MC Italy 20.21 - II Round Application booklet

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a call to action for 9.098.411 young italian Make in Italy with us


application package

AIESEC in ITALY | MCVP 20.21 | DDL 03/03

Dear applicants,

Congratulations for opening this booklet and wish you courage to take this decision! Being part of MC is a life-changing experience. It’s an extraordinary opportunity to serve the essence of our organization on a deeper level, be the guide of AIESEC in Italy and challenge your limits! This year I envision an AIESEC in Italy that keeps the connection with the why and talks about youth leadership as fundamental solutions, for our country and for our people. If you want to be part of this movement and you want to Make in Italy with us this is your place. It might sound scary, it might sound something very big, but I trust you and I believe in you. Best of luck, Arianna

redefine your limits Check my application here:

MC Applicants group here:

The MC team of AIESEC in Italy represents AIESEC as a national association in the global network and in the country. The MC is meant to serve the Local Committees and to foster implementation of strategies and behaviors, driving the growth of the organization and developing the leaders that Italy needs. The team should embody, as role models, the behaviors and values that reflect the AIESEC Way.

• Weekly and monthly reporting to the MC team and sub-team • Quarter reporting to the national plenary as MC team • Accountable to the national plenary regarding your own function • Accountable to the global and regional office regarding your own function and participate to the activities and spaces provided

• Represent the entity in the national and international conferences • Co-create with the National Plenary the Plan for 20.21

• Create spaces and support system for the Local Committees • Align National Strategies to Global Strategies • Attend quarter Team Days, Monthly and Quarter reviews • Deliver the National Education Cycle created by the OD



• MC is a full-time job. Each MCVP is expected to work 40 hours per week.

• Salary of 200€ per month according to MC budget

• Working time is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representative duties)

• Food, accommodation and transportations in Milan are fully covered (also during transition period)

• MC term officially starts on 1st August 2020 and officially ends on 31st July 2021. • Physical presence is required starting from the 1st week of June

• National conferences and visits are fully covered • Office Space is provided

• WI-FI is provided both in the office and at home



04/03 – 22/03

23/03 – 30/03

Application launch

Application DDL

Application review & selection process


The MC team is selected according to the compendium of AIESEC in Italy. Official candidates that will fulfill all the application criteria will go trough: • Q&A with LCPs • Vote of confidence from LCPs. The ones that will not receive the confidence will not proceed in the process • Functional interview for the position you are applying for and/or the position you will be considered • MCP interview • Further tasks might be added during the process if more clarification will be needed

The following structure is a guideline, but it might change based on different factors until the transition will start. Specific job description will be defined with the MC team according to the plan 20.21













Italians are highly preferred for the following positions: • All the PD positions and PR • OD director and expansions • Finance & Legal • B2C • IGV For all the OD positions is required LCP or MC experience.

Keep in mind that you are applying for the MC team and re-allocations are possible. I will anyway try to take in consideration as much as I can your preferences!

The application package must be sent in a .zip file to, and The DDL for the first round is 03 of March 2020 h: 23:59. To be accepted, the package must countain: Questionnaire fully answered in max 10 pages + cover in .pdf format Each candidate must answer to all the general questions, 3 questions related to your first preference, 2 questions related to your second preference and 1 question to your third preference.

3 endorsement signed. The endorsement must be coming from someone that led you, someone that you led and someone that worked with you. For international candidates it’s required also the endorsement of the MCP current of your entity. Endorsement from current MC Italy and AI are not accepted. One page curriculum in .pdf format Video introduction. The video must be max 5 minutes and sent as a link in a separate .pdf file

One page of executive summary in .pdf file

The questionnaire is divided in general and functional questions. Functional questions are divided in operations, B2C, digital mkt, organizational development, talent management, finance and legal and partnership development. You must answer to all the general questions, 3 questions of the department that is your first preference, 2 questions of the your second preference and 1 question of your third preference.

1 2 3 4

Who are you? What are your values and how do they shape who you are? Why are you applying for MC Italy 20.21? What are your top 3 preferences and what do you want to take out of this experience? How do you relate AIESEC to the current context of Italy as a country and its youth? Evaluate AIESEC in Italy in the last 3 years. What are your main findings? What are the trends that will shape the term 20.21?


Provide an analysis of the performances of operations of the last 3 years and define the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21


Choose a product. Provide an analysis of the performances of the last 3 years and define the top 3 strategies and actions to take in 20.21


How do you envision the synergy Operations and OD? Define the key points of it and how you would work on them.


Assess the current network management. What would you improve in order to support each LC/expansion in a customized way?


Assess the current IR strategy of AIESEC in Italy. What would be the evolution of your term? What is your role as CXO towards it?


Choose a product. Assess the current IR strategy. What are the key evolution you would bring and why?


How would you manage your sub-team taking in consideration the workflow, synergies and team dynamics?


