Aviation International News December 2017

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Vol.49 | No.12

$ 9.00 DECEMBER 2017 | a i n o n l i n e .c o m

Pilot report At the controls of the Vision Jet page 36

Spotlight on airlines in Dubai

UAVs Unmanned sector developments page 8

Boeing and Airbus arrived at Dubai World Central last month for the Dubai Airshow anticipating major orders, and this year’s event did not disappoint. The manufacturers signed several blockbuster deals by the time the show closed. See pages 60-61

Industry Bizjet, helo shipments improve page 6


Rotorcraft Potential changes for Parts 27/29 page 54

Safety Standdown

Report: address cyber threats by Kerry Lynch The aviation community needs to develop act as a deterrent, but “declarations of fully whether they are airborne or not. Multiple a cohesive vision for addressing cyberse- secure systems are unrealistic.” claims of opportunity and vulnerability curity as rapidly advancing technologies Aviation systems in the past were rela- must be met with more than dismissal.” increasingly put aircraft and air traffic man- tively secure from cyber threats due to the A shift from legacy radar to GPS and agement systems at risk for cyber threats, “bespoke nature” of their design and their ADS-B greatly improves accuracy and a new report released last month in Wash- isolation from other systems, according reliability under normal conditions, the ington, D.C. states. to the report. “But air traffic management report states, but adds those systems The Washington think-tank Atlantic (ATM) is no longer isolated, and ground ser- “remain susceptible to degradation by Council brought together airlines, airports, vices and supply chains are becoming fully environmental hazards or manipulations air traffic management specialists and other integrated into an interconnected digital by hostile actors.” stakeholders to develop the report, Avia- world,” the report adds. “Aircraft, be they ICAO guidance has cited “considerable tion Cybersecurity—Finding Lift, Minimizing airliners, UAS or helicopters, must now be alarmist publicity regarding ADS-B secuDrag, which finds that preventive measures considered nodes on multiple networks, rity” and has said continues on page 46


Preowned market The market for jets has finally stabilized, but expect wide variations depending on the size and age of the model. The turboprop arena, on the other hand, has remained steady, as in years past, and the limited available inventory is likely to dwindle even further.

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Outgoing FAA boss Huerta sees ‘great age’ coming FAA Administrator Michael Huerta, saying aviation stands on the cusp of the “next great age,” focused on the need for collaboration, embracing change and transparent conversations in his farewell address before the Aero Club of Washington on November 14. Huerta, who stepped in as deputy administrator in 2010 and then was sworn in to a five-year term as

administrator in early 2013, is set to relinquish his current role at the agency when his term expires in early January. Changes are coming fast, and the industry has a “new need for speed,” Huerta said in his prepared remarks. “The skies will be home to multitudes of new users, flying in ways we can only imagine,” he said. The community continues on page 46

‘Intentionally safe’ is event’s theme page 44

Torqued Defending gov’t use of charter page 14

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