Fall 2016 EST Applications Round 2

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About the EST The Entity Support Team is a group of individuals in and out of the AIESEC network who, alongside the MC, work towards the growth of AIESEC in Spain. Most positions last for a semester, but can oftentimes be submitted for a renewal at the end of the term. Members will each have an MC responsible that will provide a JD, tracking, and individual leadership development.

1. 2.

How to Apply Carefully read the descriptions of the JDs available, and ensure you are prepared to make the commitment to be in the EST Submit your answers to the General Questionnaire through the Podio form, and the specific JD questionnaire as one PDF file to bit.ly/braveforspain • • •


Note that some positions ask for additional attachments; do not forget to include these If you are submitting applications to multiple positions, include all answers in the same PDF Some specific questionaires are listed on the page of the JD, and others on a separate slide at the end of the section

Deadline: Friday 5 Aug, 11:59pm

MC Contacts Joao Ghiro

Karen Farfan

Madison Heginbotham

Ana Simoneta

MC VP CXP GIP joao.ghiro@aiesec.es

MC VP CXP GCDP karen.farfan@aiesec.es


MC VP B2B ana.simoneta@aiesec.es


Alba Arjona

Sonia Mijarra

Pablo Vargas

Miro Dimitrov

MC VP PR alba.arjona@aiesec.es

MC VP BD sonia.mijarra@aiesec.es

MC VP F&BA pablo.vargas@aiesec.es

MCP miroslav.dimitrov@aiesec.es

CXP for Global Talent

National EP managers Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months

Joao Ghiro

Manage the applications and preparation with national EPs, helping and guiding them in the most customer oriented way. Adapt International Strategies and give to the network GCPs about EP management activities to have a better and faster conversion (In Progress to Approved).

Job Requirements -OGX Knowledge; -Good English; - Basic Spanish; -CF knowledge; - Customer Oriented

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

Application Requirements/Questions

- Customer Management; - Support Skills; - Market segmentation; - Resilience.

# National EPs Approved; 100% OPS delivered; # Process standarized;

1) Why do you want to apply for this position? 2) How you see the way AIESEC manage our customers generally? Set from 2 to 3 things you like and dislike about it. 3) How you think you’ll be able to manage your EPs 100% online? Please, tell some actions you can have this semester.

CXP for Global Citizen

Global Volunteer Manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Provide functional support in oGCDP operations of AIESEC EspaĂąa for standardization, tracking and training of internal process, providing materials and tools for each part of the process. Responsible for supporting in the tracking and optimization of operation, as well as the training on local level.

Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

- Global Volunteer Functional knowledge

- Coaching, training and Tracking skills

- Customer Flow

- Strategic outlook

- % functionality in the oGCDP learning center


- Project management

- % of materials needed

- % Conversion Rate

- # Training sessions - % of Growth

Application Requirements/Questions - Design an educational plan for LCs, that can allow them to improve and manage oGCDP operations - Create a SWOT analysis of oGCDP in AIESEC Spain and mention strategies for solving the current bottlenecks and achieve bigger growth - Design a strategy for improving collaboration between LCs in education and GCPS

International Relations Manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Responsible to establish, manage cooperation and identify potential new partners. Deliver matching trainings, create and manage matching tools and apply process optimization focused on match phase with the network. Responsible for providing information on specific projects for new markets and track the interaction of the LCs and these new markets. Final responsible to position AIESEC in Spain globally.

Job Requirements - Customer Flow - OP/EXPA - International Relations - Global Volunteer Functional knowledge

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

Application Requirements/Questions

- Coaching, training and Tracking skills

-# of Matches per country partner

Make an analysis of the current country partners of AIESEC in Spain

- Strategic outlook

-% of re growth with our main country partners

What would you consider the main bottleneck in OGCDP matching procces and what strategies would you implement to improve this?

- Project management - International Relations

-# of new LC – Country partners -# of Coaches/trainings to local entities

How are you going to ensure a good codelivery between entities

Business to Customer

Structure Campaign Manager

Social Media Managers

Content Creators Graphic Designer Photographer/ Videographer Blog Writer(s)

Social Media Manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Work with the social media management team to 1) transition Facebook to a unified page 2) develop social media strategy across multiple platforms 3) manage geographically-specific posts via requests from LCs to increase local relevance of posts 4) ensure national brand and campaign alignment, 5) serve as mediators for customers via messages and comments, and 6) provide monthly reports on analytics for the MC and LC of social media activities

Job Requirements - Spanish native with strong understanding of local realities

Key Learning Points


- VP MKT/B2C prefered

- Proficiency in SM Analytics and strategy development

- Reduced % bounce rates from social media to website for sign-ups

- Understanding of current external social media trends

- Knowledge of Google analytics

- % web leads from social media

- Excellent communication and time management skills

- Constant contact with plenary and MC

- Creative and innovative

- Virtual communication

- # engagements by geographical area

Application Questions - What are 2-3 things AIESEC should be doing to improve the customer engagement on our social media? Explain why and how this can be implemented - In your opinion, what is the role of social media for AIESEC in Spain? - How would you ensure that you are able to make timely posts and quickly respond to private messages from customers?

