AIESEC in the UK Annual Report 17.18

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There is an element of undeniable peculiarity in the way this organisa7on operates. On one hand, an mission driven by ideals so strong that they are able to physically manifest, a desire for an outcome of peace and fulfilment of humankind’s poten7al that keeps us on our course, regardless how far the horizon might seem. On the other, the requirement for very tangible ac7ons to one day get there, which is fulfilled through passion, op7mis7c naivety and ingenuity more than experience and set prac7ces. And on the line between idealism and prac7cality, every year a new genera7on is called upon the mission to strengthen what was built by the genera7ons before and to drive the change that is needed for this living organism to evolve and keep relevant to the world which it aims to change. Change is not unfamiliar to AIESEC UK. The past few years have marked a transforma7on of our processes, our products; the evolu7on of the organisa7on called for alignment to the global plenary, alignment and crea7on of structures in our own plenary. And so we did. For something that never changes is the relevance of our values to the world we live in and the one we want to see it become. And the only way for our vision to become reality is to push for the progress that one genera7on can achieve and what they can do for the following ones. As was once wisely said, “Rome wasn’t built in one day, but they were laying bricks every hour”. So we laid our bricks. For the UK youth of today and tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who has given their contribu7on.

Best wishes to 18.19 for their journey.





1. 2. 3. 4.




THE 17.18 NATIONAL DIRECTION “All Local Commi:ees Grow”

During the 17.18 term there was one idea that united the NaRonal team: AIESEC UK’s organisaRonal growth. We strongly believed this would only possible through collaboraRon and unity in the enRty. For this reason, we took a stand and commitment to ensure that all the local commi+ees grow, regardless of their past performance and current state. This vision became the cornerstone of our goals, ambiRons and all strategies were created in order to support this ideal.

In order to achieve this goal we decided to focus on two main areas: improving our product and developing our people.

IMPROVING OUR PRODUCT As an organisaRon, we strive to constantly improve our main products and the experience we provide to all of our customers. To keep the track on our progress, globally we shi_ed our main MoS (Measure of Success) from Realised to Completed Experiences. For AIESEC UK this meant renewing the commitment to delivering the experiences we promise to our customers through Exchange Standards delivery. AIESEC internships have a special value proposiRon of leadership development, different from any other. In order ensure that our customers understood it and were of the the right profiles, we set a priority of evolving of the physical markeRng, while working to increase brand awareness through content markeRng. Overall, we strived to improve the conversion rates of our customer throughout the customer flow and we focused on improving our standards delivery in all products.

DEVELOPING OUR PEOPLE We are confident that membership is the main asset that can help an organisaRon grow. Thus, empowering our membership is the second focus we chose for the year. Developing leadership in the whole membership body allow us to provide more and more opportuniRes and increase our impact. To achieve this we chose three main projects: The first one involved the transiRon to the a new educaRonal plaform in collaboraRon with AIESEC’s global partner - Cornerstone. We uRlised as a hub for the educaRonal materials we adapted and created for our members holding different roles at local level. Cornerstone also aided us in providing team standards - a set of acRviRes aimed to ensure a posiRve leadership development experience for all of our members, team leaders and execuRve boards. This included defining the linear structure, where every member has a team leader, educaRon of the team leaders and tracking the progress of implementaRon of the standards. Furthermore, we have prioriRsed the collecRng of quanRRve and qualitaRve data from the past years, that helps local execuRve boards in their planning and decisions making process, connects them with the Alumni. Lastly, we have also implemented a system of coaching Local Commiiees, based on the conRnuous analysis of their organisaRonal heath and performance, as well as customised support from their coaches (former LCPs of AIESEC UK).


17 JUL | TRANSITION & INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS AZer the arrival of the new team and transi7on in June and July, most of the team boarded a flight to Colombia, which hosted this year’s biggest conference in AIESEC, Interna7onal Congress. AIESEC UK was represented there with a delega7on of nine people, both from the na7onal team and presidents of the local commi]ees. The congress was designed as space for global planning and strategies alignment.

AUG | PLANNING & PREPARATIONS The new team officially started the term in office on the1st of August, but not before dedica7ng 7me to plan out the direc7on that the organisa7on headed towards during the whole year and having the plan of ac7on reviewed and approved by both the Board of Directors and the na7onal plenary.

SEPT | FUNCTIONAL SUMMITS & NPM September, a 7me when our local members start returning to university, marked the perfect 7me to meet our local leaders - the presidents and func7onal vice presidents from each Local Commi]ee across the country. We organised func7onal summits and a Presidents’ mee7ng in London and Glasgow, where we prepared our local Execu7ve Boards for recrui7ng new members and the terms ahead.

