Annual Report | MC Zest 19.20 | AIESEC in India

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annual report Zest | Member Committee 19.20 AIESEC in India



Table of

contents 04

President Foreword


Our Vision


The Story of MC Zest


Mapping our Impact in India


Year in Review


Message from our BoAs


Stakeholders’ Tesitimonials


Zest Conferences


The Fundamentals




Portfolio Reports


Zest Initiatives


Stories of Impact


LCP Testimonials


Thank you Notes


Global Recognitions


Foreward Dear AIESEC Network, Members, Trainees, Partners, Alumni and all our stakeholders, Before I begin with expressing about the year of 2019-20 for AIESEC in India, I would like to bow down and express my deepest gratitude for the unending support and the infectious encouragement of all our stakeholders. We are because you are. 2019-20 has been truly one of the most unconventional and unprecedented years, yet a deeply profound one in many ways. 2019-20 marked a key milestone and was an important year for AIESEC as an organisation. We were the final generation of this decade. We were also the final generation to make the final sprint towards our mid-term direction of AIESEC2020 and start dreaming for what lies beyond. As an organisation we have been striving to be a youth leadership movement by shaping what we do around what the world needs, growing disruptively and being accessible to everyone everywhere, and we as AIESEC in India are humbled to be a part of this journey with the rest of the network and make our small contribution towards this direction. Over the last decade, AIESEC in India has been through massive transformation. From constantly driving innovation in the global plenary to shaping our Business Strategy to evolving our systems, platforms, models, conferences and bringing several accolades home, the entity has evolved consistently and magnificently. As the generation 19.20, we saw this as a huge momentum built by the countless efforts of our past generations that we wanted to capitalise on and go out loud with our actions as we strive to achieve Peace and Fulfilment of Humankind’s Potential. This year we chose to take bold actions. We chose to stand for what is right in everything we did, when that surely wasn’t easy by any means. We chose to put the organisation first at every step of the way. We constantly kept exploring the unknown and ventured into the road of things not done before with full zest. As an MC team, we were very clear that an organisation grows through the growth of its network which essentially grows with and through its people and hence the real transformation starts from the self. We envisioned an AIESECer of AIESEC in India as one with the brightest mind, the clearest vision, the proudest voice, the warmest heart, the boldest actions, and the fastest pace! An AIESECer who strives for nothing but excellence. All our efforts were centered around the fundamentals of driving the Highest performance in our operations by building the Strongest network and enabling our members to be the Smartest people on the ground and externally. This year we put special focus on rebuilding our ICX while continuing to grow in OGX through specialised ICX & OGX verticals. This was complemented with the introduction of B2B & ICX Marketing specialist in the Marketing vertical on the MC along with continued focus on B2C.


We repositioned AIESEC in India in the Global network with a refreshed identity inviting everyone to feel India in its purest form. With a dedicated Entity Development team, we were able to customise and maximise our support for each and every single entity in the network. With a strong focus on learning & development, we were able to elevate the leadership of the entity with the support of our alumni and partners who share the same vision. We continued to make value based partnerships with like minded organisations to multiply our impact. We took progressive steps towards strengthening our exciting workplace as also a safe working environment and moved towards becoming a strong collaborative ecosystem. With a major accomplishment of owning our own office now, we have strengthened the roots of the organization. As we were at the cusp of the new decade, we also took imperative steps to start dreaming for the future and establishing a long-term strategic direction for the entity to drive sustainable growth. All these advancements definitely did not happen without hardships along the way and many things could have been done differently and of course, there is still a long way to go. With the unique context of the year, AIESEC was not immune either to the pandemic that shook the entire world and humanity. Yet, I cannot be more proud and inspired to have led and be part of the generation of AIESECers who chose to stay positive in the uncertainties and rise to the challenges as resilient leaders who are fully committed to being the catalysts of change that the world needs today. Whoever you are, wherever you are from, I bow down to you again and laud you for your invaluable contributions to AIESEC in India. And I wish for you to keep going out loud ahead, in everything that you do, and in all ways that you dream of.

Devik Sodha

President, 2019-20 AIESEC in India

“This year we chose to take bold actions. We chose to stand for what is right in everything we did, when that surely wasn’t easy by any means. We chose to put the organisation f irst at every step of the way. We constantly kept exploring the unknown and ventured into the road of things not done before with full zest.”

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Second World War by a group of young people from Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden). Our fundamentals were shaped

Since then, the world has been changing faster than ever before. We believe that and they must learn to adapt quickly and solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives for

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace can symbolize a world that does not have humanity. Peace can also symbolize being in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives to build a world where people can work towards their own understanding of

Our Essence

understanding the views of others.

where people can be the best version of themselves.

We place our con ce in youth because they have the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to shape the future. They have the responsibility to improve tomorrow by choosing who they will be today.

explore and develop their leadership

sphere they would choose.

Our Unique Leadership Development Model

AIESEC’s leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they

Declining Trust in Formal Leaders

Self Aware

Understands and lives personal values Focuses on strengths over weaknesses Explores one’s passions

Believes in their ability to make a di erence in the world Interested in the world issues Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world

Complex and Interconnected World


Uncertain World

Empowering Others Develops & empowers other people Engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose

Adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges Takes risks when needed

This is the Leadership we believe in and Develop



Cross-Cultural Exchanges

AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while connected world.

Team Experiences

AIESEC members work in teams to create and manage these cross-cultural exchange experiences. This provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own

Inner and Outer Journey framework AIESEC provides in every experience, enabling young people to learn the most from every that what someone learns from any experience will stay with them forever.

Why How What


to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.

r commitments and conduct ourselves in a way aligned with what we envision


Global global network that takes ownership to make the world a

Independent bodies in its work, sustainability or decision-making. As an

of others.


Living Diversity

resources sustainably to generate more impact rather than To shape our culture we keep in mind to: Reinforce our values constantly

Engage and align our stakeholders with our values

Confront contradictory behavior that goes against our values

Can you imagine what happens to the world when we

Striving For Excellence

Youth-Run AIESEC is completely run by young people - the majority of whom are students and recent graduates.


Engage and Develop every young person?

This is the question that drives us.

Our Values


The Story of MC Zest After an intense application process, multiple rounds of interviews, assessments and tasks, the complete team for 2019-20 was announced on the 2nd of April, 2019. An MC term by definition is a tenure of paramount highs, and dreadful lows but the year evolved in a unique way that no one saw coming. Through the course of the year, there were some inevitable changes that took place in the overall composition of the team. Needless to mention though that the core of the team remained strong throughout. Since then, began an extensive transition process followed by Operations & OD Transitions summits, Steering Team Summit, MC Team days, Planning days and LC Visits to begin the term on the most elaborate level of preparation. We definitely had an intensive transition process and are extremely grateful to MC Hind (18-19) for facilitating that journey for us! The following pages will provide an outline of the thought process and the philosophy behind the identity of the MC team for the year 2019-20 – MC Zest. The story of the year 2019-20 of MC Zest has been truly unconventional, unprecedented yet a deeply profound one. And it all began here! Live through the journey yourself, while you scroll through the pages! During our first team days, the team went through an enriching process of getting to know each other through some of the most impactful experiences each individual had been through in their lives that played a pivotal role in shaping who they are!


Zest Within 8 08

The AIESEC Story ofWay MC Zest

The Story of MC Zest Through the process, we explored and acknowledged how the team comprised individuals with truly diverse experiences and backgrounds. At the same time, we discovered some of the coreunderlying elements behind all these individual experiences that connected us all together – the courage to never give up and the resilience to get back up stronger! We learnt how incredible every person in the team is and the personal & professional challenges they had overcome to be part of this MC Team for AIESEC in India through their powerful stories. Our team went through a gainful value-based planning process through multiple iterations of exploring & challenging our idea of values as individuals and as a team collectively. We explored the current and desired values for the network that ultimately led us to the desired values for the team which then gave birth to our MC Identity as MC Zest and the elements we wanted to drive through the year in everything we do! Zest for us isn’t just a team name. It’s an idea and an emotion. It’s a way of living life in its full capacity of exuberance; not doing things halfway or half heartedly; living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated through everything we lived together – the good & the bad, the ups & the downs, the anguish & the laughter, the failures & the successes. Our identity consisted of six elements that we wanted to drive through the network for every single AIESECer including ourselves. Over the past years, AIESEC in India had been going through an inevitable transformation in the way we operated, the way we communicated, the way conferences were delivered, among many other pivotal changes while embracing the youngest generation of GenZ into the organization. The MC Zest Elements were envisioned to continue this evolution and transform every single AIESECer towards being impeccable in everything that they do! These Elements were thought through to be an integral part of every single individual who’d go through an AIESEC experience. We envisioned an AIESECer of AIESEC in India as one with the BRIGHTest Mind, the CLEARest Vision, the PROUDest Voice, the WARMest Heart, the BOLDest Actions, and the FASTest Pace!

The Story Our ofJourney MC Zest

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Through this element we focused on enhancing the intellect & competence of our members, ensuring that everything we do is grounded in knowledge and that we are constantly learning & innovating to stay ahead of the curve, thus laying an emphasis on being analytical, aware and informed.

Through this element we focused on empowering a generation of hustlers who power through their actions with a growth mindset laden with progression. We built a network that is hungry to grow and thrive no matter what the circumstances and is resilient with a fighting spirit that doesn’t give up.


Identity 10

The Story of MC Zest

Through this element we focused on empowering our members to be proactive with a get sh*t done attitude and build a network that is dynamic & agile which ensures that we’re efficient & effective in everything that we do.

Through this element we focused on driving a clear purpose within our members and empower them to find their own purpose as part of this youth leadership movement. We drove them to discover their relevance and responsibility in our pursuit towards Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind’s potential and make the world a better place.

Through this element we focused on empowering our members to own their voice and beliefs, to courageously speak up, overcoming any voices of judgement while embracing their most authentic selves.

Through this element we focused on building a strong collaborative network that respects, supports and empowers each other and is humble to learn and grow together; a network which comes from a place of trust and moves towards self-expression & vulnerability. The Story of MC Zest



Activating youth leadership in India since 1981.





A YEAR IN REVIEW Year in Review




Expansion of GE to new entities

This year, iGE of AIESEC in India expanded to 12 LCs from 8 previously and oGE expanded to all LCs and to 6 out of 7 OEs, having the biggest commission ever of 32 VPs.

83% growth in oGE Realizations (Sem 1)

AIESEC in India was the Highest growing oGE entity in the Global Network with 83% growth in Realizations during the 1st sem (*2nd Sem not counted due to COVID-19). AIESEC in India ended as Globally #2 for RE & Globally #1 for CO by the end of the term.

8% growth in oGV Realizations (Sem 1)* AIESEC in India grew by 8% in RE in oGV during the 1st sem. (*2nd Sem not counted due to COVID-19.) More than 70 % IR contribution AIESEC in India strengthened its cooperation with its top International Relations (IR) partners ensuring more than 70% contribution of overall exchanges coming from the top IR Partners. Shared Investments on CEEDerships (12 CEEDerships in total through the year) played a major role in making this happen. iGT Globally #2 in RE and Globally #1 in Completes AIESEC in India’s iGT ranked Globally #2 in RE and Globally #1 in Completes by the end of the term. Launch of a new brand We started the year with the creation and launch of a new internal brand, India is a feeling, that AIESEC in India would be known for, in the years to come. Initiated B2B strategies Implementation of B2B strategies, in alignment with the global processes, to improve the customer journey of our iCX clients.


Year in Review

Initiation of iCX Marketing Commission

Initiated an iCX Marketing Commission at the LC level, merged with the JD of LCVPs B2C in 6 LCs, i.e., Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi IIT, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad and Bangalore.

Creators’ Campaign

AIESEC content CEEDership for the best creators in the network to visit and generate premium content for our top IR partners, initiated with Sri Lanka, Egypt, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Customized coaching framework for the LCs With the introduction of the OD team on the MC, the coaching framework for LCs was further evolved ensuring customized support with enhanced touchpoints. Evolution of LCP election process The LCP elections process for the LCs was evolved after a meticulous research conducted over the past couple of years for the same, and running a successful pilot for the evolved process during the LCP elections of 2020. Upscaled Internal Communication Instagram channel upscaled Nationally with 2100 new AIESECers following MC Page in 19.20 - 70% of current membership engages directly with National content through Instagram. Internal Communications for the network was upscaled massively along with upscaling the EB iComms for Instagram and other channels to increase the virtual membership engagement and set a new Exciting engagement culture in AIESEC India.

Year in Review




4 new Official Expansions initiated

Bhopal, VVN, Sikkim, Noida. Noida initiated as an official market expansion of Delhi, to ensure better capitalization of the Delhi market and outreach overall.

Evolved AIESEC Hub and NEC

A new refreshed internal AIESEC hub was launched with an evolved National Education Cycle focusing on the functional capacity building as well as personal & Leadership development of our members. Leadership development content focused on specific aspects was delivered through subject matter experts with the support of our external stakeholders.

World’s Largest Lesson - 9th Aug 2019 WLLs were carried out by 19 LCs on the same day (9th Aug 2019) impacting 42000+ children from 100+ schools through 3500+ volunteers. Coca-Cola Partnership delivery Delivered 20 YSFs successfully as part of the Coca-Cola partnership, along with having representatives from Coca-Cola as keynote speakers at JNC 2019 and collaborating on the beach clean up with Afroz Shah. Young Leaders Day Conducting a virtual event for youth across India with high profile speakers like Ms. Dia Mirza, Mr. Ishteyaque Amjad and Ms. Tanya Dubash on various topics relevant to Youth Leadership. HT Media Partnership Delivered 2 fully sponsored oGE exchange to Turkey in partnership with HT Media. LifePlugin Partnership Partnered with LifePlugin for exlcusive slots at subsidized fees for AIESECers at the premium self transformational summit.


Year in Review

Office Move

Completed the deal for the new office and received ownership documents and moved the MC Operations to Navi Mumbai.

Finance Evolutions

Lowest receivables from LCs - Under 20L (Sem 1). Refreshed all LC Accounts and estabilished Digital Portal for payments for all. Automated LC Finance Trackers by adding Receivables tracker and Assets Tracker along with GFB automation.

Formulated the Internal Committee of AIESEC India We formulated an Internal Body compliant with the laws of India as an exclusive body that Governs and works on cases pertaining to Sexual Harassment at workplace. AIESEC India contracts POSH at Work, Mumbai - as the legally compliant providers of consultancy and also legally adhered principles of case-solving. POSH at Work works with AIESEC India on a contract basis and have dedicated members working towards prevention of sexual harassment and education on the same for the Membership of AIESEC India. International Congress 2019 Delivery AIESEC in India successfully delivered a sustainable and a profitable International Congress 2019 in a span of 40 days, stepping up for the Global plenary when required the most. (Special thanks and credits to MC Hind for heading this project for AIESEC in India).

Year in Review


Message from our Board of Advisors 18

Mr. Ronnie Screwvala

Co-Founder and Chairman, upGrad

With each passing year, a new leadership team takes charge of the National office to drive growth in the AIESEC network. To see the organization reach new heights as they address world issues is encouraging. The past year has been challenging with the team having to tackle unprecedented issues with the pandemic. I must say, the team has dealt with these in a prudent manner taking tough calls when needed, displaying strong ownership and leadership. It has been a privilege to interact with AIESECers over the years. I wish them continued success in all their endeavours.”

Ms. Dia Mirza

Actor, Producer - One India Stories LLP; Advocate for UN SDGs; Goodwill Ambassador - UNEP

I have always found my engagement with AIESEC in India to be insightful and energising. This team especially, displayed very clear intentions of working on sustainability. Their individual understanding that the world needs action, collaboration, and partnerships to implement solutions is the kind of change the world needs.​ The team has displayed exceptional skills in communicating, adapting and dealing with the extraordinary circumstances that they found themselves confronted by so early in their tenure. These young AIESECer’s have displayed unique and creative leadership skills. Their ability to swiftly evaluate, adapt, remain focussed and connected has and will see them become successful and responsible leaders.”

Message from our Board

Ms Kisha Gupta

Head of Global Academic Relations, Infosys

I have always believed that AIESEC is one of those rare organizations which is uniquely diverse and inclusive. A compassionate organization which goes beyond boundaries and empowers talent to rise above all differences and explore the world. That’s an incredibly important and beautiful organization to be associated with in any capacity especially as a board member. In addition to the value that this board adds to AIESEC there is a lot of value that AIESEC adds to all of us. No doubt there is tremendous learning, being a part of such an eclectic board which believes in the strength of diversity and collective power of human curiosity. Unlike past many years, the team of 2019-20 faced unprecedented challenges. One of these challenges wasn’t just new for this team but new for a whole generation. One of the greatest assets in human evolution has been curiosity, inquisitiveness to understand the unknown and better the known. The way everyone on the AIESEC national team went out of their way to support each AIESECer was indeed incredible. It was heartening to see the prompt action and commitment in getting all exchange students safely back home. These are unprecedented and uncertain times, the way our young generation including budding AIESECers are shaped today will define the world we all will see tomorrow. I am sure the collective effort of the national team will not just help the young AIESECers survive but thrive in the new normal and set a precedent. A huge thanks to everyone in the national team and all board members who make this place so richly valuable to each one who comes and becomes a part of it.”

Ms. Tanya Dubash Executive Director & Chief Brand Officer, Godrej Group

It’s been a pleasure to work with the AIESEC team over the last year and I would like to particularly commend them for the absolutely wonderful job they have done in these extremely extenuating circumstances.”

Message from our Board


Message from our Board of Advisor

Youthfulness, they say is a spirit to grow. It is about not settling for the ordinary. Global youth have never been more relevant than today’s world at a crossroad. AIESEC is just the right platform to lead the youth of today with its core beliefs in youth leadership movement and its passionate drive by one cause, peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential. It encourages its members to take the reins of responsibility of what Mahatma Gandhi said “be the change you wish to see”. I have interacted with the young AIESEC enthusiasts on critical subjects, ranging from career opportunities in the new world of technology, machine learning & AI to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and I found their participation and views to be extremely encouraging. I express my gratitude to the team of 2019-20 for reinforcing my personal belief that the youth of today will bring the sustainable change in this world and teaching me a thing or two as an extremely enthusiastic and committed team of AIESECers, they have shown tremendous resilience and positive attitude to achieve the goals they set for themselves. As the team of 2019-20, embarks upon a new journey, I congratulate them for their achievements so far, and I envision them playing an important part in contributing to the socio-economic, political and cultural landscape of India and across the world. God Speed!”

Mr. Ishteyaque Amjad Vice President Public Affairs, Communication & Sustainability


10 Years of purposeful partnership

Coca-Cola and AIESEC AIESEC in India is proud to be partnered with Coca-Cola over the span of last 10 years! With the collaboration of Coca-Cola and AIESEC in India, the Youth Speak Forum reaches out to more than 20,000 young leaders in 20+ cities over the country! AIESEC in India is extremely grateful for the support from Coca-Cola in our pursuit to Engage and Develop every young person in the world. We are also humbled and privileged to have Mr. Ishteyaque Amjad on our Board of Advisors.


Our Key Stakeholders


TANYA SAH, M.A.H.E, Manipal Went on an exchange to Greece

“My volunteering exchange in Greece through AIESEC helped me grow as an individual and inculcated a sense of confidence and independence. Travelling abroad for the very first time and that too alone in itself was a task for me. AIESEC was really great and contributed to everything that shaped my experience. I remember everyone was at their toes to help me when I had any problem. There were ups and downs but overcoming them made me shed my insecurities and develop a more solution oriented mindset. I lived with people of various countries and there was so much to learn from each one of them. People at my workplace were so welcoming and warm. I got to learn a lot about greek culture. In the course of 6 weeks, I felt more like a localite. It was an amazing experience and no matter how small the cause, representing your country is always a moment of pride.”


Stakeholders’ Testimonials

SAHIL KOLHE, VIT, Vellore Went on an exchange to Vietnam

“Going abroad after 10 years that too alone was the biggest courageous decision I might have taken in my life. The experience and journey I went through in 42 days were amazing and beautiful. Journey of overcoming fears, a journey of learning, unlearning and relearning and a journey of uncertainty. The project I went for was Global navigator wherein I had to develop English speaking skills of college students and take sessions on how to debate, public speaking and feedback.

Having had a stage fear myself it was very uncomfortable for me to take sessions, however I took my first step to overcome it and I never wanted to miss such an opportunity and after spending 42 days with other Exchange participants and lovely students I was able to overcome my stage fear. Along with stage fear I am independent and an introvert after being on an exchange and overcame my fear from dogs as well.

Trying new things, going to unexpected journeys and totally new places, getting lost in alleys, figuring out ways to save money, making new friends, doing foolish things with them, going for morning walks, each and every single moment has been a learning and cherish able one. I thank AIESEC for giving me such a wonderful opportunity and after coming back from exchange I could really feel the change in how I was and what I am now. And that’s why I say that it was not “6 weeks of life” rather “Life in 6 weeks”, where one lives his own life without being dependent on anyone and responsible for his own actions.”

Stakeholders’ Testimonials


Our Key Stakeholders


PRATIK NANDKUMAR PATIL, Chennai Went on an exchange to Egypt

“I worked for the Business Development opportunity in a startup called Acta that is based in Mansoura, Egypt through the Global Entrepreneur Exchange by AIESEC I worked on collecting data of various companies which were competitors to the company I was working in and I also did a SWOT Analysis for each of them to understand their functions. I learnt more about market development as well. I also had the opportunity to track new markets, emerging trends among the new products and services. While I was working on aspects related to Business Development, it also helped me learn everything about a start up which was something new and very useful because I aspire to become an entrepreneur in the future! It was a lovely experience, being exposed to a new country and you facing it all alone is not a simple task, respecting the culture, food,religion, places, people was such a beautiful opportunity to explore the new me, it had a huge impact on my development, it made me discover my own powers, to adapt quickly, to accept kindness and humanity, to see failure as a learning opportunity and most importantly it made me come out of my comfort zone which all lead to development and growth.”


Stakeholders’ Testimonials



Went on an exchange to Egypt

“I went for an internship in Digital marketing for one and a half months. During this period I managed all the marketing projects for the company. In the first week of my internship, the interns were trained to help them familiarize with the efficiency and skillset required to come up with fresh and attractive Projects and ideas. After the training ended, I was assigned my tasks and worked on them.

I was mentored by very patient and enthusiastic superiors and this helped me be very expressive and learn more than I could anywehre else. I used tools like Photoshop, SparkPost, Illustrator and Canva to come up with designs for the various tasks. I made brochures and booklets for their new Hostel, discount posts, and various social media post contents.

Working with United ATS- a Unicorn startup helped me get firsthand experience of doing work that I might not have been assigned with as an intern in another company and this helped me learn a lot about the corporate world through this internship. All in all, this Global Entrepreneur experience through AIESEC has made me a better person with more confidence and greater awareness about my strengths and weaknesses.”