Blog Manager/Writers Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Blog managers are responsible for the consistent content creation and sharing on the national blog. Writers will publish their own content as well as seek out guests articles from the plenary and external free-lance writers. They will ensure that content is engaging for external readers, and cover a wide array of topics related to the AIESEC brand. Position will work closely with social media managers for content and sharing schedule

Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

Application Questions - Please submit a short piece of writing you have done recently and are proud of. (If you do not have written work prepared, you can write an example of a short blog post)

- Fluent Spanish, excellent English

- Writing and editing education

- # blog views and % bounce rate for articles

- Open to externals and internationals

- Portfolio building; be published online

- Good written skills, creativity

- Proficiency of webflow

- # Posts created by LCs, EPs, and external audience members

- Content creation education

- Noticeable improvement in SEO from blog posts

- Submit 5 example subjects/topics for future blog posts on the webpage - What is branded content? How should AIESEC be using this to drive customer leads?

National Photographer/Videographer Positions open

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6-12 Months


Job Description Photographers/videographers will be responsible for attending conferences , events, and summits as well as travel to LCs and Summer Camps to take photos and videos of AIESEC for design materials, content creation, etc. Will contribute to the video content strategy of the MC by creating, filming, and editing various videos throughout the semester/year.

Job Requirements - Access or ownership of own high-quality camera - Photography and videography skills - Skills in video editing preferred. Photoshop skills required - Preference given to Spanish nationals - Independently motivated

Key Learning Points - Travel opportunities - Portfolio building

Measurements of Success - % photos used for national materials - Amount of high quality content created - Online engagement with videos

Application Requirements/Questions Please provide one or both of the following: -


A link or PDF of your photography portfolio. If you don’t have a portfolio, please provide 10 of the photos you’re most proud of A link to a video you have filmed and edited recently

Campaign Manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


The Campaign Manager will be in charge of facilitating the synergy between the various roles of the B2C NST, especially for national exchange campaigns throughout Winter Peak. They will help with the development of the winter peak OGX campaign, ensure proper communication with the VPs of B2C, and track the progress, success of the campaign.

Job Requirements - Spanish nationals only - VERY strong skills in: time management, team management, communication, organization, delegation and tracking - VERY independently motivated

Key Learning Points - Team management and leadership skills - Campaign education - Portfolio building - Opportunities for travel

Measurements of Success - # “Accepted” and leads from campaign success - Overall success of determined campaign - % Platforms effectively used in campaign

Application Requirements/Questions - In your understanding, what is a multiplatform campaign? How does this apply to AIESEC - Pretend we are running a campaign for oGC recruitment. Please provide a brief outline of how you will involve all of AIESEC’s current and possible future platforms for publicity. How will you involve different roles of the NST?

Public Relations


Youth Speak Amplifier

LLC Developer

PR Explorer Madrid Positions Open

Hours per week



Term Length

Mc Responsible

6 months


Job Description The PR Explorers will be the responsibles of do a research of PR leads or events in Madrid and attend to them in order to start to build partnerships. In addition they will be the responsibles of made partners for the improvement of operations and delivery of our youth. Job Requirements -Understanding of corporate sector. -Spanish speakers. -Communication and Sales skills

Key Learning Points

Measurements of success

-Partnership management.


-Solution Oriented thinking.

#event assistance

-Developing of your selling and building relationships skills. -Team experience

#events that AIESEC is present as speaker #partnerships reach

Application Requirements/Questions 1.

Name 3 events AIESEC should be represented at. Why?


What type of partners do you think that we can provide in order to increase the delivery or facilitate our operations for youth? Put a concrete example of company.

Media & Communication Manager Positions Open

Hours per week



Term Length

Mc Responsible

6 months


Job Description The Media and Communication manager will be the responsible to do the first contact approach with media and communication agencies, bloggers, influencers‌ and at the same time to execute these media partnerships, not only to increase operations, but to increase our numbers of YSS responses and contribute to Y4GG and reach all the youth in Spain. Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of success

-Spanish required.

-Team experience.

#of media partners

-Sales experience required.

-Developing of your selling and building relationship skills.

#of influencers that help us to promote YSS and YSF.

