Summer Project 2017
Opportunity ID - Duration - 01st June 2017 -31st August 2017
AIESEC in Sri Lanka has been in existence since 1995. Over 19 years of existence, AIESEC in Sri Lanka has received considerable growth, operating in Colombo, with;
4 Local Offices
4 expansions
400+ members
600+ alumni nationwide
AIESEC SL is a unique organization that gives the opportunity for local undergraduates to become more than just a graduate and serve the society better. One of the major objectives of us is leadership development for positive impact on the society in Sri Lanka.
AIESEC Colombo South is based on the University of Moratuwa. Colombo South Local committee has a membership over 200. The local committee was organized nationally and globally on its achievements. According to the statistics released by AIESEC International for the year 2013, AIESEC Colombo South is;
Ranked 13th in the world in Global Community Development Program (Incoming) with 182 exchanges.
Ranked 27th in the world in Global Internship Program (Incoming) with 31 exchanges.
‘’Global Classroom’’ is a Global Community Development Project initiated by AIESEC CS for the 4th time. As we all are aware of, illiteracy or lack of English knowledge and IT has proven to be a major issue in our society today. AIESEC CS is addressing these issues through the project “Global Classroom’’ 30 Exchange participants will be assigned to teach English and IT to 10 schools with underprivileged students. Project will have a reach of over 1000 underprivileged students. Project duration is 3 months.
Even though there are a lot of other similar projects that concentrate on underprivileged children, “Global Classroom” differs from others because this project is done by AIESEC with the collaboration of foreign interns. This opportunity provides a different and a memorable experience for the underprivileged children and also gives a life-changing experience for the foreign interns. This project makes a way to understand about the global education system in order to improve local education system to the international level and guide to improve leadership skills.
Global Classroom is aligned with the 4th Sustainable Development Goal : Quality Education
• EP fee - 120 USD : covers only accommodations and admin fee, EP should bear up food and travel cost ;Average cost for a meal is around $ 1 (should pay on arrival) • $ 6 for ICON conference ( compulsory for every EP ) • Bring pillow cases , bed sheets and mosquito nets. • No WIFI , hot water , washing machine, cooker . • WIFI and cooker can be arranged after the arrival of all the Eps. (eps should bare the cost –around $ 20 for each ) Every EP should sign the contract and indemnity form before arrival and send it back to OCP.
Accommodations ( within the capital , close to university ) Pick up from the Airport Incoming preparation seminar ( IPS ) Training session Weekly review Teaching sessions in schools Conference experience (ICON: compulsory) Travelling guidance and trips organized by the OC Visa extending support Support in currency exchanging EP buddy Global village Certificate of appreciation
6 weeks of effort Full commitment during project period Provide Feedback Exchange participant acceptant note Cultural exhibit to showcase in the global village EP fee of 120 USD
Opportunity ID - Duration - 01st June 2017 -31st August 2017