OCT | REGIONAL INDUCTION CONFERENCES Recruitment finished in October and our new members were eager to learn more about the organisa7on and how can they could get involved locally, so we organised five regional conferences held in parallel in Aberdeen, Noangham, Birmingham, Bristol and London gathering together a total of more than 300 delegates.

NOV | MAXIS & EB ELECTIONS Our first na7onal conference of the year- MAXIS was held in the first weekend of November with a number of 250+ delegates and our first Train the Marketers event organised. AZer the conference, the plenary not only started running opera7ons and delivering results in our exchange programmes on campus, but also elected the new Execu7ve Boards for there Local Commi]ees for the 18.19 term.

DEC | LOCAL TRANSITION December was the month of the power of two Local Commi]ees Execu7ve Boards working alongside each other. Elec7ng our execu7ve boards as early as November and ensuring transi7on of knowledge and know-how by the beginning of their term in February marked the comple7on of our two-year project of aligning our en7ty 7meline to the 7meline of the global AIESEC operates and events.


JAN | RE-PLANNING In January, the Na7onal Team went to Barcelona to review the performance of the first semester and take strategic decisions to drive AIESEC UK forward in the following one. At the same 7me, the newly elected local Execu7ve Boards were conceptualising their plans of ac7on on campus.

FEB | LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR The second Na7onal Conference of the term was a special one for for mul7ple reasons: it was the first conference of for our new Execu7ve Boards as leaders of their local chapters; it hosted AIESEC UK external partners holding training sessions as well as a careers’ fair for our members; it gathered Alumni and friends of the organisa7on at our Gala Dinner, and last but not least, it was the conference in which the plenary elected the new Na7onal President of AIESEC UK for the term 18.19.

MAR | OPERATIONAL PEAK & COACHING VISITS In order to best support out local teams on campus, we prepared and delivered coaching visits through our Local Commi]ee Development Managers (all of which were previous Local Commi]ee Presidents), who visited the local teams and aided their progress towards their exchange goals and towards delivering qualita7ve experience to their members.

APR | FUNCTIONAL SUMMITS In April, we hosted opera7onal summits for our Local Commi]ees VicePresidents and their Team Leaders in order to prepare them with the knowledge needed for delivering good experiences to our hundreds of exchange par7cipants star7ng their projects and internships in the months to follow.

MAY | OUTGOING PREPARATION SEMINAR As summer was approaching, our Local Commi]ees delivered the prepara7on seminars for our exchange par7cipants, as part of our exchange standards. Through the seminars, the future exchange par7cipants were helped by our local members to set their personal goals for the experience ahead as well as ensure that they are aware and prepared for they leadership development journey.

JUN | NATIONAL STRATEGIC CONFERENCE The last na7onal conference of the year was dedicated to reviewing and celebra7ng the past achievements of the Local Commi]ees as well and re-planning for the next semester. At the same 7me, the new Na7onal Team arrived, and the transi7on phase started all over again, this 7me for the term 18,19!



FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY Over the course of the past two years AIESEC UK has been able to maintain financial health and improve its stability. During the 17.18 term, despite a higher base cost, we were able to maintain a balance between increased costs and increased revenue. We made the decision to have a larger HR base, with a bigger NaRonal Team to service the Local Commiiees and a larger permanent staff team to evolve and strengthen our admin processes. Our investment were driven by the willingness to build for long term growth of the organisaRon while pushing for conRnuous achievement of results in the short term. MarkeFng


One of the main ba]les of the year was improving our product, and as such we decided to put the spotlight on marke7ng. In order to do so, we recognised where to u7lise our internal strengths and where we needed external support from the experts in the area. This was done by inves7ng on u7lising leading plalorms such as Target Jobs and Prospects for promo7on of Internship opportuni7es. Addi7onally, we worked with Universi7es and Student Unions in our physical and virtual markets to reach the op7mal access to our customers on campus. Incoming Global Volunteer A strategic choice for the year was to establish, for the first 7me on a na7onal level, the incoming Global Volunteer programme. As all new projects, it required an ini7al investment that was made possible by the financial health of the organisa7on. We have seen a return through the ini7al results and the impact made by every volunteer on Bri7sh Society, and we are looking forward to see the development in the following years. PlaQorms As a youth organisa7on we understand the need to remain up to date with the digital revolu7on. As such, one of the main areas of investments for the year was to improve our plalorms and digital AIESEC UK pledged to support AIESEC Interna7onal financially to expedite the development of the Youth and Partners Opportuni7es Portal. Internally, we have explored the partnership with Hubspot to increase the efficiency of our Global Talent processes.


