AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
2021 Q1Q2 National Conference Bidding AIESEC in Taiwan 20.21 term
Words from Meeting&Bid SC Conference Information
Selection Timeline and Rules Application Questionnaires AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Words from Meeting&Bid SC Hey AIESEC in Taiwan! Conference is calling! Calling for the most ambitious people with limitless creativeness to make AIESEC conference more than amazing. To ignite the whole spirit of AIESEC In Taiwan we need the warrior to showcase the spirit with the conference!
The role is never just an organizing committee, we encourage you to think and take yourself as a national leader to inspire the while entity with passion. Besides, to learn and explore experiences from how to manage and lead the team through the organizing committee, This journey will not be easy but worthwhile. In this Conference Bidding Booklet, you will find the information of all the bidding conferences and the requirements to submit your bid. We are very excited about releasing this opportunity and looking forward to seeing the best of you in each application!
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Conference Information
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
LEAD Conference Objective
Conference Date
Conference TA and Scale
1. Leadership Inspiration
Members, Team leaders, Managers
2. Competence training
150 Delegates
Conference Special Requirement 1. The main venue needs to be flat plenary(平坦式場地), no fixed seat but need chair. 2. The function track needs to have 3 rooms can cover 50 people 3. Faci room needed(must be near main plenary) 4. Need to provide meal and accommodation within premeeting and the whole conference for the following list: Chair, conference manager. Faci team, OC AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Summer National Conference Objective
Conference Date
Conference TA and Scale
1. National strategy Planning
Around 6/28-7/11
All memberships
2. Leadership Training
To be confirmed
Scale : To be confirmed
Conference Special Requirement 1. The main venue needs to be flat plenary(平坦式場地), no fixed seat but need chair. 2. The function track needs to have 3 rooms can cover 40 people 3. Faci room needed(must be near main plenary 4. Prefer plenary and accommodation at the same venue
5. Need to provide meal and accommodation within premeeting and the whole conference for the following list: Chair, conference manager, agenda mangager, Faci team, OC 6. OC need to cover the traffic fee during the conference if plenary and accommodation is not at the same venue. AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Selection Timeline and Rules
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Selection Timeline st 1
DDL: 1/15 23:59
nd 2
DDL: 1/22 23:59
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Who can apply ? Based on AIESEC in Taiwan compendium 1. Full membership 2. First year in member in alert 3. More than one cooperate but one of it need to be full membership or first year in member in alert
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Summit Rules 1.
All the subjects in application package should be complete in English.
Please send all the files in one package (rar/zip file)
The application package should be named as the following format: 2021Q1Q2_AIESEC_in_Taiwan_National_Conference_Application_(conference name)_XXU
The deadline of application is 2021/1/22 23:59
Please send package to the email below,
The subject of your email should be the name same as the application package.
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Application Questionnaires
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Motivation 1.
Please describe the bidding motivation of the conference LC is going to bid?
Please list down three MOS of the conference?
Reality sensing 1.
What will be the biggest challenge your OC or LC will face?
Please list down three pros and cons if your LC bid the conference.
Experience of hosing Please list down the conference that your have held in recent 3 years with the following content: (a) Conference name (b) Term of hosting (c) The financial status of the conference(earning or deficit and its amount) (d) Partnerships(current existed and potential AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
The human resource of OC team 1.
Please draw the structure of OC team(OCP and OC finance are required)
Please describe the JD of each position of OC team.
Please note the experience related to holding the conference of every OC.
*OCP needs to attend bidding event to present rough concept of the conference (LCP can be OCP proxy).
Logistic proposal for the conference 1.
Please provide at least 2 possible venues of conference, including information about possible main plenary, location and price.
Accommodation of bidding conference(wNCF only)
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Finance 1.
Please show the budget with the worst, ideal and best case scenario of the conference and explain the possible risks
Please show the maximum cash amount of LC which can be turnover to support conference operation.
The budget should include conference venue, the required cover cost(e.g. transportation of MC)
* Please attach the budget proposal in the application.
Timeline 1.
Please provide OC timeline for this conference. (from bidding day to conference start, which should include promotion, sponsorship, MC communication, and OC execution.)
Please provide the timeline of recruitment of OC team.
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
Special questionnaires for sNCF MC – LC management 1.
What is the ideal relation between MC and OC team communication to support conference happen?
External Relations 1.
Please list down possible partners and sponsors for the conference.
What is your goal of cash sponsorship for the summer National Conference?
What is the market value of summer National Conference for external to support in this kind of sponsorship?
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021
AIESEC in Taiwan Member Committee Session 2020-2021