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American Airlines - #AATeam

American Airlines - #AATeam

American Airlines has debuted its first new uniforms in nearly 30 years, with the theme being the coming together of 70,000 American Airlines and former USAirways crew.


Brady Byrnes, the company’s American director of global marketing, told USA Today :

It really shows us as one brand. And that was really the only thing that was still kind of lagging behind for customers— being able to see that come together. It’s a huge milestone for us.

To promote the new image, the airline shared a ‘Behind the Scenes: American Airlines New Uniform Photo Shoot’ video on YouTube.

Fitting with the fashion focus of the Photo Shoot, American also posted images of its new uniform collection on its Instagram feed , which could be right out of the pages of a fashion magazine. American Airlines also put a collage of these fashion photos on its Facebook page and shared the videos there and on Twitter.

Finally, American released a new safety video which shows off the new uniforms alongside a new ‘making of’ video .

These various shares were unified on all channels with the #AATeam hashtag which the airline uses to mark messages about its people and the new unified brand.

However, it is not all good news. At time of writing, American Airlines was facing a mini-PR crisis with some employees claiming that the new uniforms were causing them to have headaches and break out in hives , although American says it has received only 14 complaints out of 700,000 staff.

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