AIESEC in MoC 1617 MC Application

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Dear MC candidates, In the winter of 2014, when I was walking alone to the school canteen, a feeling hit me - I felt like it’s a time to make a decision. Back to my dorm room, I immediately called Edwin, who would later become my predecessor, telling him I would apply for MC. There are thousands of reasons, for thousands of different people, to make all kinds of decisions. I know you have your own reasons to make your own decisions. At this very moment, I wish only to share with you the following— “On the way to be outstanding, there are always things out of expectation. Perhaps things you dislike, hate, or want to curse. But what keeps us walking is the horizon that matters, despite all the difficulties”.

In the first month in AIESEC, what mattered to me was whether I could sit with somebody I knew in a LC meeting. In the first year in AIESEC, what mattered to me was whether my efforts could be recognized. In the second year in AIESEC, what mattered to me was whether I can achieve something with my friends (or gangs). In the third and a half year in AIESEC, what mattered to me was whether I can stand for the function that I love, and let a group of people shine. Now it’s my fifth year. What matters to me is whether I can guard, protect, and develop AIESEC in MoC, a beautiful place, to be a place where everybody could fulfill his or her full potential. What horizon matters to you? Best wishes, Lily




1/1 1/18 1/7 1/28 Feb1/15 March




Please fill in the following assessments and export the report

(further explanation please contact

ASSESSMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY One page summary of your entire application. Please highlight your year goal, ambition and key strategies.

For Chinese MC Candidate: 3 Endorsement Letters from LC EB Above and the endorsement letters cannot come from current 15-16 MC Team members. For International MC Candidate: 3 Endorsement Letters from LC EB Above including one endorsement letter from MC of your AIESEC Entity.


CURRICULUM VITAS Give us all the important information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other jobs you have had, your contact details etc. Use a maximum of Two page to create your CV.

You have 1 page and all your creativity to propose what is the biggest question that lies in front of AIESEC in Mainland of China today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the potential of the organization.

3 mins Introduction Video to introduce yourself and your motivation to be a MC VP of AIESEC in MoC(Please upload to Youtube or Youku and provide the link).


APPLICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Answer ALL questions applicable in below to the position you are applying for within 15 pages, including a)General Questions b)Group Questions c)Specific Questions Minimum font size = Helvetica/ Georgia size 10.


BELBIN TEST & MBTI RESULT Belbin Test & MBTI Result. Belbin test link: https:// 0BuBFkdKXeCTbDRLeH o3QmxxbUE/ view?usp=sharing


Each Candidate must submit the application package named as 1617_MoC_MC Position _Application_Name


Any questions please contact Lily Gu (MCP 1516) or Amanda Zhang (Election manager) by sending your e-mail to or


You can create your own design (graphic style and color usage). Make sure you create a separate file for all requirements needed. We will be expecting 10 PDF files and 1 video (Executive summary, CV, Answers to the application questionnaire, Belbin test, MBTI, 1 Assessment Result, 3 endorsement letters, Blank Page Challenge).


The DEADLINE for submitting your application package is 23:59, 15th of Jan 2016 (GMT +8) No late application will be accepted.

EMAIL The Application Package needs to be sent to


35 LCs


8 AOs

38 EIs

(4 under MC Coach)

WORK AND SALARY • MC office is located in the trendy student and IT hub – Zhongguancun in northwest Beijing. • We strongly recommend that you come to Beijing with your own laptop as the MC only has 2 laptops. • Full-time MC is required to work 40 hours per week. (In reality the current MC often works more than 40 hours per week.) During the week there is a flexible start between 9-10am with an 8-hour time working day. You will also be required to work on weekends for LC visits, peak operation periods and during national conferences. • MC has a separate office and apartment. Free accommodation is provided to all MC members


SALARY & REIMBURSEMENT • The salary per month is 4000RMB (one euro buys 8.5RMB roughly). The salary is enough to live off in Beijing . The salary is paid at the end of each month. • All full-time MC Member and part of NST get paid. • No over time will be paid as the monthly salary is set. • Apart from transportation related to AIESEC business/ conferences/LC visit activity & national conference fees. All other expenses must be covered by each individual. • You will not be paid any relocation costs to arrive in Beijing

• The MC is following public holidays in Mainland of China. • There is no holiday during Christmas, even for international MC members, however a 15 days annual leave is applicable during the term. • MC term is from May 1st, 2016 to May 31, 2017. It is required for all MC members to start working on the first day and attend the transition+planning+NPM starting from middle April 2016. • The whole MC 15-17 Transition will start in mid-April in 2016. You will get paid for May for transition and planning, which means you will start to work full-time from May 1, 2016.







Who are you? What motivates you in life? What is your motivation to stand up for AIESEC in Mainland of China MC 16-17? What do you want to take out of this experience?



What are your top 3 strengths? How do you think your key strengths can add value to the role you're applying for? What are your top 3 weaknesses? How will they affect the role you're applying for? Rank 3 fields (e.g. areas, functions, expertise) in which you have the most experience and describe your experience in each.


b. c.

Please share an experience that you achieve with a team in the past year with measurable goal. Clarify how the team works with you to achieve success. What is your key role in this experience? What could you have done better in this experience? How would your teammates(EB, NST, MC) describe you on your team role & your key contribution? What are the key expectations towards MC team 16-17 (less than 3 points)

d. e.

Based on current MoC reality, what dou you think should be MC's role? (compared with AI, NST, LC) What will be the possible challenges you foresee in MC team 16-17? What would be your unique contribution?


Why AIESEC exists? What role should AIESEC play in today's world? What make AIESEC unique in Mainland of China? Why AIESEC in Mainland of China needs a 10year vision? What is the external & internal relavance of this vision? From you perspective, What kind of AIESEC MoC we can be when achieving AIESEC 2020?

