Airline Marketing Monthly, August 2019

Page 19

China Airlines Souvenirs from Travel

everything from the Emir-

ent to what you generally

marketing campaigns

ates economy cabin, to

see from an airline.

tend to go in one of two

the in flight entertainment

directions. You either fo-


cus on the product, so you emphasise how wonderful different elements such as the aircraft, the cabins or the in-flight service are. Or you focus on the overall experience, from the des-

and positive messages.

Lufthansa is an example of

Instead we get a brutally

an airline which took the

honest and sometimes

latter approach in its 2018

funny look at some of the

‘Say yes to the world’ cam-

unexpected results of a

paign (see our March 2018

trip abroad.


The video, ‘Souvenirs from

China Airlines has like-

Travel’, features a collec-

wise (via its ad agency Leo

tion of Taiwanese travellers

Burnett Taiwan) come out

who have just returned

Emirates is an example of

with a campaign looking

from foreign destinations,

an airline which takes the

how travel can change

showing some of the more

former approach. Recent

you. However the direc-

unexpected results of their

campaigns have promoted

tion it takes is very differ-


tination to the transformative power of travel.


Gone are the life affirming

Airline Marketing Monthly | August 2019

Broadly speaking, airline

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