2021-2022 AIESEC in Taiwan MCEB Application

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

2021-2022 AIESEC in Taiwan

Member Committee Application

Special Round Final Round

Content of Table AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021


Words from 2020-2021 MCP


2021-2022 MC Structure


Contact List


MC Working Policy


MC Selection Policy


Job Description



AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Words from MCP Dear AIESEC Leaders, 2020年COVID-19疫情的爆發,直擊這個以cross culture exchange為主要營運模式的組織,我們曾⼀同度過那段徬徨、迷 茫、質疑的⽇⼦,但從未放棄尋找新的⽣存之道,因為我們沒有任何藉⼝輕⾔放棄和妥協現況!相反,我很感謝這場疫情 讓我們更看清楚組織的核⼼宗旨與存在的意義。在世界走得太快的步調下,⼀個急剎⾞讓我們停下來好好檢視⾃⼰,反思 與回顧這些⽇⼦來對組織的困惑與期待。在跟團隊與national leaders想法激盪後,我們找到了新的道路,在急剎⾞後看⾒ 了轉⾓前⽅更美麗的風景——組織轉型。AIESEC in Taiwan挑戰不單只以exchange為營運模式,更擴⼤我們的視野思考到底 可以為社會創造怎樣的青年影響⼒。 ⾯對未來,充滿著興奮與期待,很⾼興⾃⼰可以成為這個疫情時代下引領轉型的先鋒者。我看⾒在轉型後AIESEC in Taiwan 那對社會和青年更閃亮的定位,我看⾒現在的⾃⼰和⾝邊的夥伴那份緊張⼜期待的熱忱著⼿進⾏改變,我也看⾒在這片光 芒背後⼀同推進組織進步的下⼀世代——就是你們。這是⼀個沒有正確答案,也沒有歷史資料參考的世代,唯⼀挑戰的就是 我們突破框架的勇氣和想像⼒。這是⼀個我們可以重塑⾃⼰最愛的AIESEC in Taiwan模樣的世代。 不論看到這裡的你在想些什麼,AIESEC in Taiwan始終是⼀個平台等你來挑戰⾃我並創造對社會的正⾯影響⼒。很⾼興我們 都曾勇敢上選成為組織的領導者,也很⾼興我們能⼀同擁有這個機會轉變組織,看⾒不⼀樣的AIESEC in Taiwan。

AIESEC in Taiwan 2020-2021 MCP

2021-2022 MC Structure

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

2021-2022 MC Team Structure MCP TM



Youth to Business



Youth for Society

Notice: 2021-2022 MC Team owns the nal decision making right


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Contact List

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

June Chen MCP, MCVP Youth to Business, IM, BD chien.hui.chen@aiesec.net

Jerry Hsu

Youth for Society Finance and Legality 2122 MCEB Election Manager yi-rui.hsu2@aiesec.net bingjyun.zou@aiesec.net

Leadership Development yuzhi.chen@aiesec.net

MarCom ruth.li@aiesec.net

Allen Zou

Zach Chen

Ruth Li

MC Working Policy

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021


Working period: August 1st 2021-June 30th 2022 8 hours per day in of ce hour Of ce hour: 9:30-18:30 in GMT+8 (1 hour for lunch) Full time role must work in of ce 40 hours in a week; student role with less than 9 credits and must ful ll 32 hours a week (notice: for student role in winter and summer vacations need to ful ll 8 hours a day) Attend EBM, NFM, national conference, etc.

Of ce Leave


National holiday Annual leave: full time role 7 days, student role 5 days Sick leave (need to provide receipt) Menstrual leave once a month Off in lieu (at most 6 days a month)

Payment Right


Allowance for NTD 15,000 per month National event transportation by E&C covered Provide MC at for accommodation but should pay for the utility cost Provide insurance Provide personal learning fund (NTD 3,000 / 6 month) Subsidize for personal professional portraits

Working Hour









Notice: 2021-2122 MCP and MCVP F&L reserve the right to make nal decision on adjustment

On Board Timeline 2122 MC Planning

May host by AI and RO, virtually attend


June-July Transition with predecessor and 2020-2021 MC team, MC TKO will host in July