17.18 (Forecast)










Other Projects Income








Youth Training and Development




Internship Programme Management




Other Projects




Financial and Admin








Balance 61




OUR GLOBAL PRESENCE AIESEC UK is one piece of the larger puzzle, a network of 120+ enRRes. Every year we strive to build presence within the global plenary and the 17.18 term is no excepRon to this. We have been honoured our commitment to parRcipate in the achievement of the 2020 mid-term ambiRon and we have strived to contribute to the development of the global plenary.

ContribuRon to Global Projects Every year there are projects that need to be completed to help AIESEC progress towards its midterm ambiRon of becoming a Youth Leadership Movement by 2020. AIESEC UK accepted the commitment to execute the following foundaRonal projects - Improving our exchange products - Embedding our Leadership Development Assessment into our Talent Management operaRons - URlising Cornerstone to become a knowledge plaform - Have a fully working accounRng so_ware established - Integrate 6 financial standards across all our local chapters - Implement our customer flow within all our operaRons In addiRon to this, we were awarded the opportunity to develop the project “Talent AiracRon”, ensuring that our efforts to rebrand our membership programme could be uRlised for global scale research to create a unified recruitment process for all enRRes.

Global RepresentaFon and Strategic Input We are proud to have been able to contribute to the development of the global strategic direcRon and in the governance of the global plenary. The 17.18 term was the year of the shi_ towards customer centricity, as highlighted by the change of the organisaRon measurement of success towards Complete, that is exchange experiences where all the promised standards are delivered to our customers. David Boyd (outgoing Global Talent responsible) was invited to the Standard Summit organised by AIESEC InternaRonal to kickstart the shi_ and create the resources needed to support the plenary through this change.

AIESEC UK also took part in the governance of the global and regional associaRon through the MCP, Martha Riva, who served as Regional Chair for Europe. She represented the European presidents and worked closely with the regional office in its first year of existence, supporRng them in financial and legislaRve maiers.

UK Members in the Global Plenary We are extremely proud to see the development of the young leaders that decide to conRnue their leadership journey a_er finishing their experience in AIESEC UK. In 17.18 we have seen AIESEC UK represented abroad by:

We are happy to see the trend conRnue and we wish all the people that will be conRnuing their journey the best of luck. These courageous individuals are:

Farhaan Ali (MCP 16.17) - AIESEC InternaRonal KonstanFna Ntokorou (MCVP BD 16.17) - AIESEC InternaRonal James Pendleton (MCVP oGET 16.17) - Russia NaRonal Team, Dana Gradinaru (MCVP iGT 16.17) - Colombia tNaRonal Team Linh Le (NST) - Vietnam NaRonal Team Tiffany Ng (NST) - Thailand NaRonal Team

James Pendleton - Europe Regional Office Larissa van der Feen (MCVP BD 17.18)- Netherlands NaRonal Team Juan SebasFan Moscoso Paloma - Czech Republic NaRonal Team Linh Le -Czech Republic NaRonal Team Wilson Wei Lim (NST) – Sweden NaRonal Team



THE PEOPLE OF AIESEC UK The 17.18 term in AIESEC UK saw the compleRon of the Rmeline shi_, a two year process which ended with the beginning of the 18.19 Local Commiiee term. Within this Rme, the challenge was to provide a membership experience which would sustain two generaRons of execuRve boards as well as increase the management capacity, the producRvity and the knowledge base of the membership within AIESEC in UK.


ApplicaRons to Join AIESEC


Members Recruited | Winter


Members Recruited | Autumn


Total Numbers of Members Recruited


Members’ RetenRon in Second Semester

Talent Management followed.


United Kingdom


Hong Kong China Malaysia India Romania Singapore






Business and Management Social Sciences


Paloma Rojas Costa, Team Member AIESEC in Aberdeen

Core Sciences Economics 8


My experience as a team member in AIESEC has been very nourishing. I have developed skills that I did not even know I had. I never had enough confidence in myself to believe I was actually able to lead a team. I also learned to work in groups, trying to understand the individual nature of each person and how their skills could fit in the team to eventually just be one.







First Yeas Second Year


Final Year Postgraduate 12.5

19 People Management in AIESEC UK during the 17.18 term followed the Global Organisa7onal Design & Evolu7on Strategy as part of the 2020 mid-term ambiRon. We saw the introducRon of an evolved Talent Management Process with much more focus on the learning and development of the membership, as well as the team experience within the Local Commiiees. The 17.18 term introduced "KickStart" 2-Day Regional InducRons aiended by more then 355 new recruits in each region across the UK, Scotland, North, Midlands, South, London. These were followed by further development, educaRon and values spaces at MAXIS 2018. There was also a greater focus on building management capacity within the top leadership of AIESEC UK with the introducRon of consistent Team Standards training and tracking for all leadership groups of AIESEC UK. With the final wave of the Rmeline shi_, we had our first ever Training & Management Summit in Dec, aiended by new execuRve boards. New performance management processes were also introduced to elevate the HR pracRces on a local level. We also introduced a new LMS for beier resource and knowledge management.





