Air New Zealand Game of Thrones
length of time he takes to
ful TV series to date, Game
release each book.
of Thrones, finally ended in May. However, the books are not yet finished, with author George RR Martin yet to complete “The Winds of Winter.”
thor, Air New Zealand invited
make it there, and so sug-
Martin to New Zealand at the
gested instead that Air New
airline’s expense, so that he
Zealand fly 20, 30 or 50 US
could finish the book. The
writers, fans and artists to the
video message to Martin said
associated in people’s minds
is Coming for ages now, but
with fantasy literature (The
Winter is already here and it’s
Lord of Rings and Hobbit
petty inspiring.”
an opportunity to capitalise on the publicity surrounding the Game of Thrones franchise, by gently teasing George RR Martin about the
enough money himself to
“you’ve been saying Winter
there), Air New Zealand saw
Martin then said that he has
In a video aimed at the au-
With New Zealand already
films were of course filmed
Martin responded on his website, thanking Air New Zealand for the offer, and mentioning that he was already going to Wellington, New Zealand in 2020 for the World Science Fiction Con-
According to Stuff, Air New Zealand subsequently agreed to Martin’s idea and will be flying 20 fans to the country for free. The end result - great PR and media coverage, for the price of 20 flights and the (we assume fairly minimal) production costs of a YouTube video.
Airline Marketing Monthly | June 2019
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