Project Booklet "Ambassadors of Guatemala"

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AIESEC in Guatemala together with INGUAT (Guatemalan Tourism Institute) is offering you an incredible and unique opportunity. Through the program Ambassadors of Guatemala you can explore one of the most beautiful countries in Central America, learn a new language and make a direct impact in the Guatemalan society. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the program is to develop more knowledge in the world about Guatemala as a country. The program aims to let you live the best Guatemalan experience and to become an ambassador of Guatemala.

THE GUATEMALAN EXPERIENCE In this program you will taste a little bit of everything; you will be working in a volunteer project, learning about the Guatemalan society; you will learn the language by participating in official Spanish classes; and on top of that you will learn about the beautiful places Guatemala is hosting by living in one. We are working together with 14 official language schools and NGOs that will host you during the program. You will be working together with another trainee in a volunteer project related to the school. Furthermore, you will receive 2 hours of Spanish classes per day. The project is organized in the most beautiful and interesting places in Guatemala: Antigua, Xela or Atitlan.

PROJECT DETAILS •Duration: 6 weeks •Arrival date: between 2th of March – 29th of March •Accommodation: You will live with a host family during the program. They are used to receive tourists and will help you to get to know the Guatemalan culture. •Food: You will have one meal per day for free. For the other meals, you can find lunch for around 3-4$. •Location: The program will take place outside of the capital, Guatemala city. You will live either in Antigua, Xela or Atitlan together with other trainees. Note that there is no AIESEC office located in one of these places.

BENEFITS • Learn Spanish 2 hours per day in the Spanish School. • Receive Spanish certificate at the end of the internship • Doing volunteer work, making social impact • Discovering one of the most beautiful countries in Latin America • Learn about culture in opening and closing events


VOLUNTEER PROJECTS Each Spanish school is working together with a different volunteer project. Here you can find the different project to which you can apply: La Union Spanish School Place: Antigua Guatemala 1.

The name of the project is Vuelta Grande and El Hato. The objective of this project is to help improving the quality and condition of the live of poor people in a community close to Antigua. You will be working in giving children tutoring and creating sustainable projects for the community

Link Opportunity:

Mundo Spanish School Place: Antigua Guatemala 1.

You will be working in a nursing home, doing and preparing activities for adult people, so they can enjoy.

Link Opportunity: 2.

You will teach English to the spanish teachers, to improve their english skills and the quality of the school.

Link Opportunity:

Probigua Spanish School

El Jardín de América Spanish School

Place: Antigua Guatemala

You will work in a volunteer project related to Advertising and Marketing in Panajachel, ATITLAN, it is You will give English classes to the Spanish teachers to the most beautiful lake in the world. help the Spanish School. There’s also a project about The activities you will make in this project : recycling in which you will show students of the school *Make research through the Internet, to create how to recycle. contacts. * To promote the school internationally, to institutions that are interested in the spanish Schools. Link Opportunity: * Make Materials Digitized for school promotion. * Make Website translations in several languages​​, if it's possible. Kie Balam Spanish School * Redesign and update the website of the school. * Use your knowledge and creativity to agree the necessities that schools have. Place: Xela Link Opportunity: You will help in a project with little girls, teaching them english, with vocabulary, activities etc. Because of their low resources they don't have English classes. Link Opportunity:




DDL: 01 March Fill out the following webform to apply for the program: DDL: 10 March We will contact you after you filled in the application form to confirm the interview.


DDL: 12 March After the interview you have 2 days to collect the following documents: Memo Deal, Trainee Form, Acceptance note.


DDL: 01 March We will prepare you for the program in a virtual meeting before your arrival.


DDL: 01-22 March We will pick you up from the airport and guide you to the place you are going to stay during the program.

PREPARATION • Bring something for the Global Village, Check out your VISA requirements to obtain a tourist visa. • Please bring your computer with you. Some hosts might not have internet access, most schools have. • You only need a tourist visa. • It is obligatory to have an international health insurance before you arrive to Guatemala • You are responsible for buying your flight ticket and inform us about your arrival time. • You will be picked up at the airport by a member of AIESEC Guatemala. We will inform you before who will pick you up and where we will host you. • The school, your host family and your work will be close. If not, the school will help you with pubic transport. You are responsible for paying this transport. • We will have a closing event and you have the opportunity travel by yourself through the country after the project

PROYECT CONTACS Elma Stoffelen Gabriela Pineda

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