ACHIEVEMENTS LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR (February 2018) Excellence in oGV: AIESEC in UCL Excellence in oGET: AIESEC in Edinburgh Excellence in iGET: AIESEC in UCL Excellence in Finance: AIESEC in Manchester Excellence in Talent Management: AIESEC in Aberdeen Most Improved En=ty: AIESEC in Sheffield Yes En=ty of the Year: AIESEC in UCL Team Leader of the Year: Denise Manda (AIESEC in Manchester)


Excellence in oGV: AIESEC in UCL Excellence in oGET: AIESEC in Aberdeen Excellence in iGET: AIESEC in UCL Excellence in Finance: AIESEC in Manchester Excellence in Talent Management: AIESEC in Sheffield Special Recogni=on for Overall Exchange Results: AIESEC in UCL; Sheffield and Cardiff Leadership Quality Awards Solu=on Oriented: Jesslyn Yap (AIESEC in Manchester) Self-Aware: Nefeli Mandragouda (AIESEC in Cardiff) Worlds Ci=zen: Shah Tasmania Hussain (AIESEC in Cardiff) Empowering Others: Geyin Lee (AIESEC in UCL)

AIESEC changed my life. It opened my eyes to opportuni7es I never thought before. It helped me improve public speaking, and my communica7on skills overall. It helped me become more sociable. Professionally it offered me the best experience. I am currently in Brazil, doing Marke7ng for a start-up company that is part of the GE programme. I am learning new things daily and I feel like I am developing professionally in ways, no other internship, would help me develop. AIESEC was the best choice for me both on a personal and professional level.

Teodor Ispas, Team Leader AIESEC in Notngham


AIESEC UK ADAPTED DIGITALLY This year, we put increased focus on adap7ng AIESEC UK to the ever-changing digital world in the hopes of crea7ng a more accessible, more up-to-date and more relevant AIESEC in the online medium.

SOCIAL MEDIA Content-marke=ng has been the key word this year in means of social media. Crea7ng and sharing content that tells the leadership stories we create all around the world through our leadership development programmes for youth, as well as aligning to the global messages and brand voice through which AIESEC communicates as a global brand have been the pillars of the digital strategy that defined this year.

80.000+ Likes

2.000+ Followers

7.800+ Followers

WEB As part of the global strategy for plalorms development, AIESEC UK has started opera7ng more and more through the mul7-sided global plalorm, the Youth Opportuni7es Portal for the whole year, as well as the newly developed Partners Opportuni7es Portal in the later months of the term. This way, AIESEC UK is making AIESEC’s programmes for both young people (wan7ng to go through a leadership experience abroad) and poten7al partners (looking to work with interna7onal talent in the UK) easily accessible. A more experience that fits into the bigger picture and posi7ons AIESEC as a true global brand by not only using the global website but by integra7ng real 7me chats for customer support and automated messaging based on the users’ behaviour on the portal.

LEAD NURTURING Making the customer experience easy and personalised were the reasons why this year we decided to improve our lead nurturing systems. Increasing the conversion rates at each step of the funnel was aided first by our na7onally-lead email lead nurturing system, later on adapted to the global system through which customers receive relevant informa7on and sugges7ons at each step of the process not only from our local members but also virtually in a standardised and smart, automa7c and behaviour-driven way.




Our na7onal brand form members’ recruitment “Join To Lead” has been reviewed and we decided that it was the right 7me for a complete brand refreshment and re-posi7oning on campus. AZer extensive research carried out during the summer period, the autumn recruitment campaign was painted with new brushes with a new and fresh talent a]rac7on strategy. The campaign aimed to showcase the the prac7cal experience side of the membership journey in AIESEC, with the hopes of recrui7ng a membership that is more commi]ed to developing themselves while delivering great results in their Local Commi]ees.


UK IMPACT MAKERS Capitalising on the rela7ve awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals among our membership and u7lising the global Youth4Global Goals ini7a7ve of AIESEC Interna7onal, we developed the #UKImpactMakers project that aimed to send members of AIESEC UK in Global Volunteer experience in one of our en7ty partners, where they would not only carry out their voluntary work but would also document their experience, compiling relevant informa7on to create a comprehensive and detailed impact report to be published.


