NST Applications 2017-I

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NST 2017


AIESEC in Italy is searching for a group of individuals that will support us while we strive to achieve our vision. We are looking for individuals that help us as MC Atlas to spark a movement and unlock lasCng growth for our enCty.

Process ‣ Check the posiCons and their respecCve JD ‣ Apply to the posiCon you like, if you are interested in more than one select the ones you prefer in order in the PODIO survey. ‣ Fill the PODIO link. (no other applicaCon is required)


 ApplicaCon Launch Jan 20

NST ApplicaCon Deadline Jan 27

 Announcement Jan 31 NST SelecCon Process





Lead Nurturing Manager Web Manager Social Media Manager Content Designer

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dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it

Video Maker Copy Writer Blog Writer Designer

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dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it dusan.stojkovic@aiesec.it kweku.boaEn@aiesec.it

Copy Writer Tech Support Press OďŹƒce Content Developer Strategic Alliances Manager Media & Validator Analyst

1 1 1 1 1


kweku.boaEn@aiesec.it kweku.boaEn@aiesec.it marialaura.picciolo@aiesec.it marialaura.picciolo@aiesec.it marialaura.picciolo@aiesec.it

Electrolux Manager In Kind Manager OGX Supporters Fundraising Managers

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crisEna.viale@aiesec.it nicolo.gebbanii@aiesec.it greta.sbrana@aiesec.it greta.sbrana@aiesec.it

EducaEon Manager Legality Manager Financial Manager C Credit Manager

2 1 1 1

MCVP TXP MCVP Finance MCVP Finance MCVP Finance

felipe.avilan@aiesec.it ana.kudrevich@aiesec.it ana.kudrevich@aiesec.it ana.kudrevich@aiesec.it

LC Consultant IR Manager Business Inteligence IR Manager

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aleksandra.talaga@aiesec.it aleksandra.talaga@aiesec.it iago.sales@aiesec.it iago.sales@aiesec.it

LC Consultant




Lead Nurturing Manager Posi-ons Available: 3 Job Descrip-on: Lead Nurturing manager is responsible for conversions #sign up -> #applicant and #visitor -> # sign up through creaCng content, execuCng email & other LEAD nurturing strategies and measuring success of this conversions. LEAD Nurturing Manager will also be in charge of website live support. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of leads generated through live support • % of growth in conversion Lead Measures: • Cme of answering on live support • open rate of emails • email conversion • # of email campaigns executed Requirements: wriCng, design (basic), get response, Mailchimp knowledge, availability

web manager Posi-ons Available: 2 Job Descrip-on: Web Manager will be in charge of maintenance of our website and working on development of it. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • % visitors -> LEADs Lead Measures: • # of pages created • bounce rate of the pages Requirements: web development, design (basic)

social media manager Facebook Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: The social media manager will analyze online trends and create online content strategies, as well as create instant markeCng posts when necessary. They will interact with commenters and will answer all private messages. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • Growth of engagement of all content • Growth in reach of all content Lead Measures: • % of answers and reacCon Cme • # of comments answered • # of instant markeCng posts Requirements: photoshop skills (basic), computer skills(medium), easily reachable.

content designer B2C Posi-ons Available: 2 Job Descrip-on: Content designers will create online and offline materials for AIESEC campaigns. Content designers will be responsible of the development of graphic design strategies to support the execuCon of MKTG acCviCes. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • Facebook reach • MOS of offline campaigns Lead Measures: • # of images created • # of animated GIFs created • # of offline graphic materials created Requirements: photoshop (medium)

video maker b2C Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: The video maker supports MKGT acCviCes by creaCng engaging videos that showcase our programs and acCviCes. They will develop materials crucial to the development of the Facebook page and of MKTG acCviCes in general. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • Facebook reach • # of likes on video posts Lead Measures: • # of videos created Requirements: video ediCng skills: (basic required, medium preferred)

copy writer b2c Posi-ons Available: 2 Job Descrip-on: Copywriters are responsible for the creaCon of all post descripCons and wriRen elements in all design creaCons (images and videos) and will work with content designers and video maker to create engaging posts. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of clicks Lead Measures: • # of posts per week • # of likes Requirements: wriCng (medium), internet skills (medium)

blog writer b2c Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Will be responsible for the creaCon of blog arCcles on AIESEC.it . The blog writer will work with the social media manager to create blog content strategies that increase traffic to AIESEC in Italy's website and support exchange programs. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of clicks to landing page and conversion to OP Lead Measures: • # of arCcles • Audience reached per content Requirements: wriCng (high)

