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Tuesday, 4.12.16 SHANGHAI
Convention News
STATIC ARRIVALS FILL ABACE SPACE More than 30 aircraft, from a light sport amphibian to the fastest and biggest business jets, flew into Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport for this year’s ABACE show, which opens today.
香港商务航空将 收购尊爵公务机 昨天,在2016年亚洲公务 航空会议暨展会上,金鹿 公务机旗下的子公司香港 商务航空管理有限公司 和尊爵公务机宣布已签 订收购意向书,香港商 务航空将收购尊爵公务 机。该交易预期将在2016 年第二季度完成。
Hongkong Jet to acquire Asia Jet by Matt Thurber Deer Jet subsidiary Hongkong Corporate Jet Management and Asia Jet Partners have signed a letter of intent for Hongkong Jet to
purchase Asia Jet, the companies announced yesterday at ABACE 2016. The transaction should close in Continued on page 37 u
ABACE和中国的公务航 空同步发展 今年的亚洲公务航空会议暨展会 (ABACE)是该展会历史上最为壮观 的一年,据ABACE的协办方,美国 国家公务航空协会(NBAA)的总 裁兼首席执行官Ed Bolen说。在昨天 的欢迎新闻发布会上,Bolen提到, 今年ABACE的展馆面积比往年有所 增加,参展公司多达160多家,其中 40%以上的参展商来自亚洲地区。
ABACE opens bigger, better by Curt Epstein This year’s ABACE occupies the largest footprint in the show’s history, according to Ed Bolen, president and CEO of show coorganizer, the U.S. National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). Speaking at Continued on page 37 u
New Aircraft
Regional Business Aviation
In-Flight Connectivity
Dassault Falcon 8X’s ABACE Debut
Asian Bizav Association Sees Growth
ExecuJet’s Tianjin Facility Grows
Wings Over Asia Plans New FBO
Satcom Direct’s Smaller Solutions
The French manufacturer’s latest threeengine business jet is at ABACE, taking a break from a four-week round-the-world itinerary. Before returning to France later this month, it will have flown some 55,000 nautical miles. Page 4
The Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) celebrated its 16th year and welcomed its 100th member during 2016. As the industry’s regional voice, AsBAA also worked to help change the public’s perception of business aviation. Page 6
Congestion at Beijing’s Capital Airport, along with CAAC approval and factoryauthorized service for Bombardier and Embraer business aircraft have combined to help ExecuJet realize a four-fold boost in its traffic at the nearby Tianjin Airport. Page 22
Singapore’s Seletar Airport is the site of a new general aviation facility set to open soon, according to Wings Over Asia’s founder Ng Yeow Meng. The new FBO will cater to lighter and smaller aircraft like the Cessna TTx and Eclipse 500. Page 24
The company’s newest Wi-Fi Hub boasts a smaller, lighter form factor, broadening the product’s market to small-cabin jets and turboprops, plus serve as a signal booster aboard larger ones, according to the company. Page 38
商务优雅翱翔 航空 旅游 中国
请在ABACE这里收集您个人的 限量版商务机旅行者采购指南
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Collect your PERSONAL copy of the limited edition BUSINESS JET TRAVELER’s Buyers’ Guide here at ABACE
《商务航空旅游》出版 Business Jet Traveler publishes 2016 China Buyer’s Guide 2016年中文版购机指南 除了您当前手中的这本杂志 之外,本公司还出版了一本名为 《商务航空旅游》的双月刊,能 够帮助乘客充分了解私人飞机 旅行。广为人知的《商务航空旅 游》正在上海的展会上派发其 备受赞誉的《购机指南》(中国 专供第五版)。 通往豪华飞行世界的指南
中国版 | China Edition | 2016
商业喷气机采购指南 2016 BUYERS’ GUIDE
这 本免费的 指南 涵 盖了关 于飞机和制造商的宝贵信息、 对于新型湾流(Gulfstream) G500 和 G600 机 型的综 合 评 述、以及对于即将在未来几年 内进入市场的部分重要公务机 型的概览。同过去一样,我们将
会为读者提供关于飞机性能和 规格的关键信息,来帮助买家 作出明智的选择。此外,本指南 中还包括了一份中国商业航空 情况报告和《商务航空旅游》的 最新公务机独家调查的结果。 同迄今为止创刊已愈四十年 的业内领导刊物《国际航空新 闻》出自同一家公司, 《商务航 空旅游》能够为您提供其他杂 志中所没有的内容。 在每个双月刊版本当中,您 都会浏览到关于新机型和二手 飞机的公正评论、关于买卖飞机 的建议以及关于税收、法律、财 政、安全、维护、保险方面的信 息。同时,您还能品读到关于最 新豪华跑车、世界顶尖高尔夫 球场、度假目的地以及其他休闲 活动的文章。每一期都会包括与 公务机拥有者之间的访谈,例如 超级明星成龙、企业家理查德· 布兰森、电影导演弗朗西斯·福 特·科波拉以及钢琴家郎朗。 您可以通过网络版本来阅读 本杂志,登录bjtonline.com来 获取免费打印订阅吧。
The company that produces ABACE Convention News also publishes the bimonthly Business Jet Traveler, which helps passengers make the most of private air travel. BJT, as it is widely known, is distributing the fifth China edition of its award-winning annual Buyers’ Guide here at the show in Shanghai. The free guide features invaluable information about aircraft and manufacturers, a review of the new Gulfstream G500 and G600, and a look at some of the most important business jet models that will be hitting the market in the next few years. As ever, we provide readers with all the key details on aircraft performance and specifications to help buyers make informed choices. Also in the guide are a report on the state of business aviation in China and results of BJT’s latest exclusive survey of business jet travelers.
Published by The Convention News Company, which has produced the industryleading Aviation International News for more than four decades, BJT offers a blend of content you can’t find in any other magazine. In each bimonthly edition, you’ll discover unbiased reviews of new and used aircraft; advice about buying and selling jets; and information about such subjects as taxation, law, financing, safety, maintenance, and insurance. You’ll also enjoy articles about new luxury autos, the world’s best golf courses, vacation destinations, and other leisure pursuits. And every issue includes interviews with business-jet-traveling luminaries like superstar Jackie Chan, entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, film director Francis Ford Coppola, and pianist Lang Lang. You can read the magazine’s online edition and sign up for a free print subscription at bjtonline.com. –J.B.
Aviation International News is publishing three editions of ABACE Convention News here this week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. If you are interested in your company’s latest news being published, please send any press releases and images for consideration to Editor Ian Sheppard, at isheppard@ ainonline.com or call +86 159 0107 7027.
VIKING AIR DELIVERS CHINA’S FIRST TWIN OTTER 400 TO REIGNWOOD Reignwood Aviation (Booth P732) accepted the first Viking Air Twin Otter 400 to be delivered in China during a ceremony yesterday at ABACE 2016. The Zhuhai-based company was also tapped as a Twin Otter dealer for Greater China and simultaneously placed an order for 50 of the Canadianmanufactured turboprop twins. Over the next 12 months, Reignwood will establish a Twin Otter completions and service facility, as well as a pilot training center, at its Zhuhai headquarters, according to Viking Air vice president of strategic planning Dominique Spragg. “We also envision that Twin Otters for Chinese customers will
eventually be assembled in country,” he told AIN. The fixed-gear and float versions of the Twin Otter are CAAC certified, but Chinese approval of the amphibian version is still pending. Reignwood chairman Galba Zheng said the versatility of the amphibian version will be a huge asset for operators in China, where aviation infrastructure isn’t yet fully developed in many parts of the country. He anticipates that the $6.95 million airplane will be used in commuter, VIP and medevac operations, among others. Spragg (left) and Zheng celebrated the deal here yesterday at ABACE. –C.T.
2 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
您想在2016亚洲公 务航空会议暨展会 (ABACE)上发布新 闻吗? 航空国际新闻杂志社将 于本周的周二、周三 及周四发布三期关于 亚洲公务航空会议暨展 会的新闻。如果您有兴 趣在我们的每日新闻上 发布新闻,请将新闻发 布稿及图片发到我们的 编辑Ian Sheppard先生 的邮箱:isheppard@ ainonline.com; 或致电:+86 159 0107 7027
Convention News
FOUNDED IN 1972 JAMES HOLAHAN (1921-2015), FOUNDING EDITOR WILSON S. LEACH, MANAGING DIRECTOR EDITOR-IN-CHIEF – Charles Alcock EDITOR - INTERNATIONAL SHOW EDITIONS – Ian Sheppard PRESS ROOM MANAGING EDITOR – Chad Trautvetter THE EDITORIAL TEAM Jeff Burger Chris Kjelgaard Matt Thurber Samantha Cartaino Kerry Lynch James Wynbrandt Curt Epstein Jennifer Meszaros Mark Huber Jeb Burnside GROUP PRODUCTION MANAGER – Tom Hurley PRODUCTION EDITOR – Lysbeth McAleer THE PRODUCTION TEAM Alena Korenkov Grzegorz Rzekos Mona L. Brown Helene Elek John A. Manfredo PHOTOGRAPHER – David McIntosh ONLINE EDITOR – Chad Trautvetter DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGNER – Colleen Redmond LEAD WEB DEVELOPER – Mike Giaimo WEB DEVELOPER – Evan Williams VIDEO PRODUCER – Ian Whelan EDITORIAL ASSISTANT – Samantha Cartaino GROUP PUBLISHER – David M. Leach PUBLISHER – Anthony T. Romano ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER – Nancy O’Brien ADVERTISING SALES – NORTH AMERICA Melissa Murphy – Midwest +1 830 608 9888 Nancy O’Brien – West +1 530 241 3534 Anthony T. Romano – East/International +1 203 798 2400 Joe Rosone – East/International/Middle East +1 301 834 5251 Victoria Tod – Great Lakes/UK +1 203 798 2400 ADVERTISING SALES – INTERNATIONAL – Daniel Solnica – Paris MARKETING MANAGER – Zach O’Brien AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER – Jeff Hartford MANAGER OF ONSITE LOGISTICS – Philip Scarano III GROUP BRAND MANAGER – Jennifer Leach English SALES ASSISTANT – Nadine Timpanaro ADVERTISING/SALES SECRETARY STAFF – Cindy Nesline DIRECTOR OF FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES – Michele Hubert ACCOUNTING MANAGER – Marylou Moravec ACCOUNTING/ADMINISTRATION STAFF – Mary Avella; Bobbie Bing U.S. EDITORIAL OFFICE: 214 Franklin Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432 Tel: +1 201 444 5075 WASHINGTON, D.C. EDITORIAL OFFICE: Bill Carey (air transport and defense) bcarey@ainonline.com Tel: +1 202 560 5672; Mobile: +1 202 531 7566 Kerry Lynch (business aviation) klynch@ainonline.com Tel: +1 703 969 9155 EUROPEAN EDITORIAL OFFICE: Ian Sheppard Hangar 9, Redhill Aerodrome, Surrey RH1 5JY, UK Tel: +1 44 1 737 200948; Mobile: +1 44 775 945 5770 isheppard@ainonline.com U.S. ADVERTISING OFFICE: 81 Kenosia Ave., Danbury, CT 06810 Tel: +1 203 798 2400; Fax: +1 203 798 2104 EUROPEAN ADVERTISING OFFICE: Daniel Solnica 78, rue de Richelieu, 75002 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 42 46 95 71 dsolnica@solnica.net Italian Representative: Diana Scogna; dscogna@dsmedia.com.fr Tel: +33-6-62-52-25-47 RUSSIAN ADVERTISING OFFICE: Yuri Laskin, Gen. Dir., Laguk Co. Ltd. Russia, 115172, Moscow, Krasnokholmskaya Nab., 11/15 - 132 Tel: +7 05 912 1346, +7 911 2762; Fax: +7 095 912 1260 ylarm-lml@mtu-net.ru THE CONVENTION NEWS COMPANY, INC. – AIN PUBLICATIONS ABACE Convention News is a publication of The Convention News Co., Inc., 214 Franklin Ave., Midland Park, NJ 07432; Tel.: +1 201 444 5075. Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of The Convention News Co., Inc. is strictly prohibited. The Convention News Co., Inc. also publishes Aviation International News, AINalerts, AIN Defense Perspective, AIN Air Transport Perspective, Business Jet Traveler, EBACE Convention News, HAI Convention News, LABACE Convention News, MEBA Convention News, NBAA Convention News, Dubai Airshow News, Farnborough Airshow News, Paris Airshow News, Singapore Airshow New, Mobile Apps: AINonline; Aviation International News Printed in Shanghai by C and C Printing Computer Services:
Chinese sales of utilitarian aircraft like this Textron Aviation Cessna Model 208B Grand Caravan– shown here with an optional belly-mounted cargo pod–are growing faster than business jets.
