Flamingo Magazine

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Flamingo is published by Media Nova Namibia www.media-namibia.com ISSN: 2026-7924 Publisher Mynard Slabbert Contributors • Anne Schauffer • Arthur Peuckert • Helge Denker • Pieter Pretorius • The Roving Ambassador • Cover Page: Charlene Harte • James Siddall • tuvie.com • Helene Wiggett • Anna Mart Kruger www.hawkphotography.org


Advertising Sales Media Nova Namibia Ferreira’s Garden Centre Shop #2 Maxwell Street Southern Industrial Area Windhoek, NAMIBIA MARNOX MEDIA 122 Barkston Drive, Blairgowrie, 2194 South Africa Tel: (+2711)789-6614 Fax:(+2711)789-8320 Cell: +2782 4581629 E-mail: mark@marnox.co.za Web: www.marnox.co.za Namibia and Africa Mynard Slabbert +264 (0)85 227 2380 mynard@media-namibia.com Chris Coetzee +264 (0)81 668 0697 chris@media-namibia.com Godfrey Lancellas +27 (0)83 501 5999 godfrey@madhattermedia.co.za Art & layout design Ministry of Magic +264 (0)85 149 9608 henri@ministryofmagicnam.com Printers: Solitaire Press, Brahman Street Northern Industria Windhoek, NAMIBIA TEAM NAMIBIA Media Nova Namibia cc is a proud partner of Team Namibia

IN THIS MONTH’S FlAMINGO 6 Visitors’ Filo-facts Usefull and interesting information on Namibia 8 Air Namibia Information


Travel information, Frequent Flyer Information, Cargo Service, Destination Map and Fleet Information 18 Events Calendar Your reasons to travel Namibia and the rest of the world 24 Contemporary Jewellery as Art A look at Namibian born Angela Tölken’s creative work 30 A Small Piece of Heaven The Roving Ambassador visits the Robertson Small Hotel 44 New Stamps Commemorate Namibian Milestones Helge Denker takes us along an important Namibian milestone


60 Namibia from a Saddle The Cycle Namibia team takes us on an unforgettable adventure 68 Live and Clicking Thousands of people from around the world experienced Namibian wildlife from the comfort of their couches 76 Bathstone Pool A novel idea on how to work and play in Cape Town 78 Good Wine The hand-made wines of Noble Hill 84 High Humor Time for a smile while you are high above the clouds 88 Namibian Splendour Exploring some truly magnificent Landscapes, courtesy of Namib Photo



96 Motoring Disclaimer All material is strictly copyrighted. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Opinions expressed in Flamingo are not necessarily those of Air Namibia.

James Siddall chats about the Audi A6 and looks at a few new models, while we ogled the BMW 1 Series 106 Sci Tech Gadgets, gizmos, concepts and utter innovation 112 Entertainment Try your hand at Sudoku - easy, medium and hard 114 Air Namibia’s Flight Schedule Plan your next trip on your favourite airline



hough his time with us was limited, the two-time African Footballer of the Year attended a media conference and engaged with staff at the brewery. The highlight of his trip was when Namibians from across the country, who had won the opportunity to meet Drogba in person, had a penalty shootout with him in front of a stadium packed with adoring fans. True to form, and much like the Drogba we see on TV screens, his visit was fast-paced and captivating.

Windhoek Lager and Didier Drogba’s journey together came full circle in November, when the football legend touched down in Namibia to meet some of his fans.

In person, Didier Drogba showed once again why the classy striker is the perfect brand ambassador for Namibia’s WorldClass beer. Like Windhoek Lager, Drogba comes from humble beginnings, but with hard work and staying true to his calling, his journey has taken him to great heights on the world stage. Windhoek Lager’s commitment to its brewing traditions has lead to multiple awards, and the beer that put Namibia on the map, is now sought after in 19 countries, taking Namibia to the world. When discussing his life off the field, the striker spoke about the work the Drogba foundation does in helping to improve education and healthcare for young Africans. For both Windhoek Lager and Didier Drogba, no matter how far we go, we’ll always remember where we started. From one international award winner to another, here’s to being proudly African and truly World-Class.

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. 4|




A Manufacturing Basket that Overflows with Opportunities‌

Namibia is endowed with rich natural resources and offers lucrative investment opportunities across a broad spectrum of economic sectors such as Agriculture, Energy, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Mining, Services and Tourism. With fast turnaround times and a professional service at all times, the Namibia Investment Centre (NIC) is proud to welcome you to the land of the brave. Contact us today for a tailored FDI solution. Namibia, a gem worth investing in‌ Executive Director | Telephone: +264 61 283 7335/2837254 Facsimile: +264 61 220278 | www.mti.gov.na


VISITORS’ FIlO-FACTS General Surface area: 824,268 km² Capital: Windhoek Independence: 21 March 1990 Current president: Hifikepunye Pohamba Multiparty Parliament Democratic Constitution Division of power between executive, legislature and judiciary Secular state – freedom of religion (90% Christian) Freedom of the press/media Environment Nature reserves, 15% of surface area Highest mountain: Brandberg Other prominent mountains: Spitzkoppe, Moltkeblick, Gamsberg Perennial rivers: Orange, Kunene, Okavango, Zambezi and Kwando/Linyanti/ Chobe Ephemeral rivers: Numerous, including Fish, Kuiseb, Swakop and Ugab Flora 14 Vegetation zones 120 species of trees 200 endemic plant species 100 plus species of lichen Living fossil plant: Welwitschia mirabilis

Main Airports: Hosea Kutako International Airport, Eros Airport, 46 airstrips Rail network: 2,382 km narrow gauge 6.2 telephone lines per 100 inhabitants Direct-dialing facilities to 221 countries Mobile communication system: GSM Agreements with 117 countries/255 networks Postal Service affiliated to Universal Postal Union

contact Ministry of Information and Communication Technology – Tel +264 (0)61 282-9111

Social infrastructure One medical doctor per 3,650 people Two privately run hospitals in Windhoek with intensive-care units Medical practitioners (world standard) 24-hour medical emergency services

Climate in °C Feb 16-30°C Apr 13-29°C Jun 7-22°C Aug 9-24°C Oct 12-30°C Dec 16-30°C

Population 2.1 million Density: 2.2 per km² 240,000 in habitants in Windhoek (15% of total) Official language: English 13 regions, 13 ethnic cultures 16 languages and dialects Adult literacy rate: 85% Population growth rate: 2.6% Schools: 1,450

Economy Main sectors: Mining, Fishing, Tourism and Agriculture Biggest employer: Agriculture (46%) Fastest-growing sector: Tourism Mining: Diamonds, uranium, copper, lead, zinc, magnesium, cadmium, arsenic, pyrites, silver and gold, lithium minerals, dimension stones granite, marble, blue sodalite) and many semi-precious stones

Fauna Big game: Elephant, lion, rhino, buffalo, cheetah, leopard, giraffe, 20 antelope species 240 mammal species 250 reptile species 50 frog species 676 bird species Endemic birds include: Herero Chat, Ruckrunner, Damara Tern, Monteiro’s Hornbill

Physical infrastructure 5,450 km tarred roads, 37,000 km gravel roads Harbours: Walvis Bay, Lüderitz

Foreign representation More than 50 countries have Namibian consular or embassy representation in Windhoek. For information,


Tax and customs All goods and services are priced to include value-added tax of 15%. Visitors may reclaim VAT. Enquiries: Ministry of Finance – Tel +264 (0)61 23-0773 in Windhoek 60-86°F 65-84°F 45-72°F 48-75°F 54-86°F 61-86°F

Money matters The Namibian dollar (N$) is fixed to and equals the SA rand. The South African rand is also legal tender. Traveler’s cheques, foreign currency, international Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club credit cards are accepted Drinking water Most tap water is purified and safe to drink. Visitors should exercise caution in rural areas Transport Public transport is NOT available to all destinations in Namibia. There are bus services from Windhoek to Cape Town/ Johannesburg/Vic Falls/Swakopmund. Namibia’s main railway line runs from the South African border, connecting Windhoek to Swakopmund in the west and Tsumeb in the north. There is an extensive network of international and regional flights from Windhoek. Domestic charters to all destinations. www.namibiatourism.com.na

Celebrating the arrival of a new era We congratulate Rt. Hon. Dr Hage G. Geingob, MP & Prime Minister on becoming the 3rd president of the Republic of Namibia. We look forward to the next era of Namibian democracy with you. From the Board, Management and Staff of Air Namibia.







Thank you for choosing Air Namibia. We will do everything to ensure you have a pleasant flight. If you need assistance, please ask any of our cabin attendants.

Obrigado por ter escolhido voar com a Air Namibia. Nós prometemos fazer tudo o que podermos para garantir que você tenha um vôo agradável. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou precisar de ajuda, não hesite em pedir a qualquer um dos nossos assistentes de cabine por favor.

Danke, dass Sie sich dafür entschieden haben mit Air Namibia zu fliegen. Wir werden alles tun um Ihnen den Flug so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten. Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder Hilfe benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an einen unserer Flugbegleiter oder Flugbegleiterinnen.

Our highly trained cabin attendants are at your service on all our flights, for your safety and comfort.

Todos os nossos voos são servidos por assistentes de cabine altamente profissionais. Eles estão à sua disposição em todos os momentos para fazer o seu voo mais confortável.

Unser versiertes Flugpersonal steht Ihnen während des Fluges jederzeit zur Verfügung. Für Ihre Sicherheit und Bequemlichkeit sind Sie bei unserer Crew in besten Händen.

We carry first-aid kits on all our flights, should a passenger need assistance for minor conditions.

Existe um kit de primeiros socorros a bordo de nossos voos, e se os passageiros precisarem de gotas para os olhos ou medicamentos para dores de cabeça, náuseas, azia ou qualquer outra condição relativamente menor. Faça mais perguntas sobre os nossos serviços especiais ao fazer reserva

Eine medizinische Erstversorgung ist auf allen unseren Flügen sicher gestellt. Eine Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung befindet sich immer an Bord.

As a safety precaution, it is important to read the safety card stored in the seat pocket in front of you

Por favor, leia o folheto de segurança no bolso do assento à sua frente e observe a sua saída de emergência mais próxima. Nos voos superiores a três horas (voos de longo curso), recomendamos que você revise o conteúdo do panfleto de segurança novamente.

Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit bitten wir Sie, sich die in der Zeitschriftentasche vor Ihnen befindliche Sicherheits-Instruktionen aufmerksam durchzulesen.

Life vests are stored under your seat. Only use them as demonstrate, and only when instructed by the cabin attendants.

Por favor, tome nota que o colete salva-vidas está localizado embaixo do seu assento. O assistente de cabine vai demonstrar quando e como usar o colete salva-vidas em caso de emergência

Ihre Schwimmweste befindet sich unter Ihrem Sitz. Bitte benutzen Sie diese nur auf Anweisung der Flugbegleiter/-innen.

Smoking is prohibited on all Air Namibia flights.

De acordo com a lei da aviação é proibido fumar em todos os voos da Air Namibia, isso inclui fumar quaisquer dispositivos artificiais ou cigarro, como e/ou cigarros eletrônicos. Só é permitido fumar em áreas designadas no edifício do terminal dos aeroportos.

Auf allen Air Namibia Flügen gilt ein absolutes Rauchverbot.

Seats must be in the upright position during take-off and landing. For your own safety, you are required to fasten your seat belt whenever the seat belt sign is illuminated and we recommend that you keep your belt fastened throughout the flight.

Para a descolagem e aterragem, todos os assentos devem estar na posição vertical. Por favor, tome nota que os assentos nas linhas de saída de emergência não reclinam. Por favor, apertem o cinto de segurança sempre que o sinal do cinto de segurança se acende. Para sua segurança, recomendamos que você o mantenha apertado durante todo o vôo.

Während Start und Landung müssen sich die Sitzlehnen in aufrechter Position befinden. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an, sobald das Anschnallzeichen aufleuchtet. Zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit empfehlen wir während des gesamten Fluges angeschnallt zu bleiben.

We offer complimentary meals and beverages on all our flights. Special-diet or vegetarian meals are available upon request when making reservations.

Uma refeição quente ou um lanche é servido em todos os nossos vôos. Alimentação-Special ou refeições vegetarianas estão disponíveis mediante solicitação no momento da reserva. Nós oferecemos uma grande variedade de bebidas.

Auf unseren Flügen werden Mahlzeiten und Getränke serviert. Diätische oder vegetarische Mahlzeiten können bei der Flugbuchung angefragt werden

We carry an extensive range of duty free products at competitive prices on selected flights. Please refer to our catalogue for details.

Nós carregamos uma grande variedade de produtos com isenção de direitos a preços competitivos. Por favor, consulte o catálogo no bolso em frente do seu assento.

