NZ MC 1415 | 3rd Round MCVP Application - Rhushabh Kamdar

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Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world.

Executive Summary: AIESEC in New Zealand my name is Rhushabh Kamdar and I am applying for MC VP of AIESEC in New Zealand.

AIESEC New Zealand 2010 was a time where we challenged our dream and we came up with AIESEC 2015, BHAG “Which is to engage and develop every young person in the world� We are still very far from our AIESEC 2015 Vision. But we have a dream to achieve it. Dare to Dream

I am responsible to take a stand for our dream because I believe that change starts from us. This is the time to grow our network and develop new generation of mangers with global mindset by growing our network across New Zealand, Stepping ahead with our AIESEC 2015 Vision. Take a Stand

AIESEC New Zealand by evolving our network and coming together across the same we will surly reach step ahead to our 2015 Vision and will develop new bunch of leaders who will believe in change and creates positive impact towards our society. Together we can change the world.

In this application you will see my AIESEC experience, my achievement, key strategies and future plan for OGX. Also you will understand what needs to be done to make AIESEC New Zealand grow into the global network.

Kind Regard Rhushabh Kamdar

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world.

Basic Question Name: National/Local Committee: Cell Phone Number: Nationality Current Academic Email: Skype: Language Spoken

Rhushabh Kamdar AIESEC Surat, India. +91-9979914543 Indian Bachelor in Engineering Information Technology Excellent

Work Experience in AIESEC

Self discovery and purpose

Relevance and



GB (Feb to July 2010)

VP iGIP (2011)

Team Leader iGIP

International Iternship to Russia

(July to december 2010)

OC Recruitment and Y2B (2010)


Date 2010


Position/ Organization Team Member and Team Leader for department iGIP

(January 2012)

EBC Micro finance, Rural Development, Foot print and Balakalakar (2012)

President - AIESEC in Surat (2013)

VP iGCDP/BD (2012)



Description of Role, Key activities and Result achieved. Learning about corporate market, Building stake holder and Training members.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. 2010 (June to August)

OC VP Recruitment and OC VP Y2B

2011 (January to December)


Recruiting new AIESECer and delivering events youth 2 business forums for AIESEC in Surat. -Providing Corporate House in Surat with International Young Graduate for Corporate Solution. Result achieved: Over 550% growths in Corporate Sector for year 2011.

2012 (January to march)


Exchange Participate to Russia: Project BRIC

 Responsible for preparing presentations to Seminars in Schools and university about Entrepreneurship, Finances, Marketing, Economical Growth, Cultural and Social Structure of intern’s country.  Organizing and facilitating Seminars and Debating, Developing Trainings, Cases, Games on economical and cultural themes for high university students.  Making 10-minute report about economy of intern’ country, competitive advantages of the BRIC countries, their impact on Global Economy and tendencies of growth.

VP iGCDP -Providing NGOs in Surat with International Volunteer and Social Solution. Result achieved: 940% growth achieved and facilitates more than 94 International Internship.

2012 (May to August)

Executive body coordinator for project Micro Finance, Footprint, Rural Development, HIV/ AIDs

2012 (December)

Executive Body Coordinator for event call Balakalakaar

2013 ( January to December)

Local Committee President for AIESEC in Surat.

Assuring smooth delivery of all project and delivered 4 projects from May to August Key Role :  Planning  Development  Executing  Leading Delivery and Manage Complete Surat largest underprivileged paining competition events -Heading a 90 member’s organization and leading a team of seven executive members. -Major responsibility is governance and accountability -60% of Targets achieved, 80% Project implemented and Top CEM entity of AIESEC International and AIESEC India for 2013.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. List of Top 5 meeting attended





June National Conference


Delegate and Chief delegate

National Strategic Conference


National Leadership Summit


Unleash Asia Pacific (Malaysia)


2010,2011,2012 and 2013 2010, 2011 and 2013 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 2011

National Presidents Meet


2013 ( June and September)


Delegate and Chief delegate Delegate and Chief delegate Delegate.

Learning June National Conference: This was my first conference in AIESEC during the year 2010, it helps me to connect with the purpose of AIESEC. Its also helped in self discovering about me as person which made me going with AIESEC till now. National Strategic Conference: All the NSCs which I have attended gave me insight about how to act sustainably and how to develop leaders for future which made me stronger as a person and made me realized my responsibility towards people, city and country. National Leaders Summit: This was the meeting which i always looked forward during starting of my VP and LCP role because it helps me to get kick start for my term which provides me with sufficient knowledge, resources and motivitation for my role. Unleash Asia Pacific: This was my first international conference which tough me one most important thing is “TO TAKE A STAND� and change things to make it more relevant for society. It also tough me to look things into bigger perspective and out of the box which becomes source of motivation and gradually become sources of inspiration for me. National Presidents meet: All the NPMs were best meeting to attend, which had many source of learning and made me clear about my end objective and help me to understand as a person in different situation in best possible way.


