Global Volunteer in Colombia

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Summer 2018

in Colombia

about global volunteer Global Volunteer is a cross-cultural volunteering experience abroad for young people who seek to gain prac;cal work experience and expand their global network while improving communi;es around the world. All of the projects work towards The United Na;on’s Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Why do we provide Global Volunteer experiences? Our Global Volunteer projects around the world exist because as AIESEC, we choose to shape what we do around what the world needs. We have commiLed to crea;ng a youth movement to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030. This all falls under our Youth 4 Global Goals ini;a;ve aimed at ac;va;ng youth to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more by clicking here



Have at least 6 full free weeks (minimum dura;on of projects)

You’ll be hosted with a host family or shared accommoda;on with other volunteers

Be aged 18 to 30

You’ll be picked up from the airport (or sta;on)

Pay the administra;ve fee of £450, purchase your insurance and travel ;ckets

You’ll experience a new culture and form an interna;onal network

Be passionate about making a social impact and developing yourself

You’ll work in a new and challenging experience that will help you develop new skills

Projects for summer 2018 Project ‘WE SPEAK’ This project seeks to strengthen and promote the English language through social ac;vi;es that strengthen the community and give them opportuni;es for their future. Classes may be held individually or in the company of another teacher and these will be scheduled from Monday to Saturdays at different ;mes. Loca;on: Medellín Period: jury-august 2018 Find out more here: hLp://

Project ‘eCOMUNDO” Ecomundo, seeks to educate about the importance of caring for the environment and the responsibility of our daily ac;ons in the damage that the planet is constantly suffering through workshops and fun ac;vi;es. Loca;on: Bogotá Period: august-sept 2018 Find out more here: hLp://

Project ‘PROYECTARTE’ Proyectarte seeks to promote and facilitate opportuni;es for training in soe skills and leadership in order to provide to the target popula;on a more complete view of their skills through spaces that encourage the construc;on of career plans with clear objec;ves through different arts. Loca;on: Barranquilla Period: jury-august 2018 Find out more here: hLp://



Colombia is situated northwest of South America, with territories in Central America, with the capital in Bogota and a popula;on of almost 50 million speaking the official language Spanish.

CULTURE The joyous, colourful cultural heritage of the Colombian people is visible in fes;vals and carnivals where music plays a leading role. Our roots are also reflected in craes and archaeological sites, as well as pain;ngs and sculptures by great ar;sts.

CLIMATE From warm to freezing Colombia is privileged in having all known climate zones, making the country a des;na;on with a wide variety of landscapes. You can see different wildlife and ecosystems by travelling short distances over land, making this one of the best travel experiences enjoyed by many people including birdwatchers.

HEALTH It is important to be aware of poten;al risks when travelling. The most common illnesses in Colombia are acute al;tude sickness, stomach problems, and in jungle areas malaria and yellow fever. This informa;on corresponds to current informa;on from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Colombia VACCINATION: You must be vaccinated against yellow fever at least 10 days before


past participants experiences EMMA SIMPSON The University of Southampton “ My experience in Colombia was a very humbling one. As a non-Spanish speaker surrounded by na>ve La>n Americans, my honed communica>on skills were suddenly challenged. Through my exchange experience, I learnt the value of truly listening to others and understanding their points of view before I put forward my own, as someone coming from the other side of the world into a new community. This way, I was able to learn so much about both how I interact with others, as well as the new culture in which I was submerged. “

Frequently asked questions What is AIESEC? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organiza;on crea;ng opportuni;es for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten;al. With offices in more than 122 countries and territories, AIESEC is a non-poli;cal, independent, not-for- profit organiza;on run by students and recent graduates of ins;tu;ons of higher educa;on. Around the world AIESEC partners with more than 2,600 universi;es and 8000+ organiza;ons to facilitate professional and personal development experiences for young people across the globe.- What is AIESEC? AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organiza;on crea;ng opportuni;es for young people to explore and develop their leadership poten;al. With offices in more than 122 countries and territories, AIESEC is a non-poli;cal, independent, not-for- profit organiza;on run by students and recent graduates of ins;tu;ons of higher educa;on. Around the world AIESEC partners with more than 2,600 universi;es and 8000+ organiza;ons to facilitate professional and personal development experiences for young people across the globe.

What is the exchange par?cipant going to do in the other country? Depend on the project, the majority of the exchange par;cipants deliver workshops, teach English to children and teenagers together with a group of other exchange par;cipants from other countries in order to contribute of making that local community beLer.

Is the exchange par?cipant going to be alone? No. From the moment that he/she arrives to the country, representa;ves from the local AIESEC office of the host country will be next to the exchange par;cipant guiding him/her and suppor;ng him/her in terms of integra;on in the local culture, first day at the project and in case of emergency. In addi;on to that, all the projects are designed in a way to be delivered by a group of people.

Where is the exchange par?cipant stay? The accommoda;on is covered by the host AIESEC country and the majority of the ;mes is host families. The host families are selected aeer interview and signing a contract where they agree to provide any support to the exchange par;cipant. Normally, the host families are families of the representa;ves of the local AIESEC oďŹƒce. Apart from families, the accommoda;on can be in apartments.

What are the beneďŹ ts of Global Volunteer?

contact details Eirini triantou Na;onal Manager of Global Volunteer

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