#LIVETHEEXPERIENCE Following the global direc7on, this year we wanted to put “leadership” at the core of our communica7on with our audience and make sure that we transmit a clear, constant and consistent message, a]rac7ng young people to live a prac7cal experience through our AIESEC exchange programmes. Increased focus was thus put on u7lising user generated content that is genuine, trustworthy and fit for posi7oning AIESEC as a global organisa7on that has been present in the world for 70 years and in the UK for more than 65.



AIESEC FOR YOUTH Outgoing Global Volunteer

This year in the outgoing side of the Global Volunteer programme we focused on building a beier collaboraRon between specific AIESEC enRRes and AIESEC UK, in order ensure that we keep a high standard for the level of quality of our experiences. To live up to the status of a customer centric organisaRon, we have gathered customer insights and feedback used for adapRng both our way of posiRoning Global Volunteer on campus, as well as improving the standard operaRons. Global Volunteer has been represented through our local volunteers in university events and media in collaboraRon with other student socieRes. This lead us to successfully secure partnerships with some universiRes, who decided to invest in AIESEC and fund young students to volunteer abroad through Global Volunteer.









I volunteered in Vitória, Brazil in a NGO named Projeto Chiquinho. It focuses on providing a safe environment for children to experience cultural and living experiences whilst focusing on developing a sense of belonging and iden7ty within them, strengthening family 7es and encouraging socialisa7on and community coexistence. Part of our project is to help fundraise for supplies and dona7ons for the NGO, which purely runs through dona7ons. I've spent 6 weeks here with these kids and i've grown such a close connec7on with them. Honestly they are so lovely and I would love to be able to provide them with a brighter future!

Desmond Leung (The University of Noangham), Global Volunteer in Brazil

Incoming Global Volunteer For the first Rme Incoming Global Volunteer was implemented on naRonal level in the UK, setng the basis in terms of legaliRes and the establishment of key partnerships. Our first project developed aimed to support and provide workshops to homeless people in a London-based charity and it brought with four volunteers to the UK. Our second project, took place in summer camp in Cornwall that aims to raise awareness about the environment, where 6 volunteers held workshops to teach kids about the relevance of environmental care.




Outgoing Global Talent NaRonal strategies allowed the local commiiees to drive growth in outgoing Global Talent.


Choosing to adverRse our internships abroad by using the services of Prospects & TARGETJobs, allowed us to expand our audience and reach recent graduates who would otherwise not be reached with only our local presence on university campuses.





Another area of focus was ensuring that all of our local representaRves from the universiRes we are present in could provide the best support to students interested in taking an internship abroad with AIESEC. Through focusing on some selecRve enRty partners we were able to grow our operaRons from previous years and diversify the industries in which we allowed students to take part in internships.




Incoming Global Talent This year was enRrely focused on decentralising the partnership which were previously managed enRrely naRonally. We did this for three reasons: our own development, the development of our Local Commiiees and the chance to provide beier service to our customers and partners. We did this through working with newly selected and trained Local Account Managers as well as by redesigning internal structures to support this move.












On the sales side of things, we worked on implemenRng an eecRve and reliable sales process through which Local Commiiees could get in front of potenRal partners quickly. We also ďŹ elded incoming inquiries from referrals, previous partners and Alumni, and passed those along to the Local Commiiees. Finally, we worked on helping our partners who inquire iniRally only about visa services to see how much value our Leadership Development program can add to the experience they intend to provide to an internaRonal young person as well as the on-boarding process for these partners to




In Outgoing Global Entrepreneur, the 17.18 term brought about the streamlining of our processes and operaRons as well as choosing selecRve enRty partners to provide more aienRon to how we bring our customers to the forefront of our operaRons. Alongside this we also used the services of TARGETJobs to expand our audience to increase the number of students we had applying for projects overall.

In the summer of 2017, I went on AIESEC’s Global Entrepreneur program to Bogotá, Colombia where I worked with a small language services company called Caxton & Taylor. Through this experience, I was able to assist with content crea7on for their online educa7on plalorm as well as work with staff from their public and private sector partners. I also had the opportunity to offer workshops in professional communica7on to different companies, government ins7tu7ons and locals. My 7me in Bogotá allowed me to gain perspec7ve on how companies start and operate in Colombia. Furthermore, I was able to improve my Spanish language skills and feel culturally immersed by engaging with different members of local society.