(To be con rmed)

The last week of July 2021 Virtually attend



May 22nd - 23rd

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MC Selection Policy

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

- Applicants should be R.O.C. citizen or hold ARC with at least one year validation - At least 1.5 years experience in AIESEC - Have LCP or LCVP experience

Applicant Requirement


Selection Process

- The application will be previewed by 2021-2022 MCEB election manager whether the applicant can proceed to the interview process

- 2020-2021 MC team will manage the interview process - Applicants will become of cial candidates after pass the interview

Interview Final Decision

- 2020-2021 MC Team will make the nal decision and allocation



AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021


Key AIESEC and non-AIESEC experience with clear achievement Academic background Other information you consider relevant Attach PRISM report

Endorsement Letter


1 from 2020 LCP (include LCP proxy) of AIESEC in Taiwan 1 from 2021 LCP elected of AIESEC in Taiwan 1 from current/former team leader (at least 6 months team experience) 1 from current/former team member (at least 6 months team experience)

Motivation Video


Make a video to tell us your purpose in AIESEC and your personal connection with AIESEC. The length of the video should reach the minimum of 2 min and shouldn’t exceed 5mins. Upload the video to YouTube and provide the link. Post it on Facebook national group: 20.21 Aurora_Be the light, achieve with pride


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

APPLICATION REQUIREMENT - Use one page to show us:

Blank Paper Challenge



“How leadership development should be applied in every single AIESEC in Taiwan membership based on the reality and trend in term of 2021-2022” The only limitation is your creativity

- The questionnaire consist of general questions for all MC applicants - Applicants should complete all the required questions in the maximum of 10 pages -

including front and back cover Please refer to [Questionnaire] section for more information

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021


Submission Policy

All documents should be nished in English and saved as PDF le Send the application to taiwan@aiesec.net Email tile as “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_MC Application_(English Name)” Name the application package as “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_MC Application_(English Name).zip/rar”

- All the MC applicants need to go through the of cial selection process, accomplish the requirements of the application documents. Once the applicants who accomplish the process mentioned will be recognized as of cial candidates for 2021-2022 MC team.

- Deadline to submit the application: 11:59 P.M. May 19th 2021 (GMT+8)





AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Job Description

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Talent Management National TM Process Management

Program Management

- In charge of national training conference design and



management Develop & invent TM Process Coach and guide LC talent process implementation Ensure the sustainability of LC Talent Management Function

In charge of internal LEAD training design and management Review member experience and learning path Review AIESEC in Taiwan competence National leadership capacity training

Performance Indicator

Performance Indicator


- % Leaders with capacity building - % Membership achieve their goals - % Membership engagement

% TM Process Implementation % Team standards Implementation

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Talent Management Human Resource Management -

Increase talent productivity Stabilize national HR and leadership pipeline Optimize talent capacity and talent structure Manage TLP planning and performing

Performance Indicator -

# Productivity # Applicants of TLP (Leadership Pipeline) # Membership NPS % Retention Rate

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Finance and Legality Finance Management

Legality Management



Internal auditing External auditing (accounting rm) Internal control system (e.g. Financial Model…) MC budgeting and reporting

Network Management

Resource Management


- Of ce Management - Government Resource

Accounting rm collaboration National F&L team management Subcommittee collaboration BOD Reporting

Organization Management - Risk Management - Develop nancial strategies - Entity Sustainability guardian




AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021 fi

Internal-AIESEC in Taiwan Membership (AI) Internal-AIESEC in Taiwan compendium External-Government Membership External-External Legality Change management Internal & External-Product contract cooperation

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Finance and Legality Performance Indicator -

% Finance Process Achievement Entity Sustainability Level MC Sustainability Level LC Sustainability Level Product Sustainability Level Entity Pro t/Loss # Month of Cash Reserve % Budget Execution Rate % Return On Investment


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Information Management System Management & Implementation -

System developing to support faster and smarter operation Long-term system maintaining to connect and support beyond generations User guidelines and support in any operation ow Data analysis to support MC decision-making