An Bord ist ein umfangreiches Sortiment an Duty-Free-Produkten zu attraktiven Preisen erhältlich. Informationen hierzu entnehmen Sie bitte unserem Duty-FreeKatalog.

Audio and visual entertainment programmes are available on flights operated using our A330 and A319 aircraft.

Programas de entretenimento de áudio e vídeo estão disponíveis nos nossos voos de longo curso e de médio curso

Audio- und Videoprogramme sind an Bord unserer Airbus A330 und A319 Maschinen verfügbar.

Our A319 and ERJ 135 aircraft have individual air vents which can be adjusted to provide a refreshing stream of air.

Alguns dos nossos aviões têm saídas de ar individuais, que podem ser ajustados para fornecer um fluxo de ar.

Unsere Fluggeräte des Typs Airbus A319 und Embraer ERJ135 verfügen über individuelle Frischluftdüsen.

Health regulations in some countries require that the aircraft cabin must be sprayed. The spray is harmless, but if you think it might affect you, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

Regulamentos de saúde em determinados aeroportos exigem que a cabine da aeronave deve ser pulverizada. O spray é inofensivo, mas se você acha que pode afetá-lo, por favor, cobrir o nariz e a boca com um lenço.

Um den Gesundheitsvorschriften einiger Länder zu entsprechen, muss die Flugzeugkabine mit einem für den Menschen unbedenklichen Spray behandelt werden. Wir empfehlen dennoch, die Atemwege durch Vorhalten eines Taschentuchs zu schützen.

Should you travel with a baby we recommend you request a bassinet especially on the longhaul flights.

Se você viajar com um bebê, recomendamos que você reserve o seu voo mais cedo e não se esqueça de pedir um berço especialmente nos voos de longo curso

Sollten Sie mit einem Baby reisen, empfehlen wir Ihnen besonders auf Langstreckenflügen ein Babybett zu beantragen.

Please do not place any luggage under seats at the emergency exit seat.

Por favor note que no assento da saída de emergência é proibido colocar bagagem de mão debaixo dos assentos. Excesso de bagagem de mão será colocada no porão Para garantir uma gestão eficiente e minimizar os danos, certifique-se que os artigos não pesam mais de 32 kg. Certifique-se de etiquetar sua bagagem e garantir que devidamente bloqueado.

“Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Verstauen von Handgepäck unter Ihrem Sitz an den Notausgängen nicht gestattet ist.“

Exercício durante a espera para o banheiro. Esta é uma boa oportunidade para se esticar e se mover enquanto em pé na fila. Beba muita água durante todo o vôo Use roupas folgadas, confortáveis para que você se possa descolar facilmente Use sapatos confortáveis, macios para que você possa deslizar ou descalçar facilmente Leve apenas um pequeno saco como bagagem de mão, assim você não precisa de sobre-carregar seus pés e restringir o seu espaço para as pernas

Versuchen Sie, sich während des Fluges möglichst oft zu strecken und zu bewegen. So wird Ihr Kreislauf angeregt.

Carry-on luggage should be stored in the overhead stowage.

We suggest that passengers do stretching exercises, and move during the flight to improve blood circulation.

Handgepäck ist in den Gepäckfächern über Ihrem Sitz zu verstauen.


Our Frequent Flyer Programme Air Namibia’s Frequent Flyer Programme is called “Reward$”. Becoming a member enables you to earn valuable miles from all your travels with Air Namibia. These miles can be used to buy tickets, pay for upgrades to business class and pay for excess baggage. Miles are transferable between members and can also be used to purchase tickets for persons other than the member. Joining is absolutely free, PLUS you get up to 500 complimentary miles upon successful subscription. For more specifics on the programme, please refer to the appropriate topic below.


Electronic Bonus

You can register online by visiting our website: www.airnamibia.com.na, or at any Air Namibia ticket office. You will receive a membership pack, including your permanent card, 2-3 weeks after your first flight after registration.

An Electronic Bonus of 300 miles will be allocated to the member on first activity if the member has registered online and selected his communication preference to be e-mail.

Miles Expiry

Miles are valid for five (5) years after the year in which they were earned. Miles due to expire will always be reflected on your Mileage Summary.

Activation Rules

A membership account will automatically be activated after the first flight and successful completion of registration.

Missing Miles

Enrolment Bonus

If your Miles are not credited for any reason, they can be promptly credited provided the relevant documentation is submitted. It is essential to keep all the relevant documentation including original boarding passes and copies of airline tickets. Members can also claim missing miles online by entering the e-ticket number without the airline code “186”, or contact our Call Center for assistance.

Enrolment Bonus is 500 miles. Enrolment bonuses are allocated to the member’s account on the first activity after registration.

Spending Miles

Corporate Clients

For more information visit:

Air Namibia has also introduced the

www.airnamibia.com.na. If you do not

Corporate Client component to the

have enough miles for a free ticket, you


can purchase miles in batches of 1000

For more information on the Corporate






miles at N$220 – this is only applicable



if you have 50% or more of the value of

employees. Members can accumulate

the Award ticket available. Award tickets

miles in both corporate as well as personal

are valid for 12 months from the date of

accounts, depending on directives from

issue and are processed and issued after

their corporate head.

payment of Airport taxes is received.

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Client enrollment, please contact our Call Centre at Tel: +264 61 2996111/6333/6444 or Call.Center@airnamibia.aero

Very Important Note:

Members need to fly once after registration in order to activate their accounts and before miles can be used to redeem tickets, request upgrades or to transfer miles from his/her account to another member’s account.


With over 700 scheduled flights per month, our network and reliable service makes us the best solution for your freight needs. No matter how big or small your parcel is, from the size of an envelope to the size of an elephant, we will get it there for you in GOOD TIME. We provide security for valuable and dangerous goods. We also handle highly perishable goods, and even live animals.

For bookings contact us on telephone number +26461299 6610/11 or via email on cargo.@airnamibia.aero. For more details, please visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na, select the cargo icon and navigate easily to get all information you need.

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to Frankfurt and beyond Luanda

We get you there

Lusaka Katima Ondangwa Rundu Mulilo Victoria Falls Harare Maun


Walvis Bay Luderitz Oranjemund


Cape Town

International Regional Domestic

Call Centre: +264 61 299 6111 or contact your local Travel Agent 12 |

Book Online: www.airnamibia.com.na

Our Fleet Average Fleet Age: 6 years

Airbus A330-200 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

860 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

138 000l

Maximum Take-off Weight

233 000 kg

Airbus A319 -100 Business Class

Economy Class

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

23 860l

Maximum Take-off Weight

70 000 kg

Number of Aircraft




Height (m)


Cruising Speed

820 km/h

Maximum Passengers


Wing Span (m)


Maximum Fuel Capacity

4 198l

Maximum Take-off Weight

19 000 kg

Embraer ERJ135 All Economy Class

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Baggage Guidelines

At Air Namibia we are committed to ensuring that our passengers are re-united with their luggage at end of their journey. Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, passengers’ luggage often gets out of our control and care, (for brief moments when they are subjected to control and handling by various agencies.) It is for this reason we request passengers to check their luggage on point of arrival (immediately after collecting their bag) to ensure that bag was not tampered with; and to report any suspected losses immediately. We request passengers not to check-in valuable items, especially those that are susceptible to theft, such as cash, jewellery, electronic devices like mobile phones, watches, sunglasses, to mention a few. In line with International Industry Conventions on passenger baggage liability, Air Namibia cannot be held liable if these valuable items are pilfered from checked-in baggage. We encourage our passengers to lock or wrap their bags where possible.

Our rules pertaining to baggage include the following We offer our passengers a generous free hand baggage allowance, with maximum weight of 10kg each, and maximum size 55 x 38 x 20 cm; plus an overcoat, an umbrella, a walking stick, a ladies hand bag, a reasonable amount of reading material, and a laptop. We also allow a fully collapsible wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches as hand baggage.

Excess baggage fees on extra pieces of baggage carried, per bag up to 10 bags per passenger are Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per extra bag US$ 110.00 per extra bag US$ 200.00 per extra bag

Free allowance for checked in baggage

Airbus A330-200 Airbus A319-100 Embraer ERJ 135 operated flights operated flights Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Business: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 32 kg’s

Economy:1 piece weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Economy: 2 pieces each weighing not more than 23 kg’s

Applicable excess baggage fees on excess weight over the free baggage allowance per bag. Domestic routes Routes within Southern Africa

1 piece not exceeding 23 kg’s

Frankfurt route

US$ 100.00 per bag US$ 110.00 per bag US$ 200.00 per bag

• No item of checked in baggage may exceed 32 kilograms.

• For further information on sports, highly fragile items, and security guidelines, we recommend that you visit our website on www.airnamibia.com.na

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NAKARA SWAKOPMUND The Arcade, Tel/Fax: +264 64 405907 NAKARA BOUTIQUE Shop G4 Mutual Tower Independence Avenue Windhoek Tel/Fax +264 61 224 209 NAKARA SHOP WINDHOEK Independence Ave 131, Gustav Voigts centre Tel: +264 61 231518 NAKARA FACTORY WINDHOEK 3 Solingen Str. Northern Industrial Tel/Fax +264 61 215003

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years of carrying the Spirit of Freedom At Air Namibia, many things have changed in 25 years; routes, the brand, even the state of the art aircraft enjoyed by our clients, but one thing that remains constant is our pride at being the official airline of a nation that continuously encompasses peace, prosperity and progress every year. We are happy to help carry the Namibian spirit to the world. Happy Independence Day Namibia.

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Kodiak.de 2014

Pioneers of PASSION

Welcome to Sney Rivier Lodge, your exclusive destination in the heart of the Namibian wilderness. Breath-taking sceneries and exquisite luxury invite you to indulge in pure passion. As pioneers of intelligent rifle technology and experts in worldwide hunting, Blaser makes sure that your safari becomes a success in every possible respect.



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EVENTS CAlENDAR Free Your Mind! “The Hague”

wort.kraut 25

Themed Comedy Show

Warehouse Theatre,

Windhoek, Namibia

Windhoek, Namibia

05 March 2015

26 March 2015 2015: 25 years of Independence. 25 years of NamibianGerman relations. wort.kraut 25 is a multilingual spoken word and music festival. Speak up and the crowd will listen. 25 words, 25 lines. Mix it and merge it. wort. kraut 25 celebrates the diversity of voices, styles, cultural traditions, and approaches to writing and performance. Live on stage bringing you Namibian Shambo and Reggae: the Formula Band. Everybody who speaks out at wort.kraut 25 is in to win. Win a prize. Win over the crowd. Speak out!

Stand-up comedy as you have never seen before. A commentary comedy show on Politicians in a hot spot. Humor in politics at the Hague at its best! Caught in the highest criminal court in the World, The Hague, Free Your Mind! brings you comedy about the life of criminals defending themselves in a humorous way. A judge presides, as each criminal/comedian states his case in front of a jury made up of the audience, you. At the end, the jury decides who’s guilty/funnier and should be sent to the maximum security comedy penitentiary. Tickets are available at: Computicket and NTN box Office

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For more information or to register: wort.kraut@gmail.com

EVENTS CAlENDAR Live Local Acoustic Music Warehouse Theatre, Old Breweries, Windhoek, Namibia Every Wednesday Spoken Word Namibia is a poetry movement that was formed 10 years ago by Namibian students. The movement supports and encourages young and old poets and enthusiasts to attend a themed show every first Wednesday of every month at the Warehouse theatre. Spoken Word supports different Namibian artists and art forms as well, by inviting musicians onto the stage and incorporating film and photography into the different shows. Resident poets who have represented Spoken Word and poetry in Namibia on different levels and gone on to establish themselves as respected artists include Ryno Platt (Playshis the Poet), NunuNamises (Truth), Keith Vries, Patrick Sam and Lize Ehlers. For the Month of March, Spoken Word is themed “Praise”. “To praise, to express admiration, to give homage and to proclaim positive attributes. Praise poetry can be found in many cultures, and specifically in Africa, where praise poetry has served as a form of oral documentation. Join Spoken Word for a celebratory themed show featuring slam poetry performances. For more information: www.facebook.com/groups/spokenwordnam or www.warehousetheatre.com.na

Pointbreak Open Water Swim 2015 Lake Oanob Resort, Namibia 08 March 2015

The annual Open Water Swim will be taking place on Sunday, 08 March at Lake Oanob Resort. Online entries close 12h00 Wednesday 4 March. Late entries on race day, cost N$160 and entries close 09h10. Collection of numbered cap and event t-shirt (first 130 entrants) will be on Friday, 6 March from 11h00 to 17h00 at Otb Sport Wernhill. Camping & Chalets are available at Lake Oanob Resort and bookings can be made at www.oanob.com.na. Participants who have pre-entered, will not be charged entry fee to Oanob Resort. Non-participants will be charged Oanob Resorts usual entry fee of N$30. Enjoy your Swim

