MC Italy application package 2nd round

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AIESEC IN ITALY MC 1718 SECOND ROUND Application Package
 DDL: 14.02.17 23.59 GMT+1


MCP MESSAGE Dear applicant, AIESEC in Italy is calling for the best talent, but more than that, is calling for the best leaders, people that have the capacity to inspire others with their actions to dream more, learn more, do more and become more. People that can help me drive AIESEC in Italy towards a successful path that previous generations have paved for us, and we have the responsibility to build upon and continue. You will find yourself applying to a country that always falls short in the way people describe it. Italy is not only an amazing country, in Italy you always feel at home, in Italy you will understand how attention to details really work, Italy definitely will blow your mind. Being MC member requires a big amount of responsibility and role modeling, Italy as a country requires a great amount of leadership from young generations and its our responsibility as organization to contribute to the future of this amazing country. I invite you by applying to this life changing opportunity to build, contribute and love this country as much as I have since I arrived. Leadership is not an option, it’s our responsibility. Best of luck to all of you Mauro


MC is a full-,me job. Each MCVP is expected to work 40 hours per week.

Working ,me is Monday to Friday, weekends are free (except of conferences and other representa,ve du,es)

MC term officially starts on 1st August 2017 and officially ends on 31st July 2018.

Transi,on period will start on 15th of June 2017. Further details will be given aTer the elec,on.

BENEFITS • Every MC member will receive a salary, which will be around 200 euros per

month - according to MC budget.

• Food, accommoda,on and transporta,ons in Milan are fully covered (also

during transi,on period).

• Na,onal Conferences are fully covered, both transports and food/


• Office Space is provided • Wifi is provided both in the office and at home

For Internationals: Insurance and flight from your country are not provided. Expenses for legalization in Italy will be fully covered (meaning residents permit procedures)



MC ROLE THE MC TEAM The MC team of AIESEC in Italy represents AIESEC as a Na,onal associa,on in the Global Network and Italy as a na,on; the MC is meant to serve the Local Commi^ees and to foster implementa,on of strategies, behaviors, driving the growth of the organiza,on and developing the leaders that Italy needs. The team should embody, as role models, the behaviors and values that will make the change happen.

ACCOUNTABILITY • Report weekly to the MCP and Sub-team Leader; • Report quarterly, as MC Team, to the National plenary; • Fill weekly the MC Tracking tool;
 Store all the informations, materials and contacts according to the IM strategy; • Being aware of the world trends; • Being constantly up to date with non AIESEC resources on functional topics.

• • • • •


Represent AIESEC in Italy in the National and International Conferences; Co-create with the National Plenary the Plan for 17|18; Understand and foster the National strategies regardless the position; Create spaces and support system for the Local Committees; Align National Strategies to Global Strategies delivering a tailored approach to LCs; • Attend quarter Team Days, Monthly and Quarter reviews with no exceptions. • Deliver the National Education Cycle created by the MCVP OD.

SELECTION PROCESS: HOW By sending this applica,on you are applying as MCVP of AIESEC in Italy. This means that all the applica,ons will be taken in considera,on for all the available posi,ons inside the MC.
 In the ques,on number 5 of the general ques,onnaire you will write your preferences, and you’ll answer to the specific ques,onnaire of your preferred posi,on.You can also apply to more than 1 posi,on (that would mean: 5 pages for each specific ques,onnaire). Alloca,on will be done my MCP once the structure will be ready (not before IPM 2017).
 Applica,ons need to be uploaded in the following link: h^ps:// For any ques,ons feel free to contact: Mauricio Rodriguez MCP 17.18 ( Benede^a Turrin MCP 16.17 (benede^ Aleksandra Talaga Elec,on Manager (


14th February
 23.59 GMT +1

16th February

19 & 20 February

21 February

22-28 February


Official Candidates


Confidence vote

Interviews and


Fully Answered General Ques,onnaire

Fully Answered Specific Ques,onnaire for the posi,on you prefer. You can also apply for more than 1 posi,on!

