AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
2021-2022 AIESEC in Taiwan
Member Commi*ee President Applica5on_Special Round
Content of Table AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Words from 2020-2021 MCP
Contact List
Job Descrip7on
Working Policy
Selec7on Policy
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Words from 2020-2021 MCP Dear AIESEC Leaders, 2020年年對我來來說⼀一定是⽣生命中很值得回味與⾃自省的⼀一年年。 12個⽉月前被那⼀一杯⽔水倒下,殊不知⼀一個⽉月後⼀一切都與臺上所說的政⾒見見截然不同。COVID-19疫情的爆發挑戰這運作近60年年 的AIESEC in Taiwan。我們曾被徬徨與迷茫籠罩,但疫情讓我看⾒見見更更多的是組織發展、青年年創新思考、社會變⾰革的潛⼒力力。實 在是個幸運的⼀一年年,讓我們回歸組織價值的本質,重新整頓出發,⽤用更更堅定的信念念與這群青年年⽤用新的⽅方式創造影響⼒力力。如 同極光⼀一樣,我們承受著粒⼦子的碰撞,卻造就了了多彩多樣夢幻的光影。這就是我們相信台灣青年年領導⼒力力發展的未來來:包 容、多元、創新,⽽而我們則是這群勇於挑戰並創造的青年年。 年年初疫情的爆發使我們短暫停擺,對於現在這已然不是理理由,⽽而是藉⼝口。我們必須創造新的⽅方式營運,2021任期的轉型只 是開始,所有的努⼒力力都是為下⼀一代奠定基礎。我期待、我相信,下⼀一個世代會更更勇敢地定義這個組織存在的意義與價值。 讓每⼀一位青年年能挑戰對領導職位的猶疑、恐懼,看⾒見見⾃自⼰己的無限潛能並定義⾃自⼰己的領導⼒力力。 這樣的潛⼒力力與這群可愛的⼈人,就是AIESEC in Taiwan讓我看⾒見見最純粹美好的極光。 ⽽而AIESEC in Taiwan也需要這樣⼀一位leader,勇敢、無畏、堅韌地讓光芒繼續閃耀。 If not now, then when? If not you, then who? AIESEC in Taiwan 2020-2021 MCP
Contact List
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
June Chen MCP, MCVP Youth to Business
Ruth Li
Zach Chen
Allen Zou
Jerry Hsu
Leadership Development
Finance and Legality
Youth for Society
2020 LCP Contact List NTU
NCCU (proxy)
Celeste Tsou
Jason Tsai
Sharon Liu
NTPU (proxy)
Nicole Hsieh
Stacy Chang
Esther Huang
Sherry Chen
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Eason Lee
Eric Liao
2020 LCP Contact List FCU
Annie Yang
Yulin Chen
Mandy Chen
WZU (proxy)
Eva Wu
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Tina Chen
2021 LCP Contact List NTU
Alex Huang
Iris Lai
Sean Chou
Vivian Zhan
Sherry Chang
Yusmie Wu
Bonnie Wu
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Jessica Chen
Sherry Huang
2021 LCP Contact List FCU
Annie Yang
Chi Hsu
Belle Liu
Cinthya Tu
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Tina Chen
Job Descrip1on
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Government & Accountability - Responsible for carrying out the decisions of the legislaHve meeHngs and coordinaHng the work of AIESEC in Taiwan - UlHmate decision maker and sole person responsible for the acHviHes and acHons of the MC - Chair the Board of Director of AIESEC in Taiwan to report and communicate in a monthly and quarterly basis
Financial & Legal Sustainability - In charge of financial control with MCVP F&L - Maintain legal operaHon and improvement with MCVP F&L - Maintain membership status with MCVP F&L in AIESEC InternaHonal
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Long Term Strategy & Direc:on -
Responsible for facilitaHng implementaHon of global direcHon Leading MC team which is responsible for the direcHon of AIESEC in Taiwan In charge of sensing organizaHon boUleneck and cope with fundamental revoluHons Communicate organizaHon value and vision with the network
Team Management -
Tracking naHonal performance Coaching and supporHng MC team in delivering naHonal strategies and individual development Responsible for day-to-day management of MC team FacilitaHng LCP delivering naHonal strategies and design LCP learning path
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Working Policy
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Working period: Aug 1st 2021-Jun 30th 2022 8 hours per day in office hour Office hour: 9:30-18:30 in GMT+8 Full Hme role must work in office 40 hours in a week; student role with less than 9 credits and must fulfill 32 hours a week (noHce: for student role in winter and summer vacaHons need to fulfill 8 hours a day) AUend EBM, NFM, naHonal conference, etc.
