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applications Aiesec in greece



In this booklet you will find

Message from Mcpe

Hello dear applicant, by opening this application you recognised Greatness within you and AIESEC in Greece. I know the feeling you have reading this application, this is just the beginning. I have the same feeling too, trying to build the team that is going to bring our entity to new heights. People with vision, passion and strength to do this. Being an MCVP in AIESEC in Greece is full of stories to tell, ambitious people full of energy, LOUD people who always strive for more, generations that keep showing that nothing is impossible in this entity an open collaborative network ready for everything. I’m sure that you know or you have heard about us haven’t you? I wish you the the best journey, enjoy this process, live it to the fullest, show me your true self and potential. If you make it to my team I hope you’re up for the most intense experience in your life so far. No kidding we are going to BOOM everything. Lots of love , Ermioni

Mcvp roles & responsibilities Structure & working conditions Selection process Timeline Application process CHECKLIst Mc contact list Aiesec in greece 19.20




Ensure common mentality & direction Introduction to the role The MC experience is one of the strongest in the organ nation. Experiencing aiesec under both team member and team leader role, an MC member is qualified for n intense experience leading the whole entity of AIESEC in Greece. Accessing Global Network of AIESEC as National Representative of the entity, one develops on both personal and professional experience. The ROLE The member committee Vice Presidents (MCVPs) prime responsibility is to develop the national strategy and direction to guide AIESEC in Greece, Local Committees and all members in achieving AIESEC in Greece’s mission and long term direction.

Responsible for the creation & implementation of national strategies Track & analyse the national performance live of Kesey in Greece in the glob Representatives of aiesec in Greece in the global network Build & facilitate national conferences & meetings Responsible to implement the global strategy based on the national reality Provide education & support to LCs on national strategies Design initiatives & projects to support national plan & growth Provide platforms for lc collaboration & innovation

Aiesec in greece 19.20

Responsibilities of an MCVP National Level • Develop overall national strategy anddirection • Gain overall and deep knowledge on the internal and external reality • Support the Drivers with projects, initiatives and Campaigns • Coaching and tracking the progress towards the goals set • Building and organising National Conferences and meetings Global Level • Communicating with AIESEC International • Be present at global virtual and physical meetings • Ensuring the implementation of the Global strategy • Ensuring the positioning of the country in the global • network Functional Coaching • Giving the general direction to LCVPs on the functional area and provide education needed • Giving customised support according to needs and • performance • Coach the functional team



Legal Management • Keep legal state of AIESEC Greece • Upgrading of Legal status

MC Managers & NSTs Management • Ensure that MC Manager/NSTs supports the MC operations and the LC development strategy • Ensure MC Manager’s Transition and Year Plan • Delegation – tracking coaching • Responsible for theirdevelopment

Aiesec in greece 19.20


Structure of mc team 19.20


The structure of the term 2019-2020 will be finalised after IPM(February 2019). The final allocation will be announced after the selection of the whole MC Team. Cddd

Positions of MCVP F&L, MCVPs BD & MCVP PR are open only to nationals.

The salary is ~250 Euros (the salary will be finalised after the budget creation of the next term) The accommodation is provided and covered to the MC Flat All National Conferences are covered Trainings will be provided by externals to cover the needs of theteam All selected MCVPs needs tobe present to Athens by 5th of June for transition

WORKING Conditions Aiesec in greece 19.20


Selection process Anyone who has been LCVP, LCP, or MC Manager experience. For anyone who does not meet these requirements, please contact to obtain eligibility. Send your application package Any applicationpackage that will be send evenwith some seconds later will notbe validated The application process consists of the submission of the Application Package, which will be followed by Pre-screening process, qualifying the official candidates and the official applicants will receive a confirmation mail. In order to proceed with the process you need to have confidence vote by the LCs. Your confidence vote will be assessed by your application & from a round of virtual Q&As from the LCs & the MC.


Applications 16/01 Launch Deadline 20/02 23:59

Confidence 25-27/02 Vote


To be announced Announcements

1st week of march

Timeline Aiesec in greece 19.20

Application process



The Application Package includes: Application Questionnaire: A pdf of maximum 10 page Answer 1 from each block & 3 from the block you are applying for & fully the General & Personal questionnaire Executive summary:Describe in a blank page the summary of yourApplication. CV : In one page state all your professional & AIESEC experience 3 Endorsement Letters: 1 from a person you have led, 1 from a person that led you & 1 from a person that you worked with 3 minutes video :Where you explain who are you & why you are applying for the position of the MCVP. Be as creative as possible. – Submit link on a pdf file

3 minutes video :Where you explain which is your vision that you have for AIESEC in Greece & which will be your 3 main strategies in order to support this vision. 16 personality test Belbin Test - Submit file with your name Barret Test – Submit link on a pdf file (Internationals Only):Visa Process: please provide an official document that justifies the process for visa type D for Greece (Nationals Only): Debts Clarification: Please provide a document that is signed by the LCP that you doesn't have debts towards the LC in case you are an LCP the document must be signed from LCVP F&L. Send your Application package in a zip with the name “MCApplicant1920_name”, (MCPc), and (Elections Manager)

Aiesec in greece 19.20


Personal questionnaire 1. 2.



How do you define Greatness? 2.

Considering the current context, which trends do you see shaping Greece and the world in the following years? In the light of these trends, what will it mean for AIESEC in Greece to stay ahead of the curve?


