Marketing L&D Program By your lovely alumni Pearl HSIEH
HAKUNA MATATA. 意思是 All is well. 這是從 2013 年開始 National Marketing Team 的精神 我們只要想起那些看過我們的文案、參加過我們設計的活動的參與者 給他們起心動念要改變、行動的動力 一切就都 HAKUNA MATATA 因為,行銷就是影響力的起點
AbouT L&D PROgram This is marketing 101, training for beginners. We want to give a simple concept of communication and impact. We won’t give you an answer, but we encourage you to think in different perspectives. This is not going to be a boring training. We wish it’s an interesting and experiential course which make you fall in love with MARKETING.
To become a marketer, what you need is practical experiences. Thus, we will provide you immersive & experience learning experience. You have at least 1 time chance to book my time for coaching/consulting after training. During the training, we will share good & bad cases with you.
Marketing Concept
創意很難教 直接帶大家腦風暴
Why marketing exist? What’s the value of marketing? What’s the best approach for AIESEC?
好的文案帶你上天堂 不好的文案就像臭蟑螂
Know your TA, stand in your TA’s shoes and LOVE them first, then they’ll love you back.
A Logo is NOT a Brand
你的曝光不是你的曝光1 - Media
No PLAN No Gain
Low green energy is an excuse. It’s all about how u activate your green energy. We share the brainstorming methods that we love.
AIESEC brand value? PR & Marketing both influence brand, what’s the differences? How to engage audience with my brand?
Everyone asks for high impression and exposure, but what’s the efficient and effective way to get exposure?
How does a holistic plan look? Everything starts from a plan.
只是辦活動而已 哪有這麼難?
你的曝光不是你的曝光2 - Ad
How to hold a successful event that your audience MAD love it? What elements matter for an event?
If you wanna play FB game, then you have to invest money in it.
他要的不是一夜情 Building sustainable customer relationship is not ONE TIME THING. What’s the journey you want to provide to your customer?
GAME Social Media Every channel serves different purpose. Which to use and how to use are the key questions you have to answer. 多說無益 直接辦一場活動給你看 I’m still thinking what kind of event to run LOL Probably a returnee sharing. If not, it will be an experience sharing.