CONTENT designer b2B Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Ensure the value delivery for our external stakeholders and posi-oning of the brand of AIESEC Italy externally Co-crea-on of content with copy writer and designing of campaigns materials for for externals and iGV. Showcasing for externals and iGV and pushing of brand of AIESEC in Italy through external channels. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of approvals with country partners • # of visitors to online channels being managed (LinkedIn and FB: EduCHANGE) Lead Measures: • # of promoConal materials made • # of campaigns created Requirements: Intermediate Design Skills, Soiware knowledge (Photoshop or Illustrator)

copy writer b2b Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Ensure the value delivery for our external stakeholders and posiConing of the brand of AIESEC Italy externally. CreaCon of posts and blogs for aRracCon on online plajorms for externals. Co creaCon of campaigns together with Designer for aRracCon of companies, enablers and global families. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of interacCons/engagement per post Lead Measures: • # of posts created • # of campaigns run Requirements: Proficient in Italian, WriCng skill

tech support B2B Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Ensure the value delivery for our external stakeholders and posiConing of the brand of AIESEC Italy externally. UpdaCng of the website with regards to External Needs and ensuring the value delivery of BD partners in line with online campaigns Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • % of visitors Lead Measures: • # of pages created • # of campaigns co executed • Bounce rate of pages Requirements: Design Skills, Web development

press office content developer Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Create content for press release / write press releases (develop fresh story ideas) Plan for advanced content creaCon (net external with@) & editorial calendar. Review release analyst. Help maintain organizaCon's image and idenCty Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • %Plan vs achieved of the plan Lead Measures: • #of content • #of publicaCons Requirements: Excellent wriCng skills, AIESEC understanding, Interest and updated to the social contest, Strategical thinking.

strategic alliances manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: CreaCng target list of all naConal and internaConal associaCons / organisaCons (spit in all our projects) aligned to @ way for sponsorship, x visibility and learning partner opportuniCes. CreaCng target list of all plajorm that students, families, organisaCons use to get opportuniCes. Content creaCon of the pilot collaboraCon. Tracking the value delivery & follow up Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • %increase visibility Lead Measures: • #partner&plajorm interested in @ • #collaboraCons Requirements: Selling skills, Result orientaCon, Excellent AIESEC product understanding, Strategical thinking.

media & validator analyst Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: CreaCng target list of Radio/TV & main naConal celebriCes, bloggers, youtubers, VIPs, aligned to @ way. CreaCng a framework in which to every influencer is associate a topic. Strategy creaCon of the flow. Tracking the value delivery & follow up Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • %increase visibility Lead Measures: • #media&influencer reached • #interviews to influencer Requirements: Selling skills, Result orientaCon, Excellent AIESEC product understanding, Strategical thinking.

electrolux manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Assuring EP legality through his stay in Italy. gerng all the informaCon on

Italy, Italian reality, living condiCons and costs in order for the EPs to have a clear idea of the environment he/she will perform the exchange. have a frequent touch point through different ways with the EPs during the realizaCon Cme to check their needs and their saCsfacCon towards the program. Support in the research of the accommodaCon for the EP. pick up on the arrival day and physical support. IPS delivery before/upon arrival. S&S implementaCon check both from AIESEC in Italy side and Electrolux. Complaint management and resoluCon if happening during the RealizaCon Cme.

Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/08/2017 Lag Measures: • # of delivery of iGT • % of saCsfacCon Lead Measures: • # of delivery fulfilled Requirements: Exchange background, iGV preferred, From Veneto or Friuli Venezia Giulia, Drive license and availability to move in the regional territory High knowledge about XPP and S&S.

in kind manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Support the enCty trough the creaCon of cost-curng partnership. Raise new InKind partners. Account Management of New Partner InKind. Delivery of New InKind Partnerships Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # InKind Partners • # Costs cut • # Conferences covered Lead Measures: • # Calls • # Follow-up emails • # Proposals • % delivery fulfillment Requirements: Consistency, Cme management.

ogV supporters Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Analyze current situaCon of UR on LC level. Target list of possible other supporters. ContribuCng for the content creaCon and materials for different stakeholders when needed. BoosCng OGX through different stakeholders. Report acCviCes to MCVP GIA. Run meeCngs with MCVP GIA and external stakeholders Star-ng Date: 01/03/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • #Supporters • #Exchanges through stakeholders • #Patronages Lead Measures: • #supporters found • #meeCngs • #proposals • #applicaCons done Requirements: Good selling skills,Good knowledge of AIESEC as an organizaCons and its products. Good reading skills both in English and Italian. Good Cme management. Pro-acCveness, soluCons and detail orientaCon