For more information and entries: www.otbsport.com

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EVENTS CAlENDAR Namibian Triathlon Championships 2015 Mole, Swakopmund, Namibia 14 March 2015

The National Championships will be open to all Athletes of all Citizenship, however the Trophy Winners will be rolled down to Namibians. All athletes racing need to be affiliated to the Namibian Triathlon Federation or will have to pay the Day licence fee of N$ 80 additional to the Race Entry Fee. Namibians wanting to Qualify for African Champs, this will be a Qualifier Race for All African Triathlon Championships on 09 & 10 May 2015 in SHARM ELSHIEKH, Egypt. Time: 8:00am Start Full • Time: 8:30am Start Sprint • Time: 9:00am Start Youth Distance for all Elite & Age Group Triathletes: 1500m Swim, 40km Bike, 10km Run Distance for all Junior Triathletes 16-19years: 750m Swim, 20km Bike, 5km Run Distance for all Youth Triathletes 11-15 years: 3750m Swim, 10km Bike, 10km Run

For more information, contact: Charm-shannon@afol.com.na orsps@iway.na

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EVENTS CAlENDAR Mercedes Benz Bokeh South African International Fashion Film Festival Cape Town, South Africa 26 - 28 March 2015 After the unprecedented success of the inaugural Mercedes-Benz Bokeh South African International Fashion Film Festival, stand by for the 2015 edition where Adrian Lazarus and his talented team are tearing up the rule book to present a sensory fashion and film overload. This year the event will take place between 26-28 March 2015 at the luxurious African Pride – 15 on Orange Hotel in Cape Town, and for those that know the venue, stand by to be thrilled, shocked and transported to a world of the fashion extraordinaire alongside brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Cape Town Fashion Council, African Pride Hotel, Hisense, MAC, GHD, Fashion One and The Macallan. For more information, visit: www.bokehfestival.co.za

Carmen Artscape Theatre Centre, Cape Town, South Africa 25 - 31 March 2015 CARMEN is one of the many full-length ballets created by Veronica Paeper in her three decades as the resident choreographer for the CAPAB Ballet Co and then the CAPE TOWN CITY BALLET. Written in 1987, when the CAPAB Co had over fifty dancers in its ranks, the ballet has been performed six times in the ARTSCAPE Opera House, once in the ARTSCAPE Theatre, once at the Maynardville Open-air Theatre and twice in the Guy Butler Theatre in Grahamstown. The circumstances of its performance have varied over the years, but the ballet remains one of Veronica’s masterpieces. It accentuates her ability to tell a story in the balletic idiom, this time in Spanish style, drawing the audience into the dramatic action while never losing sight of the ultimate intention – to entertain. Veronica described Carmen as a gypsy and a free spirit, possessed of a wild and rebellious nature, combined with a charismatic appeal for the opposite sex. Her Don José was a soldier, disciplined, with strong principles – two people, poles apart, who become lovers but in whose lives fate intervenes. For more information visit: www.capetowncityballet.org.za

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EVENTS CAlENDAR A Pristine Land Interrupted Exhibition Association of Visual Arts, Cape Town 24 March to 22 April 2015

The paradox is that I cannot observe and photograph without intruding. Without leaving my mark. It does not matter how careful I am. Even if I succeed to obliterate all evidence of my intrusion, the mere fact that I return with a photograph is proof of my intrusion. I have changed the scene’s status forever. I am taking away something and I am also giving something. “Paul van Schalkwyk, June 2012” This exhibition takes the form of an installation comprising multimedia sourced from Paul’s flying adventures over the Namibian landscape. It is a narrative spanning ten years of Paul’s quest for a pristine land: a chronicle that ironically thrust him into a dilemma from which he could not escape. His yearning to seek out the unblemished, to photograph it and to share it became a double-edged act of admiration and interruption. In October 2013 the exhibition sponsored by Namdeb, opened to a packed audience at the Franco Namibian National Cultural Centre in Windhoek and is now due to travel to the Association of Visual Arts in Cape Town. In physics, the term “observer effect” refers to changes that the act of observation has on the phenomenon of being observed. With the modern world’s impulse to travel and consequent obsession to photograph the land that is seen, we come to question our own act of visual detection and what this in turn means for the livelihood of that very land which we so seemingly admire. The show presents the viewer with a multi-faceted experience of familiar and unfamiliar Namibian landscape locations, which prompt a fascination with the aesthetic of an aerial viewpoint with its ability to see the unseen. It simultaneously probes one’s own association with the land and how our voyager meanderings come to take effect. It points to wider issues of climate change and is thus as much to do with our need to reassess our relationship with the planet as it is to do with our observation of it. The show includes high quality aerial photographic prints on Dibond mounts, video/audio recordings of Paul’s flying missions, textual transcripts detailing research and GPS coordinates and physical assemblages from Paul’s airplanes. All components of the show are literally suspended and designed as such to instill a sense of awe combined with unease. During the month of March, the exhibition will support a public arts programme in and around the gallery space. The programme will involve public talks, performances, screenings and such like events with partner organizations and media as well as schools and tertiary institutions. The subject of the programme will revolve around environmental issues, specifically how land changes and aims to create awareness and develop action. Paul was Namibia’s original fine art aerial photographer who set the benchmark within this genre. He was a solo adventurer and a risk taker with a deep personal and emotional connection to the land he called home.

For more Information visit: www.paulvans.com

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EVENTS CAlENDAR Internet World Trade Fair Munich, Germany 24 - 25 March 2015

Internet World is an event where professionals can learn to use the internet to improve their business practices. The show is split into zones that are focused on specific areas of the internet. This format has been proved to attract visitors from every area of responsibility for internet. The motto for Internet World’s accompanying Trade Congress is “The Future of E-Commerce“. Up to four parallel panels with exclusive keynote speakers, fascinating podium discussions and best-in-class cases. More than 60 top-class practitioners will give insights into the latest trends in E-Commerce. Topics include (among others): Multichannel, Mobile Marketing & Social Commerce, Logistics & Process Management, Customer Experience, Online Marketing, Conversion Optimization and Payment. Profiles for exhibit include Application Development, B2B / B2C Solutions, Content Management, Data Warehousing, E-Learning, IT Consultancy, Outsourcing Services, Security Management, Software Developers & Vendors, System Integration, Asset Management, Business Intelligence, IP Technology, Portal Software, Web Services.

For more information visit: www.internetworld-messe.de

Wine Autumn Munich Munich, Germany 21 - 22 March 2015

Wine Autumn Munich is a German event that will continue for two days and is located in the hub of the Bavarian capital. The ambience will be regal with people possessing celebrity status to common wine lovers, who will gather at the same place just to indulge themselves in the activities of the fair. Wine Autumn Munich will witness a range of striking and exotic wine bottles that will be displayed by the exhibitors, which will lead the visitors to purchase them. There will be many free samples for the people to taste, in order to decide on the best qualities of wine. There will be socialization of wine lovers who will find this fair a common ground to share their hobbies and discuss about wines, to gain more knowledge of its process of manufacturing and distillation. For more information visit: www.10times.com/winemunich

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CONTEMPORARY JEWEllERY AS ART Namibian-born jeweller Angela Tölken shies away from describing the inspiration for her striking jewellery, and feels her work is best summarized as ‘self-portraiture in three dimensions’. She was recently part of an exhibition at the Omba Gallery in Windhoek

by: Anne Schauffer


ngela’s formative years were divided between home in Windhoek, her paternal grandparent’s home in Lüdertizbucht and her maternal grandparent’s farm in the north of Namibia, where she visited regularly in the holidays: “Being outdoors, camping and hiking was part of growing up and for me the inherent simplicity of being outdoors and being immersed in nature has retained a very deep attraction. Today, as I juggle various part-time jobs and community engagements, I am drawn towards that very simplicity, space, solitude and silence all the more.” Right up until late in her school career, she had set her heart on studying medicine. It was only when it came to a week of job shadowing in Grade 9 or 10 that the possibility arose of perhaps also exploring the field of jewellery/goldsmithing. She says, “Being a meticulous, perfectionistic, very practical person with an engineering type of mind-set, I felt quite at home behind

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a jeweller’s bench after that week, and gave that career option some serious thought. Today I know that I absolutely could have become either – a jeweller or a medic, for there are very many similarities in terms of personality traits, and medicine has retained its allure for me.” Her childhood was a creative one, in essence, being creative was part of how she grew up: “We did a lot of craft projects at home from a very early age onwards, I attended extra-mural art classes for years and years and both my parents are creative – one in a more aesthetic way, the other in an engineering kind of way.” Angela chose to study Creative Jewellery Design and Metal Techniques at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, a four year undergraduate degree programme at the Visual Arts Department which specialises in contemporary art jewellery. She added an additional two years to conclude her studies with a masters degree: “What was really great for me about

studying at Stellenbosch University (as opposed to a Technikon or following an apprenticeship), was the highly academic content of the course. Thorough engagements with philosophy, history of art, cultural studies, linguistic theories and so on, enabled me to delve into and expand the very intellectual side of my work and of who I am.” She says she just knew she had found the perfect job and approach, as it resonated deeply with many facets of her personality. work:

Flamingo asked Angela about her life and

Where do you live and work now? I completed my studies at Stellenbosch in March 2006, and was subsequently offered a part-time position at the Jewellery Design Division. I married a fellow Namibian who was also working in Stellenbosch, so we currently live and work there. I hold two part-time jobs at the University, and also work as an independent artist jeweller. Due to the fact that I spend a good 25 to 30 hours of my 50 hour working week at the Department anyhow, I also have a little studio space in the same building, enabling me to work on my creative output inbetween and use many of the Department’s bigger speciality tools. Since almost all jewellery bench- and studio tools are imported from Europe, Britain and the USA, it is a very capital intensive enterprise for a sole proprietor. Do you return to Namibia often, and is it for work or play? We return to Namibia at least once a year since we’ve both got our parents and some of our siblings there. Also, we both love the Namibian landscape (especially the arid, spacious South) and we try to fit in a camping or hiking tour every now and again. At present I don’t have an outlet in Namibia, but the recent group show at the Omba Gallery in Windhoek in which I participated, yielded very positive feedback, so an outlet or representative gallery/ shop in Windhoek/ Namibia is definitely an avenue worth exploring, in which case I would also travel there for work

everything I hold dear (such as precious connecting moments with various people, fantastic experiences, good memories, observations from nature, and so on), but then also whatever really moves me in general. I find that I cannot really extricate my creative part from everything else I am and experience, which is why the best summary of my work yet is that it is “selfportraiture in three dimensions”. Do you create bespoke pieces? Since I am an artist jeweller, I mostly create conceptual pieces for various themes that I am working with. I do everything by hand, and I only create a piece once – ever. This means that all my pieces are once-off and really unique. While I do the odd commission based on a customer’s wishes and ideas, I usually steer away from that for it often becomes rather limiting, and it is not something I specialize in. What materials do you work with, and is there a

What inspires you with your jewellery? A very difficult question, and one which I’ve learned not to interrogate too deeply. What definitely plays into my ‘inspiration’ is | 25

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reason for that? I work mainly in non-tarnish and sterling silver and whatever else I find intriguing for accentuating little details. I often use various paints and epoxies, and experiment with all kinds of materials such as clay, sand, and wood. I do not typically use gemstones, but every now and again I will incorporate some beads or pearls if the design merits it. For me, the value of a piece of art jewellery does not lie in its materials at all, but rather in the personal and artistic expression/meaning it conveys. For this reason the time invested into each piece takes on a special significance as it is an indication of how much of myself I invest into its creation. What does your family think of your work? Difficult question… there are very many layers to my work, and it is often heavily coded. I think different people pick up different elements, and construe their own meaning from them. Also, I am not an easy person to really know (not even for family), for I am very introverted and consequently my work may seem rather abstract. My family is, however, supportive of my creative endeavours, and that is what is important to me. Affiliations with other artists/jewellers? I am a member of the “Fine Ounce Goldsmiths’ Collective”, a group of 8 jewellers from Cape Town and Namibia who strive to educate the wider public about the concept of art jewellery, as opposed to mass produced commercial jewellery. Also, since late 2014 I am part of “Precious Obsession”, an informal South African group of artist jewellers focusing on small pop-up events so as to introduce the general public to the concept of art jewellery. Do you have any passions outside your work? Due to the various part-time jobs and long hours there are not that many times when I do not work in one way or the other, but yes, outside the work context I am a passionate volunteer mountain rescuer, and a ballroom- and Latin dancer. Both these hobbies speak to different parts of my personality and they make me very happy – each one in their own way. I am also a reading fanatic, and I enjoy culinary experiences. Who buys your jewellery? It’s typically a mixed bag, but usually my clients are more mature in terms of age, and they have fewer qualms than others to wear something very different. Also, I often find that it is people who, after a while make, a connection between the person that I am and the work…it’s almost as if they buy into the philosophy behind my work. Where can people buy it? People can buy my work during the many group (and some solo) exhibitions I am engaged in, from me directly (via my website), or the online gallery ‘Gallery Carla Maxine’ (http://www.galeriecarlamaxine.com). CONTACT: info@angela.co.za; www.angela.co.za http:// klimt02.net/jewellers/angela-tolken 28 |