Ruth Paterson (The University of Glasgow) Global Entrepreneur Intern in Colombia


OUR 2020 MID-TERM AMBITION In 2015, AIESEC globally came up with the mid-term ambiRon of becoming a Youth Leadership Movement. Each AIESEC enRty has commiied to taking acRons towards the three fundamental pillars of this 5 year plan. Here is how we are doing it at AIESEC UK:


For the first Rme naRonally, during this term we took the brave decision to try and become more relevant to the community around us. This was done through establishing our Incoming Global Volunteer, department that was directed by Juan SebasRan Moscoso Paloma. The department focused on bringing in internaRonal volunteers to help work on issues currently affecRng the UK and raising awareness of these topics within the community. Through all of the efforts that SebasRan put into the project we are proud to announce that throughout the year we were able to bring in 10 volunteers to work in a range of chariRes and organisaRons to tackle issues relaRng directly to the United NaRon's Sustainable Development Goals, in parRcular, focusing heavily on SDG #4 (Quality EducaRon) & SDQ #13 (Climate AcRon) & SDG #17 (Partnerships for the goals). It is due to the efforts within the 17.18 term that we can conRnue to move forward in the next term to help strengthen those partnerships and also extend our reach into new communiRes and chariRes On top of this we understand the importance and impact that can be made through sending someone abroad through an exchange to improve a community and that's why with the support of our Business Development team and AIESEC Spain, we were able to partner with Iberdrola to sponsor five students to take part in projects focusing on tackling SDG #13 (Climate Change) within South America.


GROWING DISRUPTIVELY As an organisaRon we understand that we are yet to reach our true potenRal with the amount of young people that we impact. This is why constantly throughout the year we placed focus on working closely with our local chapters to help them increase the amount of impact they can have. While we appreciate the efforts of all our commiied volunteers within each local chapter, we wanted to take this Rme to highlight a few that truly raised the bar on what it means to achieve your potenRal. First off is AIESEC in UCL, where by their constant and conRnuous hard work in supporRng the naRonal team, our volunteers have been able to bring in a record number of 20 students to have internships in London. Secondly, we have AIESEC in Aberdeen where through the support of their Vice President of Outgoing Talent And Entrepreneur, Delaine de Lorio, this local chapter has not only been able to surpass their personal record, but also raise the limit set for any enRty within AIESEC UK to 17 approvals in the product within 1 year.

BEING ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE As one of the goals we wish to achieve as an organisaRon is to become more accessible to everyone everywhere, the naRonal team took a stand to help ensure the 17.18 term was always working towards this end goal. Below are just a few of the things that have been put in place to allow us to become more accessible to everyone everywhere. Firstly we understood that with only being present within 18 different universiRes that we could only reach out to so many different people to explain the importance of AIESEC. This is why we partnered with other companies such as TARGETJobs and Prospects to help expand our reach to different markets to help increase the opportuniRes that they can be offered. As a result of this direcRon we were able to see a 100% growth in the number of students who are applying for internships abroad.

On top of the local chapters performing well, where we've managed to see chapters such as AIESEC in Cardiff and AIESEC in Sheffield grow from 6 to 20 approvals and from 5 to 23 approvals respecRvely, we have also seen growth within the products of Incoming Global Talent, where we project to bring in 70 interns compared to 44 the previous year and Outgoing Global Talent where we are projected to send over 75 students abroad on internships within the fields of Business, MarkeRng, IT & Teaching, which is a 19% growth YoY.

On top of this, at the beginning of the year we had the opportunity to open an expansion within Kings College London and through using the support of our OrganisaRonal Development and Local Commiiee Development teams we were able to see them send 10 students abroad this summer to volunteer, with the potenRal to conRnue our growth moving forward in the next term. Also, to build on the expansion that was created, we wanted to make a beier process to allow expansions to be established and this was done through selecRng a few individuals to support this strategy and help build the relaRons within these campuses to help future generaRons to have a more sustainable system in setng up new AIESEC chapters. Finally we aligned all our markeRng efforts to follow the naRonal direcRon and conRnuously engaged through different media channels to increase the reach we could get through social media.



OUR LOCAL PARTNERS This year we were fortunate enough to grow in our UK - driven partnerships. While these partners came to AIESEC to solve all different sorts of needs their organisa7ons had, what they ended up with was the chance to provide a Leadership Development experience to a young person from one or more of the 26 countries our exchange par7cipants came from this year.

OUR NATIONAL PARTNERS Over the past year, AIESEC UK has had strong long - lasRng partnerships, that contributed greatly to AIESEC UK, and helped the organisaRon become to what it is today. One of these partners is QS who aiended two of our three naRonal conferences, LDS and NSC holding workshops on educaRon as well as presenRng the QS Award. Besides the already established partners, we have also looked into creaRng new naRonal partnerships that would add value to the organisaRon. One of the projects for this year was the creaRon of a Partners Day during our February naRonal conference - LDS. A day where meaningful content was delivered by our partners to our members, as well as a Careers’ Fair is held. The partners aiending were QS, Bulb, a energy supplier with 100% renewable energy, Fly-Pay, Think Equal and YGAM.