Stakeholders’ Testimonials


Our Key Stakeholders

Institutes and Organisations Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

“‘Leadership in practice’ is what I have observed

about AIESEC and I have no hesitation in claiming that the young leaders of AIESEC would prove to be global change agents. They have contributed immensely to the multicultural appreciation of PDPU stakeholders and I wish all these dynamic team members all the good luck” Dr. Nigam Dave, Director, School of Liberal Studies, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar

“We value the partnership with AIESEC as it pro-

SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM IST)


Stakeholders’ Testimonials

vides new avenues for our students to learn about citizenship issues by taking part in innovative volunteering and internship programmes. It also promotes the concept of diversity among different cultures and regions, as the internships are in host countries. This is very important in a world where we face many intractable challenges. The local chapter is very proactive and I have had the opportunity to work with 2 of the office bearers, Saral Purohit and Pratham Kawrath, who have made the relationship with SRMIST meaningful and dynamic. We are glad to know that our university is among the top universities in the country with over 1000 registrations and many on site ambassadors. We look forward to strengthening and deepening the partnership even further.”

Mr. Kartar Singh, Director, International Relations, SRM IST, Chennai

iGV Enablers “Our association with AIESEC has been for almost 3 years

now. The kind of connection they have with their clients & the way they take up responsibilities is really commendable. We clearly understand the cause AIESEC is working towards & help the people & societies in India. With all the support & job they are doing, I wish them all the best and promise to stand with them in any time & circumstance” Mr Pushpinder Arora, Director, Oppia Education, Dehradun

“The decision to be a partner of AIESEC has been a brilliant move. What is fantastic about AIESEC is that

you believe in yourself, the YOUNG Brigade, whom I term as the “Youngistaan”. Over the years, we have developed a mutual trust, understanding and pattern of working towards contribution towards building social capital. Visamo’s biggest win from this partnership is to internalise the true meaning of the verse from the Maha Upanishad 6.71–75 - वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् which means, “The world is one family”.

Over the years, through Project FOOTPRINTS and Global Volunteering Programme, we have had youth from across the continents. Young men and women leaving their countries, homes, families and friends, coming to Visamo, to embrace a new culture - getting exposed to a new world view, different food, language and customs, almost seamlessly, courageously, confidently. At Visamo, the interns adjust effortlessly to the humble facilities available at Visamo boarding and supporting the children staying at the home, grooming them, playing with them, teaching them, nurturing them and opening up newer ways of looking at life and the world around. The contribution of AIESEC to achievemet of SDGs has been steady and significant. There have been amazing stories unravelling at Visamo, those inspired by human kindness and passion to contribute. Thank you AIESEC for choosing to partner with Visamo Kids Foundation in Ahmedabad. I acknowledge the unique programme and that thrives on care & compassion and builds on collaborations, partnerships, & dynamic leadership. Yali Ho! Ms. Sudeshna Bhojia, Project Administrator, Visamo Kids Foundation, Ahmedabad

Stakeholders’ Testimonials


Abdul Rahman, Director, Tericsoft, Hyderabad

“As a rapidly growing young company, we wanted to talent not only from India

but also abroad who would accommodate future growth and organizational development. AIESEC helped us in pursuing such candidates through Global Entrepreneur Program with a strategy while aligning it with our business philosophy and strategies. It also brought us the best international candidates with strong business and pragmatic local knowledge, that helped our company to introduce innovative growth in that country. I consider it a pleasure to have worked with AIESEC in relation to our international talent needs.”


Stakeholders’ Testimonials

Mr.Nitin Padharia, HR Head, IndiaNIC Infotech Ltd., Ahmedabad,

We have had the pleasure to be associated with AIESEC past many years. International interns both in the areas of Technology and Business developments do contribute as per their capacity but above all the interns bring an element of diversified culture. This helps all other teammates experience the world from different aspects. It also brings the paradigm shift in all aspects. I am happy to confirm that the AIESEC in Ahmedabad team did understand our organization and our requirements very well. They have thought provided good support in screening and scheduling interviews. Communication at various stages was fast, transparent, and clear. AIESEC in Ahmedabad team provided good local support in coordinating with the selected candidates to ensure smooth onboarding. All the International trainees were well guided, supported, and helped in all aspects by the AIESEC volunteers. Their team has also efficiently stayed in-touch throughout the candidate’s internship period and have helped and guided in need. Overall it has been a great experience in terms of fulfilling the requirements and support throughout the Internship lifecycle.

Anshumaan Bansal - Founder, Yopreneurs, Pune

Earlier this year we got a chance to work with AIESEC in Pune and I have known AIESEC for a really long time since my first startup in 2002 and I have worked for different AIESEC chapters including the one in France where I was doing my Masters program. I must say the experience of working with AIESEC was one of the most professional one and the team in Pune did very sincere and dedicated effort to understand the profiles we want from them and shortlist them from many different candidates and schedules Interview with us. We managed to shortlist 2 interns for our startup now, I started now a venture where we provide entrepreneurship education to secondary school students and I have been very happy to work with AIESEC, considering the fact the operation is run entirely by the student in free time it’s quite commendable. We got a very experienced intern from Brazil and we had a very interesting time working with her because there was a lot to learn.

Stakeholders’ Testimonials


“I had a great time in India teaching the kids at visamo kids foundation in India

through AIESEC Global Volunteer Exchange. It was truly inspiring to see such a young group of people so motivated and focused on learning, and to be able to take part on their education it’s just very rewarding. While in Ahmedabad, I was able to get to know some of the Gujarat state culture, as well as the Indian one. I truly loved learning about this wonderful country, while helping the children at the same time. This was a lifetime experience and I’ll never forget it!” -Carolina, Portugal

“I always wondered how can something like

going to a foreign country be life-changing, especially that I have visited many countries before India, but it was more about discovering the places and people than anything else. After 5 months in Hyderabad, I came to one major resolution, I’m going back to my country as a different person. My name is Salim and I am a 23-year-old Moroccan who came to live the life-changing experience he always heard about, I came to do an internship in a Startup through AIESEC. My experience started the moment the plane landed, from the crowdedness of the Mumbai Airport to the tropical heat of the Hyderabad nights. I have countless stories to tell, about the beautiful places I got to see, the delicious food I got to eat, the amazing people I got to meet, and most importantly the rich entrepreneurial environment I got to the opportunity to be part of in the start-up Tericsoft. Now, these are the obvious things that any person can and will talk about when they visit India, nevertheless, my experience and I believe the experience of those who chose the path of exchange to develop their leadership revolves around an important feeling; being away from home, it is a weird feeling to be far from your family, friends, city, and culture. You feel like a stranger, and you get to see behaviors, have interactions, celebrate holidays different from those you grew up knowing. This is the beauty of exchange, and India for me made it better. This feeling is the first step toward leadership, how so? Well, self-awareness is a key element for every leader. Because of this experience, I can go back to my home country with the certainty that “Salim” is going back a little bit more aware of who he is, what he wants in life, and the recipe of the delicious Biryani. -Salim Senhaji Mesbahi, Morocco

“I didn’t have any idea of how this internship

through AIESEC was going to be, I was afraid, nervous but also excited to visit the other side of the world, in the magical country of India. Since the very first day I saw strange things, new for me. I could’t process all at a time, l felt lost! Little by little I was falling in love with the narrow streets, the masala flavour, the monkeys everywhere, the diversity of the people and their beliefs, and so much more. I started my practice very soon in the company, so I got to know my office partners with whom I spent almost all my day. My boss was the best! I learnt a lot. Each day had something to teach me, professionally, but also about the huge and heavy culture of India. My friends told me and showed me tons of stories about gods, traditions, food, rituals, etc. I almost became Indian. I will remember these memories, what I have seen and lived here and all the good people. I will take this experience forever! -Fransisco Javier Goday Gastelum, Mexico


Stakeholders’ Testimonials

“OnePlus has a long standing affinity to AIESEC, both of us share similar

vision to enable the student community and hence working with AIESEC helps us grow together in the community and work more towards giving it back to them. The CEED Fund created with AIESEC shall serve us as a key tool to give these students a truly global experience while staying true and being as authentic as possible. - Saswat Deb Barman, Community Engagement Specialist, OnePlus

“We partnered with AIESEC in India for JNC 2019 to run an interactive

session to launch our new opportunity for the youth “I’m a Sustainability Warrior”. This is a part of the larger “Youth for Sustainability” initiative in India that we support. It was useful to receive solutions and ideas from the delegates for actions that can be taken to encourage more brands to use sustainable palm oil and for the consumers to buy sustainable products. It is a shared responsibility for youth and brands to make responsible consumption and production the norm. Best wishes for AIESEC India. - Kamal Prakash Seth - India Representative, Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, RSPO

Stakeholders’ Testimonials


Our Key Stakeholders PD Partners

Working with AIESECers is always a pleasure as they have a high focus on personal growth while having a serving to a larger community. LifePlugin is a transformational education company with the vision to build the Disneyland of learning & education, and turn our growth into a lifelong adventure. We have sponsored AIESEC members to join our transformational festivals and I have spoken at a couple of AIESEC conferences in the past year, and the level of curiosity and drive from these members is inspiring. I wish AIESEC in India to keep growing, keep transforming young leaders and have a ton of fun along the way.

“This term has been a big milestone for the ACE Program

Gautam Khetrapal, Founder, LifePlugin

with in the way it strengthened the partnership between AIESEC India and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. The main goal of this term for our partnership has been to create a strong foundation for our teams to work on and to fill the gaps between our common vision and the current context of the program.

Whether it was through improving our communication processes, increasing the number and quality of our touchpoints, not only between the national teams but also on the branch level; or through being consistent in finding solutions together to the massive changes and challenges faced this year, each action has brought sustainability, growth and collaboration to ACE. Through the momentum created this term, we believe the next year will allow the ACE program to reach new heights and create even more career development opportunities for many young people all around the world. We believe this can be done through an alignment in values and vision, that will allow all the individuals working on this program, from both our organizations, to come together as one team. Faiza Koumina, ACE Program - National Coordinator Tata Consultancy Services


Stakeholders’ Testimonials

AIESEC has been one of our key stakeholders and their contribution has really helped the Infosys InStep Flagship program bring Interns from culturally diverse countries. Working with them has been an overwhelming experience, we thank you for your support and wishing you many more years. Sanjay Kundu, Global Academic Relations, Infosys

Zest Conferences Zest Conferences 33




Conference Objectives

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NPM: 20-21 July, 2019 JNC: 22-27 July, 2019 Host LC: AIESEC in Hyderabad Venue: Leonia Resorts, Hyderabad Chair: Ezgi Doğan (AI 18.19, MCP 2017-18 AIESEC in Turkey) Delegate Profile: LCPs, LCVPs, TLs and Senior Members

Annual report presentation and discharge of MC Hind (2018-19). The Introduction of MC Zest (2019-20) to the AIESEC in India plenary, plan presentation and ratification. Building the capacity of the different levels of the membership, creating a strong base for replanning and henceforth preparing them to Go Out Loud for the Winter Peak.

Context & the Story behind

JNC is the biggest National Conference of the year where we bid farewell to the previous MC and welcome the new MC. This year we wanted to give a holistic experience to our delegates in all the aspects - AIESEC functional knowledge & skills, Personal Growth and Leadership development, so that they are ready to Go Out Loud with full Zest! The theme of the conference was to Go Out Loud and the conference agenda was designed with embedding the identity elements of MC Zest. Each day had a sub-theme to ensure an all-round experience for the delegates. The first day was about The Year 18.19, where the delegates understood the entity’s state as a national plenary and got a chance to learn from the network’s GCPs. The second day was about The Year 19.20, where the delegates took back the Absolutes from the year 18.19 and aligned themselves to the Fundamentals of the year 19.20. 34

Zest Conferences

The third day was about Building the Strongest Network, where every delegate understood their role in shaping the culture and climate of their LCs and hence AIESEC in India as a whole. The fourth day was about setting pace for the Highest Performance, where the delegates understood how to take the boldest actions in their portfolio which will help the entity to move forward. The fifth day was about being the Smartest People where the delegates widened the scope of their skills and abilities. The last day was about Going Out Loud, where they were able to consolidate all their learning and ideas through the conference to set a strong base for kickstarting the next semester and hence Go Out Loud for the Winter Peak.

Delivery Process

The entire conference revolved around helping the delegates bring out the different elements of the MC Zest identity together as an entity. After the first day which was all about the year of 18.19, we had an extensive space for the LCs hosted by their coaches called Downloading Patterns before moving in to the strategies for the year 19.20, where the delegates together with their LCs consolidated the highlights & patterns of the previous year to foster the elements of growth. We evolved LC time spaces aligning with the element of the Fastest Pace, hosted by the Coaches that allowed LCs to have a co-learning environment with their peer LCs and create a strong base for Replanning. We introduced powerful conversational spaces aligning with the elements of the Clearest Vision, the Warmest Heart and the Proudest Voice that provided the delegates with a space of self-expression and helped them understand the relevance of our purpose, and the different aspects of the Culture & Climate of the network and what role they play in it. We had activity based interactive commission spaces aligning with the element of the Boldest Actions to understand the portfolio functionalities and the different synergies involved. Lastly, we had multiple skills development workshops through practical learning for delegates capacity building, aligning with the element of the Brightest Minds.

Zest Conferences



Venue: RYLC SW: Ramee Guestline Resorts RYLC NE: Sunrise Health Resort NLDS: Hotel I Square, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh Chair: RYLCs: Abhishek Tatineni (MC India 2016-17, AP-RO 2018-19) NLDS: Faldi Goldiano (MCP 2019-20, AIESEC in Indonesia) Delegate Profile: New Recruits

Conference Objectives

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Dates: RYLC SW: 05th-08th September 2019 RYLC NE: 12th-15th September 2019 NLDS: 26th-29th February 2020 Host LC: RYLC SW: AIESEC in Bangalore RYLC NE: AIESEC in Delhi IIT NLDS: AIESEC in Patiala

Final induction touchpoint for the next generation of AIESECers to prepare them to go all out in the Winter Peak (RYLCs) and the Summer Peak (NLDS). Connecting the new recruits to the feeling that is AIESEC in India and welcoming them to the family & the network of AIESEC in India. Ensuring they understand the vision and mission of AIESEC and how we do what we do. Ensuring that we instill in them a mindset of constantly striving towards embodying all AIESEC values and developing the Leadership development qualities. Putting them through their own mini cross cultural exchange experience and making them understand the essence of working in teams and being a team player. Educating them on the skills and mindsets required to excel in AIESEC.


Zest Conferences

Context & the Story behind

RYLC and NLDS embarks as the final touchpoint for the Talent Induction phase of the recruitments. This year we wanted to induct the new recruits to AIESEC in a holistic manner where: (a) they understand the purpose & the work of the organization, (b) they have a team experience while being in different tribes with delegates from different cities of the region, (c) they understand the importance of leadership by taking up different leadership roles like FLCP/FLCVP, (d) they understand their portfolios and acquire different skill sets they would require in these portfolios and get ready for their journey ahead in AIESEC. RYLCs were designed to empower the delegates find and “Unleash the Zest Within” which was the theme of the conference and each day of the conference was curated accordingly where they went from Finding the Zest on Day 1 to Harnessing the Zest on Day 2 to Shaping the Zest on Day 3 and finally Unleashing the Zest on day 4 NLDS was designed for each delegate to go through a transformational process of working in a diverse team and experiencing the ups and downs through multiple sessions and activities, we wanted them to ‘Kickstart Leadership’ by learning how to lead themselves and the people around them.

Delivery Process A Faci Team of LCVPs and EPs (international AIESECers who were currently on their exchange in India) along with the MC delivered the conference. (19 Facis for SW RYLC, 17 Facis for NE RYLC and 16 Facis for NLDS). In order to allow the delegates experience the true meaning of cross-cultural understanding & the diversity of India, they were grouped into tribes comprising of individuals from various cities mentored by a facilitator to offer a diversified experience to each one of them. In addition to the team spaces, multiple sessions on the lines of leadership development, personal growth, AIESEC operations, etc. were delivered by the facilitator team comprising of LCVPs from various LCs across the country. We also organised the World’s Largest Lesson in both the RYLCs as well as NLDS which continued to be a huge success as a catalyst for the delegates to understand the power of ‘Purposeful Leadership’. Zest Conferences



Dates: 05th-08th September Host LC: AIESEC in Bangalore Venue: Ramee Guestline Resorts Chair: Abhishek Tatineni (MC India 2016-17, AP-RO 2018-19) Delegate Profile: Team Leaders and Senior Members

Conference Objectives

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To equip our TLs from the network with the required operational knowledge & skillset for the winter peak Skills and capacity building on being better Team Leaders; leading their teams effectively To empower them to apply for future leadership roles.

Context & the Story behind

RYLC Prime was introduced for the first time in 2018-19 as a conference touchpoint especially for Team Leaders & senior members as we realized that for 6 months and more we did not have a direct touchpoint with them. RYLC Prime was continued in 2019-20, and was hosted as a parallel track with SW RYLC 2019.2. The conference was designed taking into consideration the operational and management capacity of our people. It was focused on empowering the delegates to master the role of being a Team Leader. The agenda of RYLC Prime 2019.2 was designed around the concept of Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell and was aiming to highlight the importance of Team Leaders’ role for success of teams in AIESEC.

Delivery Process

Prime, like the name suggests was an elevated experience exclusively curated for the senior members & TLs. It was filled with activity based highly interactive sessions, focusing on work in tribes to let the delegates put in practice the introduced skills & concepts during the conference itself and be equipped to replicate them on ground after coming back to their LCs, thus becoming better Team Leaders. The conference also included the World’s Largest Lesson, which acted as a catalyst for the delegates to understand the power of ‘Purposeful Leadership’. 38

Zest Conferences


Dates: 7th to 11th November 2020 Host LC: Chandigarh Venue: Koti Resorts, Shimla Delegate Profile: Local Committee Presidents (Currents and Elects)

Conference Objectives

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Understanding the roles & responsibilities of an LCP towards the LC and getting equipped with the right skills & competencies for the same. Understanding the roles & responsibilities of a Focus/Governing Body member towards AIESEC in India as a whole. Understanding the history of the entity, patterns & trends from the past and to identify & determine the long-term strategic direction for AIESEC in India.

Context & the Story behind

NPC is an extremely important touchpoint for AIESEC in India where the top leadership body (MC, LCP Currents & LCP Elects) come together to steer the strategic direction for AIESEC in India and drive the entity forward. The conference this year was designed with the underlying question - How do we elevate the Organizational Leadership to grow the organization? And the whole agenda was designed to drive powerful conversations that challenged different perspectives and beliefs to constantly elevate the thought process of our top leadership body and instill the required skills & competencies of being an LCP and a Focus/Governing body member. One of the essential aspects of the conference was to bring about a shift in consciousness and mindset towards the organization as being an ecosystem, tending to the well being of the entity as a whole. While at the same time, the other essential aspect of the conference was to collectively identify & determine the long-term strategic direction for AIESEC in India as we were at the cusp of a new decade.

Delivery Process

The conference held at the scenic venue of Koti Resorts in Shimla, was designed to give the delegates a multi-dimensional experience of reflecting, brainstorming, elevating thought processes and dreaming for the future. And hence for the same, the conference was delivered through diverse and unique types of spaces like stratification exercise through the game of monopoly to spark the idea & truly understand the concept of an ecosystem, an extensive brainstorming process of analysing the past and downloading patterns, reflective spaces in the nature, painting space to let the imagination flow, conversational spaces between the predecessors & successors, spaces with the coaches outside agenda, etc. All this was complemented with relaxed social agendas, bonfire spaces, etc Zest Conferences



Dates: 18th-22nd December Host LC: MC, AIESEC in India Venue: Lalit Inn, Lonavala Delegate Profile: Local Committee Presidents (Elects)

Conference Objectives

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Enabling and equipping LCPs with the important skills to lead their teams and LCs in the best way possible and move towards ecosystems from egosystems. LCP training on hard skills, hosting planning spaces and performance management for their teams. Equipping LCPs with the Art of Hosting Building MC - Focus 2020 relationship along with FOCUS 2020 identity creation. Continuing with the second step for the A2023 process initiated at NPC 2019.

Context & the Story behind

The LCPs Bootcamp is the touchpoint for the LCPs Elects to equip them with the necessary skills for their role as LCPs and the planning process for their LCs. Along with continuing these objectives, this year we envisioned to make the Bootcamp more personal and elevated for the LCPs. We wanted to center the Bootcamp around the idea of leadership and the Art of Hosting. We introduced the LCPs to the Elements of Leadership (Earth, Water, Fire, Air) to explore the idea of leadership for them and their personality traits. We also introduced the idea of LC tribes, bringing about a shift from the Cluster mindset to drive stronger collaboration within LCs to build a strong network aligning with our identity element of the Warmest Heart.

Delivery Process

As one of the major objectives of the Bootcamp was to equip the LCPs with the Art of Hosting and building stronger relations with the LCPs of their tribes & the coach, a major part of the agenda was around Tribe Spaces hosted by the Coach in specific Tribe allocated rooms. An extreme attention to detail was given in decorating these tribe rooms to create an environment of the element that the tribe belonged to. It was also ensured that each tribe room has adequate snacks and drinks all the time. This was to ensure we deliver a powerful tribe hosting and leadership experience for our LCP delegates. Apart from the tribe spaces, activity based interactive spaces were delivered to instill specific skills around team leadership & management. All the verticals (Ops, Mkt, OD, BD, PM, F&L) were taken up by the vertical heads to ensure complete understanding of every portfolio by the LCPes. Lastly, the second step of the A2023 process was carried out as a co-creation space with the LCPes. 40

Zest Conferences


Dates: 7-12 January, 2020 Host LC: AIESEC in Navi Mumbai Venue: Khanvel Resorts and Golden Pond Resorts, Silvassa Chair: Alok Khatri (MCP 2015-16, AIESEC in India) Delegate Profile: EB Current and EB Selects

Conference Objectives

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MCP 2020-21 Elections. Pipeline building, experience closure and farewell for the leadership body of 2019. Equipping the leadership body of 2020 with hard and soft skills needed to perform as LCPs/LCVPs and as EB Members. Faciliate planning for the LCs for 2020 and set the right mood & attitude for the Summer Peak.

Context & the Story behind

NLS is an important conference touchpoint where we transition from one Leadership Body to another and elect the next Leader for the entity. Particularly this year, the NLS had a unique context as it was marking the closure of the past 10 years and was also an important touchpoint with the leadership bodies to facilitate the AIESEC-2023 roadmap dreaming process that was initiated at NPC 2019. The agenda was created keeping in mind the continuum of the objectives from the previous two conferences - NPC 2019 & LCP Bootcamp 2019. The whole conference was based on retrospections, present assessments and future dreaming about the world, AIESEC and individual selves of each delegate. Meeting past, present and future, mixing generations and perspectives on each step of the agenda.

Delivery Process

The delivery of NLS involved peer to peer learning, involving the outgoing generation in sharing imperative experiences & learnings with incoming one. We invited AIESEC in India Alumni from the past 10 MC terms to share insights of their terms with us and make sure that every delegate not only reflects but also experiences the relevance of our organisation through the stories of the alumni. As MC we highly involved the LCPs 20.21 into the conference delivery team and co-delivered sessions with them particularly for the AIESEC-2023 roadmap dreaming process. We also introduced Game based practical learning session where the delegates learnt about roles that different individuals play in team building and their individual roles in the team.

Zest Conferences


Virtual XPDF Details

Dates: 29th April - 2nd May Host: MC India, Virtually through iComm Channels Delegate Profile: Everyone, from a new member to an LCP.


