Eb application package ccs

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Parque Waraira Repano (Telesférico)

Pico Occidental Lagunazo

Pico Oriental Cabeza de Elefante

Pico Naiguatá Topo Goering

EB Application Package

¡Hola AIESECer! Desde AIESEC Caracas queremos darte un gran saludo; hoy todos nos sentimos especialmente entusiasmados porque estamos iniciando nuestros procesos de selección del equipo local que conformará cada una de las EB's para el período 2015. Ser miembro de una EB denitivamente es una de las experiencias más enriquecedoras que te brinda la organización; tienes la oportunidad de crecer tanto a nivel profesional como a nivel personal en tan sólo 12 meses; comienzas a ver AIESEC desde una perspectiva más amplia y sin duda alguna te enamoras aún más del trabajo que hacemos día a día. Todas las personas te dirán que es una oportunidad que no puedes dejar pasar; que es una experiencia única, etc.; pero realmente no entenderás que signica ser parte de una EB hasta el momento en que lo vivas personalmente. Sin embargo; si te podemos decir con seguridad que si te atreves a asumir este reto tendrás en tu vida a 6; 7 o hasta 8 personas que se convertirán en más que un equipo de trabajo; serán tus amigos y en muchos casos tus nuevos hermanos; que te enseñarán algo nuevo día a día y a los que le aportarás algo de tus conocimientos; y al nal del camino tendrás la satisfacción de saber que de la mano de esas personas lograste liderar a un equipo con el cual generaste un impacto en el entorno en donde te desenvuelves. Sabemos que el 2015 será un año lleno de desafíos; es por eso que Gabriela Reina; Enrique Ódreman y Freymar Donaire; nuestros LCP's de Caracas 2015, formalmente iniciaron la búsqueda de las personas que los estarán acompañando a enfrentar y superar las muchas sorpresas que les depara este nuevo Pico aOccidental año que está por venir. Henry Kassinger dijo; "La tarea de un líder es llevar su gente de donde está hasta donde no haya llegado jamás", y sabemos que junto a ustedes AIESEC Caracas puede alcanzar metas jamás soñadas.

Lagunazo Parque Waraira Repano A ti que estás leyendo esto; te invitamos a que te les unas y que te atrevas a salir de tu zona de confort; (Telesférico)

sólo las personas que se atreven a hacer cosas distintas obtienen los resultados que sueñan; sabemos que contamos con el apoyo de ustedes y de antemano les damos las gracias a todas aquellas personas que decidan formar parte de estos maravillosos equipos. ¡Esperaremos con ansias sus aplicaciones!

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* APPLICANTS for USB and UCV: if you want to apply to IGIP or IGCDP, remember that these areas will be merged and counted as one (ICX), answer 2 questions each. Pico Oriental

* APPLICANTS for UCV: if you want to apply to SA or MKT, remember that these areas will be merged and counted as one, answer 2 questions each. * APPLICANTS Pico forNaiguatรก UCAB: You can apply for all areas. Cabeza de Elefante Topo Goering

Evaluation, Selection and Election Process APPLICATION: The application process is divided into 7 parts: 1

2 General Questionnaire

3 Specic Questionnaire

Answer all the questions listed below


5 CAT-360

WHY Answer all the questions listed below

Your Prole Personal & AIESECer Please ll your personal data in the application

Answer all the questions for the two areas of your choice

Attach your Competency Assessment Tool of Myaiesec.net

6 Blank Page Challenge Max. 1 Page

7 Video: Record a Video (max. 3 minutes) where you explain a short summary of your application. Put it on Youtube and ATTACH THE LINK IN YOUR APPLICATION.

The entire application (prole info, questionnaires, 360° CAT, Blank Page Challenge and video link) should be maximum 12 pages in font size 10 points. Make sure you create 1 le for your prole and all your answers.

Pico Occidental- Local Entity - Name" Please submit your application in following format "LCVP 2015 Application (Example: LCVP 2015 Application - USB – Gabriela Reina)



Parque Waraira Repano The application must be sent to (Telesférico) your Current and Elected LCP


freymar.donaire@aiesec.net tayruma.fernandez@aiesec.net enrique1.odreman@aiesec.net joana.suarez@aiesec.net gabriela.reina@aiesec.net belen.frias@aiesec.net

BE EB Application Deadline:Package Sunday October 27th, 11:59 PMÁ USB:



SELECTION: For any LCVP candidate the selection results will come from an evaluation of the following points by the Selection Committee: • Assessment Center (competencies level, soft skills level, past experiences). • Interviews to explore: -Organizationalknowledge. -Externalenvironmentawareness. -National direction understanding. • The Selection Committee will be composed by (according to the Selection Manual): - LCP Current - LCP Elected - External or ALUMNI - LCVP - MC Member (Is not mandatory)

About LCVP Elections process: Keep in mind that you are going to select 2 main areas that you would like to lead according to your personal priorities. It means that you can be elected for the rst option position or the other ones. Example: You can apply for LCVP IGCDP, LCVP OGCDP at the same time, after selections Pico Oriental processes and condence vote, the LCPe can choose you for any of two positions. •The Selection Committee must be ready before the application's deadline. •The assessment and interviews must be coordinated and scheduled by the current LCP. Pico Naiguatá

BE Á vila

Cabeza de •The candidates can't use Social Media to promote their applications or videos. If it happens, Elefante the candidate will be automatically out of the process.


EB Application Package Topo Goering

•Don't wait until last minute! Prepare your application with time and also your video. Anything can happen at last time so take care with that.






Alternative e -mail







Mobile phone Parque Waraira Repano (Telesférico)

Video Link



Local Committee




*** Full Name

Date and Place of Birth AIESEC e -mail



EB Application Package


BE Á vila DATE



AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION WHY 1) What do you consider are the main features of the organizational culture that is shaping your LC? What aspects would stop or would you continue to dene your LC and why is each important? 2) Why have you decided to apply for the position of Local Committee Vice President? What do you personally want to gain from this experience? What will be your contribution and what do you expect to learn from this experience? 3) Please list your top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses with brief explanation on how they will affect your term as LCVP. What will be your unique contribution because of who you are? 4) What is your expectation towards the next EB as a team? What are possible challenges you foresee in your future EB team? Which will be your contribution towards those challenges?

GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 1) How do you do, in your role, to boost your entity to inspire society to involve with the gen2015 behaviors? (purposeful, collaborative and action-oriented)

Pico Oriental

2) What can our LC do to erase the socio-economical barrier that prevents some people to enjoy a full AIESEC XP?

Picofor Naiguatá 3) Make a SWOT analysis of your AIESEC entity with only: 3 points Strengths, 3 for Weaknesses, 3 for Threats and 3 for Opportunities and giving a suggestion of how you would capitalize each of these points. (Ex: Cabeza de Weakness: effectiveness of our members | Suggestion for this point: I would start working in a Project-based Elefante structure). Topo Goering

BE Á vila BR VE

EB Application Package

4) What is the role of your local entity? Based on that, how could this be more relevant?

AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION specific questionnaire IGCDP 1) Put your goals on the number of exchanges (Ra-Ma-Re) in each quarter of the year. Considering the situation country, exchanges peaks and the "EB 2014" produced in exchanges. 2) We know that we must be prepared to the situation of the country, which is full of uncertainties and many political, economic and social problems. Based on this, which will be 3 proposals to be taken to increase exchanges without affecting the country situation IGCDP (1 proposed in each Ma- Re Ra) 3) Name 3 problems facing the area IGCDP in your local committee and appointing three proposals to improve that productivity area. 4) You know on XPP of EP and TN? Name 3 rules that are important to you and explain why.

IGIP 1) Depending on the reality that exists in your LC about area IGIP develops a segmentation companies to Occidental be contacted during your period, and raised three specic strategies to achieve Pico desired alliances. 2) Suggests and briey explain three strategies to optimize the process of RA-MA-RE in IGIP.

Lagunazo Parque Waraira Repano 3) Develops a value proposition for IGIP used to sell products to companies you would contact during his term as VP. (Telesférico)

BE Á vila

4) Suggests an internal structure for IGIP area, where it is exposed briey what were the roles of each of the positions that arise and the extent they would have.

EB Application Package


AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION specific questionnaire OGCDP 1) Why exists AIESEC? Why are we doing exchanges? At the end of your term, listed in order of relevance, aspects you would take into consideration to say that your period was successful. 2) critically evaluates: a) Management of EB 2014. b) Performance oGCDP (noting the successes and failures, and what you have done to overcome these failures in 2014). c) Financial position of the LC. How can you help improve nance and where to focus investments? 3) During 2014 we had trouble in conversion rates RA-MA-RE, however, it is expected that with the implementation of GIS, these rates improve. Make an analysis of such rates and minimum proposes three (3) strategies to ensure effective implementation of GIS will enhance our customer's experience. 4) Study case: We are in mid-July, after nishing NATCO 2015 conference in which only half of the EB was present and planned

Pico Oriental that you must perform LC 20 RA and 15 MA oGCDP for mid-August . Three VPs had renounced after the rst half

of the year, one of them being the OGIP VP, responsible for the area that had endured until now nance committee. They also have a monthly debt 5000Bs, consuming and because of the poor results of the past two Q, its funds are nearly exhausted. As a result of this reality, many of the members recruited in Q2 dissociated themselves from the organization and current LSTs do not trust Pico the management of the EB, generating intrigue Naiguatá and internal conicts. Based on this, set clear and realistic to meet the number set out in the conference action.

