2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
"It always seems impossible until its done." ─ Nelson Mandela
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
Massage from Chairperson of the Board
楊文琪 女士 Ms. Cathy Yang 台北101 副總經理 Vice President of Taipei 101 AIESEC 台灣區 理事長 Chairperson of the Board, AIESEC Taiwan AIESEC是一個國際性、跨校際、非營利、非政治的經濟商管學生組織,其宗旨是要成為企業界、學術界及學 生的橋樑,進而培養未來的領導人才,不光是企業界的領導人才,也是各個國家社會的領導者。我自己從大學 時期參與AIESEC的經驗獲益良多,其他的已離開AIESEC的資深會員亦如是,因此大家對AIESEC的活動都非常 支持。 我們身處在一個經濟景氣詭譎多變的年代,過去的商業成功模式未必適用今日的環境,企業價值及產業趨 勢漲跌迅速,年輕學子要對自己的未來有更好的掌握,提高自己職場競爭力,一定要開闊視野,放眼世界, AIESEC會是同學們參與社團最好的選擇。 對於企業界來說,人才是企業成功的關鍵。如有機會能夠參與AIESEC的活動及提供實習的機會,一方面是培 養未來台灣的人才、世界的人才,一方面也是為企業自己儲備資源,廣拓人脈,是非常好的投資。 AIESEC is an international, non-profit, non-political business and economic student organization. Its goals are linking between business, academic and students, and to nurture future leaders, not only business leaders but leaders of the society and country. I have benefitted a lot from my experiences with AIESEC when I was in school, and so did all the former AIESEC members. Therefore, we are all very keen to support AIESEC activities. We are living in a world of economic cycles. Successful business models of yesterday may not be applied today, and business values and industry trends change more drastic than we can imagine. Young students wanting to have a better grip of their future and increase their competitiveness need to expand their horizon and understand how the world functions, undoubtedly AIESEC is the best choice for them. For the business society, human resources are the key to success. If they could participate in AIESEC’s activities or offer internship opportunities, it would be helping to develop local talents and talents for the world. On the other hand, it would also be able to create talent reserve and connections for their own benefit. It would be a great investment for the business.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
Massage from President of AIESEC in Taiwan 顏博世 先生 Mr. David Yen 2011-2012年AIESEC 台灣總會 會長 President of AIESEC Taiwan 2011/2012 「青年人可能成為世界改變的驅動者嗎?」 「AIESEC可能發展在台灣的每一位青年嗎?」 「YES, 我們可以!」 每一年,AIESEC都會尋找自我在社會的定位與實現我們願景 的不同方式,當每年AIESEC創建組織里程碑的同時,我們也替 社會奠定正面發展的基礎。 我們堅定地相信青年人能夠承擔更大的社會責任,讓世界變得 更好,而青年人值得擁有一個更好的平台培育自己,貢獻自己 的家庭、社群與社會。作為全球最大的青年組織,既是我們 的使命也是目標,建立一個能夠連結青年與社會的平台,讓青年人瞭解社會的需求,學習新的能力,並在生活 中運用這些技能,更重要的,是將我們的行動轉化成正面的影響力。 今年是建立基礎,創新與進化的一年,在全國總會團隊與各分會的成員共同努力下,我們成功地聯結全台超過 150個社群與非營利組織和超過40個台灣中小企業,並引進來自30國家,超過300名國際志工和40名國際研習 生,同時,我們也送出超過800名的台灣青年至全球各地,進行海外成長計劃與海外實習計劃,這是我們史上最 好的成果。 我們誠摯地邀請每一位加入我們的行列,一同和這個振奮人心的組織,持續地創造更多與更大的正面影響力。 “Can the youth be the change agent of the world?” “Can AIESEC in Taiwan engage and develop every young person in the Taiwan?” “Yes, We Can!” As a youth-driven organization with a clear vision to develop the world and create peace and fulfill the potential of Humankind, AIESEC seeks to find the youth’s relevant position and way to realize their dreams every year. As we continuously build up milestones for AIESEC, we also continuously build stepping-stones to make our society a better place. We firmly believe that the youth can shoulder bigger responsibilities to make the world better, and that they deserve a better platform with multiple resources to cultivate themselves to become a better person for their family, community and the society. It is our mission and vision, as the world largest organization run purely by young people, to build up this platform, link them with others to understand the demands, learn and apply new skills in their lives, and most importantly, to turn actions into impacts. 2011-2012 year was the growth year in building foundations, incubating innovations and evolutions. Together with 18 people in the national team, we succesfully brought more than 300 international volunteers to more than 150 local communities and NGOs, more than 40 international interns to small medium enterprises in Taiwan, more than 800 Taiwanese young people to have crosscultural internships in more than 30 countries. It was the best results we have achieved over the past decade with the efforts made by 1,200 part-time membership body, 9 full-time national directors, supports from our board of directors and all our partners. As my leadership term closes, I sincerely invite everyone of you to join us to continuously create more and bigger positive impacts with this inspiring and amazing organization turning every possibility into impacts, my dream, AIESEC. Best regards, David
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
目錄 Content
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02 關於AIESEC 台灣 About AIESEC Taiwan
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03 我們的國際青年領導力發展平台 Our Youth Leadership Development Platform 04 我們的青年對商業合作計畫 Our Youth to Business Program 05 我們的青年對社會公益計畫 Our Youth to Society Program 06 年度大事記 Key Initiative of the Year 07 我們的合作夥伴 Our Partners
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
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01 關於AIESEC About AIESEC 自1948年成立以來,AIESEC已累積了64年致力於將全球具有潛力的 青年人培養成為具有國際視野且負責任的領導者的經驗。 AIESEC has 64 years of experience in developing high-potential youth into globally-minded responsible leaders since 1948.
1963年美國總統約翰·甘迺迪於AIESEC世界首長會議 1963_Mr. J.F. Kennedy at AIESEC International Presidents Meeting
我們的願景 Our Vision 世界和平與發展人類潛能 Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential.
2011-2012年世界總會幹部群 AIESEC International Office Leaders, 2011/2012
AIESEC是全世界最大、由大學生及青年獨立 運作的非營利國際組織,遍佈超過110個國家 與區域,以及擁有超過60,000名會員。透過提 供國際人才實習計畫、海外成長計畫、領導實 作機會以及國際性的學習平台,交換各國青年 促進不同文化、不同種族、不同經濟體系間的 深度交流,培養青年人領導力、國際觀以及跨 文化的團隊工作能力,減少誤解帶來的衝突, 並且培育這些有國際觀的青年成為未來領導 者,進一步促進全球的和平、經濟進步和社會 發展。
Present in over 110 countries and territories and with over 60,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest youth-run organization. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to participate in international internships, experience leadership and participate in a global learning environment. What makes AIESEC unique is the youth driven impactful experience that it offers to its members. AIESEC is run by young people for young people, enabling a strong experience to all its stakeholders.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
AIESEC自1948年來,培育了近10,000,000名優秀國際領導者,其中 包含前美國總統克林頓、前日本首相小泉純一郎、前聯合國祕書長安 南、瑞士銀行執行長Peter Wuffli等許多國際領導者皆曾為AIESEC的會 員。 AIESEC had developed around 10,000,000 global leaders since 1948. Including Bill Clinton, Junichiro Koizumi, Kofi Annan and Peter Wuffli.
