ABACE Convention News 04-13-17

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Thursday, 4.13.17 SHANGHAI

Convention News



The sun shines on Shanghai

上海重现春日艳阳 在本周初的寒冷阴雨过后,昨天的上海晴空万里,温暖的阳光洒满了位 于虹桥国际机场的上海霍克太平洋公务航空服务中心FBO的停机坪。停在 静态展示区的33架参展的飞机在阳光下闪闪发光,从国内外来到上海参 加展会的参观者们在展厅和展馆里与飞机厂家及178家参展商热烈交流。 本田航空今年初次参加ABACE,其展出的红色本田喷气机每天都迎来 许多参观者。在静态展示区,从上海奥科赛飞机公司的M2两栖飞机到 空客和波音公司的直升机及VIP公务机,参观者们怎么看都看不够。 远程喷气机依然是亚太地区的购买者最青睐的机型,在世界上得到 了越来越多的关注。生产商包括庞巴迪,达索公司,巴西航空,湾流 宇航及德事隆航空。后者的静态展示区展示了一架带两栖浮板的塞斯 纳172,这是中国的第一架拥有如此装备的天鹰飞机。 自从ABACE展会第一次在上海举行至今已经第六年了,该展会一直由 美国国家公务航空协会(NBAA)和上海机场(集团)公司联合举办, 并得到亚洲公务航空协会(AsBAA)的大力配合。 “自从2012年第一届ABACE在上海召开之后,我们目睹了公务航空在中 国的持续发展,这表明公务航空在这里得到了大力支持。”NBAA的总裁 兼首席执行官Ed Bolen先生说。“显然,从许多方面来说,亚洲的公务航 空一直在发展,ABACE也已经发展成为亚洲航空界的盛会。” o

After beginning the week with a bout of cold rainy weather, blue skies returned yesterday to Shanghai, painting the ramp of the Shanghai Hawker Pacific Business Aviation Service Centre FBO at Hongqiao International Airport with welcoming warm sunshine. The 33 aircraft parked on the ramp glistened as visitors from China and around the world mingled with aircraft manufacturers and the 178 exhibitors inside the show pavilions and chalets. First-time exhibitor Honda Aircraft saw its red HondaJet surrounded every day of the show, but visitors seemingly couldn’t get enough of everything on display, from Shanghai-based Oxai Aircraft’s M2 amphibian to helicopters and VIP bizliners from Airbus and Boeing. Long-range jets remain the most desired business aircraft for Asia Pacific buyers, and this is underscored by their growing business interests

around the world—served by jets from companies such as Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer, Gulfstream and Textron Aviation. The latter’s static display was also host to a customer’s Cessna 172 on amphibious floats, the first Skyhawk in China so equipped. This year marks the sixth ABACE since the show started here in Shanghai, with the event all that time being jointly hosted by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and Shanghai Airport Authority, in coordination with the Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA). “In the years since the first ABACE was held here in 2012, we have witnessed a continuing string of developments showing the support this industry has in the region,” said NBAA president and CEO Ed Bolen. “Clearly, in a number of ways, business aviation is evolving in Asia, just as ABACE has evolved into an Asian show.” o




Flight Support Service

Very Light Jets

AsBAA, Avic Blend Efforts

Gulfstream Reports Strong Sales

Boeing Business Jets Favored in Asia

Universal Opens New Center

Eclipse Lands at ABACE

The Asian Business Aviation Association has joined with Avic to promote business aviation. Page 6

Business jet manufacturer Gulfstream has seen its fleet expand in the Asia Pacific region. Page 8

Using derivatives of its airliners, Boeing’s corporate jet division is well respected among Asian business aviation travelers. Page 17

With leisure travel on the rise, the Maldives now has its own Universal Weather and Aviation on site center. Page 20

U.S. manufacturer One Aviation has its Eclipse very light jet on display at this year’s ABACE show. Look for it on the flight line. Page 23

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