Office Leave
NaHonal holiday Annual leave: full Hme role 7 days, student role 5 days Sick leave (need to provide receipt) Menstrual leave once a month Off in lieu (at most 6 days a month)
Payment Right
Allowance for NTD 15,000 per month NaHonal event transportaHon by E&C covered Provide MC flat for accommodaHon but should pay for the uHlity cost Provide personal learning fund (NTD 3,000 / 6 month) Subsidize for personal professional portraits
Working Hour
NoHce: 2021-2122 MCP and MCVP F&L reserve the right to make final decision on adjustment
On Board Timeline Transi'on
2122 MC Planning
May-July TransiHon with predecessor and 2020-2021 MC team
May-June by 2021-2022 MCP decision
30th June - 4th July 2021 in Chiayi
the last week of July 2021
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Selec1on Policy
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Applicant Requirement
- Applicants should be R.O.C. ciHzen or hold ARC with at least one year validaHon before discharge - At least 1.5 years experience in AIESEC and being ExecuHve Board in Local CommiUee or Member CommiUee
Applica'on Interview
Selec=on Process
Vo'ng AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
- The applicaHon will be previewed by 2021-2022 MCP whether the applicant can proceed to the interview process
- 2020-2021 MCP will manage the interview process - Applicants should be fully engaged the interview process - Applicants will become official candidates aker pass the interview - The elecHon day will be held on 29th-30th May 2021, which includes opening speech, quesHoning, external panel, final speech and talent show.
- The confidence and final voHng will be held in 2021-2022 MCP ElecHon on 29th-30th May 2021.
Key AIESEC and non-AIESEC experience with clear achievement Academic background Other informaHon you consider relevant AUach PRISM report, and make a video within 3min to debrief it
Endorsement LeFer
1 from 2020-2021 AIESEC in Taiwan MC team 1 from 2020 LCP (include LCP proxy) of AIESEC in Taiwan 1 from 2021 LCP of AIESEC in Taiwan 1 from current/former team leader (at least 6 months team experience) 1 from current/former team member (at least 6 months team experience) 1 from external or alumni of AIESEC
Mo=va=on Video
Make a video to tell us your purpose in AIESEC and your personal connecHon with AIESEC The length of the video should reach the minimum of 2 min and shouldn’t exceed 5mins Upload the video to YouTube and provide the link Post it on Facebook naHonal group: 20.21 Aurora_Be the light, achieve with pride
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
APPLICATION REQUIREMENT Blank Paper Challenge Manifesto Execu=ve Summary
- Use one page to show us: -
“How leadership development should be applied in every single AIESEC in Taiwan membership to create life-changing experience based on the reality and trend in term of 2021-2022” The only limitaHon is your creaHvity
- Please create a manifesto and must include "Reality understanding", “Picture", “MoS & Goal”, -
"Focus", "Strategy", “TacHc", “MC Team Structure and Role DescripHon” Applicants should complete manifesto in maximum of 15 pages including front and back cover
- A one A4 page summary for your ideal picture of 2021-2022 AIESEC in Taiwan. (i.e. one page manifesto)
- The quesHonnaire consists of general quesHonnaire, internal report, and external report. Please
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
make design of your applicaHon Applicants should complete each quesHonnaire and report in maximum of 15 pages including front and back cover Please refer to [QuesHonnaire] secHon for more informaHon
Submission Policy
All documents should be finished in English and saved as PDF file Send the applicaHon to Email Hle as “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_MCP ApplicaIon_(English Name)” Name the applicaHon package as “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_MCP ApplicaIon_(English Name).zip/rar”
- All the MCP applicants need to go through the official selecHon process, accomplish the requirements of the applicaHon documents. Once the applicants who accomplish the process menHoned will be recognized as official candidates for 2021-2022 MCP
- Deadline to submit the applicaHon: 11:59 p.m. 23th May 2021 (GMT+8)
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
General Ques1onnaire
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
AIESEC Essence Guardian - Please share your opinion of “youth leadership" in the world and in Taiwan perspecHve - Based on 2020-2021 AIESEC in Taiwan transformaHon content to design a new the AIESEC in Taiwan Way (only need statement of “Why”, “How”, “What”)
AIESEC in Taiwan Relevance - What’s your commitment on our relevance of AIESEC in Taiwan and Taiwan Society (i.e. youth organizaHon, youth plavorm, youth movement)? Please share your perspecHve on it.