我們的全球影響力 AIESEC in Numbers 110 2,100 60,000 16,000 20,000
Countries and territories 國家與區域 Universities 大學 Members 會員 International Internships 國際實習機會 Leadership Roles領導機會
4,000 470 945,000 64
Partners 合作夥伴 Conferences annually 會議(每年) Alumni 資深會員 years of experience 64年歷史
我們的全球網絡 Our Global Network Afghanistan Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Benin Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cameroon Canada
Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cote d′lvoire Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana
Greece Mainland of China Guatemala Malaysia Hong Kong Malta Hungary Mauritius Iceland Mexico India Moldova Indonesia Morocco Iran Netherlands Ireland New Zealand Italy Nigeria Japan Norway Jordan Oman Kazakhstan Pakistan Kenya Panama Korea Peru Kyrgyzstan Philippines Latvia Poland Lithuania Portugal Macedonia, Republic Puerto Rico
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
Qatar Togo Romania Tunisia Russia Turkey Rwanda Uganda Saudi Arabia Ukraine Senegal United Arab Emirates Serbia United Kingdom Singapore United States of America Slovakia Uruguay Slovenia Venezuela South Africa Vietnam Spain Zimbabwe Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand
02 關於AIESEC 台灣 About AIESEC Taiwan AIESEC台灣自1964年創立以來,已有近50年的發展。從原本全台灣5個分會,擴大至15個分會,分布 於各大專院校。 Founded in 1964, with 50 years of history, AIESEC Taiwan had started from only 5 local offices to 15 local offices separated in different universities and colleges. AIESEC 台灣屬於內政部人民團體下的「社團法人國際經濟商管學生會 台灣總會」,台灣總會辦公室 位於台北市。每年,帶領約800位會員,分布於全台灣15個分會,超過20所大專院校。過去一年來, 已送出超過500名台灣學生、青年到國際實習,體驗異國文化、做自我的成長;同時,也提供機會讓 超過300名海外學生、青年到台灣各非營利組織、公司實習、服務。 AIESEC Taiwan’s National Office is located in Taipei City, leading 15 local offices with 800 members in over 20 colleges and universities every year. AIESEC Taiwan had sent over 500 Taiwanese students abroad for internships, to explore themselves and experience different cultures. In addition, AIESEC Taiwan had also provided internships, community service experiences in Taiwan for over 300 international students.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report
AIESEC台灣網絡 Our Network 全台15個分會,16所大專院校。 15 local offices in 16 different universities and colleges. 國立政治大學 National Chengchi University 國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University 中國文化大學 Chinese Culture University 國立交通大學 National Chiao Tung University 國立東華大學 National Dong Hwa University 天主教輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University 銘傳大學 Ming Chuan University 國立台灣大學 National Taiwan University
東吳大學 Soochow University 國立中山大學 National Sun Yat-Sen University 國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University 東海大學 Tunghai University 逢甲大學 Feng Chia University 國立台北大學 National Taipei University 文藻外語學院 Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages 元智大學 Yuan Ze University
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University/Tsing Hua Local Office 23 years history 我覺得我很幸運,有機會用大學三年的時間,全心投入AIESEC這樣一個國際學生組織!而讓 我感到更幸運的事,我可以在清華分會最需要做些「改變」之時,出任會長一職。雖然我們 團隊成員經驗不一定比別人多、組織發展不一定比別人健全,但我們盡我們所能讓這個組織 變得更好、培育更多人才、創造出更多的影響力! 我想:「我們能夠創造『改變』,從相信與行動開始」 I feel lucky to put a lot of effort in AIESEC during my college life. And I feel even luckier to be the president of Tsing Hua Local Office while the office needed an urgent revolution. Although my executive team might have fewer experiences than the Local Offices and that my local office might be unstable, I led my team in doing our best to create more talents, more positive impact and made the office become more sustainable. All these experience really gave me a lesson: "We can definitely create "Change", and it all starts with believing and putting it into action."
楊禮鴻 Willey Yang 2011/2102 清華分會 會長 President of Tsing Hua Local Office, 2011/2012
文藻外語學院 Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages/Wenzao Local Office 11 years history 在歷屆幹部及成員的努力及經驗傳承下,在1112年文藻分會無論是在研習生交換及領導 人培訓上都有突破性的發展。1112文藻分會核心精神為─ SUPER,分別代表「Sexy」、 「Unique」、「profession」、「energy」、「responsible」它象徵了我們的特質, 也展現我們對自己的期許,希望文藻分會每個人都能不斷的追求卓越,成為對社會有影 響力的人。 2011-2012 Wenzao Local Office had a big breakthrough in leadership development and Exchange delivery. Our LC core sprit is “SUPER”. SUPER stands for「Sexy」、 「Unique」、「professional」、「energetic」、 「responsible」. It symbolizes our character and also expectations to ourselves. We hope every member in Wenzao Local Office can strive for excellence and give more positive impact to our campus and society.
林珮禎 Anita Lin 2011/2102 文藻分會 會長 President of Wenzao Local Office, 2011/2012
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 10
東吳大學 Soochow University/SooChow University Local Office 26 years history 從我接手時只有13個人,到現在有60個人,我和我的團隊一手撐起這個組織,克服組織基礎不 穩、人力不足等困難,一路上雖然遇到挫折,但我總是告訴自己和我的團隊「沒有甚麼事情是 不能克服的!」我們互相扶持,為公事討論到三更半夜,放鬆時更一起嗨到三更半夜,就這樣, 從一開始招生,我們用13個人力招到142個人投報名表,到現在我們成功開發淡江新市場,在 淡江的活動有超過300人參與,另外,我們還跟東吳合作國際馬拉松,發揚「堅持到底,永不 放棄」的精神,我想這八個字就是我們分會一整年的最佳註解,一如我們的分會精神” We are almighty transformer to create positive impacts.”沒有甚麼事情是我們做不到的! There were 13 peoples in our LC in the beginning, but currently there are 60 people. The result was all based on my team and I. Though we met some problems like LC foundation unstableness, human resource shortages, etc., but we kept telling ourselves “Nothing can beat us!” we were united as a strong team, working together in day, partying together at night.. In the end, we had 142 applications during recruitment as a successful beginning, and we were successful in expanding to a new student market-Tamkang University, and had over 300 people approached us. Moreover, we held the International Marathon with SCU to spread the “Never give up” spirit, I think this is the best description of our LC, as our LC core spirit” We are almighty transformers in creating positive impact.” This is what we do in AIESEC!
王婷幼 Ting Yu Wang 2011/2102 東吳分會 會長 President of SooChow University Local Office, 2011/2012
國立台北大學 National Taipei University/Taipei Local Office 27 years history 這一年心中一直有一個信念讓我帶領北大分會向前,那就是“Nothing is impossible.”,我們 認為凡事只要我們願意,沒有什麼是不可能的,也唯有我們開始有這個意願,才會有達成的一 天,這一年的北大分會就是這樣激勵自己不斷向前,讓自己創造更多的不可能。 In this year when I was leading TPLC to go further, I have one belief embedded in my heart: Nothing is impossible. We think that in all circumstances, if we want to do something, there is nothing that can stop us in achieving it. It is because we have this belief; we can achieve what we want today! In this year, we, TPLC, kept on motivating ourselves and pushing ourselves to go further. In the end, we created a lot of legacies and achieved those impossible challenges!
聶佑婷 Annie Nieh 2011/2102 北大分會 會長 President of Taipei Local Office, 2011/2012
國立東華大學 National Dong Hwa University/Dong Hwa Local Office 5 years history 東華分會的所有人都很珍惜這個可以讓東部青年人和世界接軌並發揮正面影響力的唯一平台。今 年,東華分會致力於發展所有潛力資源,在這一年的奮鬥下,幹部群和所有的分會成員都有高水 準的表現,不僅是受到外部的肯定更是在校園內建立的穩定且長久的知名度,也為明年的任期留 下的許多資源。帶領東華分會帶給了我很多的體悟和社會經驗,我相信只要繼續的在這個地方辛 勤耕耘,最終一定能長出豐碩的果實。 All the members in Dong Hwa Local Office treasure the only platform in Hualien for youth in eastern Taiwan to connect to the world and spread positive impact. We put all our effort in developing all the potential recourses this year. Our leaders and members all brough out high performance, not only externals recognized us, we also developed long-term brand image in the campus, giving the following year a lot of recourses to strive. Leading Dong Hwa Local Office enabled me experience the social reality. I believe if we keep putting our efforts here the outcome will be valuable.
