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KLM - Social Offer

KLM - Social Offer

KLM ‘Social Ofer’ | Looking to use social media to drive revenues, KLM last August launched Social Offer, a time-limited price determining tool for fans and followers of the airline. The program allowed social media users to lower the cost of airfare on a KLM flight out of Amsterdam to predetermined destinations through the number of hits of Facebook or Twitter accounts on the campaign page. Each log-in to the KLM Social Offer site via Facebook or Twitter knocks down the price for each destination by a predetermined amount up to a lowest limit set by KLM.


Each ‘Social Offer’ campaign lasted for six days, followed by a sales campaign of three days on Facebook and Twitter. During the frst two days of the campaign, participants could vote to select two of fve destinations proposed by KLM in a poll on Facebook. During the next two days of the campaign, people could reduce the price of the selected destinations by logging onto the campaign page. These flights did have a defned minimum price though. If this value is reached prior to the end of the designated duration of the campaign, the promotion ended earlier than announced. The reduced fares then were available for booking during two days.

The frst set of ‘Social Offer’ destinations offered by KLM were New York, Chicago and Vancouver, with prices displayed for each destination on a “digital counter.” According to KLM, Social Offer was test-launched in fve markets (Kazakhstan, Brazil, Canada, China and the Netherlands) and resulted in a massive increase in ticket sales.

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