Southwest Airlines says that it is celebrat-
gift card from the airline and a Nintendo
ing “a summer of surprises” with Ninten-
Switch prize pack containing a Nintendo
do Switch. To kick off the partnership,
Switch system and a download code for a
the airline staged a Nintendo-themed
digital version of the Super Mario Maker 2
gaming flight from Dallas to San Diego,
coinciding with the annual Comic Con convention.
At the same time, Southwest and Nintendo have been running a month long
Nintendo representatives onboard pro-
Let’s Play Getaway sweepstakes, giving
vided passengers with the opportunity
one person each day the chance to win a
to play a custom air travel-themed Super
Nintendo Switch system and a download
Mario Maker 2 course, called the South-
code for the digital version of the Super-
west Super Sky Challenge.
Mario Maker 2 game.
Everyone onboard who played the game
The whole promotion has been hosted
was entered for a chance to win a $500
on a special campaign microsite.
Airline Marketing Monthly | August 2019
Image Credit Stephen M. Keller / Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines Super Mario Maker 2