What kind of leadership does AIESEC in Greece need in 19.20 and how does your leadership style align to that and to the entity’s needs?


What in your opinion is the most effective way to implement national strategies through a network that is diverse, in terms of performance andrealities? Please assess the MC’s current implementation touch points & network management and give 3 points on how we could evolve them in 19.20?

Who are you and what are your dreams? What do you aspire to become through AIESEC in Greece, and what can AIESEC in Greece become through you? Which are the core 3 values that define you as a person? Which are your main 3 strengths & 3 weaknesses? Give us examples of a situation that you used your strengths to overcome your weaknesses & how do you plan to do it in this experience? Which is your main motivation to apply for MCVP of AIESEC in Greece and how is this connected to your goals in life? What do you expect to gain out of this experience?



Why do you think AIESEC in Greece is relevant with Greece right now? What will it mean for AIESEC in Greece to become a Youth Leadership Movement within 2020?

General questionnaire Aiesec in greece 19.20

Organisational health & sustainability 1.


How do you evaluate the AIESEC in Greece contribution to A2020 roadmap so far? In the context of 1920 how could we move forward with the global A2020 roadmap?

What does it mean to you to have all entities being sustainable? Based on your answer, how do you assess overall AIESEC in Greece’s sustainability currently? State the 3 main reasons that you believe that it is this way?


Which should be the 3 focus strategies in order to maximise the capacity of all the LCs and be able to keep growing every year in all ofthe products that they are running?


How would you evaluate the organisational health of the entity? Which are the indicators that should take under consideration and how should we use this datain our decision making, in everyarea?



In the context of 1920, which is the one thing that you believe MC should work on in order to achieve sustainability & growth in all ofour entities?

How would you evaluate the expansions strategy & what this strategy has offered the last years to AIESEC in Greece? Which will be the 3 main things that you would do to evolve the expansions strategy and build new LCs in the next years?


What role do you see D2021 having in the term 1920?


What are the biggest challenges ofthe LCs in resources management for the term 1718? Which are the mainthings that you could take forward on 1920 to overcome these challenges?



Organisational long term strategy & growth Aiesec in greece 19.20

Product Management 1.

How would you assess the national performance the last 3 years? How and why was it achieved? What can be improved ?

2. Evaluate all of our products in which product development phase they are and what should be done from MC and LC level in order to push the product to the next phase? 3.

Which should be the 3 strategies for overall product development in the entity?


Evaluate the 3 main E2E partners for the last 2 years and propose 3 ways to way forward for each.




Propose a strategy for increasing our retention rates & leadership pipeline in every layer of the organisation?


Analyse current organisational culture in the entity. What is your main 3 conclusions about culture of AIESEC in Greece and what should be our mainfocus for the nextyear?


Which are the main data that we need in order tomake people decisions? How we can effectively collect & analyse these data since members current state changes every day?


How many members & what kind of members does AIESEC in Greece needs in order to Break 1500? Propose 3 strategies to get there.

people Management Aiesec in greece 19.20


Marketing 1.

Analyse the current situation of Marketing Operations in AIESEC in Greece and list down the next steps.

2. What are the 3 main Marketing trends in 2019-2020 and how can AIESEC in Greece capitalise on them? 3. What role should University Relations play in the growth of our products? Please mention 3 key strategies in order to achieve strategic partnerships with universities? 4.

How do you see UR membership developing in local level taking under consideration Global SOPs.



How do you believe we can build long term credibility for the organisation and or its products & propose 3 strategies for the term 19.20. 2. How do you evaluate the current brand positioning & exposure of AIESEC in Greece. Answer with data. In your opinion what should be the entities priorities in order to reach 1 million people in Greece? 3. Besides the current product portfolio, what additional products would you implement to engage our partners in a more strategic and impactful way? Taking under consideration the current partnerships which 2 would you choose to develop with the additional products? 4. Which in your opinion is the most sustainable way to increase our CSR partnerships. Give us 3 partnerships in details of 2 products of your choice.

External Representation Aiesec in greece 19.20

t e g r o f t ’ n Do Make sure you have everything Application Questionnaire: Executive summary CV 3 Endorsement Letters: 1 from a person you have led, 1 from a person that led you & 1 from a person that you worked with 3 minutes video :Where you explain who are you & why you are applying for the position of the MCVP. Be as creative as possible. 3 minutes video :Where you explain which is your vision that you have for AIESEC in Greece & which will be your 3 main strategies in order to support this vision. 16 personality test Belbin Test



Barret Test – Submit link on a pdf file (Internationals Only):Visa Process (Nationals Only): Debts Clarification

Aiesec in greece 19.20



s u k s A Mc boomerang contact list

MCP Daphne Faneromenou: MCVP iGV & MCPe Hermione Tsotso: MCVP iGE Maria Emmanouela Petsa: MCVP oGV Marialena Mantzavela: MCVP oGE/oGT Nikolia Riga: MCVP MKT Giacomo Bertollo: MCVP F&L Mary Giannitsani: MCVP BD Antigoni Venianaki: MCVP Innovations Andreea Prodan: MCVP PR Ioannis Sfakianakis: MCVP PM Iryna Menzheha: iryna.menzheha3@aiesec.neta

Aiesec in greece 19.20


GREATNESS May the odds

Be ever in your favour

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