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A SMAll PIECE OF HEAVEN At the exquisite five-star Robertson Small Hotel, small is synonymous with intimacy, exclusivity and a level of care that’s ensured the hotel’s win of Best Luxury Country Hotel in South Africa for four consecutive years

by: The Roving Ambassador

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he Robertson Small Hotel is the epitome of modern boutique charm in an exquisite country setting. Situated in the heart of Robertson, a favourite tourist attraction spot located along the longest wine route in the world - namely Route 62 - resides the chic Robertson Small Hotel providing luxurious accommodation and fine cuisine all year round. It’s utterly charming, inside out. With unsurpassed attention to detail, the 10 suites have unique and tasteful personalities: the Manor House suites have elegant, spacious rooms and showcase intricate Victorian touches like embossed ceilings; the Stables suites offer a more contemporary feel, with touches of earthy brown punctuating a vision of white; and the four Poolside suites are an exercise in restrained, modern design and open onto a shimmering swimming pool, flaunting a crisp cool sense of calm at the water’s edge. Choose your mood, or select your style. The Manor House is home to a cozy bar lounge and stateof-the-art wine cellar, which lends a backdrop to the hotel’s signature restaurant, Reuben’s at the Robertson Small Hotel. With an enviable reputation for fine dining, Reuben’s adds the perfect touches to a faultless stay in this exquisite region. And if you need a little additional pampering, head for The Wellness Room and choose from one of many relaxing head to toe treatments. From therapeutic skincare and body treatments, to specialized massages, facials, pedicures and manicures, all on offer to relax, revitalize and recharge body and mind in country style wellness. The Wellness Room offers a choice of treatments to suit your personal needs, whether you want to spent an hour reviving body and soul, or prefer to enjoy | 31

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one of the packages on offer over a lengthier few hours. Up to you. Whatever the occasion, The Robertson Small Hotel and Reuben’s will inspire return visits to experience even more of its country charm, exquisite food and discreet luxury. It certainly has others, as guests return time and time again to relive the five-star intimacy and exclusivity, in this glorious wine region of the Cape. CONTACT: reservations@therobertsonsmallhotel.com; www.therobertsonsmallhotel.com

SPECIAL FLAMINGO READERS’ OFFER Book two nights in a Manor House Room and receive the third night at 50% less Book two nights in a Poolside Suite and receive a R100 discount per person on any one hour treatment. Book two nights in a Stable Suite and receive R100 discount per person on your Reuben’s at the Robertson Small Hotel dinner meal

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by: Helge Denker

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NamPost is publishing two notable stamp issues in March - 25 Years of Independence for Namibia and the Inauguration of the Third President of Namibia. The stamps will be issued on Independence Day (21st of March) and will be available at all Namibian post ofďŹ ces. A small number of special, limited edition commemorative folders of the 25 Years of Independence issue will be available as collectors items.

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5 Years of Independence is an important milestone in the history of one of Africa’s youngest and brightest nations. A large country rich in nature’s wealth, yet with less than three million inhabitants, Namibia has enjoyed stability and continuity since its independence from South African apartheid rule in 1990. As heads of the sovereign state, the country’s presidents have led Namibia on its democratic path. Founding President and Father of the Namibian Nation, H.E. Dr. Sam Nujoma brought freedom, peace and prosperity to Namibia after a long struggle for independence that already began as a determined resistance to German colonial rule in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Dr. Nujoma prudently served the country as president for 15 years. He was succeeded in 2005 by H.E. Dr. Hifikepunye Pohamba, himself a central figure in the independence struggle, who continued to build upon the foundation of the young nation. On the 21st of March 2015, H.E. Dr. Hage Geingob, another veteran of the fight for selfdetermination, becomes the third President of Namibia, taking over the responsibility of expanding the nation’s legacy of peace, stability and prosperity from his predecessors. H.E. Dr. Hage Geingob: At Independence in 1990, Hage Geingob became the first Prime Minister of Namibia, a position which he held for a total of over 14 years (from 1990 to 2002 and from 2012 to 2014). Dr. Geingob was one of the key architects of Namibian democracy, having helped to build the country’s democratic foundations and pave the way for independence through his work. During his time in exile, Hage Geingob served in various crucial positions, including: Swapo Representative at the United Nations from 1964 to 1971; Political Affairs Officer at the United Nations Secretariat from 1972 to 1975; Director of the United Nations Institute for Namibia from 1975 to 1989 (the institute was responsible for training, research and policy development in preparation for Namibian independence); and Chairman of the Constituent Assembly which formulated the Constitution of Namibia in 1989-90. Succeeding H.E. 48 |

Dr. Hifikepunye Pohamba, Dr. Geingob takes office as the third President of Namibia on the 21st of March 2015, having been elected with 87 percent of the vote during the presidential elections of 2014. The artist: Both stamp issues were created by Helge Denker, who has designed over 250 postage stamps for NamPost. Two of these have been awarded the ‘Most beautiful stamp in the world’ award (1999, 2003), voted for by postal organisations from around the globe at the ‘Stamp World Cup’. Born in Windhoek, Helge grew up on a farm east of the capital. He studied art in Australia, but returned home in 1990 and has been working in Namibia as a professional artist since then. The ‘25 Years of Independence for Namibia’ issue is the 50th stamp issue that he has designed for Namibia.

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MANAGEMENT ON THE MOVE AT SAFARI HOTELS Food and Beverage Manager: Stefan Kotze Stefan Kotze is a young and dynamic Manager with a vibrant personality. He is dedicated to introducing and ensuring the highest standards of quality in the Food and Beverage department of Safari Hotels. His training and his vast experience are the motivation for introducing two new Concepts, Flavour + 1 and Service + 1, to the Restaurants, Bars and Catering Functions to ensure maximum client satisfaction. Senior Chef de Partie - Pastry Department: Natasha Hamman Natasha Hamman is the youngest member of the Hamman family actively involved with Safari Hotels. She received her City and Guild accredited training at the Institute of Culinary Arts and the FBI Chef’s School in South Africa. Being a Pastry Chef is her personal passion and as part of the Namibian team of 4 won the African Culinary Cup 2013 against 6 other countries. What a wealth of talent to be applied in an expanded kitchen team of professionals at Safari Hotels!


Top Management also decided to broaden their Managerial base in the very important Rooms Division Department entrusting two Rooms DiviC sion Managers with the responsibility; one in each hotel. Rooms Division Manager – Hotel Safari: Marilyn Britz Marilyn Britz owned a guesthouse in Austria and with over 20 years of experience in hospitality joined Safari Hotels almost 10 years ago. Having rendered dedicated and exemplary service to our hotels, Management decided to promote her and entrust her with this very demanding position.






Lee-anne Adriaanse comes from a background of charity, philanthropy and caring having been involved with the Cancer Association of Namibia for a long time. She brings with her a wealth of experience and organisational and managerial talent to the betterment of the Safari Court Hotel. In a continuous process to enlarge and enhance the professional team, Safari Hotels deeply invests in human capital in order to render the best possible service to our clientele.

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NAMIBIA FROM A SADDlE If you’re joined at the hip to your mountain bike, or simply enjoy exploring a country from an entirely different vantage point, do it differently in Namibia. Bike it. Talk to the experienced Cycle Namibia team about you, a bike, and an indelible adventure

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by: Anne Schauffer

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or over ten years, the Cycle Namibia team has travelled the length and breadth of Namibia, devising and refining the finest byways from which to absorb this extraordinary landscape. They have guided so many enthusiasts from around the world - whether you are a pro cyclist or an amateur, insist on loads of luxury or relish the simple life under the stars – they have fixed itineraries, and flexible ones. The options are endless and cover the full spectrum from extreme adventure to leisurely holidays with moderate activity. They will even tailormake an exceptional one specifically for you and your needs. If you are looking to really feel Namibia, you’ve come to the right place, the right people. Bottom line, these adventure tours are for those who have been there, done that, and now, on their first or fifth trip to Namibia, want to do it very differently, whether luxury or costeffective. Namibia is vast, and it is impossible to cover the country in a ten-day tour. Not only is it about the distances to cover, but exploring these extraordinary landscapes needs time. Cycle Namibia has divided up the country into adventure sectors, handpicked the finest activities in that region, tested the terrain, and devised the itinerary. From your perspective, you chat to them or choose the region which you feel most drawn to, and Cycle Namibia will plan your journey, even hand-pick your bike if that is your choice. Yes, most of Namibia is remote, but there is a region which seems to stand out the most – Damaraland. One of the last wilderness experiences globally, the toughness, the

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hardiness, the adaptations, the beauty of the landscapes, combined with the fascination of the local communities and the animals, guarantees to captivate. You won’t forget this trip. Ever. With the Kunene and Ugab rivers to the North and South, and the Grootberg as its eastern boundary, this is harsh terrain, the home of the desert-adapted elephant and rhino. You are going to wind your way through, over, around, and up dormant volcanoes, dry river beds, grass plains, twisted and tormented mountains and the ever-present red cobbles, with The Brandberg, Namibia’s highest peak, standing guard over it all. It is through this landscape that you will be cycling, but you will not be alone. The Cycle Namibia backup team is there every step of the way – sometimes visible, other times not - providing food, drink and mechanical support before welcoming you to your overnight abode. At the close of a day, all amenities are at the ready, and you will be greeted by everything from ice-cold drinks to five-star bush cuisine and warm showers. No, it is not easy to organise this in the middle of this giant landscape, but it’s done superbly, and you will love the magic and luxury of the mod cons. Every day will expose you to another facet of Damaraland, as you cycle through communities who eke out a living from the land, all the while co-existing with the resident wild animals. Modern community-based conservation has given Damaraland a new lease on life, and you will be exposed to this valuable aspect of the country. With the vast distances between night stops, you will be

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up before daybreak for a good breakfast, a pep talk about the day ahead, and then you’re off. The backup vehicle always leads the way in the early morning hours to ensure safety from a sleeping lion or rhino, but as the day warms, the vehicle vanishes. Now you can concentrate on the ever-changing views stretching out before you. Depending on the length of the day’s ride, it will be snacks and cold drinks under a tree, or a more substantial lunch and a rest. Whichever, the day always ends with a delectable meal served around the campfire in a sensational setting. Nothing to beat it. Two-man tents with bedrolls guarantee a good night’s sleep, and if you enjoy your adrenaline in a rush, spend a glorious night under the stars. During your Damaraland wilderness experience, the midway night stop is often spent in the supreme comfort of one of the Wilderness Safaris lodges. It is a great way to recharge those tired bodies. Likewise, the last night, where a sumptuous dinner and prize-giving is the highlight of the evening. Celebrate your achievement with your riding partners, and reflect on all the special moments...and plan the next. Perhaps you will choose another sector? Or, on your return – because you will be back – you will opt for the Skeleton Coast, or Mountain, Sand and Sea. But that’s a conversation you will have with the Cycle Namibia team of Frank Bombosch and Patrick de Goede. With their specialist skills, tech knowledge, experience with the logistics of their operation, and sensitivity to the environment, community involvement and sustainable tourism, you will find them unveiling secrets of Namibia with you, ones you are unlikely to be exposed to elsewhere. CONTACT: www.cyclenamibia.com 66 |

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lIVE AND ClICKING Namibian Pieter Pretorius wears a few different hats, all of them wild. His most recent game-changing project with Safari Live with Nat Geo WILD and WildEarth, has had thousands of people around the globe, riding along with him and his co-hosts in a safari vehicle at Djuma and Arathusa private game reserves in the Sabi Sands reserve in South Africa. And the drive is a LIVE broadcast Picture: Pieter Pretorius’ wife, Lieschen and an elephant called Wonky.

