ECB 1920
Entity Control Board Chair Application Form
Dear ECB Chair 的準申請者: 這裡是你的 1920 AIESEC in Taiwan ECB Chair,筱雯。這一篇照理來說應該要打英文的,但 總覺得打了英文的話應該會被你直接跳過,所以我還是決定打中文了XD。 不論你是因為什麼原因而打開這份申請書,謝謝你,開始好奇「這個職位」。如果想了解更 多,後面會有更詳細的介紹。但是,我想在這裡說的是,從1718到1920,Taiwan的ECB正逐漸完 整。從建立專屬的信箱開始,架構正式的ECB申訴流程、協助各LC釐清XPP的內容,到現在,透 過分析案件數,部分部門已開始與ECB合作建立更完善的CEM系統,台灣的ECB,正逐漸的進化 著!ECB的遠景一直是希望能藉由XPP的規範,不論是O side或I side,都能讓接觸AIESEC in Taiwan的每一位外部擁有最好的經驗。我的任期也即將結束,革命尚未成功,如果,你在 Customer Centric、批判性思考、解決問題或是與AI (International teammates) 聊天 之中,有其 中一項是有興趣的話,歡迎跟我聊聊,希望能用屬於你的影響力,繼續傳承這個接力棒! 「Shine your potential and create your generation here!」 by
Sherry Huang
Role Introduction
Role Introduction Role • ECB Chair is the highest decision-making body on working arbitrating cases of exchange standards and ER Principles of AIESEC entities and physical AIESEC Members. Purpose • The purpose of ECB is to make the entity more customer centric and ensure leadership development by fulfilling standards in every AIESEC product. • Working directly with ICB and MC team, ECB should make sure the best experience be well-delivered.
Role Introduction Job Description • Case-solving based on XPP and dealing with the cases submitted to ECB. • Ensure all rights ensured in XPP is accurately informed to all the EPs. At the same time LCEB should be properly-educated regarding the knowledge of crisis management and all obligation listed in XPP. • Cooperate with front-office MCVPs to improve customer service if necessary
Role Introduction General Requirement • Applicant must have at least LCVP Product or LCP Experience • Current LCVP Product is NOT ALLOWED to submit
Working Policy • Working Hours: Flexible (Depending on cases and ICB announcement) • Term Duration: 2020/08/01-2021/07/31 • E&C Reimbursement: Attending national event or necessary meeting with MC Members
Selection Process
Application Package 1. CV (Including Academic Background, Contact, AIESEC & Non AIESEC Experience) 2. Questionnaire 3. PRISM Report within one Year Package Information • • • • •
Email the Application Package to and CC to Name your Email Subject as *2021_AIESEC in Taiwan_ECB Chair_Application_(LC)_(Sherry Huang)* Only”.zip” is acceptable DDL: 2020/05/17 (Sun.) 23:59 If the application passes, you’ll receive further information in the following two days.
General Questions
1. What is your motivation to apply this role? 2. What is your understanding of this role? 3. In your opinions, how can this role contribute to our current operation management? (Please provide details as much as possible.) Specific Questions 1. How can ECB cooperate with MC team?
2. What are the possible dimensions you think that ECB can work on in the following term? Please provide a plan with timeline. 3. What is the ideal relationship between our customers, AIESEC and ECB? 4. What are the possible improvements for customer service in AIESEC in Taiwan?
If you have any questions Feel free to contact 1920 ECB Chair, Sherry Huang