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
MCP JD Understanding - Based on the the Hmeline during 21.22 MC term, please list down the JD of MCP in each month.
Stakeholder Management - Please share your perspecHve of the relaHonship among the following stakeholders: AIESEC InternaHonal (AI), Regional Office (RO), -
Member CommiUee (MC), Local CommiUee (LC) Please share your perspecHve of whether AIESEC InternaHonal (AI), Regional Office (RO) should exist or not Please share your perspecHve of MCP’s relaHonship among the following stakeholders: a. Youth b. Government (should specify departments) c. Companies (can be general or specific companies) d. NGOs (can be general or specific NGOs) e. Schools f. InternaHonal RelaHons g. Local CommiUee h. BoD i. AIESEC Alumni Taiwan (AAT)
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
Internal Report
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
To create a internal report to understand the internal reality. Please put all the reference below into one A4 PDF file, and name “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_ MCP_ Internal Report_(English Name)”. And for the report should no more than 15 pages.
En:ty Reality (:meline: 2015.8-2020.12) -
Provide the generaHon direcHon with picture, MoS, strategy, and make the conclusion in every generaHon List down the Top 5 IR partners and 1 potenHal partner for AIESEC in Taiwan and how would you posiHon in 2021-2022? Provide the memberships progress of AIESEC in Taiwan (# Members/ % Talent Pipeline/ % RetenHon Rate) Provide the annual profit & loss of AIESEC in Taiwan (1516/1617/1718/1819/1920, with enHty & individual product) Base on the data to provide the conclusion
LC Development - Provide each LC following data (2020 and 2021 LC generaHon): • • • •
EB structure: which funcHon they operate, who double/triple role talent: #EB, #MS, #Members financial: $ cash, bank assets, AP (including unpaid annual fee), AR exchange product number by each funcHon from 2017.8-2020.12 - Based on your data reference to provide a LC Development Model (include the criteria to cluster LC and each cluster benchmark by the end of 2122 generaHon) AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
External Report
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
To create a internal report to understand the internal reality. Please put all the reference below into one A4 PDF file, and name “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_ MCP_ External Report_(English Name)”. And for the report should no more than 15 pages.
Youth Leadership Development - Base on the Leadership Quality, provide the insight or reference that Taiwanese youth needs what kind of leadership quality & -
statements Provide some insight to prove that Youth can be developed through AIESEC Leadership Development Model through team exp. and AIESEC exp. Provide the insight that what leadership quality is needed in 2030, and AIESEC in Taiwan should put more focus to train
AIESEC Experience ‣ ‣ ‣ -
EwA What are the top 3 issues that Taiwanese youth care about? What are the top 3 SDGs progress in Taiwan in the past 5 years? What are the top 3 acHviHes/forum/compeHHon that most Taiwanese youth engage? (by each, so you need to list down 9 items) ELD Provide top 3 compeHtors of Youth for Society and Youth to Business, and analyze the difference Provide each 2 new product ideas of Youth for Society and Youth to Business LLC Provide 3 cases of successful alumni relaHonship management in AIESEC and external, and provide your ideas to manage alumni relaHonship in 2021-2022
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
To create a internal report to understand the internal reality. Please put all the reference below into one A4 PDF file, and name “2021-2022_AIESEC in Taiwan_ MCP_ External Report_(English Name)”. And for the report should no more than 15 pages.
Organiza:on Opera:on - Provide 3 organizaHon/company structure that different from current AIESEC in Taiwan structure - Provide 3 organizaHon/company culture delivery strategy
Brand - Provide the insight or how Taiwanese youth brand preference and the way they are inspired to take acHon by each channel (e.g. -
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, friend) Provide 3 successful brand strategy to aUract youth movement
Partnership - List down minimum 5 partners that you see the potenHal to achieve our enHty development together in 2025, and provide your ideas of each cooperaHon way
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Commi2ee 2020-2021