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Virtual engagement for the network during the pandemic through simulated operational experience driving practical learning Sales training for the new membership. Enabling networking and co-creation amongst the participants

Context & the Story behind

While the nation went under a lockdown during the most unprecedented times due the pandemic (COVID-19), operations came to a standstill as travel was restricted. This pushed us to innovate and bring the eXperience Delivery Fair (XPDF) experience virtually to the whole membership of AIESEC in India, with the aim to provide practical learning to the membership by a simulation of operational activities.


1550+ participants » 180+ Forms (Fictitious) » 60+ Sheets (Fictitious) » 2090 Exchanges (Fictitious) » ₹48,271,570 Money Raised (Fictitious)

Delivery Process

A virtual exchange and entity management mechanism built using Google Sheets to simulate the entire LC operational process including functions such as marketing, business development, people management, and finance.


Zest Conferences

Virtual Global Village Details

Dates: 18th-23rd May, 2020 Host: MC India, Virtually through iComm Channels Delegate Profile: Everyone, from a new member to an LCP and IR Partners


To engage the members, EPs and IR partners, and showcase glimpses of: » The culture in the countries & territories from where we receive the most number of iCX EPs. » The similarities and the differences between the lifestyle in India and our partner countries & territories. » The experiences that EPs have had in India. » To engage with them through different contests and have branding spaces for the LCs.

Context & the Story behind

While the nation went under a lockdown during the most unprecedented times due the pandemic (COVID-19), we wanted to ensure that our stakeholders still get to see what an exchange experience looks like and learn the importance of cross-cultural understanding. Travel was at a standstill, so we wanted to bring the world to people’s homes.


Total membership entries: 1776 Total IR entries: 396 Aggregate external outreach (based on the number of stories): 4,34,400 (taking an average rate of 200 views per story) Total posts on AIESEC India IG handle: 8 Total stories on AIESEC India IG handle: 85 Aggregate outreach on AIESEC India IG handle: 1,70,000(stories) + 38,169(posts) = 2,08,169

Delivery Process

The entire event was delivered virtually and all the engagement activities were carried out through the MC Instagram page. We started with asking EPs for videos where they showcased a variety of food, festivals, langauge, history, clothing, music and dance. During the campaign, each day was dedicated to one of these aspects and there were daily challenges for the members and IRs to engage with. Based on their performance, the LCs were given scores and the best ones eventually got an individual LC branding space on the MC page. Zest Conferences


Fundamentals Our

fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals fundamentals

The Fundamentals were essentially the overall MC Strategies, the things that were fundamentally important for the whole network to drive towards our ambition, our non-negotiable. We were very clear on the fact that the organization grows through the growth of our network, which essentially grows through our people. And hence the overall MC strategies for 19.20 branched into 3 Fundamentals Driving the Highest performance in our operations by building the Strongest network and enabling our members to be the Smartest people on the ground and externally. These 3 Fundamentals were led by heads of Ops, OD & PM but they were essentially incorporated in every MC member’s individual plans as these were our common MC strategies and fundamentals.


The Fundamentals


This fundamental directly focused on the growth of our membership in all aspects as we truly believed that enabling the growth of our people is the key to the growth of our organization. The focus was to give the best learning experiences to our people with the right knowledge, skills and attitude thereby having the ability to not just perform well in AIESEC but also have a holistic development as leaders for the world. The idea was also to drive a culture of personal excellence through continuous learning. Hence, the fundamental focused on transforming our members to be the Smartest people with the Brightest minds and the Proudest Voice.


One of the most important aspects required for AIESEC in India to grow, was to ensure that our members are competent and have the right skills to perform and achieve their goals. Thus membership education and development was one of the focus areas for the whole MC in 19.20, where we wanted to ensure that each member is learning & growing while enabling the growth of the organisation. Objectives: - Driving the required knowledge about the portfolios, organisation and role, building the right skills and attitude for holistic development. - Creating a platform where all the resources are available for the members to access. - Evaluation of the membership development. What Was Accomplished

- The first step in this project was mapping out the topics for NEC which was done using the KSA Model (Knowledge, Skill and Attitude). Each MCVP mapped out the KSA for their portfolio, channel of delivery and the timeline in alignment with the operational timeline. - Next, all the MCVP created the education curriculum (Booklets and videos) for their respective portfolio. - A refreshed AIESEC hub was launched where all the resources were uploaded and made available for the members. There were quizzes which helped the members to evaluate themselves. - The elements of NEC were embedded into all the national conferences agendas, especially commission blocks. There were a series of webinars as well to ensure there is maximum reach out to the membership. - In order to make sure that the NEC is impactful, a process was implemented to align the LEC to the NEC with the help of the PM Commission. This ensured that members are learning about their portfolios, role and the organisation. In The first semester, the focus of the project was on content creation and aligning it with the other portfolios. In the second semester, the project was taken forward with certain additional deliverables like: - The NEC was customised for LCVPs, TLs and members. - More focus was given to aligning it to the LEC. Challenges & Learnings: - We were not able to properly map out the amount of time that was required for the NEC creation due to which we were overloaded with a lot of priorities. It is important for the NEC to be part of every MC member’s plans on the network management team. - Synergy management is extremely crucial to ensure timeline is not delayed and communication is aligned - Involve practical learning through the NEC - It was difficult to directly evaluate the effectiveness of the NEC, other than direct exchange results and feedback. Hence creating an evaluation system for the NEC is a good way forward. - Aligning the Local education cycle to the National education cycle was challenging at times and hence should be a key priority The Fundamentals


PERSONAL AND LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT The core of AIESEC is Leadership development. Through the various roles and experiences in AIESEC, members get a practical learning experience to develop as leaders. This year, we wanted to evolve this for our members to learn different hard and soft skills which not only help them to become a better leader inside AIESEC but also outside the organisation. Objectives: - Help the members to achieve their Personal Development Goals. - Increase their skills and abilities which is not only implemented in AIESEC but also outside AIESEC. - Building the right kind of skills in our members for different leadership roles What Was Accomplished - Based on the KSAs mapped out, along with driving down product and organisation knowledge, there was a focus on Personal and Leadership development Different workshops (sessions at conference and webinars) were delivered in support with alumni and external experts - At the local level, the LCs also started focusing on developing these skills in the members. - Internal communication played an important role which evolved greatly with better membership engagement both at the National and Local levels. - Members found more value and were focusing on their personal development especially during the pandemic period. -For the 2nd sem, as MC Zest, we narrowed down 5 competencies which we would like to develop in the network; Decision Making, Personal Management, Performance Management, Long Term Strategic Thinking, Facilitating Inner & Outer Journey. Some of the resources were also created by Dey Dos for these 5 competences which would eventually be part of the mobile app. Challenges & Learnings: - Although we did have alumni and externals delivering workshops, still a considerable amount of sessions created for Personal and Leadership Development were by the MCVPs, thus within the limits of experience and knowledge of the MC members. - We highly recommend to take forward this project as it adds on to the experience of the members - Finding organizations which can partner with AIESEC to curate such resources, workshops, etc (in synergy with BD). - Prioritising competencies to build for the network is key - Creating an evaluation system beyond just feedback mechanism


The Fundamentals

iXPs IXPs help to Improve the organisational culture, the pipeline, the understanding of the product and helps it to sell it better and hence it was a direct focus as part of this fundamental. Objectives: - Creating and launching a National campaign for IXPs - Tracking mechanism for IXPs - IXP engagement - Reintegration of EPs during recruitments What Was Accomplished This project was in synergy with oGX Sub Team. - IXP campaign was launched at RYLC 2019: “Live the Experience”. - Every LC was running their own individual IXP Campaign. - Different stories of IXPs were shared on the Icomm platform. - Opening new opportunities specifically for our IXPs to build new IRs and reducing the process time. Challenges & Learnings: - Synergy management and identifying key roles from PM and OGX teams is important, both on the National and the Local levels - With the current scenario of the pandemic, it would be important to understand what could be the major reasons that might stop the members for going for exchanges, finding solutions for it and hence being prepared beforehand. Accordingly, the next set of IXP strategies should be designed. - Identify innovative incentive for IXPs

MINDBOX - Mobile App

Creating a core, long-lasting and up to date channel for success of the overall fundamental that allows on-the-go usability. (Not just mobile friendly but mobile based) Objectives: - MindBox - an easy to use, on the go app being the primary platform for content consumption for learning and development through the network. What Was Accomplished The Mobile app was fully planned, designed and developed based on the best examples from the online mobile education market. There has been positive feedback from early prototype users. Challenges & Learnings: - There was a huge delay in terms of following the app development timeline from the vendor which did not allow the launch of the app in our term. We decided to outsource the app development to a new vendor as they offered better prices however it was difficult to form the right working dynamic with the vendors, especially with the agility with which AIESEC moves forward. - Currently the app is developed and under testing of beta version and is planned to be launched in the 20.21 term.

The Fundamentals


Fundamentals Our

This fundamental directly focused on building a strong, collaborative and an agile network that is moving in a unified direction enabling growth for the organization. With the inception of the OD team on the MC, Network Development was a major focus with enhancement of the coaching system and driving customized support for all LCs as per the needs of their reality. We also heavily focused on driving a culture of efficiency, effectiveness, co-learning and collaboration within the network that grows through, and with each other collectively as a strong Ecosystem! Hence, the fundamental focused on building the Strongest Network with the Warmest heart and the Fastest pace.

Culture and Climate Acknowledging the decline in productivity, retention and the leadership pipeline in the network we realized it was imperative to have a project focused on the culture and climate of the organization enhancing our membership experience, boosting performance and fostering leadership development Objectives: - Understanding the culture and climate of the entity through engagement surveys - Creating and implementing plans for improving the organisational culture and climate at the local and national level. What Was Accomplished - This was the first time that there was a project dedicated for organisational culture and climate. Since it was a new idea, the first couple of months were invested in doing a research to understand the different elements of organisational culture, climate and what affects the same. - There were 2 NES released to understand the state of membership in our LCs (Q4 of 2019 and Q1 of 2020) in the aspects of: the membership demographics, members applying for higher leadership roles, team standards delivery, feedback to the TLs, understanding the state of members with COVID-19, feedback on virtual engagement, NPS, happiness index and satisfaction index. - Based on the surveys, simplified reports were created and support was provided to the LCVPs PM on driving the right membership engagement strategy. - This played an important factor during the planning process for the EBs 20.21. - An Ideation space was also carried out with the EBs to define their LC culture at NLS 2020. Q4 2019 NES: Responses: 78% of total membership NPS: 50 Happiness Index: 8 Satisfaction Index: 8

Q1 2020 NES: Responses: 89% of total membership NPS: 40 Happiness Index: 8 Satisfaction Index: 8

Challenges & Learnings: - The initial timeline of the project was delayed - Way forward would be to define the culture of AIESEC in India and revolve all the network management strategies around it.


The Fundamentals

High performing teams: In order to grow nationally, we need to ensure that each Team is achieving their targets and henceforth each LC is achieving their targets. Hence, the focus of the project was to drive high performance in teams. In order to make sure that each team is high performing, the team leader needs to deliver a good team experience ensuring the members are achieving both personal and organisational goals. Objectives: - Bringing a mindshift for Team Standards (Evolving from TS Implementation to TS Delivery) - Network education and TL capacity building. - Better management practices for the Leadership Body of each LC. - Evolving the TS Toolkits to holistic Team Management Toolkits. - Evaluating the percentage of TS Delivery through PM monthly audits and National Engagement survey. MOS: Planned vs Achieved 85% (P) vs 80% (A) TS Delivery What Was Accomplished - Taking inputs from PM Commission & evaluating the delivery of Team standards at the local level. - Creating new Team management toolkits for both Operations and Functional portfolios (with customization options) for a team size of 2-12 members. These toolkits helped team leaders to track their members performance, PDPs, each stage of Team standards delivery and henceforth, assess their performance. - Capacity building of Team Leader on different aspects of Team delivery, using the toolkits and drawing inference and tracking their members. - Delivering RYLC Prime as an exclusive Team Leaders Conference on Leadership and functional capacity building What went well? 1. Better understanding of Team standards 2. Higher percentage of Team Standards delivery from LCPs to the EBs 3. Simplified way of tracking the membership 4. Tracking the TS delivery directly from NES Challenges & Learnings: - Even though this project helped to get a mindshift from how Team Standards were perceived, there few bottlenecks like: (a). Individual Plan was the least delivered Team Standard and the understanding on how to track PDP could be improved. (b). Effective Tracking mechanisms for the percentage of members achieving goals at national level couldn’t be established. - Way forward would be to ensure every MC member on the network management team is driving down TS and constantly keep evolving the capacity building for TS. The Fundamentals


Sustainable Expansions: The core idea behind the project was to ensure that Expansion initiatives not only become a smarter growth strategy for LCs but also improve their operational and leadership capacity, therefore becoming more sustainable in the long run. Objectives: -Market Expansion Model creation and support -Analysis of current support from parent LCs and tailor support for each stage of expansion entity -Sales capacity training for membership and oGX alignment What Was Accomplished The project was well executed, however, majority focus laid on operations and leadership capacity building rather than capitalizing on back office portfolios • 2 BUs visited by MCVP Expansion • 3 BUs upgraded to OEs • 1 market expansion initiated (Noida) • EEP summit for Expansion entity presidents selected for Business Units getting upgraded to Official Expansions to help them transition in the role The project was further evolved in 2nd sem to encompass 3 major strategies for Expansions and therefore ensure an all round support to them: 1. Sustaining and Scaling BUs 2. Growth Hacking for Market Expansions 3. Parent LC services Details of the same elaborated under Portfolio specific report Challenges & Learnings: The project was limited to operational capacity building and hence did not support entities to be specifically given national direction wrt HR, marketing and brand establishment with limited help from MC and NST, therefore, through the 2nd sem we evolved structures for NST and created better synergy points with PM, B2C, oGV and oGE to support Expansions better.


The Fundamentals

Fundamentals Our

This fundamental directly focused on reviving our operations and fostering operational excellence & growth. We had a clear vision that drove us towards this ambition through keeping our stakeholders’ experiences at the core of everything we do and not at the cost of it. We envisioned to reposition AIESEC in India in the global plenary for the value and experiences we deliver and for our fighting spirit that never gives up! Hence, this fundamental focused on driving the Highest Performance with the Boldest Actions and the Clearest Vision.

Supply & Demand Hacking: This project revolved around diversifying and strengthening our IR as AIESEC in India, fostering internal collaboration between the product heads to hack Supply & Demand and improve our processes to be faster and better. Objectives: - IR Model (Path for IR Evolution + Tools & Trackers) - IR Routines (communication & reporting) - Local IR Framework - Investments+ROI Model - Operational Timeline (understanding & creation) - Support and Knowledge - Visa evolvement What Was Accomplished • IR Clustering Model, Tools and Trackers, IR Communication alignment (Mailers, Reporting, Calls, Meeting minutes, Feedback Mechanism) • Partnerships downscaling, LC2LC IR management, IR Tracking/Review Mechanisms, IR Co delivery frameworks, RnR for IR • CEEDERships plan | Influencers project Ads | IR Knowledge webinars | Timeline + Operational alignment | Partners based timeline | Refreshed Agenda for Visits | OPS Summits in each Conference | Creating an internal visa hub | Analysis of % of visas that were rejected for OGX and ICX | Putting all new data of visas in the visa hub with the help NSTs | Routine of data analysis with a specialized IR person | Visa information collation for new markets | Resolving problems in markets that we already have | updating visa information of our biggest partners. Challenges & Learnings: • Slow process of visa problem solving, lack of skilled personnel for Visa Information owing to the dynamic nature of visas • IR Investments Model • Slow Network implementation for IR Planning in LCs The Fundamentals


Fundamentals Our

Process Hacking: The project focused on improving processes around metrics that were not upto the mark at the beginning: low productivity, Low TvA, Stagnating operations, high number of ECB cases. Objectives: • Sales Hacking • oG2X for Business Units • Apply Ads • OS evolution • Automated preparation • ECB Guidelines • Lead master evolvement • Partners CRM • Customer journey mapping What Was Accomplished • NEC implementation • Sales training through NST consultants • OPEN-APP phase consultancy • OS evolution for ICX & OGX based on CF • Built nurturing emails for preparation of EPs pre-RE peak • iCX & OGX Standards and consequence mechanism • Drastic reduction in number of ECB cases • Mapping the SOPs for Preparation and Experience (further than the AI processes) • oG2X for Business Units with MCVP Expansions Challenges & Learnings: • The idea of Apply ads was dropped because of projected low ROI, • Changes in LeadMaster according with the SOPs that we wanted to track were slow because of vendor dependence • Analyses of Lead Master usage and monthly reports, Partners CRM


The Fundamentals

Adventure Hacking: The project focused on enhancing the customer experience for our OGX EPs and ICX Interns, delivering a unique kind of experience - an experience of adventure and repositioning AIESEC in India in the global plenary for the value and experiences we deliver. Objectives: • NPS implementation • Lead master Revamp for iCX • iCX Brand refreshment • Research on identifying activities/events that could make the experiences of our EPs more lively and adventurous • Innovation Summit • LCs CX Certification What Was Accomplished • Analysis of the past NPS per product and %RR • National Brand Building and Positioning • Successful execution of Brand Advocacy Campaign • Defining the brand alignment for each project/sub-product • Research on how to make an adventure experience • Customer Journey mapping for iCX • CX Certification for ICX Challenges & Learnings: • NPS survey implementation was a challenge with no customer strategy from the global level for the same • Summit for action steps identification for the kind of adventure we want to give to our customers was deprioritised in Sem 1 and tentative to be executed in 2nd sem but couldn’t happen due to COVID-19 • Lead master for iCX got deprioritized

The Fundamentals


COVID-19 Response

What happened? What was the impact? As the nCoVID-19 Pandemic took the world by storm in March 2020 - AIESEC and more so AIESEC in India was no spectator. In the middle of the preparation phase for the biggest peak and amidst heavily investing and prepping for the International Congress 2020, AIESEC in India was surely hit by the logistical and economic impact of this pandemic. Being in the business of cross-cultural exchanges - our very fundamental operations of exchanges was over-night ruled out for the unforeseeable future which majorly impacted our finances as a whole. What followed was awareness, adaptation to the context, damage control and prevention of further damage. We quickly understood that we were in this for the long run and before we could scramble our alternative plans it was important to seal the cracks that had opened up. Organisationally, we were struck by a plethora of questions and problems to fix. We broadly categorized them into Business as Operations, Finances and People. As an immediate damage control - we understood that we had to begin by assessing the damage that the pandemic had already done to the organization. We did so by having crisis management meetings and dialogue with other entities, AIESEC International and through valuable advice from our BoA. Post mapping out 30+ potential risk areas - we started identifying the major red flags and began creating a contingency plan. This plan was primarily addressing the three major questions we had observed and needed to be resolved, among innumerable others: • What do we do about the exchanges that were realized or were going to be realized in the coming months? • What about the money we have or owe? • What are our people going to do? As we worked on each of the problems portfolio wise, we identified more fundamental questions at the core: • What widespread consequences does this have on our operations and what are our options for the future? • How can we sustain the Local Chapters and ensure the organization clears it’s survival test? • How can we ensure our freshly recruited TLs and members get a proper AIESEC Experience in spite of the crisis?


Covid-19 Response

What were the immediate action steps taken? 1. Publication of national announcement of precautions and support to membership and Exchange Participants ensuring their safety by all means. 2. Dissemination of National Risk Mitigation guidebook to all Local Committees. (This was reviewed and updated regularly). 3. Pausing all Operations until the next peak (Winter) which is 1st of November 2020 for both the Incoming and Outgoing exchange. (This was reviewed regularly to accommodate any developments externally). 4. Cancelled all our physical conferences and events nationally as well as locally until further notice. 5. We started relying on virtual platforms to engage and build our membership through campaigns, webinars for skill development, virtual XPDF, virtual Global Village, etc. The MC also shifted to remote work. 6. We started innovating on our EwA products to open alternate revenue streams. 7. The most important measure though was wrt Finances. We put the prioritization of the current needs of the network at the center and not our wants. We immediately re-ratified our budget in the month of March itself - where we cut down all the non-essential investments as well as operational cost-centres. With virtually a situation that consisted of bare essentials and survival costs of the overall budget - we still faced a challenge on survival. This prompted us to further cut down administrative costs drastically and take some hard calls to reduce HR costs to the MC. After giving the cash flows a chance to sustain till the end of the term it was time to iron out problems for the next year too. Further, we essentially suspended the financial model of reconciliation fees from our LCs and projected to run the MC solely on it’s retained earnings - we worked out a survival plan for the next MC that encompassed significantly lesser enabling plans and a cut to the deemed normal at that point. On the ground, LCs essentially shut their budgets in terms of execution and were instructed to safeguard their equity in the coming months. From a governance perspective, we also immediately eased norms and allowed LCs for an improved and sustained chance at survival. The detailed measures taken are explained in the respective portfolio updates in the upcoming pages.

Covid-19 Response


Portfolio reports G56 E N E R A T I O N Portfolio Reports


Outgoing Exchanges “The MC Experience made me understand myself better, what are my non-negotiable as a person, as a leader, as a team player. Understand what I need to do when I need a job to be done, understand when I need to pick a fight or not, all depending on if I believe in something or not. And watch the effect in the work, and with workmates, when I chose and applied 2 values that I believe in a everyday life: “it’s better to be done than perfect” and “Words will convince you, but example drags you”. My idea of Zest was the energy within. And I think I could live it when I focus on my work and my team’s work to go further in any job, campaign, analyses, education, or any other deliverable that we had, without depending of other people. So, wake up everyday with the energy to make things done.”

Leila Magalhaes | MCVP - OPS oGX

“The MC experience which encouraged me to be unapologetically myself is the one which taught me the value of people, perceptions and being true to who you are. It taught me resilience which invoked inner strength to deal with tough situations and people that came along in due course of time and has been the biggest highlight for me. My idea of Zest was to be “Raw”. The kind where you know that you are going to be acknowledged not just for who you are but who you can be. My idea of zest transcended my work to become an integral part of my life, subtly integrating itself into conversations with fellow MC members, my commission, friends, family and even social media. This is the story of the Zesty year I have lived.”

Harshvardhana Gadhvi | MCVP - oGV

The experience of being on the National Team for AIESEC India has been both extremely challenging at times as well as has pushed me out of my comfort zone. Through this one year, I have grown both personally as well as professionally. The experience of shifting to another city, living and working with a diverse set of individuals, weeks of traveling from one city to another have all taught some invaluable lessons. Professionally, I learned more about effective virtual team management, prioritizing, and time management while juggling several roles at once in a fast-paced work schedule during the course of this year. More than anything, I can confidently say that through this one year I have grown both as professionally as well as personally. Zest to me has always meant being innovative, and constantly growing and most importantly doing something new that hasn’t happened ever before.