Utility aircraft sales in China outpace bizjets At a time when much of the talk about business aviation growth in China has focused on larger, long-range jets, Textron Aviation’s greatest sales success has come from smaller jets and, even more so, with its turboproppowered Cessna Caravan and Beechcraft King Air families. Over the past five years, the U.S. manufacturer has increased sales of Caravan turboprop singles in the country by around 200 percent, to around 78 aircraft as of the end of 2015, and the number of King Airs has grown by 110 percent to 38. During the same period, the number of Cessna Citations in China increased by a more modest 21 percent to 24, with the XLS+ being the most popular model. These three aircraft will take center stage in Textron’s exhibit here at ABACE 2016, with a Grand Caravan, King Air 350i and an XLS+ on the static display. Meanwhile, the company has high hopes for its three new jet models: the Latitude, for which the first delivery in China is expected in the fourth quarter; the in-development Longitude; and further down the line the Hemisphere. According to Bill Schultz, Textron Aviation’s senior vice
president for business development in China, one factor in the popularity of the Caravan, King Airs and Citation XLS+ in the country is a more pragmatic approach to business aviation among customers. This has resulted in a greater interest for utility roles for aircraft in China. “The latest [Chinese government] five-year [economic] forecast focuses on developing economic belts or zones across the country and recognizes the need for [transportation] connections between these,” Schultz explained. “General aviation was emphasized as a key part of this plan.” The Caravan is well suited to multiple missions. “It is a very cost-effective utility-type airplane, and with it we’re reaching operators looking to get into work such as aerial mapping or regional commuter services,” Schultz told AIN. The King Airs and Citation XLS+ also have proved popular for a variety of roles in China that go beyond the standard private/corporate transportation mission. Another factor that should help drive sales success is Textron’s joint ventures with Avic Group subsidary Caiga (China Aviation Industry General
by Charles Alcock
Aircraft Company), which owns Epic Aircraft and Cirrus. These ventures are expected to eventually lead to final assembly of both the Caravan and Citation XLS+ in China. With the strong market for the Caravan, Textron Aviation has been able to move forward more rapidly with its original joint venture with Avic at Shijiazhuang, 100 km (60 mi) south of Beijing, Schultz said. Textron already has seen the benefits of that facility, with deliveries of the turboprop single increasing 80 percent in China since the joint venture was established. Textron also is providing product support for Chinese operators there. The facility, which now holds Chinese Part
145 maintenance approval, is one of two Textron service centers in China. It includes a consignment of parts and is staffed by local factory-trained technicians. The Cessna-Avic (Zhuhai) Co. joint venture provides paint, interior installation, flight testing and delivery of the Citation XLS+ for Chinese customers in the Southern China city of Zhuhai. Schultz remains unperturbed about the apparent deceleration in China’s economic growth. “The slowdown has been here for the last few years so we’re not expecting significant change in 2016 compared with last year or the previous year,” he commented. “The Caravan and King Air markets will continue to be very strong. We need to stay the course with our sales
and marketing efforts. There will still be growth; it just might not be as steep.” Looking ahead to prospects for the new Citation jets, Schultz maintained that the Chinese market is ready for larger, more economical models. “The Latitude is perfect for China’s geography and the Longitude is well suited to it, too, as it is quite large and with a flat floor, while still operating with the economy of a midsize jet,” he said. As for the wider Asia Pacific region, Textron now has around 1,400 aircraft based across the vast territory. This includes some 236 Citations, 375 Caravans and 400 King Airs, with the rest being from its family of piston aircraft that are especially popular in training roles. o
Ameco Beijing upgrades completions and service
by Curt Epstein
GLASS-COCKPIT TRAINING FOR SIX Among the utility aircraft on display at ABACE 2016 is this Textron Aviation Beechcraft G36 Bonanza, from Red Diamond Aviation and the Jiu Tian Flight Academy. The G36 Bonanza is the latest version of a design in continuous production since 1947. Among other modern refinements, the G36 Bonanza features a G1000 “glass panel” avionics suite from Garmin International. It seats up to six while cruising at 320 kph (200 mph).
Ameco Beijing (Booth P242) is at ABACE promoting upgrades to its large-cabin business jet completion and maintenance capabilities, a result of 2015’s integration of Air China Technics, the MRO division of Air China. The company now offers an independent hangar accommodating bizliners such as Boeing BBJs or Airbus ACJs, as well as two interior workshops for VIP and business jet completions. The MRO specialist last year added a precious wood veneer storage workshop to better accommodate customer preferences for finishes. It imported the latest technologies in veneer processing to impart cold and abrasion resistance, seamless splicing, grain splicing and anti-drying properties. Combined with its international leather sewing
technology, Ameco has enhanced the flow of its upholstery process. In addition to scheduled maintenance inspections, which comprise the core of its business, Ameco also increased the pace of its cabin-entertainment system updates, cabin refurbishment and airframe overhaul to prepare for increasing demand. “The Asia Pacific region will usher in the first heavy maintenance peak of Boeing’s and Airbus’s large business jets in these two years,” said Feng Bin, head of Ameco Beijing’s VIP and business jet services. “We have got to get ready for this.” At February’s Singapore Airshow, Ameco and aircraft management services provider Business Aviation Asia signed a strategic cooperation agreement covering full maintenance as a one-stop shop. o
www.ainonline.com • April 12, 2016 • ABACE Convention News 3
Falcon 8X ABACE debut part of world demo tour before recrossing the Atlantic to tour the U.S., including some high-altitude trials in Colorado. It will also be going to South America before returning to Paris some time around the end of April. In March, the aircraft completed cold weather trials in northern Canada, where it was exposed to temperatures of -33 degrees Celsius. The manufacturing process for the 8X is already well advanced, with Dassault’s factory at Bordeaux in France now working on aircraft number 21, and six aircraft are already at its completions center at Little Rock, Arkansas. Trappier told AIN that existing Falcon owners feature prominently among the early buyers for the new 8X, with several of them stepping up from the 7X model. With a range of 11,937 km (6,450 nm), it is meant for city pairs between Asia and Europe, and other long intercontinental missions. See AIN’s preview of the Falcon 8X on page 26. Dassault (Chalet 10) is not alone among business
Dassault’s latest three-engine bizjet, the Falcon 8X, flew to ABACE from Abu Dhabi as part of a round-the-world set of proving flights.
jet manufacturers in wishing for sustained growth in the Chinese market. While this has been held back by slowing economic growth, the French airframer remains convinced that China will continue to develop as a major new marketplace and it is continuing to invest in the country. “We have to be patient but this doesn’t mean doing nothing as we have to be more present in this and other countries,” said Trappier. “China remains a new country in business jet terms. We have been reinforcing the position of our sales and support teams there over the past two years and we are getting even closer to the customer with a new service station in
Dassault’s new Falcon 8X jet is making its debut in China here this week at the ABACE show. The three-engined aircraft arrived in Shanghai from Abu Dhabi as part of a four-week program of flight demonstrations ahead of its anticipated entry into service in the second half of 2016. Fitted with a full production cabin interior, 8X serial number 3 is due to fly around 101,788 km (55,000 nm) over the course of four weeks and 65 flights. The tour started with some short European flights from Dassault’s headquarters in France during the final week of March. Then on April 4 it crossed the Atlantic from Paris to the New York-area Teterboro Airport, giving Dassault chairman and CEO Eric Trappier his first flight in the 8X, before heading east to Abu Dhabi and Shanghai. After this week’s appearance on the ABACE static display, the 8X will make various stops across southeast Asia before heading west again, flying nonstop from Singapore to London
by Charles Alcock
With a record of steady growth, ABACE host facility Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Centre will more than double its capacity.
Shanghai Hawker set to expand by 2018 by Curt Epstein The Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Centre (SHPBAC), host facility for ABACE since the show’s relaunch in 2011, saw its busiest year in 2015, with a 20-percent yearover year increase in traffic. The company, which has a traditional FBO at Hongqiao International Airport and a small satellite facility at Pudong International
Airport, handled more than 5,500 business aircraft movements last year. “The steady and sustained maturation of the business aviation market in Asia is continuing despite economic uncertainty,” said SHPBAC general manager Carey Matthews. “Shanghai is a top destination in Asia, and we are seeing proof of that
in the continuing increase in flight activity.” The location has built on that momentum in the first quarter, with a 20-percent rise yearover-year, while February saw a 40-percent jump from the same month last year. With that increasing tempo of activities, the company–a joint venture between Hawker Pacific and the
4 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
China. There is a huge requirement for Chinese business people to travel around the world to find new customers for their products, and for that they need aircraft like this.” This year, Dassault is celebrating its 100th anniversary, as defined by the launch of the Éclair propeller developed by its founder Marcel Dassault–father of the group’s honorary chairman Serge Dassault (who is among the first customers for the new 8X). Trappier believes that the company’s strong family connections and heritage resonate positively with Chinese customers. More broadly, Trappier acknowledged that 2016 has not started all that well for the business aviation sector
with new jet sales lagging. Even though Dassault still sees strength in the U.S. and European markets, softer demand from China, Brazil and Russia has resulted in some uncertainty over the sales outlook for this year. “At the same time, lower prices for pre-owned aircraft has meant that if someone is buying a new aircraft and they first have to sell an aircraft it might cause them to hesitate,” Trappier concluded. o
Shanghai Airport Authority– announced that it has received approval from the airport authority to begin construction of a new hangar, which will more than double its aircraft maintenance and storage capacity. According to Matthews, the $8 million, 4,500-sq-m (48,440sq-ft) structure will occupy a space to the south of the FBO’s existing 4,000-sq-m (43,060-sqft) hangar, from which some old airport service equipment garages were cleared last month. With an expected completion in 2018, the new hangar will accommodate up to eight largecabin business jets and will give SHPBAC the most expansive capabilities in the country. “This represents the largest investment in infrastructure to support business aviation in China,” said Matthews, who added his company would have built an even larger structure if it wasn’t constrained by the space available. “I think it’s mainly a reflection of the fact that Shanghai is such a great city for business and the opportunities here are very good. We have a good business case for this level of investment.”
The company also announced that plans are under way for development of a new full-service FBO at Pudong, which currently receives approximately a third of Shanghai’s business aviation traffic. Space for a substantial facility at the airport has already been allocated, according to Matthews, who would also like to see an additional two maintenance hangars at the planned FBO. “The main reason we have been so successful is that the city of Shanghai has been very supportive and they are willing to help business aviation come along.” In November, the company was approved by the CAAC and the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to provide maintenance for the Gulfstream G450 and G550. Since then it has performed more than 40 factory-authorized service events, including 11 last month alone. “It’s been nice steady incremental growth for us in the Gulfstream community,” said Matthews. “We feel good about being able to provide this service to the business aviation community to keep the airplanes going.” o
Watch AIN's video interview with Dassault chairman and CEO Eric Trappier.
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i n f o c h i n a @ t x t a v. c o m
亚洲公务航空协会的会员在增加 作者:Curt Epstein 2015年是 亚洲公务 航 空协 会 (AsBBA)发展历程中具有里程 碑意义的一年。在这一年,新增会 员达到22个,会员总数自成立16年 来首次突破100大关。“秉着纯粹 公正的意图,我们致力于把这一 区域的公务航空发展成为产业, 并成为人们心中有纪律的组织, 在这条道路上,我们正大步向前 迈进,”亚洲公务航空协会现任 会长查尔斯·穆拉斯基(Charles Mularski)说道。 为了更广泛地代表这一行业, 亚洲公务航空协会最近增加了两 个会员等级。除了企业会员和白金 会员,还新增了小型公司会员和个 人会员,以使其在与中国民用航空 总局和这一地区他民用航空部门交 涉时更能代表这一行业的声音。 “我 不 得不说我们很高兴看 到,在任何时候,当谈论到所面 临的挑战以及在帮助监管部门更
好地与这一行业进行沟通时,我 们亚洲公务航空协会都如此受欢 迎”,同时还担任环球气象航空公 司亚太地区高级副主席的穆拉斯 基说道。“然而,我们还是能够发 现中国航空业在实现亚洲公务航 空协会定下的共同目标时,存在 一定程度上的不愿合作、各自为 政的情况”。 他呼吁中国更多的运营商和供 应商再接再厉,在组织领导中发挥 更积极的作用。在过去的一年,亚 洲公务航空协会共举办了超过15 次区域性的委员会会议,并主办了 亚洲第一届商务航空典礼。其会员 更是为奥比斯(Orbis)项目—— 一个国际性的视力拯救慈善项目 筹款32,000 美元。 简化CIQ中国出入境检验检疫程序 亚洲公务 航 空协会2015年的 活动的之一就针对了珠海对香港 转场飞机的CIQ(海关、入境、检
疫)检验,他们与香港民航部门合 作,共同改进香港机场的航班起 降时刻系统,使其更适用于商务飞 机。同时,他们也组织了安全研讨 会,并且与中国民航大学和一些香 港学府进行接洽,希望吸纳毕业生 进入到这一行业。 针对 近 期中国新 飞 机订单下 滑的情况,任期至2017年的亚洲 公务 航 空协 会会 长 穆拉 斯基给 出的原因同广泛报导的一样:经 济下滑、政府的反腐和财政紧缩 措施以及中国股市的动荡,所有 这些导致了飞机制造商的订单量 减少。 “与其称之为危机,我更愿意 把它视为一种常规化的现象,”他 指出过去发展势头强劲的新型、 大型飞机市场已经发生改变“用 我们航空业的术语来说,我们这 一行业已经全速前进、快速爬升 了好些年;现在我们已经过渡到
Charles Mularski is the chairman of the Asian Business Aviation Association.