Endorsements: Please provide 2 endorsements that contain a clear perspec,ve on the candidate. Interna,onal candidates must have an MC endorsement in addi,on to the two required.

A video of max. 3 minutes introducing the candidate. It must be uploaded on YouTube or Vimeo, and the link needs to be in a PDF file inside the package.

Execu,ve Summary: 1 page summarizing the main contents of your applica,on

One page CV

The whole package needs to be a .zip or .rar file, all the documents need to be in PDF format. Ques,onnaire must not exceed the 10 pages(5 for General Ques,onnaire, 5 for Specific Ques,onnaire) plus op,onal cover page.

REMEMBER THAT: By sending this application you are applying as MCVP of AIESEC in Italy, and you can be allocated in any position



• • • •

MCVP GIA MCVP BD BD Manager MCVP Finance &Legal

JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP IGV is responsible to drive the program growth by presen,ng and execu,ng the most advanced strategies for the area. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy by coopera,ng with different AIESEC en,,es.. Moreover he’s responsible for analyzing all the na,onal issues and create the projects that impact the most Italian society.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Analy,cal thinking Structure; Knowledge about Italian society; High proac,vity; IGV LCVP experience preferred Good coaching skills; Innova,ve mindset;

MCVP IGV INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Delivering of IGV strategy to LCVP IGV; Coaching and Management of LCVPs and NSTs; Innovation and process optimization; Mapping, together with OD, LC contribution to national plan; Execution of IR strategies; Synergy with PR & Government to boost the program; Creation, with OD and MKTG, of Project portfolio for the Local Level; Contribution in packaging the IGV for corporate sponsorship; Responsible for S&S implementation in IGV;


#IGV RE and Approvals
 Program NPS
 % Plan achievement

MCVP OGV JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP OGV is responsible to drive the program growth by presen,ng and execu,ng the most advanced strategies for the program. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy by coopera,ng with different AIESEC En,,es.

 Opera,ons understanding
 Awareness of AIESEC global context and evolu,on
 Good area knowledge
 High proac,vity
 Good coaching skills
 Innova,ve mindset

 Coaching and management of LCVPs and NSTs
 Innovation and process optimization
 Mapping, together with OD, LCs contribution to national plan
 Execution of IR strategies
 Continuity of Cooperation projects with the network
 Data analysis and strategies creation together with OD and MKTG based on organizational evolution and market penetration.

MOS #OGV RE and Approvals
 Program NPS
 % Plan achievement

MCVP OGT JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP OGT is responsible to drive the program growth by presen,ng and execu,ng the most suitable strategies to keep growing and performing n the area. He’s responsible as well for the IR strategy by coopera,ng with different AIESEC en,,es..

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Analy,cal thinking Structure; Innova,ve mindset; Problem solving; Conflict management; Ability to work with few resources;

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Delivering of OGT strategy to LCVP OGT; Coaching and Management of LCVPs and NSTs; Consolidation ad analysis of program potential; Mapping, together with OD, LC contribution to national plan; Execution of IR strategies; Data analysis and strategy creation with OD and MKTG based on organizational evolution and market penetration; Synergy with PR & Government to find possible catalysts for the program. Ensure proper strategies for CEM; Planning and tracking of NPS; Updating Information Management Space


#OGT RE and Approvals
 Program NPS
 % Plan achievement

MCVP FINANCE & LEGAL JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP F/L is responsible for the general financial and legal administra,on of AIESEC in Italy. His role it’s both internal and external : he must ensure wide knowledge of this field to AIESEC in Italy, building strategies to capitalize on it, and represent AIESEC in Italy towards our stakeholders in terms of financial and legal management.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Analy,cal thinking; Knowledge of legali,es; Financial skills; Structure and punctuality; Wide knowledge of current situa,on of AIESEC in Italy; Cross func,onal experience and strategic thinking; Italian speaker required; Planning and tracking.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Creation of National Budget; Administration of MC/LC funds; Legalization of AIESEC in Italy and execution of legal duties; Cashflow and bookkeeping; Analysis of cashflow and forecast of organizational financial situation; Quarterly financial reports; MC internal management for financial matters; Responsible, with MCP, for extraordinary financial decisions; Management and coaching of LCVPF and NST F; Responsible of Global Full Membership; Responsible for meetings with Lawyers and consultants; Responsible for exchanges legal situation.

