Another Round
Dear applicant, You are now making a decision to apply for a country that always strives to be the number one, in everything you can imagine. The United Arab Emirates will definitely blow your mind! A country that is a home to 100000+ of youth and billion dollars industries, in other words, unlimited opportunities for AIESEC. This country has showed an enormous amount of leadership from current and previous generations and it is our responsibility to be part of it as an organization and contribute in shaping its future. Here I am opening up the applications for the team that will lead AIESEC in the UAE! I am calling out for the greatest people, but more than that, I am calling for the greatest leaders, leaders who have the ability to inspire others by their actions to learn more, do more and become more as individuals.
Ahmed Samara MCP UAE 1718
Being an MC member of this entity requires a big amount of belief, passion and resilience. Adding to that the responsibility and role modeling starting from the MC to every single member. This entity has gone through thick and thin to be what it is now, so buckle up because it is going to be a bumpy ride as your drive it. Best of luck to all of you in your pursuit of this life changing journey.
Organizational Development
National Plenary Accountability:
•Setting long term vision for AIESEC in UAE
•Overlook and coordination of activities between MC and LCs. •Update LCPs with any global, national strategies, and other information. •Ensure professional development of the LCPs •Ensure alignment of communication with MC & LCs and other engagements in national plenary. •Ensure proper functioning of regional coordination. •Ensure alignment of national and international strategy.
and ensuring long term decision making and sustainable growth for the whole entity. •Alignment of AIESEC in UAE to the global plan and AIESEC Network. •Keeping an eye on the state of the country and reflecting it on AIESEC Internal operations to capitalize or different trends, and to make sure AIESEC play an effective role in different challenges.
Member Committee Management: •Manage a clear and effective MC Planning process and follow up on plans. •Ensure development of every MC member. •Manage AIESEC in UAE MC activities. (Team days, Reviews, Spaces). •Manage overall department development and growth.
External Representation •Represent AIESEC in UAE in different events and
meetings, and managing relationships with certain Stakeholders. •Communication with the MCPs Network and AIESEC International •Represent AIESEC in UAE in Legislative Meetings
Dates & Days The MC Term starts on the 1st of August until 31st of July 2019. The working days are from Sunday-Thursday for 40 hours a week for a full time MC Members. The Members may be required to work over weekends for conferences and other duties.
Benefits & Conditions Free WIFI No Accommodation No Salary National Conferences Covered Visa Provided, Not Covered May change based on performance
MC Main Role Represent AIESEC UAE locally nationally and internationally Create, understand & support strategies with a space & support system for LCs Report to Board of Directors and National Plenary Be aware of external trends in the UAE and globally
1 ) M C Questionnaire -6 pages maximum (including cover page) – in PDF 2)Updated CV – in PDF 3)Endorsements Letters – in PDF: -2 endorsement(s), signed & stamped by MC. 4) Blank Paper Challenge – Be creative & show us your vision for AIESEC UAE 1819 – in PDF 5)Introductory Video maximum of 3 minutes video about yourself, why are you applying & how will you contribute to a bigger AIESEC in the UAE – paste link in PDF. 6) R-Drive Test results submitted in PDF Format -Link 7) Barret Values Assessment Test results submitted in PDF format - Link
Application Release
Application Deadline
Election Process
09th June, 2018
15th June, 2018
16th June, 2018
17th June, 2018
Deadline : 15th June, 2018 at 23.59 (GMT+4) No application will be accepted after that minute! The following steps will be communicated to you after the Deadline. Things to consider: 1. All Application documents should be in PDF format and zipped in one folder under the name format AIESECUAE_First&LastName_MCP_1819_Application e.g (AIESECUAE_AhmedSamara_MCP_1718_Application) 2.Application must be sent to: 3.Video uploading can take a really long time, so make sure you upload it a minimum of 24 hours prior to the time you send your application.
General Information ● Picture – Your best Selfie
● Roles within AIESEC: Dates
● Name ● Date of Birth
● Nationality ● Country of Residence
● Conferences attended within your AIESEC Experience: Conference
Role in Conference
(name + year)
(CC, delegate, FACI, chair etc.)
● Email ● Mobile Number ● University & Major ● Graduation Year ● Driving License(Y/N)
● Why are you standing for the position of MCP 1819 of AIESEC UAE?
● Describe some of the best and worst behaviors you have personally and professionally?
AIESEC UAE 1. Assess the current culture of AIESEC UAE? How can this culture improve, what would be your role as MCP in taking it forward? 2. What would be your focus programs for the next term & what strategies would you put in place to grow, develop leadership & create loyal customers in each? 3. What will AIESEC UAE be remembered for after the term 18.19? Elaborate on the key milestones you commit to achieve during the next term. Please include but do not limit yourself to organizational goals. 4. Financial sustainability/management has been one of the bottlenecks in AIESEC UAE for the past 4 terms, what are your plans as MCP 18.19 to overcome that & build a sustainable organization?
Internal Questions 1. Rate the exchange performance of 1718. 2. How would you evaluate the current strategies in 1718? 3. AIESEC UAE currently has 4 entities, create a SWOT Analysis for that.