Shrujitha Ramanujam | MCVP - oGE

Portfolio Reports


Outgoing Exchanges (The projects reported here are additional individual priorities in addition to the projects reported under the Fundamental of the Highest performance)

oGX team & Synergy management oGX in the network was not using projects and campaigns in synergy in the best way to level up the departments. So, the idea here was improve the campaigns that we had with the network, while improving synergy management on the MC & LC levels. Objectives - OGX implementing TS - IXP campaigns in synergy with PM - Customer Experience management - NEC - OGX Campaign for November - OGX Ceederships What Was Accomplished - Plan the incentive system and tracking tools for IXP of the 3 products in alignment with PM - Set the timeline of guidelines, framework and IR planning - Lead nurturing of EPs for preparation phase - SOP for Insurance management and related issues for EPs - Creation of a system for REs Dates mapping in LeadMaster - Monthly Report of number of REs and FINs happening in the coming month, per IR partner and per LC - Centralize all informations of consideration and experience phase for the commissions - Strategy creation and implementation of OGX Booster campaign - LCP capacity building on operations and IR - Planning, coordination and execution of OGX CEEDs. 5 OGX CEEDerships were carried out through the year before COVID-19 happened which boosted the contribution of IR in overall exchanges. Challenges & Learnings - Synergies are dynamic in AIESEC and it is important to constantly review the implementation

Open oGT | Grow oGT | Trust oGT oGT for AIESEC in India was centralized over the past 2 years and being operated only at the national level. The idea of this project was to improve the processes at the national level, and explore possibilities to pilot oGT by the 2nd semester in a few LCs that in the last 2 years had the biggest amount of results organically. Objectives - SOP enhancement and process improvement at the national level - Reducing process time - Customer experience management - Preparation and implementation of oGT pilot strategy - Leading and managing the national oGT Team of MC Staff and NSTs


Portfolio Reports

What Was Accomplished - Historical analyses about the feasibility for opening oGT, defined Financial Strategies, IR model for oGT pilots National level strategies: - Alignment of goals, timeline, and the whole customer flow with IRs (Germany, Canada, Belgium, MoC, Egypt, Brazil, Vietnam, Malaysia) - IR Tool for oGT and IR model focusing on 4 biggest partners - EP management capacity with training content - CV & Interview training - Evolved Tracking Tool of oGT process and routine implementation, refreshed oGT processes framework and training the NST team - 2 Reports per month for EPs experiences were created - The project was evolved through the 2nd semester, focusing on improving specific parts of the process and introducing alumni strategies Challenges & Learnings - Through the 1st semester we were able to identify the potential LCs for the pilot, however it became obsolete with the Global Product Evolution and merge of GE/GT.

Impact of COVID-19 on OGX Operations - We had to suspend operations due to COVID-19. But we still had EPs who were supposed to be realized during the summer peak, we needed to ensure they were either re-approved to a new opportunity or put on hold until new opportunities came up on system. Re-approvals for future opportunities was a challenge due to the uncertainty. Additionally GE as a product was evolving and post June we couldn’t do any GE approvals as well due to the introduction of the new product, and so we also needed to ensure we were mapping out the qualification level of all such EPs and inform them of the product changes and help them find relevant opportunities for the new product. - We had a few EPs who were realised and still in the host country during the pandemic and we needed to ensure they were safe and getting back to India as soon as possible as they were stranded. Action steps taken in response to COVID-19 - Creating tracking mechanisms to cross-check EP statuses as well as mapping out EP qualifications to assist in finding new opportunities in the new product for them later - Sending emails to EPs in all phases of the customer flow for proper communication regarding COVID-19 and safety measures for the same. - Downscaling guidelines for commission to handle EPs in all phases of customer flow - Providing specific refund policy clarifications case by case - Individual LC follow up to ensure clarity of guidelines and assistance - Constant communication with IR to ensure EPs safety and travel back home - Membership engagement had to be evolved since day-to-day operational activities were halted. Portfolio Reports


Outgoing Exchanges


Master Sellers The project was aimed towards sales capacity building wherein we focused on enhancing the pitching styles of our network as well as audit their sales processes thoroughly. Objectives - Enhance sales skills - Auditing of sales processes - Becoming best sellers of our IR and product What Was Accomplished - Promotion of top 5 National IRs was done aggressively. - USP webinars for members were done to enhance their pitch for our top 5 IR - NEC focused on sales related topics helped in downscaling related knowledge - Product Packaging tool was designed to help members in enhancing their pitch - Through the 2nd semester, sales auditing was introduced for all LCs giving analysis of current sales techniques in the network - More focus was given to IR promotion and NEC in order to holistically upscale the project and achieve better results Challenges & Learnings - Follow up post sales auditing on local level was a challenge and could be improved - Product packaging tool was not downscaled to each and every member - Data disparity was seen for Open-APP conversion ratio tracking - Contact-Time tracking wasn’t fully functional leading to lack of analysis or tracking for LCs

Smart Supply Division This was an IR based project wherein we were aiming to divert our supply in a proportionate way to the three regions of AP, MEA and Europe Objectives - Divert Supply in a proportionate way to all 3 partner regions - Piloting entities for potential future collaborations - IR Promotion MoS: Planned vs Achieved 38%(P) vs 36%(A) RE with AP 35%(P) vs 26%(A) RE with EU 27%(P) vs 38%(A) RE with MEA


Portfolio Reports


What Was Accomplished - IR Sprints (Promotional weeks) for partners - Pilot entity selection was done keeping in mind the regions as well as entity potential - Ensuring that LCs have region specific plans for supply division - CEED with Vietnam and Sri Lanka were successful in strengthening our collaboration with these entities - Product packaging tool was an addition done in sem 2 Challenges & Learnings - IR Sprints capitalisation on LC level could have been better - Lack of performance with pilot entities was seen - One day hackathons with top 5 were not successful due to the timeline issue as well as high process time

Amplifying Numbers This project aimed towards enhancing the conversion ratios that affected our numbers drastically as well as were bottlenecks in our processes. Objectives - Improving ACC-APD and APD-RE conversion ratios - Tier based division of LCs for customised support - SOP enhancement and tracking MoS: Planned vs Achieved 75%(P) vs 67%(A) - Acc to Apd ratio 80%(P) vs 40%(A) - Adp to Re ratio What Was Accomplished - LCs were divided into tiers to provide customised support and guidance - NST Consultants were divided according to tiers to ensure follow up on tier based plans as well as strategies - NEC creation for these specific conversion ratios helped in downscaling knowledge easily Challenges & Learnings - Effective tracking of SOPs for the huge network nationally was a challenge

Portfolio Reports


Outgoing Exchanges Unwire India: Expansion


Through this project we aimed at diversifying IR by having a more equal percentage contribution of our IR Partners. Previously we had only one top IR partner for oGE India, through this project we aimed at widening our top IR to more partners and establish the top 4 IR for oGE India - Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine and Brazil. Objectives - Diversifying IR by increasing % contribution of new IR partners MoS: Planned vs Achieved 45%(P) vs 54%(A) - App to Acc ratio 15%(P) vs 11%(A) - Contribution from Turkey 6%(P) vs 3%(A) - Contribution from Ukraine 69%(P) vs 83%(A) - Contribution from Egypt 5%(P) vs 2%(A) - Contribution from Brazil What Was Accomplished - Established strategies focussed on selling the top 4 IR partners - We were one of the top 3 IR partners for each of our top 4 IR - Through the CEED in Turkey we got Turkey to open opportunities for only Indians at their Startups - For the first time we had a CEEDer for oGE go to Egypt to interview the startups and understand the job descriptions being provided to the EPs - We had the MCVP iGE of Egypt attend JNC last year which helped educate the commission on how to sell Egypt and we divided the supply of Indian EPs also within the Egyptian LCs to ensure there was no overcrowding in just one LC and thus ensure we are providing better experiences. - We had joint commission calls and webinars where the iGE commissions of our IR partners joined the calls and educated the commission on how to sell their country as well as the acceptance processes Challenges & Learnings - In sem 1 we had a national target for IR partners but not split locally within LCs, because of which there was not a specified focus of IR partners based on LCs market reality. To overcome this bottleneck we had the national IR targets split into local IR targets based on the Sub-Product focus of the IR partners and the LCs market reality though the 2nd sem.

Process Hacking This project revolved around improving our conversion rates of the entire customer flow and making our process more efficient. Objectives - Enhancing SOPs and thus improving the conversion rates and thus making our processes more efficient and faster MoS: Planned vs Achieved 65%(P) vs 69%(A) - Acc to Apd ratio 1 day (P) vs 1 day (A) - Process time What Was Accomplished - Enhancing nationalised SOPs and downscaling the same to the entire membership - Introduction of NOC as a process to all LCs to decrease backouts post acceptance


Portfolio Reports


- Creation of pitching kits to educate the membership on how to sell - Ensuring that timely deadlines and expectations are set with the EPs from the very first touch point to ensure that post acceptance, the approval goes up on system in one day. Challenges & Learnings - Effective tracking of SOPs for the huge network nationally was a challenge

Getting everyone on the same level This project was all about building the base and the foundation of SOPs in all LCs. Through this we aimed at getting a more equal % contribution from all LCs. This would happen through commission capacity building and creating product clusters to drive down strategies tailored to each LCs reality Objectives - Building the capacity and upscaling the processes of all LCs to ensure there is a more equal % contribution of all LCs What Was Accomplished - Summit for the commission in December - Product basics were taken up as sprints as a webinars for the entire product membership - Creation of nationalised resource hub to make it a one stop shop for all things of this product to be easily accessible to all members - LCs were divided into 6 clusters based on their LC realities and tailor made processes and strategies were driven down based on the cluster requirement - NST was upscaled in this year to help engage and educate the commission as well as drive down necessary strategies - Commission Instagram page was created to reach out to all members and drive down educational and engaging material Challenges & Learnings - Tracking the % Education Cycle of all LCs nationally was a challenge and could have been done more efficiently

Other initiatives 1. GE/GT Product Evolution Change Management Process AI was evolving GE as a product and in its place would be two new products. The commission would be required to work on these products post June and there needed to be a specific plan to help ensure the change management process occurred smoothly and that the commission was adequately equipped with knowledge required. To educate and onboard the commission on all things regarding the new product, there was a curriculum regarding this product evolution that was driven down to the commission over the course of 3 months. This curriculum involved tasks about understanding the new product through customer journey mapping as well as creating SOPs and processes for the new product.

Portfolio Reports


Outgoing Exchanges oGE 2. Market Research •

To understand the markets of each LC, a market research framework was driven down to the LCs in three phases to help the LCs find new markets as well as finalise on their focus markets for the new product. This was especially important because a nationalised market research of this scale had never been done before for the product and the LCs had also never tapped into the graduate pool before, so to get a more clear understanding of each LCs market reality and strengths we initiated this market research. This helped understand the market reality and markets strengths of each LC as well as explore markets that were previously untapped but had the potential for the new products GTa and GTe

3.Commission RnR and Commission Education • • • • •

Operations had been halted due to COVID-19 hence in order to engage the entire membership and educate them, a product RnR was driven down based on what the LCs needed to focus on. The LCs were given a list of tasks to complete on a weekly basis and the LCs were ranked based on completion of tasks. These tasks were related to the GE/GT Change Management Process and were downscaled to the entire membership. The RnR was also based on the LC Clusters that had been created. In order to educate the commission, we created different campaigns on the commission Instagram Channel: one such campaign was the Wanderlust Week, where each week a different IR partner would be showcased on the channel via a virtual tour of that country, takeover by EPs who had gone on an exchange as well as takeovers and quizzes from the partners themselves.


Portfolio Reports

Portfolio Updates INCOMING

E X C H A N G E 65S Portfolio Reports

incoming Exchanges “Through the MC term, I learnt what kind of environment I would like to work at, I learnt what kind of personalities I’m compatible with and who I am not, I learnt how to keep personal life aside, also that giving your 100% sometimes is not enough and that sometimes you need to rest. Your mind and body need a break and you must fulfill this. My idea of Zest is ideation and co creation, listening to each other, going out loud together by our bold actions and having a bond that can last for years. I tried as much as possible to let go of my bad behavior of not talking to people post my work related roles and I’m sure the bond that I created this year with some people will last forever; always grateful to India as a country, always found my answers in India. I will always come back to it.”

- Nourhane ElShafeii | MCVP - OPS iCX


Portfolio Reports

“Being part of the MC of AIESEC in India has broadened my perspective & how I relate to people at large while working towards a common vision of Peace & fulfillment of Humankind’s potential. It has challenged my capacity & helped me grow. The experience allowed me to learn more about myself & help me lead in the right direction. Zest is more than a team, it’s an idea & emotion. It’s a way of living life in its full capacity with enthusiasm. Throughout the year, I kept giving my best in every task I was given an opportunity to work on, and the same Zest helped me to keep going & also enjoy the journey.”

- Kevin Jain | MCVP - iGT “The term with its ever increasing intensity, along with the unprecedented twists and turns, has been nothing less than a powerful and a holistic experience. From being a part of this extremely diverse team to facing multiple challenges in the everyday work and everything in between, cumulatively, has given me a platform of endless opportunities to understand myself better, challenge my comfort zone and unlock new levels of potential. Managing a product at national level, along with the global exposure it entails, has definitely been empowering, gave me immense practical knowledge and innumerable lessons essential for professional growth. Although, the two biggest learnings have been the ability to be empathetic and the network I have built in this organisation My idea of Zest has simply been about sharing and achieving the common purpose and vision with utmost ownership, enthusiasm, innovation, passion and the drive to do more and do it better. And I have strived to keep this factor of “zest” alive and thriving in everything that came my way, however small or big”

- Harnoor Saini | MCVP - iGE “After working in iGV for almost 2 years, my idea of the MC role was to get a deeper understanding of managing a product in different realities & managing larger teams. The experience helped to learn about curating customised strategies & change management plans towards development of the product. My idea of Zest is to readily take up the opportunities & challenges coming in the way by acknowledging them for what it holds & work towards making the best out of them. The journey of living the same started from preparing to apply for the role to re-looking into the fundamentals of how the product is perceived & executed at the ground level.”

- Jay Bhandari | MCVP - iGV

Portfolio Reports


incoming Exchanges (The projects reported here are additional individual priorities in addition to the projects reported under the Fundamental of the Highest performance)

ICXperts The aim of this project was to evolve and enhance the capacity of the membership, enabling them to not only contribute in the best manner but also enhance their personal growth and development. This was a common ICX vertical project implemented through all products. As TL ICX, the role in the project was strategy creation & alignment for parallel operations evolving LC OS and operations governance through ECB management Objectives - Making sure we’re driving the products by building our people’s capacity - Making sure we’re driving the products with the best governing systems - Enhancing IR cooperation at local level. What Was Accomplished • In terms of governance through ECB we managed to set a system into place to considerably decrease the number of ECB cases and were able to empower the LCs to negotiate on a local level and resolve cases themselves. An extensive education through the ECB to focus on customer experience and case resolution made this possible. • We managed to drive parallel operations through customer flow based MB structures • We managed to drive strong commission engagement through commission iComms • LCP education on local IR building, co-creating tools and introducing new concepts for IR Initiation and maintenance. Challenges & Learnings • We couldn’t tangify the results of the OS evolution as it happened through the 2nd semester in most of the LCs, the major reason being operations not happening due to COVID-19 • An important learning for parallel operations OS is to be ahead of the timeline and driving it down well to the network through proper alignment with OD & PM • Consistent follow up from the OD Department regarding the new concepts introduced and making sure it is included during LCs planning is a non negotiable.

ICXellence This project revolved around enhancing SOP implementation, processes and value delivery across all the 3 ICX products in the network and hence this again was a common project for the ICX Vertical. As TL ICX, the role in the project was to lead the Customer Journey mapping process and CX Certification for LCs


- Enhancing SOP implementation, processes and value delivery - Improving conversions - Driving mindset of customer intimacy through Customer journey mapping and CX Certification

What Was Accomplished

- The ICX network was well engaged throughout the CX Certification, improving the value delivery. Over 12 LCs were certified by the end of the project. - We managed to reduce drastically the number of ECB cases overall as well as number of cases lost


Portfolio Reports

Challenges & Learnings

- Customer journey mapping outcome couldn’t be measured although we received positive feedback from the network which also helped us build the CX certification module. - The CX Certification was built around the Experience phase of the customer flow, however when COVID-19 hit we had to evolve our tasks to serve the preparation phase rather and keep it relevant to the context

IR Fusion IR system 101 from creating tools and tracking mechanisms to creating investment model for IR since ICX IR wasn’t the strongest and we relied a lot on organic applications. The project also focused on empowering LCs to create strong LC-LC co-operations and not solely be dependent on national IR. This again was a common ICX strategy to revive AIESEC in India’s ICX in the global plenary and hence was a project driven by all 3 products. Objectives - Boosting applications through IR - IR Model creation and implementation to build long-term IRs - LC empowerment on LC-LC IR building What Was Accomplished - IR Model, trackers and tools for enhanced IR tracking, Standards delivery, Customer persona per product, operational timeline alignment, internal visa hub - Planning, coordination and execution of ICX CEEDs. 6 ICX CEEDerships were carried out from the National level through the year before COVID-19 happened which boosted the contribution of IR in overall exchanges. Challenges & Learnings - Pulling back of operational timeline was a challenge overall

Outsourcing Outsourcing the best talents outside iCX who can help us grow iCX. This project had 2 main sub focuses, first one was iXPS on a mission which was focusing on Indian IXPs training and making them aid iCX in increasing IR and approving EPs. Second sub focus was on sending the best local talents on CEEDs and to open new markets (GE and GV mainly) and also incoming CEEDs doing rounds of LC Visits. Objectives - Boosting ICX Growth - Local Committees empowerment What Was Accomplished -Confirmed 3 Local CEEDs for iGV in Poland/Italy, Egypt and Indonesia -Received CEEDers from Malaysia (2), Ukraine and Egypt (MCVPs). They visited 8 LCs each which helped them understand better the local realities and assign for them partners from their respective entities. Challenges & Learnings - iGV CEEDs that got confirmed had to be cancelled due to COVID-19 - For the rest of the incoming CEEDs we couldn’t measure their impact properly since they also happened just 2 weeks before a lockdown came into place due to COVID-19, only CEED we could directly measure the impact was with Egypt (oGT), she was coming with CVs ready to be approved which helped us fasten the process for Egyptians.

Portfolio Reports


incoming Exchanges Impact of COVID-19 on ICX Operations - Huge number of APDs done for summer peak had to be broken or postponed. Majority of the RE for even winter APDs were due in the summer of 2020 which got heavily affected. - As APD had to be shifted to Winter peak, few clients backed out while majority continued and agreed to shift the RE date to winters. However, challenges were faced with existing APD EPs as either they stopped responding or couldn’t commit to a shift in their RE date for winter as their university timeline was also uncertain - Lack of clarity from the IR/EP about their way-forward with respect to APD break. - The financial Impact of lockdown heavily impacted clients and their ability to hire EPs, leading to back-outs from contracts - There were around 250+ EPs in India (majorly for iGT) during the time of lockdown, and few of them wanted to leave back to home but couldn’t, so their survival & finances were major concern.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19:

Downscaling national guidelines and way forward for APD and RE EPs with respect COVID-19 to the commission -Implementation of new RE and APD tracking mechanism with respect to COVID-19 and ensuring safe return of the EPs who wanted to travel to home country - Standard communication from the local level to EPs & enablers about the situation, stand of our organisation & constant updates - Negotiation with clients for extending the contract and shifting the RE date to winters as well as raising opportunities for coming semesters to retain the previously APD EPs for India - Evolved membership engagement & capacity building activities were carried out on both national & ground level since dayto-day operational activities were halted. - IR Building & communication became a major focus for LCs - Regular check with LCs & VPs on their adaptation to the situation & providing support for the same


IR Fusion


This project was to diversify our IRs and enhance partnerships with different clusters of entities based on the IR model Objectives - Rebranding & repackaging of the national iGV Projects - Refreshed clustering for IRs & defining the focus accordingly - Local IR frameworks and LC empowerment for IR building

What Was Accomplished - Cluster based IR strategies were formed for each partner - Segregating clusters helped in dividing need-based focus on all the entities - Local IR tool & SOP were built for LCs which helped in enhancing & tangifying the partnership - Rebranding of AIESEC in India’s ICX headed by MCVP B2B and aligning the product’s packaging with the same. - We also invited potential IR partners - Ukraine & Malaysia for CEEDership to upscale the partnership & them to experience India Challenges & Learnings - NST synergies was a challenge as they lacked capacity to communicate well & coordinate with various countries


Portfolio Reports

iCXellence This project was about repackaging our iGV projects & rebranding the iGV of AIESEC in India as a whole, along with enhancing our internal processes Objectives - Enhancing CRM processes - Standardizing internal tools to centralize the processes - Revamping the National iGV projects - Diversification of JDs for Good Morning India project - Enhancing overall Auditing process along with brand alignment - Strong tracking of conversion ratios, process time, etc with the help of NSTs - Focus on customer intimacy through delivery & standards tracking - Local market penetration strategy What Was Accomplished - We standardized the contracts & VQs with enforcing the minimums for comlying with the legalities - Auditing process was evolved and aligned with the new brand - Processes were enhanced by re-evaluating the SOPs and coaching LCs on the same, which led to higher conversion ratio - All the national projects were revamped to align with the new brand & specific SDG targets were assigned to define the objective of running the project - Focus was put on diversifying the job descriptions for Good Morning India as a National project - Realisation tracking tool was driven down Nationally to track the experiences & CX certification was introduced to amplify the delivery - Local market penetration stretagy was discontinued during transition to Sem 2 but was re-initiated again which will be continued in the next MC term Challenges & Learnings - Budgeting for iGV projects as a part of SOP is an important process to be driven down well - Detailed project structures & compliance of documents (contract & VQs) took a lot of time

iCXperts The overall idea here was to enhance the sales capacity on the ground to better sell the rebranded projects which would drive growth in the entity Objectives - Training membership and build their sales skills & knowledge - Centalizaing information & NEC creation - Recommending cluster based OS, Customer flow based JDs - NST Consultants structure was introduced to drive down National strategies What Was Accomplished - Carefully curated National Education cycle was driven to the network - Specific OS were recommended to LCs based on their realities - Network GCP sharing was carried forward to share ideas & drive collaborative growth - Internal RnR for the network was launched that helped in driving operations - NST Consultants helped to drive down & follow up on the National strategies. Also, it helped to assess LC realities more effectively Challenges & Learnings - It is extremely important to build a proper process for alignment on NEC with LEC to ensure efficiency and effectiveness

Portfolio Reports


incoming Exchanges iGE iCXellence

The aim of this project lied in growth, enhancement and development of iGE as a product. The product still hadn’t capitalised on the true potential of the market and was under-performing, majorly owing to the lack of adaptation to the current global context of GE. Therefore, the project aimed at long-term growth and development of the product through revamping processes, aligning the SnD, enhancing customer experience and improving conversion ratios in all the phases of the customer flow Objectives - Process hacking and decrease in process time - Customer experience enhancement MoS: Planned vs Achieved 25%(P) vs 23%(A) - App to Acc ratio What Was Accomplished -Shift in iGE projects duration from 12+ weeks to 6 weeks and making the realisation date flexible for opportunities to meet the demand of EPs. - Evolving the EP selection process from a lengthy rigorous one to a shorter and faster process for decreasing the process time. Additionally, revamping the expectations with clients to match the actual EP profiles of the applicants - Sub-product concentration was expanded from just marketing, BA and BD to IT and Engineering as well which had a huge demand from oGX side. -Expansion of iGE in 5 new LCs -Experience enhancement by sensitizing LCs towards striving for an excellent customer experience delivery. Education about the same through NEC and ECB. Initiation of national experience delivery tracking mechanism for all the EPs. Along with increase in experience showcasing (of EPs) through all the attraction material and platforms. -Launching national SOPs for youth (EPs) with alignment to entity’s reality. -To improve raising, market research framework for both primary and secondary research were provided to the LCs with B2B synergy Challenges & Learnings: -While having 6 weeks opportunities with a fast selection process has been necessary to align with the demand of IRs and EP, raising opportunities for 6 weeks for an EP profile of a college student has been challenging as clients tend to expect high-qualified EPs with the given fee. Therefore, adaptation to such opportunities has been a slow and a challenging process for the LCs. -Although the overall diversification of the sub-product happened, but it was only limited to a few LCs.