周禹助 Kanak Chou 2011/2102 東華分會 會長 President of Dong Hwa Local Office, 2011/2012
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 11
AIESEC台灣總會 AIESEC Taiwan National Office
後排左起 Back row from the left 高瑋呈 Will Kao (VP Telant Management) 潘季楓 Ejil Pan (VP Finance) 潘珮瑄 Peggy Pan (VP External Relations) 顏博世 David Yen (President) 高鈺婷 Zoe Kao (Account Executive) 葉家維 Julian Yeh (Account Executive) 海杰力 Jeric Adriano (VP Global Internship Program)
中間左起 Middle row from the left 練書晴 Una Lien (VP Communication) 謝詠伃 Janice Hsieh (Account Executive) 林秀容 Julie Lin (VP Project Management) 朱怡錚 Clare Chu (Global Internship Program Manager) 張博閔 Perry Chang (VP Global Internship Program) 莊承恩 Samuel Chuang (Account Executive)
Connect and Beyond Deliver Our Promise
前排間左起 Front row from the left 李建霖 Leon Lee (Account Executive) 鄭羽涵 Yuhan Cheng (Account Executive) 陳 琦 Chi Chen (VP Global Development Program) 蘇莉婷 Irene Su (Account Executive) 雲美綺 Maggie Yun (Account Executive)
AIESEC台灣總會負責在台灣為AIESEC的組織發展制定長遠目標與策略並以協調全台各分會工作。 為提供給社會更好的AIESEC體驗計劃,2011/2012總會團隊秉持著「承先啟後,說到做到。」的精神,領 導全台進行系統性的改革,帶領AIESEC在台灣邁向下一個發展階段並達成史上最好的成果。 The AIESEC Taiwan National Office connects all the activities of the organization, supports the local office, and manages the development of global/national strategies. To better provide high quality AIESEC experience to our stakeholders, we provide different services including talent development, financial management, brand enhancement, and conference management. With the stand of “Connect and Beyond, Deliver Our Promise”, the National Office 2011/2012 term initiated and implemented needed systematic changes to lead the entire organization to the next development stage resulting in record-breaking achievement across all our organizational goals. Connect
WE aim to connect with the external world and to capitalize on every opportunity presented to us in order to be socially relevant. WE aim to connect with the global networks to maximize our impacts together for better experiences. WE aim to connect with internal AIESEC Taiwan network to co-create and collaborate in achieving our results.
WE strive to go beyond ourselves with the values we provide with our engaged stakeholders WE strive to go beyond ourselves on the processes we operate in to support our goals and structure. WE strive to go beyond ourselves on the results we create to provide more life-changing experiences to the Taiwan society.
Deliver Our Promise
WE expect to deliver our promise to every commitment we make to our stakeholder.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 12
03 我們的國際青年領導力發展平台 Our Youth Leadership Development Platform
AIESEC台灣扮演「提供價值」的平台,年輕人則透過「做中學」的方式得到以下以下價值:國際的跨文化交流機會、建立國際人 派網絡、對社會發揮正面影響力的機會、個人的自我成長與專業發展。 AIESEC成員透過參加不同種類的AIESEC Experience體驗與實踐上述價值定位,以下將分享我們在本次任期主要提供的4種經驗 的成果與影響力,分別為四個計畫:「團隊學習計畫」、「團隊領導計畫」、「海外成長計畫」「國際實習計畫」。
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 13
體驗式領導培育 Experiential Leadership Development Program
我們的體驗式領導培育使年輕人透過不同的經驗 探索、發展自我的領導潛能,主要的目的是善用 AIESEC台灣所提供的各種經驗培養年輕人的五種 特質:「多元思維」、「企業家精神」、「社會 責任」、「情緒管理」、「主動學習」,我們相 信透過發展這五種特質年輕人可以讓更多正面影 響力發生。 在培育過程中AIESEC台灣扮演「提供價值」的平 台,年輕人則透過「做中學」的方式得到以下以 下價值: > 國際的跨文化交流機會 > 建立國際人派網絡 > 對社會發揮正面影響力的機會 > 個人的自我成長與專業發展
AIESEC台灣提供的各種經驗培養年輕人的五種特質 AIESEC Taiwan provides different experiences to develop 5 characteristics of youth.
AIESEC成員透過參加不同種類的AIESEC Experience體驗與實踐上述價值定位,以下將分 享我們在本次任期主要提供的4種經驗的成果與 影響力,分別為四個計畫:「團隊學習計畫」、 「團隊領導計畫」、「海外成長計畫」「海外實 習計畫」。
Our Experiential Leadership Development enables the youth to explore and develop self leadership potential through different experiences; our main objective is to develop 5 characteristics of the youth here in AIESEC Taiwan, which are "Global Mindset, Entrepreneurial outlook, Social responsibility, Emotional intelligence and Proactive Learning". We believe we can empower young people to be positive change agents by developing these 5 characteristics. In the process of our experiential development, AIESEC Taiwan plays the role of “Value provider”, and the youth can capture the value below in our platforms. > International and multi-cultural exchange opportunities > International network > Chance to deliver positive impact > Personal and professional development AIESEC members gain the value above by participating in different kinds of experiences, in the following pages we are going to share the main achievements and impacts of the different programs we fulfilled in this 2011-2012 term . The 4 programs are: Team member program, Team leader program, Global Community Development Program and Global internship program . AIESEC台灣提供的4種青年培育計畫 AIESEC Taiwan provides 4 programs in developing the youth
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 14
Experiential Leadership Development Program
團隊學習計畫 Team Member Program 何謂團隊學習計畫? 讓成員透過實務的團隊參與和部門專案運作,發展其負責任及富企業 家精神的領導態度,同時也提供磨練管理與做事技能的機會。部門與 專案運作的共同目標為提供海內外的青年品質的AIESEC經驗,我們 常設有研習計畫相關業務部門、人才管理部門、外部關係技品牌發展 部門、財務管理部門等,透過完成組織目標以達體驗式團隊學習的功 效。 What is the Team Member Program? By participating in practical teams, functional works and projects, our members develop an entrepreneurial and responsible leadership attitude, and further develop practical management skills. The main objective of functional works and projects are providing high quality AIESEC experience for the youth inside and outside Taiwan. Most of the time we set our functional structure with international internship programs, talent management, external relations & brand management, finance management. We fulfill the effects of team member program by encouraging our members to fulfill goals of their teams and functions.
我們的影響力 我們鼓勵AIESEC台灣成員們參與為期至少兩個月,每個團隊至少3個人的 團隊學習計畫,在我們一年任期中成功創造了1,440個團隊學習計畫參與, 是對生活在台灣的青年紮紮實實的影響力。(每人至少參與一次經驗) Our impact We encourage members of AIESEC in Taiwan to join each program experience, which requires at least 2 months in length and with at least 3 people in one team. In the end, we achieved a total of 1440 real youth impact experiences to the society.
我們對品質的要求與努力 Our insistence and effort in quality
我們嘗試發展職能導向的發展與 教練系統,嵌入人才行銷、教育 訓練、篩選與評估的流程中。 We build up competencybased development systems and embed it with our flow of talent marketing, development, selection and evaluation.
我們建立計畫流程,讓成員經歷 團隊計畫、執行與反思的歷程, 本任期約300成員完成完整的流 程。 We standardized our program flow, which enables team members to be engaged in team planning, execution and reflection. In our term, nearly 300 people completed the flow.
我們建立專業學習夥伴,感謝國 際教練聯盟台灣總會與耕慧國際 管理顧問有限公司支持,我們得 以提供成員優質的自我覺察與專 案管理訓練。 We build up professional training partners. Thanks to the selfless support from ICFT and WizXpand International , we are able to provide professional training of “Self awareness” and “Project management” to our members.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 15
Experiential Leadership Development Program
團隊領導計畫 Team Leader Program
何謂團隊學習計畫? 讓成員透過領導部門和專案運作,帶領及引導團隊成員完成部門與組織目標, 我們用更密集的經驗發展其負責任及富企業家精神的領導特質,參與計劃的成 員有機會擔任專案領導人、分會中階或核心幹部、總會幹部甚至是區域及世界 總會幹部。 What is the Team Member Program ? By leading functional operations and projects and managing team members to achieve functional and organizational goals, we develop our leaders’ capacity of being extremely responsible and entrepreneurial with more intense experiences. The participants of this program are able to become project leaders, middle managers , executive boards of local committees, executive boards in national committee, regional network and/or even AIESEC International.
我們的影響力 我們鼓勵計畫成員們領導為期至少兩個月,每個團隊至少3個人的專案,或擔任分會中階與核心幹部,在我 們一年任期我們共創造了591個團隊領導人經驗,讓我們網絡裡的台灣青年獲得不同於其他大學青年的紮實 成長。 Our impact We encourage program participants lead projects or teams with the requirement of length in at least 2 months and with at least 3 team members. They can also choose to be middle level managers or executive boards in local committee, in our term we totally created 591 program experiences. Thanks to our leaders’ tremendous participation, we definitely provided an amazing development for young people in our AIESEC Taiwan network.