5. INSIGHT OF ORGANIZATION TREND a. Evaluate the development path of AIESEC globally & in Mainland of China in past 3 years. What are the key reasons for success and failures? b. Please give a SWOT analysis to AIESEC in MoC. How can we capitalize on opportunities and deal with challenges based on the analysis? (consider external environment & AIESEC global network when looking at external environment)




POSITION REALITY Please refer to all materials related to VP oGCDP, oGCDP director, VP MKT B2C & VP oGIP;

Materials related to product innovation:

MCP summit output Dec 2015 (esp. Day1 & Day2): ber-2015-mcp-summit

VP Operation & Innovation (2C)

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Team leader of business market group 2. SnS & ECB of ICX side 3. New customer flow implementation of ICX side with the whole sub-group 4. New ELD product innovation & testing based on new AIESEC Experience 5.Deliver projects that bring long term organizational growth in AIESEC Experience Program for AIESEC BHAG and 2020 mid-term ambitions 6. Extra work for sub-group if needed


• # of UV traffic, # of sign up • Conversion rate from UV-sign up, sign up-apply, applyma, ma-re • # of iGCDP & iGIP Ma & Re • NPS score & response rate of iGCDP, iGIP • # of new product tested, # of Ma & Re of new product • Operation management • Strategic planning • Team management & coordination • Product innovation • Change management • ICX or Marketing exerpeince preferred


VP Operation & Innovation (2C)


1. Group management (please choose 3 questions among the 5) 1.1 Based on the statement of AIESEC 2020 and current reality of AIESEC in MoC, what is the key strategies do we need in student market to achieve AIESEC 2020? What would be the first steps as Generation 1617? 1.2 What's the competitive advantange for us to run our product? What has gone well and what should can be improved? (Please Choose one from oGCDP or oGIP and compare with its competitiors) 1.3 Evaluate the current brand of oGCDP & oGIP product in Chinese's student market. How should we communicate the proper value proposition, enlarge our brand awareness and generate more partnership? 1.4 What should be the top strategies that should be implemented in oGIP function? What is your key KPI, goal or milestones towards the strategies? 1.5 What should be the top strategies that should be implemented in oGCDP function? What is your key KPI, goal or milestones towards the strategies? 2. New Customer Flow implementation 2.1 Looking into the reality of our current customer journey, which part is limiting us most from growing disruptively & serve leadership product? (please answer specifically for iGIP)

VP Operation & Innovation(2C) 2.2 If Company OP is being fully introduced to AIESEC in MoC? What shoud be the top priorities in terms of implementing NCF in ICX side? Why & How? 2.3 What is the key bottleneck in MC & LC level for SnS & LEAD implementation in ICX side? What strategy can be used to tackle on that? 3. Product innovation 3.1 Propose a new ELD product based on customer interview & business model canvas. (The new prodcut should obey the latest AIESEC way) Please brief 1) your customer interview result: 2) concept of the product 2) How the new product is fitting into business model canvas 3.2 How do you think the new product that you proposed can be implemented in the best way in AIESEC in MoC?

FUNCTION REALITY OGX-GCDP is the function that deliver the most exchange experience among the 4 exchange functions in MoC. Every year we can send nearly 3000 young people all around the world. In 2016, OGX-GCDP will become the focus program of AIESEC MoC NCF (mainly about customer digital experience automatic management & Value Delivery)

The performance of OGXGCDP has been growing fastly since the beginning till 2013. After 2013, the growth of the program became flat. 1\ OGX-GCDP kept growing fast since beginning till 2014, but the growth in the last 2 years become flat. 2\ Currently OGX-GCDP has the largest scale but doesn’t have good process management system which could release members’ workload and provide standardized customer experience. 3\ There will be less differentiation between GCDP Product & Other exchange products in the future if we didn’t implement LEAD during value delivery part.


JOB DESCRIPTION Final Responsible for the growth in providing qualified experiences for Chinese youth through outgoing exchanges in global community development program. • Supporting AIESEC Mainland of China’s 2023 vision through oGCDP member & exchange experiences. • Function strategic planning, tracking, execution. • Improving EP experience management based on NPS • Enhancing national and local management capacity & delivery capacity, including coaching NST & local VP OGX, and facilitating all entities development wherever OGX GCDP function exists • Coordinate synergies with other function

• No. of oGCDP Realized • Absolute and relative growth of each LCs • NPS of GCDP Eps





Product Understanding 1\ Please define the key value propositions of oGCDP product for different kind of campuses (Comprehensive, Science & Engineering, Language, Finance & Economics). 2\ Innovative ways to diversify our products based on student market analysis 3\ How to better showcases our impact and strengthens external collaborations? Process Management 1\ Please evaluate current TN market situation and how to maintain and develop the entity partnership ? 2\ What do you think about oGCDP SnS? How would you enhance the implementation capacity nationally and locally? 3\ Please evaluate current NCF Implementation situation, how could you make sure that NCF could be 100% implementation in the next year? LC Development 1\ Please cluster and group national LCs in terms of LC oGCDP development stage and LC background.What are the key strategies to develop local capacity ? 2\ What do you think the role of MC should play in local implementation ?

VP oGCDP 3\ What do you think about the NST role of oGCDP? What is the bottleneck you can see in NST management ? What is you key strategies to lead and enhance NST capacity? Strategic Focus for 2016-17 1\ Please evaluate the past 5 years' development of oGCDP in AIESEC MoC and global situation of GCDP. 2\ Please present your idea about the future development trend of GCDP in next term based on the context of AIESEC 2020 & AIESEC MoC’s 10-year Vision

JOB DESCRIPTION Specifically responsible for IR and product development in OGX-GCDP • International relations management, including supply & demand, quality control cooperation, etc. • LEAD Project Design & Implementation • OGX GCDP Product development based on different markets, including strengthening market relevance through product package, sub-product development, showcasing impact, collaboration, etc.

• No. of destination countries • Percentage of country partnership delivered • % of EP LEAD Project Implementation • No. of innovation projects generated



oGCDP Director

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Product Understanding 1\ Please define the key value propositions of oGCDP product for different kind of campuses (Comprehensive, Science & Engineering, Language, Finance & Economics). 2\ How to develop the sub-product New Peak? 3\ How to better showcases our impact and strengthens external collaborations? Process Management 1\ Please evaluate current TN market situation and how to maintain and develop the entity partnership? 2\ Please evaluate current NCF Implementation situation, how could you make sure that NCF could be 100% implementation in the next year? Product Innovation 1\ Please evaluate the current situation of LEAD implementation in the national plenary and what’s your strategies in the next year. 2\ What is the bottleneck of EP’s leadership development? How would you make sure that EP’s leadership can be development? 3\ Can you initiate a project that could align the society needs and showcasing AIESEC’s impacts to the society

oGCDP Director

POSITION REALITY • Strong NST pipeline and supporting system • More mature IR management in 15/16 term • GE as a new product plays a very important role • More external resourses involvement for product development • How to improve local intensity and productivity is still a topic • TN supply and SnD alignment are the tipping point for massive growth