by: Anne Schauffer pictures by: Pieter Pretorius

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he leopard looks straight at me and flattens his ears. I know his name. I’ve met his parents. Our ranger is talking evenly and calmly, explaining Kunyuma’s lineage, habitat, his relationship with his brother, his enemies, and whether he has eaten. The leopard watches, at times alert for other predators or prey, at others, disinterested, grooming himself. I’m just holding my breath, watching his every move. Of course, I’m not the only one who can’t breathe. Thousands of people from around the world are also sitting in front of their computer monitors/tablets/phones/TVs/you name it, watching a LIVE safari drive. The drive is not only happening right now, real time, but you are virtually in the vehicle. A videographer is in the back seat too, out of sight, but filming every second, every incident, hence the utterly amazing sensation of being on the drive, with a ranger, feeling every bump in the road’s surface, in one of the most ‘cat-dense’ areas of the greater Kruger National Park. The experienced ranger has

an earpiece linked to final control (FC) – the technical heart of the operation - and answers live questions received via email or Twitter (usually about what is happening in front of you), responds to them immediately. The drives take place 6 to 9am CAT, and 4pm to 7pm CAT, and from Canada to Scotland, USA to Namibia, people are rising in the dark, staying up into the small hours, to climb aboard a game vehicle, and experience an African safari with a group of likeminded people. And shared it is. The growing community of watchers have created Facebook pages, they have a Live Chat room during the drive, and because the ranger-hosts are there for a few months, often returning a month or so later, they become known. Because it is 70 |

an interactive safari, relationships are forged. Only problem is, it’s addictive. Meet Pieter Pretorius. Namibian born and raised, part of Mola Mola Safaris in Walvis Bay, and one of the hosts on Wild Earth’s live safaris in Djuma Game Reserve. He is a highly experienced guide, loves photography, and considers himself immensely fortunate on a number of fronts, beginning with a father who loved exploring and camping, so it became an integral part of him too. He describes his first nature memory as being of two lionesses drinking from a Bushmanland pan where they were camping. He was just over three years old. Pieter always knew he wanted to explore, and after school, travelled for a year...with money saved from two cows he’d sold. His bush working life began in Kenya, and his official wildlife guiding career in the Pilanesberg National Park at Tsukudu Lodge. He worked with, and learned from legendary

wildlife guides and personalities Bennet de Klerk, Gus van Dyk, Andre Klocke, Steve Bailey and numerous others, who shaped and honed his love of the environment and wildlife. Leading up to where he is today, Pieter has worked as a tennis coach in America, in a deli, on a farm, and in the production/photographic/fashion scene internationally. He has met and worked with some wonderful people en route, had some breathtaking wildlife experiences, but, he says, in terms of ‘work’, LIVE broadcasting and presenting is ‘absolutely mindblowing’. And that is where Graham Wallington and WildEarth

came in. Flamingo quizzed him about this, his latest adventure. How did you get involved with WildEarth and this project? I had worked at Djuma in Sabi Sands Game Reserve. This was where Graham Wallington - visionary and founder of the original Africam.com and now WildEarth – started Africam back in the ‘90s. I was working in Cape Town when he called me. My name had been mentioned to him by Jurie Moolman, owner of Djuma. I clearly remember the moment - I was driving along Cape Town’s Sea Point Promenade, and when I heard

who it was, I pulled over. He gave me a basic breakdown: ‘100 percent LIVE, interactive game drives, broadcast on to the internet’. I was sold straight away. Still am. The fact that it has now taken the next step on to television was always part of the plan, but who could have hoped for a better first step than on to National Geographic and Nat Geo Wild in the United States?

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What’s it like doing these drives live? You, a cameraman, and an empty safari vehicle...but thousands of people watching? It’s the biggest rush I’ve come across...and that includes rock climbing, sky diving, and a lion charge on foot. It also helps you focus on the moment, in the moment, in a very special way. In terms of putting a face to ‘it’, I don’t see a camera at all anymore, but simply one collective person – a persona consisting of all the people I’ve known in my life...with a heavy emphasis on all the good, friendly, curious, nice, cool, chilled, excited, interested, positive, passionate, happy people I’ve been fortunate to meet along the way, and also all the similar people I haven’t yet met. That is who I take along on safari and who I communicate with. Watching the live safaris, it feels as if the presenters are encouraged to be themselves, so there are real personalities involved here. Just as in ‘real life’, the ‘guests’ get attached to their favourite presenter/ game ranger. That’s absolutely key to the experience. There’s no script and almost no rules. Personal integrity and judgement of the host, combined with the collective team effort and, ultimately, Graham’s trust, is what makes this experience for the ‘guests’ unique, compared to anything else currently on TV. Generally, there are two co-hosts who work hand in hand – at the same time, in different vehicles, switching the broadcast from one vehicle to the other, depending on sightings or clarity of signal or 72 |

transmission, and/or working as a team. You were co-hosting with Hayden Turner, and grew to know him pretty well? Tell us about it...and him? It is all about team work! There are many parts to this, but Hayden, as my co-host, played a major part in everyone’s

experience! He was possibly the biggest variable for me, and he was a very pleasant surprise! Hayden has massive experience as a presenter, a passionate wildlife enthusiast and adventurer for many years, something that made us understand and respect each other almost instantly. He has presented in over 50 countries worldwide, including having lived and hunted with some of the Bushmen in Namibia. He is one of the nicest and most down to earth guys I’ve met, with a great sense of understanding and empathy for us and other species, and he loves Namibia (something we have in common!). As fortune would have it, we not only connected right from the start, with our styles and personalities complementing each other well on screen, but we have subsequently become really good friends. So it is safe to say, Hayden, or HT as we call him, was more than I could have hoped for in a co-host; he is now a buddy, and that is priceless in that environment! How did Haydn react to the LIVE aspect of the WildEarth project: I told him on the phone before we met, that it will be like nothing he’s ever done before, and after his first LIVE drive, I drove up to him, both in our Landies, he had this huge grin on his face, and his words were: “You said it mate, it is like nothing I’ve ever done before!” He loved it and is as hooked as I am. Tell us a few of the most memorable moments or incidents of this live WildEarth experience? That’s a tricky one, but our first LIVE drive to television was pretty insane, from a presenting/content and directing point of view. It’s very technically advanced, so there’s a highly experienced team behind the scenes working magic. On our first drive to TV in the US, we followed a leopard, a young male called Kunyuma, and he walked right into our ‘set’ – where we held our live campfire chat. Hayden and I were sitting on a big log next to a blazing fire, pitch dark, with a leopard chilling in a tree right behind us. Hyena had chased it up there. On our second drive to TV, we experienced five male lions chasing and killing a buffalo in a herd of about 50. | 73

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All LIVE of course. It was amazing, and I will remember those drives forever. That is what LIVE is all about, we never know what will happen next. So I’m always looking forward to the next one... Contact: Graham Wallington and the numerous WildEarth projects can be found on www. wildearth.tv. The stated mission of WildEarth is to provide people around the world with immersive experiences in nature. WildEarth is a dedicated LIVE wildlife platform that focuses on connecting people to animals. Graham, his other investors and a team of technowizards and supporters, have succeeded in bringing these live drives to people worldwide, people who in many instances, would never experience an African safari. He has, of course, through the medium of WildEarth, awakened a love of wildlife and the African bush in those who will now move heaven and earth to get to the continent. For the live drives, go to www.wildearth.tv; www. wildsafarilive.com. Pieter Pretorius is to be found at Mola Mola Safaris, where he and his family run seal and dolphin boat cruises and 4x4 adventures into the dunes of Sandwich Harbour. www.molanamibia.com; info@mola-nambia.com; +264 81 127 2522. Australian-born Hayden Turner lives in England, and runs a few exclusive safari tours with small groups to Namibia annually. www.haydenturner.com

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BATSTONE Pool COOL WAY TO WORK AND PLAY Working trip to Cape Town? Make Batstone Pool your base, and you can work, play, swim, eat and just chill on a lounger. Transforms work into play by: Anne Schauffer


e all need ‘ideas people’. Those who will come up with something almost un-doable, and make it happen. It is exciting, it keeps a city alive and reinventing itself, and whether it is a derivative or an adaptation of something somewhere else in the world, crafted to work here and now, how great is that? So, you ask, what is Batstone? It is a tech strategy consultancy, operating from Schuyler Vorster’s co-working space, Inner City Ideas Cartel (ICIC) since December 2013. Partner in the project, Florian Engi, takes up the Batstone story: “The rooftop of the Waterkant building was solid proof about the allure of rooftop working-socialising spaces in Cape Town, so there were many discussions last year between CEO Brendan Wade and Schuyler about installing a pool on the roof of the ICIC.”

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mention the pool. Is this ideal for somebody coming down to CT for the day? Yes. It is a combination of work and play space. There are tables for meetings, tables for eating, then loungers for relaxing. No matter what you have planned, Batstone Pool will be able to make sure it is a great meeting, a perfect after-work drink or a mid-conference call dip in the pool. How does it operate? Membership or can you drop in?

Essentially, the team wanted to bring a space to Cape Town, reminiscent of the Shoreditch House, The Groucho Club, and Soho House in London, which are, says Florian, “radically updated versions of the crusty men’s clubs of the 20th century. Members can have a board meeting, a celebration dinner, a relaxing Sunday swim, or just a silently reflective cognac.” Building regulations meant a pool on the ICIC’s roof was out of the question, but the concept lingered. When the space on top of the Cape Quarter became available, the team leapt at the chance. Florian described the ensuing madness: “It took us just 7 weeks from seeing the space to opening our doors. It was insane – but also incredibly rewarding to see the conversations we had been having for almost a year become real. With each slab of concrete laid, to the unwrapping of the loungers, it was an extraordinary experience.” And it looks very cool and contemporary too, like a permanent holiday. Creative Director Ludwig Breedt and CEO Brendan Wade took the lead here, and together conceived the look and feel, selecting everything from the espresso glasses to the white towels. Ludwig drove the visual design, and his flair for clean lines and colour is evident in the logo, cushions and artwork. Flamingo chatted to partners Brendan Wade (CEO) and Florian Engi about the nuts and bolts of Batstone Pool. What services do you offer?

There are three models. You can drop in and use the coworking space or café area at no cost at all – you are welcome to be in the space and order food and drinks from our restaurant. Then there is the drop-in loungers – each lounger costs R150 per day and gives you access to the pool. You can stay all day until we close. (This fee drops to R100 after 3pm.) And then we have a monthly membership – The Batstone Pool has partnered with the co-working space, Inner City Ideas Cartel (ICIC), and a R800 monthly membership gives members unlimited access to the Batstone Pool, the Inner City Ideas Cartel co-working rooftop in Waterkant Street as well as the boardroom. Any rules? We try not to be too rules based and strict about how people engage and enjoy the space. We expect our guests to be aware and courteous of each other and to treat our staff with the same level of respect as we treat them – so far we have not had any issues. We hope not to have to resort to blanket rules, and it is looking positive. How is it going? Wonderfully. The response from Capetonians, South Africans and our international guests has been overwhelmingly positive. We have a number of regulars, and we see new faces every day. Are you enjoying it? Plan on any more? We are loving it. It has been a crazy adventure with insane deadlines and yet, four months in, we are still delighted to be there, terribly impressed with ourselves, and still working smoothly as a team. Right now, the plan is to learn – and once we fully understand the model, why it works, and how to improve it, we will decide what else to do. Contact: www.batstonepool.com or batstonepool.com or call 079 973 8368



Batstone Pool has a co-working pavilion - three large coworking tables under shade with comfortable leather chairs - a café area under umbrellas, 30 loungers, a restaurant and a fully stocked bar, as well as great wifi and ample plug points – not to

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GOOD WINE Unlocking the wines of


Noble Hill

he labels of Simonsberg-Paarl wine farm Noble Hill are striking and distinctive, each one bearing the image of a different key. And there is a reason for that. “When establishing Noble Hill I was given keys to every door, cupboard and gate in a jumbled box,” explains proprietor Kristopher Tillery. “Sorting through the mess, I realised that some of the keys dated to the farm’s historic past, and ever since we have placed a key on each label. Different keys represent our different sources of inspiration and the different characters of each grape varietal.” American-born Kristopher and his mother, Kathleen, purchased Noble Hill in 2008, prior to which the property along the Klapmuts-Simondium road was known as Cowlin Wines. Kristopher wasted no time in getting stuck in, although his background was in economics (industrial organisation and economic development in emerging markets, to be precise) with a degree from Harvard University as well as a diploma from l’Insitut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris in sustainable development to back him up. The operative words, perhaps, are “sustainable development”, from the mulching, composting and recycling taking place in the vineyards (“our greatest responsibility as an agricultural enterprise is to the health and well-being of our ecosystem”) to building relationships in export markets (Kristopher established New York-based importer and distributor Invoer Ekke LLC in 2011, complete with a team to provide farm-to-table service to independent shops and restaurants in Brooklyn and Manhattan). While giving Americans a taste of South African wines from the Simonsberg-Paarl appellation, where winegrowing dates back to the late 17th century, Kristopher and Kathleen have brought the Mexican-inspired flavours of their US-southwest roots to Noble Hill’s farm restaurant, cosecha. The name means “harvest” in Spanish and the menu features a range of “bocaditos” (meaning morsels to be shared) such as tacos, quesadillas and enchiladas made using farm-fresh ingredients, many of them picked from the large veggie/pepper/ chilli patch behind the restaurant, not to mention the Virgin Territory olive oils cold-pressed from 600 olive trees planted

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between the vines. Noble Hill also offers Latin-inspired picnic baskets in the garden, where there is plenty of lawn for children (and adults) to play. It is hardly surprising that visitors describe Noble Hill as being “California meets the Cape” in atmosphere, but there is nothing stereotypically Californian (big, bold or blockbustery) about the wines. “South Africa may be defined as a New World wine producer but this can be a bit of a misnomer,” says Kristopher. “Our vineyards are planted in some of the world’s oldest soils; decomposed granite soils that give our wines an earthy, cool and distinctively Old World character.” It all starts in the vineyard where Rodney Zimba has been hands-on and increasingly “green” in approach since 2001, and where the Tillerys have more recently introduced overhead infrared photography to assess the health of individual vines and inform harvesting decisions. Responsibility then passes to winemaker Bernard le Roux, who was appointed in 2010 for his “eye for detail and holistic view of the vineyard-cellar relationship” having previously worked at Vilafonte. “We make wine by hand, in small batches,” says Kristopher, who enjoys being personally involved in “finetuning” different methods aimed at reducing environmental impact at every stage of production, and at producing “wines that reflect the energy and potential of everyone involved”. Generally speaking, most of the wines are racked into 225l French oak barrels at the end of primary fermentation. They then remain in barrel during malolactic fermentation and for at least 18 months of maturation before bottling. “Wines made with a light touch” is what Kristopher is looking for. Noble Hill’s wines are available in Namibia through Tamasa Trading (+264812944997) as well as in Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Switzerland, the UK and USA. The estate is open for wine tasting every day from 10h00 to 17h00, during which time cosecha restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch all day. Noble Hill, +27218743844, www.noblehill.com

Noble Hill Chardonnay 2013

Noble Hill Estate Blend 2010

“Every now and then your life gets complicated,” says Kristopher. “For these times, we have an answer. Our Chardonnay eschews the bright lights and bling of heavy wood for the simple pleasures.”