我們對品質的要求與努力 Our insistence and effort in quality
我們建立團隊領導經驗的流程, 讓團隊領導人經歷帶領團隊成員 擬訂團隊計畫,執行團隊計畫以 集團隊反思的歷程。(90%領導人 完成團隊計畫、30%領導人帶領 成員共同完成團隊計畫、50%領 導人帶領成員進行制度化團隊反 思)
We standardized our program flow, which enables our leaders to be engaged in leading team members to co-create team plan , execution and systematic reflection. (90 % of leaders finish team plan, 30 % of them co-create team plan with team members, 50 % of them complete the systematic reflection with their members )
我們與專業夥伴合作建立「領導人培訓 日」,約150分會幹部參與,透過系統 性的需求調查了解領導人需求,並感謝 夥伴卡內基訓練的支持,讓我們的領導 人有機會接受專業的變革領導訓練。我 們也推薦我們的領導人參加卡內基訓練 兩岸優秀青年培訓計畫,在50位青年 終究有約30位是來自AIESEC台灣的領 導人。 We built up professional partners to launch our “Developing leaders day” (Around 150 executive leaders participated), we implemented systems to understand our leaders’ demand and thanks to the support of Dale Carnegie Training , we are able to implement professional training of “Change management” to our leaders. Also we promoted our leaders to join the “Taiwan-China excellent youth leader program” of Dale Carnegie Training. Among 50 participants around 30 people are AIESEC leaders.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 16
我們建立「北區及南區領 導工作坊」,培訓領導技 能及鼓勵成員承擔領導職 位,總共約70人參與。
我們舉辦兩場「全國訓練師培 訓會議」,培育領導者成為把 影響力擴散出去的訓練師,約 40人參與會議。
We establish 2 “Regional Leadership Development Seminar” (North and south), equipping our leaders with skills and encouraged members to apply for leadership roles and in the end around 70 people participate.
We hold two “Train the trainer conference “, developing leaders to be the one who spread impact out by training, and in the end around 40 people participate the conference.
Experiential Leadership Development Program Dale Carnegie Training X AIESEC Taiwan
卡內基訓練眼中的AIESEC How Dale Carnegie Training see AIESEC
卡內基訓練是世界性企管訓練的領導品牌,我們在全球各地幫助企業、組織,發揮人力資源潛能,增強企業競爭力。 我們透過兩方面來達成此目的: 一、發展員工正確的態度及行為習慣來執行公司策略。 二、透過在實際工作及生活中練習來強化受訓學到的新技能。 卡內基訓練簡介: • 創立於1912 年 • 全世界超過86個國家設有分支機搆,並擁有一致教學內容與品質。 • 以三十種語言提供專案服務。 • 目前我們有超過三千位合格講師和教練 ( Coaches )。 • 畢業學員超過 800 萬人。 • Fortune(財富)500 大企業中,超過 425 家企業長期使用卡內基訓練。 • 卡內基《溝通與人際關係》是全球超過70年的暢銷書。 Founded in 1912, Dale Carnegie Training has evolved from one man's belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide. We focus on giving people in business the opportunity to sharpen their skills and improve their performance in order to build positive, steady, and profitable results.
回想2011年卡內基舉辦的兩岸大學菁英交流活動之所以能夠這麼成功與順利,AIESEC夥伴的熱情參與實在功不可沒。在活動中 我感受到AIESEC成員的無限創意、國際視野與大方的態度,讓我感受到台灣未來仍充滿希望。 我在與總會人才管理副會長-Will的合作過程中,看到AIESEC團隊在工作上當責嚴謹的態度、高效率的溝通以及對願景的清晰描 繪,能在這個年紀就有這樣的精神著實不簡單! 如今回想起來,與AIESEC合作是一段充滿活力與精彩的美好過程! 卡內基訓練 行銷經理 羅今唐 When I remind our program to develop youth leaders in both Taiwan and China, it won’t be so great if it had not been for the passionate participation of leaders in AIESEC. During the event I can clearly feel the endless innovation, international perspective and generosity, which makes me see the hope of Taiwan’s future. During the cooperation with the vice president of talent management in national office - Will, I see how AIESEC people are cautious, highly efficient in communication and have clear vision for organization. It’s really very amazing they have such spirit and capability in this age. Even till now, the cooperation with AIESEC is still a great experience full of energy and beauty! Marketing manager of Dale Carnegie Training Hubert Lo
” 2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 17
Experiential Leadership Development Program
AIESEC台灣青年的故事 Stories of Taiwan AIESECers
羅錦龍 Jonas Lo 台灣科技大學 台大分會人才管理部門 副會長 2012-2013年
A beautiful journey in AIESEC 海杰力 Jeric Adriano 菲律賓籍 台灣總會 2011-2012年 The Philippines National Office 2011/2012
身為一個年輕人,我是個努力想了解自 我、了解什麼樣的人生旅途是我未來希望 前行的。我相信勇於冒險、求知若渴、和 自我發展 是非常重要的。這個組織不間斷 的透過不同的機會讓我更了解這個社會的 需求,同時也讓我知道我該如何為這個社 會盡最大的一份心力。 AIESEC 推著我超越了自己的極限,於是我 揹起行囊離開了我的國家,學到了 超乎我 所想像的做人處事原則和歷練,並且激起 那股熱情讓我能在自己國家創造正面的影 響力。 追溯回去,我想這就是AIESEC存在 的原因 -- 專業跨越文化的學習發展經驗。 AIESEC 的全球化不是指到不同的的地方去 旅行,而是和那些同樣希望創造正面影響 力的專業人士和年輕人的網絡所建立起的 對話平台。 As a young person who seeks to understand himself and tries to find what career path he would like to take for the sake of his own future, I do believe that being adventurous and hungry about learning and developing oneself is very important. This organization has continuously offered opportunities that would help me think and understand the needs of the society and how can I maximize myself in it. AIESEC has pushed me to pack my bags, leave my country, and learn principles and practices beyond my own world; Yet only to be stirred back to the passion of creating a positive change in my own country. It goes back around, and I guess that is how AIESEC works, the cross-cultural-professional development experience. This AIESEC experience is not global in a sense of travelling or going to different places, rather it is global due to the conversations you built with its networks of young and professional people whose desires are to create positive change.
National Taiwan University National Taiwan University Vice President of Talent Management 2012/2013
我叫做錦龍,即將是台灣科技大學大三的學生,這一年多中,在AIESEC我挖掘到許許多多無價的寶藏,一股 追尋夢想的勇氣、一群共同奮鬥的夥伴、一個跨越國界文化的視野、一段難能可貴的團隊領導經驗,這些都 是AIESEC給我非常寶貴的禮物,尤其是在團隊領導經驗中的學習,在台灣的教育體制下很少有機會讓我們透 過體驗與實作去學習,在AIESEC中我們重視Learning by doing,藉由這些機會我更知道如何善用每個人的優 勢、運用自己的長處、學會溝通以及聆聽、勇於發言和負責,深刻了解到團隊的價值在於互補、溝通是領導 的根源,AIESEC給了你一個空間非常大的舞台、容許你在這個天地盡情發揮、不用畏懼地在碰撞中成長,這 段特別的經驗是我一輩子都會好好珍惜的禮物。 My name is Jonas and a student of the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In my one and a half year of AIESEC life, I have got a lot of priceless, treasure-filled memories. Some of these are, obtaining a strong courage to pursue a dream, being in a group of wonderful young talent (my teammates), having an amazing international perspective, and just have an incredible team and leadership experience. I would like to emphasize my teamwork and leadership experience. In Taiwan, our educational environment seldom provides practice trainings to its young people. However, we focus on learning by doing in AIESEC. In the Team Member Program and Team Leader Program, I learn how to utilize others advantage and my own strength to support a team. In addition, I practiced my communication skills, logical thinking, and behavioural responsibility. AIESEC is really a huge stage for everyone to cultivate himself or herself and explore their own potential. If you ask what AIESEC is for me, I think that I will answer it in a very simple sentence: "An amazing stage in the world, Inspire your life passion, Enlighten a dream deep in you heart, Supports you in fulfilling them, Experience global and diverse environment, and Collect wonderful life-long sweet memories."