What is your personal motivation for applying to be part of AIESEC New Zealand MC team

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world.

I cannot drop one motivation as I have different motivation Challenge

to apply for MCVP of AIESEC


in NZ. But to I would like to I

divide my motivation in three parts.

Personal Learning





AIESEC since four year. The Vision of AIESEC “Peace and


Personal Learning:









I have experienced all levels


started to believe very strongly

of AIESEC step by step and

Working for AIESEC in NZ and

since after my development





internship to Russia, As well it







added a very good VALUE in

learning which enhance my

getting organization recognized for

my life “which is to keep

ability, makes me stronger

providing youth leadership to act

helping society and people”

and better Leader by the end



of every role. Doing MC term

something that will challenge my

happy and satisfied as a person



overall AIESEC experience, As well

by the end of the day. So if I

experience which will help me

as I relate to above statement the

get a choice I would surly

in increasing broad outlook

most because my last role which

contribute do something for


was of LCP was similar but it was













will surly add

value once I move towards











something BIG at national level.










of by




outside world.

What will be the unique contribution you could bring to 1415 team in AIESEC New Zealand?

Unique Contribution My unique contribution for next terms is to enhance the leadership in every youth by developing new generation of managers with global mindset because when they are able to experience the world, they can start to understand it, and when they start to understand it, they are able to start changing it. INSPIRE CONNECT and TRANSFORM

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. What kind of leadership do you think AIESEC New Zealand requires moving forward? How have you demonstrated these qualities in your AIESEC or other experiences? AIESEC in NZ requires someone, who makes people feels ownership towards the organization, also enhances leadership by leading an example and one who can Inspires people by their story. As well as making people realized that AIESEC is not a rocket science and does not requires jazzy strategies to sort out problems, if things are done with passion and dedication. Example: Starting my LCP term with 15 members including EB and Ending term with 90 Members, also creating right leadership pipeline as well as changing the state of LC from Member on Alert to Member on probation was possible when I made my members feels ownership towards the organization and making them understand things by leading example by this way they realized anything is possible if you have passion and dedication within you to make things done.

Market Identify 3 key trends from any or all of the sectors listed below and Explain how AIESEC can best capitalise on them Business and Economy International Trade: New Zealand economy is dependent on agriculture, natural resources, manufacturing product and Tourism. Majority of import and export happens with country like china, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia US, UK and Germany. With the help of AIESEC we can capitalize on providing native speakers for better business expansion with this and other countries. SME and Start ups: New Zealand has high number of Starts up and SME because of government liberal policy for SME and Start up. Through AIESEC we can capitalized on this SME and Start up because AIESEC provides cost effective and high quality diverse intern which can be better solution to this SME and starts ups. Tourism: New Zealand is Beautiful country and has good tourism market which is another major important source of economy in NZ. AIESEC can partner with Government and can promote more tourism through iGCDP interns.

Student and Youth Unemployment ratio: Due to globalization there has been drastically increase in university which provides opportunities for youth to learn and become expertise into respective field, Supply of fresh graduate are high but demand of getting placed into company is low. With the help of oGIP in AIESEC we can help them to be experienced professional expert with global mindset, which will make them unique from others. Rise of Social media: Social media has massively grown in past few year and it most favourite amongst the youth, with the help of social media we can do brand positioning of AIESEC and that will help to built more opportunities for youth. Youth’s Interest in Developing country: The students in the present scenario are interested to develop skills using various avenues apart from education. This out-going and open-minded nature amongst the students’ network can be well utilized for the growth of the organization and the society. By showing the value of the AIESEC program through EWA phase we can increase the TMP/TLP Programs.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. University Growth in Educational Sectors: As more private colleges come up in New Zealand, providing their students with the competitive edge through internships is a wonderful option for AIESEC to tie up and generate OGX. Top Universities: New Zealand is the country which top universities in world and many youth travels to New Zealand for further studies, these skilled students are more likely to take up internship opportunities to enhance their CV and experiences. Volunteering: New Zealand is the country which has adapted volunteering experience or you can say not formal education which adds values to their experiences and university highly promote this kind of extracurricular activities. AIESEC has good scope to engage youth and show and develop real essence of AIESEC which is leadership

How can AIESEC be more relevant in New Zealand?