Highest performance within 5 years: MA:180 RE:144 (2015.06.01-2015.12.29)

• NCF implementation • Global Entrepreneurs Program • Global Sales Program • NCF 100% implementation • Purposeful SnD management • LEAD implementation with more external resources integration


JOB DESCRIPTION 1. oGIP Process Management; 2.oGIP IR Management; 3.oGIP NCF Implementation; 4.oGIP function management

No. of Exchange NPS No. of Partnership Percentage of NCF Implementation • Operation management • Strategic planning • Team management & coordination • Resources management • Cross-cultural communication • Partnership management




1. Product Understanding 1.1.How do you think oGIP can serve AIESEC vision and AIESEC 2020? 1.2.How do you think oGIP can serve our MoC 10-year vision? 1.3.What is the relevance of oGIP product for our student market and the society? 2. Strategic Focus 2.1.Evaluate the past 3-years development of oGIP in AIESEC in MoC and present your idea regarding the next 3 years development trend of oGIP. 2.2.Present a detailed SWOT analysis of oGIP in MoC. 2.3.What do you think is the biggest bottleneck and tipping point for oGIP in MoC? 2.4.How will you position term 2016-2017 in the development path of oGIP function? 2.5.What will be your strategic focus areas 2016/17? What is success for you at the end of your term? 2.6.Please evaluate current marketing strategy, what do you think is the future marketing strategy for oGIP? 3. S&D Management 3.1.Please evaluate the current S&D management in oGIP. What do you think is the biggest bottleneck right now?

VP oGIP 3.2.What do you think is the tipping point for oGIP S&D? 3.3.Please present your IR strategies for 2016/17. 4. Product Development 4.1.Please evaluate current oGIP product quality regarding NPS and general customer experience 4.2.What is your strategy to make oGIP product more external relevant? 4.3.What do you think should be the focus issue for oGIP product development in the following 3 years?

POSITION REALITY Product Marketing ( From 2015.06- 2015.12) Leads Generation GIP 2,400+ GCDP 9,500+ TMP 13,379+

Function Talent Capacity Product-line based NST & NCT 20+

National Digital Ecosystem WeChat Followers AIESEC中国大陆区 25000+ AIESEC海外志愿者成长计划11000+ AIESEC海外实习交流平台 3500+ (UV) 69,720 (PV) 255,068 Online Registration System EP Online Community Buildup Marketing Digital Tracking Template

VP Marketing (2C)


1. Execution and planning for national marketing for three student market products (TMP/oGCDP/oGIP) 2.Co-design and deliver customer experience and customer flow with groupmates especially Attraction and Consideration customer phase 3. National AIESEC brand management for student market 4. LC MarComm Function Management and Coaching


KPI No. of leads and applications (TMP,oGCDP,oGIP) on EXPA Conversion rate from open to match No. of students joining programs No. of visitors and followers for national digital channels

VP Marketing (2C)


Function Understanding 1. Why AIESEC in MoC need marketing department? Please make an analysis based on the review of MoC MarComm in the past 5 terms (from 11/12 to 15/16) 2. What is the current situation of marketing in AIESEC in MoC? What is your ideal stage after 1 year? How could we improve the current situation in your one year term? 3. What do you see marketing’s role in AIESEC MoC in national and LC level respectively under New Customer Flow? What’s different between MC VP Marketing and LC VP MarComm? 4. How to develop LC MarComm Function in terns of marketing capacity and talent pipeline from MC perspective? Product Marketing 3. Please analyse our B2C product (YT/GC/ GT) in STP & 4P frameworks. 4. What is the current bottleneck of marketing the 3 programs in campus and what will be the tipping point for each program? 5. Design one national marketing campaign for each B2C product to generate leads? 6. How to generate high-quality content both at national level and at LC level intensely? What’s the supporting system?

VP Marketing (2C) 7. What’s the ideal digital customer experience for GC and GT customers? What’s the ideal digital supporting system like? 8. How to nurture leads, keep engagement and convert them to customers for GC and GT? What’s the role of MC and LC in this? 9. Design a co-branding event or campaign with external partners for GC and GT respectively. 10. Design your NST structure to support your ideas for marketing above and briefly explain the JD.


POSITION REALITY Please refer to all materials related to VP iGCDP, VP iGIP, 2 sales director & VP MKT B2B;

Materials related to product innovation:

MCP summit output Dec 2015 (esp. Day1 & Day2):

VP Operation & Innovation (2B)

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Team leader of student market group 2. SnS & ECB of OGX side 3. New customer flow implementation of OGX side with the whole sub-group 4. New ELD product innovation & testing based on new AIESEC Experience 5.Deliver projects that bring long term organizational growth in AIESEC Experience Program for AIESEC 2020 mid-term ambitions 6. Extra work for sub-group if needed


• # of UV traffic, # of sign up • Conversion rate from UV-sign up, sign up-apply, applyma, ma-re • # of oGCDP & oGIP Ma & Re • NPS score & response rate of oGCDP, oGIP • # of new product tested, # of Ma & Re of new product • Operation management • Strategic planning • Team management & coordination • Product innovation • Change management • OGX or marketing exerpeince preferred


VP Operation & Innovation (2B)

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Group management (please choose 3 questions among the 5) 1.1 Based on the statement of AIESEC 2020 and current reality of AIESEC in MoC, what is the key strategies do we need in student market to achieve AIESEC 2020? What would be the first steps as Generation 1617? 1.2 What should be the top strategies that should be implemented in iGIP function? What is your key KPI, goal or milestones towards the strategies? 1.3 What should be the top strategies that should be implemented in iGCDP function? What is your key KPI, goal or milestones towards the strategies? 1.4 Evaluate the current brand of iGCDP & iGIP product in industry in China. How should we communicate the proper value proposition, enlarge our brand awareness and generate more partnership? 1.5 Evaluate the current brand of MoC's iGCDP & iGIP product in global plenary. What is the corresponding strategy towards that? 2. New Customer Flow implementation 2.1 Looking into the reality of our current customer journey, which part is limiting us most from growing disruptively & serve leadership product? (please answer spearately for oGCDP & oGIP)

VP Operation & Innovation(2B) 2.2 Describe the current state of AIESEC in MoC in the 5 key areas of OGX NCF implementation: Finances, Open Platform, Marketing, EY Partnerships and Organisational Structures. 2.3 What is the key bottleneck in MC & LC level for SnS & LEAD implementation in OGX side? What strategy can be used to tackle on that? 3. Product innovation 3.1 Propose a new ELD product based on customer interview & business model canvas. (The new prodcut should obey the latest AIESEC way) Please brief 1) your customer interview result: 2) concept of the product 2) How the new product is fitting into business model canvas 3.2 How do you think the new product that you proposed can be implemented in the best way in AIESEC in MoC?



