development experience we want to provide to the interns arriving. What would be your main Ac'on steps to ensure these 100 RE happen in the best way possible? Take into account: •  LCs we have working with on summer camps, •  other en''es that could provide us with English Na've speakers •  'meline we are working with for the delivery •  Experience we want to give the interns, and how we could shape is through different spaces? •  Think innova'vely!

IT/MKT Matching One of the most challenging stages for AIESEC in Spain right now is MATCHING. Especially for this two subproducts we are facing challenges and we are not able to get the MATCH done easily. Propose 5 strategies (with their ac'on steps, responsible and DDL) we should take from tomorrow on to improve this on a short term 'me rela'on. Make sure these are explained in an easy, efficient, and clear enough way for an LC member to be able to take the advice and implement the sugges'ons right away.

Specific Questionnaire BD Business Development Manager (x2) 1. What are the strategies you think are need it in order to create key alliances that will allow AIESEC in Spain growth in a 100% un'l the end of the term? 2. PwC just called you to know how can they partner with AIESEC in Spain. Create an strategic plan to ensure the entrance of 30.000€ through a collabora'on in different products with this company during the following three years. Specified which products will you offer them, why, and how are you going to ensure and upscale the partnership ager the first year. Alumni Manager 1. Which do you believe could be the contribu'on of an AIESEC Alumnus in AIESEC Spain? What is their benefit? What should be taken into account during the communica'on and connec'on with the Alumni? Propose at least two ac'vi'es you would do in order to empower fresh alumni (please note the current situa'on with them). 2. Create an strategic plan to build a Board of Advisors, and Alumni network in the following six months (using the GTCM model). Taking into account that this plan have to persist in the following years, and ensure con'nuity of the BOA and Alumni Network of AIESEC in Spain.

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