了远程巡航的模式”,穆拉斯基对 AIN说道,这“这是在供应大于需 求时的一种经济调控,当两者平 衡时,我们就会再一次看到平稳 的发展”。 一种可能的自然演变就是,他 提到,加强对二手市场的开发,为 由于业务发展而需要配备多种型 号飞机的运营商们提供更多样化 的机型,以及把更多小型、实惠的
AsBAA membership is on the upswing by Curt Epstein 2015 was a milestone year for the Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA), which added 21 new members and saw its total membership exceed 100 for the first time since the organization was formed 16 years ago. “We are really making strides in being recognized as a disciplined association with pure unbiased intentions to improve business aviation as an industry across the region,” noted current AsBAA chairman, Charles Mularski. In order to represent an even broader range of the industry, the organization recently added two new tiers to its membership. Along with the corporate and platinum levels, AsBAA has now opened up small company and individual memberships as well, furthering its role as the industry’s voice in dealing with China’s CAAC and other civil aviation authorities in the region. “I have to say we are pleased to see how AsBAA is welcomed at all times to discuss challenges as well as helping the regulators in communicating back with our industry,” said Mularski, who is also Universal Weather and Aviation’s senior vice president for the Asia Pacific region. “However, in China we still see a certain level of resistance to working together as a group to leverage what AsBAA is designed to achieve, instead of fragmenting efforts for the same goals.” He called for more Chinese operators and service providers to step up and take a more active role in the organization’s leadership. Over the past year, AsBAA has held more than 15 regional committee meetings, and hosted Asia’s first-ever
business aviation awards. Its members also collected more than $32,000 for Project Orbis, the international visionsaving charity. Simplifying CIQ
Among AsBAA’s campaigns in 2015 was the Zhuhai CIQ (customs, immigration and quarantine) trial for Hong Kong ferry flights, working with Hong Kong’s Civil Aviation Department to improve the slot system there for business aviation. It also organized safety seminars, and engaged with learning institutions such as Beijing’s Civil Aviation University and those in Hong Kong to attract graduates into the industry. Regarding the recent slowdown in new aircraft orders into China, Mularski, who will serve as AsBAA chairman through 2017, noted the same reasons that have been widely reported: a slowdown in the economy, anti-corruption and austerity measures imposed by the government, and the volatility of the Chinese stock markets, which have served to slim the order books for the aircraft manufacturers. “I wouldn’t call it a crisis, but rather what we are seeing is a normalization,” he said. “In aviation terms, our industry had been in a full-power, fast climb profile for some years; and now we have transitioned to long-range cruise mode,” Mularski told AIN, noting the change in what had previously been an aggressive market for new and large aircraft. “It’s an economics correction where supply is much larger
6 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
than demand. When the two balance, we will see stable growth again.” One natural possible evolution, he noted, would be in the strengthening of the pre-owned market and a diversified fleet size as operators “right-size” their equipment to better meet their mission needs, and trigger new entrants to the market with smaller, more affordable entry-level aircraft. While aircraft sales may have slumped of late, operationally Beijing and Shanghai have seen record numbers of business jet operations over the past year, meaning traffic to and within China is still growing. Overall, while the rest of the region remains stable in terms of new aircraft orders and a slight increase in flight activity, Mularski believes 2016 will not be a strong year for growth, and he’s looking ahead to 2017 for tangible signs of improvement. In the meantime AsBAA’s focus is on attempting to change what it can, including the industry’s perception in what is its largest market in the region. “Business aviation in China is seen as a lifestyle of the super wealthy, sometimes with bad press for those who own a business jet,” said Mularski. “We need to have campaigns such as “No Plane, No Gain” in the U.S. [and we need to] gather data to show how business aviation is a business and economic tool to make companies more effective; how business aviation creates skilled jobs; and how business aviation plays a crucial role in humanitarian responses.” o
入门级飞机引入到市场中来。 尽管最近飞机的销量在下滑, 但实际上过去一年里北京和上海 的商务喷气机的经营仍创下新纪 录,说明中国的国内和国际商务航 空仍在发展。 总的来说,除北京和上海以外 的地区,虽然飞机的销量保持稳 定, 飞行活动也有轻微的上涨,但 穆拉斯基认为2016不会是迅猛发 展的一年,他期望能在2017年看到 实质性的发展。 与此同时,亚洲公务航空协会 的重点将会放在尽可能地去做改 变,包括改变行业对于该地区最大 市场的认知。 “商务航空在中国被 看成是超级富翁才有的生活方式, 有时候,针对商务飞机所有者,会 传出一些负面新闻,”穆拉斯基 说。 “我们需要类似于美国的‘没 有飞机就没有收获’这样的活动。 同时(我们需要)用数据证明商务 航空是如何作为一种商务和经济 来提高公司效率的;商务航空是如 何创造出技术类的工作岗位;并且 是如何在人道主义救援中扮演重 要的角色。
CAYMAN ISLANDS COURT CHINESE JET OWNERS The Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI) is here in Shanghai to attract business jets to the country’s aircraft registry. The CAACI delegation at ABACE is led by directorgeneral Richard Smith as well as senior personnel who specialize in airworthiness and flight operations. CAACI is responsible for safety oversight and economic regulation of the aviation industry throughout the Cayman Islands. Regulatory functions include certification of airports, heliports and air traffic services as well as registration of aircraft and issuing, renewing, cancelling, revoking and supplying variations of certifications of the aircraft’s airworthiness. Since the Cayman Islands are known as an offshore jurisdiction, those who register their airplanes there can benefit from the region’s tax-neutral environment. While working with local legal and financial partner firms, aircraft owners can receive various tax breaks such as tax-free fuel. This will be the third time for CAACI at ABACE. At the CAACI exhibit (Booth H517), visitors can find information and can reserve meeting times with CAACI representatives to learn more about the aircraft registration process in the Cayman Islands. –S.C.
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ABACE host Hawker Pacific services Asia Pacific bizav market by Charles Alcock Once again, the annual ABACE event gives business aviation services group Hawker
Pacific the chance to showcase its presence here in China. The group’s Shanghai Hawker Pacific
Business Aviation Service Centre (SHPBASC) is hosting the show and is one of seven FBOs that
it has across the Asia Pacific region. The other bases are in Singapore, Australia (Sydney, Brisbane, Cairns and Perth) and Malaysia, and it also has a presence in the Middle East. Over the past year, the Australian facilities have recorded a 10 percent rise in traffic, Singapore has seen a 12 percent uptick, and the FBO in Shanghai
As well as hosting ABACE, Hawker Pacific is a multi-faceted bizav service provider.
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has increased its traffic by 18 percent. Launched in 2012, the company’s maintenance facility at Singapore’s Seletar Aerospace Park is expected to show a year-on-year revenue increase of more than 30 percent over the last 12 months. SHPBASC opened back in April 2010 and is the result of a joint venture between Hawker Pacific and Shanghai’s airport authority, which is the majority owner. The 4,000-sq-m (43,000sq-ft) hangar facility here at Hongqiao International Airport serves as ABACE’s main exhibit hall, and the 4,800-sq-m (52,000sq-ft) exhibitor pavilion and aircraft static display are outside on its expansive ramp. Effectively, SHPBASC is China’s first privately-operated, full-service FBO. Its lounge and private terminal rival the best in the world, and onsite customs and immigration/quarantine (CIQ) clearance speeds international transit. Since 2014, SHPBASC has been an authorized Cessna Service Center. It also holds the same position for Dassault’s Falcon family, as well as with Bombardier and Textron’s Hawker Beechcraft portfolio of jets. In addition to China, the company holds maintenance approvals from Hong Kong, Macau, the U.S., Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. Hawker Pacific provides a wide range of aviation sales, charter, airframe and engine maintenance, special-mission modifications and many other product support services to both civil and military customers. As well as its maintenance and ground-handling activities, Hawker Pacific is an authorized sales agent for several manufacturers, including Beechcraft and Cessna, which both now come under the Textron umbrella. It also is active in the pre-owned aircraft sales sector. o
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Rolls aims to boost engine support by Charles Alcock
With more than 1,800 business aircraft engines under contract worldwide, Rolls-Royce is expanding its CorporateCare fixed-cost maintenance program.
This year should see engine maker Rolls-Royce further expand its authorized service center (ASC) network from 58 to 68 locations. Under its CorporateCare fixed-cost
12 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
maintenance management plan, the company is now supporting more than 1,800 in-service business aircraft engines, including the BR725 (powering the Gulfstream G650), the
BR710 (GV, GV-SP, G550, plus Bombardier Global Express and Global 5000 and 6000), Tay (GIV, GIV-SP, G350 and G450), and AE3700 (Embraer Legacy 600 and 650, plus Cessna Citation X). “CorporateCare is our top priority as it is still creating value for customers and is considered the industry leading program, according to product support surveys such as that published by AIN,” said Stephen Friedrich, sales and marketing vice president for Rolls-Royce’s small and medium engines. “The longterm service agreement concept continues to be very well accepted, and the acceptance rate for all current production engines is over 70 percent.” “[As an owner/operator] you are getting a bargain compared to what you would spend on time and materials, because you are benefitting from the existing support network,” said Friedrich. Last year, RollsRoyce focused on expanding the support network in the U.S., Brazil, South Africa and the UK. The averted miss-trip rate for CorporateCare customers is now greater than 97 percent–meaning that in the vast majority of cases, the Rolls-Royce support network is able to ensure that a scheduled trip threatened by an enginerelated problem goes ahead as planned. The program’s average response time for aircraft-onground (AOG) situations is less than 24 hours. Across the Asia Pacific region, Rolls-Royce has seven ASCs providing support under CorporateCare, located in China (ExecuJet in Tianjin), Hong Kong (Metrojet), Malaysia (ExecuJet in Subang) and Singapore (Bombardier, Cessna, Hawker Pacific and Jet Aviation). The manufacturer recently expanded its parts distribution capability in Singapore. Just fewer than 400 Rolls-Royce-powered business aircraft are based in the Asia Pacific region. Friedrich told AIN that Rolls-Royce (Booth H505) is looking to expand its support network in mainland China and is currently negotiating with prospective partners. R-R recently expanded its office in Beijing, and the business aviation division benefits from the group’s strong position with Chinese airline customers. o
COCKPIT B50 THE ULTIMATE PILOT’S INSTRUMENT Aviation enters a new era with a multifunction chronograph delivering unprecedented performance. At the heart of this high-tech feat beats a (COSC) chronometer-certified SuperQuartzTM movement specially developed by Breitling for aviation. Equipped with a sturdy and light titanium case, the Cockpit B50 innovates with its huge range of functions, extreme user friendliness, rechargeable battery and an ultra-legible high-intensity display mode. Reliable, accurate, efficient: the ultimate pilot’s instrument.
VistaJet’s China flights ramping up Junior tabloid page 7 13/16” x 10 3/8”
by Matt Thurber VistaJet’s 60-airplane business jet charter fleet helped drive a record year during 2015, the company’s strongestever with a global flight traffic increase of more than 21
percent compared to 2014, and passenger totals up more than 23 percent. The fleet’s average age is less than two years, and it consists entirely of Bombardier Challenger and Global jets
owned by VistaJet. “We welcomed more passengers onto our jets than ever before,” said chairman and founder Thomas Flohr. “VistaJet is still increasing its geographic reach in the
Swiss-based VistaJet operates 60 fully owned Bombardier business jets.
From flawless comfort,
VistaJet founder Thomas Flohr, right, and Dr. Dan Ho, Apex Air chairman are partners in conducting Chinese services.
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00 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com 14
U.S. and China, and we are taking market share from our main competitors in all of our core markets.” Year-over-year, flights to China climbed 25 percent, with flights to Asia up 62 percent and passengers up 57 percent. The fastest-growing Asia destinations were in the Philippines and China, while traffic in Malaysia, Thailand and South Korea also grew. In China, VistaJet (Static Display) last year launched in-country service with partner Apex Air, flying China-registered airplanes. The first jet under the partnership is a Challenger 850. VistaJet’s European flights grew 13 percent and passengers 17 percent. Flight and passenger growth into the Middle East both were up 58 percent, while Africa climbed 15 percent (flights) and 19 percent (passengers). The greatest growth took place for flights into the U.S., up 139 percent, with passengers up 106 percent. “It was particularly pleasing to see Asia becoming one of our fastest growing markets,” Flohr said, “and we were delighted to see strong growth in flight traffic in China. We have clear execution plans to increase the number of destinations we fly to still further and to accelerate our growth in 2016.” o
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Despite bumps in the economic road, China remains a valuable market for long-range jets.
First G650 delivery in China affirms Gulfstream’s strategy by Charles Alcock Last month’s first delivery China (CAAC), the new G650ER Offering range of up to of a G650 to China underlined is covered by a U.S. registration. 13,880 km (7,500 nm), the Gulfstream’s confidence that “China continues to be a very G650ER provides the true in demand for its business jet fam important market for us, and, in tercontinental reach that many ily is continuing to flourish in this fact, the Asia Pacific as a whole customers in the Asia Pacific re part of the world. The aircraft was the second busiest overall gion crave for their business and was a G650ER model that went last year,” Scott Neil, Gulfstream personal travel. to Minsheng Financial Leasing senior vice president for sales Last year, the aircraft did a Co. Ltd. (MSFL), which now has and marketing, told AIN ahead demonstration flight that start a total of 64 Gulfstream aircraft of the ABACE show. Apart ed with a non-stop eastbound in its portfolio. Pending receipt from China, demand has also hop from New York to Beijing, of a type certificate from the been strong of late in Australia, before continuing in the same Sierra Completions_AIN Ad_ABACE Shanghai_half page_10 x 6in_2016.pdf 1 3/16/2016 10:45:42 AM Civil Aviation Administration of Indonesia and Malaysia. direction to fly directly back to
16 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
Gulfstream’s headquarters in Savannah, Georgia. But Neil pointed out that the manufacturer’s other models are also in demand, most nota bly the large cabin G450 and G550, as well as the smaller G280 and G150 models–all of which are on display in Shanghai this week. “When this market began to grow, it was a the large-cabin, long-range aircraft that got a foothold first. But since then peo ple have been realizing the wider utility of business jets and under standing that different models can do different jobs,” he said. From Gulfstream’s perspective, China’s overall economic slow down appears to have done little to dent demand for private avia tion. “Even within markets that people think are down, businesses are so diversified and global these days that the need for these aircraft is still there,” commented Neil. “Even if a Chinese company’s business in China is slowing down, its operations in Africa could still be growing fast, so the diversifica tion really is important. We take a very long-term view in China and we’ve invested for the long-term.” Along with other business air craft manufacturers, Gulfstream
is still hoping to see further improvements in the process for importing aircraft into China. Registration and operational re quirements can be very compli cated, and imports are subject to 23 percent value added tax (with concerns among the indus try that the Chinese government may be preparing to introduce other taxes). Limited airport ac cess and infrastructure are oth er factors holding back business aviation growth. Gulfstream has been conducting joint training between its staff and CAAC of ficials with a view to improving the aircraft delivery process. Gulfstream’s factory-owned service center in Beijing has been open for three-and-a-half years and has now worked on more than 500 aircraft. The company has been expanding staffing levels and increaing its inventory of air craft parts in China. Jet Aviation operates a factory-authorized service center for Gulfstream in Singapore, and the manufac turer has sales offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the new G500 and G600 long-range jets are on track to complete certification, in 2017 and 2018, respectively. o
ZETTA JET OFFERS INTERNET THROUGH ARINCDIRECT Singapore-based “private airline” Zetta Jet has selected Rockwell Collins subsidiary ArincDirect (Booth H333) to provide its customers with Internet, through Viasat Yonder over Ku-band and Inmarsat JetConnex over Ka-band. Zetta Jet already uses ArincDirect’s integrated services, but this agreement expands its relationship with the U.S. company. “Business jet passengers are demanding the same type of connectivity they experience on the ground as they do in flight,” said Saira Kanchwala, business development director of Rockwell Collins’s Asia Pacific region. “With higher bandwidth, Rockwell Collins will enable leading providers like Zetta Jet with applications and services to meet their passengers’ expectations.” Zetta Jet is a U.S. Federal Aviation Administration-certified air carrier. With a scheduling and operations center in Los Angeles, the company also has sales and support offices located in New York, London, San Jose (California), Harbin (China) and Singapore. –S.C.