Organic NST empowerment Standards of Operation Innovation GE driving NEP Management

• • • • -


Standards of Operation Group Product Management Group Coaching Group International Relationships Group New Customer Flow Implementation in iGIP - Trainee Experience Focus - Digital Marketing with company OP - B2B Marketing NEP - NST restructure - National Sales Force


JOB DESCRIPTION [Operation] Maintain the iGIP operation on the national level leading NST and local VP iGIPs. Manage IR with other key exchange partners to ensure and align the exchange pipeline. Guarantee the standards (SnS & Team Minimum) in iGIP function all over MoC. Manage NEP together with NEP director. [Innovation] Implement the NCF in iGIP; Leading the national B2B digital marketing & sales. Constantly explores new possibilities of new subproducts in iGIP


- No. of Exchange (open, in-process..etc.) - Percentage of Exchange delivered by IR partners; - Local VP iGIP selection rate; - National exchange growth rate - No. of leads of potential companies; - No. of opens/; - Milestone: B2B marketing process set up



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Overall understanding & reality check

Q1:What do you think is the most important competency as an local VP iGIP? How this competency can be developed, particularly under your leadership?


Q2:Please evaluate and discuss the iGIP reality of different tiers in the past 1 year. What are the key learnings you can derive from the analysis? Q3:Evaluate and discuss the NST structures and fulfilment starting from Jan. 2015 and their performance. What are the key learnings you can derive from the analysis? Q4:Evaluate and discuss the key exchange partners that MoC had in the past. What are the key learnings you can derive from the analysis? New Customer Flow Implementation in iGIP

Q5:Identify three key bottlenecks of implementing New Customer Flow in iGIP and prioritise them. Explain your prioritisation. Q6:Please evaluate the current communication methods used in iGIP function - what can be improved?

Q7:“Travellers, there is no path, paths must be forged as you walk.”― Antonio Machado You have one page (A4 size) of blank paper, please describe what you would like to see at the end of your year, as MC VP iGIP 1617? Q8:Describe what management system, talent capacity, and roadmap you need to fulfil the picture you envisioned above. It’s time to demonstrate your effectiveness. Keep it sharp. Keep it brief.

POSITION REALITY GEP: Apple, International SOS, Electrolux, Husqvarna, Alcatel Lucent, HNA Tourism, Bacardi



NEP: Rocket Internet, NetEase Games, AdMaster, CITA, EDS International, UC Web

iGIP Sales Director

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Responsible for GEP & NEP • Global Exchange Partner delivery management and expansion initiation • Raise National Exchange Partners for organisational sustainable development • Manage National Exchange Partners by ensuring the deliveries of the partnerships to evolve and sustain the partnerships 2.Responsible for B2B Marketing B2B marketing channel development B2B leads accumulation and management

GEP & NEP • NPS of GEP & NEP OP Taker & Trainee • # of GEP & NEP RE • Retention Rate of GEP & NEP B2B # of leads generated B2B leads conversion rate



iGIP Sales Director

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Please create a potential national exchange partners’ prospecting list (at least 6 companies listed for GEP/NEP; even better if the 6 companies listed can at the same time have the potential to be National Partners) and answer the following questions: 1.1.Reasons that you chose each company. 1.2.Product we provide for each company and key value proposition of each partnership 1.3.Your action plan in making this prospecting list happen (provide a practical action plan on it, even better if you have acted it out already. If so, provide us with the key person and your draft proposal for the meeting aiming for corporation.) 2. Describe your strategy of how you can re-negotiate with a major iGIP partnership of 20-TNs/Year in the former few years to remain the partnership after the key champion (Key person that helps recommend AIESEC) has been removed from their positions. 3. Perform a SWOT analysis on National Exchange Partner product in the market of big players (Big private companies/stateowned companies/MNCs). What do you think are the winning advantage of NEP as compared to competitors in the market?

iGIP Sales Director 4. Describe your key strategies in encouraging co-sales inside the national network including MC-LC co-sales and LC-LC co-sales? What could be the potential benefits of these strategies? What could be the potential bottlenecks and your solutions? 5. Analyse different channels of B2B marketing. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each channel and how can we utilise them to generate the most leads for iGIP in MoC? 6. Please describe the process, in words or in diagram, of how you will nurture and convert the leads generated through the channels mentioned above.




JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Responsibility for growth in terms of quality 2. iGCDP realizations and sustainability of iGCDP 3. Product development in terms of sub-issues 4. Global supply and demand (TN marketing & Branding) 5. Enhance trainee experience and value proposition Financial model 6. iGCDP TN form auditing 7. National project management 8. NPM team building and management 9. Process enhancement 10. Functional coaching 11. National key partner management 12.Front office – back office synergy

1. Quality KPIs of iGCDP (% Promoters, NPS, Response Rate) 2. Realizations of iGCDP (sub-issues, Ra/Ma/Re, peak/off-peak) 3. Raise to Match Conversion & Match to realize conversion 4. Number of national iGCDP partners (TN takers, financial/ learning partners) 5. Financial Sustainability of iGCDP in LC and in MC



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Question One: Why are you applying for the role of MCVP– iGCDP? Question Two: Comment on AIESEC in MoC’s current performance in iGCDP. What are the three key growth drivers which need to be used to support sustainable growth? Question Three: What are the key exchange trends globally as well as nationally in the past 2 years (2014 vs. 2015)? How do you think AIESEC MoC should capitalize on these trends to achieve more number of quality exchange experiences? Question Four: Highlight the loop holes in exchange process management in iGCDP leading to underachivement of goals. Question Five: Briefly comment on AIESEC in MoC’s International Relations Strategy. Present ideas on how AIESEC in MoC can build stronger international relations with respect to iGCDP. Question Six: Present a Quality Management Plan for iGCDP for the term 2016-17. Question Seven: How do you see AIESEC 2020 and 2020 statements with respect to iGCDP? Question Eight: How do you see the role of OD Model in iGCDP growth?


