Member committee president application 2018 2019

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AIESEC in Italy Member Commi3ee President 2018-2019 Applica'on Package

Content • MCP Message • Being MCP • MCP Job DescripDon • Process ExplanaDon • Timeline • ApplicaDon Requirements • QuesDonnaire

MCP Message Dear AIESECEr: If you are reading this message is because something inside is telling you, hmm interes'ng, or maybe just because you are curious but no way you want to be MCP. If you are interested in being MCP of AIESEC in Italy let me tell you that you are aspiring for one of the most amazing experiences that you could ever aspire within AIESEC. And it is so because of two things, First, because of the level of responsibility and impact that this posi'on has. AIESEC is the real world and it can be as relevant, important and decisive for the country as you want it to be. Being MCP will challenge you professionally and personally in many levels and will certainly help you fulfill your maximum poten'al, in any other place, with your age and experience you are going to have the responsibility to manage and make decisions with so many resources and stakeholders involved. Second, you are running as president of AIESEC in a very special territory, a very special country. Italy needs leadership, Italy needs youth to step up, Italy needs AIESEC. You are applying for a posi'on that needs to serve this country and the young people that believe on it. Don’t take it for granted, you will be president of AIESEC in an amazing place, a place that needs us to believe in it and make much more for it. Is it difficult? Of course, but that is why it’s so worth it.

Being MCP Being the Member Commi3ee President in Italy means having the biggest responsibility this organizaDon can give at a naDonal level. You are responsible for ensuring alignment and protecDon of the AIESEC brand in Italy, organizaDonal growth, and the development of posiDve leadership that will enable the sustainable existence of the organizaDon for years to come. Most important being MCP means to serve your plenary and to guarantee that as an organizaDon we are striving to build a be3er country and be3er ciDzens. Clear values and the constant protecDon of the AIESEC Way and our organizaDonal values are essenDal for making this organizaDon more relevant in our country.

MCP Job DescripDon MCP RESPONSIBILITIES • Organiza'onal growth • Plan achievement • Financial Sustainability • Legality • Governance and Accountability • External posi'oning of AIESEC in Italy • MC Team development • Posi'oning & Accountability of AIESEC in Italy in the Global Plenary

Complete Job DescripDon (next page)


1. Define structures and JD’s of MC 2018/19 2. Select MC 1819 3. Manage MC planning process and follow up 4. Track, review and coach MC on plan execu'on 5. MC personal development and MC team ac'vi'es

• ALIGNMENT AND LEADING NATIONAL PLENARY 1. Set a direc'on for AIESEC in Italy 2. Coordinate MC and LC ac'vi'es 3. lead and communicate with LCPs 4. Downscaling off Global direc'on, Na'onal strategies and changes in the organiza'on. 5. Engage and involve LCPs in organiza'onal evolu'on and direc'on


1. Ensure respect of Interna'onal Compendium 2. Ensure AIESEC in Italy membership in the interna'onal plenary 3. Represent AIESEC Italia in IC, IPM, PM’s, virtual mee'ngs 4. Contribute to global decision making processes


1. Report to Na'onal Plenary 2. Ensure healthy financial management and budget together with MCVP Finance 3. Supervisory Group management 4. Lead decision making in Legisla've mee'ngs 5. Legal representa've of AIESEC in Italy (Not in case of being interna'onal)

Process ExplanaDon The President of AIESEC Italia will be selected in accordance with the law and what is stated in our compendium and naDonal statute. The process is divided in 3 parts: 1.ApplicaDon: Candidates must submit a wriaen applica'on following the guidelines and ques'ons presented previously. 2.Review: Candidates must undergo a process of assessment that will consist on an interview with externals, one with previous MCP’s and last with the elec'ons sub commission. 3.ElecDon: Candidates must be present in the Na'onal Conference where they will present their proposals, answer Q&A and par'cipate in the democra'c process of elec'on s'pulated in our na'onal statute.


ApplicaDon Release

ApplicaDon Deadline

External Assessment

1st of December

3rd of January

15-19 January

Sub Commission MCP ElecDons Interview WINCO

19-20-21 January

27th of January

ApplicaDon Requirements THE APPLICATION PACKAGE MUST BE ONE RAR OR ZIP FILE CONTAINING ONLY PDF OR JPEG FILES. THE REQUIRED FILES ARE: • One page CV • One page Execu've Summary • Fully Answered Ques'onnaire, NOT EXCEEDING 10 pages + Cover page • Candidate Introduc'on Video (Maximum 5 Minutes) Video must be sent as a link on a PDF file. • 3 Signed Endorsements. AIESEC Interna'onal or current MC members endorsements will not be accepted. Endorsements can be from other en''es, externals, or AIESECers.

The package needs to be sent to and within the deadline, on 3rd of January 2018 at 23.59 GMT +1. Late and applicaDons that don’t fulfill the requirements will not be accepted.

QuesDonnaire 1. What does leadership mean for you? 2. What are your key values, how do they shape who you are? 3. What have been your main learnings from your AIESEC experience so far, and how can those learnings be used for an MCP experience? 4. Why are you standing for MCP 2018/19 of AIESEC in Italy? What do you want to take out of this experience? 5. Assess the evoluDon of AIESEC in Italy in the past 5 years, run a complete diagnosis of the organizaDon on a 360 point of view. What are your main ďŹ ndings? What are the challenges you would act upon and the strengths you would leverage on? 6. How are you planning to grow in each one of our products? 7. How do you envision AIESEC in italy by 2020? What is that ideal state of organizaDon that you want to see? 8. Asses how AIESEC in Italy is living the organizaDonal values. 9. Why is AIESEC important for Italy?

ApplicaDon Checklist CV (One PDF Page) ExecuDve Summary (One PDF Page Fully Answered QuesDonnaire (MAX 10 PDF Pages) IntroducDon Video (PDF page with link to the video) Make sure the video works in Youtube or VIMEO 3 Signed Endorsements (English)

Good Luck! deadline, on 3rd of January 2018 at 23.59 GMT +1

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