-Solution Oriented thinking

#appearances in radio, television, newspapers‌

-Developing of your personal networking

%increase YSS responses

-Data analysis. -Solution oriented mindset

Application Requirements/Questions 1.

Map out 3 like-minded media partners that AIESEC should partner with this year. Why? How you will do the approach?


Map out the main influencer that AIESEC in Spain should contact in order to promote YSS. Why? How AIESEC can reach him/her?

Partnerships WP manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Partnerships WP manager is the main responsible to explore and reach strategical external markets (universities, business schools, language academies, youth associations‌) in order to make partnerships for increase our operations in winter peak, for oGT, oGE and oGC. Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

Application Requirements/Questions 1.

-Strategic mindset -Spanish Speaker -Communication skills -Sales skills

-Team work -Developing of selling and building relationship skills. -Knowledge about external markets

-% increase of WP operations. -# Universities, Youth Associations, BS or other markets reach -#partnerships


Choose 2 universities and 2 business schools in which AIESEC doesn’t have physical presence. Create a collaboration proposal One of the tasks of this position is make collaborations with other external markets where we can find young people to go abroad on winter. Choose one and explain why and how could be a potential market.

Alumni Manager Positions Open

Job Description

Hours per week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 months


Creation of Alumni Database, plan and implementation life-long connection strategy. Creation of Board of Advisors. Creation and management of an annual alumni meeting. Capitalize in alumni for YouthSpeak initiative. Job Requirements -Previous leadership experience. -High understanding of corporate sector and AIESEC in Spain. -Communication skills. -Spanish speaker.

Key Learning Points -Contact with the network, the MC and the National Strategies; -Contact with major alumni -Team experience

Measurements of Success -Alumni Database. -Board of Advisors creation -# of storytelling initiatives delivered -Event creation -# of alumni newsletters produced

Application Requirements/Questions 1.

Create a strategic plan to build alumni network and Board of Advisors in the following one year. Taking into account that this plan have to persist in the following years, and ensure the continuity (max. 4 pages)

Business to Business

Social Media and Digital Marketing Positions open

Job Description


Hours Per Week


Term Length

6 Months

MC Responsible

Ana Simoneta

Social Media and Digital Marketing manager is responsible of the management of social media channels ( especially Linkedin)/ Participation and creation of different Linkedin groups/ Linkedin ADs/ Create backlinks through digital alliances/ Digital strategical alliances.

Job Requirements -Digital marketing skills. -External Social media trends understanding. -Internet skills.

Key Learning Points


-Digital marketing experience.

#Companies attracted through social media.

-Social media management experience.

-Reach on Linkedin -Engagement rate

- Passionate about marketing.

-Post performance

-Understanding of ICX products.

#Banklinks #Digital alliances

Application Requirements -Develop a Linkedin ADs for Global Entrepreneurs. Including Budget, photo, text, target, and timeline. - Write 4 examples of headlines for Linkedin Posts. -Describe 3 strategies for increase the reach of our Linkedin Page

Blog Manager/Writers Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Blog managers are responsible for the consistent content creation and sharing on the national blog. Writers will publish their own content as well as seek out guests articles from the plenary and external free-lance writers. They will ensure that content is engaging for external readers, and cover a wide array of topics related to the AIESEC brand. Position will work closely with social media managers for content and sharing schedule

Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

Application Questions - Please submit a short piece of writing you have done recently and are proud of. (If you do not have written work prepared, you can write an example of a short blog post)

- Fluent Spanish, excellent English

- Writing and editing education

- # blog views and % bounce rate for articles

- Open to externals and internationals

- Portfolio building; be published online

- Good written skills, creativity

- Proficiency of webflow

- # Posts created by LCs, EPs, and external audience members

- Content creation education

- Noticeable improvement in SEO from blog posts

- Submit 5 example subjects/topics for future blog posts on the webpage - What is branded content? How should AIESEC be using this to drive customer leads?

Brand Advocacy Expert Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


This super cool position will allow you to be an expert of the Brand Advocacy strategy for enablers in AIESEC in Spain. You will be in charge of create a Brand Advocacy program for our enablers, create the tools for collect materials for promotion, create a survey for asses our customer experience, engage our enablers with our promotion and engage our enablers for reviews and referrals. This Brand Advocacy strategy is the key for our attraction part for make ICX grow in our entity.

Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

- Spanish speaker

-Brand Advocacy.



-Strategic mindset.



-Experience working with customers

# and quality of the materials.

-Hard-worker. -It is recommended to have experience in Customer experience

% of enablers engaged.

Application Questions Why do you think that Brand Advocacy is important for make ICX grow? Create a Brand Advocacy strategy for the next 6 months.

