iGV Ceederships 2019 Second round
What is this about ? Hey guys! We are planning to have the HUGEST Winter Peak ever and we really need to cover all the spots that we open! To make it happen of course we need our IR partners and that’s why for the Winter Peak we opened for the 3rd year in a row the WINTER PEAK CEEDERSHIP for iGV. We also want to boost our cooperation inside the region: that’s why all the ceederships are in Europe! The countries that will take part to it are: Ukraine, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Poland and Georgia.
JD of the Ceeder • • •
Ceeders will: Meet EPs & take part of events where they will promote Italy and Italian opportunities; They will run interviews and process EPs directly for Italy;
UKRAINE Positions open: 4
A message for you Being a ceeder in Ukraine will mean crea!ng something really powerful for our en!!es!
from November 4th to November 14th
20 each
Accommodation and transportation inside the country
Sofia, MCVP oGV Ukraine
GEORGIA Positions open: 1
A message for you Wai!ng for that lucky person who will help Italy and Georgia create a partnership like no other!!!
from October 28th to November 3rd
Goal: 30
Accommodation and transportation inside the country
Zeren, MCVP oGV Georgia
RUSSIA Positions open: 2
from November 4th to November 10th
Goal: 20
Accommodation and transportation inside the country
A message for you I’am very honored and happy to invite CEEDer from Italy in my en!ty. This experience is really needed for boos!ng our partnership and during this week you will be able to make the real impact for our countries, for AIESEC and for yourself! I had an opportunity to Make It in Italy on my GV and I invite you do discover Unbelievable Russia on your CEEDership. ANDIAMO!
Yulia, MCVP oGV Russia
HUNGARY Positions open: 1
from October 28th to November 3rd
Goal: 20
A message for you HungarItaly is ready to ROCK AGAIN this year! Come to Hungary to have the chance to represent our main GV supplier and keep oGV of AIESEC in Hungary going! Plus, you will have the chance to work with one of the lovely alumni from AIESE in Italy <3 #RaccoonsRockOn #ReadyToAchieve
Aldo, MCVP oGV Hungary
POLAND Positions open: 2
A message for you Poland needs to ac!vate leadership in young people, young people need to take more ac!on for the country to make the society less scared and more open to diversity, thats why we need Polish youth to go abroad and experience new cultures and develop leadership quali!es. By coming to Poland you can contribute to this and boost the collabora!on of our countries as for the whole Europe which needs AIESEC more than ever.
from November 4th to November 10th
Goal: 10
Pola, MCVP oGV Poland
TURKEY Positions open: 1
from November 4th to November 10th
Goal: 20
Accommodation and transportation inside the country
A message for you
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s easy to say that Turkey and Italy are 2 en!!es that have a huge poten!al to grow together. This ceedership can really help boom this partnership, Ceren, MCVP oGV Turkey
Who can apply? Application is filled by the LC -
Ceeder can be: LCVP Team Leader Team Member Alumnus iGV background is not required but preferred Ceeder will promote opportunities of his own LC until all the spots will be taken, Then he/she will promote opportunities of other LCs.
Conditions to apply • Flight ticket and Visa expenses (if needed) are paid by the LC/Ceeder; • LC has to ensure at least 10 opportunities opened by October 10; • Ceeder will have working hours, in the free time they can travel; • Ceeder has to keep constant communication with the MCVP iGV during the ceedership to track the results and provide ongoing feedback about the experience; • Selection process will be based on plan and #opportunities opened •
Timeline 7/10 Application Launch (second round) 10/10 DDL to apply
11/10 Results
From 28th October Ceederships 14/10 - 25/10 Logistic and alignement
Link to apply:
bit.ly/ iGVCeedership2019