POSITION REALITY Current National Partner

KM link

Logitech Alibaba Public Welfare Foundation Amway SWRF com/share/link? shareid=279048 0011&uk=1445 217334


National Project Data ?shareid=2812472291&uk=1445 217334

iGCDP Sales Director


  •    • 

Responsible for iGCDP CSR & learning partner management Identify Chinese company/org needs and AIESEC iGCDP projects needs to evolve national iGCDP products. Raise CSR partner for iGCDP national projects or projects related to AIESEC 2020 National CSR partnership delivery to evolve and sustain partnership Responsible for local iGCDP sales coordination Ensure the synchronised partnership delivery between MC&LC Local partnership management education Local partnership up-sell Responsible for iGCDP resources coordination Evolve iGCDP as resources integration platform to achieve AIESEC vision and social responsibility


# of CSR partner # of learning partner Revenue & projects support by iGCDP partner Retention rate of iGCDP partner NPS of iGCDP partner


iGCDP Sales Director

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1.Product understanding 1.1 What are the value proposition and relevance of iGCDP for the following stakeholders? (Including iGCDP members, trainees, buddies, social participants, OP takers, sponsors and learning partners) 1.2 Please describe the relevance of iGCDP to AIESEC? 1.3 Please describe how iGCDP is aligned with AIESEC 2020 and MoC 2023. 1.4 How do your understand iGCDP as resources integration platform? And how do you collaborate the resources with AIESEC vision and external reality (SDG)? 2.Partnership management 2.1 Please provide 3 examples of CSR projects in AIESEC MoC. What are the potential collaboration with AIESEC? 2.2 Please provide 2 examples of iGCDP learning partner in AIESEC MoC. What are the potential collaboration with AIESEC? 2.3 Please list 5 potential CSR partners and 5 potential learning partners for national level iGCDP sales. Reasons that you choose them. Product/projects we provide for each of them & value proposition of each partnership.

iGCDP Sales Director

3.Strategy direction 3.1 Evaluate our iGCDP national partner in five years. What do you identify as key strategies to make sure sustainable partnership? 3.2 How do you see the current status of local iGCDP sales & delivery? How do you ensure national sales is aligned with local operation?

POSITION REALITY Refer to two ICX Realities

VP Marketing (2B)

JOB DESCRIPTION 1.External online communication channel management for iGCDP Project and iGIP 2.Online engagement management for iGCDP Project and iGIP 3.National centralized LEADS management (Cooperated)


KPI 1.No.of Friends/Followers/Visitors on digital Media 2.# of Leads Generated from National Platform 3. Conversion Rate of national digital media platform 4. No. of digital campaign participants

VP Marketing (2B)

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. How would you measure an effective Inbound Marketing? Please state the methodology, matrix, MoS and key milestones. 2. Analyses AIESEC in MoC B2B Marketing Tactics (Alliances , Social Media + Online Content , Events , Referrals ,Endorsements ) 3. What is your unique contribution to the Marketing strategy as a person and as a leader? What roles do you think you should play in the blueprint? Please answer the question with clear statements and supporting facts, if it is reflected through your endorsement, please mark. 4. Case study: Currently AIESEC in MoC’s Operation is in Winter Peak operation. However, the key Opportunity supplies of Dare to Dream is coming in 1 months. Design a Global Marketing campaign plan that can help iGCDP functions to have 500 sign up. Your plan should include key messages, key words, channels, content frequency, KPIs, HR, budget and clear actionable timeline for 2 months. ( this plan could be presented in Chinese)

VP Marketing (2B)


POSITION REALITY Showcasing with PR Partners: 三十九篇,东方卫视,EF, Logitech,不如去闯众筹写书

Youth Speak: 4000+Survey One Insight Report 7 Youth Speak Forum held Nationally & Regionally

PR Event Co-deliver with PR Partners: 晨星计划,年轻盟,UN Partnership Media Reports: 1000+


JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Strategic PR partnership management(media,student association,NGO,etc) 2. PR Events and Media Exposure Management 3. Publications and Social Recognitions 4. PR crisis prevention and management 5.LC Campus Relations guidance & co-operation model development


No. of strategic PR partnership (Media,NGO,student organization,etc) No. of Positive Media Exposures No. of Recommendations for AIESEC in Mainland of China No. of AIESEC MoC’s participation in networking events No. of LCs with stable relations with University



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Question 1:How to position AIESEC when communicating with external partners(Media,non-profits organisations,companies,etc)?Please explain your key projects or tactics to make the brand image more recognised. Question 2:How national PR strategy can contribute to build better government relationship? What initiative should be taken in 2016-2017 MC term? Question 3:2017 is the AIESEC in MoC‘s 15th anniversary,As PR Responsible,how will you held this event?And what are the key stakeholder?And how will you balance different stakeholder‘s needs during this event? Question 4:Please design a PR Campaign with the theme of “One Belt One Road”,and explain what’s the role National and Local will play?And Please analysis what’s kind of Potential it can benefit to our overall PR?


BD Group

FUNCTION REALITY For all the BD related function knowledge or input, please go to: CY1ZFZ1FkVjEyYW1USjFZUXgtanNSczRvTWlYdV9PbDh4SkpS b1U You will find: LC BD Management Guidance | National Product Map | Proposal Template | Event Material | National GCP Sharing | Case Study | 2015 June BD Summit KM Approach Marc if you cannot open it.

