MCP 2017-2018 application booklet - AIESEC in Romania

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MCP 2017-2018


application booklet

Dear reader, Now that you open this file, take action, start thinking, have conversations and put your thoughts into creating your best piece of art so far: your MCP application! Be unstoppable.

MC life and requirements AIESEC in Romania will provide Free Accommodation for its entire MC members in the MC house. AIESEC in Romania will provide for the MC members an office, which will include personal working space, Internet and other basic facilities. The salary of an MC member is 900 RON. An MC member will have travel costs covered, which includes traveling for any purpose (National Conferences, Appointments, Board Meetings, Official Meetings, International Conferences). The AIESEC in Romania will cover the Delegation Fee at all the National Conferences for an MC member wherever applicable. Meetings, LC Visits that are subject to Financial Policies defined by MCVP Finance. Attendance costs for MCP to international conferences is covered by AIESEC in Romania. Physical presence for IPM (International Presidents Meeting, 12th to 19th of February in Venlo, the Netherlands) is required. The MC 2017-2018 term starts on 1st of August 2017.

Application process

These are all the requirements of AIESEC in Romania MCP 17-18 application:


- A one (1) PDF page summary of your entire application + VIDEO link. - The link to your application video needs to be added in the executive summary. The video consists in a briefly introduce yourself, your AIESEC experiences, motivations and the vision and macro directions you have for AIESEC in Romania for the 17-18 term. Don’t exceed more than 5 minutes.

2. BIO - A one (1) PDF page of your own biography. 3. CURRICULUM VITAE

Give us all-important information we need to know about you, your AIESEC career, other job you have had, your contact details, etc. You can use a maximum of one (1) PFD page to create your CV.

4. MCP QUESTIONNAIRE (3 personal + 5 general + 7 specific questions) These should not take more than thirteen (13) pages. Cover page is not included. Only the answers to the questions.

5. ENDORSEMENT LETTERS - You must submit five (5) endorsement letters (all of them signed) from:

- Two endorsements form 2 LCs from Romania (it can be LCs or IGs; it needs to be from LCPs/IGPs 2017); - An endorsement from someone who led you; - An endorsement from someone you lead; - An endorsement from an external (it can be corporate, alumni, NGOs, etc) - All the endorsements need to be signed, in PDF format and to not exceed more than one (1) page each.


- MBTI (1 page, attached a PDF screenshot of the result) - Enneagram (1 page, attached a PDF screenshot of the result)

Additional notes: You can create your own design (graphic style and colour usage). Make sure you create a separate file for your Executive Summary, Bio, your CV, MCP Questionnaire, Endorsements and Personality Tests. We will be expecting 6 folders with all the documents in PDF format. The minimum font size is 10. If you have any questions concerning the applications or the application process please contact the elections manager: Laurentiu Morcan ( Send all this documents in a zipped file (.zip) with the name of: ‘’FirstName_LastName_MCP1718_application’’ to: and, until 5th of January at 7:59 PM GMT+2! You will receive an email for validating your application once you have successfully sent it.

Final checklist: 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY + VIDEO (maximum one (1) PDF page with summary and link to your video); 2. BIO (maximum one (1) page in PDF format); 3. CURRICULUM VITAE (maximum one (1) page in PDF format); 4. MC QUESTIONNAIRE (one PDF file, maximum thirteen (13) pages for all answers); 5. Five (5) ENDORSEMENT LETTERS (maximum one (1) page each, signed and in PDF format); 6. Two (2) PERSONALITY TESTS (maximum one (1) page each in PDF format); All files in PDF Format 7. Six (6) Folders with PDF files inside

Job description I. LEAD and MANAGE the MC team

- Organize the process of planning, replanning, monthly reviews, quarterly reviews, team days - Build and implement management tools, principles, tracking systems and decision making process. - Track, review and coach MCVPs on the strategic plan, support on budgeting and financial decision making. - Align and coordinate MCVPs during conferences and events - Ensure all MCVPs have a clear plan and job description Follow up MC plan execution - Ensure the synergy between MC members - Ensure the development of every MC member Implement team standards inside the MC team

II. External representation:

- Represent AIESEC in Romania in the global plenary (attend IPM 2017, IC 2017, IPM 2018) - Ensure the accomplishment of Membership Criteria in the global network - Manage relations and report to the BoA - Main legal representation of AIESEC in Romania - Represent the organization to the external events - Represent the MC in the General Assembly of AIESEC in Romania - Track MC main accounts. Go on sales and support the relation with main accounts.

III. Governance and accountability:

- Overlook coordination of activities between MC and Local Committees - Update LCPs with all global, national strategies, considerable changes and all other information - Ensure alignment of global and national strategies Report to national plenary - Manage the LSC and MSC chairs for AIESEC in Romania internal governance when is about national compendium.

IV. Manage and administer the national office:

- Manage HR decisions in the national office - Ensure a good working environment for the MC team Track the financial situation and keep the overview



Personal questions: 1. Why are you standing for the position of MCP of AIESEC in Romania? What do you want to take out of this experience? 2. What is your plan for the upcoming 5 years and how MCP experience will be part of this plan? 3. What is the best version of yourself? What is the worst version of yourself?

General questions: 1. Identify 3 (three) key trends that are shaping Romania and explain in a few words how those trends are influencing AIESEC’s contribution, structures and processes. How do you see those trends shaping you MCP term? Justify by giving examples, analyses or references. 2. What is AIESEC’s impact in the world and in Romania? 3. Design an SWOT analysis of the organization (global and national) and then present its 3 main conclusions when comparing the results. What are the 3 (three) MCs you have as an example today, what can we learn from them and adapt our processes to? 4. What was the key achievements of each MC team starting with 12-13 (MC 16-17 included for their half of the term)? 5. What is the contribution of AIESEC in Romania to the global plenary? What is your personal contribution to the global plenary?

Specific questions 1. What are the main strategies/initiatives you will continue from the MC Breakthrough term? 2. In the context of 17/18, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of the MCP (Team Management, Strategic Direction, MC Financial sustainability, governance and accountability, network engagement and communication, external representation, LCPs management) and the reasons for your ranking. 3. What is the vision you have for AIESEC in Romania for 17-18 term? Explain your decision. 4. What will be the top 3 macro directions for AIESEC in Romania in 17-18 term? Explain your decision. 5. How the macro directions you have for AIESEC Romania are aligned with the global roadmap? 6. Explain your desired MC team structure. What is the general and speciďŹ c proďŹ les that you will be looking in your team? 7. What is the culture you want to see in AIESEC in Romania in the 17-18 term?

have a great process!

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