Network Communication & Engagement - YOP/POP/EXPA problem reporting and communicating with AI - Understand YOP/POP/EXPA development plan of AI and implement in Taiwan - Implement national information management strategy to increase overall information capacity, and -

support AIESEC in Taiwan achieving MoS. Initiate IM talent cultivating program for AIESEC in Taiwan

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Information Management Of cial Website Management

Performance Indicator

- Communicate with website company and manage maintenance - Synergize with MCVP MarCom for website content update - Implement Google Analytics coding to support digital marketing

- % click-through rate - Avg. Time on Page - conversion rate of click from website to FB conversion rate

Knowledge System Management -

Salesforce operation and membership data management Educate LC salesforce application Build up organization dashboard for tracking Build up AIESEC in Taiwan Hub for knowledge management


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Business Development Partnership Development -

Partnership development for coordinating product growth and nancial resource engagement of AIESEC in Taiwan. Responsible for partnership management and delivery. Government relationship management for stable subsidy applying. Policy engagement for yearly strategy and longterm relationship with government.

National Portfolio Coordination - Create and coordinate national product portfolio based on AIESEC essence, yearly direction and product reality - Maximize the external resource to support product innovation development - Educate network for BD knowledge and skill

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Business Development External Management & Representative - National partner account management - National/local B2B relationship management and governance

Financial Sustainability - Ensure long-term nancial sustainability with MCVP F&L for developing and managing internal operating budgets.

Performance Indicator - $ BD revenue - # partnership


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MarCom Youth Market Communicating Core (Conceptualization-Visualization-Communication) - Lead and coordinate Conceptualization proposal, consolidating ideas and input from external (youth market, trend) -

& internal (MCT, LCPT) Lead and co-work with vendor/designer to come out Visualization proposal includes images and graphic for product, PR, Social Media, etc Lead and coordinate MCLC MKT/PR Communication proposal including online, online-of ine, of ine various types of campaigns for certain performance goal

Performance Indicator -

#1 Conceptualization map #1 Product brand image for Youth for Society (and related products) #1 Product brand image for Youth to Business (and related products) #1 Product brand image for Leadership Programme (and related products) # of National PR brand image #1 MCLC MKT/PR planner & tracker continue to next page fl


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MarCom Marketing (Product Marketing for Youth for Society, Youth to Business, Leadership Programme) - Lead and coordinate product marketing planning process including STP, packaging, goal setting, etc. Map out annual -

national marketing campaign then micro monitor and closer synergy communication with product head to drive best marketing results Coordinate LC marketing progress with national package, needed training, coaching and consistent communication to maximize marketing results Analyze and summarize marketing results and accumulate know how to deliver better result in next marketing peak

Performance Indicator -

# of Youth for Society reach & leads (online & of ine) # of Youth to Business reach & leads (online & of ine) # of Leadership Development reach & leads (online & of ine) Conversion% of Youth for Society reach to leads Conversion% of Youth to Business reach to leads Conversion% of Leadership Development reach to leads Regular MKT report (suggested monthly) continue to next page




AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MarCom Public Relationship (YouthSpeak Initiatives, Other Campaign) - Aligning and execute AI announced PR policy, guideline and template - Map out annual national public relationship campaign (consolidate MCLC) then put into project management and -

drive best PR results Responsible for PR crisis that require immediate reaction in different channel that provide explanation, apology (if needed), solution toward related parties (If had) Lead and coordinate YouthSpeak initiatives including survey, report, forum and project that requires independent team for planning, preparation. delivering, closing that includes multi-stakeholders to synergy (partnership, speaker, vendor, MCT, LC, etc)

Performance Indicator -

# of exposure and engagement (online & of ine) Regular PR report (suggested quarterly) 100% delivery of external PR case open (If had) YSF BD revenue target continue to next page


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MarCom Channel Management (Website, Social Media) - Consolidate all MKT/PR campaign and put into social media calendar (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube) to deliver -

certain campaign include needed designing package Responsible for all national social media account with clear authorities for MC and LC to best co-deliver the campaign Regular analyze social media performance regarding interaction, advertisement, ow, data, etc to provide insights and know how for entity to better utilize the platform reaching out to youth market Lead and coordinate with vendor for website optimization with MC/LC-needed adjustment and update in different MKT/PR peak