IR Fusion

The aim of this project was to build strong, loyal and long-term IR partnerships. iGE has struggled with having at least 3 top long term partners who contributed consistently over the years. Therefore, this project focused not only on streamlining and strengthening IR efforts at a national level but also ensuring long-lasting partnerships at the local level. Objectives - IR model - Product packaging through a complete brand refreshment, both nationally and locally - Enhancing and aligning LC2LC IR partnerships


Portfolio Reports

MoS: Planned vs Achieved 70% Contribution from IR(P) vs 75% Contribution from IR(A) What Was Accomplished -Division of IRs in clusters based on the growth model of- Upscale, Fix & Upscle, Grow and Initiate. This was done to understand the state and level of partnership with each IR along with using the clusters to build entity wise IR strategies. -SnD hacking: The aim was to make SnD analysis a routine, both nationally and locally, in order to completely reap the benefits of the same, for not just building and maintaining IRs but also identifying opportunities for first mover’s advantage. This majorly included, but not limited to: understanding the sub-product division of different IRs, knowing which entities are growing/dropping, E2E of partners, E2E of competitors. -Focus was put in aligning the operational timeline with IR partner as well as pulling back the timeline for early attraction of applications. -A complete national brand revamp headed by MCVP B2B took place, along with heavy focus on establishing local brands aligned to the national one. All the national and local attraction content was standardised and aligned to the new brand. Spaces were also conducted to teach IRs how to sell India to their EPs. -Local level IR framework: LC2LC IR partnerships were mutually decided on the national level and further downscaled to the LCs. This grouping was based on history, volume and sub-product. -Customised IR content based on the reality and needs of each partner. - IR goal division based on sub-products Challenges & Learnings: - Pulling back of timeline for early capitalisation (specially for organic leads) was not successful due to overall delay in the raising timeline. - Challenges in local level IR: LC2LC partnership planning on the national level could not happen with all the national IR partners. Moreover, even with the planning of the same, the implementation wasn’t adequate. Major learning has been that national IR partnerships will be as strong as their local level implementation. - The brand outreach could be better when it comes to oGX attraction (by IRs) through direct communication of the same with their B2C/marketing responsible.

iCXperts The aim of this project was to evolve and enhance the capacity of the membership, enabling them to not only contribute in the best manner but also enhance their personal growth and development. Objectives -Change in MB structure for enabling parallel operations -Membership coaching and training on various skills -Product and non-product based NEC, enabling LCs to perform, lead and manage better What Was Accomplished - Parallel operations were initiated with an aim of capitalising on non-peak realisations and increasing the efficiency of each phase of the customer flow through an MB structure based on customer flow. - Carefully curated NEC which included everything from the basics of the product to practical skill learning, downscaled through both virtual and physical means (webinars, conferences and visits) - Routinely tracking of LC TvsA and plans implementation for a better and tailored support from the national side - In sem 2, a separate aim was to create a medium layer performance by LCs. This involved specialised IR help and sub-product alignment, along with heavy focus on enabling parallel operations and sub-product diversification in these LCs.

Portfolio Reports


incoming Exchanges iGE Challenges & Learnings - Lack of adequate number of MB members posed as a barrier for efficient implementation of parallel operations and customer-flow wise MB structure for some LCs - After semester 1, based on the performance, there were either extremely high performing entities or low performing entities. There was a lack of medium performance players.

IR Fusion


This project revolved around focusing on our IRs and enhancing partnerships with different clusters of entities Objectives - Rebranding & repackaging the sub-products - Refreshed clustering for IRs & defining the focus accordingly - Building local IR frameworks to help LCs in taking LC IRs forward MoS: Planned vs Achieved 65%(P) Contribution from IR(P) vs 63% Contribution from IR(A) What Was Accomplished - We clustered all partners in different groups based on our partnership history, and then we built specific strategies to upscale the partnership for each cluster group - Segregating clusters helped in dividing need-based focus on all the entities - We built a local IR tool for LCs which helped in enhancing & tangifying the partnership - We refreshed the branding of our entity & launched at IC & created a website to structurize the content - We also invited biggest IR partner, Egypt, for CEEDership to upscale the partnership & enhance the quality of standards delivery Challenges & Learnings: - Paid promotions strategy in different entities was dropped - NST synergies was a challenge as they lacked capacity to communicate well & coordinate with various countries


Portfolio Reports

iCXellence The project was about repackaging our current way of selling products & enhance internal process Objectives - Re-evaluating CRM & building ways to increase retention - Standardizing internal tools to centralize the processes - Creating attraction content for Clients - Enhancing overall Auditing process - Strong tracking of conversion ratios, process time, etc with the help of NSTs - Focus on customer intimacy through delivery & standards tracking What Was Accomplished - We standardized the contracts & JQs the LCs were using to ensure similar terms are agreed upon between AIESEC & partnering Organizations - We made a standard proposal for LCs to pitch to the clients during sales - Auditing process was evolved & built more structured with faster auditing - Processes were enhanced by re-evaluating the SOPs and coaching LCs on the same, which led to higher conversion ratios from Accepted to Completes - Major focus was put on Impact India & selling product to educational institutes - We also focused on raising short term Opportunities, and were able to raise over 100+ Opens for the same Challenges & Learnings - POP implementation didn’t work out well due to irregular communication from AI & platform instability - We coached the LCs on client standards, however couldn’t track the same nationally

iCXperts The overall idea was to build sales capacity in membership that drives growth in the entity Objectives - To coach membership and build their skills & knowledge - Centalizaing information & NEC creation - Recommending cluster based OS, standardizing JDs

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incoming Exchanges What Was Accomplished - Carefully curated national Education cycle, and downscaled the same through online platforms - Specific OS were recommended to LCs based on their realities - Standard knowledge hub was created for LCs to have all info on one tool - Regular Goals tracking for LCs was done - Network GCP sharing was carried forward to share ideas & push for collective growth - Internal RnR for the network was launched that helped in pushing for operations Challenges & Learnings - Building sales capacity through virtual sources became challenge - Driving NEC is more efficient through NST Consultants

Overall OPs 76

Portfolio Reports

marketing & dxp “Through this MC term, I discovered my career path, I rediscovered my passions and reestablished my values. Was a different person coming and leaving, I am reacher of new home and friends for life. Some say it is the sparkle in your eyes when starting something new, but true Zest is when you find the same sparkle doing it for the 100th time.”

Maciej Bancer | MCVP - DXP

“There are some experiences that fundamentally transform you as an individual. This year I have lived that experience, and I can never be grateful enough. The decision to apply for the MC was extremely scary for me. The fear of not being good enough because I didn’t bring a similar experience as the rest used to leave me numb. But right from the moment we got announced, I started to tell myself, courage over fear, and that truly turned things around for me. The year was not at all easy. But through this journey, I’ve truly discovered who I am. Isn’t that one question that we all keep asking ourselves? I wanted this year to be about growth. Growth, not just in numbers, but also as individuals. And I knew that it could only happen when we all come together, for each other, empathize with each other, be vulnerable. But these were also some of the things that I was the most afraid of before we started our term. A year down the lane, I can only think of all the moments where we came together, for each other, no matter how difficult the situations were, we discovered courage together.”

Pratibha Motwani | MCVP - B2B & iCX Marketing

“Working in a dynamic and stimulating environment that seldom poses you with challenges, grooms you to be an amazing individual both at the professional and personal front. With numerous flights, meetings, cities, conferences, and people, you keep growing steadily and just after a year, looking back at your younger self, you can be nothing but proud of how much you’ve transformed. Zest for me always was to never give up in pursuit of excellence. And with all the roles I was entrusted upon and all the audacious opportunities I applied for, I lived through it every day.”

Udit Kalra | MCVP - B2C

Portfolio Reports


marketing and DXP Platforms monetization


Research on possibility to sell our platforms to other entities or outside clients Objectives - Revenue generation from our platforms - Making marketing department more sustainable from organizational budget perspective What Was Accomplished, Challenges & Learnings We packaged the prices for each of our platforms and did research on what are the other possibilities to generate revenue from them. We prepared proposals to other entities but it didn’t work out. Other AIESEC entities are simply not ready for these kinds of transactions. The project was dropped after 1st Sem. Especially now with the context of COVID-19 and its impact on financial capacities of entities, this idea would not be possible to realize in the near future.

Digital Ecosystem Improvement Constant sprint based improvements of AIESEC in India platforms ensuring its best support for daily operations Objectives - Deciding future for Lead Master - Stabilizing and Improving Legal Archives - Improving and its landing pages - Building AIESEC hub MoS: Planned vs Achieved 100% (P) vs 70% (A) Backlog Implementation What Was Accomplished - We closed Member Connect, migrated its functionality to Legal Archives and at the same time refreshing join.myaiesec. in landing page Interface. - Decided to stop using Lead Master and create a master tool out of Legal Archives. - We have increased conversion rates of our landing pages and refreshed its design together with the whole revamp of the blog. - We launched a temporary knowledge hub. - The project continued in the 2nd sem with more focus planned on mobile familiarity of,, but was de-prioritised because of the budget cuts due to COVID-19. Challenges & Learnings - Backlog planning, especially in the first semester, was done wrong (included a lot of priorities than the available capacity) and it did not include everything we actually worked on because of which we had to de-prioritise some projects or delay them. - Vendor management has been improving every quarter which improved our productivity a lot in the 2nd and 3rd quarter compared to the 1st one but didn’t let us catch up with everything that wasn’t finished in the first quarter.


Portfolio Reports

Improving Data Collection Improving information gathering from our platforms for better decision making. This project was initiated in the 2nd semester. Objectives - Hotjar integration - Data Extractions SOP - Legal Archives on Google Analytics What Was Accomplished We managed to get Hotjar (advanced web analytics tool ) for free, integrated it successfully with our website and landing pages thanks to which we can now monitor in detail behaviour of our users on the website Challenges & Learnings: We have deprioritized the second parts of the project like building Google Data Studio dashboard or integrating our other tools with google analytics as COVID-19 hit.

Legal Archives and Mind Box Mind Box (AIESEC App) being used heavily in the network, having a clear way forward. Legal Archives perceived as stable tool, being our main backend system for managing the entity’s informations and data What Was Accomplished - Mind Box (AIESEC App) was fully planned, designed and developed based on the best examples from the online mobile education market. There has been positive feedback from early prototype users. - There were actions taken to simplify the Legal Archives login process as well as overall interface. Further developments were stopped because of budget cuts due to COVID-19 Challenges & Learnings: - There was a huge delay in terms of following the app development timeline from the vendor which did not allow the launch of the app in our term. We decided to outsource the app development to a new vendor as they offered better prices however it was difficult to form the right working dynamic with the vendors, especially with the agility with which AIESEC moves forward.

In house developers

Having an in house team of developers and designers working on our digital ecosystem improvements alongside our vendors Objectives - Building pipeline for IM and developers in the entity - Reducing development costs - Spreading IT responsibilities awareness in the networks Challenges & Learnings: - The project wasn’t continued after first stage of recruitment as there were no valuable applications. - We failed to plan and promote the opportunity well inside the network. It was a new idea which could have been introduced to the network much better. It should have been planned much earlier as well to track possible applicants from the organizational recruitment time and headhunt them for this opportunity. - This is definitely a project worth taking forward with the learnings and implementing it better.

Portfolio Reports


marketing and DXP Brand & External Influence

B2C Marketing

A plan of action to position AIESEC as an externally relevant brand to enhance inbound marketing. Objectives - Promote the growth of user-generated content for a greater organic outreach. - Reach out to niche audiences through influencer campaigns. - Generate premium content for top IR partners to be used at least for the next two years. - Provide our audiences with additional value through co-branding campaigns. MoS: Planned vs Achieved 12.5million (P) vs 10+million (A) Social Media Outreach What Was Accomplished > Social media outreach increased manifold through various content experiments. > Creators’ campaign led to a library of over 3000 high quality content pieces to be used in further organic and paid campaigns. Challenges & Learnings > Influencer campaign had to be scrubbed due to the pandemic. > The quality of the content going out on social media could have been improved for a better growth in terms of outreach. Therefore, establishing a need for investment in content training for support teams right at the start of their terms.

Product Promotion A plan of action to enhance our product promotion activities to widen the sales funnel right at the start. Objectives > Re-initiate on-ground marketing through product events. > Provide a customized experience to the customers from our top university partners. > Enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of our advertising processes. MoS: Planned vs Achieved 83000 (P) vs 39071 (A) Opens What Was Accomplished > The overhead advertising costs were reduced by over 75% through an in-house ads team. > Effective market research prior to the campaign led to a substantial decrease in the cost per lead. > Re-initiation of marketing at the local level with LCVPs B2C elected for 27 entities in the network. > Kickstarting on-ground marketing helped to establish a balance between digital and physical lead sources. On-ground presence at local levels contributed heavily to the OGX growth in Sem 1. > Creating customized experiences for university partners was made a priority through 2nd sem. Challenges & Learnings > Community management didn’t kick off as planned due to a decline in usage of Facebook as a social media platform in our markets. > A better alignment between digital and physical campaigns can lead to a higher percentage of marketing qualified leads within the system.


Portfolio Reports

Product Conversion A plan of action to generate more sales qualified leads and create a robust lead nurturing mechanism. Objectives > Enhance the lead nurturing process through product events. > Filter the sales qualified leads within the system and address them on a priority basis. > Create consumer communities for an enhanced customer experience. MoS: Planned vs Achieved 15% (P) vs 16.39% (A) Open to App ratio for OGX What Was Accomplished > Customer communication enhancements led to a better experience during the sales process. > Insights through promotional activities and effective data analysis helped the sales coordinators to provide a customized pitch to the customers. > Both digital and on-ground lead nurturing activities led to a better flow of information to the customers. Challenges & Learnings > Lack of stability in terms of platforms delayed the implementation of certain activities leading to an inconsistent experience for certain customers. > Data visualization can be improved to provide better insights to the sales coordinators.

Stats 10 Million +


Aug 19 to Jul 20

Aug 19 to Jan 20

Open to Applied

Social Media Outreach

53962 Opens

46.47% growth

78369 Opens

Aug 19 to Jan 20

Aug 19 to Jul 20

54.42% Growth

20.01% decline (mainly due to no marketing activities from March 2020 in effect through COVID-19)

Portfolio Reports


marketing and DXP B2B & iCX Marketing

Brand Building & Product Packaging

Creating and nurturing a brand for AIESEC in India’s iCX exchanges that the global plenary knows us for. Objectives -To create and downscale a refreshed & unified brand for AIESEC in India and all our local chapters -To focus on getting most of our iCX Applications from our major IR partners and to stop relying on open source applications MoS: Planned vs Achieved 70% (P) vs 65% (A) Application Contribution from IR for ICX What Was Accomplished - Developed & launched a refreshed brand for AIESEC in India at IC 2019 in Hyderabad - Defined product brands for all 3 iCX products - Defined LC brands for all the entities running iCX at the local level, in a way that they are all unique, yet aligned to the national brand - Defined the customer journey map for iCX EPs and IRs - Launched the brand website at which is a one-stop solution to all the promotional content and tools for iCX - Created a persona for iCX EPs - Defined a process for EP story documentation Through the 2nd semester - We piloted an iCX Marketing commission in 6 LCs - Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi IIT, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad to start executing the iCX Marketing processes at the local level in an efficient way (merged JDs with LCVPs B2C) -We launched the website for the brand Challenges & Learnings - In the first 6 months, it was extremely difficult to execute things locally and to create a brand mindset but it started working well with the initiation of Marketing commission - We wanted to implement advertising to get more iCX exchanges but could not find the best way around that with the IR partners - A lot of planning was done to downscale the brand through IC 2020 but things didn’t go our way thanks to COVID-19

Content Marketing A plan of action to position AIESEC as an externally relevant brand to the client persona of iCX on LinkedIn Objectives - To reach out to our target audience, mainly the iCX clients through LinkedIn - To get more signups on POP through content marketing MoS: Planned vs Achieved 10,000 (P) vs 1,400 (A) followers on LinkedIn What Was Accomplished - We wanted to focus on regular content marketing through LinkedIn targeted towards the persona of our iCX clients, which was initiated for the first time in AIESEC in India - Initiated the downscaling of POP to get more signups through content marketing on LinkedIn - Executed the ‘Creating Young Leaders Together’ campaign for clients


Portfolio Reports

Challenges & Learnings: - We started the year with close to 5000 followers on LinkedIn, but in September, AI merged most of the national and local LinkedIn pages without any notification and our page was merged as well with the global page without notification/ consent/negotiation . So we had to start everything from the scratch. -The global signup platform for iCX clients, POP, was not in the best functional state to be downscaled to all the LCs, because of which, all the client attraction projects were deprioritised in the first semester.

Client Attraction & Support Creating on ground marketing strategies to attract more clients for our iCX products and to drive traffic to POP Objectives -To have standardised processes for client market research and attraction -To use POP as the only attraction platform where the clients could sign-up themselves What Was Accomplished -Defined Market Research process for iCX clients -Initiation of POP usage to get more client signups -Defined the customer journey map for the iCX clients -Created standardised offline marketing materials in alignment with the global campaign -Initiated local events for iCX client marketing -Created the SOP for iCX client marketing Challenges & Learnings -The global signup platform for iCX clients, POP, was not in the best functional state to be downscaled to all the LCs, because of which, all the client attraction projects were deprioritised in the first semester. -Adding sub-pages for clients on was planned for the later half of the term but could not be executed due to budget cuts in response to COVID-19 -We wanted to create an email marketing flow for the iCX clients but that process could not be concluded in the second half

Impact of COVID-19 on Marketing & DXP > All product marketing activities were put to a halt, imposing a need to pivot towards brand promotions. > On-ground marketing was completely stopped and would not restore to normalcy until the foreseeable future. > Budget cuts led to multiple investments being cancelled for crucial marketing strategies as well as platform developments. > Due to reverse migration, a huge percentage of our audiences got scattered leading to difficulties in reaching out to them through our promotional activities. > A major part of the DXP projects and work fronts couldn’t be executed and became obsolete because of budget cuts and no operations.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19 > Safety notices and updates about freeze of operations were put across all customer facing platforms and communication channels. > Directing customer support teams on the crisis communications strategy. > The social media and digital platforms were re-aligned to adapt to the new context of marketing. > Customer experience and market research helped us collect more data and make SOP enhancements for when the operations resume. Portfolio Reports


organisational development “Through the MC term, I learnt two very important things- understanding the value of knowing yourself better. Working directly with Dey for the OD team I understood various concepts of how it is important to learn the art of knowing oneself, and using that experience to work with the LCs better. Also at the same time on the professional front it was about identifying my passion - what I’m interested in pursuing later in life. My role as MCVP OD was a culmination of both professional skills and direct personal growth. My idea of ZEST was about ensuring that everything we do from our office in Mumbai should resonate with our people on the ground.”

Jinith Jayesh Ladhani | MCVP - OD

“It was an incredible experience to spend an entire year with the brightest minds across AIESEC in India. Everyday I was fascinated by the remarkable intellect people in the MC team had and in a good way that always challenged and pushed me to do better and expand my knowledge and skill sets. At the same time one of my biggest learning curves came through my role of having to coach LCPs of different realties each with a different profile and personality as a result of which I had to constantly adapt my coaching style every time. My idea of Zest was being the absolute brightest and smartest and possessing unwavering resilience”

Varun Naidu | MCVP - LCD “The ambience I had around me as a growing kid, this was an absolute privilege. An opportunity to discover the normal which was not so normal for me. Challenges helped me grow and people helped me shape that growth better. Most importantly my coaching experience with different entities with a different culture, that love and respect was incredible, and when you receive values you give back values. My Idea of Zest was to be able to be myself and being passionate enough about what I am doing. Believing in the idea of what my team believes in, and being responsible enough for my actions which can make a difference in me and the network. My Idea was to live it all and believing in myself and leaving with satisfaction. With all the little I did I can say I made a difference in myself.”

Ritesh Tiwari | MCVP - LCD


Portfolio Reports

“This one year, irrespective of all the ups and down, will always strike to me as one of the most beautiful years. I enjoyed every bit of my work, as it was something that really gave me a better clarity of who I am as an individual and helped me curate a better purpose for myself. Professionally, I was able to understand where my natural self tends towards and what kind of problems trigger me the most, following the path led by the experience I am very confident with what I have to do next. My idea of zest was simple and clear, showcasing strength, and creating a better AIESEC than what I lived through. and thriving in everything that came my way, however small or big.”

Jatin Juneja | MCVP - LCD

“Throughout my AIESEC experience, I had always gotten what I put my mind to. Ending my previous team experience with mixed emotions made me rather doubtful on my ability to be a part of team that leads a network of 2500 people. What followed was far more challenging than anything I had ever experienced. An MC term is a strange year, it seems really short yet unending, exhausting yet fulfilling but ensures that you grow and push yourself out of your comfort zone every single day. This year I have learnt to own my narrative and that my opinions matter. Also I now know that you are an average of the people you spend most of your time with, surround yourself with people that help you grow and help people around you grow. Zest for me is is being driven with passion and compassion, it is about creating a network that is smart and hardworking and united to achieve their end goal. It’s about creating a network where you care about the smallest of business units and biggest of LCs. All in all, it is about moving out of your comfort zone step by step and creating a difference.”

Oorvi Batra | MCVP - Expansions

Portfolio Reports


organisational development (The projects reported here are additional department projects & priorities in addition to the projects reported under the Fundamental of the Strongest Network)

Winter RnR The idea was to have a national rewards and recognition system in place that is inclusive of all portfolios and is a motivating factor for all levels of the hierarchy within the network to push for and be competitive in and to give them exciting rewards for their achievements. Objectives - Reward top performing LCs and members/TLs/EBs - Motivating factor for LCs to push towards their TvA and 5500 - Month wise focuses for front office in accordance to operational timeline and customer flow What Was Accomplished - First time for an RnR to have Back office portfolio parameters as well which enabled LCPs to not just motivate and push their operation VPs but functional VPs as well - Rewards were segregated on the basis of gifts for members and TLs & customized gifts for EBs which worked well. - Recognizing the top performers from the network at the end of every month was a motivating factor for members and TLs Challenges & Learnings - Updates were delayed, calling for the need to align audit framework mechanisms. - Due to the shift of MC office and houses to Navi Mumbai around the time, rewards were not able to ship out in a consistent manner.