MOS MC Budgeting MC Investments


JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP BD is responsible for the en,ty investments based on the financial model. With the crea,on and delivery of a na,onal products porpolio the BD ensures the growth in ELD program, execu,on of na,onal partnerships and high quality standards to our partners. As TL of the BD department he’s responsible of managing the team and ensuring performances.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Creation and update of National Product Portfolio; Ensure delivery of all the MC partnerships; Planning and tracking of BD activities and BD Manager. Responsible of keeping contacts with AI for downscaling International partnerships; Conference Venues & In Kind tracking.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Effective communication; Sales experience and negotiation; Customer centric approach; Conflict management; Solution orientation; Proactivity and resilience;

MOS # of contract signed with the same partner # of new partners % of budget covered

BD MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION The BD manager is responsible for selling the na,onal product porpolio, managing rela,ons with MC partnerships assigned by the MCVP BD and obtaining in-kind incomes for our na,onal conference cycle. He must report to the MCVP BD.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Selling of National Product Portfolio; Ensure delivery of all the MC partnerships; Delivery of BD activities. Company segmentation and cold calling. Conference Venues & In Kind sales.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Effective communication; Sales experience and negotiation; Customer centric approach; Conflict management; Solution orientation; Proactivity and resilience;

MOS # of contract signed with the same partner # of new partners % of budget covered


JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP GIA is responsible to deal with different stakeholders in order to boost exchange programs through partnership, sponsorships, dona,ons etc. The main role is to ensure that this par,cular stakeholder are involved with AIESEC ac,vi,es and are ac,vely contribu,ng to the growth of the organiza,on.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED PR experience preferred; Good selling skills; Italian speaking required; Wide knowledge of AIESEC as an organiza,on; Good knowledge of AIESEC values, vision, mission and benefit for partners.

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible together with MCP for relationship with Alumni association; Responsible for raising sponsorships, partnerships, donations or other agreements with Alumni; Responsible for planning and executing Alumni events together with AIESEC Italia Alumni Association; Responsible together with MCP for Government relationships; Responsible for relationships with Institutions, embassies, umbrella organizations etc. To boost exchange programmes; Responsible of agreement and partnerhsips with other Youth organizations; Responsible for involving Alumni in MC and LC projects; Responsible for creating Alumni portfolio;

MOS #contracts signed with Gov. % of increasing of X performances #TN Raised with Alumni

MCVP PUBLIC RELATIONS JOB DESCRIPTION The MCVP PR is responsible for ensuring the brand posi,oning of AIESEC through cobranding ac,vi,es, contact with media, organiza,ons of na,onal events and par,cipa,ons to other events as sponsor, speaker or delegate. He’s is one of the main responsible for execu,on of brand strategy.

COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Excellent communica,on skills; Excellent wri,ng skills; Proac,vity and solu,on orienta,on; Orienta,on to results Knowledge of media and possible interes,ng contacts; Selling and nego,a,on skills; Italian speaker required; Public Rela,ons

INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES Execution of brand positioning strategy; Participation to relevant national events to position AIESEC brand; Media coverage of AIESEC activities; Media appereances on newspapers, radio and television; Responsible for delivering cobranding advertising with media; Responsible for managing press office; Resposible, with MKTG department, for content creation; Responsible, with BD, for organizing annual summit; Responsible for annual report; Responsible for media account management.