AIESEC in New Zealand can be more relevant in the society. 1) Expanding organization outreach which means AIESEC in NZ should collaborate across the cross sector, So that it can Inspires stakeholder to take up more opportunities with AIESEC. This way OGX and ICX will grow and more different stakeholder can experience new opportunities with AIESEC. 2) Delivering quality experience to experience to our stakeholder and we have to be customer centric organization. 3)

Growing our scale of operation and delivering events in partnership with other stakeholders.

4) Delivering Leadership experience in every program for our members in AIESEC. This way when they experience the world, they can start to understand it, and when they start to understand it, they are able to start changing it.


Evaluate AIESEC New Zealand’s performance over the last 3 years and explain which key trends should we look into better capitalise on?

Looking down to performance of past 3 year, I can clearly says that AIESEC NZ has major focus area on oGCDP but the program could not grew in 2013 because of Lack of partnership, talent capacity, Lack of operational knowledge and some quality issue. iGCDP growth has been drastically dip down and most obvious reason can be financial crunches, Lack of knowledge. iGIP: Statistic clearly shows that iGIP hasn’t been focus area at any point of time because of membership issue, operational training and most of the LC are university base LC. oGIP has shown growth in 2011 and 2012 but 2013 for oGIP was not good year because lack of focus, poor matching rate and not able to reach out right targeted market.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. 2011.2012.2013 AIESEC NZ Key Trends to focus on Building Finances and Talent Capacity: For any organization or









organization in a working condition is to have right kind of people and to have finances on place, these two things are left and right hand of any organization. AIESEC in New Zealand entities are currently not financially stable and this has to be priority, Entity can be financially stable only if they






collaboration and growing scale of operation. Secondly Recruiting right kind of talent and creating right platform for members will make them to connect with organization very strongly and can they can experience leadership development in their journey, as well as it will make our members feel ownership for their Organization. Scale up out growing program: 2013 was almost a stable year for OGP, 2014-15 We need to increase our scale of operation in oGCDP by tapping into different faculties within the campus through establishing Special units, Capitalizing on off peak cycle and building more country partnership as well as doing reverse raising can be better solution. For oGIP we need to package our sub product differently and creating special team according to sub product who are expert in selling and delivering because oGIP is the program for professional experts. Secondly building cross country partnership. Growing ICX: AIESEC in NZ has good scope for ICX with the help of proper training, Education and providing right kind of resources from the side of MC, AIESEC in NZ can grow in ICX.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. Analyse AIESEC NZ’s LC Development strategy (LC Linking/Coaching). What would you do to improve it?

AIESEC in NZ LC development strategies has drastically improved in 2013/14 and it’s moving into right direction. It has broken up communication barrier with the entity by LC Coaching method, which has help LC to be nationally aligned and receiving right frequency of resources and knowledge. Below are the things to be done, In order to improve: 1) Starting up with National support team. 2) Using of Technology creating education hub and operational training session for all LC according to its reality. 3) Virtual Training/ Coaching Session by MC to all LC. 4) Commission summit in the MC office once in 6 month.

In your opinion, what is the role of the MC?

Role of MC: 1. LEAD the team 2. Drives down purpose 3. Aligned others towards purpose. 4. Act as serving body for complete AIESEC Chapter, as well as coach and Train LCs to amplify the growth. 5. Good Strategic head that can innovate and built upon strategies in order to achieve Vision and Mission. Role of MC towards 2015 is to channelize the Strategies in order to increase the number of Experiences and Role of LC is to aggressively amplify the growth by being nationally aligned and increase the experiences in terms of RESULT.


Perform a SWOT analysis for the current state of oGCDP and oGIP in New Zealand

oGCDP Strength

1) Almost all LC are University base LC accept one and LCs has good relation with universities. 2) Good Synergy with marketing

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 1)

It has very strong youth market oGCDP has been major focus program in AIESEC NZ in past three year . Poor Talent Capacity only one major peak cycle Poor country partnership National Alignment. Market expansion and tapping different faculties Off peak cycle development Establishing country partnership Customization of oGCDP Sub product. Disproportion between LCs, which causes national plan implementation difficult within local realities. 2) Youth of NZ like to live in their comfort zone.






1) Simple and structured process.

1) Lack of Matching.

2) Sub-Product dividion.

2) Lack of Focus on oGIP product.

3) Strong youth market and good Synergy with Marketing

3) Reaching out the targeted market.




1) Building Education Cycle and intorducting bigger structure in the LC. 2) Identifying Peak cycle and standarizing processes in oGIP and building more country collobration. 3) Seperate product packaging of sub product and building special team according to sub-product in every LC .

1) Attitude towards oGIP in LC. 2) Youth of NZ struggle to move out of their comfort zone.