Amac Aerospace installed this 4K ultra-high-definition video camera in a Boeing 737-800’s vertical stabilizer.
Amac stays busy by combining maintenance with modifications First Asian sale boosts Airbus ACJ319neo order book to six by Mark Phelps
event. That meant less down time and lower cost for the customer. Meanwhile, Amac’s consultancy expertise helped an unnamed Middle East commercial operator launch service earlier this year. The group provided maintenance on the company’s five business jets, including two Gulfstreams and a trio of Airbus ACJs. Amac has two locations in Switzerland–its main service center in Basel and an aircraft management office in Zurich. It also has a base in Istanbul, Turkey, and a regional sales office in Beirut, Lebanon. The company’s Dassault Falcon authorized service center in Istanbul recently completed the first Falcon 2000 avionics upgrade to EASy II configuration. o
by Mark Phelps & Kerry Lynch Airbus Corporate Jets (Chalet 6) is showing an ACJ319ceo (current engine option) this week at ABACE 2016, but the company recently received a firm order for an ACJ319neo (new engine option), the first destined for the Asia Pacific region. The unnamed Asian customer is upgrading from a large-cabin business jet and expects to take delivery of the bizliner in the second quarter of 2019. The order comes less than a year after Airbus announced the ACJneo during last spring’s European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE) event in Geneva. It represents one of six orders that the manufacturer has already captured for the upgraded model. The ACJ319neo offers several improvements over the ceo version. The most apparent is the choice of either CFM International Leap-1A or Pratt & Whitney PW1100G turbofans to replace the current CFM56-5B7/3s. Also prominent are the fuel-saving, performance-enhancing “Sharklet” wingtips. The modern technology incorporated in the neo version’s engines and airframe improvements increase fuel efficiency by 16 percent, compared with the current-generation ACJs, according to
Airbus. With a lighter passenger load, the ACJ319neo–with three times the cabin volume of traditional business jets, according to Airbus–will be able to carry eight passengers 12,500 km (6,750 nm). Airbus believes the extended range provides a draw not only from its VIP market niche, but also is attracting more interest from traditional business aviation clients, Airbus Corporate Jets vice president of commercial Chadi Saade said yesterday here at ABACE 2016. He added this is particularly important in the Chinese market, where customers are looking to travel internationally to destinations further afield. “The extended range is very important. The neo is getting a lot of interest,” he said, adding that the ceo version is still garnering attention since it is available two years earlier than the neo. Saade conceded that the Chinese market slowed down last year, but said it is still a growth market and in the “medium term, the potential remains very strong.” More than 170 ACJs are in service throughout the world, with around 20 of these based in China. The 19-passenger ACJ319 on display at ABACE is operated by Comlux The Aviation Group and is offered for charter services. o
Amac Aerospace (Booth P640) has been busy over the past several months across its business aviation service portfolio. Just this month, Swiss-based Amac completed a project involving a privately owned Boeing 737-800 that included a heavy base-maintenance check and several cabin modifications. Amac installed a tail-mounted exterior camera and swapped out the Boeing’s HD monitors with 4k ultra-high-definition (UHD) screens. The work also included installing a 4k-capable flight information system in the cabin. In keeping with Amac’s strategy of co-scheduling interior updates and modifications with regular scheduled maintenance, the cabin work was completed in tandem with the heavy base maintenance
BACK WHERE IT ALL BEGAN This Gulfstream G550 operated by Allpoints Jet was ordered by the operator during ABACE 2012. This week during ABACE 2016, it’s on exhibit at the show’s static display. Airbus Corporate Jets is displaying an ACJ319ceo aircraft operated by management and charter group Comlux.
www.ainonline.com • April 12, 2016 • ABACE Convention News 17
Honeywell sees slowing jet, rotorcraft demand The Chinese business jet and helicopter markets have cooled due to a slowing economy and a government-backed austerity campaign that stemmed from a crackdown on corruption, according to Honeywell Aerospace’s latest forecasts. While the company sees some near-term “glimmer” for business jet deliveries in China, purchase plans in the medium-term are expected to be below historical levels. In the helicopter sector, the outlook is more grim. The company surveys operators to help develop its forecasts, and it received more than 1,500 completed responses for its 24th annual Global Business Aviation Outlook, which was released in late November. Overall, it projects deliveries of 9,200 new business jets worth $270 billion between last year and 2025. Honeywell does not include VIP versions of airliners or very light jets in its business jet forecast. Based on the survey results, the Asia Pacific region will account for just 3 percent of the world’s new business jet demand over the survey horizon, with much of that driven by China. North America remains the preeminent region in terms of projected demand, accounting for 61 percent of world new jet sales, followed by Latin America (18 percent), Europe (14 percent) and the Middle East (3 percent). Despite a lower projected GDP growth, the Chinese business jet market saw slight improvements in its new jet purchase plans from the forecast release in late 2014. “I was actually a little surprised to see the China buying plans go up given the current political and economic environment,” Charles Park, Honeywell Aerospace’s director of strategic marketing, told AIN. “Though it’s well below historical levels that we’ve captured in this survey, it’s encouraging to see that it’s starting to creep back up a little bit.” Helicopter Outlook
Honeywell is taking a more cautious tone in its latest turbine-powered civil helicopter purchase outlook, which was released in February and suggests 4,300 to 4,800 civil helicopters will be delivered from this year to 2020. This is some
400 helicopters fewer than in the company’s previous five-year forecast released 12 months ago, thanks to slower global economic growth and increased volatility in oil-andgas-related markets. While the helicopter forecast showed new purchase-plan rates were stable, operators cited fewer total new model purchases over the five-year period. By cabin size, light turbines are expected to account for 54 percent of deliveries over the forecast period; light twins, 11 percent; medium twins, 28 percent; and heavy, 7 percent. Looking at world regions, 16 percent of the Asia Pacific operators surveyed said they planned on buying a new helicopter during the next five years; that’s down four percentage points from last year’s survey. This is due to a gloomier outlook in China, where the economy is slowing and an anti-luxury backlash has emerged.
by Chad Trautvetter & Charles Alcock
EASY DOES IT An Airbus Helicopters AW139 operated by Shanghai Kingwing General Aviation is maneuvered into position next to a Dassault Falcon 2000EX business jet during preparation for ABACE 2016. Despite forecasts below historic levels, Western airframe manufacturers’ presence in Chinese and Asian business aircraft markets likely will remain strong in coming years, according to Honeywell Aerospace’s 24th annual Global Business Aviation Outlook.
Some Progress
According to Honeywell, some progress is being made in the long-running efforts to make operating conditions more favorable in China. “Regulations are continuously being revised by the government to support the growth of the business aviation industry in China,” commented Andy Gill, the company’s senior director for business and general aviation in the Asia Pacific region. “The Chinese government is working on opening up low altitude airspace, which could give general aviation in the country a significant boost from 2018 onwards.” Honeywell claims that its SmartPath ground-based augmentation system could further improve the efficiency of China’s air transport system. Later this year, the product is expected to be certified in China, following installation and testing in April 2015 at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The U.S.-based group’s contribution to business aircraft is very comprehensive, running from engines (such as the latest HTF-7000 turbofan), to cockpit suites, and with the latest Ovation Select cabin management and connectivity systems in between. Its
cockpit technology includes the SmartView systems selected for Gulfstream’s new G500 and G600 jets, as well as for Dassault’s Falcon 5X. The latest Primus Elite avionics features in the Embraer Legacy 650. The new IntuVue weather radar, which is mainly used on airliners, is standard equipment on the Gulfstream G650, and Honeywell is looking to expand its adoption in business aircraft. The new radar in intended to increase a pilot’s situational awareness by scanning up to 593 km (320 nm) ahead of the aircraft from the ground up to 18,290 m (60,000 ft) and 160 degrees around the aircraft. As part of its effort to boost productivity for business aircraft users, Honeywell (Booth P122) offers its GX Aviation inflight Wi-Fi solutions. This is based on the JetWave hardware, which was recently certified by Transport Canada to be installed on Bombardier’s business jets. Honeywell’s product support network for the Asia Pacific region supports a fleet of more than 850 business aircraft. To do this, it has the backing of 43 partners, including Hawker Pacific, Gulfstream Beijing, Metrojet and Vibratech. o
18 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
August opening planned for Jet Aviation Macau by Mark Phelps International business aviation services group Jet Aviation (Booth P312) is putting the final touches on its new maintenance facility at Macau International Airport, which is expected to open in August. The exact date is subject to approval by the Macau government. Services at Jet Aviation Macau will include aircraft maintenance, cleaning and parking. Jet Aviation has leased some 4,000 sq m (43,170 sq ft) of hangar space and an additional 1,000 sq m (10,760 sq ft) of back shop space, including a wheel shop and a battery servicing facility. Repair Station Approvals
Jet Aviation Macau will add the company’s Gulfstream and Dassault Falcon authorized service center credentials, and also work under its previously attained U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Part 145 and European Aviation Safety Agency Part 145 approvals. Similar certification from Macau’s Civil Aviation
Authority is expected soon. In particular, Jet Aviation Macau will help relieve some of the choking congestion at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA), where Jet Aviation also has a facility but finds the restrictions challenging. Nigel Parker, managing director at the HKIA maintenance facility, said, “Jet Aviation Macau will help relieve some of the congestion experienced in the region by providing quality MRO services from a proximate location.” Jet Aviation’s aircraft management and charter operation at HKIA received the 2015 Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) award for “best management company.” The management arm of the Swissbased company now counts 331 aircraft among its fleet in the Asia Pacific region. o
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EXTENSIVE AND GROWING RANGE OF PROGRAMS ATLANTA, GA Beechcraft King Air 90 Series Beechcraft King Air 200/B200 Beechcraft King Air 300/350 Bombardier Learjet 31A/35A Bombardier Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR Bombardier Learjet 60 Cessna Citation I/II/SII Cessna Citation Sovereign
Embraer Legacy 600 Hawker 750/800/800XP/850XP/900XP
COLUMBUS, OH Bombardier Challenger 350 Bombardier Challenger 650 Bombardier Global 5000/6000 Cessna Citation Excel Cessna Citation Latitude* Cessna Citation Sovereign Cessna Citation X Cessna Citation XLS/XLS+* Dassault Falcon 2000/2000EX Gulfstream G200 Hawker 750/800/800XP/850XP/900XP
LONDON FARNBOROUGH, UK Beechcraft Beechjet 400A Beechcraft King Air 200/B200 Cessna Citation Bravo Cessna Citation CJ2 Cessna Citation Excel Cessna Citation Mustang Cessna Citation Sovereign Cessna Citation XLS/XLS+ Gulfstream G550 Hawker 400XP Hawker 750/800/800XP/850XP/900XP Sikorsky S-92
LAFAYETTE, LA AgustaWestland AW139 Bell 206 Bell 407 Sikorsky S-76C+/C++ Sikorsky S-92
DALLAS, TX (North) Bell 212 Bell 412EP Bell 430 Dassault Falcon 10/100† Dassault Falcon 20/20-5† Dassault Falcon 2000/2000EX† Dassault Falcon 2000EX EASy/DX/LX/S/LXS† Dassault Falcon 7X† Dassault Falcon 900C† Dassault Falcon 900EX† Dassault Falcon 900EX EASy/DX/LX† Gulfstream G100† Gulfstream G150† Gulfstream G200† Gulfstream G280† Gulfstream G350/G450 Gulfstream G550 Gulfstream GII/III† Gulfstream GIV/G300/G400† Pilatus PC-12/47 Pilatus PC-12/47E Pilatus PC-24* DALLAS, TX (South) Airbus Helicopters H135 Bell 412EP-Fast Fin Sikorsky S-76B DENVER, CO* Airbus Helicopters AS350 B3* Airbus Helicopters H130* Airbus Helicopters H135* Bell 407GXP* GREENSBORO, NC HondaJet† HONG KONG, CHINA Gulfstream GIV/G300/G400 Gulfstream G550 HOUSTON, TX Bombardier Challenger 601-3A/3R Dassault Falcon 50
