Team Leader YSF 2018 - Alumni

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Team Leader Applica.on for Alumni YouthSpeak Forum 2018

“Educa.on is the most powerful

weapon which you can use to change the world.” Agenda 2030 is calling up for you to to contribute in making the world a be=er place. We are looking for team leaders that will lead the World’s Largest Lesson’s teams in YouthSpeak Forum 2018. An opportunity to contribute, shape and impact as we never did before to build a significant AIESEC in Italy for a bigger purpose.
 Act fast: 20 spots to be team leader of the lessons sMll open: apply!

Team Leader YSF 2018 For alumni

Timeline: Applica'ons DDL: 18th February h.23:59 Confirma'on and official communica'on: 19th February Team first mee'ng week 19-25 of February

Posi-on descrip-on - Responsible for managing the teams that will deliver World’s Largest Lesson in Perugia on the 23rd of March, during YouthSpeak Forum 2018 - Guiding the lesson’s creaHon following the general guidelines that will be given by MC and OC - Ensuring the respect of the Deadlines - Ensure members’ educaHon and cerHficaHons* - Guiding the team the day of the lesson

Lead Measures for the role: #Team meeHngs # of cerHfied members
 Lesson prepared on Hme

Preferred for the role: - General knowledge about SDGs - Availability to have 4 weekly chats with the teams in preparing the lessons (or more if needed) - Time management *you will have access to an official plaWorm of Ministry of EducaHon about SDGs that will release you an official cerHficate and a folder with WLL materials

Team structure Team leader The team leader will be responsible for one of the team that will deliver the lesson. Team leaders are responsible for the cerHficaHon of each member by the deadlines wriYen below, the creaHon of the lesson respecHng the Hmeline and that every member is aware of their role. The team leader will lead a team composed by:

Lesson facilitator X2/3

Showcasing manager

Report manager

These people are the ones delivering the lesson in the class.

These people are the ones collecting pictures, video, video interviews of the lesson.

These people are the ones reporting the lesson with an article, a comment of the lesson

Requirements for the role:

Requirements for the role:

Requirements for the role:

3/4 team meeHngs aYended

1/4 team meeHngs aYended

2/4 team meeHngs aYended

CerHfied by 4th March Lesson prepared by 13th March

CerHfied by 15th March

CerHfied by 15th March

Agenda 22 Marzo 9:00-9:30

23 Marzo Check point directly in the schools

9:30 - 11:30

World’s Largest Lesson delivery

11:30 - 12:30

Transportation to the common venue

12:30-13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 13:30

13:30 -14:30

Check-in hotel for delegates

Debriefing space

14:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 16:15


16:15 - 16:45

Participants registration

16:45:17-15 17:15 -17:30

Institutional speeches

17:30 - 18:30

Panel discussion

18:30 - 19:30

Team bonding and press conference

19:30 - 21:00


Keynote and closing

Logis.c Informa.on To sleep

To eat

Hotel Ilgo is going to host YSF EduChange delegates and OC for the nights of 22 and 23. The price per night is 28-30€ and you can sleep here one or two nights, considering the timetable of the event.

Dinner of 22 and lunch of 23 are covered by AIESEC.

The price of the official platform is 2€.
 No trasportation covered.

Apply here by 18th of February:


For further informa-on feel free to contact:

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