BE Á vila BR VE

Cabeza de Elefante

EB Application Package Topo Goering

AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION specific questionnaire OGIP 1) Analyze our current market segmentation in the Local Entity and determine: a) Subproduct Focus (Teaching-IT-Engineering-Other). b) Goal setting per subproduct and university. c) Marketing Strategies d) Create a quarterly exchange calendar highlighting the main peaks and drops in exchange realizations and mention 3 strategies to ensure efciency and growth in the non-peak periods of the year. 2) Do a SWOT analysis via TOWS Matrix of oGIP in your Local Entity. With this input, analyze which strategies from AIESEC Colombia and AIESEC México are applicable to our reality for 2015. 3) What is your precise strategy to increase the efciency rate (Sing Up-to-Apply, Apply-to-MATCH) in the program? 4) What is stopping the oGIP program from driving towards success? What will be the contribution of your EB Term towards their development? Provide 3 strategies.


Pico Occidental 1) How do you think that should be the internal processes of marketing to obtain new leads? Identify 5 KPIs that allow you to measure the development of new leads.

Lagunazo Parque Waraira Repano 2) Identies what are the current stakeholders. What do you offer to keep a successful communication with each. (Telesférico)

BE Á vila

3) Whats tactics just to take with internal and external marketing of the focus programs.

EB Application Package


4) What strategies would implement to improve internal / external positioning of the entity? (5 each)

AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION specific questionnaire TM 1) Develop a strategy to attract new members to its Local Board taking into account the needs in terms of human resources that are currently presenting.. 2) Suggest three specic actions to be undertaken during his term as VP to keep aligned the personal lives of the members of your Local Committee and his AIESEC career. 3) what do you mean by organizational culture, and on that basis develop a plan for quarter where the organizational culture of the Local Committee is ensured (Remember to take into account the activities, both inside and outside of AIESEC, which are performed during each Q and the time of year where they are). 4) Do you believe that the selection of TMP's differ from the selection of EP's?; Explain your answer in detail and mention what do you consider that the TM area must be involve in both selection process.

SA 1) How important do you think Strategic Alliances are, and how can it helps to develop our programmes.

Pico Oriental 2) Which strategies and value proposition are you going to use to nd new sponsors, partners, media partners (Explain 3 per kind of Alliance) 3) How will you track the alliance you do? And how you'll make sure the company won't be contacted for Pico Naiguatá any other LC?

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Cabeza de Elefante 4) What is your dream alliance? Why? And what are you going to do to do it?


EB Application Package Topo Goering

AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION specific questionnaire F&L 1) Considering the current country risk classication according to international consulting, develops the overall budget for the period 2015, with three different scenarios, one positive, one relatively stable and one with complete instability. The budget must be broken down by functional areas. Must contain the estimate of income and expenditure with the respective ination adjustments. 2) Develop a budget template for engagement activities. Must include 3 possible scenarios. 3) What do you consider to be the ideal LC nancial ow, considering internal and external agents participate in it. 4) What is the purpose of an area of nance in an LC, beyond the current management of nancial and material resources? 5) What is the impact of the real appreciation of the bolivar within the AIESEC nancial model.

Pico Occidental

Parque Waraira Repano (Telesférico)

EB Application Package


BE Á vila BR VE

AIESEC LCVP 2015 APPLICATION blank page challenge Good afternoon dear applicant, I am pleased to inform you that the company I represent has decided to approve your building project of the NGO, we will support you nancially and legally for the creation of it. For the deal closes we invite you to send us a short summary (one page maximum) containing all information about the NGO that will create and how it has an impact on your country. Thank you very much, Department projects. Pico Oriental

Pico Naiguatá

BE Á vila BR VE

Cabeza de Elefante

EB Application Package Topo Goering

vi l a BE Á BR VE

Parque Waraira Repano (Telesférico)

Pico Occidental Lagunazo

Pico Oriental Cabeza de Elefante

Pico Naiguatá Topo Goering

Good Luck!!

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