fundraising manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Researching, and target lisCng of foundaCons and NGOs classified by compaCbility with AIESEC products and research and applicaCons to public and private grants or prizes compaCble with AIESEC. ParCcipaCon to events if needed. Run meeCngs with different stakeholders and MCVP. Report acCviCes to MCVPContribute to materials creaCon Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • #Funds raised • #Exchanges through stakeholders Lead Measures: • #foundaCons found • #meeCngs • #proposals • #grants found • #applicaCons done Requirements: Good selling skills. Good knowledge of AIESEC as an organizaCons and its products. Good reading skills both in English and Italian. Good Cme management. Pro acCveness, soluCons and detail orientaCon

education manager Posi-ons Available: 2 Job Descrip-on: LCs consultancy for the creaCon and implementaCon of the local educaCon cycles. Create educaCon guidelines for the LCs about organizaConal and funcConal knowledge, LEAD for membership, skills development programs like SDP. Support the creaCon and delivery of educaCon content from naConal level. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: None Lead Measures: None Requirements: AIESEC experience in Talent EducaCon

financial manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: analysis of financial situaCon of LCs. Work on the investment strategy, coaching of LCVPs Finance, tracking of the local financial management, support of LCs with the financial statements creaCon, facilitaCon of LCs with financial audit. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 15/08/2017 Lag Measures: • 100% of MC fee paid Lead Measures: • monthly incomes • monthly expenses • ROI Requirements: To aRend funcConal summits. be presented on naConal conferences. knowledge of English language. Working Cme: 10-15 hours per week.

legality manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Analysis of legal situaCon of LCs and MC. Consultancy of LCs on legal issues. Coaching of LCVPs Finance. Work with MC on naConal legality project. Support to LCs and MC with the legal audit. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 15/08/2017 Lag Measures: • 100% implementaCon of the legal pillar of Mighty AIESEC Lead Measures: • # of legal audits passed (MC+LCs) • # of legal researches made • # of legal issues solved Requirements: to aRend funcConal summits, be present on naConal conferences, knowledge of English language, academic background in law, working Cme: 20 hours per week.

credit manager Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Credit management of past credits, support of LCVPs Finance in current credit management, coaching of LCVPs Finance, tracking of payments and receivables, credit management improvement. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 15/08/2017 Lag Measures: • liquidity index of LCs > 1 Lead Measures: • Cme of payments • amount of current credits • amount of past credits Requirements: To aRend funcConal summits, be presented on naConal conferences, knowledge of English language, Working Cme: 10 hours per week.

LC Consultant OGT Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Working closely with MCVP oGT in analyzing the performance of the enCty, parCcipaCng in creaCon and delivery of contents and soluCons to solve boRlenecks. Support the LCVPs in downscaling the strategies at local level. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of RE of coach’s LCs • % of growth of coach’s LCs • % of LC coach’s plans' achievements Lead Measures: • # of approvals of coach’s LCs • # of accepted of coach’s LCs • # of monthly consultancies Requirements: applicant needs to be from AIESEC in Italy

IR MANAGER OGT Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Working closely with MCVP oGT in analyzing the performance of the enCty and the enCCes they will be in charge to track, keep the communicaCon between AIESEC in Italy and our enCty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to LC level. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of RE with country partners • % of growth with country partners • % of plan's achievements Lead Measures: • # of approvals with country partners • # of accepted with country partners • # of monthly touch points with country partners. Requirements: No requirements

LC Consultant OGv Posi-ons Available: 2 Job Descrip-on: Working closely with MCVP oGV in analyzing the performance of enCty, parCcipaCng in creaCon and delivery of contents and soluCons to solve boRlenecks. Support the LCVPs in down-scaling the strategies at local level. Weekly touch points with LCVPs. Weekly analysis of performance. Downscaling strategies. Consultancy chats. Growth in the area Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of RE of coach’s LCs • % of growth of coach’s LCs • % of LC coach’s plans' achievements Lead Measures: • # of approvals of coach’s LCs • # of accepted of coach’s LCs • # of monthly consultancies Requirements: NONE

IR MANAGER OGv Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Working closely with MCVP oGV in analyzing the performance of the enCty and the enCCes they will be in charge to track, keep the communicaCon between AIESEC in Italy and our enCty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to LC level. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • # of RE with country partners • % of growth with country partners • % of plan's achievements Lead Measures: • # of approvals with country partners • # of accepted with country partners • # of monthly touch-points with country partners. Requirements: None

business intelligence ogv Posi-ons Available: 1 Job Descrip-on: Business intelligence analysts use data to figure out market to increase profits efficiency. Star-ng Date: 01/02/2017 Ending Date: 31/07/2017 Lag Measures: • Improvement in the steps of processes • AnalyCcal data of our performance Lead Measures: • # of Mystery Shoppings • # of Analysis of Cme to Applicants to Accepted / Accepted to Approval / RealizaCons to Reintegrated Requirements: None

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