“The 2010 Estate Blend is labelled with three keys representing Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Petit Verdot,” says Kristopher, revealing that Cabernet from a single vineyard on the estate dominates in the 2010 vintage, from which 23 barrels were made.

The focus is therefore on achieving “explosive” flavours in the vineyard, which is located just behind the cellar. “We restrain the vines’ vigorous vegetative growth, which keeps the vines focused on their fruit.” Only 19 barrels of this very lightly wooded wine were made. It is crisp, clean and flinty with fresh citrus, lemon curd and orange blossom notes, with a slight hint of butterscotch. “There’s enough fresh fruit here to titillate the easy-drinker, but also enough structure to hold up to stronger flavours like roast chicken or duck.” Alcohol by volume: 13.33%

Hand-sorted at harvest, each component began its fermentation in tank and completed it in 225l French oak barrels. “Only the lowest press fractions are used for blending, resulting in a wine composed almost entirely of free-run juice.” The result is an elegant wine with fresh, juicy blackcurrant and plum flavours with a hint of mint as well as graphite from the oak, which is well integrated thanks to the wine having been matured in bottle for two years prior to release. Alcohol by volume: 15.3%

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Your one Stop uniform Solution School Wear Sports Wear Corporate & Casual Wear Safety Wear & Accessories


Tel: +264 61 307 258 Fax: +264 61 307 152 Town Square, Upper Level, Windhoek Namibia mminnovation@yahoo.com

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Other Services Offered Embroidery Screen Printing Corporate Branding

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African journey D A A N V I L J O E N N A M I B I A

Sun Karros Daan Viljoen is a stylish yet relaxed lodge a mere 20km from Windhoek. Located inside the Daan Viljoen Game Park a perfect start or end destination for your safari. We offer overnight options to all nature enthusiasts be it on a comfortable camp site for the outdoor adventurer or in a modern stylish chalet for the nature lover enjoying the fine comforts in life. A visit to the Daan Viljoen Game Park is a must when passing through Windhoek. Day visitors welcome to visit our Boma Restaurant.

Call: +264 61 232393 Email: reservations@sunkarros.com Follow us: Facebook

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• 5 Different room types • Bar & A la Carte restaurant • Walking distance to town • Fitness room • Massage service

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HIGH HUMOR Mail your submission to humor@media-namibia.com and you might become our latest high altitude joker.

Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female Poodle. The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time. The males are speechless before her beauty, slobbering on themselves and hoping for just a glance from her in return. Aware of her charms and her obvious effect on the three suitors, she decides to be kind and tells them “The first one who can use the words “liver” and “cheese” together in an imaginative, intelligent sentence can go out with me.” The sturdy, muscular black Lab speaks up quickly and says “I love liver and cheese.” “Oh, how childish,” said the Poodle. “That shows no imagination or intelligence whatsoever.” She turned to the tall, shiny Golden Retriever and said “How well can you do?” “Ummmm...I HATE liver and cheese,” blurts the Golden Retriever. “My, my,” said the Poodle. “I guess it’s hopeless. That’s just as dumb as the Lab’s sentence.” She then turns to the last of the three dogs and says, “How about you, little guy?” The last of the three, tiny in stature but big in fame and finesse, is chihuahua. He gives her a smile, a sly wink, turns to the Golden Retriever and th e Lab and says... “Liver alone. Cheese mine.”

A father passing by his son’s bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then, he saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow. It was addressed, ‘Dad’. With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and

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read the letter, with trembling hands: “Dear, Dad. It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mum and you. I’ve been finding real passion with Stacy. She is so nice, but I knew you would not approve of her because of all her piercings, tattoos, her tight Motorcycle clothes, and because she is so much older than I am. But it’s not only the passion, Dad. She’s pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods, and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. We share a dream of having many more children. In the meantime, we’ll pray that science will find a cure for ebola so that Stacy can get better. She sure deserves it! Don’t worry Dad, I’m 15, and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I’m sure we’ll be back to visit so you can get to know your many grandchildren. Love, your son, Joshua. P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Jason’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report that’s on the kitchen table. Call when it is safe for me to come home!

A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispers to his customer, “This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while I prove it to you.” The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and two quarters in the other, then calls

the boy over and asks, “Which do you want, son?” The boy

takes the quarters and leaves. “What did I tell you?” said the barber. “That kid never learns!” Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same young boy coming out of the ice cream store. “Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did you take the quarters instead of the dollar bill?” The boy licked his cone and replied, “Because the day I take the dollar, the game is over!”

A three-year old walks over to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in a doctor’s surgery. “Why is your stomach so big?” – he asks. “I´m having a baby.” – she replies. “Is the baby in your stomach?” – he asks, with his big eyes. “Yes, it is.” – she says. “Is it a good baby?” – he asks, with a puzzled look. “Oh, yes. A really good baby.” – the lady replies. Shocked

pitch black. There is a sound of a kiss followed by the sound of a slap. When the train emerges from the tunnel, the four sit there without saying a word. The grandmother is thinking to herself, “It was very brash for that young man to kiss my granddaughter, but I’m glad she slapped him.” The Project manager is sitting there thinking, “I didn’t know the young tech was brave enough to kiss the girl, but I sure wish she hadn’t missed him when she slapped me!” The young woman was sitting and thinking, “I’m glad the guy kissed me, but I wish my grandmother had not slapped him!” The young programmer sat there with a satisfied smile on his face. He thought to himself, “Life is good. How often does a guy have the chance to kiss a beautiful girl and slap his Project manager all at the same time!”

and surprised, he asks: “Then why did you eat him?”

A little girl asked her mother, “How did the human race appear?” The mother answered, “God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made..” Two days later the girl asked her father the same question.. The father answered, “Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.” The confused girl returned to her mother and said, “Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they developed from monkeys?” The mother answered, “Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his.”

A young Programmer and his Project Manager board a train headed through the mountains on its way to Wichita. They can find no place to sit except for two seats right across the aisle from a young woman and her

grandmother. After a while, it is obvious that the young woman and the young programmer are interested in each other, because they are giving each other looks. Soon the train passes into a tunnel and it is

Wikipedia: I know everything! Google: I have everything! Facebook: I know everybody! Internet: Without me you are nothing! Eskom: Keep talking, suckers!

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer. When asked to define “Great” he said, “I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly

emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!” He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages. | 85

AIRPORT TAX - A TAX WORTH PAYING? Great flights begin at well-maintained airports; in terms of service delivery, superior facilities, and memorable experiences. In Namibia, Airports are run and maintained by the Namibia Airports Company (NAC), a State-Owned Entity (SOE) formed in 1998 by Act of Government (Act 25 of 1998). The NAC provides airport infrastructure, amenities, and facilitates airport services for domestic and international airlines and passengers. In fulfilling its mandate, the NAC ensures that airport infrastructure and safety and security equipment are well maintained and meet world-class standards. Airports under the NAC are: Hosea Kutako Airport, Eros Airport, Walvis Bay Airport, Luderitz Airport, Keetmanshoop Airport, Ondangwa Airport, Rundu Airport and Katima Mulilo Airport. HOW DOES THE NAC GENERATE MONEY TO MAINTAIN THEIR AIRPORTS? The NAC generates revenue via airport tax fees charged to the different publics – such as airport tax payable by departing and arriving passengers who use their services. WHAT IS AIRPORT/PASSENGER TAX? Airport tax, as it appears on return or one way flight tickets, refers to the fee charged to departing passengers. When you buy your flight ticket (whether directly from the airline, or as part of a holiday package), a portion of the total cost for the ticket is for airport taxes. This service fee is in line with Section 5 (1) of the Airports Company Act 25 of 1998.

WHAT PORTION OF AN AIR TICKET’S PRICE IS PAYABLE TO NAC? In line with NAC Tariff Publication 2013/2014 the following VAT inclusive tariffs currently will apply at the airports/aerodromes under the NAC’s management:

WHO REGULATES / CONTROLS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AIRPORT TAXES IN NAMIBIA? The charging of these fees is regulated in compliance with ICAO Doc 9562. In Namibia, the NAC, in compliance with Doc 9562 and its mandate per the Airports Company Act. Both these statutory documents regulate and control the continued implementation, review and collection of these fees.

Description International passengers

NAC tariff excluding VAT 2013/2014

Value Added Taxation (VAT)

NAC tariff including VAT 2013/2014

N$ 376.78


N$ 376.78

N$ 218.03


N$ 218.03

Regional passengers (Passengers departing on an aircraft whose final destination is an airport within Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa or Swaziland)

Domestic passengers

N$ 98.58

N$ 14.79

N$ 113.37

All passenger service charges for foreign-bound flights are zero-rated for VAT administration purposes.

HOW REGULARLY IS AIRPORT TAXES REVIEWED AND BY WHOM? The NAC reviews the charges in consultation with the Board of Airline Representatives (BAR), who represents the airlines, and aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), who represents general aviation operators.

“How airport tax is shown on a ticket”

This review is conducted annually or as decided by the relevant parties in order for the fees to remain commensurate with ever escalating operational and other costs.

WHAT ARE AIRPORT TAXES USED FOR? Airport tax is one of the key revenue streams of any airport and is levied on passengers to recover the cost of running and for the up keep of passenger terminal facilities that are dedicated to passenger services, including the costs of security services attributable thereto (unless security services are charged for separately), and the cost of ground handling facilities and services attributable to passenger arrivals and departures.

Since inception NAC has over the years invested billions of dollars into its key capital projects to improve amongst others; runways and terminal facilities at its various airports. In line with its mission and vision , the NAC ensures that every experience at landing and departure is of world - class standard and airport taxes play an integral part in making it all possible.

We hope we have answered your questions. If you have any more questions or comments about our airports feel free to contact us: Namibia Airports Company 154 Independence Avenue, Sanlam Centre, 5th Floor PO Box 23061 Windhoek, Namibia Tel: +264 (0) 61 295 5127 Fax: +264 (0) 61 295 5053 E-mail: pr@airports.com.na Namibia Airports Company Limited


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SPlENDOUR Namibia is every photographer’s paradise…and there’s no finer way to capitalize on this experience than by joining like-minded travellers on a tailormade photographic safari, or if you’re a soloist with a camera, do your homework well to ensure you’re at the right spot, right time, in this astonishing country


sk anybody. Visiting Namibia without a camera is going to be costly for you. You’ll either have to return to fetch your camera gear, or buy one on site. No choice. The landscape, the people, the history, the wilds, just scream out to be photographed, whether it’s simply to capture memories, explore the artist in you, or…perhaps, this will be that defining moment when you discover the joys of telling stories through the medium of your lens. Experienced photographers will find Namibia a glorious canvas on which to paint those awardwinning photographs. With its rich cultural kaleidoscope, wildlife diversity and breathtaking landscapes, Namibia has lured some of the world’s top photographers in a quest to capture its beauty. If you love taking photos, then a comfortable safari tour tailored for photography enthusiasts can be an excellent way to experience Namibia. Photo safaris offer the ideal opportunity to access the best scenic spots at a time when the light is optimal for photography. Guided by experienced professional photographers who offer practical personal assistance at all times, they will ensure that you are able to capture the magic and take home great memories. Even touring Namibia solo can be an exhilarating experience for the well-prepared photographer. When to come Although Namibia is a year-round photographers’ destination, the best time to capture storm clouds and spectacular sunsets are between February and April, when temperatures range from moderate to hot and humid. During the drier winter months, especially from May to July, the skies clear, offering a starry extravaganza – the perfect opportunity for amazing night photography. August to October, however, can be rather crowded and dusty due to windy conditions.

chosen destinations and note park entrance and exit times, as some places are more remote and have strict rules. Many of the finest photo locations are reached via gravel roads; thus extra precautions should be taken to keep equipment clean, dust-free and safe. Invest in a good, comfortable camera bag that can hold all your gear in one place. What equipment to bring It is often said that “The best camera is the one you have with you”. Although quite true, higher quality images require the right equipment. You can not go wrong with a DSLR camera body and a few interchangeable lenses covering wide landscapes (16-20mm range), medium range (20-55mm) and long range (55-200mm). For longer exposures, you will need a sturdy tripod and a remote shutter release to minimize camera movement during exposures. A polarizer filter is also handy to remove haze, avoid unwanted reflections and capture the best colours. Ample memory storage cards and an extra supply of fully-charged batteries (don’t forget the charger) are a must! Other useful tips •

Cleaning lenses and equipment from dust is vital, and having a soft make-up brush and a spectacle cleaning kit will make this easier.