吳宜蓁 Winnie Wu 台灣總會 2010-2011年 National Office 2010/2011
"AIESEC cannot give you anything, but you can get everything from AIESEC" 是我認為在AIESEC裡最具引 響力的一句話。透過我的AIESEC生活中,我明白且徹底執行著這句話。 AIESEC提供我領導經驗、國際經驗、專業的技巧、人際關係等學習機會,在這些經驗當中,「領導經驗」對 我來說是最具價值的。帶領全台灣15個分會,讓我了解如何與不同風格的相互合作,解決困難的問題以及領 導所有人往對的方向前進。對於一個20歲的大學生來說,並不是一個簡單的工作。還記得,我也曾經有過感 到精疲力竭的時候,但仍繼續努力想辦法解決所有面對到的困境。這些經歷讓我成為能夠更加使用策略性思 考、懂得更深的溝通技巧的人。不是所有的人都可以在我這般年紀,體驗到這些這麼棒的經驗,這讓我不同 於其他人。 我很感謝能夠加入AIESEC,使自我成長、發掘這個世界,這是我做過最正確的選擇。我很榮幸能夠成為 AIESEC的一員,AIESEC讓我的生命更加豐富、多元。 "AIESEC cannot give you anything, but you can get everything from AIESEC", this is the most powerful slogan for me of AIESEC. I realized and implemented the meaning of this slogan throughout my AIESEC life. AIESEC has provided me Leadership, International experiences, professional skills, friendship, and etc. In these experiences, "Leadership” is the most valuable experience for me, leading one of the functions in 15 local office of AIESEC Taiwan. I learned how to cooperate with different styles of people, solving difficult issues and leading all my members to the right direction. It is not an easy job for a girl who was just a normal 20 year-old university student. I remember I felt frustrated during the period but I still worked hard and figured out the solutions to solve all these tough situations. After these experiences made me become a person who thinks more strategically and better communication skills. Not everyone could have these great experiences in my age; it made me different than others. I appreciate joining AIESEC to enhance myself and explore the world. It is one of the best decisions I make for myself. I am proud to be an AIESECer , AIESEC really colors and increases the diversity in my life.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 18
Experiential Leadership Development Program
海外成長計畫 Global Community Development Program AIESEC Global Committee Development Program 海外成長計畫,仍 是提供18-31歲的青年一個出國從事不支薪研習的機會。 青年人是國家未來的領導者,一個擁有國際觀的領導人是讓自己、台 灣、世界更好的起點,我們相信所有的青年人都該給自己一個機會,走 進世界,與當地和來自世界各地的研習生對話,親身認識所有文化的傷 口與藍天;到一個陌生的地方,重新認識最純粹的自己,然後把全部的 養分帶回台灣、帶回生活,用新的態度、新的力量去完整自己的人生並 發揮自己的正面影響力,讓世界變成一個更好的地方。 目前我們送研習生出國的流程品質已較為成熟,行前準備會與歸國後的 分享會,都已納進流程裡面,加強提供給研習生的準備,我們也和南山 人壽合作,增強計劃的 安全性。在這樣的基礎上,我們將市場擴增到 全台灣40所大學,並開始提供機會給高三即將要升大學的學生。也開始 經營線上平台與社群網站,希望透過網路的力量,讓更多人可以認識我 們計劃的價值。 We hope program participants, who are under 31 years old, can bring more impact to the local committee while doing their volunteer work. We believe that a good leader needs to have a global mindset in order to bring Taiwan and the world to a better place. Since the youth are the future leaders of the world, we hope that all the young people can travel and experience other cultures. During this eXchange experience, they can explore another way of life and understand another perceptive towards life. Moreover, they can build up their global network by participating in a cross-culture team experience. Most importantly, they will have a chance to stand out of comfort zone and have a deep self-reflection to know themselves and their lives more. The young people who can create positive impact to the society through developing a global mindset are the future global leaders that we envision to cultivate. The Global Committee Development Program is the most mature program in AIESEC. This year, we have initiated the Preparation Seminar and Global Leader Conference into our program flow to make sure all the participants are prepared and ready to go abroad. We offered them the opportunity and platform to share their story to the national plenary as well. Furthermore, we have established a cooperation with Nan-Shen Insurance Company to enhance our program quality. Based on those enhancements, we expand our market into 40 universities and have started to recruit high school students to join our program. Last but not least, we also use the national website and social media to spread our value. 海外成長計畫出國人數 Number of Program Participant
將今年的狀況與去年同期做比較的結果為全面的進步。招生的狀況比去年同期有近兩倍的 成長,而配對的狀況則是增加了41%的進步,最後,台灣青年出國的比率比去年增加了 37%。而這些成長來自於市場成功的擴長以及對的市場定位。 After implementing the market expansion and right product positioning initiatives, we grew more than a 100% during all processes. Compared to last years performance, we observed that we have doubled the number of raising, 41% growth in matching and 37% growth in realizations.
海外成長計畫重點國家分佈圖 Country Partner proportion chart
今年我們除了與長久夥伴如中國 印度 東南亞各國合作外,還新增了歐洲如 義大利 匈牙利 以及捷克的合作,透過擴展國家與國家間的合作,為研習生提供更國際化的選擇。 Except for our long-term partner Mainland of China, India and the Southeast Asian entities, we have expanded our country partners to Europe such as Italy, Hungary and Czech Republic to let Exchange Participant have more choices.
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Experiential Leadership Development Program
海外成長計畫成員經驗分享 Sharing from Program Participent 國立政治大學 涂凌瑄 出訪國家:印尼 時間:2012年 ‧ 冬天 National Chengchi University Lynn Twu Country: Indonesia Date: Winter, 2012
在印尼的每天都是新的體驗、新的開始,但一切都還是回 歸到「人」,與他們的互動讓每天變得更有意義,每天都有 新的小發現印尼人熱情但經常遲到、中國每個地區的朋友都 有不同的用語,而臉書是我們最愛聊的話題、印尼人瘋迷韓 國偶像。 其中最重要的是,改變了我對印尼的刻板印象。以往談到 印尼,想到的可能只是在台灣的印尼傭人。而今認識了他們 的習慣、他們的信仰,甚至融入他們的生活,同理了解他們 的「人性」,和我們是一樣的。除此之外,也改變了我對穆 斯林的刻板印象。宗教規定了他們應循的秩序,但這裡的人 們仍有意志上的自由,並非大家印象中保守、嚴肅的穆斯 林,就女性而言,年輕的女性想在事業上有一翻成就、也可 選擇是否要戴頭巾。 另外,也更深刻體驗從「主動問」中學習的重要,離開了 教室,沒有一套制式有邏輯系統的課程,要生存、學語言、 了解文化、了解專案的內容都要主動問,才能得到解答,甚 至從進一步的聊天中,還能有意想不到的收穫。 Every day in Indonesia is a brand new experience, a brand new start. Everything will all come back to the “people”. The interactions with the people here makes everyday more meaningful. I discovered new things everyday here. Indonesians are passionate but seldom on time; The languages are different era by era in China; Facebook is the top topic when we were chatting; Indonesian is crazy about Korean stars...etc. The most important part of the experience is that it changes my point of view of how I see Indonesia. When I think of Indonesia, I can only picture servants who work in Taiwan. However, now, I learn about their custom, religion and even fit into them. I found out that we share the same “humanity”. On the other hand, I also change the way I look at the Muslim Religion. They have to obey the rules of Islam however, their minds are still free, and they are not the cautious, serious witch people that I think they are. For the women, young women want to have success on their career and they can also choose to wear headscarf or not. I also find out how important it is to learn by “asking questions”. When we left the classroom, there are no standard courses or logic. If you want to survive, learn new languages, understand the culture or the content of the tasks, you have to “ask” to get the answers. Sometimes, you can get an extra gain while chatting.