LONG BEACH, CA Beechcraft King Air 90 Series Beechcraft King Air 100/A100 Beechcraft King Air 200/B200 Cessna Citation I/II/SII Cessna Citation V Gulfstream G350/G450 Gulfstream G550 Gulfstream G650 Gulfstream GII/III Gulfstream GIV/G300/G400† Gulfstream GV NEW YORK, NY Beechcraft King Air 90 Series Beechcraft King Air 100/A100/B100 Beechcraft King Air 200/B200 ORLANDO, FL Cessna Citation Bravo Cessna Citation CJ1+ Cessna Citation CJ2 Cessna Citation CJ3 Cessna Citation CJ4 Cessna Citation Encore/Encore+ Cessna Citation Excel Cessna Citation Mustang Cessna Citation Sovereign Cessna Citation X Cessna Citation XLS/XLS+ PARIS, FRANCE Dassault Falcon 10/100† Dassault Falcon 20/20-5† Dassault Falcon 2000/2000EX† Dassault Falcon 2000EX EASy/DX/LX/S/LXS† Dassault Falcon 50† Dassault Falcon 50EX† Dassault Falcon 7X† Dassault Falcon 8X* Dassault Falcon 900/900B/900C† Dassault Falcon 900EX EASy/DX/LX† Embraer Legacy 600/650† Embraer Lineage 1000
ST. LOUIS, MO Bombardier Challenger 850 Embraer Legacy 450/500† Embraer Legacy 600/650† Embraer Lineage 1000† Sabreliner 40/60/65/75A/80 SAN ANTONIO, TX Cessna CitationJet Cessna Citation CJ1 Cessna Citation CJ1+ Cessna Citation CJ2+ Cessna Citation Excel Cessna Citation I/II/SII Cessna Citation III/VI/VII Cessna Citation Ultra Cessna Citation XLS/XLS+ SAVANNAH, GA Gulfstream G350/450† Gulfstream G500* Gulfstream G550† Gulfstream G600* Gulfstream G650† Gulfstream GIV/G300/G400† Gulfstream GV† SHREVEPORT, LA Airbus Helicopters AS350 B2 Airbus Helicopters H135 Airbus Helicopters EC145* SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE Sikorsky S-76C+/C++ STAVANGER, NORWAY Sikorsky S-92 TETERBORO, NJ Dassault Falcon 2000/2000EX Dassault Falcon 2000EX EASy/DX/LX/S/LXS Dassault Falcon 50EX† Dassault Falcon 8X* Dassault Falcon 900/900B/900C† Dassault Falcon 900EX† Dassault Falcon 900EX EASy/DX/LX TUCSON, AZ Bombardier Challenger 601-3A/3R† Bombardier Challenger 604† Bombardier Learjet 31A/35A† Bombardier Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR† Bombardier Learjet 60† WEST PALM BEACH, FL Piaggio Aero P.180 Avanti/Avanti II† Sikorsky S-70 A/L† Sikorsky S-70i† Sikorsky S-76C+/C++† Sikorsky S-76D† Sikorsky S-92† WICHITA, KS (CESSNA) Cessna Caravan I Cessna Citation CJ1+ Cessna Citation CJ3 Cessna Citation Encore Cessna Citation Latitude
Cessna Citation Sovereign/Sovereign+ Cessna Citation X/X+ WICHITA, KS (EAST) Beechcraft Baron Beechcraft Beechjet 400/MU-300 Beechcraft Beechjet 400A Beechcraft Bonanza Beechcraft King Air 90 Series Beechcraft King Air 200/B200/200GT/250 Beechcraft King Air 300/350 Beechcraft Premier I/IA Cessna Caravan I/G600/G1000 Cessna Citation CJ3+ Cessna Citation M2 Cessna Citation Mustang Hawker 4000/400XP Hawker 750/800/800XP/850XP/900XP WICHITA, KS (LEARJET) Bombardier Learjet 25D† Bombardier Learjet 35A† Bombardier Learjet 40/40XR/45/45XR† Bombardier Learjet 55† WILMINGTON, DE Beechcraft Premier I/IA Bombardier Challenger 300/604/605† Bombardier Global Express/XRS/5000† Dassault Falcon 900/900B† Gulfstream G200 Gulfstream G550 Gulfstream G650 Gulfstream GIV/G300/G400 Gulfstream GV Hawker 700/750/800/800XP/850XP/900XP† IAI Astra/Astra SP† IAI Westwind†
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ExecuJet’s Tianjin MRO site grows in Beijing’s shadow by Charles Alcock When ExecuJet Aviation opened its maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility at Tianjin Airport back in 2014, it might have seemed that the Europebased international group had booked a somewhat obscure location to enter the China market. But now the company says that the facility, which is approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), is getting increasingly busy as traffic levels build, in part due to congestion at Beijing Capital Airport. The airport, which is 113 km (70 miles) southeast of Beijing, was only handling around 10 to 15 business jets on any given day at the time ExecuJet’s facility opened. But Paul Desgrosseilliers, general manager of ExecuJet Haite Aviation Services (a joint venture with China’s Tianjin Haite), told AIN that today there are around 50 to 60 business aircraft parked at Tianjin most of the time. ExecuJet chose the Tianjin site back
in 2010, when it was already apparent that business aviation operations at Beijing Capital were set to become even more restricted due to limited capacity. “Operators are not happy [about not being able to fly into Beijing Capital], but it means that our business in Tianjin is one of the few that is seeing significant growth because the overall Chinese market is somewhat depressed,” Desgrosseilliers said. The facility is an authorized service facility for Bombardier business aircraft, including the Challenger and Global families, as well as the Learjet 60. It is approved to conduct up to 36-month checks on all Challengers, and the 48-month check for the Challenger 300. The operation is set to get CAAC approval to handle the 4C (72-month) check for the Global jets, and its certification from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration covers up to 48-month checks. The company, which also holds Cayman Islands certification,
Based in Beijing, ExecuJet Haite Aviation Services’ maintenance and support team provides extensive factoryapproved services for Bombardier and Embraer business aircraft in China and other east Asia locations.
is now working on getting equivalent maintenance approval for the Tianjin operation from the European Aviation Safety Agency. ExecuJet Haite Aviation Services also is an authorized service center for Embraer Executive Jets. It provides 48-month checks for both the Legacy 650 and the Lineage 1000. Tianjin Haite, which is based in China’s Sichuan province, owns the land on which the MRO facility sits with a 3,500-sq-m (37,675-sq-ft) hangar. The operation has its own taxiway and an engine run facility. Tianjin Haite also has a commercial
airliner MRO facility at the same airport which supports Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft for Chinese operators. The drive into the center of Beijing from Tianjin Airport takes around two hours, compared to 40 minutes from Capital Airport. Tianjin Airport operates its own FBO, and for now ExecuJet has no plans to provide ground handling in China, even though it has several of its own FBOs in other parts of the world. Its MRO teams provides technical support to aircraft on the ground in Beijing, as well as flying to other countries such as Malaysia to assist customers. o
Region’s air charter demand dynamic, with overall growth
by Mark Phelps
SPOTLESS SPINNER A small army of skilled technicians spent untold hours prepping and detailing the myriad aircraft being exhibited in ABACE 2016’s static display area. Here, a Textron Aviation Beechcraft King Air 350 gets its finishing touches in advance of the show’s opening day.
22 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
Demand for charter flights in and out of the Asia Pacific region still appears to be growing, according to data from online charter broker Avinode (Booth P410). But the statistics generated by the Sweden-based group’s online marketplace reveal some shifts in terms of the geographical patterns of booking requests. For example, comparing 2014 with 2015, requests for flights to Asia (excluding the Maldives) were up by 15.8 percent last year. More than 30 percent of those 2015 requests were for flights originating in Russia. On the other hand, the number of flight requests for trips originating in Asia increased by only 6.99 percent. But that does not mean that people are flying into Asia and not leaving (requests are most often for a round-trip service). Interestingly, if you include the Maldives–a popular high-end island resort area–the numbers shift significantly. The number of trip requests to arrive in Asia increased 12.9 percent when trips to the Maldives are included; while requests for trips leaving Asia (including the Maldives) were up more sharply–increasing by 10.1 percent year-over-year. Singling out China tells another story moving from 2014 to 2015. The number of requests for trips to China increased, but by only 6.83 percent. At the same time, requests for trips originating in China (presumably representing Chinese
vacationers, entrepreneurs and business executives) were actually down by 3.9 percent. The Maldives and China (including Hong Kong) apart, India and Thailand were two leading hubs of charter flight activity in the Asia Pacific region. As for aircraft types involved, the most requests (excluding flights involving the Maldives) were for heavy jets, with the two most requested types being the Global Express/XRS, for trips to arrive in Asia from outside the region; and the Challenger 605, for flights departing the Asia Pacific area. That dynamic held true for both 2014 and 2015. “There is a lot of transpacific flight activity and the U.S. West Coast operators have been very busy,” commented Per Marthinsson, managing director of Avinode. “Russia is still an important country for flights in and out of Asia,” he added. According to Marthinsson, there is a growing trend in China’s charter market for aircraft operators to be represented by marketing agents who seek to get work for entire fleets or individual jets. Often these agents are former employees of Chinese operators. But according to Avinode, there has been a reduction in the number of aircraft available for charter in China since the peak year of 2013. Across the Asia Pacific region, Avinode estimates there are around 2,400 jets available for private charter and it claims to have around 1,850 of them logged in its system. o
Wings Over Asia FBO a haven for area pilots by Ian Sheppard Wings Over Asia (WoA), the social network for pilots that has also become a provider of support services for general aviation (GA) at Singapore’s Seletar Airport, is preparing to open a brand new $10 million FBO. Founder Ng Yeow Meng told AIN, during a visit following the Singapore Airshow in February, that the site chosen for the FBO was fortuitous as there was now talk of the airport building its new terminal right next to WoA’s facility. As well as the parking and ground handling, Yeow Meng also helps
manufacturers with ferrying aircraft to the region. In 2015 this led to dealerships with Piper, Cirrus and Daher. “We’ve just been asked to do some sales representation for Kodiak,” he told AIN, pointing to the brand new aircraft he was about to deliver. He said he was preparing to fly the Kodiak to Papua New Guinea, “via Darwin, Cairns [Australia] and up.” He said he’d done a lot of ferry flights too, from America and Europe, for WoA members. “We brought a Columbia 350 [now Cessna TTx] back and a Pilatus PC-12, and an Eclipse–it’s pretty much
the only one in Asia.” Meanwhile, he said a WoA member was the new owner of the Daher TBM 900 on display at the Singapore Airshow. Worth Supporting
Maintenance activity started last year to maintain members’ airplanes, said Meng. WoA is now a Piper service center (this was announced at the Singapore show) and a Garmin service center, too. “We’re becoming a one-stop shop now,” said Yeow Meng. “Anything below six tons we fly all over
The static display area at ABACE 2016 features a wide range of aircraft, including longrange business jets from Boeing, Bombardier, Dassault and Gulfstream to specialized types like the Viking Air DHC-6 Twin Otter 400 and the Beechcraft Bonanza.
the world–everything from the smallest aircraft to light jets–we sell, fly, deliver, maintain, support permits and ground handling.” He also has agreements with banks that can help finance aircraft. Overall, Yeow Meng said, “It’s just us–no venture capitalists–I’m still the major shareholder, and I have a business partner.” It took him four years to put together the facility, but eventually it was backed by foreign banks. “It took us four years to convince the government that it was worth supporting. They had no idea what GA was about. So the big push now is for us to provide charter–but we want to make sure the infrastructure and service quality is good.” Yeow Meng now has 2,600 hours of flying in his logbook, has airline transport pilot, seaplane and instructor ratings, plus he has done aerobatic training (in Australia). He has a share in a Robin, and used to fly a Pitts Special aerobatic biplane. “I mostly fly turboprops now,” he said. He noted that there is little airspace to train in. The available space is above Seletar and is small. There is also a slot system shared with the flying clubs and the so-called Youth Flying Club, which is effectively Singapore’s air cadets. “There are blocks for the different flying clubs and private flyers, the airspace being 762 to 1,219 m (2,500 to 4,000 ft) and then 1,219 to 3,048 m (4,000 to 10,000 ft)–but laterally it is less than eight-by-eight km (five-by-five mi), and the training area is very near the air base that is west of Seletar. You still need a flight plan as well.” That can be compared with Johor, which is only 10 minutes’ flying time away and has lots of less constrained airspace. WoA exhibited at the last ABACE show, but Yeow Meng admitted that things had been too busy to prepare for the show this year with the work of opening the new facility. o
JET AVIATION APPOINTS REGIONAL SALES DIRECTOR Jet Aviation (Booth P312) has named Christophe Chicandard as regional sales director for the Asia Pacific region. Chicandard has 25 years experience in business and commercial aviation sales, having previously held the position of senior sales director for Embraer Executive Jets Asia Pacific and senior vice president of marketing for Air Castle. Before this, he sold Bombardier business jets in Asia Pacific. “Christophe brings vast customer relationship knowledge and leadership experience to this role,” said Jet Aviation Singapore’s vice president and general manager John Riggir. “He will lead out efforts in marketing our extensive global capabilities and services within the rapidly growing Asia Pacific market.” Chicandard is based at Jet Aviation’s Singapore facility. The business aviation services group provides aircraft management and charter, as well as maintenance, repair and overhaul and completions work. –S.C.