While travelling, insert your camera bag and other items (like tripods) into plastic bags to keep them dust free (large bin bags are ideal).

Keeping a spare plastic bin bag in your pocket will come in handy to shield equipment when caught in a sudden downpour or dust storm.

Evening temperatures can drop considerably, so make sure you always have warm clothes at hand.

For more information on expertly guided Namibian Photographic tours, view: namibphoto.com

Preparing for your photo trip When planning your trip, allow for enough travel time and make sure your vehicle is suitable for the routes on your itinerary. Familiarize yourself with any permit requirements for your 88 |

namibphoto.com Expertly Guided Namibia Photo Tours

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AUDI-lICIOUS! The Audi A6 is the epitome of understated elegance – and serious muscle in S6 guise – says JAMES SIDDALL...


here are many things to like – no, love – about Audis. One of them is the way they simply do not try too hard. Instead, they are effortlessly elegant and wonderfully understated. As for the build quality, well, if there is a word beyond superlative, then please insert it here. Add to this the fact that all Audis – whether we are talking about the little A1or the limo-sized A8 – vary from competent to crushingly capable on the road and it’s hard indeed to not adore this Ingolstadt-based brand. But while all Audis are brilliant, and while I have been fortunate enough to drive a wide cross-section in my capacity as a motoring journalist, for me at least some stand out even more than others. Among them is the A6, which in our part of the world competes with the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and the BMW 5 Series, as well as the Jaguar XF. Over in the US and a few

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other markets it competes with the Cadillac STS, too, but sadly Cadillac has officially withdrawn from our shores. It also so happens that the Audi A6 – now in its seventh generation – boasts exceptionally light weight thanks to an innovative aluminium design with more than 20 percent of the body being made of aluminium, while that restrained shape looks ready to eat tar. Which it mostly definitely is, from the A6 2.0T SE multi through to the ‘bahn-storming S6 quattro S tronic, which we will get to in a minute. The wheels are design features in themselves and range from 17 to 19 inches in diameter, while the LED indicators are integrated into the outside-mirror housing. A high-gloss package featuring window capping strips in anodised aluminium and black trim for the B-pillars brilliantly accentuates the greenhouse. Now it hardly needs to be said that high-tech abounds, from the headlamps which include optional LED versions to

MOTORING the optional heads-up display to the crash avoidance technology which is beyond cutting edge. Creature comforts are given pride of place, too, from the three-spoke leather multifunction steering wheel with shift paddles through to the crystal-clear driver information system, in colour, with an efficiency programme. Also standard are most things than open and close. The six-model range starts with the 2.0T SE multi at R581 000. And given that this machine is good for 132kW and 320Nm from its turbocharged, two-litre, four-cylinder powerplant, it would be a bit of a misnomer to term it “entrylevel.” Next is the R601 000 2.0 TDI SE multi. This R601 000 machine makes 130kW and a muscular 380Nm from its twolitre, four-cylinder turbodiesel plant. Seamless acceleration and urge is guaranteed. At almost any speed. For even more pulling power there’s always the 3.0 TDI SE multi with 400Nm and 150kW on tap from its three-litre, V6 turbodiesel mill. Yours for R654 000.

220kW and 440Nm from a turbo’d petrol V6. But for all-out performance – providing, of course, that the budget stretches to it – you just might want to look towards the S6 quattro S tronic. Now it does cost a bit over a bar – R1 006 500 – but in my humble opinion not terribly much touches it. After all, you get Audi’s legendary V8, turbocharged fourlitre powerplant slamming down 309kW and 550Nm. That is enough to shutdown a lot of ersatz sportscars as well as most other things with four doors. As with all performance Audis, however, we are not talking mere dumb muscle here. Oh no. The S6 will seemingly suck the horizon towards the driver with an utter lack of drama and effort, while displaying unstickable, unflappable road manners in even the poxiest weather. Little wonder then that it is a supremely sought after sedan. But then that goes for the entire A6 line-up, really – even in the face of admittedly formidable competition from its peers.

Need yet more muscle? Well, the 3.0 TDI quattro S tronic pours on a stump-pulling 500Nm and 180kW with the added bonus of Audi’s fabled all-wheel-drive system. The price?A slightly more substantial R811 000. For only a little more you can, alternatively, avail yourself of the 3.0T quattro S tronic at R823 000. In terms of firepower you can look forward to

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lmost two million units of the BMW 1 Series have been sold worldwide over the last ten years, and this latest edition is poised to set another new benchmark in driving pleasure in the premium compact segment. The new 3-door and 5-door BMW 1 Series models come with a comprehensively revised engine line-up and additional measures designed to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, allowing them to lead the way once again in the introduction of new BMW EfficientDynamics technology.

BMW EfficientDynamics technology ensure that the new BMW 1 Series model range once again sets new standards in its class by further reducing fuel consumption and emissions. BMW 1 Series customers will now be offered three- and four-cylinder power units from the BMW Group’s new engine family. The new efficiency pacesetter in the brand’s model range is the BMW 116d EfficientDynamics Edition with 85 kW and average fuel consumption of 3.4 litres/100 kilometres combined with CO2 emissions of 89 g/km in the EU test cycle.

The selection of engines available for the new BMW 1 Series model range has been enhanced by the addition of latest-generation petrol and diesel units with three and four cylinders. The torquey and high-revving engines with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology team up with rear-wheel drive – still a unique selling point in the compact segment – to deliver a suitably intense driving experience. And an even broader spread of standard equipment, an output boost for the six-cylinder in-line engine powering the BMW M135i M Performance Automobile and cutting-edge innovations from BMW ConnectedDrive also imbue the brand’s hallmark characteristics with renewed vigour. Modified exterior and interior design includes familiar BMW styling cues underlining sports performance and premium characteristics. Carefully considered updates to the exterior design of the new BMW 1 Series shine the spotlight on its sporting elegance and high-end presence. A newly designed BMW kidney grille and larger air intakes help to emphasise the car’s dynamic potential in familiar BMW style. Headlights with a significantly flatter geometry play a similar role. They come with LED daytime driving lights as standard and can now be specified in full-LED specification as an option. The rear lights have also been completely remodelled. They now display the “L” shape characteristic of BMW models and reveal LED-powered lights. Elsewhere, the sophisticated design of the upper centre console with the controls for the radio and climate control system is foremost in accentuating the premium ambience on board the new BMW 1 Series. New generation of engines, new benchmarks in efficiency. An extensively updated line-up of engines and extended 98 |

As an alternative to the standard six-speed manual gearbox, there is the option of an eight-speed Steptronic transmission (standard in the BMW 125d, BMW 120d xDrive and BMW M135i xDrive). The latest version of the automatic unit now also offers transmission management supported by navigation data. A 5 kW increase in output (to 240 kW) from its sixcylinder in-line engine allows the new BMW M135i (average fuel consumption: 8.0 litres/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 188 g/km) to strengthen its position as the elite sports performer in the BMW 1 Series’ competitive segment. Like the BMW 120d and BMW 118d, the BMW M Performance Automobile can also be specified with the intelligent all-wheel-drive system xDrive which, as well as serving the causes of traction and directional stability, also enhances the car’s dynamics. The new BMW M135i xDrive (average fuel consumption: 7.8 litres/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 182 g/km) sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.7 seconds.


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THE WHEEl STORY NEW MODEl ROUND-UP JAMES SIDDALL on what’s happening in the wonderful world of wheels...

SADDLE UP YOUR STEED It is hard to believe that it is less than a decade since GWM’s products appeared on our roads. After all in what is really a very short space of time they have moved from being utilitarian and affordable to highly desirable. Case in point is the quite brilliant new Steed 6 double-cab pickup, which is already winning awards and acclaim. This is essentially GWM’s flagship, and while it will lug a load, it is also a sophisticated, slick leisure vehicle with arresting styling and an interior that matches – or even eclipses – that of the established players. Build-quality, performance and economy – from a two-litre turbodiesel motor – desirability, and value are to be conjured with. After all, the Steed 6 competes with the very best of the breed, yet the top-range Xscape model weighs in at a highly reasonable R319 000. And that includes a five-year/100 000km warranty. FANTASTIC FORD The rarefied supercar world looks set to be shaken up – with the advent of the all-new Ford GT. Indeed, it’s billed as an “ultrahigh-performance” vehicle and it packs a new twin-turbo’d Ford EcoBoost V6, 3.5-litre motor making over 600 horsepower. And when it goes into production next year you can expect it to run with the world’s finest exotics. The bad news? At the moment only left-hand-drive production is planned. WE WILL ‘ROK YOU When I spent a week with the VW Amarok Double Cab with an eight-speed automatic transmission, it was love at first drive. Good news indeed is that the 4X2 Amarok is now also available with this outstanding gearbox. The 2.0 litre BiTDI model in which it is used has a maximum torque of 420Nm available at just 1 750rpm. The top speed of 180 km/h is reached in seventh gear, with eighth essentially being an overdrive. And it takes a brisk 10.6 seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h. Equipment levels are high, of course, and the Amarok Double Cab 2.0 BiTDI 132kW 4x2 Auto Highline – to give it its full name – is yours for R467 700. 100 |

MOTORING SUZY CUTE The new Suzuki Celerio has best-seller written all over its pert little face. After all, it replaces the little Alto, and offers the likes of best-in-class interior space, nippy performance, and agility – all of which make it a perfect city car. Powering it is a peppy one-litre, three-cylinder motor rated at 50kW at 6 000rpm and 90Nm at 3 500rpm, while fuel consumption is as low as 4.6 litres per 100km. The Celerio is also the first Suzy to get the maker’s new automated manual gearbox. This allows the clutchless operation of a manual gearbox without the energy losses normally linked to a conventional automatic gearbox. You can get yours in a range of colours including Blazing Red Pearl and Glistening Grey Metallic. Prices for the six-model line-up range from R109 900 through to R138 900. ALL THAT JAZZ The Honda Jazz has long enjoyed huge buyer loyalty. Expect the new model to duplicate this – and probably even expand on it. After all, it is an eye-catching small car that offers even more interior space and finer interior appointments than its predecessor. The third-generation Jazz is replete with the sort of stellar quality that you would expect from this Japanese manufacturer, while safety levels are higher than ever. Two motors are available: a new and very economical 1.2-litre, four-cylinder engine, and Honda’s well-proven 1.5-litre, fourcylinder powerplant. Buyers can also select from a five-speed manual gearbox or a Constantly Variable Transmission. Levels of luxury range, depending which model in the seven-car line up you choose. SAFE, MY MATE Jeeps just get better all the time, don’t they? Not to mention safer. The new Renegade is no exception and it has just been awarded the prestigious Euro NCAP five-star rating with an overall score of 80/100. Expect the Jeep Renegade to be launched in our neck of the woods in April this year. First up will be front-wheel-drive versions, to be followed later in the year by four-wheel-drive versions. We’ll keep you posted.

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Electric Shaver


This Electric Shaver Concept is a continuation of Lamborghini accessories (after Avenger Watch). The idea here is to follow the same design language as the watch; sharp lines and aggressive appearance resembles the Aventador. The product design is influenced by the body of Lamborghini Aventador with characteristic air intakes on top of the engine compartment. The bottom of the shaver ends with specially design battery, which can be connected to a charger. The main purpose of this product is actually more as a brand identity booster than a practical product.

Learning is something and practicing it another, so we decided to come up with a humble conceptual design to express our way of ‘doing the ride thing’. As said, a humble conceptual design that touches a little on frame structure by using tensile elements, a little on power efficiency by messing with the transmission and a little on handling performance.

