Airline Marketing Monthly, August 2019

Page 45

Manchester Airport More than an airport The UK’s third largest airport, Manchester Airport, has launched a campaign to show the benefits that it brings to its catchment

Called “More than an Airport”, it sees people, businesses, tourist sites, charities and other organisations featuring in a series of images that will be displayed across the campus of Manchester

champion”, and “a re-


sponsible business.”

In addition to being

Each of these taglines

usually does) reel off facts

shown at Manchester Air-

then features a different

and figures in response,

port itself, the images are

individual, group or or-

such as the number of

also being used across

ganisation which has ben-

jobs created. The Man-

social media, online and

efitted from Manchester

chester Airport campaign

at various sites across the

Airport in some way.

however is effective be-

North of England.


Airports are of course

Airport is no exception. Any airport can (and

cause it has an element of realness beyond statistics.

More than 50 companies

not always received fa-

and individuals from

vourably. In the UK for

It actually shows how it

across the North feature

example every major

benefits local commu-

in the campaign. Tag-

airport has some local

nities, residents, groups

lines used in the cam-

group campaigning on

and businesses by putting

paign include “a commu-

issues such as noise, night

human faces and stories

nity champion”, “a good

flights or airport expan-

behind the campaign.

neighbour”, “a diversity

sion, and Manchester

Airline Marketing Monthly | August 2019


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