24 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
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猎鹰8X 猎鹰8X较其广受欢迎的前代机型,机身稍长且各 方面性均能得到提高。 作者
Mark Huber
成 功 往 往 就 在 毫 厘 之 间 ,达 索公司 (Dassault)亦是所见略同,他们笃定增 加109厘米(43英尺)的机身长度将使猎鹰 8X(Falcon 8X)脱颖而出。这架机舱宽敞 的远程三发喷气机将在今年晚些时候开始 交付给客户,而它最引以为豪的优势便是, 它的机舱比其前代机型7X的机舱加长了。 这意味着猎鹰8X将多出7%的使用空间—— 可延长机上厨房的长度、可拓宽座椅的间 隔或者可在机上盥洗室添加淋浴设备。 加宽的机舱空间及其他一些列的性能优 化使得8X的售价接近6000万美元,比广受 好评的7X贵了10%。但达索公司显然不认 为这一价格会阻碍飞机的销售,并拥有目标 买家:他们也许是超过两百名的7X拥有者, 也许是翘首期盼着正在研发中的庞巴迪环 球系列上市的买家,或者是打算购买已投 入生产但未交货订单已经堆积成山的湾流 G650ER的买家。环球系列比8X的售价更 高,高达7100万美元到7500万美元,湾流系 列的售价也高于8X,达到6600万美元。 不过达索公司对8X的市场预测也许是准 确的,这样可以为拥有前代机型的飞机拥有 者提供了一个快速更新换代的方式。8X的 航程为6450海里(11937千米,机载8名乘客 及3名机组人员,0.8马赫)比7X长出500海 里。这多出的航程要得益于机身中部的额外 油箱和经重新设计、重量更轻的机翼,8X可
从香港直飞伦敦,从巴黎直飞新加坡,从北 京直飞洛杉矶。重做后机翼保持了8X在短跑 道上的竞争力,在飞机满载的情况下,8X只 需滑跑1829米(6000英尺)即可起飞,而降 落后只需滑行655米(2150英尺)便可停稳。 相较于7X使用的发动机,8X采用了加拿 大惠普公司(Pratt & Whitney Canada)的 PW307D发动机,为其增加了5%的推力,同 时还减少了废气的排放量。达索公司宣称相 比于其他同系列机型,8X耗油量更低。 而且你将享受到更多在2007年7X上市 时你无法获得或是当时工程师没有想到的 便利。比如: • 在 到达12497米(41000英尺)的巡航高 度时,您的压舱高度将刚好保持在1189 米(3900英尺),以确保您可以精神抖 擞地到达目的地。8X的最大飞行高度为 15545米(51000英尺)。 • 更多样化的机舱布局。得益于接近518立方 米(1700立方英尺)超大机舱空间,共有三 十余种三区配置布局供您挑选。您可以选 择将后部居室改造成一个配备超大沙发床 和可弹出屏幕的媒体休息室,或者可以做成 一个装有可滑动小门的独立特等舱。 飞机的 中部居室可容纳一套六人座的会议设备。 • 更多的舷窗。8X共有33个舷窗,比7X多出 4个。这意味着飞机上的采光条件将更好。
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26 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
敬请期待:猎鹰5X 达索公司最新大客舱公务机猎鹰5X将延期上市,但其法国制造商表示等待是值得的。在2018 年之前,由于无法获得斯奈克玛银冠发动机的适航证,5X将暂停生产。正因申请认证导致了首次 交付时间延期,猎鹰5X下线时间将定在2020年上半年,比原计划推迟约两年半之久。 好消息是,即使因为等待银冠涡轮风扇喷气发动机交付使用使得法国机身制造商不得不停下 其开发的脚步,但5X凭借在生产技术上、客舱容量上及燃油利用率上的改进,使得人们非常期待 猎鹰推出更多该系列的新机型,仍能继续出现在达索公司的飞机设计图上。同大多数的白纸设计 一样,机身剖面图不仅奠定了5X的发展,也为将来新机型的产出打下了基础。 猎鹰5X机身直径为2.7米,(8.86英 尺)---稍长于8X,比过去其他机型宽敞 很多。机身高度为1.98米(6.5英尺)、体 积为50立方米(1766立方英尺)。 达索公司称相较于其他飞机制造商生 产的竞争机型,5X的燃油利用率将提高 50%,操作成本也降低了30%。5X配备了 带侧杆电传飞行控制系统及新型斯奈克玛银冠发动机。在霍尼韦尔公司推出的普莱玛斯史诗级 操作平台(Primus Epic platform)的基础上,配备了猎鹰EASy航空电子设备套件,包含双平视显 示器,能够增强的合成视景信息。 5X的计划航程为9624千米(5200海里),相当于飞行时间11小时30分。最大巡航速度达0.9 马赫数(在巡航高度时飞行速度达约966千米/小时或600英里/小时),5X仍能在滑跑1524米 (5000英尺)后起飞,且其着陆速度相对缓慢,仅约105节。 5X不仅为乘客提供了更大的空间,而且还提供了更好的采光。其舷窗比7X的大30%。厨房通 道上方的电动可调光“天顶窗口”使天空光透过飞机上的视象系统,让乘客能在入口通道处便可 享受自然光的照射。天窗的“智能窗玻璃”几乎可以通过任何角度的转换从而改变色调来调节射 入光量和太阳热量。 5X的增压送风系统能让乘客感到神清气爽。在巡航高度达12497米(41000英尺)时,其座 舱高度仅为1188米(3900英尺)。舱内配备猎鹰高清机上娱乐系统,可提供多种多样的布局选 择,座椅可完全放平,最多可供6名乘客睡觉。 –M.H
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FALCON 8X It’s a little longer–and in many ways, much better–than its wildly popular predecessor. by Mark Huber
It’s said that the margin of victory in life can sometimes be measured in very small increments. Dassault seems to think so, as it is betting that another 109 cm (43 in) of fuselage length will help make a big difference when it comes to the Falcon 8X. The long-range, largecabin trijet, which the company will begin delivering to customers later this year, boasts a slightly longer passenger cabin than its 7X predecessor. That translates into 7 percent more volume–enough to allow for a somewhat longer galley, a little more legroom between seats, or an optional steam shower in the aft lav. The added cabin space–and a long list of other enhancements–push the price of the 8X to nearly $60 million, making it about 10 percent more expensive than the wildly successful 7X. But Dassault apparently thinks price won’t be a stumbling block and that a ready audience exists for the airplane: some of the more than 200 owners of the 7X and perhaps those waiting–and waiting–for the under-development Bombardier Globals
as well as for the Gulfstream G650ER, which is in production but has a long backorder list. The Globals are even more expensive than the 8X, at $71 million and $75 million, respectively, as is the Gulfstream, which runs upwards of $66 million. Dassault might be right about the market for the 8X, which offers a quick way for owners of earlier models to take a step up. The aircraft has a range of 11,937 km/6,450 nm (with eight passengers and three crew, at M 0.8), 500 nm more than the 7X. The extra range–courtesy of an additional
28 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
COMING SOON: THE FALCON 5X Dassault’s new, large-cabin Falcon 5X will take longer than expected to enter service, but the French manufacturer is convinced it will be worth the wait. The 5X production line is “frozen” while it awaits certification of its Snecma Silvercrest engines–now delayed until 2018. The current Falcon 5X race for certification and first deliveries now places the finish line in the first half of 2020, some two and a half years behind the original schedule. The good news is that the 5X’s advances in production technology, cabin size and efficiency have always been expected to spawn still more new models, and their development can continue on Dassault’s design screens, even as the French airframer cools its collective heels awaiting delivery of the Silvercrest turbofans. As with many clean-sheet designs, the fuselage cross-section is the foundation for not only the 5X, but future models, as well. The 5X’s fuselage diameter is 2.7 m (8.86 ft)–a bit larger than that of the 8X and much larger than the fuselage on past models. The new tube yields 1.98 m (6.5 ft) of headroom and volume of 50 cu m (1,766 cu ft). Dassault claims that the aircraft will be 50 percent more fuel efficient and cost 30 percent less to operate than competing models from other manufacturers. It will feature fly-bywire controls with sidesticks and new Snecma Silvercrest engines. The Falcon EASy avionics suite, based on Honeywell Primus Epic platform, includes dual heads-up displays with synthetic and enhanced vision information. The 5X has a projected range of 9,624 km (5,200 nm), which equates to 11 hours, 30 minutes in the air. Even with its M 0.9 top speed (approximately 966 km/h or 600 mph at cruise altitude), it should be able to take off from relatively short 1,524 meter (5,000-foot) runways and touch down fairly slowly with an approach speed of just 105 knots. Other benefits include much longer maintenance intervals for inspections and component replacement than previous Falcons. For passengers, not only does the 5X provide more space, it also offers brighter space. The windows are 30 percent larger than on the 7X. The entryway can be filled with natural light, courtesy of an electronically dimmable “Zenith window” skylight from Vision Systems above the galley aisle. The “smart glass” in the skylight can adjust tint in virtually any degree to modulate the amount of incoming light and solar heating. The 5X’s pressurization system will leave passengers refreshed. The cabin altitude is only 1,188 m (3,900 ft) while the airplane cruises at 12,497 m (41,000 ft). The cabin, which features the Falcon HD inflight-entertainment system will be available with various layouts and with seats than can be fully reclined to produce sleeping areas for up to six passengers. –M.H.
The 5X cabin will be available with various layouts and with seats that can be fully reclined to produce sleeping areas for up to six passengers.
center-fuselage fuel tank and a lighter, redesigned wing–enables the 8X to fly nonstop from Hong Kong to London, Paris to Singapore, and Beijing to Los Angeles. The reworked wing also keeps the 8X competitive on short runways; it needs 1,829 m (6,000 ft) to take off fully loaded but can stop in just 655 m (2,150 ft). The Pratt & Whitney Canada PW307D engines offer 5 percent thrust increase and lower emissions than those powering the 7X. Dassault claims the 8X is more fuel-efficient than other offerings in this class. And you get all manner of other benefits that weren’t available or that engineers didn’t think of when the 7X hit the market back in 2007. Things like: • A cabin altitude of just 1,189 m (3,900 ft) at a cruising altitude of 12,497 m (41,000 ft), ensuring that you arrive
at your destination not only freshly showered but alert and refreshed. The 8X has a service ceiling of 1,555 m (51,000 ft). • More cabin layouts. Thanks to nearly 518 cu m (1,700 cu ft) of space, you can choose from more than 30 layouts in three zone configurations. Possibilities include turning the aft cabin into a media lounge with oversized divans and a popup monitor or making it a separate stateroom with a sliding pocket door. Mid cabin there’s also space to install a sixseat conference grouping. • More cabin windows. You get four more than on the 7X for a total of 33. That means natural light in more places. • A choice of three galley layouts, and galleys that are 25 percent larger overall. The added space means you can
Continued on page 30 u
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猎鹰8X At a Glance 售价 Price
5800万美元 $58 million
航程* Range*
6,450 海里/11,945 千米 6,450 nm/11,945 km
最大巡航速度 Maximum cruise speed
0.9马赫 Mach 0.9
远程巡航速度 Long-range cruise speed
0.80马赫 Mach 0.80
最大载重的起飞距离 Takeoff distance at max weight
6,000 英尺/1,829 米 6,000 ft/1,829 m
着陆距离(标准着陆重量) 2,150 英尺/655 米 Landing distance 2,150 ft/655 m (typical landing weight) 载客量(标准) Passengers (typical)
11-14 11-14
机组人员 Crew
3-5 3-5 长度 42.67 英尺/13 米 Length 42.67 ft/13 m 机舱高度 6英尺 2英寸/1.83 米 Height 6 ft 2 in/1.83 m
机舱长度 Cabin
机舱宽度 7英尺8英寸/2 .34 米 Width 7 ft 8 in/2.34 m
体积 1,695立方英尺/48立方米 Volume 1,695 cu ft/48 m³
行李舱容量 Baggage volume
140立方英尺/4立方米 140 cu ft/ 4 m³
*8名乘客, 三名机组人员、按照美国公务航空协会仪表飞行 规则备份燃油条件、0.8马赫) 来源:达索公司
• 机上设有三种不同的厨房布局,其整体面 积比7X的大25%。多出的空间意味着您可 以配置更大的制冷系统和冰箱,以方便在 14个小时的飞行时间里为乘客提供服务。 • 新款座椅淘汰了传统的机械化综合布线 系统,采用电动助力系统,更加安全可 靠。机上也可配置全电动座椅。 • 新型高清娱乐系统。 • 新型可调色LED照明灯。 • 全新湿度调节系统,可将机舱内湿度至少 增加20%。 • 在厨房正对面是一处多功能的机组人员 休息室,当休息室无人使用时,可将其转 换成衣帽间。 • 飞 机前后舱 均设有标准的真空抽吸 式 厕所。 • 更先进的驾驶舱。配备超舒适座椅并参考 了达索公司新型5X双发式喷射机的设计风 格。采用在霍尼韦尔Primus Epic集成驾驶 舱系统基础上研发的EASy第三代玻璃表 盘数字航空电子设备和结合了视景增强和 合成视景的Elbit平视显示器。 承 袭了让7X受 欢 迎 的 优 点 及飞行 性 能,8X在此基础上更具实用性也更加奢华。 这就是达索公司深信不疑的胜利方程式,他 们已将机舱总装工厂扩展到了美国阿堪萨 斯州的小石城。这一举动堪称明智,因为仅 仅只有毫厘之差,却实在是天差地别啊。 o
*Eight passengers, three crew, NBAA reserves, Mach 0.8) Source: Dassault
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30 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
uContinued from page 28
accommodate the larger chillers and refrigerators envisioned to service passengers on what can be 14-hour flights. • New cabin seats that are electrically assisted and eliminate the traditional mechanical cabling system for greater
reliability. Full electric function seats also will be available. • A new high-definition entertainment system. • New, color-adjustable LED lighting. • A new system that increases cabin humidity by at least 20 percent. • A redesigned convertible crew rest area opposite the galley that converts into a closet when not in use. • An optional vacuum lavatory in the forward cabin. The vacuum lavatory in the aft cabin remains standard. • A better cockpit. It incorporates supercomfy seats and takes styling cues from Dassault’s new 5X twinjet. And it features the new EASy 3 glass-panel digital avionics, which are built around the Honeywell Primus Epic System and the Elbit head-up display, which combines enhanced and synthetic vision. The 8X builds on the features and flight characteristics that have made the 7X popular, adding increased utility and luxury. Dassault is so convinced that this is a winning formula that it already is expanding its completion facility in Little Rock, Arkansas. That seems like a prudent move, because while the new airplane may be only a smidgen longer than its predecessor, it really is miles apart. o
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Texas-based Aeria Luxury Interiors completed this BBJ for a private client.