Performance Indicator - #1 Annual social media calendar - Channel performance report (suggest monthly) - 100% deliver of website content management

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

MarCom Brand Management (Governance, Guideline, Template, Training) - Aligning and execute AI announced branding policy, guideline and template (BlueBook) - Lead national Brand Subcommittee for branding national decision making, cases open and needed change -

management Review, design and announce national brand guideline annually on January 31th and August 31th with matching communication or trainining Review, design and announce national brand template for external usage (proposal, certi cate, email, campaign, etc) and internal usage (MC identity, email, etc) to coherently drive our brand image Regular review LC brand exposure and provide explanation, training in certain period (summit, conf, etc) to raise and build national branding awareness and capacity

Performance Indicator -

#1 Brand Guideline at 1/31 #1 Brand Guideline at 8/31 #1 Brand Template Package (items aligned with MCP) 100% delivery of national branding case open 24hr within LC brand exposure review and response


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Youth to Business Product Management and Optimization

Performance Indicator



National GT performance and timeline management Optimize national GT operation ow process Manage S&D according to product reality and market trend Enhance operation quality for customer satisfaction

Network Communication & Management -

AI/RO communication Global/local partner engagement and management National GT team management and coaching LC GT network learning path design and function development Alumni resources engagement and facilitating

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

#CC #Meetings % conversion rate from CC-Meeting #Open % conversion rate from Meeting-Open #Approved #Realized % re-open #sign ups #applied % conversion rate from sign up to apply % conversion rate from sign up to accept

Youth to Business Product Innovation - Based on organization essence and Youth to Business product value to design new products -

(notice: it is a long-term product not short-term project) Manage and facilitate LC bottom up innovation projects and support implementation

Performance Indicator - # of innovation projects from MC - # of innovation projects from LC - % of implementation on innovation projects

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Youth for Society Product Development Strategy and Optimization - Responsible for Youth for Society product development, innovation and design on national product operation. Flow, safety and -

legality, value proposition, and customer experience and relationship management. Facilitating faster operation in internal and customer perspectives Sustain IR Partnerships to accelerate process time Understand youth for society product reality and market trend to create national strategy

Network Communication & Management -

AI/ RO communication, regular update , and strategy implementation International partner engagement and management Internal communication for strategy implementation in AIESEC in Taiwan Manage external partners or learning partners for product development

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AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Youth for Society National Team Education and Operation Management -

National youth for society Team education and coaching. National youth for society performance, system and timeline management Optimize national youth for society operation ow process Ensure national youth for society product quality and standards.

Performance Indicator -

#OPEN #Partnership #NPS #Leads #Campaign %Productivity rate #Process time #Standards implementation % Goal achievement rate


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

General Questionnaire all the applicants should answer general questionnaire

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Current Standing Point - How will you de ne ideal relationship between MC and LC? - Talk with 2 current LCPs for the reality of AIESEC in Taiwan in different aspect, and consolidate your insight.

Vision - Share with us 3 main reasons that ignite your passion to become a leader of AIESEC in Taiwan? - Why does AIESEC in Taiwan need to exist? - What's your true belief toward AIESEC in Taiwan 3-year-vision: "Be the most valuable choice of all", "Create youth social movement", "Be the most wanted talent"? If you're not 100% commit with this vision, then what's your committed vision?


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Root Cause - List down the milestones of AIESEC in Taiwan from 1718-2021, what are the common challenges? - Summarize the current reality to our entity. What are the strengths and bottlenecks? As a MCEB, what would you do to adjust and improve yourself in the rst 90 days of your term?

Strategic Direction - Please divide all LCs of AIESEC in Taiwan into three tiers. What's your tier standard? And please make two strategies for each tier to -

grow in 21.22 generation. To achieve our 3 year vision, what strategies 21.22 generation should focus and prioritize? What's the connection with 20.21 generation? If it only has one year left, what are three things that AIESEC in Taiwan should do?


AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

Function Preference - Prioritize the top three functions you prefer based on the 2021-2022 MC Team Structure.

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee 2020-2021

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