BD Group




How do you understand the positioning of Business Development Department in MC Level. Please evaluate the general development situation of MC BD 15/16 and answer: What’s the development bottleneck and your solution for it? Where do you see the upcoming development opportunity in AIESEC and society for our BD Department? Please evaluate the current cooperation situation of each and every National Partner, you can design your own template. ( Not including NEP/GEP ) and answer: What’s the biggest competitiveness of AIESEC when cooperating with externals? What’s the biggest bottleneck and your solution for it? Please make a proposal for a fortune 500 company in China, the cooperation content should at least include: ( Please be creative and also reasonable) a) Employer Branding Program b) Product Branding Program c) Exchange Program

BD Group

Responsible Area


Measure of Success

• Lead BD Group to discuss and come out 1516 direction • Goal Achievement Rate 1. BD Group Overall & strategy • Ensure the implementation of BD Group (Quarterly) • # of New Management Strategy • Performance Track & Solution • Ensure BD Partners • # of Revenue group member development 2. National Partner • New sales on national partners aligning with MC focus Sales & Delivery program • Delivery with current partners

• Goal Achievement Rate (Quarterly) • # of Revenue • ELD Product Contribution

3. Alumni Management

• Build up and ensure the sustainably development of Alumni Association with Local Committee • Drive resources from Alumni Association to current AIESEC • Empower Alumni NST to achieve national goal

• # of Partners from Alumni • # of BoA from Alumni

4. Local BD/ER Management

• # of Partner from Local • • Ensure strategy delivery from MC-LC • Empower Local National Goal Achievement BD/ER to achieve LC goal • Local BD/ER Connection Rate • # of BD/ER Run for Management LCP/MC

5. Contribution to MC Projects

• Ensure strategy alignment with MC Projects • Ensure BD operation/resources benefit MC Projects

• # of MC Projects related Partners


SKILLS Capacity Team Management




Communication Skills

Presentation Skills

Resource Integration Skills

Implementation Capacity

Coaching & Facilitating Capacity




SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE - MC Team Level How are you going to leverage the resource among business related positions & functions in MC team and utilise them for better performance? - Sales How do you see the business potential for each and every our ELD product ( Revenue Driven + Performance Contribution) What will be your goal for new sales for the whole year? ( Revenue Goal ) - Alumni Please propose a sustainable & systemised alumni management system which can benefit both sides. (Considering the different alumni background/development situation) - Local Management Please propose a local management system with relatively lower time cost & higher efficiency, fulfilling local VP development, regional & national resources integration, and proper BD process management(like contracting).


JOB DESCRIPTION Responsible for national partnership management: 1. Manage partnership with current national partners by delivering the contract item, resigning the contract and so on.(Data found in the reality link) 2. Identify Chinese market needs and AIESEC organisational needs to evolve national BD product’s relevance and strategic alignment towards AIESEC 2015 and AIESEC MoC 2023 3. Raise Strategic Partners for organisational sustainable development

• National Partners 1.# of NP • Retention Rate of NP 2.Revenue & Organisational Support by NP 3. # of NP Up-sell to GEP/NEP 4.NPS of NP • National External Events 1. NPS of External Events for Partner Involved and Delegates 2. ELD Generated by External Events 3. GEP/NEP/NP Generated by External Events



National event management: 1. National Career Forums design and delivery 2. National Gala Dinner design and delivery 3. Other National External Events management

BD Manager

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Question One: Evaluate our national partners in past five years. What do you identify as key strategies to make sure the sustainable partnership? Question Two: How do you ensure the national partnership delivery in Regional Event/LC/EI level? What’s the potential difficulties? What kind of management system will you use? How do you balance the benefits of both two sides (NP and Regional Event/LC/EI). Question Three: What’s your revolution towards Career Forum, which is one of the partnership content with highest ROI for partners on employer branding, on the basis of its current relatively low attendance rate and decreasing core competitiveness in the market Question Four: How do you see the value proposition of our employer branding product in the current market? Besides the delivery methods we are using now (e.g. Conference, HOP Platform, Career Forum, etc), what your innovation of ensuring the MoS (No. of AIESECer successfully joined partner company).

BD Manager Question Five: Case Study: EF has the partnership with us for almost 2 years. One of our core partnership content is to recommend EF oversea programs to our failed GCDP applicants. Previously, there were several AIESECers delivering this item by making the cold call to failed applicants as the internee of EF. But recently, there is no AIESECer wants to apply this opportunity because the JD is too physically demanding and repetitive (Basically just make the cold call.). As the national partner manager, how do you solve this problem and prevent our partnership form the damage.


POSITION REALITY Organization finance sustainability and process standardization 1. Through new financial model implementation and MC&LC consolidated planning and review, we achieve national finance resources integration and re-allocation to make more reasonable finance resources management and better financial capacity both MC and LC level. 2. Through national function SOP building and implementation, to improve the organization finance management capacity and standardization. 3. Through product pricing evaluation, to achieve reasonable product pricing for product sustainability and also provide suggestion for product operation. 4. Through achieve product payment process changing to enable product scale up and better customer experience. Organization legality & Crisis Management 1. Through IPR project, to protect AIESEC in MoC branding and authority. 2. Directly solve LC crisis and urgent cases from different perspective. 3. ICX visa situation research and provide guidance to product operation function.

LC Financial re-positioning with strategy support and internal control mindset. 1. To separate function tier to implement OD model and achieve strategy-based coaching. 2. Modify the process of refund in OGX to release LCVP workload and achieve better customer experience. 3. Modify local financial reporting system to achieve more digital working environment to switch LC VP workload.

Future Direction: 1. Focus on organization legality status management to enable organization rapidly growth. 2. Focus on visa solving to deduct the risk for our operation. 3. Focus on data analysis and micromanagement through data support. 4. Enable LCVP to implement VPF JD.

VP Finance & Legality

JOB DESCRIPTION Area 1: Organization financial sustainable 1. MC accounting and auditing 2. MC resources management, including budget allocation/financial control/financial reporting/financial review/cash flow management 3. MC reserve management 4. National fund management 5. National financial model and pricing model management and evaluation. 6. LC financial situation monitor and control

Area 2: Organization legal management 1. Organization taxation 2. MC legal issues research, consultancy and propose related proposal 3. Legality documents management 4. Legal relationship management with key accounts (eg: lawyer, law company, commercial bureau and other related department) 5. Company administration (Employees) 6. IPR and trademark management 7.Legality Board management

Area3: Organization risk management 1. MC risk assessment and management 2. SoP management (including crisis reaction mechanism)

Area4: LC VPF coaching 1. Finance board management 2. LC finance operation standardization

Area5: AIESEC in MoC Governance 1. Compendium management 2. Legislation process facilitation 3. Sub-Committee general management 4. Legislation/Finance/Legality & Governance Sub-Committee

Area6: MC administration 1.MC office, apartment, team activity management 2. MC daily operation management 3. AIESEC in MoC certification management


1) Financial reporting 2) Local financial capacity 3) Financial sustainability achievement 4) MC investment ROI 5) Organization operating legally compliance with current laws

Strategic thinking: Excellent Critical thinking: Excellent Planning and tracking: Excellent Communication skills: Excellent Administration skills: Excellent Emotion Control skills: Excellent Fast reaction skills: Excellent


VP Finance & Legality

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Evaluate current iGIP and iGCDP pricing model and propose more reasonable iGCDP pricing model. 2. Evaluate current MC budgeting and accounting structure. Provide suggestions of improvements for the convenience of finance review? 3. Conduct a Financial Analysis on the MC 1415 based on the final financial report.

