The Big Fat HubSpot Sync

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Delhi University


Piloting LCs


• Lengthy Response Time • VPs OGX/MKT needed to download the lead database from HubSpot manually, then allocate leads to TLs, who then allocated leads to members. Follow up was done through Google Sheets, and some times not at all. • Due to the above mentioned factors and from data collected, lead response time was at best 3 days and at worst up to a month.

• Difficulty • Downloading an Excel sheet and uploading it to Google Sheets every few days is as good as releasing a Google Form and is more annoying and cumbersome.

• Inefficiency • None of the pilot LCs had data on their lead conversion rate (Lead -> Match). HubSpot analytics is useless without this information.

VPs OGX/MKT log in to HubSpot

Export list & upload to Google Sheet

Allocate leads and send to TLs

TLs allocate leads to members

Members receive updated allocation, start contacting leads

Members need to manually update the Google Sheet with the details of the call

Leads which convert at a later point of time are never put on the sheet

Every LC has their own inefficient inhouse lead allocation system

This is a generic observed process based on inferences from piloting LCs. Your LC’s realities may be slightly different.

(N.B.: These changes are being implement for oGV only, for now. Once the processes are set in stone for oGV, we will move into implementing it for other products.)

Fundamental Changes 1.

Every sales/ops member of AIESEC India will have a personal account on HubSpot. The concept of LC accounts is eliminated.


Lead allocation happens automatically on the system, based on parameters set by the LC. No human intervention is required, the leads will reach the member directly.


Members logged into HubSpot will only see leads that are assigned to them. No leads from other teams, no leads from other LCs. TLs can see their own team’s leads and VPs can see all leads.


Accounts are created on OP by default (already in place). The member assigned, along with their TL and VP, will automatically become the EP manager of the lead. All leads are synced with their lead status on EXPA.

Process Changes 1. A sales member needs to log into HubSpot with his own credentials. They will simply see the list of leads that are relevant to them.

Process Changes 2. The member can act upon these leads by clicking on them. From here, the member may: a. Leave a note about the lead. The member may also tag someone else whose attention they wish to grab. b. Write an email directly from the lead details page. The email can be selected from certain predefined templates to avoid retyping the same email again and again. c. Log a call about the lead. The lead will receive a feedback email when a call is logged for them. d. Create a task for the lead. The task may be for the member themselves or assigned to another person eg. their TL or their VP. Tasks can be scheduled. For example, if a lead asks to be called back in 10 days, the member can create a task for themselves to call the lead back in 10 days. e. Schedule a meeting and integrate it with Google Calendar.

Process Changes 3. As soon as a lead registers, it is assigned to a member. The member and TL responsible receive an email immediately, from where they can get a few details about the lead and also log a call directly from the email. The lead itself gets a mail with the contact details of the assigned member.

This screenshot is only for representative purposes and will be more informative and formal when the system is in place.

Process Changes 4. Members can select a “Feedback� option which can be any of the following: -

Immediately interested

Needs to be constantly engaged


Interested, but permission scene

Needs to be followed up with often


Call back later

Assign a task to yourself to call back in x days


Next cycle

Assign a task to your VP to call in the next cycle


Not interested

Infrequent engagement, slowly knock off system

Approaches to these leads can be different. This feedback also gets back-synced to the national portal in order for us to send nurturing emails appropriately. 5. Once a call is logged, the lead will receive an email asking for feedback about the call. A simple, one-question survey that simply asks if the lead was satisfied, unsatisfied or the lead was not called at all. Members can hence not get away with simply logging a call without actually calling.

Notification Changes At this point, we have absolutely no notifications going out. The updated flow will have the following notifications: a.

Notification to TL & assigned member on lead registration.


Notification to lead with details of their assigned member on lead registration.


Daily summary notifications to VPs, TLs and members.


Notification if lead is not contacted within 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours. a. b. c.


Member and TL will get notified of their pending leads to be contacted in their daily summary email. VPs will get an urgent notification if a lead is not contacted within 72 hours. National team will get a notification if the lead is not contacted at most in 96 hours.

Notifications are currently via email. Possibilities of SMS notifications are being looked into.

1-Way Sync: EXPA to HubSpot a.

Lead status



2-Way Sync a.

Mark as contacted


Mark as paid


Mark as interviewed

These properties are still being worked upon.

Changes for the Near Future 1.

Emails for when leads apply to an opportunity.


Auto assigning EP managers to the leads (member, TL, VP).


Categorizing a lead that has already registered on OP before


Sending new leads on OP an email if they aren’t on


Adding lists of universities for certain/all LCs for allocation purposes.


Training seminars.

1. The piloting LCs model was chosen in order to smoothly build & release this system, collect feedback and then gradually launch to the national commission. 2. Over the next few weeks, we will be testing the system with the piloting LCs and releasing applications to the national commission to apply to be a part of the roll out. 3. By NLS 2017, we will release the system to the entire national commission. 4. Be aware that the system is still not 100% perfect. Expect bugs and inconsistencies – that’s part and parcel of building a perfect system. 5. If you have any queries or feedback, I’d love to hear! Please drop me a mail at

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