Wheelchair Adagio Mountain Climber Shield Mountain climbing is an extreme sport where you attempt to reach the highest point of the biggest mountain. Mountain Climber Shield is a futuristic hiking accessory. This concept shield provides endless oxygen, electricity and heat without consuming any energy, just water and sunlight.

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The Adagio+ is a wheelchair dedicated to the elderly and people with physical disability. This functional concept wheelchair is adjustable according to different morphologies; it’s not only easy to use but also comfortable. Adagio+ has been designed to allow the user to enjoy a comfortable seat in a comfortable environment or he/she can spend more time on the chair as it gives the desire to relax.

uBuoy Sean McConnell has redesigned our conventional lifebuoy and brought you a better and faster way to help the victim. It is the result of months of research, conceptualization, engineering, and testing. The buoy addresses issues raised by the life buoy as we know it such as the slow response time and the lacking ability of the buoy to save the victim. uBuoy concept addresses the issues by incorporating an alarm within the housing that activates when the buoy is removed. It is powered by solar panel, therefore, it can be used in remote areas.

Pinocchio Barrique Bottle With Pinocchio Barrique Bottle, you don’t need to make your wine inside a barrel. This is the first oak bottle that allows you to make your own wine, whiskey, grappa or brandy, and is also suitable for all beverages with an alcohol content of more than 12°, even previously bottled. Now everyone can have the chance to create, taste, and share their own production of wine. This bottle offers one continuous form where hardware and innovation function in perfect unison. The oak material comes from responsibly managed European FSC-certified forests where it is naturally seasoned outdoors for at least 2 years. This bottle is created to take optimum advantage of what oak is capable of. It is easy to use and beautiful to look at.

Lepke Formable Furniture Gorgeous furniture design, Lepke features formable furniture inspired by the magnificent process of butterfly metamorphosis. Designed by David Szabo, the name Lepke means butterfly in Hungarian, it is transformable and designable by users where they can create the perfect table shape for their need. Feel free to decide the characteristic of your coffee table; you can be a designer within certain limits. Lepke formable furniture is made of wooden slats where each slat is rotatable at the edges of the board. Turn those legs with one simple movement; you can create a unique form of table. First, you can put the table flat on the floor. Grab the last lath and turn them (other laths move automatically), at the same time you can tighten the screws slowly. You can adjust the table to the required height, once you’re done, you should tighten the screws.

Vax Air Resolve Vax Air Revolve is an advanced cylinder vacuum with intuitive design. It features multi-orientation technology that allows you to clean in one continuous motion, in any direction you want. It’s been designed to be used both vertically and horizontally, it provides you with a timeeffective clean without compromising the quality. Equipped with Stair Stability technology, you can easily use this vacuum to clean stairs, it remains stable on its base as you clean up and down. The powered floor head features technology that cleans deep into carpets, removing debris, dirt, and of course, stubborn pet hair.

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Glow Smart Headphones

Leatherman Tread Bracelet

This is the first smart headphones that glow; it pulses to the beat of your music or to the rhythm of your heart. This unit is designed with special wires that diffuse light from laser; the intuitive 5-way controller allows you to control your music or even make calls/text with some apps. Music is a great platform to express yourself and Glow puts you at the centre of it. The light would sync to the beat of your music; you can do your daily activities such as skateboarding, running around malls, running, and many more. The light allows you to see and track every beat. Thanks to the integrated heart rate monitor, glow also tracks the beat of your heart, keeping you connected with your inner self.

Leatherman Tool Group has released unique wearable multi-tool equipment, Leatherman. It’s a 17-4 stainless steel high strength, corrosion resistant bracelet where you can find 2 to 3 functional tools, making a total of 25 usable features such as screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. Tread bracelet features complex links made of metal injection, moulded for strength and intensity. As a user, you’ll be happy to know that this bracelet has been designed to be fully customizable with slotted fasteners. In this way, you can rearrange links, reduce, or add new ones. Other possible tools are hex drives, screwdrivers, cutting hook, box wrenches, and a carbide glass breaker.

Flamingo Crutch Exclusive

IO Hawk

Flamingo Crutch Exclusive, just like its name suggests is an elegant bended metal crutch covered with high quality leather. Designed in 2007, this flamingo arm wand finally gets its opportunity after 8 years; it attracted many users, including an orthopaedic hospital in England. The continuous form design provides better shock absorbing as well as self amortization, the ergonomic framework makes this crutch looks like an accessory, breaking negative perception of the product. It functions as a fashionable extension to your body.

At first sight, IO Hawk looks like the combination of a segway and skateboard, it’s pretty strange but seeing how people smoothly ride this device, makes it looks really cool. This device is actually a self-balancing personal mobility device, it doesn’t have handle bars, so it looks like a pair of super shoes. You can drive it by giving slight pressure from your feet, it’ll take you where you want to go, just like segway, by shifting your balance, you can move into that direction. Available in 3 colour options: black, red and white, IO Hawk can reach a speed up to 6mph.

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Pure Towel

Urwerk UR-110

Pure Towel is a conceptual bathroom system that is capable of drying and purifying your towel in just seconds. It’s been designed to improve our fast paced living, reducing energy consumption and at the same time maintaining your health by killing bacteria that cause allergies and respiratory diseases. Simply hang your damp towel in the Smart Hanger, the system will automatically activate vertical motion of the ring that emits Ultra Violet rays as well as a high speed dryer fan. This way, in less than 10 seconds, your towel would be clean, bacteria free, dry, and ready to use again.

Urwerk UR-110 watch continues the same characteristics from the company that always creates timepieces using orbiting satellite complications. Take a look at this watch; the time is always shown at the right side of the watch where satellites follow a vertical line, displaying 0 to 60 as minutes in a downward motion. There’s a Control Board on the dial side along with indicators to inform you about Day/ Night and “Oil Change”. At the back of this watch, you’ll find a titanium case covering an automatic winding system regulated by dual turbines. This beauty hides sophisticated silent technology, it only appears to you as an elegant timepiece, but inside, it’s anything but ordinary.

WayTools TextBlade Keyboard

Rollable Solar Charger

Typing on-the-go is a common thing, however, to some people, it would be uncomfortable typing on a screen. WayTools TextBlade portable keyboard offers you a typing tool that you can carry as a pen, the tactile feedback provides a nice feeling, something that’s been missing when you type on tablets or smartphones. This keyboard takes a new level in touch-typing device world, with just 1/3 the size of weight of an iPhone, it’s really compact. We’ve typed on QWERTY keyboards for hundreds of years, that’s why TextBlade sticks to the same character map; you can use the same fingers to select the same letters.

WAACS Design has translated this idea into a feasible product without compromising on looks or performance. Inspired by ancient papyrus rolls combined with modern day flexible solar cells, they wanted to make sure that a lack of electricity en route will no longer be a worry. Rollable Solar Charger is made of lightweight aluminum and has a compact shape to fit everyone’s bag. Flexible green power on the go. They only have to take the small back-up station along and the retractable solar sheet, making it possible to charge without a socket, anywhere. By using renewable energy, it doesn’t get any greener.

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PwC Global Annual CEO Survey PwC recently launched the 18th Global Annual CEO Survey.

We spoke to 1,322

CEOs and business leaders from 77 countries about trends in business

growth, competition, technology and product and market diversity.

57% of African CEOs are

extremely confident of their companies’

prospects for revenue growth. 44% were extremely worried about the threat of bribery and corruption.

6 Namibian CEOs participated in this survey. For insight into what these CEO’s see in the future download the full report from www.pwc.com/gx/en/ceo-survey/2015/assets/ pwc-18th-annual-global-ceo-survey-jan-2015.pdf

Nangula Uaandja Country Senior Partner Tel: +264 61 284 1000

Ansie Rossouw Partner in Charge Walvis Bay Tel: +264 64 217 700

Proudly celebrating 40 years of service to Namibia. © 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. In this document, PwC refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Namibia, which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.

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Schedule 26 October to 28 March 2015 (All time local) Note: check-in time should be two hours before departure.

* NOTE: SW285/6 not to operate on Tuesdays from the 2nd December 2014 to 28 March 2015. Flight No SW 702 SW 704 SW 704 SW 101 SW 103 SW 107 SW 107 SW 125 SW 125 SW 127 SW 127 SW 286 SW 286/ 703 SW 286/ 723 SW 373 SW 413 SW 413 SW 722 SW 724 SW 728 SW 724 SW 728 SW 125 SW 127 SW 127 SW 304 SW 143 SW 143 SW 373 SW 373 SW 413 SW 403 SW 405 SW 125 SW 125 SW 127 SW 143 SW 102 SW 104 SW 108

From Cape Town Cape Town Cape Town Eros Eros Eros Eros Eros Eros Eros Eros Frankfurt Frankfurt Frankfurt Harare Harare Harare Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Katima Mulilo Katima Mulilo Katima Mulilo Luanda Luderitz Luderitz Lusaka Lusaka Lusaka Maun Maun Rundu Rundu Rundu Oranjemund Ondangwa Ondangwa Ondangwa

To Windhoek Windhoek Frankfurt (via Windhoek) Ondangwa Ondangwa Ondangwa Ondangwa Rundu Katima Mulilo (via Rundu) Katima Mulilo Rundu (via Katima Mulilo) Windhoek Cape Town (via Windhoek) Johannesburg (via Windhoek) Windhoek Lusaka Windhoek ( via Lusaka) Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Frankfurt (via Windhoek) Frankfurt (via Windhoek) Eros Rundu Eros (via Rundu) Windhoek Oranjemund Windhoek ( via Oranjemund) Harare Windhoek (via Harare) Windhoek Windhoek (via Victoria falls) Windhoek Katima Mulilo Eros (via Katima Mulilo) Eros Windhoek Eros Eros Eros

Days Daily Daily Daily Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Tue, Thu, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat Mon, Fri Mon, Fri, Wed, Sun Wed, Sun Daily Daily Daily Mon, Fri Wed, Sun Wed, Sun Daily Daily Mon, Wed, Fri Daily Mon, Wed, Fri Mon, Fri Wed, Sun Wed, Sun Daily Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun Mon, Fri Mon, Fri Wed, Sun Mon, Wed Fri, Sun Mon, Fri Mon, Fri Wed, Sun Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Tue, Thu Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu,

SW 108 SW 403 SW 405 SW 143 SW 143 SW 165 SW 167 SW 285 SW 303 SW 373 SW 373 SW 403 SW 403 SW 405 SW 405 SW 413 SW 413 SW 703 SW 709 SW 709 SW 723 SW 727 SW 729 SW 166 SW 166 SW 168

Ondangwa Victoria Falls Victoria Falls Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Walvis Bay Walvis Bay Walvis Bay

Eros Windhoek Windhoek (via Maun) Luderitz Oranjemund (via Luderitz) Walvis Bay Walvis Bay Frankfurt Luanda Lusaka Harare (via Lusaka) Maun Victoria Falls (via Maun) Victoria Falls Maun (via Victoria Falls) Harare Lusaka (via Harare) Cape Town Cape Town Cape Town Johannesburg Johannesburg Johannesburg Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek

Sat Mon, Wed Fri, Sun Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun Mon, Wed Daily Daily Mon, Fri Mon, Fri Mon, Wed Mon, Wed Fri, Sun Fri, Sun Wed, Sun Wed, Sun Daily Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat Tue, Thu, Sun Daily Mon, Wed, Fri Daily Fri, Sun Tue, Thu, Sat Mon, Wed

Fri, Sun Fri, Sun

Fri, Sun Fri, Sun

Departure 06:35 17:00 17:00 07:00 11:00 17:00 15:55 10:15 10:15 10:15 10:15 20:10 20:10 20:10 13:30 11:50 11:50 06:40 12:30 18:20 12:30 18:20 13:35 12:40 12:40 12:15 11:20 11:20 12:00 12:00 13:30 11:05 18:25 11:50 11:50 14:00 12:40 08:35 13:30 18:35

Arrival 08:45 19:10 07:55+1 08:05 12:05 18:05 17:00 11:30 12:50 11:55 13:40 07:30+1 10:35+1 10:15+1 16:10 12:55 15:55 08:45 14:35 20:20 06:55+1 06:55+1 15:15 13:40 15:15 15:45 12:10 13:55 12:55 16:10 15:55 14:10 19:40 12:50 15:15 15:15 13:55 09:40 14:35 19:40

17:35 12:30 16:55 10:00 10:00 11:10 14:55 21:30 09:35 09:15 09:15 09:15 09:15 14:50 14:50 09:15 09:15 08:35 17:35 16:35 08:30 14:55 17:35 13:20 14:20 16:05

18:40 14:10 19:40 11:00 12:10 11:50 15:35 06:55+1 11:15 11:30 12:55 10:30 11:50 16:25 17:40 11:20 12:55 10:35 19:35 18:35 10:15 16:40 19:20 14:00 15:00 16:45

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