Choose a product. Define what are your key synergies and how you would you work on them both at MC and LC level


Assess the current strategy for %FIN-CO. What are the main bottlenecks? How would you evolve the role of the ECB towards it?


Assess the current strategy for %FIN-CO. What are the main bottlenecks and how would you work on them?


Which are the main marketing trends, both external and internal, that we should take in consideration for the strategies of 20.21? How?


Which are the main marketing trends, both external and internal, that we should take in consideration for the strategies of 20.21? How?


Provide an analysis of the current state of digital marketing in AIESEC in Italy and define the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21


Provide an analysis of the digital customer experience from stranger to applicant. What are the main bottlenecks and how would you act on them?


Define what are your key synergies and which kind of improvements you would bring both at MC and LC level?


Define what are your key synergies and which kind of improvements you would bring both at MC and LC level?


Provide an analysis of the customer experience from stranger to applicant. What are the main bottlenecks and how would you act on them?


Assess the current social media and ads management and define what are the strategies/changes you would undertake for the next term and why.


Provide a SWOT analysis of the attraction of the 3 oGX products and define which actions you would take about it.


Assess the current network management. What would you improve in order to support each LC/expansion in a customized way?

If your first choice is MCVP OD you must answer to at least one of the ones marked with * If your first choice is Expansion you must answer at least to two of the ones market with **


Provide an analysis of the OD Model of the last 2 term. What are your conclusion? Which type of evolution do you envision for 20.21 and why?*


Define what are the key synergies of the OD department. What is working, what is not working and how would you move forward in the next term?*


Provide an analysis of the current italian market and define top 3 new initiatives for the term 20.21 and why.**


Provide an analysis of the expansion model of the last 2 term. What are your conclusion? Which type of evolution do you envision for 20.21 and why?**


Assess the current services provided by the MC to the local plenary. Which type of actions would you take to improve the customization?


Assess the current state of the local culture implementation in AIESEC in Italy. How would you improve it?


Make an analysis of the current coaching system. What is working, what is not working and how would you move forward for the next term?


Make an analysis of the current network management. What is working, what is not working and how would you move forward for the next term?


Assess the current state of the expansion. What would your top 3 priorities in order to make them become LC and how would you capitalize on them?**


Make an analysis of the current internal communication. What is working, what is not working and how would you move forward for the next term?


Provide an analysis of the current state of TM in the network of AIESEC in Italy and define the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21


Provide an analysis of the current financial and legal context of AIESEC in Italy and define the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21


Assess the current timeline of TM (admission, team cycle‌). What are your findings and what is the evolution you envision for 20.21?


Provide an analysis of the current state of product sustainability. What are your main findings and how would you act on it?


Define what are your key synergies and which kind of improvements you would bring both at MC and LC level?


Assess the current management of the budget of LCs. What are your main findings and how would you work to work on the capacity of the network about it?


Analyze the current membership experience. What are the key strategies you would undertake to improve retention rate and leadership pipeline?


Assess the current state of conference management. How would you work in 20.21 to make conferences more financially accessible?


Analyze the current state of team leader experience. What are the improvement you would bring in 20.21 and how?


Define what are your key synergies and which kind of improvements you would bring both at MC and LC level?

If your first choice is MCVP PD you must answer to at least one of the ones marked with *


Provide an analysis of the current state of PD department. Define what are the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21*


Choose a function (PR, Corporate, Third Sector). Define and evaluate the key synergies. Which innovation would you bring in 20.21?


What do you envision as the scope of PD in 20.21? Create the job description of your PD team based on this scope and what you want to achieve.*


Provide an analysis of the current management of YouthSpeak Forum. What is the evolution you envision for 20.21 to optimize effort and resources?


Provide an analysis of the current state of PD Third Sector. Define what are the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21.


Provide an analysis of the current market of NGOs in Italy. What is the evolution you envision in our project portfolio and how would you drive it from MC side?


Provide an analysis of the current state of PD Corporate. Define what are the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21.


Assess the current state of our relationship with government and institutions. What should be the key actions to take in 20.21 and why?


Provide an analysis of the current state of PR. Define what are the top 3 priorities and actions to take in 20.21.


What are the main trends of companies in Italy? How can AIESEC capitalize on them to boost our core business?

The application package must be sent in a .zip file to, and The DDL for the first round is 03° of March 2020 h: 23:59. To be accepted, the package must countain: Questionnaire fully answered in max 10 pages + cover in .pdf format 4 general questions + 6 functional (3 for the first preference, 2 for the second and 1 for the third)

3 endorsement signed from someone you led, someone that led you and someone that worked with you. Endorsement from MC and AI current are not valid One page curriculum in .pdf format Video introduction. The video must be max 5 minutes and sent as a link in a separate .pdf file One page of executive summary in .pdf file

DDL 03° of MARCH 2020 h: 23:59

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