VP Finance & Legality

4. Propose Finance Function Tier Evaluation Model.

5. Read through the JD structure LC VPF, what is your strategy to fully implement the JD model? What is your strategy to fulfill LC VPF strategic role 6. Share your understanding of BD revenue positioning in MC financial Management, how can it contribute more? 7. Based on your understanding towards organization legality, please analyze the pros and cons. What is your three year plan regarding organization legality? What shall be the milestone for generation 1617?

8. Propose a risk management mechanism for both MC and LC.

9. Propose a MC investment ROI evaluation model. 10. Share your understanding about MCVPF positioning to MC team and AIESEC in MoC.

OD Group

FUNCTION REALITY OD Model KM Link: ew?id=0B9tB5BGBjeB2flo2YjFjX 3Y4d3RjdGpGcS1DRlNnLTRVcE VvVzlJTnNjNEJYUFRObGlNUFE &usp=sharing • LCD Model for Entity Clustering • OD Model for Goal Alignment • Growth Model for FOBO Strategy Creation OD 1516 KM Center rview?id=0B8Meo_05joY_fi1K M1FvaE9HRnVuYldacmZmNlJ vZEgtM1Y1RUFTVlA1YUxyN EMtMFVlbU0&usp=sharing

To drive local entrepreneurial leadership, we envision LC can proactively learn the basic process and knowledge through KM, network GCP and NST consultancy rather than just depending on MC direct guidance and general strategy. In this case, on one hand, LC can come up with really localized strategy and get developed by proactive learning; on the other hand, MC can focus on creating the system and platform to ensure network collaboration and coming up with new initiatives and future direction rather than trapped in operational coaching. That is why we have MC OD group to ensure the basic process and organic growth while MC Operation Group focuses on new initiatives and product R&D.

OD Group


1. OD Model: you have 1 page and all your creativity to explain the following: 1.1.What is OD Model? (Hints: you can answer from these aspects: What are the Model elements? What are the functions? What is the process of creating a OD Model) 1.2.Why AIESEC in MoC needs OD Model? 1.3. Please Evaluate current MoC OD Model (Includes OD Model, Growth Model, and LCD Model) by analyzing what went well and ever better if. 1.4.What do you think are the key factors of implementing OD Model successfully? 2. Entity Evaluation and Clustering: you have 1 page and all your creativity to explain the following: 2.1.Propose a framework of clustering entities in LC. Explain why you select these factors for clustering. 2.2.Based on your clustering, propose a growth strategy pool for different cluster. 2.3.Propose a LCP leadership empowerment cycle to ensure the growth of that cluster. 3. OD Team Collaboration. you have 1 page and all your creativity to explain the following: 3.1.There are many JD for OD team, how to allocate them within the team? And what’s the MoS of each one in the team.

OD Group

3.2 To achieve all the MoS, what do you think are the ideal working flow of OD team. (You can include MC LC interaction part as well) 3.3.Beside the collaborations within OD team, strong synergy is required among different MC groups (e.g. Product Group). What do you think is the necessary synergy and how to make it happen?

JOB DESCRIPTION Manage and Coordinate the whole OD Group to Fulfill the Following Group JDs: 1. Utilize OD Model & Growth Model for Org. Efficient Goal Achievement 2. Manage Organization Development System, which includes Conference Cycle, NST Project, Internal Communication, LCP Empowerment, and Business intelligence 3. Organization Culture Shaping 4. Organization Expansion Management and Expansion Plan Management 5. Organization Coaching System Building 6. Work with Other Group Team Leaders and MCP for Specific Issues.


• LC ELD Goal Achievement Rate • LC Productivity Goal Achievement Rate • # of LC that grow up in Clustering Model • % of LC who Reached Minimum and Performance Membership Criteria

• Strategic Planning • Strategic Analysis • Team Management • Function Collboration Skill • Coaching Skill • LCP Background Prefered



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE 1. OD Team Management 1.1.What kind of profile you think are the qualified candidates of OD team and why? (Hint: you can think from experience, knowledge,skill and attitude) 1.2.What is your leadership style and how it contributes to your OD team management? 1.3.What your proposed working flow to ensure a high performing OD team? 2. OD Team Knowledge Testing 2.1. EDM: Why we carried out EDM as a strategy in 2013? What is current progress? What do you think are the next steps in 1617? 2.2. Organization Structure: What is the ideal & unique role/positioning of MC, NST & LC ensure sustainable development of the organization? What’s your next step in terms of organization structure management to ensure big scale management.

3. OD supporting System strategy map. 3.1 L&D System: Please evaluate current MoC Learning and Development System (eg: Conference Cycle, KM System). and propose your strategy in developing L&D System in 2016.

VP OD 3.2 Internal Communication: Please evaluate current internal communication channel in AIESEC MoC. And answer what is your strategy to drive fast communication inside of organization? 3.3 Coaching System: Please Evaluate Current MC Coaching System, what goes well and even better if? What’s your key strategy for LCP Empowerment? 3.4 How can MC improve effectiveness in implementation of strategies nationally?

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. To drive the achievement of AIESEC 2020 ambition in all levels 1.1.To lead and implement strategies for goal achievement under an specific cluster 1.2.To lead and align front and back office implementation from the national office 1.3.To ensure that every growth strategy implemented under programs includes the perspective of Organizational essence alignment, Customer Experience, and Human Resource Management 1.4.To provide systems to ensure stronger and more effective network connection and collaboration among people and entities 1.5.To create, facilitate and execute strategies aiming to provide consultancy and support to the AIESEC network nationally and globally. 1.6.To enable the formation of entities collaboration clusters according to the needs and potential of the network 1.7.To provide physical and virtual interaction with entities for the Organizational Development Sub-team plan achievement 2. Work with Other Group Team Leaders and MCP for Specific Issues.