Aeria plans satellite Singapore base by Charles Alcock Aeria Luxury Interiors recently delivered the first new Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) that it has completed direct from the factory. The aircraft went to an undisclosed customer in Eastern
Europe and the San Antonio, Texas-based company is now working to complete a VIP-configured Boeing widebodied airliner that it expects to deliver in the first quarter of 2017.
Benefiting from fresh investment provided by its Singaporebased owner ST Aero, Aeria is expanding its facilities with the addition of around 1,300 square meters (14,000 square feet) of
Visit us at Booth P108
00 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com 32
additional workspace, including more cabinetry and upholstery shops. The company also is adding a 186-sq-m (2,000-sqft) space to accommodate its in-house interior design department and also the sales and marketing team, plus a showroom for customers. Eventually, ST Aero (which is part the ST Engineering maintenance, repair and overhaul group) wants to be able to establish a parallel completions facility in Singapore that would be more convenient for private and corporate aircraft owners across the Asia Pacific region. This plan is starting out with moves to offer cabin interior maintenance and refurbishment services at the ST Aero facility at Singapore’s Seletar Airport and Aeria is training its colleagues in all the core skills. Ron Soret, Aeria’s completions vice president and general manager, explained that the jet’s owner usually travels with family members or small groups of guests. The cabin has a crew rest area, galley, conference/dining area, a large lounge area with a flat-screen TV and a master bedroom with a lavatory and shower. The cabin was fitted with CTT’s humidification and zonal drying system. It features decorative pieces produced using Aeria’s 3D printing capability and finishes using precious stones and other luxury materials. The 3D printer was purchased in 2014 and can produce large parts. “We are using it extensively for completions, making prototypes and decorative pieces,” Soret explained. For the BBJs, 3D-printed parts included singleseat armrests, loudspeaker bezels and brackets for electronics components. Aeria is using a thermoplastic material that hassufficient structural strength and meets flammability requirements. Aeria is very active in VIP aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), as well as refurbishment. It also specializes in the installation of cabin management and inflight entertainment systems, as well as some avionics work, and is an authorized dealer for both Honeywell and Rockwell Collins. o
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Gama Aviation shaping strategy for Asia Pacific by Ian Sheppard Gama Aviation (Booth P362) is exhibiting here just over a year after it formed Gama Aviation
Hutchison (Hong Kong) Ltd., a 50:50 joint venture with Hutchison Whampoa. The joint
venture, which now operates three aircraft on behalf of their owners, is based in Hong Kong but also “has access” to maintenance facilities in Beijing. Keith Marshall, senior executive with Gama Aviation based in Hong Kong, told AIN, “We’ve been really getting to grips with what is essentially a Gama template for a ‘node’ in
Maintenance is one of the mainstays of Gama Aviation’s extensive bizav offerings.
the Group–which can also draw on Group competencies.” A former British Army helicopter pilot turned aerospace executive, Marshall has been running the operation in Hong Kong for about a year now. “It took a couple of years [before that] to establish the joint venture with Hutchison–up until a year ago when we booked some aircraft under management and put people in place. “We’ve started to put together a regional platform for Asia Pacific, which is in two parts, really–China, with all its particular challenges, and the rest of the region, such as Indonesia and the Philippines,” said Marshall. “So now we have the [aircraft] management and [maintenance] capability that allows us to reach into China. We have established relationships in Beijing and elsewhere in the region and we’re already starting to spread our wings.” Marshall said that there had been progress that he could not yet divulge, but that he expected that the company would be ready to make some announcements at some point this year. “We’ve got a strategy and a plan–and yes we’ll be developing FBOs and other capabilities in the region.” He admitted that “issues at play” included the problems at Hong Kong that business aircraft operators have been experiencing, due to congestion and lack of slots. “Slot management at Hong Kong is really serious–let alone parking and moving aircraft. We’re very much in the same game” as Jet Aviation– which has established an FBO in nearby Macau. Gama Group chief marketing officer Duncan Daines, said: “I think for a long time we’ve been open about opening more FBOs around the world, but we’re not going to enter a turf war with the likes of Jet Aviation and Signature. We’re building what will be a fantastic new facility at Sharjah, which has great proximity to Dubai.” He added that Gama is looking to open FBOs on a similar model, finding places where there are not lots of other FBOs.
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34 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
Continued on page 36 u
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Gama Aviation shaping strategy uContinued from page 34
“Having too many FBOs on an airfield is not good [for anybody]. In the Asia Pacific there are plenty of opportunities for FBOs,” as there are few in Asia in general. He suggested the Thai
market was of particular interest. Daines said Gama could offer China its worldwide capabilities, from both the U.S., Europe and beyond. “From a [maintenance] point of view we’ve got a whole team of [technicians] in the U.S. that can easily fly out,” he said. Marshall said this works well, given the “overwhelming”
predominance of long-range business jets operating in China. “So we really do benefit from the synergies of our infrastructure in Europe and the U.S.” On progress to date, he said, “We’re not at liberty to share details yet, but we’re looking at augmenting existing infrastructure with our services. People are looking at consolidation
and maximizing utilization of their infrastructure, for example, in MRO as aircraft get more reliable, so we think there will be more coexistence of commercial and bizav infrastructure. There is only so much space to go around.” Here at the ABACE show, Gama has increased the size of its booth and presence, said
Teams of Gama Aviation technicians are available to serve Asia Pacific clients.
Daines. “It’s a calculated move to represent the stature of our presence…we’re not shying away [from China/Asia Pacific].” He did not think referring to China as an “emerging market” is still accurate, saying, “It has been going through one of those [difficult] periods. But the growth is not going to stop–and ultimately it will be the main place for bizav in this region.” He said business aviation needs to highlight to authorities around China that “airports need to be built keeping business aviation in mind” and reminding them that their “global influence is measured by the people who fly into these hubs” even if the numbers of these VIP passengers might be relatively small. So they need business aviation if they “want to put their cities on the map.” Marshall said he believes that despite the austerity drive, the Chinese authorities really do understand that business aircraft have “transitioned from tycoons’ toys to engines for economic growth.” Gama’s headquarters remains at Farnborough in the UK, but in recent years it has established Geneva, Sharjah and Glasgow facilities as well as ventures in the U.S. where it operates and support aircraft for membership operator Wheels Up. Most recently, it acquired Aviation Beauport, an FBO operation in Jersey, UK, which is now Gama Aviation Jersey. This has added four more aircraft to Gama’s fleet “and brings light jets into the charter fleet,” said Daines. In Glasgow, Gama “just went through the formal launch of Hangar 2,” noted Daines, while in continental Europe, he said, Gama had just signed a contract for a hangar facility in Nice, France. “It’s an interesting bizav entry point, and movements can get intense there,” he said. o
36 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
Asian Sky Group (Booth P108) released its latest Asia Pacific Business Jet Fleet Report yesterday at ABACE. The report states that the Asia Pacific-based business jet fleet numbered 1,134 aircraft, up 6.2-percent over 2014. This was “in line with most market forecasts,” it stated. Overall 66 new and 74 pre-owned jets joined the fleet in 2015 (total 140), while 74 aircraft left the region. China is the Asia Pacific’s largest single market (26 percent) with 300 jets, but with a growth rate of only 3.8 percent in the year, “reflecting a significant deceleration from previous years,” said Asian Sky. Australia is the next largest market (16 percent) with 184 aircraft (7 percent up in 2015) and India (13 percent) is next with 145 aircraft (up 4 percent). Hong Kong (12 percent and 132 aircraft) saw 16 aircraft added, which was the largest number in one place or country. Together these four territories account for 67 percent of the fleet. The top three OEMs in the Asia Pacific by market share were Bombardier (27 percent), Gulfstream (23 percent) and Cessna (19 percent). Bombardier saw the most aircraft added, at 51 (28 were new), the Global 6000 being the most popular aircraft (15 added). The Fleet Report includes a special section on Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan), the largest business jet market in the Asia Pacific region. In 2015, Greater China added only 29 net aircraft–39 new deliveries, 28 pre-owned
Hongkong Jet, Asia Jet purchase
“Consolidating the service offerings of Hongkong Jet and Asia Jet will provide clients with a unique and comprehensive suite of services, not readily available elsewhere in Asia,” said Denzil White, CEO of Hongkong Jet. “Business jet users are very demanding and price sensitive, they look for the very best service. And as such, a small company will find it difficult to achieve the economies of scale to be able to offer them the very best service. So to offer the full band of services, one really needs to consolidate some
Strategic Fit
“Linking hands with Hongkong Jet and its expansive aviation parent group became an obvious strategic fit for us within Asia,” said Asia Jet CEO Mike Walsh. “I am excited about our future prospects together and the benefits a larger group can bring to our clients.”
uContinued from page 1
the second quarter of this year. The two companies have a joint exhibit here at ABACE 2016 (Booth P608). The proposed agreement has Hongkong Jet purchasing Asia Jet and its subsidiary Asia Jet Partners (Shanghai), as well as its joint venture Asia Jet Partners (Malaysia). The joint venture partner is Berjaya Vacation Club, which is a subsidiary of Berjaya Corp. Hong Kong-based Asia Jet was founded eight years ago, and since then has grown into a company with a fleet of 11 business jets under direct supervision. HNA Group launched Hongkong Jet in 2009, and the company employs 150 people. In 2015, the company’s managed fleet grew by more than 80 percent to 25 aircraft and maintenance man-hours grew 110 percent, in part thanks to the company’s receipt of U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Part 145 certification.
deliveries but 38 aircraft also left the region. This total of 29 is down 50 percent versus 2014. 2015’s poor performance is due to a decline in new aircraft deliveries, which were 28 fewer than 2014, a drop of 42 percent. The Greater China market has seen its business jet fleet growth rate decline for three consecutive years, from a high in 2012 of almost 50 percent growth to 6.6 percent in 2015. Looking at the net departures of business jets from Greater China, the numbers show relatively little change. In 2013, there were 42 departures, in 2014 just 35, then 38 in 2015. “You’re not seeing this huge exodus of aircraft leaving the China region,” said Asian Sky managing director Jeffrey Lowe. He said this year’s report has been expanded to include New Zealand, Australia and India. “So now our definition of Asia Pacific is more in line with the OEMs,” said Lowe. The aim of the Fleet Report is to be an annual report of the fleet for the previous year. Asian Sky has a wider range of activities however, mainly consultancy based, including sales and acquisition transactions, operational oversight/appraisals and “working out fair market values for aircraft. Finance companies come to us to assess whether they are still above water on their loan curves, for example.” Finally, the company’s fourth income stream is as a charter broker. –I.S. & M.T.
Hongkong Jet CEO Denzil White (left) and Mike Walsh, CEO of Asia Jet, welcome the consolidation of the two companies.
of the smaller companies within the region where you can offer a full suite of services. “With that in mind, we searched the market for a suitable partner that we could strategically grow, rather than organically, and have a jumpahead instantly. We looked for a company that offered strong charter sales and value-added services to clients. We looked for a very good brand [and] for a
team that offered excellent management, and we found that in Asia Jet,” said White. After Hongkong Jet completes the purchase of Asia Jet, the two companies will be run as separate entities, although there will be just one branding team. Hongkong Jet has two AOCs, in Hong Kong and Bermuda, while Asia Jet works with its U.S. partner Jet Edge, which has a U.S. charter certificate. Three Gulfstreams managed by Asia Jet fly charters under Jet Edge’s AOC, and these average about 30 hours of flying per month, according to White. Hongkong Jet’s two charter aircraft are a BBJ and a G550; the BBJ averages about 600 hours a year, while the G550 flies nearly 20 hours per month, according to White. “2015 was a record year, and utilization and charter hours are both up. Across China [the numbers] were up during the past six to eight months,” he added. Asia Jet also announced that its Malaysia subsidiary is basing a Gulfstream G200 in Subang starting at the end of next month. “Block hour programs seem to be of popular interest to Malaysian based customers,” said Stutijin Van Till, director of business development for Asia Jet Partners Malaysia. “This bodes well for Asia Jet’s pioneering jet card program, which was launched in 2009 and seen more than $50 million in revenue since its inception.” o
(l to r) Lu Xun, deputy general manager, Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Centre, welcomed NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen and Charles Mularski, chairman of the Asian Business Aviation Association and vice president Asia Pacific region for Universal Weather and Aviation, to ABACE 2016.