Graphic Designer Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


Create a wide range of various content/images/templates for the national web/social media pages, local committees, campaigns, and more. Editable or template versions of designs will be made available to the plenary for easy LC use. Will work closely with social media managers and photographers to develop content for online posts. Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

- Open to internationals

- Portfolio building

- Skills in and access to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

- Design practice, education

- Ability to work independently - Strong design skills - Strong understanding of branding guidelines

Measurements of Success

Application Requirements/Questions

- # Designs made on a regular basis

- Submit 3 pieces of recent designs you have done

- % LCs using national materials

- What is brand identity, and why do designs contribute to it?

- % Contribution to social media posts

CXP for Organizations

Sales Manager for Teaching Spain Positions open

Hours Per Week


Job Description



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months

Ana Simoneta


-Sales manager will be responsible of planning and Implementing national strategies for raise opportunities in the MC level. /Summer Camps market research for potential enablers /Approach meeting and proposals with potential enablers. /Be a selling role model for AIESEC in Spain/ Support with LC sales education Job Requirements OPEN TO EXTERNALS -Passionate and agile. -Spanish speaker. - Proactive and Solution oriented. -Communication skills. - Strategical thinking. -Responsibility.


Application Requirements

Social networking skills.

Quality of market analysis

Leadership skills


-Record a video selling why the company should be open to receive non-native English Speaker focusing in our Value Proposition?

Business strategic mindset


Key Learning Points Develop sales profiles.

#Open Opportunity

- How do you plan to open 100 SC TNs in your areas? Plan it in a SMART way and analyze your market and possible alliances.

Business Development

Global Entrepreneurs Specialist in Madrid Positions open

Hours Per Week

Term Length

MC Responsible



6 Months


Job Description

You will be working closely with the MCVP BD ensuring external positioning in the entrepeneurship market and the growth of operations in GE through strategic partnerships with Entrepeneurship Hubs and Institutions that promote Entrepeneurship.

Responsibilities Market Analysis Define Sales Strategy Key alliances to develop strategically GE

Key Learning Points


Business Strategy Mindset

#opportunities opened

Based in Madrid Excellent Spanish

Social networking skills

#partnerships closed #events

Solution oriented, active listener and persistence person

Global & National perspective of the Entrepeneurship Entrepeneurship events participation & attendance world Account Management

Measurements of Success

#revenue #% goal achievement

High understanding of the Entrepeneurship sector in Madrid Passionate about entrepeneurship

Questions for BD positions

Global Entrepeneurs Specialist 1. 2.

How do you think startups can contribute to the SDGs in Spain ? You have the goal of opening 100 GE opportunities until 31st January in your city . Create an action plan to achieve the goal. [You can take into account different aspects as name of project, SDG or SDGs involved, stakeholders, target definition, different ways to approach your target‌]

Financial Management

Legal National Coordinator Positions open

Hours Per Week

Term Length

MC Responsible


10 - 15

6 Months


Job Description

National responsible for the legalities of processes and products. Coordinate the management of contracts (tracking tool for all local entities, evaluation and improvement of contracts). Review and update legal status and structure of the entity (including compendium and statutes). Assure the right payment of tax, specially IS (Impuesto Sociedades) at national level. Look for free legal support (public entities that give legal support for NGOs or foundations of lawyer). Develop relations with target embassies to get VISA for non-european inters. Job Requirements Legal background Project Management External relations skills Spanish speaker

Key Learning Points

Measurements of Success

National network management

#Legal problems solved

Management of legalities of a national entity External relations skills Firefighting skills

#Colaborations with embassy %LCs with IS tax well done Get free and professional legal support

Application Requirements/Questions Perform a SWOT of legalities (legal structure, contracts, compendium, statutes, taxes...) in AiS (1 page maximum) State your relevant experience for that position (or motivational letter in case of lack of experience) (1 page maximum) Create strategies and an action plan regarding embassy relation (2 pages maximum)

National Conference Manager Positions open

Job Description

Hours Per Week



Term Length

MC Responsible

6 Months


National Conference manager is responsible to manage all national conferences and ensuring communication between OC and MC

Job Requirements

Key Learning Points

Leadership experience (VP, OCP or higher)

Management skills of national projects

Conference management

Coaching skills Firefighting skills

Measurements of Success

Application Requirements/Questions

# Delegates attendance

Perform a SWOT regarding the current state of the conferences in AiS (1 page maximum)


State your relevant experience for that position (or motivational letter in case of lack of experience) (1 page maximum) Practical Case: it is just one month and a half for the next national conference (150 delegates expected) and OC was just elected last week. Develop an action plan and timeline for making this conference happen.

Good luck! Deadline: Friday 5 August, 11:59pm

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