Media appearances ROI of PR activities (short and long term) #Attendance to Events #LEAD contacts for exchange

GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 1.What are your key values, how does that shape your leadership style and how do you connect them with AIESEC? 2. Why are you applying for MC experience in Italy and how is this experience sui,ng in your personal goal in life? 3. In your opinion, what is the role of the MC, and what should be the characteris,cs that compose the perfect MC member? 4. How can AIESEC make a dierence in Italy? 5.List out in order of preference the 3 roles you would like to cover inside MC of AIESEC in Italy 17.18 - why did you choose them?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP IGV 1. Provide an analysis of the iGV area of AIESEC in Italy in the last 3 years, considering the evolu,on of the area. Underline point f strengths, weaknesses and possible solu,ons. 2. If you analyze the considera,on phase of the iGV process, how would you upgrade our IR strategy in order to make it faster? Please take in considera,on dierent projects and their na,onal ,meline according to the global one. 3. How do you envision the evolu,on of the synergies between iGV and other areas? Especially with Marke,ng, TM, OD, GIA and BD. 4. Considering the 2020 direc,on and the alignment with SDGs, how do you see the evolu,on of our projects? Which kind of project would you add in order to widen our reach? 5. Analyze the brand advocacy and Value Delivery part of our stakeholders. Which are the evolu,ons needed in order to guarantee a proper CRM and experience for them?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP OGV 1.Consider a clear oGV ,meline where each month of the year is essen,al for the results expected. Your term will start in August, a month with vaca,ons, universi,es are closed and members usually traveling. How you will ensure a work rhythm to deliver essen,al ac,vi,es in August to guarantee the results on Winter? 2.Evaluate IXP culture in AIESEC Italy and set three main strategies to improve number of IXP exchanges at local level. 3.What will be the three main pillars/key points that you will work on during your term as MCVP? Which strategies do you plan to use to ensure that these pillars will be implemented? 4.In terms of IR for oGV, what are the main strengths and weaknesses now? How do you think you can contribute in order to improve the weaknesses? 5.Evalua,ng southern and northern LCs in oGV, which dierent strategies you would use dierently in terms of customer? And in terms of LC VP Management?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP OGT 1.Analyze performance of OGT from 14.15, 15.16, 16.17 terms. What are the key conclusions and what should be the main strategies to grow exponen,ally in the next term? 2.In terms of IR for oGT, what are the main strengths and weaknesses now? How do you think you can contribute with the improvements of the weaknesses? 3.What is customer service in your opinion? How can you ensure that our customers are getng the best experience possible in every LC? Name and explain at least 3 ini,a,ves. 4.Assess current state of oGT area in each LC based on OD Model - how can you ensure OGT growth at na,onal level? 5.How can AIESEC in Italy be a top compe,tor in the OGE area? Explain how to make it happen.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP F&L 1. Evaluate finance area of AIESEC Italia for the last 3 years: main tendencies, achievements and failures. 2. Provide a Start, Stop, Con,nue analysis of the current na,onal financial strategy and management. 3. Make a complete legal assessment of AIESEC in Italy. 
 What are the main points of improvement, provide solu,ons that will keep us legal and agile? Take into considera,on all fields possible. 4. Evaluate the finances of AIESEC Italia, using risk management matrix. 5. Financial Management includes LCVP management, what do you propose in order to manage the LCVP finance network in the best way possible?