Planning & Replanning Process For LCs Idea was to learn from the planning processes in the past and ensure that LCs in the AIESEC in India network are replanning for Sem 2 of 2019 and planning for Sem 1 of 2020 in the best way possible. Objectives - Simplified and centralized tool for all phases of the planning process - Planning tool can also be converted and used as a tracking tool post planning phase What Was Accomplished - All phases of planning were incorporated into one tool i.e operational analysis, goals planning, projects planning and LC timeline all combined into one tool. - IR analysis and planning framework introduced - Projects completion dashboard for easier tracking - iGT and NEP goals separated - Pipeline realisations tracking and planning was added Challenges & Learnings - Delay in rolling out the planning tool for sem 1 2020 - Delay in LCPs filling the tool within the planned timeline - Sharing access with a lot of people ran risk of formulas being tampered with.


Portfolio Reports

LCP Elections process Over the years, we had been observing a lot of unethical cases arising during the times of LCP elections in AIESEC in India. At the same time, we had understood that the current process was not essentially providing the best assessments of the candidates to the LC to elect their leader from. Hence over the past 3 years we had realized the need to evolve the process and had been in research & pilot phase. The idea was to make the elections process more effective & streamlined. To also understand what part of the process is adding value and hence is required and what is not. Objectives - To understand the need of the LOI and the Isolation Phase after LOI, if it serves any purpose to the process in ensuring that the election process yields the best leader, and evolve the process accordingly. - To understand if there should be a maximum cap on the number of candidates standing for the election and what process could be introduced for the same What Was Accomplished - The project has been in reckoning over the last 3 years with different LCP generations and Steering Teams. We also understood the idea of piloting the project first before going ahead and making any specific changes. Hence as an outcome of the ST Summit in 2019, the evolved process was piloted with a few LCs for the elections of LCPs for 2020. We had positive feedback from all the pilot LCs on the process and hence, it was taken up with the Steering Team 2020 again to finalize & feedback the process and it was finally legislated in July 2020. Challenges & Learnings - One of the most important learnings has been that we need to be objective with our processes in AIESEC and understand the outcome they are yielding, without being attached to them sentimentally. It is important to bring about changes and evolution if some processes don’t serve the right purpose, even if the change may seem difficult at the beginning. - The accomplishment of the project helped us realize the importance of some key elements in any project such as Feed-forwarding & feed-backing, being well ahead of the timeline, piloting to validate hypotheses and involving diverse stakeholders to ensure the project outcome is not skewed. Way Forward - To evaluate the need for putting a cap on the maximum number candidates standing for the elections and identifying criteria for the same - Ensuring support to the LCs in running a pre-assessment round for the candidates to qualify for contesting on the day of elections. This is to ensure that whoever gets elected at the end of the day is qualified enough to lead the LC as all the people contesting on the day of elections would have had to pass a rigorous pre-assessment on the role of being an LCP.

Portfolio Reports


organisational development NST Management The project was about aligning network support strategy within the MC, NST selection, NST onboarding and management tool for the whole process . Objectives - Ensuring effective and efficient process for NST selection and management What Was Accomplished - The project was about initiating the selection process of NSTs by aligning with all the MCVPs who have commissions or who needed additional HR support to manage their work. - After selection of the NSTs, an NST Management tool was made for efficient tracking of NST performance Challenges & Learnings - This involves a heavy synergy with most of the MCVPs and hence is imperative to ensure effective communication and follow-up of the set timelines. - During NST selection for 2020.1, LCP approval for candidates was missed out which should be kept in mind - Project responsible needs to have effective followup practices with the MC to ensure NST management and TS delivery is happening effectively to ensure good NST experiences - As a way forward, gathering NPS for NST experience and management practices to enhance the same should be put in place.

Monthly SONA

The project was designed to collect inferences on different qualitative aspects at the LC level for all portfolios and overall, every month. It also served the purpose of having a feedback mechanism for all the MC on how the support is being provided to the network and hence identifying ways forward on enhancing the support. Objectives - To understand the local realities and hence customising support - Understand the processes of departments at the local level - Understanding the expectations from LCs, the monthly focus of LCs, and receiving feedback for MC support - Drawing inferences from the responses to enhance MC strategies and support - Understanding the resources used by LCs in every commission and how we can enhance the same. What Was Accomplished - SONA surveys by means of google form used to be sent via emails in the first week of every month through the 2nd sem, with a 5 days DDL for form submission. - MCVPs were able to draw inferences on multiple aspects from the data they used to receive. - This also became an effective channel for centralizing information and feedback collection. Challenges & Learnings - The idea of the SONA is for the MC to receive relevant information from the ground level to improve strategy & support, but not necessarily to report back to the network. Right expectations should be set, in case reports based on SONA need to be delivered. - The SONA responses are definitely valuable for the individual MCVPs and were utilized individually for improving support, while at the same time OD should be analyzing the overall responses and identifying patterns to improve overall support and strategy.


Portfolio Reports


(The projects reported here are additional department projects & priorities in addition to the projects reported under the Fundamental of the Strongest Network)

Sustaining and Scaling BUs The project aimed to increase organizational and operational capacity of BUs through customized support and training. An initial focus on higher conversion from BUs to OEs through operational sprints followed by focusing on smoother transition of leadership bodies (EEPs and EBs) into OE role to help them capitalize on the year. Objectives -- Sales capacity building module: Value proposition | Product knowledge | Persona Building | USP of IR partners | Sub product training | Improved tracking |NEC -BU to OE transition -Tracking parent LCs to deliver transitions to EEP and EBs -National EEP Summit -Facilitating planning and HR mapping for upgraded BUs What Was Accomplished - 2 BUs visited by MCVP Expansion | 3 BUs upgrade to OEs | 1 market expansion initiated (Noida) | EEP summit delivered for EEPs of BUs upgrading to OEs The project was evolved to provide 360 degree support to entities. With the introduction of NST consultants that visited all Business Units for a coaching visit and provided customised coaching to the BU leadership bodies through 2020.1. Focus of the project increased from just operational support to helping BUs create projects around branding, people management and event delivery. Through the evolution, the BUs were able to focus on the following: Operational capacity building | Leadership capacity building through coaching | Better national integration through constant touchpoints | Brand presence and positioning

Expansions Model revamp and tailoring parent LC support Objectives -The expansions model is restructured to support entities better and more sustainably -Parent LC services and support are better defined and tracked to ensure higher conversion of BUs to OEs and OEs to LCs What Was Accomplished - Expansions model restructured -Market initiation timeline pulled back from NLS to JNC providing a gestation period to test the feasibility of the markets This helped pull back timelines extensively and ensured that BUs have timelines similar to the national timeline and are therefore able to capitalize on their summer effectively. Parent LC services delivery and support: -The quality and effectiveness of delivery of parent LC services delivery was monitored closely to ensure that expansion entities are getting proper support from their parent LC. -However, different expansions required different support hence based on their history and reality, research to support these entities appropriately was initiated in 2019.2

Portfolio Reports


organisational development Expansions Challenges & Learnings - The expansion model has existed for 3 years and we now understand what works and what may not as well as understand the loopholes. The MCVP Expansions along with the MSC went through a complete restoration process to make changes in the expansion model to ensure more sustainable expansions that get better support and also eliminate as much ambiguity from the model as possible. - The expansion entities present cannot be put under the same bracket as they come from different realities and historical context. Hence, we must create segregation amongst these to tailor support to each subset and coach them to ensure more entities get upgraded to the next phase of the expansion model. The distinction has been made and passed in legislation.

National iComm The project focused on redefining MC Social Media channel’s content lines Upscaling Instagram Objectives - Creating an AIESEC based Content Consumption centric channel to enhance membership engagement - Building a streamlined system for membership to have clarity on each iComm channel’s purpose viz. IG and FB Page - Increasing impressions on Instagram What Was Accomplished - Since it was the first time Instagram was being used as the primary communication channel, it saw a huge engagement in terms of reach per content piece. Carefully creating social media campaigns that are personal to AIESECers helped retain a major following for the page. Using posts only for follower retention through content creation and using IG Stories and Facebook for announcements and temporary content helped give optimal outreach to the channel and keep average impressions high. Innovation in campaigns and high quality of content helped in high engagement numbers. - Clarity on what kind of posts work best for us: Content that is personal to membership - Increase in MC Interaction on the page with takeovers got a great response - Larger NST Structure (From 1 member to 7 members) - More Video based content and campaigns - Evolved National iComm framework with better communication with LC iComm responsibles - The project evolved to include LC iComm framework in Sem 2 to drive down content and education for iComm for all Entities via their EB iComm Responsible Bottlenecks: - Clarity for MC on what content goes to which channel - Creating content beforehand for campaigns

What can be better: - Use of iComm for AIESEC Hub, Network education, NST Applications and iXP; more interaction of MCVPs through the page

Key learnings: - Posting announcements and opportunities directly as posts harms the page’s average engagement, as per Instagram’s algorithm, since engagement on such posts are low Hence, we followed the idea that Posts are only for content consumption, increasing engagement and followers’ gain, and Instagram Stories and Highlights can be used for essential announcements as when the overall engagement for a page is higher, the outreach on stories and campaigns is much better Stats - Absolute Growth in Followers: ~1500 - 82% Current Membership Engaging - Avg Impressions per week: 71,000


Portfolio Reports

Growth Hacking for Market Expansions Market expansions can be identified as markets part of an existing LC with high potential. These markets (as part of the LC) have limited focus and investment wrt HR, finances, brand positioning etc, hence limiting the returns we get from these markets. The scope of these expansions is to create a new entity focusing only on this market thus helping us get more returns in the future, therefore, increasing the total returns from the city itself. South Mumbai was the first markt expansion initiated at NLS’19 followed by Noida in NLS’20 through this project. Objectives - Eliminating loopholes in the model as well as understanding potential markets to replicate the model and initiating the same. What Was Accomplished Eliminating existing loopholes in the market expansion model: Support from MC | Support from parent LC | Selection and initiation process | Increasing model from 1 to 2 years Identifying a market from initiating as market expansion: -Research on tier 1 LCs of AIESEC India -University and target market research of these LCs -Onboarding LCs (DU and DI in this case) to ensure that both entities are clear and support the change management required. -EEP interview and selection and support for transitioning into the role -MC support to help stabilize HR and operations/functions in the entity The project evolved for better support and coaching of these entities after establishing the difference and similarities to OEs and LCs. - Customizing the coaching model for market expansions as they function differently from expansion entities and local committees - It is imperative to understand that the national direction for expansions must shift to Market Expansions. The customers to target market ratio is very low in tier 1 and 2 cities that leads to underutilization of contribution from these markets. Hence market expansions is the way forward rather than venturing into premature new markets. Challenges & Learnings - The timeline for initiating new market expansions should be pulled back to JNC to give sufficient time to LCs and MC to ensure change management -MC must support market expansions to initiate URs in this period as well (JNC to NLS)

Impact of COVID-19 on OD & network Apart from the Operational and financial impact on the network, the biggest challenge was to find a measure to evaluate how the Entities are doing as there were no more operations happening.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19 - The first thing we did was to ensure we understand the financial status of the LCs more than anything. OD along with MCVP F charted out the current assets and liabilities of the LCs and recommended to them what exactly has to be done with regards to the various sustaining finances - Post which we introduced initiatives outlined below: LC Shark Tank Challenge: To create an interactive entrepreneurial week, where entities brainstorm within their membership in terms of what can be additional sources of revenue for them and adapt to the context. LC Problem Solving Project: To understand and verify certain perennial problems that exist in the LCs and chalk out a plan to negate that, which we usually do not have time for while being focused on operations. Portfolio Reports


people management “The past one year being a part of MC Zest was definitely a roller coaster journey with it’s own shares of ups and downs, but when I look back to this journey, it helped me to become a better version of myself. With this role, I got a chance to to work closely with 20 smartest individuals of the network, manage a large network, lead different teams, work as agenda manager for multiple conferences and create strategies for the membership of AIESEC in India. With all these diverse experiences I could understand the different elements of People Operations, People Development, HR management practices, People Analytics, Organisational culture and overall functioning of members to benefit the operations of the entity. I also got a chance to polish different skillsets and gain certain new skills. Personally, through my role, I got a chance to work for the betterment of the core of the organisation that is our people. While helping our members to become better leaders, I saw myself growing as an individual where I challenged myself to get out of the limits and the standards I have set for myself and now I see myself as a more confident leader, who can lead others and herself. The idea of Zest will be always be to strive being the BEST version of yourself and keep challenging yourself and everyone around you. Zest for me became a way of living, a way of living where we all faced different challenges but yet came out stronger after each challenge, a way of living where we were ready to give everything for getting the Best out of each person of AIESEC in India, a way of living where we supported each other in our lows, a way of living where celebrate our successes, a way of living when the world changed with uncertainties we were strong together to find the best possibilities, a way of living where no one beieved in giving up and that’s how I lived a ZESTful year.” Kendra Gandhi | MCVP - People Management


Portfolio Reports

(The projects reported here are only the additional department projects & priorities in addition to the projects already reported under the Fundamental of the Smartest People)

PM Process Delivery The idea of this project was to evolve the way PM Processes were being delivered on the National Level as well as the local level and how all the PM Processes can be aligned to the operational timeline. Objectives - Defining & streamlining the GET phase for the Management Body and evolving certain phases of GET phase for executive body - Evolving the Recruitment Process and pulling back timeline - EB Transitions - Creating a Talent review framework which can help in Succession planning - Revamping the PM Monthly audits collection and analysis What Was Accomplished GET Phase 1. Recruitments - Timelines for recruitment pulled back which allowed for better talent onboarding and starting operations early - New tool created for Persona Building, Automated tool for Talent selection and allocation - Talent planning was included in the EB Planning process which helped to do better planning for the recruitments. - PM summit delivered in December, to train the commission for the GET phase before NLS. 2. Management Body - Selection timeline of the MB (Q1 & Q2 for 2020) also pulled back allowing more time on Talent onboarding and also starting the operations early. - Nationalised JDs and OS were created. 3. Executive Body 20.21 - Nationalised JD created for all the VPs - Transitions resources along with quizzes to ensure that the best set of transitions are given to the next generation. DEVELOP Refer to the Fundamental-The Smartest People KEEP - The team management toolkits were designed in a way, that helped each VP PM to evaluate each member based on their performance and potential which helps them to do better succession planning for the leadership roles REPORT - Creating a new dashboard for tracking the National HR data - Centralising all the PM data from the LCs, OEs and BUs at one place from 2019-2020 - New standardised method of PM audit data collection and analysis with the NST Consultants. Challenges & Learnings: - Pulling back the timeline for the GET phase helped to kick start operations early but the new executive bodies felt overwhelmed in the month of December and January with transitions, MB selection, recruitments, planning, AGM, NLS, etc. Thus proper timeline planning for LCVPs is required. - Tracking the quality of how PM processes are being delivered at the Local level. - Checking the authenticity of the data collected in PM audits

Stats: 2019.2: GET: 93.96% DEVELOP: 89.69% KEEP: 58.02% REPORT: 92.19%

Stats: 2020.1 GET: 89.68% DEVELOP: 90.65% KEEP: 92.34% REPORT: 93.55%

Portfolio Reports


people management National HR Data Tracking Revamp Over the years we have been losing out a lot of HR Data and it is not in a constant format. At the same time, the data is sometimes not authentic as well. Thus it is important to have a stable platform to store all the data of members over the years. During the starting of the term, as a pilot of the Global Roadmap project; HRIS, would have solved this purpose but the project didn’t progress as it was planned by AI. Hence in the second semester, this project was planned to transfer all the HR Data from 2019 onwards to podio and creating new dashboards. Objectives - Transferring all the data to Podio - Creating a new PM dashboard - Creating a Talent review framework which can help in Succession planning - Revamping the PM Monthly audits collection and analysis What Was Accomplished This project was started in the last month of the term. The data was transferred to Podio for all the LCs, OE and BUs and has been passed as a transition project to MC 20.21.

Impact of COVID-19 on Membership: All the physical touchpoint at the local level canceled which completely changed the functioning of the LCs, which led to completely changing the way the membership engagement was happening, the way team leaders were leading the teams, no tangible JD for the members, the way members were being tracked and reviewed. - Due to these changes the way PM was functioning had to completely change, where the MoS couldn’t be % of Members achieving their goals as there were no operational goals. Also, since operations were halted directly a few weeks after huge recruitments, most of the new recruits never had an experience of doing operations or have attended any physical AIESEC forums.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19

-In order to cope up with the situation, new strategies were formed around the following: Virtual Membership Capacity Building: - This was the evolved version of the Smartest People Fundamental. All the content planned for physical touchpoints like National Conferences, LCongs, LCM, Department meetings was delivered through webinars and virtual calls. - Sessions were on organisational knowledge, presentation and designing skills, communication skills, time & personal management, data management, facilitating inner journey, being self aware, etc. Different Alumni and externals also delivered sessions. - This helped membership to better understand the organization and fulfill some of their personal goals. Virtual Membership Engagement: Apart from capacity building, there were various innovative activities done on the National and Local level to engage the members. - On the National level different campaigns were run through the Icomm channel like Alumni talks, live sessions, vGlobal Vil- lage, vXPDF, talks about mental health, etc. - On the local level, LCs partnered with alumni and externals to take sessions, virtual MuNs and virtual YSF were conducted, interactive campaigns with their IR partners, Mental health awareness, LC fun challenges,etc. -This helped members be engaged and actively participate in different activities which helped the members to stay connected to their LC and their teams. Virtual Team Standards Delivery & Membership Tracking with revised JDs - Evolved JDs were provided for all the roles according to the scenario, which gave clarity on the focuses for each portfolio. - The way of delivery of team standards were evolved which gave clarity to the team leaders on how to manage their teams virtually.


Portfolio Reports

Business development “The MC term undoubtedly taught me a lot. Especially since my role has a lot to do with what I see myself doing with my career in the future, I can definitely attribute a lot of learnings to this last 1 year. Starting from learning what responsibility feels like and really being accountable for your work. My role allowed me to interact with a lot of Externals from CXO’s of companies from multiple different sectors to different social organisations. I learnt so much from interacting with these stakeholders and managing them and being responsible for Board Management was a privilege in itself. I believe my Communication, Sales, Business Development and Strategical skills along with my business acumen have highly developed through my experiences in this one year. Moreover working in such a diverse team and working with different verticals like Marketing, Finance and Organisation Development taught me how to look at the bigger picture. I’m thankful for this wholesome experience. My idea of Zest was to be very Fresh and Consistent. I believe I lived this every year through my work and being a part of this very team. I think when we came up with the name we didn’t really expect the year to look like something certain and it’s definitely been as uncertain as ever and I think that only added to the experience of “Zest” and pushed me to go back to the reason why I chose to take this opportunity up.” Dhruv Shah | MCVP - Business Development “The MC term personally helped me to express and channel my emotions at right given situation and people. Professionally, it helped me connect and vasten my network with lots of people. The idea of Zest for me is a team of 21 individuals entrusted with the responsibility of taking AIESEC in India forward through to go out loud. Throughout the year, I ensured I take responsibility of the role and contribute in the best way possible.” Vishal Sabikhi | MCVP - Partnership Development

Portfolio Reports


Business development BD Upscaling Coca-Cola The idea was to upscale the existing partnership with Coca-Cola and diversify the partnership in itself. We wanted to evolve from just doing Youth Speak Forums and do more things which were mutually beneficial. Objectives - Expanding deliverables - Making the partnership multi-dimensional What Was Accomplished - The partnership was successfully delivered; We had taken forward a few small scale initiatives like the Beach Clean-up Plan as well as a few more. Challenges & Learnings: Up until COVID hit us we were going to increase the contract amount by adding more YSFs to the kitty for which we had the go ahead and also were exploring more options of how we could partner with Coca-Cola more on lines of leadership and exchange.

New Sales

The idea was to take forward new sales and reduce dependency on our current accounts. These would also serve as new sources of income for the MC Objectives - Increasing number of national partners - Adding more long term partners - Raising funds through new partnerships What Was Accomplished - We managed to crack a new partner towards the end of 2019 - OnePlus. We also had started delivery of the partnership with them but COVID hit us and we had to halt the same. Challenges & Learnings: We were not able to get more than 1 new national partner even though we did have a few strong prospects, converting them and ensuring they got adequate value through the partnership was challenging.

External Relations This project was about maintaining and building strong External Relations with relevant external organisations and individuals who would contribute towards AIESEC India. Objectives - Maintaining and building strong External Relations


Portfolio Reports

What Was Accomplished - This project was to build and maintain strong and healthy External Relations with Stakeholders such as our Board of Advisors, Alumni, Embassies and other key individuals. - Each of the above were taken forward successfully and we managed to leverage from each of the stakeholders ensuring value addition to AIESEC India. - Through the 2nd sem, more focus was given on Alumni as a stakeholder after understanding and identifying the scope of leverage for the same. Challenges & Learnings - More clarity in terms of end results could have been identified to work in a streamlined direction for each of the External Stakeholders and the leverage could have been more organised.

Results Achieved Invoiced Amount: Target: INR 77,00,000 Achieved: INR 65,64,000 (85.25%) YSFs: 20 YSFs in 18 Cities with 13,000+ Participants


Realized Amount: Target: INR 77,00,000 Achieved: INR 53,24,000 (69.14%) WLL: 28 WLLs in 24 cities impacting 55,000 children through 5000+ volunteers

Project ACE Upscaling the exchanges and the experiences delivered with our premium partner TCS for the ACE Program. Objectives -To increase the number of exchanges done with TCS -Implementation and tracking of SOP to ensure a better delivery -LC visits to ensure alignment between TCS and the local chapter -TCS ACE summit between all the local coordinator and LCVPs MoS: Planned vs Achieved 160 (P) vs 96 (A) Realizations What Was Accomplished - Improved synergy between National ACE coordinator and MCVP PD. - National coordinator actively involved in planning and quarterly reviews. - Synergy with MCVP iGT to ensure the SOP implementation in the LCs that run TCS ACE program. - ACE Summit successfully delivered in the month of March with all Local coordinators of ACE program. - Engaging EPs with LC events. Challenges & Learnings: - In August 2019, all the operations were halted due to change in management of TCS which delayed considerable results. - LCs initiated to engage EPs but didn’t work out well due to the time commitment of the EPs. - We need to ensure that these EPs are informed prior for any engagement activities. - Huge payment delay with TCS caused cash flows issues.

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Business development Project New Clients


To raise and partner with new clients for exchanges. Objectives - To onboard new clients through IC partners, Referrals and with help of AI. MoS: Planned vs Achieved 10 (P) vs 5 (A) Realizations What Was Accomplished - Successfully tapped into the hospitality sector and created a network with different companies for upcoming years. - Full paid oGE partnership to Turkey was successfully implemented in the month of December. - A lot of companies were raised through referrals. Challenges & Learnings: - Different legalities for each and every company increased the overall process time. - Aligning supply and demand was difficult in the beginning.