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Experiential Leadership Development Program
海外實習計畫 Global Internship Program
海外實習計畫是AIESEC 四個核心計畫中之一,旨在提供台灣青年人一個「專 業的學習發展經驗」。AIESEC 希望年輕世代能夠在一個全球性的環境下發展 自身的才能與技術,最終能夠呼應世界的需求。這個計畫鼓勵年輕人,透過在 企業的實習的經驗中帶著冒險的精神去發掘自己的潛能,到了計畫的最後他們 能夠變成那位可以開創正面影響力,不論在自己的專業工作領域或社會上的拓 荒領導者(Pioneering Leaders)。 The Global Internship Program, one of the four core programs, aims to provide a "crosscultural-professional-development" experience to Taiwan's young people. AIESEC envisions the young generation being able to develop their skills and talents in a whole new and global environment in order to meet the demand of the world's need. This program encourages young people to be adventurous as they try to discover their true potential through this corporate internships so that in the end of their journey in this AIESEC experience that they may be pioneering leaders. Leaders that could create positive change in their own work place and society. 海外實習計畫國內申請人數 Number of Program Applicant
海外成長計畫重點國家分佈圖 Country Partner proportion chart
海外實習計畫出國人數 Number of Program Participant
2011年是AIESEC 台灣的海外實習計畫很重要的一年,我 們透過了這項計畫吸引了更多年輕人的參與,與去年比起 來有24% 的成長。為了要能跟更多的年輕人分享這個經 驗,我們相信,在這之前我們必須先了解我們的顧客。 因此,今年我們著重在產品的研發與創新,使之更能吸引 並引發青年人的興趣。 我們在學生市場中分別「產品設 計」與「服務需求」創造出不同面向的產品定位。目前我 們有的三個主要產品:商管實習計畫、財務管理實習計 畫、教育實習計畫。 在現代社會中,快速的步調與節奏是很重要的要素,這同 時也說明了為什麼我們著重在提供具有大量實習生需求的 國家給我們參與計畫的年輕人。我們決定要將亞太區企業 列為此計畫最心的重點合作目標,結果顯示:穩定的實習 需求量會成功地與台灣的海外實習計畫共同創造了很多實 習機會給台灣的年輕人。 我們應該繼續關注並且協助這一項倡議,解開我們的刻板 束縛並且和亞太區的國家建立起良好的合作關係。
2011 was a good year for AIESEC Taiwan's Global Internship Program as we are tremendously growing in engaging more young people through our program, over 24% growth from last term. We believe that in order for us to share this experience to more young people, we need to understand our customers more. Hence this year, we focused on developing and innovating our products that addresses and triggers the interest of the youth. We reached out to different sectors of the student market by designing a product and service suited towards their needs. So far we have 3 main products; Business Management Program, Finance Management Program, Education Management Program. In this modern generation, pace and quickness is an important asset, that is why we focused in providing to our participants to countries where the supply if internships are ample. We have decided to focus on the Asia-Pacific region as a prime destination of our program participants, and the results showed a sustainable amount of successful internships. We shall continue to focus and support this initiative by closing up ties and partnerships with the Asia –Pacific regions and entities.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 21
Experiential Leadership Development Program
海外實習計畫成員經驗分享 Sharing from Program Participent
何宜庭 實習國家:泰國 實習單位:Asia CEO Network Ltd. 時間:2012年 ‧ 春天 Cindy Ho Country: Thailand Orgenization: Asia CEO Network Ltd. Date: Spring, 2012
在這段旅程裡,我完成了無數次自我的對話,特別是當遇到 挫折、沮喪的時候,讓我更深入了解到自己想要的是什麼。 因此,對我來說最大的挑戰是獨自面對並克服困難和定義自 己成功的里程碑。 我開始這段旅程之前所設置的目標與我最終所收穫的一致, 包括獨立生活能力,跨文化交際技能,企業家精神,領導 力,和快速的環境適應性。此外,在每個與不同產業和國家 的專案合作過程,也展開了我的國際視野和我的專業知識。 AIESEC的海外實習計劃,為你提供一個很棒的機會讓你深入 了解你是誰和你的未來藍圖。在這樣特別的海外實習經驗中 學習,從而提升自己,改變周遭的生活。 During this journey, I’ve been completed countless selfconversations while struggling for what I truly want from it, especially when encountering frustrations. Therefore, the biggest challenge for me was to face and overcome any difficulties on my own as well as find out the important things I would like to achieve. The goals I set before starting this journey were indeed what I’ve gained in the end including independentliving ability, cross-cultural communication skill, entrepreneurship, leadership, and fast environment adaptability. Besides, by being enrolled in diversified projects across industries and countries, it also broadened my global horizon and sharpened my industrial knowledge. AIESEC Global Internship Program provides you a great opportunity to deeply understand who you are and who you would like to be while working overseas; thus improving yourself and changing others’ lives.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 22
04 我們的青年對商業合作計畫 Our Youth to Business Program
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 23
Our Youth to Business Program
為什麼我們相信AIESEC可以創造價值予企業與青年人? Why we believe AIESEC can create value to businesses and young people?
世界變化快速,但人才培養與企業革新在每個世代都依然重要。 AIESEC,身為全球最大青年組織,我們持續培養具實作領導力、全球視 野、社會責任、創新變革的青年,堅信這樣的青年是社會所需的。因此, 我們希望成為企業與學生之間的橋樑,注入更多的人才於頂尖企業,開啟 更多企業與學生之間的互動與談話,永續社會進步的動力。 The world rapidly changes yet the importance of talent cultivation and improvement of businesses will never be replaced in every generation. AIESEC, as a largest global, youth-driven organization, continuously cultivate thousands of young people immersing them to become practical leaders, globally sound, socially responsible, and innovative. We strongly believe that these competencies create the most dynamic youth that this society needs. Henceforth, we aim to act as a bridge of talent acquisition between businesses and young people. Furthermore, initiate more powerful dialogues between the youth and businesses to sustain our society.
對國際人才的培育 AIESEC Taiwan提供跨國實習經驗給外 籍學生,我們之所以持續不斷地在這 個領域耕耘是因為我們深深地相信跨 文化的實際工作及實習經驗是培養青 年領袖人才的最好方式之一,這些經 驗將提供寶貴的機會給青年人來踏出 他們的舒適圈並在一個完全不同的文 化及商業環境接受挑戰,而這些艱困 的挑戰將是協助他們成長並成為未來 領袖的過程,而這就是我們AIESEC所 相信並推崇的,而在可預見的未來, 我們將持續的努力來提供更多及更好 的跨國實習機會。 Global Youth Development Today, AIESEC Taiwan provides international internship experiences to foreign young students. We continuously strive to work on this area because we believe that crosscultural and practical experiences are the best ways to cultivate young leaders. The experience would give them the change to step out of their comfort zones and face challenges head on in a very different environment and corporate world. These tough challenges will help them grow and become a future leader of their own. That is what we value and what we will keep working on to provide more and better experiences.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 24
企業的影響力 每一年,AIESEC藉由打造互動分享的平台,讓傑出的企業 領袖激發青年大格局的思考。同時,我們也持續提供台灣企 業長期穩定的全球青年人才接觸管道,成為企業了解、招募 在校學生和畢業生的首選。 Business Impact Every year, AIESEC creates a platform for business leaders to interact with young people and enable them to create global changes with responsibilities. At the same time, we provide enterprises in Taiwan with a long term, stable, and reliable access to global and local young talent; the first choice to understand, recruit, and empower students and recent graduates.
Our Youth to Business Program
全球人才實習計畫 Global Internship Program
AIESEC以提供一個跨國實習機會的平台並以此培 養青年人才為我們的願景之一,而因為這個願景 所以我們開發出一項「全球人才實習計畫」。在 此同時,AIESEC希望透過這項計畫我們能透過在 不同文化的實務經驗能培育青年領袖人才,而我 們並相信這些被培育出來的未來領導人才將會在 未來發揮正面影響力並能改變世界。 AIESEC envisions itself to provide a platform for international internships to cultivate youth talent. Based on this, we have developed a program called the “Global Internship Program”. The program enables young people to develop themselves to become future global leaders by working in a real corporate world setting in a different culture. We believe that future global leaders will have a huge impact in changing the world and creating positive changes in the future.
全球人才實習計畫在台實習人數 Number of Program Participant
台灣是一座沒有自然資源的島嶼,所以我們只能透過提 供有價值的科技產品及服務在世界立足。而這使得人才 對我們更為重要,但台灣卻長期的苦於保守而不當的外 籍人才政策導致產業緩慢的國際化及缺乏世界一流的國 際人才。而這對於一個以外貿為主的國家更是直接而巨 大的限制,並根據於我們的觀察,因為政策的限制,台 灣的企業其實有強烈的外籍人才需求。在此同時,台灣 的企業在許多的領域的非常令人矚目的成就並從而擁有 許多世界知名的品牌,而這些對世界各地的人才是非常 有吸引力的。總體來說,AIESEC為台灣企業所開發來招 攬優秀海外人才的海外人才引進計劃不僅是有意義且是 符合台灣企業的需求的。 Taiwan is a small island with few natural resources, so the only way we can compete globally is by providing strong value in technology and services; this makes talent matters. Although in the long term, Taiwan will suffer by the conservative foreign worker policy that has cause the slow international growth of our companies and the lack of international talent. For a country mainly focused on international trading, this is a strong and direct constrain. Based on what we have observed, we found out there is a strong demand from our companies to acquire international talent. On the other hand, Taiwan companies have grand achievements in many areas, such as top famous global brands. This is actually quite attractive for global talents to come. In conclusion, the Global Internship Program we have developed for Taiwan companies to recruit foreign talent is not only meaningful but also needed.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 25
Our Youth to Business Program
文佳科技眼中的AIESEC How Axtronics Inc. see AIESEC
文佳科技股份有限公司創立於1997年,是一家具有軟體自動製程、雲端計算資安 系統與Fabless IC設計(ASIC/FPGA) 技術公司,設立在新竹科學園區。多年來累積 可觀的智慧財產(IP);及強大的研發技術及豐富的經驗並連續多年獲得國科會、經 濟部及新竹科學工業園區的創新技術研究發展獎助與肯定。2011年更獲得經濟部 雲端防火牆(Cloud WAF)建置計劃專案暨技術處USB光纖連接模組科專計劃。 Founded in 1997, Axtronics Inc. technology company which has it's own software automatically processes, cloud computing information security system and Fabless IC design (ASIC / FPGA). It is located in Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park. Over the year’s accumulated substantial intellectual property (IP), with strong R & D technology and rich experience which consecutive years of innovative technology research and development grant and affirmation from the National Science Council, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park. In 2011, Axtronics Inc. even get the USB fiber connection module HKIT plan from the Ministry of Economic Affairs cloud firewall (Cloud WAF).
