It’s the last shot of Summer Peak And we need to be as fast as never before
Ready to run the Giro d’Italia?
It will be a Team competition, every LC will be competing together with the people of your region against the others
Regno di Savoia Stato Pontificio Torino Milano Genova Pavia Brescia PoliTO
Roma 3 Roma Sapienza Roma Tor Vergata Bologna Perugia Urbino Ancona
Triveneto Regno delle Due Sicilie Venezia Trento Trieste Verona Padova Ferrara
Bari Napoli Federico II Napoli Parthenope Palermo Catania Enna
In the first two weeks you will need to train doing a lot of
physical activities & IGV proposal sent OPENING: 8 points APL OGV: 8 points APL OGE: 12 points APL OGT: 12 points
In the second two weeks you will have to run extremely fast
approving all the people in the right time APD IGV: 9 points APD OGV: 16 points APD OGE: 23 points APD OGT: 43 points
For every Crystal Studies insurance you will sell you get