Project Upscale To upscale all the current partners with respect to exchanges. Objectives In the previous years we have partnered with a lot of different companies. Thus, it was important to maintain and upscale the exchanges done with them. MoS: Planned vs Achieved 20 (P) vs 6 (A) Realizations What Was Accomplished - CRM was maintained very well throughout the year, which allowed us to look into different aspects of partnership with the companies. All the partners were retained for the year 2020, and can be taken forward for upcoming years. - Focused on the experience delivery part for both EP and Partner to ensure a better relation with both the stakeholders. - Education and involvement of LCs was increased during Value Delivery part to ensure better experience. Challenges & Learnings: - AIESEC timeline did not align with the certain companies which caused delay in the approval process of the EPs


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Results Achieved Invoiced Amount: Target: INR 5,710,000 Achieved: INR 5,744,090 (100.59%) Exchange realizations: Target: 190 Achieved: 106 (59.79%)

Realized Amount: Target: INR 5,710,000 Achieved: INR 2,894,090 (50.68%)

Impact of COVID-19 on BD & PD - No physical meetings were possible - It directly affected our product sales - Froze revenue generation - Could not carry out any events at local/national level - All the exchanges were halted. The EPs in process were asked to cancel the internships or postpone it until further notice. Revenue generated through these exchanges also stopped.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19 - We tried to identify what role could the BD vertical play both locally and nationally under these circumstances - For NEP, Immediate plan of action was created with all the companies to understand the situation and the way forward for the same. Alternate solutions were proposed to all EPs, eg: virtual internships and reshuffling of EPs in different companies in India itself. All EPs safety checks were done and their travel back to their country was planned. Full support was provided by AIESEC in all the legalities process. - The main initiatives nationally for BD were: Carrying out a large scale virtual event; Creating new products through a product creation summit within the MC which were adaptable to these circumstances and would generate revenue; To ensure stakeholder relations was a priority, working on Alumni database creation and to crack knowledge based partnerships for the entity - The main initiatives locally for BD were Crowdfunding campaigns, local alumni database creation, virtual events, membership capacity building and training and stakeholder management. Crowdfunding campaigns: Running crowdfunding campaigns across multiple LC’s to ensure they were being relevant as an organisation contributing towards the betterment of society. It helped raise funds for local causes that AIESEC could contribute towards

Portfolio Reports



“The MC term was a big teacher and constantly pushed me outside my comfort zone. As a person, I have faced numerous challenges personally that have required me to confront my problems and stand tall in the face of adversity. Through the MC term I have questioned, learnt, stumbled and made mistakes that have pushed me and exposed me to the most important learnings. Professionally, I believe that this MC experience needed me to innovate and understand problems deep rooted in our system. With one leading to another - I walk away a lot more self aware more than anything. Zest for me was the exponential multiplication of potential and effort of a group of people. Throughout the year and especially towards the later half when things became more challenging and conflicted; it reminded me of what I believed in as a Motto - this exponential multiplication and bringing the effort to the potential to deliver in times when it mattered the most and to push through to better pastures!” Suraj Bajaj | MCVP - Finance and Legal


Portfolio Reports

Auditing Framework As an entity, we are subject to 1000s of transactions every year - In cash and via the Bank account. With no comprehensive systems in place to check the accuracy of the data provided, we are facing a serious legal and ethical exposure here. Adding to this, there was no process to track and account for cash transactions which was forming up a significant amount of transactions for our LCs. Objectives - Bring under the scope of an audit - Cash Transactions - Provide real-time updates to the VP F - Establish standards for Book-Keeping -Automation in Data Management -No Deviation in data across reporting channels MoS: Planned vs Achieved 100% (P) vs 100% (A) Compliance with new process What Was Accomplished -The curation of the project was done well in advance by a select group from the earlier Finance Commission that allowed experienced personnel to ideate and come up with a process that was rooted in experience. -Established standards for maintaining books for every transaction digitally and had them verified on a real-time basis -Established strict Audit Norms that did not clear transactions that met criteria - This reinforced the network to improve the process over the change management period -Real time problem solving by giving the commission 24 hours to correct data upon notification by the NST Challenges & Learnings: - This process can become cumbersome and can easily be replaced with nation-wide accounting software. - The same has been piloted on the MC and must be downscaled to the LCs in the coming semester.

0 Debt Network

As an entity whose internal debt had increased in the previous year and was potentially facing challenges in the recovery of the current EiDs, there was a need to focus on the rising liabilities of LCs towards AIESEC in India MC. This project focused on effective solutions towards reducing the overall debt to the MC from the network. Objectives Improve health of overall Network | Improve number of EiDs | Focus on LCs in the red zone and likely to default dues | Establish levels of sustainability as benchmarks MoS: Planned vs Achieved 4 (P) vs 1 (A) EiDs out of Debt What Was Accomplished This project was a story of two halves, in the 1t half, we had made very good progress on the dues clearance by LCs - this was primarily because of good Financial Planning and Management of the Finance Commission 19.20. There was accurate and strict financial management on ground that allowed VPs to control the 2nd semester of the LCs term to ensure their dues were being cleared and some were allocating surplus as an advance to the MC. AIESEC in India in the months of November - December witnessed the lowest balance dues to AIESEC in India MC with net receivables from the LCs being less than 20L. Challenges & Learnings: Before the nCoVID-19 pandemic, we observed that a small group of LCs were making poor decisions in financial management. Certain LCs opting to add money in Reserves rather than transitioning with the balance caused a shortage of funds post the tenure of the VPs 19.20. This was severely compounded by the pandemic’s widespread economic damage and its effects on the AIESEC network. In order to avoid such un-sustainable decisions LCs must value long term and financial growth over the short term gains and laws must be set in place avoiding such circumstances. Upon the nCoVID-19 pandemic, we saw the repercussions of such unsustianable decisions that compounded challenges for LCs on their path to recovery; and virtually pulled the entire financial cycle of the network to a complete halt. Portfolio Reports


FINANCE & LEGAL Finance Standards Implementation for LCs VPs F on ground have always been instructed on the ideal and best case practises. However, we lacked a tracking and metric to evaluate and measure this process. Globally, we have always been consistently in the top performers with regards to Finance Standards that was measured on a global metric scale. Objectives -To establish a benchmark performance and process for our LCs -To allow for a comprehensive process based metric tracking for our LCs -Map-out the risk each entity was facing by defaulting legal and auditing standards MoS: Planned vs Achieved 80% (P) vs 81% (A) FS Implementation What Was Accomplished To start things off - the FS Survey was a good way to collect the data from the LC and chart their compliance. This score bases system encouraged LCs to adopt and change their processes to the benchmark in the network. This project allowed us to rate the processes and pin-point specifically which processes are lacking and need attention. To add to the outcomes, it was now easier to understand which part of the process needed attention and focus in specific months. We were able to map out the data and mitigate risks by recommending changes in the VPs F’s routine and functioning. Challenges & Learnings: -The data submitted as audits was at times subject to deviations to the actual data submitted in their other reporting tools. Additionally, the score calculated was not weighted based on the answers. This creates the room for further implementation and improvement in the score calculated. To take this project one step higher - Financial Health Index and LC Sustainability can be demarcated and evaluated to result in their own sub-score to give a more holistic picture to the LC Health Mapping Project in the future.

International Congress 2019 & 2020 AIESEC India had risen to the occasion once again for the Global Plenary to organise and host IC 2020 - However, due to external factors IC 2019 was shifted to India. AIESEC in India was eventually tasked with organising two ICs back to back. Objectives To co-deliver IC 2019 and close all financial and legal statements for the conference in a due tax audit compliant manner. What Was Accomplished Managing ICs as a project manager - it was clear to understand the role of the CC and the MC. What worked well was the fact that we had struck very good deals with the venue partners and also were able to confirm automatic AI Fee adjustments with AIESEC International about the Delegation Fees of MCs finding it difficult to pay via cash. We were able to negotiate a reduced package of deliverables from AI both for 2019 and 2020. AIESEC India also presented a report along with the Global ILMSC on the increment in Delegation Fees for ILMs and specifically for AIESEC India for IC 2020 - which was passed at IPM 2021. These initiatives allowed AIESEC India to maintain a strong financial position in both the conferences and minimise the risk in both. The MC and CC worked closely on BD partnerships and collaborated to convert sales to either party based on the lead. The overall brand launch and re-fresh was carefully curated and out-sourced resulting in a refreshed brand that was later adopted by AI. At the time of the nCoVID - 19 pandemic, AIESEC India performed a deep risk mitigation plan and chalked out alternatives primarily advising AI on not having a physical conference in India. This avoided a major legal and PR risk for the entity. Additionally AIESEC India took upon a mandate to divide the costs incurred by us that was voted in favour at the Global Legislation.


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Challenges & Learnings: In the lead up to the event, we were still looking to close our BD partnerships and were inclined towards a lot of deals pending. This highlighted the fact that there needs to be a bigger sales team and also special attention from the MC team. With the ever-changing governmental policies and norms, we were able to obtain clearances from the government but with a list of conditions. Hence such factors must be evaluated and considered always before to allow for maximum legal compliance. Setting aside and running another team requires careful financial planning and setting aside funds by constantly managing cash-flows which can be challenging in a normal MC term and hence the onus is significantly higher on BD to allow for that cushion.

Impact of COVID-19 on Finance & Legal The nCoVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all aspects of our entity financially. LCs have been severely affected as more than 65% of our LC revenues were to be generated in the Summer Peak. LCs on ground had accumulated debt from the previous invoices that had not been cleared and were facing a stark position of increased liabilities with limited equity. We were essentially on the clock - with different LCs at different levels of equity looking to survive and hold their ground. We were also facing a great risk with regards to our EPs and enablers who had signed on for deals that lasted through the summer which were now in question over their validity. LCs on ground had fixed expenses that were to be incurred and were eating into accumulated equity to pay the same. Additionally, there was a mass exodus of EPs and Universities backing out in much higher numbers than expected.

Action steps taken in response to COVID-19 AIESEC in India had to suspend the financial model. Adding to the financial model suspension we also strictly advised LCs on the elimination of further liability in the months to come in order to safeguard and protect the accumulated equity. We had to take a steep increase in the cost per exchange for a quarter amidst which we were hit by the pandemic. Additionally, to meet the immediate unavoidable costs for LCs that were not the healthiest financially, the FSC had to open the opportunity for them to utilise their reserves. At the time of the pandemic AIESEC in India MC had heavily invested into IC 2020 delivery and had not yet executed 6 months of the budget. At this point we understood that the MC Budget is at the center of the Financial Model and in order to minimise the damage on ground - AIESEC in India re-ratified its budget with a sharp cut of about 60L. To understand the future consequences and effects, we allowed a 60% carry-over of the current invoice in-order for LCs to clear them once operations rolled back to normal. We also mapped out the Cash Flows of each entity to provide entity specific CTAs and recovery plans with a timeline.

Portfolio Reports


(*The global plenary legislated on the 9th June, 2020 that the global plenary and AIESEC International would share and distribute the costs of the International Congress 2020 - India, as the physical conference had to be canceled due to the pandemic - COVID-19.)


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Financial Report

Portfolio Reports




Zest Initiatives

About IC 2019 International Congress 2019 was originally set to be hosted in Sri Lanka. AIESEC in Sri Lanka had been working incredibly hard for almost a year to successfully organize and deliver IC 2019. On the 9th of May 2019, AIESEC International had to make the tough decision of finding an alternate host for the IC 2019 to ensure the safety of its delegates and its partners, owing to the unfortunate incidents that had taken place in Sri Lanka around that time. It was definitely a challenging period for us all, and a test of why we do what we do as AIESEC, yet also an answer to the same question as it made organisations like ours all the more relevant in such times. And as young leaders it was our responsibility to not shy away from such circumstances and keep moving forward towards our vision. Stepping up to the challenge, AIESEC in India came forth to host IC 2019 which was set to be delivered in less than 2 months. It definitely wasn’t an easy decision to take, but as AIESEC in India, we had always been more than willing to commit and take full responsibility to ensure we deliver the best that can be delivered for the organisation and that it pushes AIESEC forward in such times. As AIESEC in India, we already had commenced our work for the organization & delivery of IC 2020 as hosts. Hence, we already had a CC team in place who immediately started working on the execution of IC 2019 once the decision was made. We also had a short-list of potential venues and given the circumstances, Leonia Holistic Destination - Hyderabad was finalized as the hosting venue for IC 2019 and the journey to #GetIndianized began! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the AIESEC International Team, the Core Committee, all our partners and vendors, AIESEC in India’s BoA and all our LCs for their constant support and contributions in making IC 2019 a reality. Special thanks and credits to MC Hind for heading this project for AIESEC in India.

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IC 2019 Timeline 15th May, 2019 1st June, 2019 29th June to 2nd July, 2019 3rd-4th July, 2019 5th July, 2019 6th-13th July, 2019 14th July, 2019


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Announcement of AIESEC in India as Hosts CC Team Commences work for delivering IC 2019 AP OP Summit Steering Team Summit + AI Pre-meeting MCPs Pre-meeting International Congress 2019 AI Post-meeting

Special Events Opening Ceremony The Opening Ceremony is a prime event that marks the beginning and sets the stage & tone of the International Congress. This is where the delegates are welcomed with grandeur and showcased a glimpse of what their journey at IC will look like. The Opening Ceremony witnessed performances from Sujana Sisters, Essence band and Meghna Dundi Global Village IC Global Village was an open cultural exhibition with 400+ international youth going through 90+ global experiences. From Brazilian snacks and German beverages to Egyptian attires and Canadian maple syrup and more, it was an opportunity to showcase and experience diverse music, food, dance, clothing, people and language from all over the world. India Night India Night was an immersive experience celebrating the rich cultures, festivals and diversity of India. An incredible experience of the tasty food, folklores and musical performances of 29+ states of India. India Night was a much awaited event for our international guests as they were taken on a journey through the rich culture and heritage of India, a country that many people are curious to learn more about! This is also the night where AIESEC in India launched its new identity - India is a Feeling

“Although International Congress 2019 was organized in India with significantly less time and significantly more pressure than a typical International Congress, AIESEC in India and the Congress Committee showed an enduring commitment to the values and mission of AIESEC in the way that they delivered this event. Excuses were never given and compromises were never made in the execution of this massive undertaking. As the President of AIESEC International, I had many expectations of this event, where my AIESEC International team would launch our direction for the global organization in the next year. During the preparation period where we communicated remotely from our Global Office in Canada, during our travel to India, and during the Congress itself, communication, collaboration, and energy were constant from AIESEC in India and the Congress Committee. My team was able to focus on delivering the content of the Congress, knowing we could trust AIESEC in India and the Congress Committee to tend to the environment and the wellbeing of our international attendees. AIESEC in India should be proud of the work of each individual involved in this Congress, as they displayed the best of the best of Indian youth and of AIESEC in India through their effort. AIESEC International is deeply grateful to AIESEC in India and the Congress Committee of International Congress 2019 for the co-delivery of this important event for the global organization.”


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Internal Committee 1. About Internal Committee The Internal Committee is a body envisaged under the ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act’ to receive complaints on sexual harassment at the workplace, as well as to enquire and make recommendations to the employer on the action required pursuant to its investigation of such complaints made. 2. Context and idea behind setting it up In August 2019, we formulated an Internal Body called the “Internal Committee” compliant with the laws of India as an exclusive body that Governs and works on cases pertaining to Sexual Harassment at the workplace. Earlier cases related to sexual harassment were taken up by the Ethics Sub-Committee of AIESEC India. The reason why we created a body independent of the ESC was to ensure compliance with the Law of the Land, and ensure we have experts working with us to deal with such sensitive matters, in our efforts towards ensuring safer workplace practices for AIESEC in India. 3. Process of Setting up In June 2019 we were introduced to an organisation called ‘POSH at Work’ based in Mumbai through reference from one of our BoA, whom we consulted to get a better understanding of the POSH Act and understand how and what kind of processes we would need to set up to adapt it to the needs of our organisation. They helped us set up the overall structure for the committee. We then set up the Internal Committee which consisted of a Presiding Officer who would head up the Internal Committee (Shrujitha Ramanujam - MCVP oGE 2019.20) along with 3 additional members as part of the Internal Committee (Varun Naidu - MCVP LCD 2019.20, Vishwaja Rao - AIESEC Alumnus and Ethics Counsellor for AIESEC in India, and an External Member from POSH). Thus, the Internal Committee included 2 MC members, the Ethics Counsellor, an alumni of AIESEC who is currently a lawyer and an external representative from POSH at Work, consulting on all cases. POSH at Work now works with AIESEC in India on a contract basis and have dedicated members working towards prevention and education of the Membership of AIESEC India. Representatives from POSH at Work attended JNC 2019 and NLS 2020 to deliver educational spaces on safety at work place and sexual harassment matters.


Zest Initiatives

4. Activities carried out While the ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act’ is applicable to only women employees, as a healthy practice and as part of internal policies, AIESEC in India has extended the benefit of the law to not only its women employees/volunteers, but also to its other employees/volunteers who may belong to any gender. And thus, we created an Anti Sexual Harassment Policy as part of our National Compendium, applicable to all complaints of sexual harassment made by anyone against an employee/volunteer of AIESEC in India in the context of work. The Internal Committee also created processes on how to tackle cases that come up within the organization as this was the first time that this body was created. We believed that through this committee we would not only take up cases received but also educate and sensitize our membership on harassment at the workplace. And as such we had members from Posh at Work attend both our July National Conference 2019 and our National Leadership Summit 2020 to educate and sensitize our members on safety at workplace and sexual harassment matters. 5. How it impacted the organization? It has helped the membership be more educated and sensitised about these issues. Since there is a formal process in place with SOPs of how to go about any such situations, members have more confidence in coming forward. Each case is closed within a stipulated time period with a fair process for all stakeholders involved. It is a legal compliance being adhered to at the end of the day.

‘A healthy work environment improves the efficiency and productivity of any organisation. AIESEC has been in the forefront of providing a safe working environment for all its members and has been working closely with POSH at Work to fulfil all the requirements under the POSH Law. Our partnership with AIESEC has been wonderful as it has shown constant commitment towards providing a safe and secure ecosystem, one that helps all its members develop holistically.’ - Pallavi Poswal, External Member of the Internal Committee from POSH at Work

Zest Initiatives


India is a feeling Brand Launch 1. Context and idea behind Brand Refresh Before we began our term, AIESEC in India used to be known for Discover India in the AIESEC Global Network for many years. But over the last couple of years, we had seen some debranding in the network when it came to the kind of value that we were providing as an entity, which started to directly affect our incoming exchanges. We wanted to regain the trust of the global network and make India be known for what it truly is. After a considerable analysis, we came to the conclusion that the entity needed a brand refreshment. 2. Process of Brand Refresh The entire process was led by 3 questions: -What is that one feeling that you get when you think about India? -What is one picture that you see when you think about India? -What sound comes to your mind when you think about India? We ran surveys with the global network to understand their perspective of India through these pointers and received over 150 responses. The process was carried forward by the iCX and Marketing verticals along with the MCP. Once we received all the responses, we put together the keywords and grouped them into categories. We went through an analysis of the state of our products and where we would want to take it. The entire process converged to one brand name that we all know of today, India is a feeling. 3. Brand Launch India is a feeling was launched at IC 2019 in Hyderabad during the Indian Night on the 9th of July, 2019, with a launch video. Throughout IC, we ensured to showcase the brand through our conversations, IR Meetings, merchandise, etc so that all the international delegates take it back home along with them. The results were in our favor. Post IC, a lot of the international delegates traveled across India and started to post things on social media mentioning India is a feeling and this helped us with brand advocacy. 4. Further steps/activities taken to strengthen the brand Once the national brand was launched to the global network, the next step was to focus on the product brands and the local brands. Product Brands The idea behind branding the products was simple. Emphasizing on the value delivery while keeping the true essence of the products intact. • True Life-Changing Experiences - For Incoming Global Volunteer • True Kickstarting Experiences - For Incoming Global Entrepreneur • True Professional Experiences - For Incoming Global Talent The national brand along with the product brands was relaunched at JNC 2019 to the AIESEC in India plenary which helped us start the year with a fresh mindset and excitement.


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Local Brands Before we started the year, some LCs in India had a local brand and some did not. Even the ones who did, were very unique. We wanted to set out a process where every local chapter that runs iCX has a local brand of their own, which is unique, yet aligned to the national brand. That’s why, keeping their existing brands intact, every LC got to choose a feeling that they would be known for in the years to come. Based on the same, design templates and promotional content was created to ensure that we follow an aligned brand process. 5. The Website In August when we started the year, we launched an IR Hub where all our national and local promotional material was stored in a Google Drive and the same was shared with the IRs for whenever they needed anything. But through the first semester, we realized that it was not the most interactive and easy way for us to promote the content. That’s when we came up with the idea of a brand website, the sole purpose of which would be to showcase promotional content and testimonials. A one-stop solution for any IR/EP. On the website, each LC was given a page of their own and all the content was regulated and aligned. The website was launched on February 20th, 2020 which created a buzz in the network and boosted our applications. 6. The Anniversary On the 9th of July, 2020, we celebrated the first anniversary of the brand and a short campaign was run through the national and local social media handles for the same, to reinstate the idea that we will continue to deliver what we have promised. 7. The Outcome When we started the year, there was a lot of dependence on open-source applications for iCX and there wasn’t much focus on marketing the iCX products, especially at the local level. We set out a target of ending the year with 70% application contribution from our IR partners. As we end the term, -We have over 65% application contribution from our IR partners -All the local chapters running iCX have a local brand which is aligned to the national brand -AIESEC in India has started to be known for the value that we provide -We have seen a perception shift in the global network towards India as a country 8. Ways forward -Tailored content for each entity that we have partnered with, at the national and local level -Heavy focus on content generation -Continuing to work on the brand mindset -Running frequent short term campaigns which help us reinstate the essence of the brand

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Office Deal Closure Asset Acquisition Project Completion:

In 2017, AIESEC in India MC developed a plan to procure an Asset in the form of a property to further strengthen the financial position and cut major fixed financial costs while driving the organization forward. What added an element of feasibility was the surplus levels of the AIESEC India Reserves at that point in time that could be re-directed towards higher potential returns than steady bank interest. After extensive diligence carried out by the Management team of the MC at the time, in terms of looking into the possibilities, the risks, relevance and future scope of AIESEC owning an office, the project started taking shape. Upon confirmation from the National Board of Advisors for this project - AIESEC in India then started evaluating options for the location of this property that would serve the purpose of the office for the MCs in the years to come. Various options in Andheri, Borivali, Kandivali, and other sub-urban regions of Mumbai were evaluated. Additionally, Navi Mumbai and its localities were evaluated too as the projected financial gain and access to major infrastructure projects by the city co-corporations were being undertaken - these were poised to propel the value of this decision. As we finalized the option in Navi Mumbai - we began the transfer of ownership and remuneration process with the owners of the finalized property in 2018. While evaluating the financing options of this investment - we considered taking up an external loan from banking institutions for this purpose. Later, after reviewing the proposals we understood that mobilizing safe limit funds from the LC’s reserves that were surplus to need could be used to significantly save on the total financing cost of this project and reduce external liabilities. AIESEC in India MC went ahead with loaning money from the reserve accounts of AIESEC in Ahmedabad, AIESEC in Chennai, AIESEC in Mumbai, AIESEC in Bangalore, and AIESEC in VIT. An agreement to return these amounts back into their accounts from the profits of each MC term was agreed - over a period of 6 years at a standard interest rate that would have been received from the Bank if not mobilized. Through the transfer process of the property, AIESEC in India MC faced unforeseen challenges from the owner’s end towards the execution of the deal and the financial position of his company for a considerable period of time. The deal was finally completed along with full & final transfer of ownership, and the property was finally registered as an asset of AIESEC in India on the 30th August 2019. This is definitely a magnificent accomplishment for AIESEC in India, strengthening the position of the organization. Needless to mention, this accomplishment is a result of years of hard work of our previous generations who led the organization to where it is today. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all our previous generations and the 5 LCs for the trust and the support that catalyzed the completion of this deal. Currently, we have worked with our MC Coach, Dey Dos to design the interiors of the office space and have begun work on the same. So far we have leveled the entire office space and completed the installations of the Air-Conditioning Unit. The office was planned to be ready for use by April 2020 however the work had to be halted with the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown in the country coming into effect. With the pandemic as a prevalent situation currently, we are looking to break down the completion of the office interiors over the coming months subject to the feasibility of the prevalent external restrictions.