AIESEC的全球人才實習計畫是一個非常好的計畫, 企業應多多參與。許多國家,如美國,都會要求大 學、MBA的學生到國外去實習。這個計劃的理念是 非常好的。 Jeffrey在公司的這段期間會與其它員工互動、主動 討論事情,帶給公司內部環境很大的幫助。 文佳科技與AIESEC合作已一年多了,AIESEC的 成員非常積極,也會主動關心實習生的狀況。像 Jeffrey之前生了一場病,AIESEC的成員會照顧他並 帶他去看醫生,文佳科技對AIESEC的努力與熱誠感 到十分滿意。 文佳科技股份有限公司 副總經理 林彩鳳 Global Internship Program which provided by AIESEC is a great program. I think business or corporate should be participate in. Lots of countries, such as US, requires college or MBA student to take internship abroad. The idea of this program is very good. During the time when Jeffrey was in the firm, he will interacted with other staffs, raise topics to discuss proactively which brings great benefit to the working environment. Axtronics Inc. had cooperated with AIESEC for over a year. The people from AIESEC are very proactive and will keep on touch of the intern’s situation. There is once that Jeffery got sick, AIESEC members had took good care of him and also took him to the doctor. Axtronics Inc. is very satisfied of the hard working and passionate attitude of AIESEC. Axtronics Inc. Vice President Ms. Tsai-feng Lin.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 26
Jeff Yeung Sam Wai Country: Mauritius Orgenization: Axtronics Inc. Date: Spring, 2012
我覺得這是個非常棒的機會去學習更多的 工作知識,例如編寫程式以及學習不同的文 化。 我非常喜歡我所實習的公司,文佳科技, 自己真的非常幸運能夠在此工作。來到台 灣,我學會更佳的獨立,對自己感到更加滿 意,也讓我的父母對我感到驕傲! I think it is a great opportunity to learn more professional skills such as programming and at the same time experience a whole new different culture. I really admire the company where I had my internship in, Axtronics; I feel lucky to be here. Coming here, I learnt how to be more independent and it made me feel good about myself. I feel that I have made my parents proud.
Our Youth to Business Program
台灣的人才培育 Cultivation of Taiwan Talent
AIESEC擁有強大的學校網絡,並致力於提供「變革創造者」的培養給台 灣的年輕人,在這條路上,我們相當慶幸有各領域值得尊敬的合作夥伴支 持,一起創造出包含「跳脫思考框架」、「創新」、「組織管理」、「領 導力」、「創造社會影響力」等元素的學習環境,方式為自我探索、團隊 經驗、成長導師、會議與論壇等。 With a strong student network, AIESEC has been cultivating the “Change Agent” mentality to the youth of Taiwan. Along with our efforts on this matter, we are honored to have remarkable partners who consistently support us. We designed our learning environment by equipping young people with the “Ability to think out of the box, Innovation, Organization Management, Inspirational Leadership, and strong visions with huge social impact. The way we do this is through providing individual selfdiscovery, team experiences, mentoring, and conferences and forums.
我們的成就 青年影響力論壇 Youth Impact Forum Why 為什麼我們舉辦青年影響力論壇? Provide youth empowerment for the Taiwan society. 藉由聚集台灣年輕人,提供互動平台,了解台灣的優勢,喚起 年輕人的自我反思也開拓視野,開啟年輕人的影響力和台灣未 來的無窮希望。 How 論壇核心概念 Embrace Future迎接未來 藉由名人與談,帶領青年思考「下一個20年,台灣最大的優 勢」,鼓勵台灣青年發揮台灣精神與軟實力。 We invited outstanding leaders from the different sectors of society to discuss about “The Next 20 years for Taiwan”. Encouraging young people in Taiwan to live with the Taiwan culture and spirit. Envision Future X Dream about Future共譜未來X夢想力 邀請走在夢想實踐路上的六七年級生分享成長過程與堅持,勉 勵大學生選己所愛、愛己所選。 Invite young people who already are on the way of pursuing their dreams share their growing path, in order to inspire and enlighten the potential of students. What 論壇規模 當天共有4位嘉賓、10位講者、500名來自兩岸三地的大學生 與會,進行長達七小時的分享與互動。 We are honored to have 4 guests, 10 speakers, 500 students from greater china region to have a great time together.
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 27
Our Youth to Business Program
我們的成就 業務能力養成高峰會 Star Seller Summit 今年,台灣總會與我們的企業合作夥伴一同安排了業務力的培訓,致力於培養 企畫書撰寫、說服力、簡報力、分析力、領導力與客戶關係維繫,希望讓我們 的成員擁有更專業的培訓。 在AIESEC一年大大小小的會議中,我們也會邀請到各領域的夥伴來與學生分享 互動。 This year, the National Office organized and co-delivered with external partners about effective sales through training and practical case challenges. The core skills that we aimed to develop were proposal making skills, persuasive presentation skills, analytical skills, sales team leading skills, and customer relationship management skills. In every conference we organized, we provide our partners time to engage with the young people through workshops, company launches, and key speeches.
奧美公關眼中的AIESEC How Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide see AIESEC
此次與奧美公關代表Visa台灣,與AIESEC台灣總會合作,在2012年 4月至5月間共同舉辦「未來三力 Are you ready?」校園聯合講座, 希望藉由一系列的校園講座,培養大學生關鍵之理財力、職涯力與 國際力,用以規劃未來人生。 在AIESEC的努力下,我們成功地在台大、清大、交大、政大、輔大 及東吳,舉辦五場講座,吸引將近1,000多位同學的熱情參與;此 外,我們也建置網路平台,藉由AIESEC的會員網絡,成功創造了超 過16萬的網頁瀏覽數。 由於成效良好,不僅促使Visa香港與AIESEC香港合作舉辦校園講 座;同時我們也與AIESEC討論2013年的合作方案,希望再度結合 Visa與AIESEC,一同協助年輕族群,創造屬於自己的競爭力。 奧美公關 總監 蔡正宏 As the representative of Visa, Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide had cooperated with AIESEC in holding a Campus Forum – “Top Talents you need for the Future” last April to May of 2012. The forum hopes to develop key talents such as: Financial Management, Personal Career Path, and International competitiveness. We believe through these skills, students from the universities would be able to plan their future. Under the effort of AIESEC, we had successfully held 5 forums and attracted over 1,000 students in the following Universities; National Taiwan University, National Tsing-Hua University, National Chiao-Tung University, National ChengChi University, Fu Jen University, and Soo-chow University. In addition, we took the initiative to engage more people through the internet and social platform. Through the network of AIESEC, we have successfully created over 160,000 hits on the web. Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide Account Director Pony Tsai
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 28
05 我們的青年對社會公益計畫 Our Youth to Society Program
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 29
Our Youth to Society Program
全球青年在地發展計畫 Global Community Development Program
AIESEC 期許自己能創造一個平台,藉以連結企業、政 府與非營利組織,為少數族群來整合社會資源。同時, AIESEC 也希望能讓會員們透過執行專案來培養具有社會 責任的領導人。我們相信這群未來全球的青年領袖將成 為轉動世界的引擎。 AIESEC envisions in creating a platform that could connect the corporate, government, and non-government organizations to share the social resources to the minority groups of the society. At the same time, AIESEC Taiwan continuously train and develop young people become future socially-responsible leaders by running practical projects that engages with the fore-mentioned external stakeholders. In return, we increase the youth’s knowledge and awareness of different social issues. We believe that global youth leaders have the strongest power in changing the world and creating positive impact to the whole global community.