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP GIA 1.Considering the suppor,ng role GIA has, which would be the exchange area you would focus on? Which departments of the government, founda,ons, NGOs would you approach and why? 2.Which concrete steps would you undertake to contribute to the en,ty expansion? Which synergies would you involve? 3.How would you improve the collabora,on between AAI and AIESEC Italia? 4.Considering GIA's main synergies and this year en,ty context and projects, describe three main goals you would like to achieve. 5.Based on the SDGs and 2030 Agenda, choose a founda,on or an ins,tu,on you would work with and create a clear partnership proposal for one of them including concrete collabora,on points, ,meline, and the project to carry on together. It needs to be inside the applica;on package in a separate PDF ďŹ le, 4 pages max.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP PR 1.With a start stop con,nue method, asses the contribu,on of the PR area in the current term. Make sure you include your ideas for PR area in the term 17-18. 2.Considering the new changes implemented in the organiza,on statute regarding working with young people from 18 to 30 years and not only university students, how would you capitalize on this? 3.Imagine to have an inďŹ nite amount of money available: how would you invest them according to your 3 main PR strategies? 4.According to the current Italian context, what is the AIESEC in Italy role in our country? Which are in your opinion the three main issues we should act upon? How? 5.Write 1 press release and 1 elevator pitch: It needs to be inside the applica;on package in a separate PDF ďŹ le, 2 pages max. 1. The press release is regarding the execu,on of a massive inteGreat project executed at local level that got an award for its posi,ve impact in the popula,on. 2.The elevator pitch is a speech for a RAI journalist, that wants to know what's AIESEC in 2 minutes.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: MCVP BD 1.Please provide an analysis of the current status of the BD Area in terms of MoS/KPIs, strategies and bo^lenecks. 2.How would you connect the BD department with the core ac,vi,es of the organiza,on being sure of pursuing the organiza,onal vision and mission? 3.How would you track and manage the BD managers ensuring the personal development and the achievement of the BD goal? What do you think are the most eec,ve management tools you can use? 4.Since 2 years the Q3 and Q4 are not performing quarters in terms of Plan/achieved and sales intensity for the BD department. How will you ensure the growth, the achievement of the goal and an eďŹƒcient sales intensity of the department? Please write concrete and implementable strategies. 5.How you will ensure a proper a^rac,on strategy for the BD department aimed to reach new targets and companies interested to collaborate with AIESEC in Italy? Please specify the strategy, channels and synergy that you will include in your proposal.

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE: BD MANAGER 1.Which are the main factors that in your opinion would exponen,ally increase the results of BD managers? 2.Which are the main products of the current BD porpolio you would like to focus on and why? How would you evolve the porpolio? 3.How could you increase the sales volume and on which markets would you expand your selling ac,vity? 4.Taking the conversion from contact to lead as a bo^leneck, develop a sales strategy that allows you to improve the conversion making the first contact more efficient. 5.Create a partnership proposal for a company of your choice. The proposal must be ready to be sent out to the company. It needs to be inside the applica;on package in a separate PDF file, 4 pages max.




Benede^a Turrin Mauricio Rodriguez Davide Simonet Davide Furlan Michela Proiet Iago Sales Aleksandra Talaga Felipe Avilan Ana Kudrevich Greta Sbrana Kweku Boa,n Dusan Stojkovic Maria Laura Picciolo Cris,na Viale Antonio Depino Nicolò Gebbani


benede^ kweku.boa, cris,

RECAP By sending this applica,on, you will apply as MC member of AIESEC in Italy. In the ques,on number 5 of the general ques,ons you will write what are your preferences, and you’ll answer to the specific ques,onnaire of your preferred posi,on. You can also apply to more than 1 posi,on (that would mean: 5 pages for each specific ques,onnaire) Deadline to send the applica,on package is 14th February, 23.59 GMT +1 - applica,on must be uploaded in the following link: h^ps:// webforms/17532744/1178865

Applica,on package must contain: • General Ques,ons (5 pages) + Specific ques,ons (5 pages) + cover page • One Page CV • max. 3 minutes video introducing the candidate • Endorsements (In case of interna,onal candidates, an MC endorsement signed by the MCP in addi,on to the 2 endorsement required) • Execu,ve Summary • Every file must have a PDF format and the complete applica,on uploaded should be a RAR or .ZIP containing all the PDFs

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