Zest Initiatives

A2023 Initiation Objective

Create a long-term sustainable growth strategy for the organization to ensure continuous succession of strategies and plans without any repetitive errors and loss of time and financial resources.

Background • • •

Through downloading the patterns or a thorough historical analysis of the last 10 years of AIESEC in India at NPC 2019, it was observed that AIESEC in India follows a repetitive pattern of core strategies and focus areas as well as similar challenges over a period of every three years on an average. This leads to loss of time and financial resources over similar activities that yield either too less or no positive result to the organization in the long run. Stakeholder management for a long-term ambition is the key to success along the growth path. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the people who start the plan implementation of the long-term strategy see through it towards its end as well which is usually three years from a current LCVP to a future MCP.

Creation Process • • •

Art of Hosting was used to facilitate the process of ambition creation. Appreciative Inquiry and Future Search were used as organizational change management techniques to understand the past and present context and their implications on the future. The process was kickstarted with the LCPs Currents & Elects at NPC 2019 where the duration of strategy was finalized to be 3 years. The second step then was to outline the detailed process to be run with the network which happened with the LCPs elect at the LCP Bootcamp. As an outcome of that, the Past & the Present part of the Future search technique was run with the EBs at NLS 2020. Further, the Appreciative Inquiry technique was to be run individually by LCs at the local level during Jan-Feb 2020, to gather input from the general membership about their expectations and aspirations within the organization. All in all, the process started with downloading the patterns from the past, understanding the present context, and then examining the evolution required to make AIESEC ‘the organization your Maa wants you to join’.

Planned Timeline • • • • •

Process initiation at National Presidents’ Conference 2019. Inclusion of EBs in the process and understanding of detailed historical context at National Leadership Summit 2020. Inclusion of members and team leaders through local conferences or other touchpoints and March National Conference 2020. Creation of governance and evolution mechanisms at July National Conference 2020 and Autumn Strategic Conference 2020. Kickstarting the ambition implementation at National Leadership Summit 2021.

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A2023 Initiation COVID Challenges As a result of the unprecedented pandemic crisis, the process could not be completed as per the initial plan • Halt in the planned timeline post NLS 2020. • Lack of physical touchpoints both locally and nationally for effective implementation of the process. • Budgetary challenges to run the process as planned. • Evaluating the need for a long-term ambition in such uncertain times and adapting it to the context. Way Forward: Recommendations • Adopt the process virtually and restart from the local touchpoints. • Make additions to the historical context by evaluating the organization’s response during previous crises such as ebola outbreak, swine flu outbreak, Chennai floods, etc. • Adopt the timeline in a manner that the LC touchpoints are done post JNC, the MNC plan is implemented at RYLC/NLDS Prime, and further continuing as planned from ASC onwards.


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Alternate Revenues Product Summit Context and the idea behind the summit With the context of COVID-19 and its impact on the organization, we understood that the non-exchange products that we were selling under the BD portfolio had become redundant and would be difficult to adapt to COVID or such circumstances. So we thought we needed new products that could generate an alternative source of revenue and last for a long term, engaging our members & stakeholders and that it was the need of the hour. The summit took place in the form of 2 and a half hour sprints over the course of 5 days. Overview The agenda mainly revolved around identifying and assessing the scope of evolution of our current and past BD products, co-creating completely new products within the overall scope and the essence of our organisation and running various analyses for each product to understand the pros and cons and how these would be structured as a final product. Delegate profiles in the summit: The main delegates were: MCVPs BD, PD, OD, EXPANSIONS, PM, F, MKT and MCP (19-21) to give perspective from each vertical so that we could take into account all necessary aspects from the membership to finances to overall strategy. Further steps post the summit We finalised 4 products through the summit which met the objectives and definitely had the scope to be sold in the coming year. Each of these products require assets and resources to be created such as concept notes and proposals which were the further steps of action post the summit so that these products are ready to be sold and downscaled to the LCs. The output of the summit was taken forward by the MC 20.21 in their planning so that the products could be conceptualized and be ready to be sold in the coming year. Small changes can be made to the structure of these products and their implementation based on the response from the various stakeholders involved. Way forward and Learnings The major learning was that even if something might seem very basic as an idea, it might have a lot of scope and ability to fulfill the necessary requirements and objectives. For such a summit like this to be successful and productive it was very necessary to be detail oriented and take forward full fledged and comprehensive processes using different concepts such as Business model canvas, Value proposition model canvas and analytical tools. Zest Initiatives


As an AIESECer, we are often flooded with multiple trackers, and it’s easy to get lost amongst them. We wanted to create systems for our members that they WANTED to use. We wanted our membership to be able to track their own growth in an objective fashion, be data-oriented, find transparency in all levels of the organization, and reduce manual error. This is what led us to Project Automation. We began project Automation by analyzing the data entry points, and outputs across all portfolios that we run in AIESEC. We then used an approach that minimized input, maximized output. Impact Under project Automation we revamped the following systems: - Membership RnR Live Dashboard, a live ranking system based on objective data which includes all LC activities - Membership PDP Dashboard, compiles personal growth data in a live dashboard - BD ticket and certificate generation, auto generated tickets/invoices for all our customers - Team tracker, stacks a team’s performance by ranking members based on weekly tasks through a live dashboard - Automated Financial Budget, created the scope for a zero-deviation budget and 100% transparent transactions the LC (2019) The automated financial budget and trackers were directly implemented as the new trackers for all LCs of AIESEC in India for the year 2020.

Varun Makhija, LCP AIESEC in Bangalore

Our dream to be “Mast Jalandhar” made us take the step in initiating “Youth For Impact”, a project which is completely based on execution of small scale social events. After our collaboration with Government Authorities and Municipal Corporation of Jalandhar along with several other NGOs of the city, we made a research and understood what kind of events could be delivered along with the timelines which led to the start of these chain of events focusing towards Impact. Impact The events aimed at Teaching Disabled Children, Old Age Home Visits, Food and clothes Donation Drives, Feeding Stray Animals, Tree Plantation Drives, etc had a reach of 30-50 participants on average. We have also been constantly donating funds, food and groceries as a part of this project. We have been partnering with “Impact” app to improve on Physical Health, and with “Art of Living” to deliver sessions in various universities to improve on Mental Health during this pandemic.

Vinay Kumar Moluguri, LCP AIESEC in Jalandhar 118

Stories of Impact

We are ONE: A mega 15-day long initiative taken up by AIESEC in Noida to aid the quarantine period during the pandemic of COVID-19, by connecting membership to AIESECers worldwide, all with a strategic agenda that sparks compelling conversations and interaction between the participants. Being oGX centric entity,, the idea of international exposure was pretty confined since the beginning. Moreover, due to the pandemic, physical engagements came to a halt but the EB felt that the membership should still be able to experience the essence of AIESEC and get a glimpse of a cross-cultural experience. We decided to recreate a similar experience for AIESECers at the comfort of their homes where they could interact and get to know people from different countries, perform tasks with them and create lifelong connections. Impact 250+ AIESECers from 24 different LCs across 15 countries participated in We Are One 15th June 2020 to 25th June 2020, in order to exchange their cultures and create lifelong connections. We were also able to raise a BD partner who was provided with a space for their promotion in the event. The event also acted as a platform for other LCs to form new IRs and build iCX brand presence.

Garvit Saraswat, EEP AIESEC in Noida

As we understood the needs of the EB for evolution in terms of Strategy along with direction and getting external value, we initiated a Mentorship Body for the EB. This body consists of AIESEC in India Alumni from diverse fields, portfolio expertise and generations mentoring the EB of the LC on multiple aspects. Impact We realized that mentoring is important, not only because of the knowledge and skills young leaders can learn from mentors, but also because mentoring provides professional socialization, direction and personal support to facilitate success in the early 20s and beyond. The Body is being directly managed by the LCP to ensure that direction alignment with the MC is in check. EB chooses their own Mentors and the mentors are directly in touch with their respective mentees from the EB providing valuable advice helping the EB in their personal growth.

Nischay Manek, LCP AIESEC in Ahmedabad Stories of Impact


Project US - Membership experience has been a top priority of the executive body since 2019. The team spaces that a member gets to experience helps shape their journey in the most direct way and build the connection to the organization. Keeping in mind the same, the LCPs of 2019-20 and 2020-21 took upon a project called US in which the LCP directly works with the Managing Body to deliver the best experience in team meetings to the members. The MB through the analysis of the past and personal goals of the members created sessions on soft skills or externally relevant topics. Impact This project has made it possible for us to have a common framework for the team meetings and track the experience of the membership. Along with operational knowledge, teams also gain useful soft skills which are essential inside and outside AIESEC making the meetings creative. TS implementation has been more effective by having this particular project.

Raghav Kad, LCP AIESEC in VIT

We had a crazy idea to do an event with multiple partners from top MNCs such as Microsoft, LinkedIn and Adobe to bring them on a platform and build an event for the youth of Bhopal and strengthen our presence and relevance in the city. We organized Beyond The Leadership Summit with multiple partners which included the above mentioned MNCs and more than 17 local partners and made it one of the landmark events in Bhopal. The event was hosted in Courtyard Marriott and we were able to create a platform where students were in a waitlist to get registered. It was the first time where all the passes were sold out. Impact - More than 35+ colleges participated and wanted to partner with us. - Our footprint in the next recruitment cycle was much bigger and better. - AIESEC in Bhopal started becoming a brand rather than just a student run entity in the city.

Akshat Bahety, EEP AIESEC in Bhopal 120

Stories of Impact

We had an intra LC sports competition called the NEO Premier League which proved to be one of the best engagement initiatives. It was a 3 day event that consisted of multiple sports like cricket, football, and table tennis. The idea was to allow the membership to have fun post a hectic summer peak while still being together as an LC. We called a GBM specifically for launching the tournament, where after the launch, the membership of the LC was auctioned for different teams that were headed by two EB members. Later on these teams competed with one another over various sports wherein we had mandatory team structures so every team had participation from all members. The winners were announced over an award ceremony post the event. Impact - Increase in the membership retention from 66% to 77% and 50% MB applications growth. - Inter department bonding & Increase in the happiness index

Saatvik Srivastava, LCP AIESEC in Chandigarh

Network and Chill - AIESEC in Indore along with few LCs in the network came up with the idea of this project for EB competency building and expanding their network nationally. With a series of brainstorming, we as LCPs came up with the 4 phases of this project 1. LC History: Every LC came up with a presentation to represent where they are coming from & their overall LC history aligning with a theme of a movie. 2. World Cafe - The 2nd phase consisted of having conversations around topics that really mattered in the current context. This helped them express their opinions in front of a larger crowd and develop as an individual. 3. Alumni engagement - Alumni of AIESEC in India were invited to have a conversation with the LC EBs and deliver spaces that aligned with the personal goals of the EB members. Topics like digital marketing and startup, the relevance of AIESEC in the external world were taken up. 4. 2020.2 - For planning and strategizing, the last phase focused on how to cope up with the current situation of pandemic and plan ahead for the entity Impact - Helped in EB networking and competency building. - Reinstating the why of AIESEC through world cafe. - Personal development through Alumni Sessions

Aayushi Damwani , LCP AIESEC in Indore Stories of Impact


“The experience, in the past year, has been one of amazement and gratefulness. The agendas across all the conferences have always blown our minds away and the support from the MC team to our entity has been unwavering. As things got rougher in March, the MC eam only grew more resilient and open to growth - they have helped us wade through this turmoil with immense skill. We would like to say thank you for helping us through thick and thin.” -Bhartendu Bhaskar LCP, AIESEC in Kolkata “I think the journey with MC Zest has been extremely interesting in several aspects. The team comprised of smart individuals who brought out a strong representation, both individually and collectively. Although I have had my interactions with a limited number of people, I believe the ones that were worth cherishing were the ones with my direct leader (especially the ones with my coach). It was indeed an enthralling time and I shall always be grateful for all the learnings.” - Garvit Saraswat EEP, AIESEC in Noida

“MC Zest, as the name itself suggests is one of the most enthusiastic, energetic and innovative team which for me always has a special place in my heart. “Going Out Loud” is an attitude to give out our best in each and everything we do as Local Committees and as AIESEC in India and achieving the extraordinary. As an LCP, I’ve had a great share of learnings from MC Zest. This team has always expressed idea of striving for more and achieving excellence.” - Vinay Kumar Moluguri LCP, AIESEC in Jalandhar “In the last 6 months we have tried to do things differently; some worked and some did not but the energy and enthusiasm from the MC never vanished during the bumpy ride in this uncertain time. The experience has definitely taught me the difference between being optimistic and staying positive - this being one of the major learning I have had from one of the Focus calls.” - Raghav Kad LCP, AIESEC in VIT 122

Thank you Notes

“MC Zest for me has always been my comfort zone. I have previously worked with a lot of people on the team, and I constantly found myself at ease when it came to working with them. I have enjoyed working with MC Zest because I have enjoyed the company of everyone on the team, and I am truly grateful for the remarkable things that have come to be in the last one year. One of my favourite experiences has to be at the LCP Bootcamp with MC Zest.” - Varun Makhija LCP, AIESEC in Bangalore “The experience with MC Zest has definitely been nothing less than a true Leadership Experience, it definitely has been an eventful timeline. Far from perfect, but I believe that made it even better to see the Experience we derive and how open the team has been to feedback as well as hearing the essence of the Ground Reality.” - Nischay Manek LCP, AIESEC in Ahmedabad

“The experience of working with MC Zest was truly enriching. Each and every MC member has been truly dedicated and resilient even after going through a tough pandemic situation. I wish all the MC members best of luck for all future endeavours.” - Saatvik Srivastava LCP, AIESEC in Chandigarh “My journey with MC Zest started at NPC 2019. The conference with the most powerful agenda and delivered by the strongest set of people. During NPC, I had a lot of conversations with different MC members, understanding their perspective of the organization. One thing I can guarantee is that every single MC member had this incredible Zest to live and lead the organization’s goals at the fullest. We all talk about the last generation that worked for the A2020 ambition, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a humble and creative set of leaders. We planned the next midterm ambition for AIESEC India together, as an Ecosystem. The current situation of the pandemic definitely wasn’t anticipated by either one of us, but by adapting to it and coming out stronger, AIESEC India definitely did Go Out LOUD in 19-20” - Aayushi Damwani LCP, you AIESEC Thank Notes in Indore 123

A big thanks to all our valuable Stakeholders

Dey Dos

Dey Dos, an alumnus of AIESEC himself, has been associated with AIESEC in India over the past 9 years now! Dey has been our LEAD Partner for the purpose of Leadership Development in the entity. He has also played the role of being a Business Consultant & Coach for AIESEC in India providing us feedback and guidance on different aspects of the organisation as an external and an alumnus. In the year of 2019-20, Dey visited us over multiple touch-points - for our MC Team days as well as National Conferences. He played a crucial role hosting leadership development spaces for our MC team as well as the top Leadership Body of AIESEC in India through these touch-points. With the inception of the Organisational Development (OD) team on the MC this year, Dey hosted tailored coaching spaces for the OD team to enhance their capacity as Coaches for the LCs. Dey also played a key role as consultant for the process of the long-term A2023 direction initiated during this year. Dey’s contributions have definitely continued to help us create a benchmark for conferences execution in terms of curation, delivery and facilitation towards accomplishing our conference objectives. As MC Zest and AIESEC in India we are deeply grateful to Dey for all the support over the year.

About Dey Dos Dey Dos has dedicated over 22 years of his life to explore the nature of human behaviour, trying to understand how behaviour is affected by our environment and by unconsciously absorbed learning; and how we, as humans, can take complete ownership over who we are constantly becoming. Dey has told stories (speeches, training, and keynotes) in Spanish and English to small and big audiences counting a total of over 80.000 people worldwide. This does not include his online reach with webinars. He has had the opportunity of visiting and bringing his work to 85 countries around the world. And hence, he’s also had the opportunity to work with people from all over the world, counting more than 150 nationalities. This amazing cultural exposure has brought him the capacity to tailor his work to different audiences. 124

Thank you Notes

Kochhar & Co

As the legal counsel for AIESEC in India for the past 15 years, Kochhar & Co. is India’s one of the best law firms. They have associated with AIESEC in India as their clients and even completed some of our projects pro-bono. Despite the timely change of personnel from both AIESEC and Kochhar & Co.’s end this relationship has stood strong. Prioritising and providing legal counsel to AIESEC in India that protects us from legal exposure not just today but in the future has been the mantra from Kochhar & Co.’s end. With our recent interactions it’s clear that Kochhar & Co. is not just accessible when we reach out but a firm who has taken keen interest in strengthening our internal processes. With such a robust and reputed firm as Kochhar & Co. as our legal counsel, AIESEC in India is in safe hands. We would like to extend our gratitude to the firm for all the services and support through this time.

SVTG & Co.

SVTG & Co. in Delhi have been long associated with AIESEC in India as our auditors. For the past 15 years, SVTG & Co. - specifically Mr. Tarun Gulati have handled our accounts and ensured that AIESEC in India is complying with all the provisions of Taxes and have constantly recommended and advised us keeping the best interests of AIESEC in India in mind. It is because of such successful relationships and people working behind the scenes - we have been able to focus on what we do as AIESEC India and deliver year on year. We would like to extend our gratitude to SVTG & Co. and Mr. Tarun Gulati for all the services and support through this time.

P. K. Narayanan Symphony Travel Services “As far as experience with AIESEC for the past 15 years of my association, to say anything, will be like saying about my own family members. It has been a smooth sail throughout and your support and understanding has been my strength. I could never treat to you all as my client till date, this is mainly due to the kind of cordial and mature reciprocation from each one of you, and always you have treated me as one of your team members. Wish you all a very bright and powerful months and years ahead.”

As the proprietor of Symphony Travel Services, Mr. P.K Narayan has been associated with AIESEC in India for the past 15 years as the sole travel solutions provider. Over the course of this relationship Narayan Sir has supported AIESEC in India and extended a lending hand by providing services even when we were facing cash-flow challenges. Additionally, Narayan Sir has provided an almost 24x7 travel assistance to all the MC members at some point in the year. Humble, polite and courteous are just some of the traits that Sir is known for. Working with Narayan Sir is as close to working with a family member, with tremendous care and concern being the pillars of his allegiance to AIESEC in India. We would like to extend our gratitude to him for all the services and support through this time.

Thank you Notes


A big thanks to all our valuable Stakeholders

Tushar Raval

“Over the years I have received an overwhelming sense of support from AIESEC in India. I am delighted to be working closely with the leadership of this organisation and am allowed to play an integral role in the organisation. With every passing year - I have learnt something new from the people I have worked with and this has strenghtened the desire to continue serving and work for AIESEC in India. I can proudly say that working for AIESEC in India has become a part of my life now and and am thankful to all who have been part of this journey.“ As the in-house accountant for the entire network - AIESEC in India is tremendously grateful to Tushar Rawal for his unwavering support for the past 7 years. Often cited as the one-man-army for our legal and tax compliance - Tushar Rawal has been our continous support and has ensured that all our processes are made externally compliant. Sir, has always been a guide to all VPs F who take the role and has time and time again provided his valuable insights on the improvement in areas of Finance and Data Maintenance. Starting of as a part time and seasonal accountant for AIESEC in India - Tushar Rawal is now a crucial stakeholder without whom AIESEC in India would not be at the position it is today. We are grateful to have Tushar Rawal as our National Accountant and express our gratitude for all the contributions he has made so far. “I have been working with AIESEC in India since 17th June 2010 and was asked to join by the MCP then. Throughout the journey I have worked with 10 generations of people with great knowledge and personality. Individually, I strongly feel like I have learnt a lot and have faced multiple challenges that have improved me. To encapsulate I am grateful to the colleagues that I have worked with who have also supported me in this journey. To close, AIESEC in India has moved a lot of times and sometimes been under stress for a lot of years - but I am happy that we have our own office today!“

Nitesh Sharma One of the oldest and the most valued stakeholders of AIESEC in India, Nitesh Sharma has been helping and contributing to AIESEC in India for the past 19 years. Nitesh is known for his never say die attitude and his ability to quickly execute the task at hand. He has quickly become our go-to man for all Administrative tasks and projects. Over the last 10 years, Nitesh has understood the dynamics of our ever changing AIESEC environment and remained a long constant that has provided MC Teams the much needed stability in Mumbai. With his quick resolve and dedication towards AIESEC in India - we are thankful to such unwavered attention and care from people who have constantly put the best interests of AIESEC in India at the forefront.


Thank you Notes

As MC Zest, we would like to congratulate and extend our sincere gratitude to every single LC and every single AIESECer for your continuous hard work and contributions to AIESEC in India. It is your passion, zest and invaluable efforts that has led AIESEC in India to continue to shine in the Global Plenary.

Global Recognition

APLS 2019 Awards Limitless oGE Award Limitless iGT Award Limitless oGV Award AIESEC in Mumbai AIESEC in Navi Mumbai AIESEC in M.A.H.E

Entity Marketing Award AIESEC in India

IPM 2020 Awards ING Excellence Award for External Relevance AIESEC in India

APC 2020 Awards Living Diversity AP Marketing Striving for Acting Sustainably Excellence Award iGT Awards (Tier 2) Collaboration AIESEC in Bangalore AIESEC in Mumbai Awards (GV) AIESEC in VIT & AIESEC in FTU HCMC Acting Sustainably oGE Awards (Tier 3) AIESEC in VIT

Acting Sustainably oGE Awards (Tier 4) AIESEC in South Mumbai

Acting Sustainably oGE Awards (Tier 2) AIESEC in M.A.H.E.

Acting Sustainably iGE Awards (Tier 2) AIESEC in Hyderabad

Acting Sustainably oGV Awards (Tier 3) AIESEC in Navi mumbai

Acting Sustainably oGV Awards (Tier 2) AIESEC in M.A.H.E.

Acting Sustainably iGV Awards (Tier 2) AIESEC in M.A.H.E.

APLS 2019 Awards Enjoying Participation External Relevance Award AIESEC in India

Striving for Excellence Marketing Award AIESEC in India

Living Diversity Collaboration GT AIESEC in India & AIESEC in Egypt

Living Diversity Collaboration GE AIESEC in India & AIESEC in Ukraine

Stakeholders’ Testimonials Global Recognition


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