Some of our partners were looking for help with a language, expanding into a new market, bringing back someone who interned for them previously on a Tier 5 visa, livening it up around the office with a set of youthful, innovaRve interns, or simply providing a training and developmental experience as a way of giving back. In any and all cases, we are are happy to have worked with over 13 new partners this year, in addiRon to our long-lasRng partnerships with Flypay, Simprints, Triton, BMI and Morgan Stanley. Another focus was to acquire a more diverse range of partners that can add value to different business units. SPCE is a accommodaRon agency that enables us to beier provide our incoming trainees with proper housing. Support for our incoming trainees was also provided by Loot, a digital bank, that enables our trainees to start paying with their new card in the UK as soon as they arrive. Lastly, a partnership with Student Universe - a plaform through which our exchange parRcipants can buy cheaper flight Rckets was also established this year.



OUR PARTNERS FOR SOCIAL PROJECTS As one of the innovaRon strategies of AIESEC UK for the term 17.18, the Incoming Global Volunteer was established through two social projects related to the Sustainable Development Goals working with organisaRons commiied to make a difference. Involving different key stakeholders on the creaRon of the helped increase their impact.

GLOBAL PARTNERS AIESEC UK has been very fortunate to be able to work with many Global Partners, co-delivering the partnership in collaboraRon with AIESEC InternaRonal. And having partners that are not only acRve in the UK but internaRonally too This year the amount of Leadership experiences provided by Global Partners have been growing compared to previous terms. September started with the entrance of a new Global Partner: Cornerstone, of which the Head Quarters and Global Coordinator for AIESEC both located in London. This was an addiRon to the the already strong presence of Global Partners in the UK with PwC, Nokia, InternaRonal SOS, EF EducaRon, DP DHL, Husqvarna and Apple

Fundraising and teaching for the homeless with Spires was the first project run from on a naRonal level, allowing four volunteers from different countries (Romania, Greece and Germany) to challenge themselves and improve the organisaRon through workshops and acRviRes supporRng the improvement of it’s financial sustainability, contribuRng to the Sustainable Development Goal #4 Quality EducaRon and #17 Partnerships for the goals. Moving forward, with the collaboraRon and support received from Camp Kernow, we designed and implemented the Global Environmental Adventure Assistance and the Field to Fork project, where volunteers work in the summer camp to deliver workshops to a number of 304 kids from Cornwall and other schools in order to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goal #13 Climate AcRon. Finally, organisaRons such as think Equal and YGAM, delivered workshops in one of the naRonal conferences engaging the members and challenging them to take acRon for social change.

This year, Apple upscaled the exisRng partnership with 10 opportuniRes being opened in the first half of the year, hitng the number of 23 leadership experiences delivered by Apple and AIESEC in 2017. Another big contributor this term was InternaRonal SOS, that helped us to deliver six more leadership experiences with more to follow in the next period. Overall, the contribuRon of Global Partners this year with 32 leadership experiences has never been as big.


ACCESS TIER 5 Access Tier 5 is AIESEC UK's scheme which sponsors non-EEA graduates to undertake work experience with UK employers. It is endorsed by the UK Government's Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, as well as the Home Office and is regulated by the Office of the ImmigraRon Services Commissioner.






As a youth-led charity, we are focused on providing a plaform for internaRonal youth leadership development, and global youth mobility. In addiRon to our efforts to increase our ability to source internship opportuniRes in BriRsh industry, we are proud to say that we have been entrusted to have a Tier 5 GAE license for almost 10 years. We hold an A rated Tier 5 Government Authorised Exchange Sponsor License, which cerRfies us to act as an overarching body and to issue CerRficates of Sponsorship for individuals who meet our eligibility criteria to apply for a Tier 5 Visa to come and experience working, social and cultural life in the UK. Every year we are able to sponsor an increasing number of young graduates and we have been able to support companies operaRng in the UK to source the best talent from an ever rising number of countries. The Access Tier 5 team has been an invaluable addiRon to the charity. We are thankful to Zenia Chopra for her conRnued work to develop the scheme. The charity is very grateful to Mais Alyasiri, who was with us unRl the end of 2017 for the contribuRon she has brought to the team. Moving forward, we are excited to welcome Nadhrah Rafiq, who has joined the AT5 team as immigraRon specialist, and Amanda Goodson, who will take up the role of Sales and MarkeRng representaRve at the end of the term. Finally, supporRng the AT5 team as well as the whole organisaRon, we are delighted to have welcomed Jess Andrews as office manager. We are very proud to have worked with many organisaRons in the pasty year, some of which are the following:


THE NATIONAL TEAM 17.18 The Na7onal Team for the term 17.18, Member Commi+ee “Zenith” was comprised of nine individuals of eight different na7onali7es:




VP MarkeOng



VP Incoming Global Volunteer

VP Incoming Global Talent





VP Talent Management

VP OrganisaOonal Development

VP Outgoing Global Volunteer

VP Business Development


VP Outgoing Global Talent and Entrepreneur



KASEY ROUALDES VP Incoming Global Volunteer

REBECCA CLOW VP Incoming Global Talent

PENNIANA PERMAL VP Talent Management


VP OrganisaOonal Development

ANAÏS-LUNA BALSELLS VP Outgoing Global Volunteer


VP Outgoing Global Talent and Entrepreneur








Adrian Sia Lu Neil Calder Aaron Caplan Zoe Oliver CrisFna Galindo Ian Priestley Paul Vivash

Chair of the Board of Directors Board Director Board Director Board Director Board Director Board Director Board Director

Steeve Keeley Dean Addis Keith Watson

Chair Trustee Trustee

Alec Canham Bola Ajose Wilson Lim

OCP MAXIS 2017 OCP LDS 2018 OCP NSC 2018

Berenice Cruz Wilson Lim Izzuddin AF Anais Ballsels Filipe Lopes Jhonathan Ibanez Veronica Bahl Diana Alves Bramantyo B. Denisa Manda Cecylia Klosinska AugusFne E. Meriam Jrad Theodore Great Chaitnya Arora Mamdouh F. Harman Singh FaFh Kan Roshan D'souza Roger Analuisa

Graphic Designer Facebook CM Videographer Virtual Markets Manager Virtual Markets Manager Data Analyst Blogger B2C Blogger B2C iGV Value Delivery iGV Sales Manager oGET Team Leader oGET Product Specialist oGET Product Specialist oGET Team Member oGET Team Member oGET Team Member oGET Team Member oGE IR Manager oGT Subproduct Specialist oGE Specialist

NATIONAL SUPPORT Tiffany Ma LCD Coach Chloe Wong LCD Coach Ruth Paterson LCD Coach Marina Kokkinou LCD Coach Hiroki Hirayama LCD Coach Arifa Mujahid LCD Coach Anabelle Koong TM Experience Manager Jason Thondee Training Manager Bola Ajose RcR Coordinator Rachel Sum Hub Content Creator Raphael Gallo Hub Content Creator Pritesh Ramsaha NTT Coordinator Stefani Kostova Finance Team Leader Perry Liu Finance Team Member Varun Chaubey Finance Team Member Pauline Gonçalves Co-Delivery Suseeven S. IR Manager Varun Chaubey Blogger B2C Jaitej Baddam Blogger B2C Eva Fontes Blogger B2B Fernanda Tourinho Graphic Designer


ENTITY CONTROL BOARD Jane Luk Desmond Leung Tak Hei Tam Corinna Wong Lucia Tang

ECB Chair ECB Member ECB Member ECB Member ECB Member

SPECIAL THANKS Zenia Chopra Nadhrah Rafiq Jessica Andrews

Head of Sales & MarkeRng, Access Tier 5 ImmigraRon Specialist Office Manager

LOCAL PRESIDENTS (17.18 & 18.19) Tereza Rusova Stella Opare Jennifer Chu Andreea Anutei Rory Wade Nilkanth Kasvala Kiran Ruparelia

Aberdeen Aston Birmingham Bristol Cardiff City Durham

Hiroki Hirayama Rowena Ng Jieran Meng Nicole Lim Anaïs Balsells Dominique Lianos Myolie Lau

Edinburgh KCL Leeds LSE Manchester Notngham Sussex

Pranav Kasinadhuni Sheffield Szymon Boczyński Southampton Marina Kokinou Strathclyde Arthur Dijoux UCL Lau Yun Shiuan Warwick Yasmin Mortaza QM

Renske de Leuwe Daniel Tarleton Nelson Tan Sophia Shum Shah Hussain Muhammad Qasim

Aberdeen Aston Birmingham Bristol Cardiff City

Genghis Acconci Mathias Jacobsen Rowena NG Eugenie John Louis. Xavier Ma Aicha Daneliuc Chester Shum

Durham Edinburgh KCL Leeds LSE Manchester Notngham

Lee Chun Xian ChrisFne Leung Kieran Kwok Geyin Lee Chandra Prakash

Sheffield Southampton Strathclyde UCL Warwick

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AND TRAINERS Gurin Pal Singh Branham Anamon Ruan Caetano Bill Agar

Chair of MAXIS 2017 Chair of LDS 2018 Chair of NSC 2018 ElecRons Candidate Manager

© AIESEC UK 2018 Annual Report 2017-2018 AIESEC (UK) is a company limited by guarantee. Registered # 01206976. AIESEC (UK) Ltd. is a registered charity. Registered charity # 274779

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