• LC ELD Goal Achievement Rate • LC Productivity Goal Achievement Rate • # of LC that grow up in Clustering Model • % of LC who Reached Minimum and Performance Membership Criteria • Strategic Planning • Strategic Analysis • Team Management • Coaching Skill • LCP Background Prefered


OD Director

SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE Management of organization internal strategy implementation 3.1.Please evaluate current communication and implementation channel and address the bottle necks and purposed solutions. 3.2.How can MC improve effectiveness in implementation of strategies nationally? 3.3.What are the main challenges for the growth of AIESEC in MoC? What are the main evolutions the national plenary needs to have? 3.4.What do you think are the ideal LC implementation framework and what are MC’s roles(esp. OD team role) in the framework? Please Choose 2 of the Following Group Questions to Answer. 1. Local Capacity Building and Organizational Culture Shaping 1.1.What are the main behaviors the network needs to have in the 1617 context? Why and what you do as VP Cluster Coach to lead the network into these behaviors? 1.2.Analyze the main projects from MC 1516, what are the ones that affected the network growth the most and what is still missing? 1.3.How can we increase the local capacity for AIESEC 2020 achievement and a sustainable beyond?

OD Director 2. MoC Entity Expansion and Coaching 2.1. Why we carried out EDM as a strategy in 2013? What is current progress? What do you think are the next steps in 1516? 2.2.Please evaluate current situation of MoC Expansion Flow? How to improve it? 2.3.Please evaluate current AO/EI (SU in 2014 ) Coaching situation. Propose a framework about how MC and LC should allocate its role in coaching EI. 3. Organization Structure 3.1. What is the ideal & unique role/positioning of MC, NST & LC ensure sustainable development of the organization? What are the gap we currently have and how can we change it? 3.2 In 2017, it’s very possible that we will have over 60 Entities in AIESEC MoC. How can MC ensure fast strategy implementation & good communication when having so many LC/EIs? 3.3 What’s your strategy in managing a group of qualify NSTs in AIESEC MoC.


[General information] This year, AIESEC as an organization is having its value proposition clearer than ever before, we position us as a youth leadership development organization and we focus more on delivering a leadership development experience under every perspective. Based on the double positioning of TM function, we take the responsibility of enhancing organization membership capacity to support organization development, at the same time, we enable leadership development oriented TXP product delivery.


TM in numbers: • Membership scale: 3500 (estimated) • Productivity (realization stage, summer peak 2015) • oGCDP, 2.33 • oGIP, 0.29 • iGCDP, 1.37 • iGIP, 0.40 • TXP NPS: With very low response rate, there’s no valid data for NPS

TXP SnS Overall Implementation • TXP SnS national education • TXP SnS Framework building • TXP SnS resources hub building

Data-based TXP Quality control • Membership database on salesforce • TXP NPS System building • Talent Analysis system building TXP LEAD • LEAD national education • Piloting LC management • External resources integration (Coaching resources, Zenlinx Co.) • LEAD for TXP development framework building


JOB DESCRIPTION • • • • • • •

Develop talent management process to ensure organization HR sustainability Drive membership capacity to enhance organisational productivity and performance Develop and deliver talent development programs like X+T, LEAD, etc; National education cycle management Local VP TM/TM NST/NTT management Overall TXP quality control National learning partners management

• • • • • •


Membership retention rate Membership leadership pipeline selection rate Membership productivity RR of TXP NPS TXP NPS No. and % of IXP among membership




Please review TM in AIESEC in MoC in the past 5 terms (from 11/12 to 15/16) and summarise the positioning in term 16/17.


Please evaluate the local implementation of TM strategies in year 2015. Will you carry on the strategies? Why? How? The strategies are: 1. TXP SnS overall implementation 2. Data-based TXP quality control 3. TXP LEAD


Please list the 3 biggest issues related with talent management and development that limiting AIESEC in MoC in achieving 10 year’s vision. What’s your corresponding strategies towards the issues


How do you define a high-quality TXP product? What are your strategies to deliver the product?


Stakeholder management 1. How will you make sure sustainable and healthy local VP TM pipeline? 2. What will your TM NST structure be like and your expected outcome from TM NST? 3. How will you position NTT in 16/17 and how will empower the team to fulfil the roles?


6. How will you make sure high-quality TXP LEAD will happen in every TXP experience? How will you build business intelligence in TM and how do you see the benefits it brings to organization development?



VP IM Marketing & Sales Tool

Administration Tool

JOB DESCRIPTION 1. Develop IM projects to enable the implementation of New Customer Flow in MoC. 2. Manage vendors of different IM projects to control cost and increase organisational efficiency. 3. Maintain current IM projects to guarantee the daily operation. 4. Work closely with operation groups to provide organisational management insights from an information perspective.


1. Adaption rate of IT systems; 2. Number of IM project milestones achieved; 3. Degree of NCF implemented in AIESEC MoC (refer to the AI’s definitions) 4. System stability - no. of unplanned maintenance 5. User experience - no. of customers converted by the digital system.



SPECIFIC QUESTIONNAIRE General understanding

Q1:Define the term information management in AIESEC MoC’s context. (Within 200 words or half page graphic) Q2:What do you think are the key bottlenecks of AIESEC MoC in terms of IM? Q3:Choose 3 of the following terms that you think are important and describe your understanding of the terms a) API; b) Business Intelligence; c) Technical-based Innovation; d) disruptive technology; e) exponential growth; f) automation; g) Chief Information Officer; Q4:Evaluate 2 IT platforms of AIESEC MoC of your choice and advise how to improve. Forward-looking Questions Q4:If you have 100,000 RMB (approx. 15,474 US$) and 3 months time at your disposal, what would you do to improve our IM architecture? Please consider all the practical factors including but not limited to operation timeline, budget control, key contractual items (关键合同条款), integration of the current information system, etc. Please answer your question within one page.

VP IM Communication Effectiveness Q5:Identify the key potential synergies, as VP IM, with other MC groups/members and describe: 1) How do you think you can make the synergy go smoothly; 2) What are the main challenges you can foresee; 3) Possible solutions. Q6:Write an E-mail describing the current IM infrastructure to AIESEC International (so in English) to request their support on one of the IM projects you want to take, if you were the VP IM.


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