全球青年在地發展計畫在台實習人數 Number of Program Participant
專案簡介 校園愛滋教育防治專案 根據台灣疾管局統計,青年感染愛滋病的比例越來越高。身為一個全球最大的學生組織的一員, AIESEC Taiwan希望能為此做出些改變。我們與台灣渣打銀行共同設計此專案,並與相關非營利組織 和學校合作。今年,我們特別著重在偏遠地區學校的宣導,讓國際研習生將愛滋防治的觀念帶給各地 學生。此外,也在2011年舉辦世界愛滋日記者會,能社會大眾藉由這活動多點對這議題的認識。 HIV Project According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control (疾管局), the youth infected by HIV increases year by year. As a member of the biggest organization run by students, AIESEC Taiwan desires to make a difference through taking action through prevention awareness. We cooperated with Standard Chartered Bank and designed projects about HIV prevention and awareness to NPO’s and schools. This year, we focused in engaging our international trainees with remote schools by them giving students basic HIV understanding and prevention knowledge. In addition, on World AIDs Day, we, along with Standard Chartered Bank, hosted the “Getting to Zero” HIV prevention press conference and make the public know more about the issue.
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Our Youth to Society Program
拜耳兩性教育宣導專案 今年AIESEC Taiwan與Bayer Taiwan合作,共同發起「拜耳兩性教育宣導專案」的新專案。根據資料 顯示,相較於某些西歐國家,台灣青年普遍缺乏兩性相關知識與保護自己的方法。因此,我們邀請了 來自德國、波蘭和荷蘭的國際研習生來分享不同的觀點和教育模式。此外,這些國際研習生和AIESEC Taiwan專案成員們也到高中宣導兩性觀念,更邀請社會名人到大學論壇作分享。我們期許能夠向超過五 千名台灣學生宣導正確的兩性觀念,讓他們能更成熟地面對這議題。 Bayer Gender Equality Project Bayer Gender Equality Project is an initiative of AIESEC Taiwan in cooperation with Bayer Taiwan. Based on data, compared to some Western European countries, the Taiwan youth lacks knowledge and methods in protecting one self. Hence, we engaged with our international trainees from Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands to share a different point of view and education methods in their own countries through workshops and campus forums. In the workshops, international trainees and AIESEC members promoted gender equality to senior high school students. In the campus forums, celebrities were invited to share with university students about gender empowerment. Our vision is to continuously promote this matter to more than 5000 Taiwan students and let them become more mature in facing such delicate issue.
宜蘭休閒農業教育與休閒農業國際化專案 今年AIESEC Taiwan首度規劃了「宜蘭休閒農業教育與休閒農 業國際化專案」,此專案的長期目標是增加宜蘭地區休閒農業 與景點於國際平台上的曝光,培養具國際視野與在地關懷的宜 蘭青年,並透過資訊化與英文化增加休閒農業區與社區的競爭 力。今年寒假,我們與宜蘭休閒農業區和宜蘭大學展開合作, 同時邀請了八位來自日本、馬來西亞、德國、印尼的國際研習 生到休閒農業區做深度體驗,最後更邀請媒體與宜蘭地區相關 單位參與成果發表,為這一小步的影響力做見證。 Taiwan Farm Fun Taiwan Project During the 2011-2012 term, we initiated the first ever “Taiwan Farm Fun Taiwan Project. This project’s goal is to expand and expose the leisure of the Agricultural Sector through AIESEC’s international platform in order to cultivate the local youth and enhance their Global mindedness. We believe such platform can help suppore the local communities and increase the competitiveness of the Leisure Agricultural Area via Informational Technology and the English Language. Thus year, we engaged with the council of Agriculture, Ilan Leisure Agricultural areas, National Ilan University, the Ilan local youths, and 8 international trainees from Japan, Malaysia, Germany and Indonesia. We held trainings for Ilan’s youth and other stakeholders about our vision, hoping that our small actions can create good influences.
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06 年度大事記 Key Initiative of the Year
品牌管理及危機處理 Brand and Risk Management 為維護AIESEC在台灣的品牌推廣,我們在本年度正式完成法人化並向中華民國經濟部智慧財產局註冊AIESEC商標。此外,為管理並 減低組織營運風險,我們和專業的會計師與律師事務所合作,提供專業的外部審計與法律顧問服務,讓AIESEC在台灣能夠更專業的推 廣會務。 To better protect AIESEC brand in Taiwan, we finished legalization for AIESEC in Taiwan, changing our name from and AIESEC logo registration under Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. Furthermore, we partnered with professional accounting and lawyer firm to provide us with external auditing and law consulting services to manage and minimize our organizational risks.
網路行銷革新 Online Marketing Evolution 為增加品牌曝光度,AIESEC台灣今年對網路平台的規劃更為妥善,積 極經營官方網站(www.aiesec.org.tw)及粉絲專頁 (AIESEC in Taiwan)。重新設計網站,提升使用者滿意度及資訊完整 性,並整合多項活動,促使瀏覽人次自網站創立四年來,一年內提升 38%。積極經營粉絲專頁,重新定位設立目的,設計完整推廣計畫, 並由專人經營,使粉絲數一年內成長313%。 To increase brand exposure, AIESEC Taiwan had planned a concrete strategy for online platforms from official website (www.aiesec. org.tw)to facebook fan page (AIESEC in Taiwan). Redesign official website to enhance the satisfaction of user, the completeness of information and integrate activities brought 38% growth in the hits of official within a year. Engaging facebook fan page with resetting the purpose, concrete plan and responsible by a certain person brought 313% growth in number of fans.
全新的總會組織架構 New Member Committee Structure 由於全球AIESEC策略方向改變,我們檢視了現在的總會架構並提出策略性的改變,為達成AIESEC 2015的願景,我們於總會現任架構 中新增產品開發部門、訊息管理部門、產品行銷部門、組織發展部門並且改進總會專案執行團隊之執行和溝通效率。 Due to evolution in AIESEC global strategic direction, we've examined the current structure and proposed strategic changes on it for next year. To strive for engaging and develop every young person in the world, AIESEC in Taiwan has designed a well-rounded and strategic organizational structure for achieving higher growth. We've opened new function of Research and Development, Informational Management, Marketing and Organization Development on national level. Also, we've revised the structure for National Support Team (NST) to improve better execution effectiveness and communication efficiency.
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Fun For A Change創意影片大賽 Fun For A Change Social Competition Fun for a Change 是一項鼓勵青年以有趣方式,對社會創造正面改 變的創意競賽,核心概念是藉由遊戲般的動機改變行為,促使人們 去做正確的事(Do the right thing),最終希望青年跳脫框架, 重新思考我們能如何改變身處的世界。因為這個點子,AIESEC in Taiwan被譽為全球110國中最創新的組織,且獲得世界總會的基金 將點子付諸行為。 "Fun For A Change" is a social competition which encourage young people to make positive changes around us in an interesting way. The core idea is to change the social behavior to motivate people to do the right thing, and make young people think out of box to think how to change the world. With this idea, AIESEC in Taiwan is recognized as the most innovative entity out of 110 countries and get funded for implementing this project.
分會成長及拓展 Local Office Development and Expansion 本年度,分會發展與擴張的目標主要為提供不同發展階段的分會更 客製化的顧問服務,包含成長策略與團隊管理。為迎接未來分會的 成長,我們修訂了會員管理相關辦法,並成功的於中正大學成立 AIESEC籌備會。 In this term, we focused on providing customized coaching to local office in different development stage to suggest on different growth strategies and team management. To prepare for ambitious growth for next year, we also evolved the current membership criteria and expansion regulation. We successfully opened one expansion in National Chung Cheng University. (CH Official Extension)
品質意見調查 Quality Survey: Net Promoter Score 本年度,我們強調提供創新的體驗給,而採取的一種方式是使用NPS系統,藉由收集與分析不同產品客戶的體驗後問卷,我們進一步 的發現了產品可以改進的地方並提供下一年針對產品定位和市場定位新的策略。 In this term, we put a lot of emphasis on product innovation and one of the approach we use to gain insight is Net Promoter Score (NPS) system. By collecting and analyzing more than 300 customer samples, we were able to identity the weakness for our product, ineffectiveness of our operational flow, and further strengthen our positioning and uniqueness in the market for next year.
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07 我們的合作夥伴 Our Partners
2011-2012 AIESEC Taiwan Annual Report 編 者/ AIESEC 社團法人國際經濟商管學生會台灣總會 發行人/ 顏博世 主 編/ 練書晴 地 址/108台北市萬華區康定路229號4樓 電 話/02-2306-9472 / 02-2306-9724 網 站/ www.aiesec.org.tw E-mail/ taiwan@aiesec.net 出版日期/ 2012年12月初版一刷
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