MARCH 2, 2016
Convention News
Orders flying in for R44 Cadet Robinson Helicopter began Helicopter R44 Cadet doesn’t taking orders for the new look much different from other two-seat R44 Cadet before R44s, but the new machine Heli-Expo 2016, and so far has has some interesting features logged “a number of orders,” that might make it a welcome according to company presi- addition to the company’s dent Kurt Robinson. Heli-Expo product line. There is, it turns out, a way visitors can see the new Cadet to tell a regular R44 Raven I or at the Robinson booth (3501). The introductory price for II from the Cadet; the new helithe new R44 model is $339,000 copter has been blessed with its with standard equipment and own distinctive paint scheme, $367,000 with floats. Buyers a simple but elegant curved must make a $40,000 deposit, swoosh behind the aft window but Robinson Helicopter isn’t that, along with the nomenclaassigning serial numbers or ture and registration number, is revealing delivery dates until the only embellishment on the the new helicopter receives FAA solid-color paint job. Another clue becomes evicertification. By comparison, the R22 retails for $278,000 and dent both from a distance and up-close. At first it looks like the R44 Raven I $379,000. At first glance, the Robinson Continued on page 29 u
by Matt Thurber
SO MUCH TO SEE, SO LITTLE TIME With more than 750 exhibitors and some 55 helicopters on display spread over a million square feet, Heli-Expo attendees have a lot of ground to cover this week. The show floor was buzzing yesterday–the opening day–as show-goers explored the various helicopter models, products and services.
Robinson received a “number” of commitments for its new R44 Cadet training helicopter, after opening the order book before Heli-Expo.
Draft FAA policy could clog inlet barrier filter industry by Kerry Lynch
A new policy proposal on engine inlet barrier filters (IBFs) is raising fears that the requirements could spell the end of future development of the filters. The FAA recently released the draft policy–PS-ASW-27-29-07– clarifying the requirements for approval of installation of IBFs. The FAA said the policy is necessary because “the increased usage of…IBF installations on rotorcraft requires guidance to ensure safe and standardized installations.”
That guidance, however, has prompted fears that approvals for new IBFs may become extremely difficult, if not impossible to obtain, or it may prevent operators from using the filters. “If allowed to proceed, the proposal would significantly restrict and may likely prohibit any future IBF development programs and would significantly impact the benefits of these engine protection devices,” IBF manufacturer Aerometals stated.
Continued on page 29 u
FAA Tackles Part 27 Rewrite
Bristow Takes Optimistic Long View
Bell Chief Focuses on Innovation
Glass Panel for MD 902 in Testing
Honeywell Lowers Helo Forecast
The agency’s reorganized rotorcraft division in Fort Worth is now working with the industry on the Part 27 rewrite and helicopter crashworthiness issues. page 6
The oil-and-gas operator is deferring deliveries of new helicopters due to the effects of low oil prices on the segment, but it is upbeat about long-term prospects. page 10
Company president and CEO Mitch Snyder is emphasizing leaps in technology for new products, processes and services. He hints of more new models beyond the Bell 505, 525 and V-280 Valor. page 20
Universal Avionics InSight integrated avionics for the MD 902 began flight tests two weeks ago. The system is the company’s first developed specifically for the helicopter market. page 22
Due to world economic conditions and the volatile oil-and-gas industry, company downgraded its five-year helicopter forecast to 2,400 to 2,800 units, 400 less than last year’s outlook. page 30