4) Has open youth market to capatalized. Conduct an analysis of AIESEC New Zealand's current OGX products detailing where they are in the product life cycle and how you would grow them in the coming term



Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world.

oGCDP: I feel that AIESEC in NZ oGCDP is currently into Growth stage, Even though growth of 2013 was stable that doesn’t mean that oGCDP is at mature state because almost all LCs are University base LC but not a single LC has cross 100+ experiences in past 3 year. This means that Every LCs has a good scope within the market and need to capitalize on growing scale of operation and tapping different market within the Campus. oGIP: AIESEC in NZ oGIP has moved from development state to introduction state where we are ready with our simple structured process and we have packaged our sub-products which are now available to external world. Also MC has started educating member for oGIP.

Inspire youth of New Zealand with the help of TM, Marketing and by delivering OGX centric events. This way we will increase more EwA. It can be done by: Inspire

Growing our organization outreach by increasing collaboration.

Expanding our market into different faculties.

Growing our scale of operation.

Developing more integrated experiences.

Connecting EwA to our oGCDP Sub issue such as Economic growth, Literacy and Environment. oGIP sub product such as IT, ET and Marketing. We can convert EwA into Raises by: Connect

Developing right kind of TALENT into OGX.

Product and

Product packaging and customization.


By giving proper training and education to our members.


Transform them into leaders by providing the life changing experience through AIESEC internship program. To transform into leaders basic things are necessary:

Transform 

Country to country collaboration.

Off and On Peak capitalization.

Right selection and preparation process.

Delivering Quality to our EP.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world. Based on your SWOT and product analysis, what would be your 3 suggested focus areas for 1415? Please briefly explain your main focus, main activities, and desired outcomes during each time period based on the 5 cycles of AIESEC New Zealand

Focus Talent Capacity Development and Operational Training For both oGIP and oGCDP

Expanding process and Network for oGCDP

oGCDP& oGIP  Physical and Virtual coaching.  With the help of IT creating oGCDP & oGIP education Hub for all LC according to its reality.  NST for operational Training.  oGCDP& oGIP commission Summit once in 6 month at MC office.  Introduction of TM Coordinator who is responsible to build and maintain talent for oGCDP & oGIP only. (TM Coordinator is a person who has knowledge of oGCDP, oGIP and TM. They are the one, who is responsible to make member connected with organizational and personal purpose by doing several TM activity and Train member in oGCDP & oGIP).  Associate Membership  Off Peak Capitalization specially May, June and July.  Expanding network within different faculty and other campus with the help of special unit.  Getting endorsement from BoA or university head and campus ambassador program.  As AIESEC in NZ has majorly 1peak cycle, so it is very important to utilize it properly. So with the help of Sub issue product packaging and Sub issue building of team. We can capitalize more market in less time. Example: Sub issue LITERACY “ Provide basic education to underprivileged sector in terms of language, IT and Finance” Recommend career for this product: Education , Language, Physiology, Sociology, IT, Business Administration, Banking, Political Science, Liberal studies, Arts, Social work and social communication ( So with Sub issue team you can capitalized on IT, BA, Physiology, Arts etc faculties directly)

Product packaging and Selling for oGIP

 Creating Separate product Proposal according to Sub-Product.  Creating specialized trained team according to different Sub-product and penetrate the market.  Positioning brand of oGIP with the help of marketing and event

Cross country Collaboration For both oGIP and oGCDP

 oGCDP Issue base and oGIP Sub- Product base MC to MC/LC partnership for off-on peak cycle which will help in Reverse raising and quick matching.  Partnership with the LC which has good NPS, That will automatically delivery quality experience.  Using IM tools for matching  Utilizing Global exchange pool and develop national exchange tools in oGCDP and oGIP for better IR.

Dare to Dream , Take a Stand and Change the world.

Outcome for Talent capacity

Expanding Process and

development and operational


Training.  Proper Talent development for OGX.  Strong leadership development.  Proper operational knowledge.

Product Packaging and selling  Positioning brand of oGIP

 Increase in number of raises  Increase in outreach of an organization.

 Penetrate towards more market in less time with the help of specialized trained

 Creating more opportunities for youth.

team according to subproduct.

Cross Country Collaboration  Decrease in delivery time


 Increase in efficiency.  Quality experience to EP  Reverse Raising for both oGCDP and oGIP.

How do you intend to utilise the resources from the 1314 term and build on current OGX strategies?

2013/2014 for AIESEC in NZ was about creating right base in oGCDP and oGIP. 2014/15 AIESEC in NZ is all about to built and solidify upon it which will result to immense growth in OGX. The resources of 2013-14 will be channelized and amplified into OGX for faster growth towards the program. Various resources need to be studied and understood well, Optimization of resources needs to be done according to every LC reality and according to common needs of all LC by implementation of several simple and innovate strategies by utilizing current resources. Hence it would lead to faster growth in OGX.

Thank you

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