Global Volunteer in Peru

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Summer 2018

in Peru

about global volunteer Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural volunteering experience abroad for young people who seek to gain prac;cal work experience and expand their global network while improving communi;es around the world. All of the projects work towards The United Na;on’s Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Why do we provide Global Volunteer experiences? Our Global Volunteer projects around the world exist because as AIESEC, we choose to shape what we do around what the world needs. We have commiLed to crea;ng a youth movement to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030. This all falls under our Youth 4 Global Goals ini;a;ve aimed at ac;va;ng youth to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more by clicking here



Have at least 6 full free weeks (minimum dura;on of projects)

You’ll be hosted with a host family or shared accommoda;on with other volunteers

Be aged 18 to 30

You’ll be picked up from the airport (or sta;on)

Pay the administra;ve fee of £450, purchase your insurance and travel ;ckets

You’ll experience a new culture and form an interna;onal network

Be passionate about making a social impact and developing yourself

You’ll work in a new and challenging experience that will help you develop new skills

Projects for summer 2018 Project ‘empower’ The project aims to advance and support Genrder Equality in the Peruvian society by crea;ng ac;vi;es that support the cri;cal thinking of children and teenagers between the age of 4 and 17 years old about the importance of the woman in society. Loca;ons: Cajamarca/ Huancayo Period: june-july 2018 Find out more here: hLp://

Project ‘Learn & Live’ Learn&Live an ini;a;ve,which has as main objec;ve to strengthen and promote the learning of second languages in an environment which s;mulates the cultural diversity, and interac;on of Peruvian students with university students from all over the world. You will teach groups children ages 4 to 14 Loca;ons: Cajamarca/ Huancayo / Lucanas/ Lima Period: june-july 2018/ july-august 2018 Find out more here: hLp://

Project ‘ecochange’ EcoChange invites volunteer to create ac;vi;es for groups of children aimed to raise their awareness of the importance of sustainability, encouraging to improve environmental condi;ons in their local community and adopt sustainable prac;ces everyday. Loca;ons: Cercado de Lima Period: august-september 2018 Find out more here: hLp://




Peru is bigger than France, Germany, Italy, Netherland and Switzerland combined. It is the third largest country in South America and it’s divided in 3 geographic regions: the coast, highlands and the jungle. The popula;on is over 30 million and the official language is Spanish.


The Peruvian ohen use superla;ves to describe the features of our country, for example Lake Ti;caca, the world’s highest navigable lake at 3856 meters (12,725 h) above sea level or the awesome Cordillera Blanca, which is about 180 km (112 miles) long and 20 km (12 miles) wide. In this fairly small area, there are more than 50 peaks of 5700 meters (18,696 h) or higher.

CLIMATE Temperatures and atmospheric cycles vary from one region to another. The coastal region has two seasons - summer (December-March) and winter (May-October); the Highlands have a ]dry and temperate climate, with two clearly-defined seasons: the dry season (May-October),and the rain season (December-March); the Jungle are has a specific tropical and humid climate.

HEALTH Visitors should drink only boLled water, which is widely available. Do not drink tap water, even in major hotels. Agua con gas is carbonated; agua sin gas is plain. You are safer ea;ng fruits you can peel. Avoid ea;ng from street vendors. VACCINATION: If you are thinking of visi;ng the jungle, remember that a yellow fever vaccina;on is mandatory


past participants experiences Hannah Rogasch The University of Aberdeen “I have to say it was a bit of a culture shock in the beginning everything looks different, a lot less modern, the traffic is crazy, the climate and the food are different. But at the same @me it is all very exci@ng; the school where our project is based is very welcoming, I have a caring host family and nice group of other volunteers who are having similar experiences. And I feel like I'm learning something new every day.”

Frequently asked questions What is AIESEC? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organiza;on crea;ng opportuni;es for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten;al. With offices in more than 122 countries and territories, AIESEC is a non-poli;cal, independent, not-for- profit organiza;on run by students and recent graduates of ins;tu;ons of higher educa;on. Around the world AIESEC partners with more than 2,600 universi;es and 8000+ organiza;ons to facilitate professional and personal development experiences for young people across the globe.- What is AIESEC? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organiza;on crea;ng opportuni;es for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten;al. With offices in more than 122 countries and territories, AIESEC is a non-poli;cal, independent, not-for- profit organiza;on run by students and recent graduates of ins;tu;ons of higher educa;on. Around the world AIESEC partners with more than 2,600 universi;es and 8000+ organiza;ons to facilitate professional and personal development experiences for young people across the globe.

What is the exchange par?cipant going to do in the other country? Depend on the project, the majority of the exchange par;cipants deliver workshops, teach English to children and teenagers together with a group of other exchange par;cipants from other countries in order to contribute of making that local community beLer.

Is the exchange par?cipant going to be alone? No. From the moment that he/she arrives to the country, representa;ves from the local AIESEC office of the host country will be next to the exchange par;cipant guiding him/her and suppor;ng him/her in terms of integra;on in the local culture, first day at the project and in case of emergency. In addi;on to that, all the projects are designed in a way to be delivered by a group of people.

Where is the exchange par?cipant stay? The accommoda;on is covered by the host AIESEC country and the majority of the ;mes is host families. The host families are selected aher interview and signing a contract where they agree to provide any support to the exchange par;cipant. Normally, the host families are families of the representa;ves of the local AIESEC oďŹƒce. Apart from families, the accommoda;on can be in apartments.

What are the beneďŹ ts of Global Volunteer?

contact details Eirini triantou Na;onal Manager of Global Volunteer

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