Bigger, better ABACE opens uContinued from page 1
the welcoming press conference yesterday, Bolen noted the increased pavilion space housing more than 160 exhibitors, with better than 40 percent of them representing Asian companies. As well, said Bolen, the more than 30 aircraft on exhibit in the static display range from piston singles to corporate jets, to helicopters, demonstrating the wide diversity of business aircraft. When ABACE in its new format began at Hongqiao in 2012, the static display was occupied solely by large cabin business jets, but that has changed. “Some of the reasons that this evolution has taken place from the large down to the smaller and much more diverse is because of the policies that have been put in place by China and throughout the region,” said Bolen. “It’s exciting to see how this show has grown and evolved between our first edition in 2012
and today in 2016,” Bolen continued. “Literally business aviation in China and throughout the region is evolving, it’s growing, it’s changing, it’s becoming more multi-dimensional.” General aviation is becoming an important focus for Chinese economic development, added Lu Xun, deputy general manager of the Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Centre, which has hosted the show for the past five years at Hongqiao International Airport. “It is expected that by the end of the 13th Five Year Plan there will be more than 500 airports for general aviation, and there will be over 5,000 aircraft,” he said, adding annual flight operations should reach two million hours– with a total economic value of one trillion RMB. Lu said that many FBOs are currently under construction across China but he cautioned those airports to evaluate their business plans closely to ensure they will be able to make ends meet. p
WORLD FUEL EXPANDS PARTNERSHIP WITH DEER JET World Fuel Services (Booth P142) and Deer Jet Group (Booth P232) expanded their eight-year relationship by signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) here at ABACE yesterday for the former to provide global aviation support solutions for Deer Jet’s eight FBOs in China and business aircraft handling subsidiary Honor Aviation. Under the agreement, World Fuel Services will allow Deer Jet FBOs and Honor Aviation to accept its Avcard aviation charge card for payment. Avcard is accepted at more than 7,600 locations in more than 190 countries. The agreement also covers World Fuel/Colt trip support’s promotion and designation of Honor Aviation as a preferred ground handler and aircraft cleaning service. This includes Colt contract fueling at Honor Aviation. As such, aircraft operators will have local support from World Fuel/Colt’s Shanghai office and access to pricing at more than 3,000 locations worldwide. In addition, the two organizations will work together to explore opportunities to expand and improve Deer Jet’s FBO network. These efforts include support of Deer Jet FBO’s application for membership in World Fuel’s Air Elite Network of “exceptional” FBOs. Deer Jet also has a Gulfstream G450 on static display here at n ABACE 2016.
www.ainonline.com • April 12, 2016 • ABACE Convention News 37
Satcom Direct offers new in-flight solutions
Satcom Direct’s Michael Christensen demonstrates the small form factor of his company’s latest in-flight Wi-Fi Hub.
Internet connectivity demands throughout large cabins. For light and midsize business jets, the hub provides global voice and text in a small package, though without all the connectivity power and features that the SDR offers. One difference is that the Wi-Fi Hub does not offer the 3G/4G cellular connectivity of the larger SDR, although plans are for Satcom Direct to add that capability in the next version of the Wi-Fi Hub. “The feedback from customers–those in smaller and larger airframes–is ‘we want a smaller, lighter and less expensive Wi-Fi hub,’ ” said Michael Christensen, Satcom Direct’s general director for Asia, explaining the hub’s genesis. Though not matching the SDR’s full capabilities in standalone installations, the hub will enable newer services “more relevant to smaller aircraft,” Christensen said. Nonetheless, the company believes the primary application in Greater China will be as a signal booster for larger airframes, given their preponderance in the region’s fleet. But even as a standalone, the hub provides all of Satcom Direct’s cabin apps, security features and other integrated offerings, such as FlightDeck Freedom–its unlimited, fixed-rate datalink service.
Gulfstream’s presence in China continues to grow by Matt Thurber The Gulfstream fleet in Greater China has grown to 166 airplanes, with more than 100 in mainland China, up from 30 in 2010, company senior vice president of worldwide sales and marketing Scott Neal said yesterday at ABACE 2016. “We have experienced tremendous growth in Greater China,” he said, and this includes the latest delivery–an ultra-long-range G650ER now based in Beijing. “We have more than 65 percent of the market share for large-cabin aircraft in China,” he added. “That speaks to the performance, reliability and comfort of our flagship, the G650ER, along with the G650,
G550 and G450, as well as the world-class service and support we give our owners and operators.” Here at ABACE Gulfstream brought four jets to the static display: a G280, G450, G550 and G650ER. “Orders during 2015 were strong for every model, driven heavily by the G650 and G650ER,” Neal said. “Sales during 2015 were 55 percent in North America, and 45 percent in the rest of the world.” The Asia Pacific market is Gulfstream’s largest international market, he noted, with nearly 300 Gulfstream aircraft in the region, which is more than 10 percent of the worldwide Gulfstream fleet.
NEEDS MORE LOGO A technician applies a new logo to the fuselage of a Gulfstream G280 belonging to Minsheng Financial Leasing and on static display at ABACE 2016. The G280 is Gulfstream’s “super midsize” business jet, built under license by Israel Aircraft Industries. Its market competition includes the Embraer Legacy 650 and Bombardier Challenger 350.
Just one inch high and weighing only 1.6 pounds, the hub’s compact size provides great flexibility in where the unit can be mounted, even in a side ledge. The hub casing is made from a solid, milled aluminum billet for superior strength and heat dissipation, which extends the life of the electronic components. The hub is available now, and the next version will be available later this year, according to Christensen.
Satcom Direct is also highlighting a new partnership that integrates its FlightDeck Freedom (FDF) datalink with Universal Weather and Aviation’s online flight planning and weather services. The alliance enables users to plan, build and
manage all aspects of a mission through uvGO, Universal’s doit-yourself mission-planning and management solution. “UvGO integrates all of our services and functionality into one simple interface that has been redesigned around the way business aircraft operators tell us they plan and manage their missions,” said Denio Alvarado, senior vice president of global product strategy for Universal Weather. Subscribers receive the seamless, bundled datalink and flightplanning service through a single contract and invoice. FlightDeck Freedom enables the flight crew to monitor cabin communications to affirm cabin voice and Internet services are working properly. It also gives schedulers/dispatchers and maintenance personnel access to automated
takeoff and landing reports, as well as the ability to email messages to and from the aircraft and monitor aircraft position at any time with the company’s SD Flight Tracker. “This collaboration perfectly fits our mission of advancing the industry by both developing new technologies and bringing together the right partners to deliver unmatched capabilities,” said Jim Jensen, Satcom Direct founder and CEO. ABACE attendees who activate an aircraft on the bundled package will also get SD FlightLogs included, free of charge, throughout 2016. Aircraft buyers who aren’t expecting delivery soon can still receive six months of SD FlightLogs for free by signing up here at the show. o
More than 50 Gulfstreams are based at Hong Kong International Airport, including eight G650/G650ERs. This is also the location of Gulfstream’s product support Asia office and its Asia customer support contact center, with services that include computer maintenance program analysis, technical system support, overthe-counter parts sales and warranty assistance. At Hong Kong Gulfstream’s factory-authorized service center, sister company Jet Aviation and authorized warranty facility Metrojet provide maintenance services for Gulfstream operators. Gulfstream (Chalet 4) stores parts worth approximately $65 million in Hong Kong, Beijing and Singapore. Recently the company signed up its first Chinabased customer for PlaneParts. This cost-per-hour maintenance program helps Gulfstream operators realize predictable costs for
replacement parts for both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events. The company’s Beijing service center at Beijing Capital International Airport, which is a joint venture with Hainan Group, saw 134 aircraft visits in 2015 and a total of 540 visits since the facility opened in 2012. There are now 52 employees, including 24 technicians, at the Beijing service center. It has field service representatives in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai, and Gulfstream has placed rapid-response Field and Airborne Support Team technicians in Hong Kong and Bangkok to get operators flying quickly again during aircrafton-ground situations. “As we’ve seen the fleet grow [in China],” said Gulfstream president of product support Derek Zimmerman, “we’ll watch that growth, and there may be a point where another
factory-owned service center might be practical.” Gulfstream will continue working with Jet Aviation and its authorized service center network to serve customers in the region. “We want to be very responsive,” he said. o
Universal Weather Partnership
38 ABACE Convention News • April 12, 2016 • www.ainonline.com
Satcom Direct (Booth H227) is highlighting a new dual-purpose aircraft connectivity solution and unveiling a partnership for enhanced mission management this week at ABACE 2016, in addition its expanding line of onboard communication services. The new Wi-Fi Hub that Satcom Direct is displaying satisfies connectivity needs for both smaller-cabin business jets and executive-configured airliners. For bizliners equipped with the company’s Satcom Direct Router (SDR), the Wi-Fi Hub acts as a signal booster, ensuring adequate bandwidth for heavy
by James Wynbrandt & Matt Thurber
Gulfstream Aerospace continues to grow its fleet in the Greater China area, according to company senior vice president Scott Neal.
Split-scimitar winglets are just one of the innovations aboard the latest iteration of the 737-based Boeing Business Jet Max.
Boeing announces three new BBJ Max orders by Curt Epstein & Mark Phelps Boeing Business Jets has sold three BBJ Maxes in Greater China, “and we think that’s just a start,” said company president David Longridge at a press conference here yesterday. This year marks 20 years since the BBJ program was introduced, and there are currently 24 BBJs in service in greater China. “Over the past 20 years its fair to say that China has grown immensely in its significance to our marketplace here at BBJ,” said Longridge. Chinese orders currently represent approximately one-third of all the BBJ Maxs sold. “Our focus on the Chinese market has paid dividends,” he told reporters. “We’re just going to keep our steady approach. We’d be very happy
indeed if we could sell two or three aircraft a year into the Chinese BBJ market.” The Max is the latest version of the legacy 737 product line and features CFM International Leap-1B turbofans and Boeing’s own advanced technology winglets. Those features combine with other aerodynamic and weight-saving measures to increase efficiency by 10- to 15 percent. Boeing is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and as Longridge told the press yesterday that its involvement with China goes back to the very beginning–as the first engineer hired by William Boeing was Wong Tsu, a Chinese national who helped
design the company’s first commercially successful airplane, the Model C. Long Corporate History
In addition, in 1935 the company sold the first airliner in private service, a Model 247, to a Chinese customer. “81 years ago we delivered the first airliner in corporate service to China, and we look forward to another 100 years of delivering BBJs and corporate airliners into the Chinese market,” Longridge said. On the support side, Boeing Business Jets has a dedicated field service representative based in Beijing to help customers with individual needs. The company provides individual support for customers throughout the lifecycle of the aircraft. This starts with the sale and financing process, continues through the interior completion cycle and extends to the aircraft’s operating life with maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) support.
Aviation Partners split-scimitar winglets are now approved for all Boeing BBJ, BBJ2 and BBJ3 models, and are now standard equipment on all newdelivery BBJs. Two ABACE exhibitors–Aloft AeroArchitects (Booth H200) and Lufthansa Technik (Booth H115)–have already installed them on BBJs. Nearly 700 Boeing 737s along with eight BBJs have been retrofitted with the new winglets by Aviation Partners Boeing (APB), a joint venture between Boeing and Aviation Partners. Compared with the Aviation Partners blended winglet design, the splitscimitar winglets add a 2-percent range increase, increasing the range of a seven-aux-tank BBJ to that of a BBJ with eight auxiliary tanks. The splitscimitar winglets modify existing blended winglets by adding a ventral strake, strengthening internal winglet structure and replacing winglet tips with new scimitar tips. “Due to the vast number of shipsets being consumed by ABP’s airline customers,” said Gary Dunn, Aviation Partners vice president of sales and marketing, “early planning is the key to securing a winglet delivery position for a BBJ.” –M.T.
Radical Winglets Save Serious Money
According to Boeing Business Jets president David Longridge, the BBJ Max continues a tradition of corporate airliners in China dating from the Model 247 in 1935.
“We work closely with our customers in China to figure out how best to support them, whether that be delivering a green [uncompleted] airplane, managing the interior
completion process or delivering a completed turnkey product,” Longridge said. Here at the show, the company is inviting guests to visit the privately owned BBJ on static display. While the vast majority of BBJs are delivered “green” to customers who then negotiate their completion, this aircraft, delivered at the end of 2015, was supplied with a turnkey interior, a first for a Chinese BBJ, by Sabena Technics. Further underscoring Boeing’s commitment to the Greater China region, the company announced last week that it is expanding its training capabilities at its Flight Services campus here in Shanghai. To serve both airline and business aviation operations, the facility is adding a Next-Generation 737 full-motion simulator and maintenance training classroom. According to Boeing’s 2015 pilot and technician outlook, China will need to add 100,000 pilots and 106,000 technicians by 2034. o
Embraer sees 1,500 new bizjet deliveries in Asia by Kerry Lynch Embraer remains optimistic about Asia, predicting a market for 1,500 business jet deliveries worth $54 billion through 2025 in the region. The Greater China region alone is expected to account for more than half of that, with 800 business aircraft deliveries valued at $31 billion. These predictions come as the fleet in the Greater China region has grown by 25 percent year-over-year over the past six years to nearly 450 aircraft. The Greater China region now hosts 2.8 percent of the world’s executive jet fleet by units, equivalent to 5 percent by value, but Embraer (Chalet 7) believes the latter will reach 12 percent by 2025. Fueling these predictions is the continued growth of the Chinese economy, which was among the leaders in GDP growth at 6.9 percent last year. Additionally, five cities in Greater China ranked in the top 20 cities around the world in numbers of billionaires. Fernando Grau, director of marketing and product strategy at Embraer, added he believes China will eventually expand to become the second-largest market behind North America.
Guan Dongyuan, senior v-p of Embraer and president of Embraer China, noted that China executives are becoming more educated about business aviation and are understanding better the value of business jets. Embraer has positioned its fleet in the market to tap into a cost-conscious Chinese market. “Chinese customers appreciate good value,” Dongyuan said. The Embraer fleet has grown to 89 jets in Asia, including 32 in Greater China. These include the first Legacy 500 delivered in China in January and the first Phenom 100E for a Chinese customer in December. Heading into ABACE, the company had sold a total of 36 aircraft in Greater China to 15 customers. Deliveries to China, however, slowed from seven in 2014 to three last year. Throughout Asia Pacific, Embraer has placed executive jets in 17 countries, with the Legacy 600/650 representing the largest share of the manufacturer’s fleet at a combined 49 aircraft. The company brought three aircraft on display here: a Legacy 500, Legacy 650 and Lineage 1000E. o
www.ainonline.com • April 12, 2016 • ABACE Convention News 39
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